1he Daily News ' THE DAILY MISERY ISELLS HAIR TO iiiiiimimiiiiiimiiiii PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by The News OF ILH E LTH HELP COUNTRY Printing and Publishing Co., Third Avenue. II. F. PULLEN, Managing Editor. English Qlrl Tries to Set Example Three Years t Su(tAng Quickly of but Others Patriotism, Relisted by "FRUir-A-llVES" SUBSCRIPTION HATES! Fall to Follow t City Delivery, by carrier or mail, per month ............ 11.00 LONDON, j ,.. 18. Ail llnvti- ner; Uy mail o all parts of the British Umpire and the, United Htates, "I hit jiii -'I itn l'XCM!llil' ' in advance, per year 59.00. )(ix w To all other countries, in "advance, per year $7.60. pni:-iolim.t(r iithe- coun her rie- sUlern l.y enltinit of tlna oiri m. More Tobacco for the Money ! 1 N and selling li.-r liair ami umriiji 88. TELEPHONE lhe nroreedj i th' ovi'miiieni lu1 'reliee lt, iiMncial situation.; mm mm Transient Display Advertising 51.25 per inch each insertion i lie cirl: ftnme ha.s nl len ml w.a?.-fa Transient advertising on front page '. . 12.00 per inch. ii:ade puhlle. Local Headers, per insertion ,.j..,.... 25c. per line. Her e(e'r iHiniMiriiix her sarri-' Classified advertising, per insertion, 2c. per word. flee us recejxi'il .it a pux ernmeiil Legal Notices, each insertion - . 15c. per agate line. ofllce reail: ' To help, iliuutrh even in a DAILY EDITION; Salurdav. Feb. ID, IV21 -inull way, (lie enunlry in lhe pre. MR. GASPABD DUBORD -ii nnanelal ibfllrnilies. i haei 159 ATeaoe This IX, Montreal. liiul toy laireiit "fT a a-1 linxe i.M ' Canada's best biiy-" Ten Years to Return il. W illi (ho iiwinev Dins i.filnin il To Normal Prosperity. Tor three years, I was x itrribt I ha bowrbt Sainu r.er- the ECONOMY Packugc .oiij hut a person writing forfo much a w'onlAvould attempt svf ertr from VjtprpsU and my general tllicnte.4 which I hae der Iroyetl. to prove the probability of an tfarly return lb vvar-'lime, pre-v;fv health was very bad. I consulted The tnoncy' j, ihn a direct K'ft lime. Or llu- immediate pul-war lime prosperity we have jul physician aad took his medicine and, to I lie eoiiulry. If tlli euulil hej iB left behPlul, Miy C. II. (iirli-le. general manager of the libodyear faithfully carried outhb Instructions; i.bli:lie(l fii-rhn( ItfUfiV oilier, I did not aod d but ImproTe finally Tire nutl Ilubber Co. of Canada, j i cund. girl vi.tild .1.. n- 1 hat done nml iiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiii!!: doclor told could net The economic hi-lory of other great wars proves lhc futility; re friend adtised thtimainl of (teople Wlllllil he ' 111 i At this time, me of Mich a hope. Ijaliug from the. armili e, a UmVy ear period will to try 'fruil-nira' and I did so. encou.'agetpli' (iie up s4i'(hin i protiiiniy ue rruiiireii ujjjhci-i cujhj i f mni, iubwh i-- ln .v:- v,... r .rw.v-. ll.nl would li. iK'tll Hie e,ninlr j Onanclally.' j MAIL SCHEtHJLr us. the world wllmn,tlest ener J' 'f penalty thiixaarTelous frt.lt The IrMer nas puhltxlii. hut, pear and nnigress.'fPeareflti lhe trnMfsenolMlhesyord. in mtj..i, .n emi'Iators of 'In- vviter si etauiole bsfree, iiujft'Uiji all Mr