PACE TWO THD DAILY NEWS The Daily News 1 4he wonderful TELKWA CLUB v ax pmxdE nupEivr - nitrnsii Columbia ,;t Vtmh Every Afternoon, exre pi Similar, by The News INCORPORATED SHANi K . lrinl!ne. ....... ......anil p rimmnv.i Thin!- ...AvafttlA. FROITIEDICIHE I. : ,f.' r pui.LKX, Managing Editor, 'htm CoacaM Given Wtd Poera L : ; Erery tee la CasaiJa Ms j With Capitalisation or SUBSCniPTION RATES t $10,000. City Delivery, '3T mall or carrier, per month f 1.00 "FRUIT-tTIYES" Ily mail (o all parts of the British Empire ami the United H tales, j WHsj r.itttanaattn nt tie.. in advance, per year 10,00 Tathoaesaflerinc ir. jOW the lUa 'lnb k hci-n in Back! To all other countries, in advance, per year 97.90 TrfU .iwr Cimit;M'-'W.rWjH.-v,r V-.r ewey "1i it. the fwpitrNl nHI.-i. ,,r t ome eWi. in. Xmvms " 1 1 he rnnaaavny hehajr al 1ka. TELEPHONE 93 mry TVexaaW. Aktmtf!m. The eAjecto f h- ipaiiy.) is folM W f Aer. " .ti etirtiiail (n itf Mriii-h ..inn Trapiienl Display Advertising 11.25 per Inch eaeh insertion)-IS:. preeeft fmms,wHifii4"Frah aMMMM a-sJ'es"a re4r fires Heane. an amet rr . f..n. 9tS hot 1 1 i ni a warts" i i T...-(-.,I t.1. .. ... t,n I nia MO rt-A. t..:. U T wenn n. mm, nrrii "k" tbo trr.tmeat nameer Loeat Header., per insertion 2c per line fAftbfgttT f etl I f I on, ami nuinage in all branch- Classified Advertiing. per inertion Se per wd -rruittti9tt"ti Mcear mrJieim and trnar1nMiit. whoHHiith and nPHE aHpnti nn. nf. lhf I mlioe nf D-t. a Igal(XdtcJe, each insertion. , . 16c per agate line mV'W caaNhajaf the rets). Ih tnUmmmt buainae: " U!ICC Knfif Contract Hate on Application, .tolaicl&Al pais! fappte, Merchant. ma ew facte rar. aeaal. impaeti f' and cuimiaiaj u viiu iu nit cAiiiuu wtucn wa ti aw i.. All dyertfng honId be in The Daily New Office on day pre-cedlngl'pttblieallon. onasfs, Art a 1 pewaei, toeat All advertising received subject to approve!. Rh TiWiUs fcare aad aartiiepues. aslKj keefiae. ale?ke?eea. in our store, consisting of SDe box, fcr tnal aiae,36c. Met, cluhn. ajrnMotecvnf afMrt. postpaid by .uaaithil. atatetto. 4a4 other km-Irwt At H drWs or seat DAILY EDITION' Tuesday. P1 6. IMt Fruil-ft-UTt UnuUsi, (tu-s Oct. ontefBtrtac ar..t aini"i: "Ta m. aoq utre. own. wse. Bank Reports ral-. carry on. nianea. and ii- 100 of the Latest SUITCASES K actor Very Hopeful. nlorea,j .c of Uw neffheaw.ftlloin dwrdtia.ic. 3 Dank report are becoming terhQpeftL I'sually the bank TRUNKS hnat. NMH. cla tHiWhr, ath- foresee anjr eoWgrSeprkilofrtiid'rii their customer of it Idic arnnaiiU. Kwaawiaa, CLUB BAGS a f i ri i ri n fi n aiMaanii s h 'i They alr foresee trade revival ami, white not m keen ta telling lhT nfMtrtWg and ataiHi MTip about it for fear of routing false expectation and eaconraging Large Stock On hand tnent fur the eoafany' awlaieea To Mretiaa. ! r "Uw. Mciileta8. the report they Ihc are optimistic u tape. to select from. i neyiire. hold. frr. mmw We hare now reached the perfnd when the tanks are HinMNf t titlier- prmf. eftjety. aril. Ia-. a more or less uptimWJc report, but with can Hon. The Ioyal J. F. MAGUIRE Ihw dwawM-of an pcoperty. retri Hank hi j'i-t enloiit to it. riitnmer a report in which it bow Next tba PiW- Sapert H t j or peraonel. or any naata or ti I hp tinoit e. ..i.i Ihnf hivn nvir him .L.... that it wa- nee"eary there should lc a dull period felltiwing the nrt iiese aapahte of tx-ina held or war and (bat. with a fairly good harvest and with adjuntmenbi of 4eal( with by a company iarorpo ill City of Prince Rupert. This exhibit iff rated under the -Hiipaniea ArT the cflrrreftey, conditions huuld very much improve. PHRENOLOGIST