TUB DAILY NEWS til PAOE BIX 1 STEWART COMPLEXION G. H. ARNOLD, Notary Public Jffllin I OVMM 1i - ied a enMr front Jean y,," ' h " i,r'"- PARLIAMENT Westholme 'Mir moms, fully modern, fjxth Avenue Host $3200 ident of the AIkuiM' hi Mining :: 11 2300 W 1 1 1 1.. 1 1 I , I ll M I m Four rooms, Fifth Avenue Kant initrmr, 111 j Fi rooms, fully modern, double eorner, llortlen street 3400 settlement of claims ag:nnt tne Gradual Elimination of Unionist To-apertment house, four rooms earh. fully modern. company for wage, packing and Majority bf Defection and i onigm and To Hutnmlt Atenue 3500 sunplfe will be made early in Election. Terms ran be arranged on any of these. October. No trouble I" ilw them. , DURING DYINQ DAYS The winter ramp of the Fleh MARGIN WAS SMALL H. G. HELGEHSON, LTD. ' tee Mining are "earing Rentals Real Estate William Insurance Harry Tanner, ad-. completion. OTTAWA, Oct 3. The point manager, piped Hint tin com. eal complex tun of the Hmiw of IS'-. pany will be buay all winter and Common ehungca with earh that ore shinnine will continue. general election, fetter el ty apeak inf. but ofte there are great FARNUM William Tooth li ImmhiIiI lite ,'hangra In tb- party atamtjfifra WeStOIl'S Oeean eabarH and flane Clew Egg Coal feCo-al between tu lime tbe first sin im wowing, it to llyder. i'Hi of a bmw Parliament often nmremmenl tit ; OpAat in 77 a. Guaranteed Coal a. and I he end of rhe wbteb a government majorllv1 of ... The trail to the Hilicrado group oreredee diaeolttliott Tbia baa Kighteen abaenlesHt were palrfd Speciality Alberta Standard ipeoallly has been completed to the i.ooo been tbe ease partteutarly in re Tbe menilaarsbtp) in the llouar "The 630 - PHONE - - 630 foot level and work i stilt beinirl rushed. gard in tbe tstle Parliament, tbe In 1911 waa 231 mssjsbers, bwl In first sees bm of wbteb opened tbe Medial r I but to MM of 191 1. Guaranteed Coal mean if ours is not as good as we say, we March IS, 191 ft and the Iftet Ibis waa iarreaae4 In ISt. will remove it and nut charge fur what ou have used. H. Ottter ha leaed Mte old Uon of wbteb closed on June 4 Majority of 71. t raders' Hank Inn Ming on Fifth Egg, $13.50 Delivered Lump, $14.50 I hie rear. Tbe formntinn of Tbe War Time Meelba of Scuttlers" Street and will turn it into a Absolutely No Clinkers and No Soot. I'nhwt (tavern men t en 1917 1917. when I n ma iWtvrrnnv-nl pool ball. brought lejsMtber men of aN waa returned, aaw tbe rVieden nbnaes af former political opln- mere meat eonte bark Into she iona. wbo sjk Ibeir party fne4 HMte wltb a majurtly of 71. Tbe Paramaunt Magazine Mutt aal lil PRINCE RUPERT TIDES Ten Years Ago nam i tbe effort to bring aboot standing of tbe parties after tbe In Prince Kupert J tne beet poaslble prueeetknt ofLrlecth n was: e"rnsnent I&3: tbe war In avbeeauent eeston4. pMHiittoa Hi. 