4 - THE DAILY NEWS PAOE FOUR i - A .' BRINGING UP FATHER . - " ByGW t , With the Cream left In! For Sale ""aavavaasfc PRINCE RUPERT I Lot with two storey build, Daily News Classified Ads. ine; 22xSl, rtli A venae A little asty rfrrlHl round A3 Oaforj) By oee kill and water clear. West $903.00 3 CENTS lRK NVORI) IN ADVANCE. No AilMlr.nt Tmltmn tor Ummm lhr flOe Sea airt: deep founded oa I be rock. Throe room furnished - - - - - - . Sbe stand secure, and kawws no fear. i. r - house, Siviion 9l,8K WANTCO r ron RENT BOATS FOR HIRE. Her people ataaal within hff amtr Agents tot Sarty wfin borrowed WKtT luirft. Mihny unrar. UUXCN -ftarbetftona Line mi ervle pride ills every breaat: Pbntir Norwegian American Line Tia bat a earns asm rt aba eteod (eale) froi a-aragf on t'oortb ntxhml room with aaatry. awM rtkark eo If fiwedleh American . Wttle-tenled nnt slsa gtewtat Wret, AvHsae Kat nmorday aojrtel ltl for Itawi bnuakiMHeji Seandtaavtan American pbsUHTiwIurn anu al carlHet for autet ropl. fhtat Orreu wrj" lit- Una. Now prefwaat with inept Hair boae -Hi i'fj Mnrlcet Priws j Oliver Typewriters e trlisnp'oa great Uitsiga yet la fee. AQENTS WANTED. liuilM - - a fc. .. Qarjf Safe. , And. daantalt ant by aeeaiaiiete. board. Mr Oar. f Eipeetgiat ee teal le taa. WAMTKD l.iw affnt fa CetUe Kiabth Arse Wsl. tboae Mtatt. FIRE INSURANCE Hot ere. fa i board and onibnardl lee. lb Sit Tbe OrteaL ta Ml of lny-s. tartudiriaT Hi- wll known di-reel WW Mr crir, l.cHy Drtv ron rnurr- lnir aia-'cbucB 7ea ewer ei aer ueas fw1nf aieaa. lb. lie Dybtavn Oanson Tbe aratriea, with tbesr wrtclie eVS th. nn avare In abir. M w r seoatb. Tea4.T.boni eWlak lev Insurance Agents. Third Alike aball see. I tjt wMb aaed wnl tak a feoat wle ill Tbsrsf Aveaae. KdsV Raansd teak 10r Burns Uk? (J Avenue, Prinee Rupert awyw.be r ih.vr rftira( tf titrtoiti elaJL r lb SSc t Miami Tbe ebaU tta we wetr to float it in. Full f lie HiiXertaMMi jrtrM ro RatVT diaper seMia -a- '; f .VorW b-. Barn l.akr tara. It. :. , HSr MSSMkS ! IBS ISM If SflSMSSe Her futam dew wile, raete Iismm Aamla. Marti labe, H. C. IV (.. far 2 AsmI tthall Um stajni Milsss! FOR SALE e te tar TO Frr fasaN ftsrnbd . ,er lb tar The Qoality Grocers To tkNHweHsv mnmH lesB Tm. aVAUt- Xew SIM V apaiispeat. Parkvbrw Apart "'wine he. f par Jb Iftr to IS CevrsipUon wttb lutfeeiy gUl wttb tl ret orde; elseaa. Ateo aaeal. F. W. Mart. tJt -nbd N f ie 'V . tOr Vko ta ber fckSt Jeynenv afear M Bbode l.land Red aad Ply- ' . per jl. ite We Carry K'V'T rwrntabesj rooas I aaab. loin Aa fimaju m ajebK treas. tb WV rhieken and etbt lie w t Piiar te? weaea-aeaiea. .'vnrTau rimim MNltn. iein tae 1 I nothing 1Mm ersVa. "sleannr. reUsra aa Tbirst Ave. lboae Red MS PboOje Mark 3S9 fM Malt.H-n.ooM. r. lb.. See to tea I Iinfif but the Ut of n..itt.4i tb. Me!. LlUlhUU My gallant eon wbo artaates! aot RiMtMl ta real. Uoasa eoobinf. Itftl.Vil ae nur proaetlor ettee-tioae. I.'NA Of IHUM .ll b. ., If ! Tt, ecal their aertsW wKb Mood, 7tt Aveaue. New and aeed propel! ,j Vital buldrr r aL per lb... Ie)a ni s CtaMUins; deeaaMl IbaJ B as yoor tsatV ore al lew prWa. Mortbera LOST .L-W of veal io aad in i Ctebaaae. 