LS " ot Hriliah Odumttia Artatvlp InrliA In Innlr lltPtn mnrlat mi, .L. Owing to the fact that merchant have generally rather mU uww u w w w w w w,. awtfw iiiuubld Ufwly uiftll BACK FROM ALASKA .1 I .. str ii iokN en hand, manufacturer look for a light impruvemet4fi NOMADS OF NORTH luuifts jluring the autumn. Followiiig the wie method Hn iMjilding up reserve, mot of the old established Canedteit tern-i ale Thia aV aH n ' -J hflMre to in tb'itatm.pc AT THE WESTHOLME only one of each model hi town. pan ien have been able U withstand the fhockiif.fulling fcie,S and ,lry and phr.-miry Th-r are fnilnre have not been a numeron as wmi expected for meh a."" at. Tv Mti ui ba Flna Canadian Plctura to Oa Krf Qfknn 1 it 1 I ilin u... .. I M ...J. uuout vr uo uiau sullcjs ui iu iccdi time. In the first six month of thU year there were dihUv over mnT d na4 bMieve in thmm Shown Tonlfhl Is Unusual 1 L li f I 1 t llf a thouodud failures in buinef. While that wa twice a Many tMnee aad aar tf theaa wfceJ several umci uucb ut ivcdUr'iUMicai. lost havt eowultwaVwMh Prof. Hnaaa.l The attreetioa al the Weal a during thcorrerNnding,period a yelr ago, Uli t t(adai who is now (Mated at Hmm I.!"1 T1svtre beguiaUNr to L 1 1 J s! !! - ;) wu lu uavc uiiitcu uuu uuicia win diritcmn high for a p"eril of falling price. C ; ' vi frai Hoial e.. tMDMt ialnteht wtB he "Xaaaada erf the f1?; !'' f.i . , t sninds. ' Xrth." ahXadrasaa dearrtheal the next ten days. Pessimistic View If anysartiainx mm? swraeaari "exlraotdlaaiT." frstaa tbe Is Not Justified. r tMsainaaa (rouble a which he dM te nMrry haa itr i i . .i mi i -aMit fttrttlr r ! to ust asjshnr whe wshi nndyina mm r .i i i 11 vw a.1 i ,111111111 111 r wvirMiiiif. There is uo standpoint from which a pesaimixtic view of the hisn4f. h will find hasp ay for hts "IhM-k t (ind'a fentatry future ql Cauadian businem i jinliflwl; and no inference f that aU' j,rtf aad "The Hhrer KaaV" Tale on Tupsrlav with our Low-Price-0uick-Tt f-ea a -luuuiu ui wii iiuui mv nwinuinKa iaij n ii 1x7 j scej ami l valla claim l m an expert in brintr third product of the Curwiaad report. "Hut caution certainly i required until the procea of inr pcar of mind and drtertnta-ation ksieleaha nt the Par North and Sale at which we will demonstrate that tkt adjiixtment to new coiifJition i completed. Already pricea, after U the Irosibled and uaJe- oi aetaeal hlafmry ta beia pre a m aa A A el a e A n i 1 as iirtti a tsa w a Altl fit iT eidJ HadrrMsMl. iBMoanry mt seMed by the Aeatald Firel a 1 a a a a k a. a.a aa a i aaaaaaai w aa a a axaaaaa u k u a a declining some 32 per cent, from their high pottat, are beginning . D J J h ha osHlf Ih Xalienal as al were the iMher anyvse to show eighs of j-Veater stability. As Flurope gradually clears lialmtat a awl phrvtmrafriat wiH two efforts. especially to the mail order houses, it we away the, commercial debris of the war, monetary conditiona wiH hrinir forth word of praia fr The tiU tella a jrreat aWl become more favorable on both sides of the water, and London hisn. He will tail you tba nasL to the aatare ef the aiory of we will be able to meet all prices. ' and New York will again supply the funds necesnary for the present and future, aad will he ".Vetnads ,tt (he .ortb" aad here until the ISih. Will be ha to do wttli aa intens love of this and development young growing country. Immigration affair wbirtt wanW tbrwoab pleased to snake private calls. will commence to rie to the figures of pre-war days. The-pr-ceeds many aaoaa aad aarssera eebloiri of loans and the funds brought in by settler should then, called mortal man' ken. 1 