dieestioa and reneral bealth t.i 'e not been hciir.l. A renoi' For the Cast DENTISTRY and women will have euniHin IhJIf HfTeniie;s r0-hed a Mondays. UVrtnenlaye ano aL are splendid all of nhich I owe to may he rnund m r nl deen-e of: clcio-er uilderMaiidiiigof the problems of one ainjllirr. and settled ,,Fniit--tiTes,V hairdresser fh.it li.Med" Im j rdaya at 10:15, a m. down lhe of. building" lheivp(osjK!rnby Working in common i to joh :iri no 1tntTAf f:kli itifinhln i " Of . . GASPARD DCTSOnD. for the prosperity of the slate. From th East. Conditions in our own country will improve fosler than! AnndayX Tuesdays and Thursdays 60c.a box,6 for 2.20,trial Iie,25e. LONDON POLICE USE QUALITY world conditions to Ik-Mire. Proof of thai improvement average J At all dealers or sent postpaid by at 7 MB p. tin" i- already at hand. There Js a quickening in many lines of industry, Fruit a-tites limited, Ottawa, OnU MOTOR VFHin IN especially the automobile industry. The conservative! Iniiiig period which our people have inflicted on themselves for! DETECTION 6? CRIME Zrd" !p ,n several mouths past is over , tirent economies were iiiiuoiiuteaiy SAILS II p. m. Dr. Bayne effected by this conservation of wages and .savings. Hesides heing Stur,,'' P-"-1 LOXIMI.V V.i, 15 The a natural ireacliou from a brief period of violent spending, it is - vcr rehrunry 1? and 26 AWNINGS 1920 kaide f..r lhe OFFICE HOURS a clear manifestation of the underlying soundness, caution, and reu.ai clear thinking ipialilleations of our Canadian demiwrary. A people TENTS rKrC)i in:.or li (he Melrti From Vancouier and South. Ktrciii 9 It 12, ITjttm, 119 U J.JI, Siltriijt, 1 aa who can "put on the brakes," so to spak. as Canadians Jiave Mil.ill l'nlic. m kicIIkhIs "if pte. !Sunday 8 p. tn. Ettri Ut&i trta 7.21 it I done in the last few months, avIio ran show their capacity for ventillii und tffleetiiifc crime of Wednesdays 1 0:30 a. m. meh a great measure of self discipline, n ultimately take cure of J. F. MAGUIRE every description. General llnr-i f aiurdiy '. 8 a. m. Dental Nurse in attendance themselves in world competition. 'Anil in )ur ahilily to romijele, 712 Second Ae Prinee Rupert wihmI. the oiiinii.jsiiincr. i I'ehruary land 21 Phone log for appointment ilrni in the markets of the world lies flahada's grealesUOpHirtiinily. Agents for helievff in lit.- Uii".rUnce of - ' C H. JONES & SON, Ltd. riinliir.vV-hlre a'nd a an aid In lhe For Anyoi and Alice Arm. Rooms 4, 5, 6, Hdgerson BUc, Cor 3rd snd W Norwegians makers :'lice, it i- in lliix direct inn 40 Did Their Part. ' . years' experience as that lhe im,.r..emenl-. have heeii 1""'"""7B1 v Best Equipped Office in Northern RC. In the Norwegian ExpYirJers Journal Ofijreceui dale Is an larpely carried ul. tf p.m. article which shows some Of, the things that' Norway Ami her I'ni fur in and deleeli imjier- people siifferel as a result of the late war and of the loss's con PRINCE RUPERT TIDES inlendenti tune now their own From Anyos and Alice Arm. sequent on her continuing to carry'good.s for the allies. The automobile in which Ihey can Tuesdays ajn. ventral it out wereexposed,Jn. en greater rik burday p, in. ships pom Tuesday, February 15. rapidly iiiin one miut lo nn. than those of the Hies becanstthey could iH)th'i..lack.. The olher of llieir larpe diUcl-. i A:t8 19 feel. Ilish. a. m.. For article rims instance of vessels that subjecled,'f gh'nHr14 Port Simpson, Arrandste, Mill were Mottr-ey e We ear are kent . 