'flss OpiMMiiinn Wednesday. October 5 bwevee, IHere were many figurr was aeluallv tie nveib,-- High B;54 a.m., id.t feet. October 5, 1911. lreake" frsjsn the goeernsnent teas. ainee Hon. R lmleuv bad 'Miss Pullen, Soprano Sclci IS3 p.m., ti l feet. H.M.C8. Raudtow arritrd In benchea, and the government ma. returtted for both Mabon- Low 9.45 a.m.. 6.8 feet. tbe barbor this nuirainjr on her Kity in tbe Mur dtmlnlaned aeineuvr and Oaspe. afniennei of Vktorla, will ting bttwttn litti 224W Pi 4 fe flrit visit to this The of. p. poet. firat the "0ie-Henbers end l was euttteelee) astd Ibe TtMisday. Ortobe f ' floere and rrew are receiving a tbe a tbe NaikMMal PnsreMreee matter waa held up in Ibe enuti High 9:16 a m., 18.8 feet. warm welcome and tbe eltuen broke awa to form tbeir owi to aueb an ettrrM that Ibe pr 365 Days a Year 16:3 p.m., 10.8 feet. are bring entertnined aboard groups to Use left of tbe Speak test bad natt been dlapoaed of at I.ow 10:20 a.m, 7.9 feet. er, wbMe olber fTtembera who bad lime of Ibe dieaidulioft of and over 9Ht of those days 23:17 p.m. S.I feet. Picture of the ftral raiaraU been elect e4 of Parliament. we devote to the baking of . . j . t a auapurtera THRO mi.I. ART ITn w Friday. October 7. tract ever iued over the Orand t'nion ftatrrtsjfaoat left tbe Oov- Ihr tall eeaaiaan of 1919. - . " - -- . 1 I u, my J GOOD BREAD Illgb Sit a.m., I7. fee. frunk Parifir east of Pritiee ernmeat nessabea to return to wbtrb opened on Sept. tli. bow. roa salt Ten s t ui - " J 17 31 p.at, 18$ feet. Kuiwrt aop'-ar in tbe current is. lh Liberal In seats anraatf, a. eer. aw a great change in Ibe Trying every day to get Low 1 1 :l a.nt . 9.3 tret. sue of "Caite4a Illutraied." (a, aalaa tare M sa mvH preMoua eeeeion Ibis mmrsitst line-up of wensbers In Ibe it a little tw-tter and a little Saturday, October 8. Kaaiala aat iMeta tLtaSrei arna the, floor had not been so H.nj.e F F Pardee :tel better. eMa SLUt as MrisTtieutf tmiatsi sioca II iK a : 16.7 feet. J. O. Cosnrer. Iravllutg etit,ir mdtoeaM. 1 lmbln end Htm. W. F tit Not strange If you like 13.31 H-m- 17.1 feat. f "Canada Illustrated" m ttit. Former Standing. ing . tMselbeirae and Wa kax af tea mr- It. as you seem to, for we're of Low 0:11 a.m., 6.6 feet. ing the oily. He urge that fi At lists fining of I be tb werr both eereiee) 9b ass vai 1st piling more and more l:t p.m., 19.2 feet. nancier be invited to Hi., rity ParliaenenL1' Noveenber IS. of ciHtarrtation. Had returned to it all the time. Sunday, October 9. to realise thr ejreat i,.t .riun.ii. I9H. tbe I tot-den govern ntenl. the l iberal benebes Hon. f. H High 7:iH a.m. I.t fee. for mvnermeen arrews nere. brougbt iete4ower ha tbe Cjirtell, anotber Liberal rntowlat RUPERT BAKERY 19:17 p.m.. IS.ft feet. paiga waged nn ibe Hiaf ietroMiy fbad been appentee) cbaflimaw of ruRNiTurtc amd mouiimold coca Lw t:ll a m, 7.1 feH. Advertiae I N.