-I Wt Statin Phone Q 7 I i For A Taxi luntley & Hale 1 PRINCE RUPERT ancfFRED UIock JOE Helgerion Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper I'HIXUK HUPKHT. H, ojsATl HhAV, JL'I.V 80. 1 121. tMiHirt ctrin i,to 0 t'M 4(3. rthcliffe B Stormy Petrel ii IT OF IRISH MILITARY COMMANDER iRDERED BY BRITISH WHERE OIL HAS RFrN FOUND IN CANADA. rthcliffe, Storm Centre Great Preparations British Politics, Denies c.or Flag Day Event. sponsible for Interview Wednesday Next ( 1 The Foreign CIITip i not Mirprurd t tit The HkV Hag ami Field Day next Wednesday give promise t . - . ,u.ellel Ihe invitation to lonJ XorlhrlifTe of being one of the bigger! event for rhildreu that ha be-en held j. ng ihe Israeli belw-reii the .NWIhdine pre. in the hilory of the nty. For week the romniillees have been i "V , ul the latter denie. it influenred fietMes buy making preparation ami now a the erent approaches It -appear that their effort would lie crowned with suree. The? J.I If 3K). IOnl Northrjifle left 11 login have, at leat, Mtereeded in amoving a giod deal of enthiniani ..! thMHer at which Kir Auckland (ie.Mr-l already bo4h among the children and ad til I ami they are going to fiieiU who had called he bee a ptendi program to offer, a mint complete and varied one, led. The uma rourteeie to diilingtu-hr I which -hook! prove interesting and full of fun for both old and t Mr at young. Whether din name i m - Ihe r-mimittrf or mil. every " ""r py. Truly nolh- MEIGHEN IS inf h.- bn forgollen. i..-rMally Elk in Prince Ituperl in unped tnrW . fn IH Mmtnv I hr will I. to ae workioa; I w-ard the -e-;ilHI it the In.' Wff ,,j,IK.r m Audlbirium. Ktcn br ' SATISFIED w nt Ihe hiz day and indtd.S TNt w It be where the adult; " t at tar! Ike mol of iheaa arv Ma7 mk wilt be able l trp out. Muaicr v.Htwitttr . - - - The day pearam wl com- Wrtded by Ihe II, Th. I lmpfee1 with PotelblllUr of "n4 r. mrrr .4 I ..cl.i with a p.,. f JF credit-rdM. Forthcoming Disarmament J . . and iheat arrive a twelve- Con f .ram me nmiiimme e-Pw orebeolra which will trance. Oil acrrkk at Po IX r A W a. Canada, .ere ' ba focd la L'.r qnMkUM od btr play tenl t mr c.iiiw a ot dolUr ba ba tM la i-rtor rch l s d.x ,om great hindu p& Alrplaoe art aire lo Ilia AeropoH 'ruund.danea muie of a high order ' reer- UlNlMlN. Julf 9. PreatlO-r btplia( to Milt lb areblaa of rati duunttt In i ttf -it x fr .tan rs Tta Caa41o Oottra-rrtrdtax vll Y hea l far ilreat uMM Ihe we. ma' hour. 11 ' be King b)Mrlben. before eelllng un llo axat, Air lo lnUrl Aactlcaa (IMU, iar awdl f . oU U dxUUax aa4 aaipplax. War Vatjrtn lUnd, and all the nu u eariy lo predict thai Carmanla today, laled tba.1 be) - :kJJi Ml loin mrm ...hJ lo.iht dvnee ronrludin Hie bis twa altfied willi I lie prMre 4&M4Ht)e)aL. tblr Juariurr ofidajr of fun. will be one f .the C UIMTCD eiEvidence Taken Here in -STATEMENT k (lMre.. jMtien lb inn.l iia. moernraHnrMendcd 'ever 'jut qnl Uft HtI ffrlH liatMlla poffant and ,isuiricaHi event of n iu lhi city. J HULrll if' now tlled. !l Man Ini-lreM August Seems to Clean t'Mlire roceJititfii will lake trr rv rtrttw .. tih' 1M fate llHa",,,r" OF THE KING j j lace. Tin will be Ute a4ui III! ' I I 1 I R 'i.. 