15.8 reet. ,1H:I0 in.. Bay, Wales Island and Mass River. ! of lifeboats left the wilhjout 'of and wffmen on oeean any help, men al tarirHiM L"liC ftalion for the Low. 12:18 p. nu 0.9 feel. who died from exposure aiid olher causes. .Not merely sympathy Wednesday, February 16. ue of ofTiccr in cae of emeraeey Sundays SMm nt A 13 p.m.1 Mill ( GRAND TRUNK PACIFIC IiiitprlclijiefS High, 7:25 a. m., 18.9 feet. and diviMiiinnl ileteelie iniieelir. Bay, Wales Island and Nsav Rler. S.S. PRINCE GEORGE sailing has been recognized through the columns of fhe Lomfoii Times 20:37 15." feel. have their molorcyelr. ami ide. p. in., Tuesday a.m. Uidiilahl Thursday f..: y:in"ii It. i and in other l'ritili ptilli;i.tiofis. Low, 0:iC 8.7 feel. car. lo drive li lhe ncehe a a. ru., V..I. Wtonu 8m;lle -S. vrr. am erliue or lo vl.il iMitlyiiui .luii..u.. Coupon Book In . t - , 14:C p. m.0.7 feel. 'London's S. PRINCE JOHN IMountles " Liquor Control. , I'or Port f.l. nicnU, M... it Iturki. t The mounted (li.llce. loo. unileri The time ufl is ractnc Stan The American-Scandinavian Ii$view in a recent number has rmthrri f.tucen fliarl-'H. l-'mn.' - r 1 dard, for the 120th Meridian west. (ktlofiel Laurie, hne hfii re.; an interesting article on CAntroIIirig"AlrOlifl iij" Sweden which lewrt. Kelirunry liili ami 1 : b It is countad from 0 to 2t houre. orjranied. (Ieir euimenl mi-: is well worthy Of perusal by anyone iulrresjed in the liquor cpies-tion. tdiiiii irnuirr For those inirchasing Iiquor1o be "consumed outside of from midnight to midnight. proved and the men inonnli-d on Paerurer Monday, Wednesday and Saturds; atll-J1 The table given is for Port -mile of the flnect horen in the' Idm - ' L4 restaurants, a coupon Ixjok is supplied artd these coiiimns are " for Kmlihers. prince fleorire. Simpson but the time for Prince country. I nder the new orsun- m nsuraus in direct eotineclious for all r" " -Agency goiMl (6r purchases as long as they last and as long as the owner izullon Inrire ImmIv of uioiinleil rtini 1.11.1... ,r. n.nu 1 iir nw Unci Rupert varies few minutes a umki Ocean Steamship only a AH behaves himsrlf. If he is found guilty of an infraction of the law or has been the, recipienl of public charity, he is refused a on .some days and on others is IHdloe cn he eoncenlrale.i m nny itttZJrXS'iii "..TfctAl foe tafematm std rervaoos rW coupon or lhe one be holds is cancelled. Private pnilll is flun-inatei the same. The range of the thin pari "f London within h i!f nn j ir o rKMn i.hi. ii) ir. ui 1 mi tehtutt), . Cits TUt OiB, IIS TV" - and ;dl proceeds gt to the s(nle treasury. may he computed as 5 per cent hour. i I lf Trader,I. in N- it.i,p4nir1 b) a rrrtinitl; greater at Prince Kupert than at The effi-el of the-e iniirie. irtieiiuo for 1' uf U temfc-r Hrurr i- Naval iiientu has in lhe ntisss sim out fiarucuiar. ran iw Squadron ieet esira-ordinary Port Hiinpson both at springs and bejfn mi it nare ( it i.htrf ln4iur i.t ri.n-:.. On This Coast. neaps. Therefore the rfs in the nuinher of clever cap- Htinr llull.llpr, Vaimxio-r. i.r IM The naval squadron js expected to arrive at Esquimau soon Prince ftupert harbor is slightly lure that have heen made of iniifi. