Tticulnv. Jn. arv n Page 6 TIT DAHiT nwn CATARRH TELKWA (if tht , lATLEEl DLADUCR rrIlvH In The New Yen ' ihinee was one 24 HOURS dance ever Westholme Theatre Tjifh Cur- TS if Hie iiin.l enju.vahlt' mi! hmrlh WIOVI mxeii in ielkwa. 1 lie .llil"iic Ii i lo lie t'onuralulalcd on Hie llnanclal hiiccch. TONIGHT ONLY e a e Fred I'oreinan stalled tho be- CHILDREN IN uinniuu; of In I week to kill all tlm utile on Hie Diamond l llancli II i understood that Cliailey 1 BIG PARADE Ki lling lo Swift at Ddinoutoii. WILLIAM m e a Several car of lilackmnilli Demonstration for Mors Playgrounds cimiI i beliiff shipped from Tidkwa Was Impressive lo IXau. r.oleiur,u Dvuns at One. V, ncoaver. The Interior New as rcporl that DESMOND i ivr N'vtn hundred if Hip city's It Can 'I Leak, rhool children joined yesterday the Canadian Nalional Hallways Because It's MciJe afternoon in I In' demonstration Iihvc lakeii om'i the (!aiar ('oal parade organi'eil in (he inlerests property at IVU-wu. If thla he ill One Pieco of belter playgrounds in Hie city. ei.rront tlin people of Hie interior in tt built like a i'hey were marshalled by Prinei- can look for omn rapid chance AKAUTLEZK one piece. pi Is J. C. Hrady and A. M. Mac-' in and i round Telkwu during Hie Most hot-water bottles are Ihnald who were aisled by the nexl two year. Brush made in sections, then cemented oilier members of Hie leaching a a a "The Sage Tom JelTep.-oii and Mr. Jrlfer. together. When cement dilei si i.IT-:. The King Kdward school and cracks, the bottle leaks. i hildren inarched from Hie King on, who liiisc been layfnp in Every Kantleck Hot-Water F.dward chooI along Seventh and Vmcouver inee I cm in? Telkwu, Bag Is moulded of pure 'aoit Sixth Avenues to Fullou Street art) about to leae that oily, Tom rubber one ccntinuous piece. and were Joined at Fulton and going to Xew York and Mm.j Hamlet" t?o ports,patches,cement.Even lciTirim to her parents in Hull-fornia. stopper socket is moulded in. Fifth by the children of Uio llor-den mid Hie Catholic Street school And guaranteed for a full two years service or a uew Kant school. Tho entire parado then Tie ate now coining into Icckfree. proceeded llirougll town. Tclkwa, .(lie following uh-con-l Don't wait until your old bag There Were many banners car tractor JNering to I hi point! FORD EDUCATIONAL leaks. Oct a Kantletk. Your olj ried, some, bearing striking mot J. A .MflDohaM, Fntl Forcinnn. ccc mij UttJc epeo tonight. toes and the parade had quite an J. W. laiiolt. Win. Van llorn.i Star Comedy "Pass the Apples" effect in making the citizen realize Ilnrry Millet, Sid Cooicr and Steve - - the necesnity and importance Young. playground. Two of (ho banner rend: "Our bel nset, 1000 The OoVCTriuifiil Seed lnpcclor WESTHOLME Tomorrow, Matinee and Night, nnd Thundry - WALLACE children, hut no place to play," on (he reult of hi rccen 1 vl it REID and WANDA HA WLEY in Louble treed. Trnveloj. ue and 'Where can wo play?" rcjiorts (hat Thomas ltrewcr of Telkwn tt.T I lie bct grade of nnd Parnmoint Magazine ORMES LIMITED Try a" classified advertisement timothy ?ecd in Hie northern iu-terjur