'lie fkM wUaeii wiH Ite camed ' .f Hrwth tteM iimtnl JLU liUIDI Metzdorf Murder Charge ' while (be baauJ (4 ay "The Maple 1A U all- tit mfT-nrr of prem- j , DISCUSSED jl-ejaf l'...ifer.' IWery )Mrl anl( BIG HIGHWAY f tMiy will 4al at altriuai n aihJ WITH BRITAIN m!T,II I.ThX7 wtlt, Vila I R,,,',1 V,, ,-h,r'- 't-re' the Y...rur lol I .1 II. aft 1 .. . . ... .B. ,m...Mhc. o tt .IImm-.m-oc. Jw -4W npHfMiair.aiwirgt wb Ik HMtnte Mi. Aiwa Cauaaa Sanaatton In England ' and I be jwla w llwt 'nfrmf anl ar M 'i Ibe Hafwn l the IUtle Mold mi Aogu) 17 lat mr a m IVutc and All Nawapapara Glva MHKiaK of the CuttadtaR awUmni. W thfraw Demand That Troop" for Weral of Slack of all th It Promlnenea. IMiorl iceche w-tt be delivered, Da Sent to Siletta Prior to (tie dot iUvlf. mkm Inqwirtanl cia- Jluifi .u Iht- ! alter Ihr nmnlcr ami likel ii loton, I by llev. IN- II. It. Uranl. Oiaofi ! Meeting. fciri. evidence of S A. at Ilia tril f Kcim MrRa accord i up Ut Uwrt) LONDON, July 33 Tha U. A. Itlx, lli hop Itunoi, Major! i M..H..Ieordlil .end off hen he ,cfi. 'f 1 1 . ftk' 11. l""r.r!'',i:,... Ik.Tin W- V..t wa aanaatlonal and unprecedented '(ir.tr Kt J. Crl.y, Mayor fliacb. I.u.MXiN. July 30. The ien- t j QWIIIPani nrnMm) n-ii uiv itivni" i t rw c im ''' ' " Incldant of a llrilain and win tram ,iiii nmnuim . . I .....,! I t.Jl..u... i i i I 1. "-" Oritlah Ssviralan repud!at-Ing V icier. France ocr the iicetecdure lo be ii "i. n..tal.lc an a lic lati..i. Vr V . . I' lo irir- I UWVMI WM INI Mini "II r i mar hijiiii. I itiim rinrr m, iwr u to Parliament through rucea ana tome., ioi!,.., m riins irje.f tiesiaa i l tha Prima MlnUtir. atita-manls Then lle real fun wilt com. problem, ha bee it liiatrrially . UlifM(4lt- 17. Xnivlh ait I rti al tta tiaae of Ihr McKay In ikn rri- HAIL DAMAGES Mlvat Miriiwiii nt Ik"( H w eml l " several har attr'bvted to him In menre and Ibe re" of ttte day I. n-0. Frmae w)l withhold i la frtnn 1:90 will I derated lo nM- demaitd for fniniediale de- tiaiiHpftJ and noil dr Hltm Mcttdorf itaU.'tn ihc cii at--i tl low- and a nwtpai)r lrtrlaw, . IhMrd I of tile glvan tha c-eitet promln-enct notliin? ete iban imadatteraled pat-b of in-.w lo Uela. pro- - - n It aioc I rial M-n...i ( lr. later wn Mi. maiiaCT PRAIRIE CROP In tha antlro BritUh to 60. Milium Kiiitl.uid lo a-o- estren ' i t'raW. he - f4 in N.iM.u C.' Mil' Hityul ; HuvkI Mar Ik- .lim ..!- of In iM-iif wiUi Fiance In a" thla morning. came ii.- -larl Par oi AnMi i a tln nk-nr-' ! ii.