vvni ITX7BT vvwa 8 IFIRE CHIEF'S WHO DELAYING I 1920JREP0RT; iir D A V Ml 14 ft U Net Fire Lot InlClly for Year of (City's "Pat Aversion" Crops up to But $130 EtlablUhe , 1 Haunt Dying Council. a Record. t.he.ret breatheab!e"tab"Iet.rr.a the throaty chr, and lung cold !.( ni?ht th far'HI moHfnr ill'' illlllllnl flf I III" Oil' l"'JXllt riiinlnf, When a natty cold or a of Hii. y rily in ii wn MA iliii-r ri-n-itwl la! Tiiulil a liy couching bout foretclli the revival and it nly llilinir ilml th Mir ri 10111111I a Mil lliurli frali w Hny ti-iliun, tin- i ily' tttm , of our new hcalioli h i-irr at tin- n, of your old bronchial trouble, f fly k-Mi, ImmII i-imiii- forlh j I.uiiip ComI have inn I ha i mail.- Iy Ihr )-imrliorrTt the bcit thinf lo do I tatili fron H'a rlourl o liaunl tin-in In III.' y-ar I8?n. Turn-had Pept at once lo itrenrthen and aid' dylnK viiaioii. s It-tier irS CLEAN Imwii &2 alarm and I In- total fiimi Hun. Frank '.iii-mII, rtiif i. 1-KK ral a!o daman'- wnr l..r,n.7J which u-rovrri-d r.nUay iutniiuiao)-i. dad lli ft. i. nave you tried by ai.jfyn.TS muraif-. Protect U-tl of In inKintc u li alxiut and Iravlnir a tlrl !' of lad tl.t'i :al in your u-li of iIip rManiHl n'iiitrfr had .jf jHriUMTty J III aliir of a?o.Oui an t! opfutf lu-Bfl) at ili'Uinx ITS MOT lii.il lin inol.-. ! tnicr Wh1 a Pent tablet it iiii'i ifa inlnrnH of tU prwh. '.oiiidrrnil I In- furU Mini flu (n from Ijf pretervinf ailver i- tn tiiilr ilir lr at irifk Willi lrrrl worn In none loo pood nn. Wrapper and allowed lo diiaolr ,iKlii of ifiaaruat aftd. viili lanr Coal Lid. Co, Ill ami all flu- Cowers 1.111 huildinita in Hip 'of nth Irt-iiMlaliuH toward tlo- ntmvttr- mouth,ft rive off powerful lly irnlpallv u-rr f w.odi-n I nlurfl forth! , iolrinx M-Lrn. Mnr .-')lttl. j, Lct.j medicinal and rmicidal fume tin. mi-li iK'ttitft, rHrl f.lali-Ii-1k lh- .dut iv wml fid take Itu'ir taut i, Smith HVwk Itone 7 - u rword and tlir Arc dr. that imnedialcly circulate with jUlilMU fit flOlM ll lll.-IU HllfKlf. i irii'iini i. hiylily vln"t. Khlcf the breath through all the air Iln-r of Uihtwii flwi'. 'niniiNn. i ii lloiinM rTittuiifii.Ji i it hi rc-i..ri pttitfri, and deitroy any term ly known flww Huy. :fnd (iruuUv. dial liU i-Hr l In- iiiAru Im that have jot Into ly tcriwd wiih tnarion. phra (.n.l' d l MaiUMin W ar and .f uiirliainrittir7 ninicn,.alurr, hydrant lr inlall-d tbrrr for the , Mr. ;.'ir.rfr(fllrd Mia) il rait. fheap foal 1'iiilfi iwm of inrrrard iHttbllnif in Your vtay'i. rftiWMt (idii ;il ii.n for th dial iiii Imiii. iii.' (Hjn iiaix- of; fiilinu of Oi' Hay Ii.m) r-a hii .1 liulil t'jir ul.n i wtmmmttfi ! :Ollav. wttf be a- on Mir it a. ..!.( ,rf thr ,,..,f thapr iifj no,triIa and thioaL At Ihe lime liriHin.l in 1'riH IIiiim-h. llo d.-id Yin offer i-iiiim- nf siren. hrrr Um Ihk time the tore.inflamed membrane !iknl for Ihr iHlfa aiiiliid hut 't-iii-t. U'UliI 'ii.lunfrrra!. The 1 toothed, healed, and protected', !'" ey' rly hl ni an.r.-l j mayor, aldrrtiirn and oinnltrr. of l If qurction. ft iii ii.. ihf COAL EDSON phltf m ! rcleated from the Lfca-chiaU, ltd- iiarl ritnil itii tliatlkrd for riHiimiHon Ix aftr'a itwimn and ill- it i -("r di'iM in lh' work f brcathinc i made eaiy, Mr. Cartrll (hi Ihmifhl ntyl and that ditreiinr cough and im' 1H"I !. liould If inOrrelrd. n.