for 6 Months intf still 3fr tag TAXI For Prompt QQ Daily News . Service Phone PRINCE RUPERT ..ur- Uaou'lntg and 7 f uxtajtr b .6. Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper Towing Cart PltlNttK 111 PKHT. II t;.. TfKHliAY HKITKMIiKH . ISI. aior4tr' OiMalatlM 1W. tm talM 20. PflHIB FIVK l!jNTH ligation In Irish Affairs Very Tense EAT CELEBRATION YESTERDAY AT TEKWA; 1000 PRESENT KING OF THE HEDJAZ TO OPPOSE GREEKS. V rter Is In Danger Wonderful Time at of Capsizing if Heavy Telhwa Barbecue Weather Should Come s,-il. fl The eleven men who wr- Thousand People Visited Town and Saw Ease-ball, mil fur from tin rt have rejoined th n tin begun her lw jimmey to port m Football, Races, end Other Events ,,id vi-.1 !(f ihe freigblpe ikuHHlia-' then Danced Till Late Morning ii v-mi Algerine. 'Ill big 8ea MHar tow. .1 lo be im danger or rapMCiug if lieavv TKI.KWA. HepL O. The Harbeene yealerday was a Tinge iirred. The derk are awaah. Willi sm i-r-v The weather wi fine un Sunday, with the result thai "J. on Monday morning everyone eet out for the huh uf the Hulkley Valley, the visitor numbering approximately one thousand ieole. People eame from Prince Oeorge, Prince Rupert and IS WILLIAM HALE FLAG intermediate point-, arriving un horaeback, wagons, automobile, ' handrarn and utt the train. KG OVER WAS DROWNED The eent was heM on the new ground, which had been penally prepared for the occasion, and al the track, which was in One condition. IR OFFICE """zr.VXZXZ - The barbecue proper ronaialed ii th" rowntiHK of tin. bMt aleer GIVENCHY WENT Kalchlkan. from Frank Ifciekrtll'a bent and Kir Tivok fos- liol lieef naiidwiehca wit aerv-l IfaWwIn. Minimum i N.-wa r i be delu bv drowmat 'r-i- in everybody by Maiw of- ASHORE NEAR ( WHiam Hale ai Ketchikan n i I Rtfusal i .ii'-nieii Iteek and bin ataff of. rlnrnr reached lb etty by wire ailanla. IMH lacking. BELA COOLA cby ny. are ula. The town and yewmd werf V rk - J.iil it -rMa lliat J. . A Wilf ar h bo prxl.-ibsKl ky tk King U II4j uiMiiin for aaa'sUa th TttrkUA N-UoaaJlau decMiraled fnr lb eeaafi Willi i n working a! :iaa- Cawwery la their iiibi aaain t u Ofki i AU Mlsor. Tka wooarch la kU rail aptwaJ for U uilm of ireeK aad flair. T" - vfrarr.i Itej (.. (,nl ' Ofwnned al a aeeek month! lli A Wol rail f. r a fc -ir r la vhirfe Moha-Ttaadaa tl4 imrr4 m ain't ChrlMJaa. ha bn Loath avtMadavaled VA.CaHhn. Sepl. -rrmhDMAl The ... aa italsat'lf Vr" lh KwHMfi rwer ktra fat alao It It. Tka pfaooTa(A bowi u Klaf of tk, wee ' ' ifia-3! in wan immi, i ir4Mani lUIaukna, k JacaIU4-t kU rapUak Jtkateba. IU U Mrroa44 kr Maikra of hia Uwf fhe Jrtmitd hr- MfeSeVln . Ml". . Oivelwhy piled... i i i i Ma rn..iii.i.i r i i ,.lifi . Mr. Hale waa veey kpewn. III.. ll.u l!l.,.a.l, ....I lliI"H III" l wnuiriu "law a v v . if i nr chjt a fx ntniiff a If rarn! i..i... ii.. i'nu.n i,.i. iioB saiuruay