1 35 Soeood A eaae Plata asaeafes par lb, .... M: The tittle rity by lbr ea 49 If LOtTT Sbsneb keye. .nd-r Hbbaafi.rk . ,.,e . lev U callina. railiaa. all lh pteae return In Heifer J. w tec ... 4ae For men of Unsnfifetft BjbsMM IrtR UtSQ KOIX. of aod print ellery .btore - if rbo lb .... Or of Everything Vhe M vrtst make her I if" eablttwe. sslwtry dwiaaed aJ A Maps, ejMdder per fb , tbe! ueefal far ai TUITION J. V. wrapptac c, I" li-'-d. i tb . lev I aoaid. Xewa. for the table, and Daily N. AUimttT rYt:H, Profeeeor aad elu-.l ts ha L- Si need PVMI S.Lfc-Sflaa piere eolid oak Tea bar of Vtafia and Piaaa. A tkbol.' ib. supply every BABINE HATCHERY THE SCUTTLERS" IS - dlaaar - rooea aaMe. Berfrain. Msatted MlMbar of pupil bwk Sftr GETS FULL SUPPLY STORY OF THE SEA Call aaonsaTs. ftatu 1 teated.' Pbeate lUue tsi. lltCbteken. per lb. Lowest ft IHpat. t33 IFewl. .rr Ib lie Munro Bros. OF SALMON SPAWN AUTOMOBILES tebled pork, per .lb ISei Sinking of Vessel Is Shown en (.RlkMAK hbttar oaaariee for I Cofdwd Haas, alssal. lb. 7 i--r Screeri In Big Farnum Pro AeJe. rtaaraataad anqd eiaera. RUPERT Motor .. dealer I pVre tee Phono SS Third Avenue Old Better This Season Than ductlon. nx HaraVr Sbep. Pboae Hla -Reo" Cere aU TrueA. Aaia llfHMt ewaMate rlba, par wateep - tee at E. H. Shod! Last -Lakelse Hatchery Does 7. . ?1 toMIe raaasrs. Tired, aeeaa. Tin.Jkuttlrra." in wbieb WUi atotpejaa. per tb. fie TeWd nd Not Do So Well. Aerie parte etweeat PtSClDt I lam Karaucn is to be ta. HRLIAHI.K Mtaaoejrapb ietlied tOe refoire m stuec. Caasaseretal bawea IWpH- the poor run of eaek. uiabt at tbo WVelbolaao Thas Made Mrvvfaa. 3?6 Meeond baHt far all parpeaee. Let ir Pr:ss IUifti! oalionn the Hkeewa'Hiver " an abotf.hs and eeaeelioaai " Calves IPrer, Mk, ... 90r ye on Avenue. ItpaoeWe Kdsye t.. tf as free yea a arise aa year like (hi iinms, tle Itoavtnte FUb-! f tbe sea. WaUlaai Fox. ear b4y. Taylor A Moar. Dairy Produce. -just ri" offier rmori that tbr arejuear. ihsmi bave gnam to PfJft SALE- Me&ary beater with bnvjep. Coraer Tblrd and Metb Swfe9ttSejc J tteW haUbery at ItaMnr Lake ban ureal eiaeaae to pat tbta tryl beenl. in pwod eoiystkNi. Ap. Avaaae. tf Itattar. (eaalJat) par ft. Sie beerf filled to i raparily of aa tbe arere. A xaa.fuoi.ablp ply IfHiwne Hlara tf. laseeee. per Ik new!! 1 0,t0,0OO aoekeye alaMa le ueed for snoet of tbe venee. HOUMK for tele, Ave room aad HAIRDRESSINQ LHabaraer tAeeae. per lb. . . pawn, ihr c i'drum ibrre ibie and tbia veei la aaak far-oat bath; part raab, bate as e as real. LADIH8' ItAinDRHMtn, Mae, Ibm: rear i eel aria SILVERS! year Is better than laai. in tbe Paeifie, after a eariea of Apply Munro llroe. tf eel wavlnir. sbRpMilaB;. Btoira Kaas, B.C. fresh ee How often Ue wn ehard Lakelae Ike. however. i not dranMUe incidensa that are ario Hair Kaas. loeal 7- tft io. Iryetoe;. Healp treat. sneh tin