-w. band Hardeisrs, sU fOK UU itssbJ Third Avenue Phone C43 in fbe atly Pact wUh tne Fulled Stales, bast suaMwry tiMmlaain on ee- 13:13 p.m. 10.6 feet. a majority of 17 members In limiuMbing bis porlfolsD of Mln- CD S23 Third Avsnus WttL Phsset: twill The lime used is Paetrie Man-dard. (in- Oitnnvma The staasMiNi later of PttbJtr Vsorks. and several GCOR0C LEEK, ra for life ISOth Mori-Han Book Your Order for he partiea then was. Msera- members bad left ibe gv-ernntent west. It is counted from 0 to iea t33. J.ibrrat M. and Inde. benebee In farm wbat SNAPinCOAL 1 1 hour, from mtdaigbt to mid endnta X. Ilmar classed in aa then kmnri as tbe "t'rnaa- night. APPLES itm- IndepeneVnt column of I be Henehers" or I bird group in Ibe The table given is for Port official reeorti. aeeasrtMng to Mouse the time for Print-Rupert We are overstocked with Simpson but ll.-:r own sWlarsjtbtne. werr W, Further Defsctlons- Interior Coal, and in order to varies only a few min with tts and y Mar Iran. isVmth York1 and A The openliNl of Ibe 19X1 aeaa- move this surplus with the utes on son days and en other SAVE MONEY IVervltle iMMeonmnnre . Tste hhi. rebraary II. sarw fwrtb the The of least possible delay we quote lis same. range tne Apple which arrived lat firl irrty vote in lb I Parlia. er d- f.-eiina frsn tbe eern-ntent tilde be computed as 5 the may pr the from lienebea and defertban following prices: mi.-nl oti Hpeerb Ste cent greater at I'rinee II u pert Saturday neVe all rleaned up Mine loose ith Itin-ne. ..n oemsMT ?t. fioSM the liberal at rang lb F I. Run, on than at Port Simpson both at in hours. 't'J't hen tbe taioiM W.ta Itavia tXeeptywai and J A dock $6.50 springs and neap. Therefore Arriving Nsit Saturday lnipbrll (Xeieoo aouarbl seat S TPf a- TV- Mine Run, sacked on the rise in the Prince ftuperi 300 Boies among Ibe Independent a waen dock $7.50 harbor is slightly greater than While they last they rente into lne Houae In !iport Tbe Simpson.height Is In feet and Just Arrived I9;i. to whieb grwti Vtal-T ti Prince Rupert Coal Co $1.99 Box W Aitdiene bad croeeed and j tenths of feet above the averase i..... w-to. i.JmJ I., ta a t(.-. OffUc. Central Hotel .level of lower low water. Phone 18 W r guarantee tli.- rj nal I Is "T taiiaii aiao insm tne ft'taemnseni I ..ic and by L. J. Oaulhirr Me,. tnmo-y r-funded. for the Iiaily News. fcubiwribj I It r In the who renosinred hia Alberta SPUDS-We ar the potato former aaaair tale tr the Liberal King. Our Ural rar trrun I- rty and announced that HfiwW' no Wednewlay. We are now I MIt be would b,- tndeM-iil-ill taking orders at ,11.mi A K. Maclean, win, hm H. S. WALLACE CO.,LIMITED $2.49 per sack. !m-h Minister w:lliUt P. rl folio FRESH This price is right for No. 1 in Mi Horden liovernm. ttl. bad Winter Potatoes. ! imiolllired at tbe rnd of Ike 192 Quality Store C. Q. MINNS, Manager i b- would, tbe .,-.ioii l bat neat CROOKHELD CUTTER Per lb. 44c. ! ar. ask for a aeat among tbe GRANULATED SUGAR Liberals, and be aal on tbe Op. 10 lbs: for 89c EGGS j,o.i:i..n aide when tbr IVtl NOTE: Competition is Active, M',-l"ii opeued. the lauding of the parties bi I lie Hoiiar at the rloee of Holy.'