h- as in the past, more than offset our adverse balance of trade in j The Man in the Moon irreal piere-de-nmiatanre ia the Universal Co, merchandise, making feasible the replacement of tne Canadian peraiatent effort of an iron-fiie Trading SAYS- "kina-pia" of a ttada--pMi u dollar on a gold basis. And in the sane exploitation of our unexcelled a wxB l:ite lit will to tha asieat o natural resources all Canadian business will find reel IT seems to be the ""f'" a girt waoa father in prosperity." to aaioo huaU aad otbc UMaxHfl Mrr I4 pampered arxl PAone 376 i ...rx .in rriff .ifirii fiiwri iililli o- kv. familiar name sfteft naajtMam vietout tm. Hat the frirl love Anti-Spy League '; Haw rld "pap" peiteekwttrd( da-auded, hei. sturdy Busy In Victoria. dot irappav ana gin so isr away There is'an organization is Victoria formed to ollnet any frooi bar that it required three law mid order movement in that place which is becoming particularly NOW that the awimnlair sea- year to make to return trip NOTICE aoa ia about ever, where will and he arrived jJt in tha niek active. It was formed following the election to ottlee of they asMhH the salawt madaiaf Luf Imte. for ah was about In be Tlie qualities that mndecur two members of the police commission who were pledged to foread a-ami her own wMI lo The Kunnysede Cannery. re(orm. The representatives of that organization commenced u IT la etirioua what a lot o iwcoaae i tie wife af the man she iM.Millerd ParkiHK U. . . public career by laying informations against the indice rommi half team in Mils north coun aenuiaely h.ated. will not be rcMpoiiaibia fur any sioners and the chief of police for allowing Chinese gambling try are chainfddhs nf the north. The reappaaraaee of the real debt contrasted by any parties SPRUCI a lover on the seene starts ex ttntea aeenHMpanled by a rettn. places to continue to operate, (he idea of the eommUioiiers bf mg SI HEJ.Y a C4ippr town ouxhl eitinff events wbieh never abate Uion slirned by J. F. Htrantr. the to make a big raid and catch them all, just as wait done in lienor U) be able lo. bent a paper town until tba vary finish of the film manaaer. 108 cases here by ex-Mayor McClymonL a inuwpu ami nappineM crown The next move of the league was to sue two policemen for IN lite country which has the the protra.l1 efforts of the the chief wood for ncroplanes, its itrof unlawfully purchasing liquor, the act having been committed, at a modl kit lenuple to rnmhat a wide variety of time when they obtained conviction ifovartunent, a aoup durability, toughness, ease a against a bootlegger. The cheu has been onaned hy the of serious obstacles Attorney-General sent a letter of protest against the trial of this Ataerican llrtiaf (latHtltesi, I, smooth finish, reudiitcss in case by the magi-Irate. Tiaaia sale x-xaa. from defects. re ' Th'e leader of the organization was one Albert TJda!e, who S..1 UodtM iU 1 IHfllul Ii. Hi. vnntfsh nnd freedom now has been arrexted and is out on bail alter spending a night in eleation ITS easy watbcre The (leteriw U j Ten Years Ago Uaia lewa urn U aitita 4tr uf iiiii.ijr. suitable jail on a charge of immorality: j In Prlnca Kupart i. r in irnv 4 usm t in. meat has gives Ha peat oiftee t tm Arm. c. a. S. Iii eai ei. The series of charges alle6t very seriouidy the powers of the board tfi ut Sorae. Ilradurk. B.luia cu(mera the upport unity to in police commisoloiiers and the police force in tad Cedar. ui ejujiic;i ciiivj. every organised sura articles at by iMrrds SspUmbsr, 6, 1911, HM fr Will tt aUmtard for Ih. rrmomml j y community, including Prince Hiipert. The question