anernvon ana an utt bwfUio (n artnerHi I he members of the crew were ..ii uf '!. J, addition there were uh HuMlejr Tale He lk Crisis Reached In Irish Affairs fMrluae and all Ibe efejbw taken aboard the a P. II. eteamer wbleh brin? joy to Ibe bearta PHnee.a Alice. They are beinjr 11 'mtllatl ltr f tar Ibreata M lo aneouver on the .n-iMtn of tbe you hit people. al a Xtim ml Carta 4 mnirr Following Failure to Agree to Ureal Svrat internal Gam.wa taken in Salvor.Tbe Skwokum left lor the acene aiki U bat twa lnre fur tie baaeliall vaifte, it wfeieb f Ibe accident on Sunday and it 4kMr IHj. He left htf mmi ia believed the IMvefKliy ean be (latellwi beat TeJkwa by a ecore W4 Manilla avo and etl lo Settlement Dominion Status f II l IS. taken off without aeffeus damage. AND Irwarl aM tbeti lo KelrhltvahJ - a on (lace and brtnehe butins H wa almat tt yer f am an4j were followed by a itxtiBaii lite loeal fiii office fays Ma ike mm of Mr. IIm Ua. match, in which llie bone team Ibe bo- I grounded at Ilavrii Cove illUOR SALE band ilrownMl I.ONImi.Vl He Hr iuo lVn'i reply to Uojd Oeorge POLAR BEAR TO again lni. Ihia time ! Sitytber. ten miles north of Hella Hctla. AT tb HMNtlb ol lb I he acure be in? Souther. 8; rajtcU Uif ilriitah lertn cmi tin- ground thai tltey are not lwied on r-ierna Ititrr aeeral HMHtlh aim. Trlkwa. 0. lHNslliMI aUla for Irttajid. It l aee tJ for ftir1hr AGAIN way tpe POPLAR fr . Mr. hi..n and family mailed STAY FOR FAIR Nor w-ere Ibe Telkwa lad any M uf"urphf lot nuns UIUD W.....I.W ,i.i wegwHattow by orring npoil iwnoslialajy deiiip4eutiariei more ueeful In the baaeball Nraon - Cvporation. or Ui igiiale oh the I K"verumeiil by rHienl uf the game on Su inlay, in wnien mua-era IN LIMELIGHT governed. Kegottatlons In Progress Bstwoen tieal lelkwa by 1 1 In 3. i I.OXIKIY Sepl. . Whilr Premier Lloyd Ueorge heW ruH- Fair Ooard and Visiting I.a.l evemuK Ibere wa a Krand danee in tbe Coaitu unity Hall al i- i.i-M veraliH(i, with i hIiiih t im tiilr mid the rivd ami mtltUo Aviators. T. District or London Notorious for which ISO jieoplc aMeaaicd. iiit iiki PEACE TODAY niitburilie mI, llirn w, u niiliraiitiii that tbe Iruli ooUrwvrr)' Tliorp nvanagetl tbl affair Suffragettes Finds Another had virtiiallv rearhed . n ami that UMUurrowa niwtlwg uf the Tbe biidaae "iHdar 'Hear." and there waa firal rale muaie Pastime. l!rilih wioislrj might nuv- ! lie hntoric. wilb WMmk C. it. I'resl and L. by a local urebealrn euattinK luMkw Talk Qln to Popllt of Schools : aa ii a. t-L. t -.'tti aJ m Cambell al I.o.N 1 KIN. Sept. 0. There ara KUKtaa S,. In-heve tb. In- Va.