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAIli and there will be time enough spent on lhe coast for a visit lo greater than Port Simpson. l.iirrlfir. ..ilrru'j;kl. and olher I itiereMsMli'' et terrtHM Or l and iilhrr llw ocrii lender I. not p ... .v.trl l'rince Rupert and other points of interest, probably (hey will The height Is in feet and tenth criminaU. The flylnjr nqundu ..f "p"ii fcr u- M"ril. Itl. CUMOKK rawem iv II W 1 1 I Qsrrrt jome here Tor they will see an entirely -different town here to tf D r n a Ci ..W,r nuy of feet above the average level of .'bL-r m- i..r f i t.iwrtM. ilong the coast in British Columbia. We should be glad to have lower low water. lan'd Yard, work in Br indepenlently ' Vsii.ufrr, I'Ntiuiri in. iti llieni Mme and show thejit something of Prii e ItupeH hospitality. under the "nifr' Four" deteetivr. S JMS. have dVuie well In roundinx up houiehrenker and hreakinv up BAGS! BAGS! For Ketchikan. Juneau. Skaoway, Alaska, fn" garni of thieve who Infest lulic, Rupert Dr.JOS. M AGU1RE Arpuc.Tio.n. roa onAXiMO rta.MiT hlatinns, Irnimt and niunihiisi-s. ! i,n,., 91- Fahruarv 7 and 21 ' Buy a hag of "nbstsnllal quality, i'.mieh on.tzim PH"" act iti. of material tt:ai weaii snd with For Venouer, V.storla and Seattle from dentist: ArTlirtunni for permits to rrsie lire- a frame that is cotmtnieteu for January 1S and 29; February 12 sn UM-k fo urn crown nose wnnin urn Ten Years service, yet of light weleht It 'mlnr Dltlrlrt of in Province of Urillin Ago us.equip you properly fur culumbit durinr ine stsiids 'on or In Prince Rupert travelling. fer rates, retervitlnt" sod iwlmas, spl Rooms and lll mini tie lllea with .the District for- ... a rtnuM an d.r,.e.t Aosnt, 7 "8 Smith Block 'tier tl CsrltMM, Crtnbrook, Fort Oeortn, F. M. Crosby Prince Kupen Cor 3rd Avenue and 41 h Street I Lady Assistant - - kuoloops, Kelson, prince Bupert, Vineou- February 19, 1911 i s Office Hours Open Evenings vrr, Vernon or wlin um Commlailoner or The city electric lililin idaul I 715 Third Avenue, Prince Kupert 1 1 PKnn Sunday by oraing, n-prmi"til nr Lsndi si Vleiorts, DID at Cow Day I now in operalimi, 9-12; 1.6; 7-9. Appointment B.C., on or tieroire Mirrfi II, mi. , Blank rormi uon hJrn to tutimil d- having heen turned on for the flr-i j plifntinn mijr be obuimd from ttwi Dis time yexterday. I trict Forrtleri t the stove nssieii places Travellers'Cafe or from the Depsrlioent or Lands at Vie- WE OFFER THE FOLLOWING GOOD DWELLING SITES I'TIH The Longshoremen's Aocla-; Ureat : Keductioiif A Double Corner with inaBnillcent view on AUin Avenue, The rrsilnt of livestock on the crown!tlrtn W social In thn Indi.