exclamation from so good and has itot n filled !Pi" in fbe extreme. )U PAI'KKH for SaM. . meat a specialty. Tmj j Tl 1 our n,!.. )! w!i'n they to Us eapacily whpeb is the xame i Tbe eUiry- is Iba! of a man larva boodle. IhUly Mews. mjtm pees.jl'aeo mmmj Si. see the ruty of the Dry a that at llabiue. Il u t-M ert- who la bared to ship a a ailor j.....r..m.iiA.. f.. sjaajr, awr sa. Ilr cleaning and Pr- ng we I that eoboew and humubaeks order, to leara M tbe eaiiUirt PROPERTY FOR SALE, turtle give tin-ir iarmenU. wilt he'ftdniittfit there, h.-er. Is guilty, as ttptW, of aeul- J-Oft HALF - Le I, S, S aad I. own eombtar. HKX IIAilUKn Flou i bard waeal Sdutb 3 ni VVALLPtriW You'll aay It loo, when to fill it. ' leikrUf has n-t doa ("na: hie aaipe rar ie Mearmaoe IMoek 30. Hwtkm 7. la tbe ekty 8111)1' 3tS lith htrWL Prtaee Vilk per eavee .... t.7t la 17 7 ' the work ask' so well as last I a avoid atMntetwa r amuHi. aa Him you nee you year. of Prinr.- ituport. ppry (hsaer. Ilupert, IL C Pbone I Mae Vegetables iln'for The nabiae and Lakelae halrh-rriee Jim Laadera. nttowa bimaelf to . IV ua to you. Box to. -Kola Lookotjt. natarko. 0 7H Rnaa. ICIereq tf frier?, beade DRUSHtl When Shall Wo Call? are the only onee on the be sbaagrlHiksiL Me ftsujt bim-elf kneflH. dry. tUUlforaia &, , cua Skeena Itiver. They were re under a brutal flret mate. I.AXD Hu. oa IMelrlot. Irge CANADIAN NATIONAL Iteeie, per lb lei WINDOW cently visited by J. F. Hutrluo- mi.I the inata al oaee abowe thai and small traata. l'.neuire New Taraipe, per ft. Canadian moji, or me local imohuioii ri:i. he dlalikas IaHJrs more Ibvt Wsn. Grant Afeaey, Ilsielion. RAILWAYS New aCrrots. pe rib br PICTDRtl Steam crien office, who was aeeotiiuari-iinl any oar eie oe) boan-1. ftoon IJ. C. If Grand Trunk Pocinc CahbasTQ . w tf I T Laundry by H. libwn, provincial coa Krirkaon, Uie niala, beats a boy iwltaower We u ..na Phone 8 stable at Port Keeinclon. and Laadere knake bJm dowa SEWINO .Kailwoy Compuny- Mead let twee Hr art suprutt Third Ave. W., Prince Rupert for wbieb Latuler U promptly OOYVN8, r.uts, Novettf Salts and FOR LEASE .New PotaUies. par ft it IPAHULLO TO BE HERE put in irneM. Hat bis position is Men It In ite wade to order and Quansabers. aaab ts aot so bad as it ti&akl be. be- remodallrd. 7SS Tblrd Avenue. Shipbuilding Yard and Dry Tnaaahaes. beetewwe. par lb. THURSDAY NEXT WEEKi?-- -"K' Phone ttn U Dock Pieallsm Towtiitoes It Fruit. Fbcns Maunders eMne ta Ills aM with WATCH REPAIRS The IMH wrliMUe rer Srfte will-r MriH tesn see aff Galffarnia ... It I - Your Coal Bin Will Come This Way en route f.MKl and a file). mmA iii SnllSlnj Veal M.fttr l rirapefruM. to Victoria for Sssslon. Jeweler end" WaUUnvaker IW Orud TmM PftAr IUlli 1 -"I -T ltnoMS. per doaae Scuttles Ship. rnec. B. c , iba LEE 8. JOE I RapoH, etufrtr i..... .t-lm J ; lion, T. D. laMullo. wbo ha After KrtckeotOie MuUleil Use P. tl. Hot I7H .IPs to ! Is Now Empty been on a visit to lowlon in the htp. and a lj water ie puttr. Hlfl iniird