-ljf ci iMi"1, presa iioniNli itturtlrt political clrclra pacpia ara betwem I lie MulsH aud the ,.-maiiii on o-ruuny U permit Hft-trt.-rf - f.li.i kr n in lu olibi mm I ctutarr i.lt.ltMlttllcit. Fltlda LAd Flat at Porta a La HiK fltj a- ;arU ,iuii M-t-J.it .ictpr .iui ifiU tm bi unabla to talk cf anything Falewnt iliowed, bv. taw, for,ihe paate of a divt.Mon of-girl ' a;a. aaul -'!,i'f at.ap.. Hi- ir Silcla if the Supreme i Van-- H) Pralria and Traaa Uprootad, Mi vndcr wliii h nam.- he w'iii la. would bKc The aUtment seta away cetlenl and valuable priie have i;ouif-il Uei-ules reinfon-euienlj; ' iii ! M a HlltTMiF. In I'U.MIIIK. Inly! from tha old poalton that Imhhi rtidd for Ihe winner. mrr ii.-. . .ii Itritaiii ha rxi i't llic SO. Many t I le farmer of the Order Issued for Arrest KlnffiCou'd to no wrong and A novelty here will be Ihc,. 'toti i.n ... .! i. i witliugiie&s lo tliitj tii'iiilli. that Parliament la aub.'ect danrlng cntc! for cirl, under I'Mrtajre plain are na.lly it-. vto him. It makea tha King 1 in wttiab iteedal wdl bx-awartted apiMttnletl Mrr eip-eil' of Commander in AERIAL PATROL I IV A TAIlf liig crop. A trenaendaaia hall-J Military subject to ParllamanL Tha to.lb winner I'tier.- only cicuaa fcr auch action twill alo be the bagpie coin- .tor w weil llinoitfli tUe i. Ireland Over Irregularity la In tha unuaually critical Iiiiiim) for Ihe nlk iner cup trict layinir Ihe field f grain j OF SOUTH COAST flat and uprooting Ireen. Knor- condition of affair In Ireland, whn-h i how un exhibilion in i ON POLITICS where an raah statement II. W. tianern Jewelry lre aC niotia rn-p damage u rcMiieil. III III.IN. Jul) 30. The master of the roll- itid writ-' may Interfere with tha The t ectirlar evettU w dl be inler-Ptertl in j ho liuiiv were (he lialUlonea tliat collUiR for (lot rrat of (iattaral Sir Neville Ma r'a4ji, llhtili . negotiation toward a aettle-ment with many new and in. Scouting Tour of Three to Foot farmer bad hi head cut .... . .. . . 1 one : t M 1 Hundred Mile Ery Sunday. JJ rll.l vMwMinu m.t mium di- IHKUat v i oinmniKier in ireimin. alio .Major n ci u rirr iwvaru which are now going 4erei!nz eonlenU and exbib- . ln Ara Dlacuaaad. I ocn by I bcin. j SlrinkUiid, Mmi'ler roinmaiidei. Imt.iiix o tin In.tl t Tttuoia on. jilion and, to wind up the ctail- F.gan having been aud to I irregular amd Um ItoliMa ctrpii Ji-cii imu4b. a U:ix-ball iraaae i VlirniHIA. July W. To pni; '...ii i...!... ik. Tinv tii-1 the timber of Vaneouver With Hi-M. NEIL'S HARBOR !writ tMjecltsl. ..Iii'ii alioul Moth giiral ara in Kngland. and it i iniplMe to TRAIN HELD UP Tim and the KHijr ftlwarU llaad and along the roat from . . .. . ... ! Uc Uovernmetit ba ln-way I. Il I !