ir you want to buy or sell or if this euon. you want anything. A lot of btisl- a a a ne ilnne I Hal wnv. .Mr. Frank Hockrill cnlcrlaiiicil EMPRESS THEATRE - NO SHOW TONIGHT on. Friday exeninu at a bridge Th Si ore if i!t rutlplev itleighniK from ! l-r.rly. Synopsis z i'elkwa. I.ulielieou wa cerved at Wednesday and Thursday EOKOl HY CIS H in "Tun if e U e 7 1 bli '. Land Act Amencmenls midnight, after which oilier Travelogue and Comedy The Tclkwa' uhiih'!. wem played. parly did not get home lill the wee NOTIUK. , i ma' oors. : Drtlaaa laAS 1 ; IV THE MATTKH or in appllrallnn Tor i r4tK4 t It aa aera; aaooodUaa ta as IlK' iiif fit a rrr-h rrrlillrale of tills fori II M aa am. I Spurge1 Filidl::y, one of lliilkley 1 Pill Laxative, -11 and vs. Iilork 14, sertion t Lily a Jewelry '.r erimi- Ilupert, (Map ojji. Ir-amptlon av aoafla4 ta rar rlley plollerr. Iia Ihmmi up- MiTlcE u hereby given thai II Is my v7a Untfa only. I iitti-ntloti in issue arirr the eapirallnn of Rarardi win b araat4 eoTcrlsc only pi- nleil liy Hie Cjinniliail .National 2 Pills a Cathartic, Save Cow Bay i.up inonlh rroin the llrM publication here-lor, land aultabla for aarlculturaJ purpoaaa iie liir:clor at Hie Costs Less a freeh rrrltnrate nf Ml to the atmve and which la noo.iiivtK-r lir.i. .on lornllotied land In the !!!Ee of 3;:s rartnerahlp pra-atnpttona abollahad. slieraloii 3 Pills Purgative. eiauri MrMordlr. which rernnrat was but partlaa of not mora than four may .-pu'r. a I'rcsrrve ths Water an J Power Rights of lhe Uiy neurit I7lh December, I9IJ, and Is num. arranaa for adjaeont pra-amptlona In-red S7J0-I. with Joint roaldanca. but web making 'J'he Te!kwr I.timhcr ixopaiiy This is the WayiMijIburn'. BANISH THE FLANK ROAD, Now Land HrriMry orflre. Prince Rupert, II, U. BoaaaaarytlaaproTainanta on roapMtlT rnd Hi,)' of Iircinbcr, 10. claims. s within the nl ix(y day will de-ier Lax -Liver Pills Woik. nnd H. F. MACLEOD, i Fra-amptora muai clatma or ooeupy half tt million fiH of lumber DiMrlrt lutmrir of Titles. ; flva yoara and maJta ImproTamanta to Since tin1 luxury lax has vaJuo of lis par acra, tociudtna cloar. from their mill nl Uuinville. Vim will lirvrr iim- any ut llw nil IX PIlomTK.. Ing and culllratloa at lean t oeraa Vote for M. M. been tbolitdicd nearly till our IX TIIK Sri'llKMK l.ol UT OF IIKITIS1I bafor rocalrtns Crown Grant grtptex. iMNM-alliis Nkeemag. I hi rim a 4lu. i Stephens I.X Tilt: SIATTKH OF TIIK ADUI.MoUIA-TIU.X Whtra pra-amptor In occupation not n,Maiamr a. thry ik raheucl ami uiuer good cost you 10 tier cent ACT laaa than'l yaara. and haa mada proportional TERRACE fliaeter fnliMtal lneee4tlenl Mir. i ti ,tw M snd a IniproTamanta, ba may. bo I iMiibara'a Ijo-l.iier. a miIUmI I twrrly Candidate for Alderman Jena. Tho former war tax I TIIK TTFR OF TIIK K'STATK OK caua- of IJJ-haaJth. or othar caua. ba JXWI-S MATIILS'iA. IlKCKASED, l.VfES- , rrantad Intarroadlalo eaniflraia of 1m XeseLlblr. m of 10 per cent is alo cancelled, TA1E. proTamant and tranafar his elalia. Alex. Suml, I'rot ilieiul police. owng Im treat rsir tlaed M pr- TAkK VITICE Ilia In order of III and