-r. and hM cdteagn wll ii f Mr. niiirbMl peo,de ffi Si member of the Poplar by Or. Grant and Canon Rli. the plami; Mia Kairbairn. vmlin: auw i 5air be given a limited luiu- m whirb to m i opt or reject the llnlih pert unlll after Ibe et(rtHf(Hi t:iarenee Hurna. dcwiH,. limfelti Omueil in priaon tor defying Tbts ni.rntnit at tin- "'n'1 lioveriniii-iil' offer I imii iiihui ltn mk a baiii uf ItlriuenL RCSI wek if ueilial4ip UkOt and balloon pave Ibe event a Ibe Higb Uiurt order, to levy ill ly tiaiMul lite iuiia all n" inll"l iu accunUuce with the rul-iiik HI Ml IN. Sept. ft I II.UW are now ieniin peiw-ren me eanilval touch. Mr. SpaMtee had ralea Lk lOt tlM VlM'lllHB BIKl rm BU- Uouu- 11 tyuudoa Oounty of tbe It" lie V il.'ia iii a alalaniient In Ike Asrieullural AaMjoiatimi and the ebarge of ttw ice erenin and i drd for few mimitei by ueeai a (lie liuwilred ARMS GIVEN .r. liNley ileierr! bat if-Ftmc flyera are brnuabt to a aiie-ful general retreabmenla which were en "7"7" HtatSMl His (Hi vnw , l.tiid iMiieal an ullinialitiu li Ibe roncluoion. An differ lia .vl al midnisht and the event ""'' :r yrajra of iHace between tins eoun- of stirring Sum Fein M wuld mean wIUmhH been maibe Mr. Icek, wUieli lie ei....l ihi. iMtrnimr al 3.30.actHmiMifcviMMit Iry and Ibe I nilei Mate. I in-f TO UNIONISTS nf will probably aeeept. ."In the cleared from lhe"eoea. The wumee Invited the Ji SCOTTISH fitrmal Milule to llie IU and pretence apt!lea Hon fnree, f)ver 1100 waa a a delegation wl uicel sheriff lo arteat them and set wtiuli vvtMtid rraull In war and meantime, a dance. (Ue latnir uf the UrUish and loniKhl to ak an hour fur the ceremony, (treat TAKING ON COAL linl Mare. tbe cily council Slnql AccldanL I'anadian.iMlbMMl anthem. . and band play- Sequel lo Speech of Armagh fee aitacr in financing tbe linrliiir lli Jav there waa one niwdt gathered At llie new llaya Gove trUl In Which Threat Was allractiou. aeeideuL K. J. W tlaon. a ram lier.,eu. lite iiii Ralhereil in lie itew JAPANESE CHARGED CouneU had re- wilt alteration llm&. ... " " Mad. A few minor fnu.. ne TaJkwa wae rfcllllXI !" aeiHUir riMHti under the new the Maed to levy laie to sarry on be neceaaary at AerufMdi horaebark when tna WITH STABBING IS into town mi ' ' itrlnelnal, II. UduiiibeJI, and wen i Tomorrow. diatriet un of the allow the plane Lbe bueiliean O ELF A ST. SapL 6 Hill Uroutid l borne fell in front of McNeill aillreoel by llrv. Ur. Orant. li 1 land ami lake of( . frami der Ibe Loudon County Council. i.Vlrea'n to the Unionists employed by a FINALLY CAPTURED lo atore Ihniwinit ibe rider and alao kImkI nave a ' 1 'inient large concsrn near the scene Ibere. Theae will be mad and breaking hi b g He waa immediately ' '-an 144 ul llordtn 8Uvfl 8eliuwl on of the reotnt rioting were 1 the plane will wrk from there uk.ii by auio to the MADE AMERICAN TENNIS HienttonlnK V. who I the aaute nulijeet, i'lHtra, a Japitneae, f I gtn arm with which to making flixbte daily and doing Smithen hoapital. wliert' le HMrtkeiiLarly that whatever na j aliened Mi have i4alibeil a aoun-Iryman 1 itlmun be belter COMPLETE protect thamslvs If attacked. tunU. Tbe taller can act YICTORY QUITE bone waa tionality the pewple of thi etHin- nninett M. Rhara at In-veraa.'i than with 0 They declared this done with the airplane try inltiht orUitvilly iave l.e.