- I.. I I. t ...ill I .11.i.i ail..I Thei-e are Hoiz Co be s. i'ian fice. i'i--iliotta will ALSO BURNED Marready'i. repreMiitlie pnnniHl tint I the Uigu Uonrl , PATID D A MHITC of aiiiuius Ihe yonalei ' iiluled an aerial we4-ed prdy 1 upon. Ahwou exet'iiltou of Kgao and another pnoner woidd l e clayed pending rllllK flAlllJl 111 Ibal ii i difficult lo i.m i ik n ,uocia. fire oalrnl. TJb ffrr iiiti'UaiHl Will a rtliii.Airr of th ranr. but the mailer of Un- roll ignored the j them all. but one attraction it nervier ms.plane fru VatabwUve ' ilalcn far I lie Fire Which Detroed Nawhaan Te and iium order for thearre.t. already. i.,Mtuelij Ujkrd, about iwtl make a ri)lg Imir of ' Wounded and prepared fwr oamudUtw win. i--t every Sunday. -i irk and H. 8., Spread to Adjoining l Rifled the Mall Car. itM . ' be overlooked. Illl will he Ihei iwe iaini wui owver an arc urn will alo Place. Mall Clerk and Escaped. Prom-!"" Ihe mainland and llaiv4 i -h,,IuUih of nreene of the elown. he4 IUe Ural. ab.ul am. lo inn mie long. will ' ,Md UW ; 't i U ruler-i HALIFAX. July 30-XeiU I'lTTSin lUi July 3U. The i lie mat tar Harbor, Nova Seolla, w hIiiiii. CITIZENS i..,,i.nii I ,i,,i ihe urMiitcr bulnea bedi-cked wilh ! P Y f!;i:!'"'! .irtpV pain. tlXill't on tlm dHied lo flfttne When Hie Mh-and GOVERNOR ACCEPTS foreat fire, which delroyHl New-haven M..iw.. ii .-w or. ana unieago " ...... I'll-i nty ha jretenlay apread. There jLLi of Prince Rupert wu .-a h. i.: up hy four ban- r 7,, 'fM",H: G.W.Y.A. MEMBERSHIP llalehfnl Jnek "d will lis. ware no caUHlllen but many Mtland til 1 1 1 p- i.l i -.amira. who wMinded "'l'. ..( lllllu 11.u.l uail as abMl "un Malttlivii. hundred are hoinela nud the a mad ' '' o ' e man euri"'"; - , "77. tftTAWA. auly lieueral ! " uiainlHK two properly danitttte i great i'lo-re FLAG DAY PICNIC Kir Julian Hyng, theiiew liover-ner KIDDIES' luica lur iiir aiirnimw. H Till ope. were many halrbremllh eeni"- Cats For All. iiHoral. ha cabled bU ac, 1 1 iiimant a when Ihe people fnd to Ihe ASSIGNMENTS paattanee "I honorary member MANY Ml tie boy aud girt do not 'mil davalup m'm and were plrke-l up almig Acropolis Hill Wednesday, August 3rd hip ha ihe UAV.V-l. lull aablnrf nr niieiktCCC riDMC need to go hungry etlner. II woi Ilia thore by boat. Ur DUOIllLOJ riImjiIM,i .j then anytlUMg to eaten FLAG DANCE On Wednesday, Augusl 3, al I the field and, bei4ee. they will for ITorapi afaf xnnintl, UlOll p.m., Ihe lUka w eloae Auditorium 9.30 p m. s ut I A A. July . Thare are J haaded a eartl of mix itaket Taxi Service (heir Flag lny with a iuvila-(tail L. uoliUealion of aalaooeHl oo-'wlitrti will .mh waoU lo aad- I'lie Umii. danee in the Auditorium G.W.V.A. Band WeithoImeOfclicitra ler Hie Hank' i v , i ..r tt w i. ln . pop. i. . -eaw, eaady llaoualars and 7 Ttuit iirnm o. I'm- kv -t k a usun wthe (Kunmudlly the 'ii arrlvtd Invllalinu to be had from Hi. .iiiiiih any Toorlng Cars i iii.. X.in.fU i.aetlf. 1 1 -frebni.'iit IkhiIIi whu-b llieir mwmll. Secretary. ' t