as gold ha not immnir r i'-!f. iiiuns, main- im ara nay Raoorda without ba parmanant ral-danca conUl.h mid Mr. Saint have r"rln wwieai trss k .inn. mm ir . V. I may taauad. pro rid ad applicant , January i. IJI. vi sprxilnti-d advanced in price very much M iniiiUlralur.dewa.!,Ii and Hie all ratal panics of Jatm-a navlns Maflir-Mm. elanna 1100 par makaa annum Improvamanta and rooorda to ama octani aab of n M-iding .hoc h,rc. JTSTRZ ".m VOTE FOR yaar. FaUura to maka ImproTamants ' latauve vrieMtr. Your Vole and Influence mm mr as I is In jarjiiKl Hie Mid i'lal srr nrriby required. w Jewelry cheaper proportion to rumlHh name, pnjierly verllled to loe,I or racord aama will oparala aa for-faltura. Dr. I,, i:. Arihiir, J'lijvincial Tory wk tr,,q, sml eOeeilvaiy. mini J. H. Kelly and to lots of tliinfs. Ion or nerore Hie 4 1 1 day f February., TJtla cannot bo obtalnad la lookinu ! hr. been ! A. fi. IS?I. and all iwrllc. indebted In iih ' laao than I yaara, and Improvamanta hcaUli ollirer, ui a im or pain. -.lale aie r-oiiirtt in a the amount of j of 110 09 par acra. Including l acraa into anitary ctimlilion in an " m"" """H" i iih ir iiiaeiieiiite--. m me rorinwun. clearad and culllvalad. and raaldaoca ,. , TomSilversides I ni,weip uri.rn nmiiriHw ei,e efva. I JOHN II. UeMI r i.l.V of at laaat I yaara ara raqulrad. ITiu l to II ud I lie enUKp r II. John Dybhaon John Bulger on'iiai A(1ii.iiuralnr. Pra-amptor holding Crown grant I hraoarliee. If ynir tiateter la noi -;:r I liAThl) tin- 4th day of January, IVil. may raoord anothor pra-arapUon, if ba lyi hoitl fee" pre-, ailing here, lirralA bad. yuur nimSrsNat mtHMy. your FOR ALDERMEN. Jeweller raqulrea land In cooJuRetlon alih hia a a a ' yrllim. tiae ISnallav aperla te-fure ii fim, without atatutory actual Improvamanta occupation,mada pro-lded Mi" .Ionian, of OJJuIioiiih, in -lived i llri- eyra. Uliwtlre. ItrMlir. bier, nt f rlorsed by Hi t W A n GIFTS THAT LAST and resldanca malntalnad on Crown on Sunday's train lo iil prolrudllis pi tee. llr up ytwr el(gtaj A)A 1 sound praeti a! granted land. 4- ttier wilh s few sMsra or Unburn , rman . work min . . . i t Unaurvayad araaa. not aaeaadlng IS Mr. CliRUdhT. lata l.lver Pills. j fsra of I ha rilit- s a: acraa, ba leaaad may aa Extra Special ! tltla to ba obtalnad aftar fulOlllr.g homaaltaa;raal-dantlal a Mrs. Hay Markkf. orliUa. oaU lartlea will be apprrristed Ing of lhs f ' and Improvamant condltlona. Mi Miie liurrUoii entertained "I desire lu etperea my itiaaka fur Ihe araaa For gracing aieaading and l0 InduatiiaJ purpoaaa nt a birthday party on Wednesday. reiiri I ae hail, by uele'r MinVvrn's acraa ba may Lata-Urrr PIH. I liad been suifermg laaaod by ona paraon or company. V i-iy cujoynble lime was ient. M1U, factory or InduatrtaJ altaa aa ' for 'eui iliiav from runatipatiun swl bad : -a "j FOR SALE tlrobar land not aiceadlng It acraa a ,a IsrsdaHtes. I triet sil ' eurls nf rum, j 100 boxes No. 1 may ba purcbaaad; eondltlona IneJuda Mr. and Ilobiiison haxe -Mr. wMrli dhl loe iw gvml, satll I af advised Your voto and If :v't paymant of atumpaga. Your Voto awl Influe-nce