-for.. itn-re Delivered loose -512.00 throat torcneM diiappear. wa a dn-iahin. of poii r-. flic rail- GOVERNMENT Dy thi direct, treatment Pep ' AID ONLY ja 'ifWfr"tir wiia iirt-if 1 Sacked- - -$13.50 fcecp trouble.off the )piiMir hnarinc on tin- lu'-i".n. yb ure WHERE SITUATION IS I Where I the Plan? Aid. 1'i-rry- Hi! trn-d l.i find ABSOLUTELY INTENSE Kit Bt-Wrlli ties Call XlfEST ! "ill hai had liaoi ' i lo Hie - i map on ttieti ttrrli m.-ii and! lt'Ui Mttrruli Premier Oliver Replie to Mayor Ihiard of Tratlc loxi .lii. ij I. ihr1 ricquett for Orant of add Junf i, and the wont weather IiIIi.ik. vMmtly lln- nu had $00,000. '! can be faced without fear of evil Iilirrr4 and Uo '.I.I plan of, . . .1917. birli lfi-riun i ndn I l kr. It ii the afett pltn Albert & McCafery A IHIr-r fiotti lion. T. I'al- ' coiuequence. l had rropMrf up airai I ll- 1 1 J ' ; o alway have a few Pep handy lullo aikkina lltal furllo-r r. .ii. i...n a: ' Wlierr I tic ('tan of Limit! iiliinitl'd (o tli'- i.i'.v h.' i.i to arret! a cold, and prevent it i Ih'Hid of I ra)H Mac)i sett. ! PLAY . .'HTIUKIll i'h M t l'U I" I reachinr. the tunc' or tartinc ' tiii inroriiiatii.il tta-' fori Ii-ij 'lainlnir aihanrr of m.. . bronchitU and cheit wcaknet. n.inn hut i a-li t ii Mr Jrar' lalrrrt work U rHl' f ! ' I i.t- llw ilan had tone although TUNING IrmirfityiM! a n-trri-l ' ' lir t'i " uni'il lli-tiivht it wrtvld NAVY CUT PIANO Irwa roiinril lai lx ..In.'In to ill! Co liay rt. KEPAIHS Prrmlrr hIhm'. rHj.ly !. ih-'irqural ii tit UK- railnay ltk ibr rr. if Uo mayor for ) . 0 Ii..:-,lolily. ''Xo' Jd Aldrr- gajM S CIGAR 'vraa rPi mwi Ihr prnurr .r - an i'rrry. ' wkxi . rrpnndr A- art nUrriU i Neati IKK jr tnr opinion llial Iftakifiw Ml- drlnyr ir.rfrly a print in nmMiplouiriil ilnalloli .1" 'I ' Laying the'Blame. a: 7 - - jfl fad4. erarktd or tal lo Htm ar--l rk a Aid. M- Lrnnan tkwnU it on Ui ASSIST IN CAMPAIGN ' orrrrt ImI and h lin' in" 'i ii. ial rovrrnjnrnl. Tary ;.s .; - "-IH rH. 'Ma only rKtriulutif aid w.li. r.- : niakr an offrr n'. Aid. OTTAWA. Jan. 1 !-Irrmirr B & K CHICKEN CHOP Red 291 J :J-j;'- lunraiploymrtit iiiiaiin iiai- ii IKi'ii.iwi ) fi'ndfd ltr tirminrlal Ar.hur Mrixhm nnd lion. Hush 'iolo1r1y Rrrroarr to.finanr. GROUNDING WIRES .rnnirnl and lalrd llial Mr jfluUirlr Irft )rtrnlay morning to B & K SCRATCHFOOD Ilhlir mttrkm I'ii':::!!-! iisd rri'.rr-MNl bi wtll- Sr'IvI ihr rampaipn for thr ffnv- i l.iltrr trMn Hon. ft. Hidtril. ON WATER PiPES iu:n-i to diwn f h utallrr with li-.fliiirnl randlualr in t Irrr- These are balanced rations and if fed with join. mlniiilrr of I a hr at tMJtma. IS NOT DAMAGING I h- i-ouiwil li a tlir council horouph. the necessary srreen feed (AlFALFA TORK'S iii J. I). .lr,Ni-u d-.'il oinio fault for it had ( rl a dale i MEAL). BEEFSCRAP5, GRIT. SHELL r a! Wioria. srrr !