-n Uamvery on Auiruat 13 ii i at flraf rm a aeaidane which waa rtS 1.. ' lliey li h tuaetlier under the om waa a equl to the pch ami wini eeaped fin in the ecene a KDllKSl HILLS Sepl. . The ... ready and the fact thai 1,3 of O'Ouffy at Armagh declaring uroiMited. Tlu SUPER-BANDIT tennU play-.- " HaK here. al Ibal time, waa finally cap. America ii lavi Cup voyaw already here ready It f that If th boycott the plane i ilefendinn the trophy made the lured by provincial police at waa unsuccessful In bringing iii eanir I'.rtiuiey on Sunday. lie to fly. in wiiy the Fair Hoard i 10 AT I IDEDTV'victory imnplei. when they won LABOR CANDIDATES "will endeavorinit enpecially to keep Ulstsr Into Ireland thy uipi'aied for preliminary trial hi Al LiDEiikl I 'tw maicbee frum the Japane.e H-ar m Prince III) lad aqalnst them." llie I.iIiii- bring ARE BADLY BEATEN ,.f.ii,. HiiM-iidiary Mattialrnte KviUiagae and ShlmldiU. William UOMTY Fnn perl. - William Johnon were Mi'Miiilin Hum moruiiiv and waa 1 1 ilden and unlll Heptember II. Roy Oardlner Makes Ssnsatlonal -tp yiclnra ,) FAMILY OF SEYEN K-iiiaHded gUBOR PARTY At Municipal ByElactlon at Is BOMBING PLANE CREW. Escap From PnllntUry. - -e lington, London, Whin Unemployment ARE SHOT TO DEATH I Tin tug Canada." of the l. S. WAS ULTIMATUM SENT. '". FOUND WITH FOUR DEAD AUSTRALIA Questions HKATTI.K, Sept. 0. -Hoy liar.'Joliuauu. Walton Co.. eei-vnw. I War Issue. IIUMHIIY. MtHM.. tpl. A TO REBELS OF MOPLAH diner, super-bandit, MH at tn porf wiih 0 ton f cnot fr mother i:il lll.KJTVN V Va., lpl litierly following a aeitaalionalj AlbV-t A M 1 af f-i jr UrM-'i fntn--r I.ONIKlN, Kept. fl. - lioor au family nf eevei, n ION 0. The bodiea of four menibera from the fedexal in:v n Mia. illiluts badly defealeii in and fU thUUi 'i Iw""" 1 1 N I Sepi ibMitrh 0. esupe wer home Madia an ultiiuatum nf I lir 1'H'W ( Hie wrecked bomli- tiary during which Kvrrett Ini- V g. M, O v eharged with al- -imi-Hl (he tnuiiiripal li -.'Iim Iiuiu at I found nlK't to death In their al . appaienll lln .Itllv. lrJ ! It) M.i IhI Irlv luii i.;a i liavr lieeu found. Ttit pyw. hta companion, waa kilted nwu ,.i...niuti.iii m hl US Imgtnn. wlirri Ido ai-alr if b .here lliey Wen- it- ' i ii. uinnre uYmaiuloU by un- u virlini nf llie fatti. i. Fm.ik Kl' ) 'It. Ilii'iah i"V'CiiHlieiii fifid ..m.ii. wi an -termualy o by guarda ami I.awn'tu H"g.i' tn.-ii,. - wi iciiia"i''d uuiil !! 'iiO ,1 I..M tl,.R ' II! f Ul" . Ul Of 4- mi'.- '. i- s i'pccini i.. a priaon- i waa ii- i.stv w-m 'i, - i - - ' g ir'"'le Iiiihi - hi in i'miiiyi'd wa a dn iImr fu iiiW i n i , . v .tt-- S U ur I.v 9 cd. .V M dia Jay i't ma i u'lipu . sit i u tucy i ay u vi i I