soUited ; Naturali hay maadovt laaccwlbla muted into llirt.Niilllelle rciidence. try roar Ba. I tot sreal rejtrf after by mating roada may ba purahaaad a a a using UMly s raw itaes." for . soiicite,! for conditional upon conatructlon of a road ' PrlsA tW sui si air stealers, ar Mailed to thara Rabaia of ona-hlT of Carl I.inijhloom returned on 6 House Jonathan road, not eieaadlng half of pureha coat of Saturday from tr.e south where he direct on receipt or pnre by TIm T. Mil-bar room prica.PRI.tMCIORIFRU la mada. OBANTk has been for somo time. no.: Mini led, Toronto. ol - ,ort John G. Weslon DoUglaS ; a a MI.NKIlAI. A(JT. Tha acopo of thla Act la anlargad to Sam Kirkaldy hu accepted u and Two Lots Include with all Hia peraona Majcatya Joining Fvrcaa and aarv-Ing Tha position a biijotkcepcr in the I'o. Cirtlfltate of Impeetamanls. Sutherland tlma within which tha hairs or davtaeaa ' iperativo Store. ' Apples of a dacaaaad pra-amptor may apply ' nonce. Alderman Fine Harbor View for tltla under thla Act la aalendad ' "Oip(r chit." "Copper cinr So. l," auch from for ona year from tha death of 'I'he primary (trade of Hie Public "Oiper CHIT . f," snd etppee ui'if I for Alderman aa formerly, yaar after paraon,tba conclusion of tha until praeant ona School i nov- oeciipyin Hie fio. a" Mineral Claims situate in ine fxaat 1 war. Thla privilege la aiao mada retroactive. lion lately 8Cltei by Mr. Ilobill- lltver Mining Invlslon of Csultr latlricL ! '"' " " . $2,300.00. Where locsled: kllasult Illvrr. Allrs Ann. While they last Wo feaa due or payable relating by to aoldlara pre-emptlone on preemption are Mlll, M'TltC I, Ueorga A, Totlfir, rtesriii after Juno II. fill free Miner's crriincne .to. Iim-C, acting Vol,for Taiea ara remitted for five yaara. Mr. (Seorg'o I.ltlle returned on for myself and at sreal for Joseph For ALDERMAN and ITovlelon for return of monaya accrued, Well. Free Miner's Cerlinme JXo. loeil-c, edu.'day froni Prince Ilupert.. due and been paid alnca $2.85 4, 1114, on account of payments,Auguet faea a a snd Arno lisredeon, Fre Miners cer-imrsle SCHOOL TRUSTEE j CatllCriM McCaffery, Gibbons r taiea on soldier a' pre-emptions. .Mi . Klla Friink i pcnding the o. 40MI-C, Intend, silly dsyi Jntereat on agreements to purchaee from the dale hereof, lo Spplf Id the Your rat and Influence Allied'."".i. eHr ,ou h,ld bF members of lo llday wilh her pareiilti ut Kit-iiiiik:iliim. Mining lirroriler for s Orilflrsle of lm-pnivcinehls, w... U, appreciated rorceo, or dependents, acquired & Doyle, Ltd. direct or Indirect, remitted from an. for the purpose of obtaining fag box Ilatment to March II, HIS. a a s crown Oram of itw above claims. per USJ-a-URCMASEHS Of CROWNV Mr. MjiihIi mid Mi Kerr cute, Ami furliier lake uoiire thai anion, under 3rd Avenue Phone 1 1 LANDS. srrlion gs, must Imi eomtuenred before Elizabeth C. : ,0TnU5m Pro via Ion made for laauanea of tained their rnspeclivu Sliudiy lie laauaiire of aura crrllllcale of luiproreyj ial00L Crown rranla to eun.purchej.ere of lit id i-lac coring Hie past iieuta, Crown Lands, acquiring rlghta from 1 I ltd mis Clo 1 a bfAoveniter, purrhaiera who failed to complete week, usy !