-! i.roiiiitil j Aid. M iii-ray WHAT TO DO FOR and CHARCOAL, are ure to pive results , rrporl lln iirriiifiuj-bad and INCREASE EGG PRODUCTION. SEIX -. thr allrnlHin of thr ronnrM liul liuiiir Ihl TOVES. ihr 'uan-rlloak llii i ii Ho- vrliindinjr)louiu'il in writ inn. fir thouxhtt COLDS OR GRIPPE i f oi. Wiry. if i li-rl rr ,r. ..n walrrtMw h tlir Hoard of Trmdr'a undrr- We retail feed in any ouantity l niixl lit rtir ! -ounril lal i lkin Aid. Iirn IhoimlH Hip SECTION TWO BRIDGE niahl. Ihr rrj-.ii bp.on tit (rtli 't'iif riMinril kbiNilil hr rrprrint'd j Common Home Troubles Treatment.Conquered by THE BRACKMAN-KER MILLING C0,LTD. Ibr information llial Ihr ni.ur. on Uic Honl or l iadr aiuf. nrii Fred Stork's Hardware- ENTIRELY BUILT OF FIR afMr jToMMMinir drniantfrd uttrli yror. Ihr Hoard of I'radr woiiMn'l Wta-a "d raira mm llvrr irr llirr P.O. Box 74S Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 3SO aroundind of ir hrr po. crt any a rant a far a Iir wa roMtt an atra yaa tauold raara your lliir H1. Ibr roolrH-Itnaj M-lf. ijuto ruH'nw. )irwr iwonan. nnrrorf. newrroril unlr iiiry jrot PHONE I1LACIC 1 14 Council rrprr-MNVtaflon. aturh UHMthl a nrnnl air i la krrp Decided Lat ftiohi City lhl hr wlrr bad tlir itffrrl Tlira ibr motion for thr UUNI rbtanrt iirra Tbr trirr-ln- to Pay (712 Mr for Thl Hf 'Mariiw ottt piur and Lankn Mir rMimnmir of "Ihr boay" In ikwU hr k'il at nurnut o4 tM Material. a fJr. KIrrlroloi rould only 'br nrw rouviril carrirfl uilh Art-ifMf frvrr lir rrnrraira bl r alMyrd. ELECTRIC & MARINE TV- urriir f ta mairlrt. rprruuy la W A I? n be MUfbl Ufcrrr Uirrr n dirrf Uaynr Horlimirr rniarkinir New location lbt. UMM tit rrOamt If Uarr Ihrr W jFM1J Central On Ihr rrrointurtKiation of tlir rwrrrttl afhl In Ibr rlly (yAlnn it hr thottuhf It wa up tn llw pro. l w arr ilsro pMPl (llmlwin. and SUPPLY CO. Helgertton lllilllir roNllliilllrr Ibr rily council all allrrnntfRir. IHrn thr city vinrial aorrmuirnt a much n In- rit. your mM MI br puted j ' ' : : ri COW BAY " - - '' -p Block dix idnl la)4 niaiil lo bar K.JI. diM'ci rurrru would tt4 hat Ulie nny othrr ImmIt. rrr aiuawt Uarr. TAXI fwv- IK M hiaur trralurni rar roldf ELECTRICAL AND MARINE SUPPLIES, Ihr Mortr rffrrl. Ataoriatrd with K4iorkUy ilrtart vtrb rnuRlr u. ihr ahfttr rrll. rrprraentioaT Taxi 8rntlc of 4 rrlk bridiic of Or thruuahoiil in. Ahlrrman Ilnrhrlrr fnr .naynr. IM arlioa un Ihr .yxrai u prm4, and Canadian Fairbanks Co. Ltd. Car, lJnouire iiad of fir. hmilocV and "I'tucc VICEROY IN APRIL Thr inlrrrrla har no olrlnp on IK rrram ef rrkvttar a rahS la a Mrhl hat Jljrra raiahu.hrd tmt ovrr I rrark A prr- C. O. Crude Oil Marine Engines from 30 to 250 Phone and Tiniring Car. a r out in the oriafnal c.nlrai l. ; him. - t! h.p. mi Ha a Hut or uhp-Iii- in tar huH Your Patronage Thr riMl will he ;2 extra or i : I.oNIKIX. Jan. 10. -I.inl llrnd-inorr ' I H a f rnuoybad WaU lo naatrriHai 8-10 H. P. Heavy Duty Dis?iIIate Engines, Solicited. rr llioio.nfnl frri in-li .Ml u appninlmrnt an Vicrpiy of It It Jut a cheai to pet youriu a if iibir m prvior. AH the Latest ImpruvemrnU. 139 Hanlley Tale. li-nvn Ibr trndrr of Mr. Hhorklr)'Ila trrnira fffrrtitr on Alril t. rlntlnit done wrl' and dune att H.,,r "p-rn a. at ihr Electric Ujhting Plant cS1&STJZm -nine fl.&oo In-low thai oMhr tied l' Iir lt'al ai)irotal twin lirti tome a It ia In rnd It away. Try ;wtln ,. ., ,diwr. va ran an lowiHil biibicr. laiten. thr flrwm Pylnt Shop. 'n n ail dmr !. r rr box. , BEFORE AND AFT f; A A SLIGHT Lime NO JAOi tiOW MAiJDlE TIFF PBEU THAT Please PteAsr. AM. yta MtCHr PLEASE DEABE VUE. f AV Hi AT LEAST APoivrt'sf. H Both GE. IM n 2 CANVtoE' l ri 4 .F After 23' 'f I E