! but we meet it with values. Sanitary Me 50c l.'i. Librrals.len w.i if. Prgri'aaie'Oovern'io'iil 4. What does the public wtl Ik. and liidepeitdenla. Walk Downstairs and Save l r I Money, Small Majorities. Better Uoods tor u Hero are Some Figures Worth Studying! I'hr majority of the lowrn-nieiil Steel :iad GalaU-as. per yard 30o dozen on videa during the 2a Tints and Chainbrays. good patterns and quality. Yard 20c per and IW:l aesa.,n. fltsrluated Money 30-im r percale, nice clean patterns, per yard 30o CHArrtaco accountants and ronanbrably aeeording b the JO-incli percale, nw-e clean patterns, per yard 30 o AUOITOnS iiif al stake, atlendanrr of Turk i nh Towels, big selection, 25c each. Per'pair 45c RORIE & SMALL We buy American Cur-rency, lietliltera and aiao arrording to JABOURBROS to Flanaelette Hlankels. per pair $2.2S Silver, Gold or the attitude of tin National Pro. 12 i Flannelette Dlankets. per pair 13.25 RaaUaat rrtaae Bills itr. .-ive and ltuleeneViiU. Ikar. Cotton Crepes, all colors, per yard 30o OCORSC SOSIC, C-A. ina the 1921 seasin Ibe majartly .1 In fret lt Sheeting, 72-inrh, nice quality, per yard '. . . 75c ttjr Auitltir lor rnnrs ttutwrt generally was In tbe neigbbor-IommI Ladies' Wear Department A',laiaatlsatlaaa lb.itlpf rlird TriHIrs rartaarinla la LleaMatlaa BtnkrutilrT AtaaaaU Rupert Table Supply Go. Mm of vote from on 90 tbe to addrrse X5 in re- WE SELL FORji i.lr to the speerb-from tbe tbrtana riaaaflal ftaaarft, at. AlsaataU Hix only IlainroaU, earh $7.50 PHONES 211, 211. IVXt seaaioO; atoiMl; titmerM-ineni SaSaral BalMlas, rrlata Sart REMEMBER! Twelve only Itaiiu-outa, values to 125, each 59.75 raaaa SSI SIS ltd. tut"itioii 01. a majority Two only (Uiionskin Coats, eaeb $9.90 en 1 of 99 for the fioveratstenl till the The balance of Ladles' Raincoats at Bargain Prices. OUR SALE continue, l io-re were rlgbl pairs when tbia, d Twelte Children's Itaiiicoats. t to It years, belted French and More B.rg.in. -re vote wU taken. Oil Ibe Ktewt-nig Same style, 112.50 for $7.75 leripnclly aiiteitdtsient Ibe 20-20,10 ciear , Children's Waterproof Capes, earh 20 Hoys' SuiU, $3.25 ot, Ovverniiteat 100; Op-(toallioB Consumers Coal Co. Ltd. was: - !)....' Cinla !'li.:t-l ' 70; a majority of 21. WAISTS Room II. Smilb DUk C0bu vote on the adilrres In tbe ttttu White Flannollette, mt'yard . . Two dozen Hpun Silk Waists, values to $10.50 for $4.75 Sole AftSlt session stood: Oovcrnmcut 112; o.:.wi vinnnnllotte. 82 im-hea Twenty-Ovo Georgette und Crepe de Chine Waists eaeb. .$5.b0 opposition 7. a luajttritr of 3t. OHI. p.", . . ! l nrn' nlllV If" tight doi-Q While Voile Waists, values to lt.75 for each $1.75 There were It Htembers paired 7 LntllOS liniircuaio . ieft Ladles' Fabric tilovea. black, tan and brown, per pair, ... 45o on this vote. 5 Ladtoa' Tweed uoats m Penman's Cashmere Hose, black and tan. per pair .$1.00 ron WATCH OUR WINDOWS OH The westbound C.N.It. puseeu-ger we sell train yesterday afternoon Our prices are right You the are Judge . 1 a il m K p---o--...-r.1 v r--w struek a horse east of llemo elation a euOT-'Vati ami broke n leg. Tbe train Tclcplionc wot s!uipei! and an Ueand was H.S. WALLACE C0.,L1ITED Number 7 maibt to shoot i'"' ammsl wltb a rttvolver. It wua found itanoa PHONE 8 sibfe to knl " a man was 1 48 Take Coil Back If nol8atlsflsd. aettl HM U a-(no wltb a Phone larger weapon to cteepalcb it.