-frlal AND B A KERY HfrKon 2 $750.00 Pair. nnra wuuoui permit constitutes trespass, Hall la! nitilil, W. A. Denning Late Allies Cafe. 211 6th Street. in our complete stock of Two Lots on Fourth Avynue on Orafl Hill with beautiful rn.iMMicu uy N iaw.O. B.OlADEfl, was lhe iimtrman, Iloek Denni Open from ti 3D a.m, to Wallpapers, Pictures "lew 52,000.00 Pair. Deputy Minister of Lands. jrave some crtoh somrs and nninnu: i l'i midnight. A Fine Building Site 50 x DO, at corner of Dunsmulr and Peparlncnt of Ur.cn, lhe spe;ikerH were f). II, f'.le nn.l Quick Service Paints, etc. Fourth Avenue, one of the most dealrahle sites to be victoria,' Jsnuary a. tun,:., mi. V. IJ. Montiroiiiery." Good Place to Eat had .' $1,000.00. lioxes for family BROS. Dr. and Mr. N. M. McNeill havo parties. SILVERSIDES One Lot on With Avenue in Section 5 $425.00. LAND ACT. returned froVu llieir hooey.iiiM.it in L I Mi snd Wina Bros., Proprletcrj . Phon' T Lots on Park Avenue, Section I, close to Third Avenqe, SOTICE OP IMEMTIOJI.IllkF i tn TO APPLV TO California and hate taken up re W. Louis Wins. Msnsger. P.O. Dos 120 Second Street only $750.00-Pair. In yueen Clurloiie lilandi Land Dumct eee ,1,1.11 Heconlins Iilrlct or furens. snd Sllusle silience In the I'dapp hlrck H. G. HELGERSON, LTD. atVaden Harbour Sdjciininc Lot 441 aod Insurance Bonds Rental TAKE NOTICR that I. Hume B. Sininr. LAND ACT. Xt f X3 ri t rr ?' ion of prince Kupert, occupation Mailer w " Ce 1I 1 lj Notice ( Inttntlon to Apply te Purthus j Mariner, Intends to spply ror permmaion lo lean lhe rollowins desrritied Isnds: il "DEMERS" Cornmenrlnt st a noil minted in. In Csiir I in District. Rerordins ms Furnished nnnheiit corner or Lot 44 on Oeorr trlct or I rinre Hurwrl. and sllusla ahoul Rooms THEO COLLART, Notary Public Point; thence south I.so rbsint more or one and one half miles esit or lhe town- j less to lhe low nater mirk or 5mien Kcal Estate Rentals Insurance If i hour: thence southeailerty and foiio- snd 44. Ins- lhe said low wster mar 10 chains Take none thit I. Joseiib Intir Trnn. Dresses FOR EDSON SALE COAL (Sacked,Bulffi SI 9 12.50 1.28 per,. ton delivered more rbslns or from less lh lo Houihweit a point due corner west ef 7,40 Lot iiuruni raey of io port apnivsor Hiniim.Dd.pemiKMon occupsuon to purrhasa tarnitr. Dominion Hotel Silk, Serge and Satin iij; incur tmi t.sv cnains in ine soma-corner lhe rnilowin dec Most Liberal MARINE INSURANCE on the Coast of Lot 443; thence norio-srsierly Conunrni'iiif al a pol planted al the Just Remodelled and Itefurnlabwi and followior m hirB water southern rornee or lot II. thence SO STYI 'Insurance Company of North America. Pays Claims promptly mark of Kadrn Harbour IT chains mora or Khalns Dorlb; i hence 40 chains rail: tnence Corner First Ave, and Eighth TTJ THE LATEST lens to the point of rommeucrroent ana v rosins soiitn; tnence iv rnsins writ 10 Strset, Prlnco Rupert P.O. Bos 66 W.lbclmo Tlilr. Block Phone Blu 69 cnntaiolor acres more or les. point or commencement, and eentsinltii ARRIVED HC.VE B. SABIVOTO., JfO acres, more or lees. Thone Red 4M p,o. Pox SM JUST cer rrea. nun, n u.u. ., Sepi, iOSPPH KD0AB TflKTHKWKT, nmmiKw,mwiiMM(wiWttMMMMMi PatedNhe tin day of January, mi. Dated ffovtinher S3, t0. 1 ........r..r..) mmt tMtJ j