Avaaae. I'rlnce llupert ltfXtf&'ZiUtWMtln. per Ib ,1 w LEECfl intert'st of tbe Province, is ex. ing into the hald. Brlekwun die. All Work Guaranteed. tee e sees et er s seres. ir.....,i. n. IK 9s TOM peeled to arrive in Prtaee Ilu- vers Utwlrrf. A lerritk fialit Mall Ordfe a Spealaltx. mm. trt ee ssiwi?Sw7ierbS- PeeUper tb, ! pert, Thursday of ntt week and ;oues Uie IHHtl. rwSBSBB II illieil nats. per lb. Or it will b eoon. We will probably proceed soutb the killed and and lenders eeeapee FURNITURE REPAIRS Cost IMla Tua'r, Se-Sas f Table Plas. ner Pa are offering ) from tbe etakliMr ni teaanee oerni-e. rum ww following: day. While ia I.n- VII.... Uul 40 he rtaOm Mb A I1EDUCCD PRICES dun be did a ffrrfct deal of aoud Laura guUiee him id the UfeiMMi DO.NT nOIN your Furnjture for f Tertie 'WwttiieM. kit Cam. ',, .. tee want of repair. Polish. cmI ts4 At Hektss. sd SHee- Itananas .."it.." i for More WI tbe proper September delivery. puhlieily work for tbe province. thrills eta eaaltea. ilos. 0C Don't 'wait, but have that What esse be didbe will prob irMur are on a deeert ietxtul. inr. Crating, tl. II. Ileniiiimtis IMuana. tb. toy bin filled now with the ably tU later. The feW-uUlere" is IhH eoly a (late llulsofi's Hay Co. . f? Ifte iZL il.S tery toili-italniHK lure, but Third Avenue, l'bone lllark llaTSs fjHsBw4r4RsBBT9sfr( C.ntet.pe ; p., -fV,- FAMOUS FOX HOLES OF VERDUN. iy tM'Wcrful drama, wltu n ACS, Orcen 171. if air I ii nerkl,in lilliull etuir!. Apples, eatmp, per swa J.(Mi ... ii.' Apples, aooaiag I pil"n e EDSON COAL VF.HDUN, Oet. V-Foxee haw-multiplied pon-ful artor tut its hero. MUSIO Tar prtaarty i iuiped im uswm Evaporated Fruits. , lUrkit untmM. ! systMn. HNa. . ... Rranlly la the vulo-y Jariii' MrAleenan, of A lire asvsl alt HsasTial ,0cl of the Meuee, and iq several di-tricte'liave "WHO bear. .M 11,8 1 a feels bis T& feuprty wihulw snM for Im V - Phone 58 (or quick Arm. i in tbe city today uu lite MMseiieies tM NMif. IMI. delivery. solitude at unee." laade Uieir hotea in pefidrd Api. rsJ: rnturu norih. He Ite been in xl?, PpecieJ rali lots. $ i on ear llrowimiK. 1. 0. llslley. ! drsertel 1'reneh and (tertnan the ..utb about a ifMmfb and Sir our ( , 01 trnaebee. The enldier lent' in a j? Mill Avenue V eel. bare. Hiwilliii (eeiMer. l T r Hoi I perlmi.n. lor.nu tb.. ti-jr. motored from tt Prince BupeiT Feed Co. bad little ll when Ihek iio-k-iNuaavt nnmhi.iN to tb. Hiiollkauiei.il T . Telei.l,o.... He.... 7. - til' ??'- f"""":'' tU1.t r"'".lptn von pf h.eiiless PRea llalslns -fo-ii. iuiien i" r.pi).iiii rii mi eMHl ia-; tb' in .I.-." tiirti mil k ' Kdfl lhaof..r Wr.ire.l t '."-I ibs uu mm Nalh-yn viltiliK Ul ft NKXT DA.NCK or in- "" r 1'i untie Corner 2nd that SOil. lCTl,r r, ,1 ( .,-. v. ilit Ave. and 7th St. I'i iin rii.n ImiI n-toii. i-iiti i w ni ri'i-' 1'p to-I,Ul Hiu ..f w,. ivi (-...,.,t, St IfK'lll r'i h inn .. ,, I intvn. . Ilri lir.li... . .w, It!,,.,..null. 1ll..n 9At ww- If. tl. tul'.uU.: ' "uut.' "' ll I'l l ! Ill I III I i.-t.1 1 y N