whether af lilr. a P0Ht. J-. M. ritnhrr parllralari t Um Hyrvealr, utaiuifflfiB CJUtt f orr.ur countable may break the law himself in order to trap a lawbreaker a director of (ha rtronhy Virtorte: isa Poirirt rnir, rnar is one that has often been challenged but never settled. tVoiaoli. l"lM. B. C ' ' It is done continually, but consideration I always given to (he How I often doe wondati he wanase uaict Pimer t:...,Mihihst.and V.Kjlieltioir P.. ti. Melian.ami CANADIAN NATIONAL! BIG BAY LUMBER in view objert and no charges are laid agairmt the offender. The Attorney-fletierul protested against the prosecution at Victoria Th Iteavy asan with (I. f. P. auMrinUndent. hav RAILWAYS. ! on Dig en BarMliHK attiiie lime rotunda r in tin the that ground the men were special countable acting in performance a vicinity of Prince llupert In- of their duty. WESTERN UNES l")V many of us Utok back te spcetlntr sitea for the iioaaiMr mi- uumj okl timaa liaore Ilia eatalillsluwHt of ii smeller. Grand Trunk Pacific Railway pn ure xliiiwa were btrenlHl aad a a a there were no SAxla faautaias Aid. Newton last nlalit slnle.) Sf ALIO TSNOCRS NOTICE TO FIS HERM Dr. JOS. MAGUIRE wiien a man took tits girl oat that Aid. Ililditelt tamld "ko and AtMrMMvl Wi the tivt en to the snow about ohee a month ban himself" lit the eouree of iWmiI wraMw."tDilr rnar.for haprt.Mialr.n a, e,"A rraaie ui Good Supply of MEHBta Or Till B.C. DENTAL COL LEGS or ldoiner ami wbau grls were a .dlaauaatwn over the bydro-eleetrie reeatYM ei Uw offir. iba underefriwd DENTIST clothes and things and never l.vlnw. unul IMMljer lui.a'rlurl IS I,niwa. Wadnnder. Mi Herring and ttmua-ht aboul jiowder puffs or a a a Mtne. lrrlflr.lln( end form fif mnlr.rt BA ur t mS end for ot Under abUluad Phone 575 Smith Block chocolate. Them were Iba days fiuperinUndent Meehan, of the SI Um iilTIr. of hf ICE, Salmon i.uri tactmvr. wimnpe. Mm. Hllih rrada dental work at tU lowest crlr nit- hoy! I hem w.t lite days! O. T. P.. announeasl Imlav dial IHelrlrl luiiw.r. Ixlni'xium, Alts, 1 can glv tha U-.t of reference. the etHopany In landed In slart niiletna Ineimar, (iierr. lu. lualur.r. a.iuiMi.ift,. uf Wa. 0 year la attiva eerrlea.' xiNCK you can buy eaufied; very soon on tha eslabllaliinir of ViwMier, H. .. Mitt HM-M27l-I Itl 7-1. 0p f HBlfiJS fish, eaniiful veKtale( csniwJ permanent yard, slatloti, and nis niaukt znfiaeer, rnnre Ruprl. AT BUTEDALE frtiii why not MnHd laillyT-. hotel hare. T.ndere a III not b. rnnali1.r.d unl.aa aiert. on lha farm ispfrtlod tor Ih. Hailatr C4.niny end errfliiie.i4 tjf tn ptd I SJOTICt. eluxrae. no s tberttred tank, enual . e. WATCH YOUR STEP, f Uia value r Mia aark, aSI. la Uk AUCTION SALES Conducted SwS-vxSSa rilr nf lb Treeaurer, (-aaaciitii MaHunal nanaejre, n-v.rr mmmt, aisw OF B.C..,'',', rcilucton In price," in UNION STEAMSHII' CO. r-r II j rr L . . "". pnip Uarr. IU ta Upit4 la lien ut i ttpt,4 oziurc oi it will iwp,. iii, hum f farkln Wtrd aVa traili- journal, "will bilnw aae uiposing your cnccis, Dc to ", ;, Tnmnw hwimi.WM. I ,Wr III M 1 1 pa .11 -aa relie sad i miiiwfi to rrtm eai riiMd la tirrlel eavekfia tu-pU1 ler VetMsaav.r Sciie aue, Airri aei tli k, the your interest to consult us, Phone Red 157 v( I.. r "Un l iiulleil. lii..l,,i ,;n- welt Willlin Itn- Meilae, uuaar r .r An.n. H'-a Aim. J"'L r : r rriii.M S'i('f in iim Pmlnw i' (! r id- inuri in I In- 1 tim ir injr leader ad serve, r-e run sud n'asVir. Sel 823 Third Ave. Prince Rupert, B.C m uW,,a0o;,. I 1 ' . il i Minim: erllr srcrpird, II, A. MXOH StS Seeaad Steaae ... J'ui'h ( bl.f liiiliirtr, I su,, Wloniptf, Mto.. Asiutl I lib. lass