(). Kirkpalrick purchate. Involving forfeltura. on ful-Bllment a ' , Rupert Table Supply Co. and of tinea condltlona Where of purchase.eub-purrhae-era Interest Work havhegiui on the bridwed It I'llOUATC. RENT fa not claim whols of original . ., a . tl 1 I II. parcel, in tile l-lilMll Willi iur, iiouunuiiii I TIIK stTIIKMK COHIT OK liltlTISII uurchaa prlct due aaul taiaa may PHONES 211, 212. ba llaliibuted proportionately over i:i charge. tfJ.IJMBIA. whole area. Apullcatlone muat be . IV TiiK MATTKIl or TIIK "AUMItlSTIU-To Thanking 'juu tot support ami confidence Furhishcd Rooms maSe by Way 1, IM. Owing lo the present fi"ty A.UT" In tha past, your vole anil Your vnla and Influer.-a 2 at ORAZIMO ami Influence will Ix appreciated by apprcriati! Oraalng Act. till, for ayeteraetle ne.'tlhei' llii'e I now skating oil IS 'I IlK MATTKIl OK TIIK KHTATK UK developmeiit of llveeiock Industry provides i lie uM'i ilow from I be i lnkt kYt'SIIICIIIIIO kOHAYAklll, titlKAitO, Dominion Hotel DENTISTRY aduilsiairallor.for gram g under dietrleta Commlealoner.and range a I.M KIITATKi W.H. W. THANK Vol" Annual graslng permits leaued baaed New Year crvic wa held in Just Kemixlelled and Refurnished an number a ranged; priority for TAIK .SOTK.K that In Hie Don't aetab Irrder of Ills neglect your Teeth llshed owners. fetlock-owners Hie i'lesbylcilan Clinn li ihi Sun, Kcrt may Honor, F. Mill. Tuiiiig, msds llwi seven, IV. Corner Street,First I'rince Ave. Ituert and Eighth One decayed or missing tooth form ment,Aaenclations rraa, or paniauy for rsnte free,manage parmiu day, January 2, llev. Mr. Youu$ leeulli dsy of le,rinlx-r, IVfD, I ai ap-(Mliiled Murray j George lowers your eliiciency for satUara. pampers ar triTilieia. aw olllrii.liug. AUuiiiiiaiitlor of I tie Kalale of I'hone Ked 4C8 P.O. Box 353 kju.liliiilro k'oliay Ilil, di-resard, snd sll for j rr DR. BAYNE It. A. Harlow, of I'lincu Ilupert, parlies having rl.Hin aralual llie said estate am lierrliy required to furnDh ssma Alderman Ortice intolc a llyiiirf vill hcit; on Saturday. ALDERMAN ! Hours-Mornlntc, 9 U 12; .n.rly vrrlllrd lu loe on or before the - Afternoon, 1.30 to !.'&); Satur-dy, Chartered Accountant & ) rlevriilli (lay of January, A, (i. I III, and PACIFIC CARTAGE LTD 9 to 12 only. Eveninirs, and Auditor. a all parlies Imlebled lu Ilia ratals ars re-(lillTt Tuesday, Wednesday and Frl- GEORGE RORIE Mr. WhilJyxv, of Ul'. w" in lo pay I he ainouiil of I tit-1 r 111-ilrblnliieaa I'liun 93. 3. E. Parker, Mgr. day, from 7 to 9. town pi loe fyrlnwlttl. of Rorla Kmall, C.A.. Vancouver and on Monday, - Crful stUfitkm uivr U all ordm fur JUIIX II. Prince Kupert, NrML'LM.1, uritur,frvlgbt. b lbr DENTAL NUK8E IX AtTENrANCB Subscribe for News or PHONK r r.O. twa 4t omctlt AllluUlleifaior, The Daily ORDERS TALLU trmttmr COAL wot k ai WOO U phone 103 rcu Arr&iHiMfcHTii Federal Building Never forget In look IhroiiKh Prince liuprrl, U. C. . Note Change of Addreee and J'bene the clasiifled list baled mis lOtli uf day boccuiber, tl(l lhe Leading Dally of Northern British Columbia