m warn inrwi BRINGING UP FATHER By Ge or8c M Ma- 1869 - 705 Branches - 1820 WCLL iWP! VHO ARC U I VSNT too TO CO RIHT DOWN IMAAC TO LEI" I II I SOU AN" WHAT OM. VO0? II 'wti2.--Jii.r III HAVEN'T ANV . 1 It Eh H 73 I AMD Fe THE CCOW. The Royal Bank -TMS?NO OowT"SHE COME MA, UtrT p,Cr. UOMCPE THE VWT too IRCCI co THE out fcOOra i txrt. COtN IN THC OUT HOOE CHILI. ATTEND one th(j fl6M AtTlrV! Cl TUCK WMtf. It to tou: of Young Men end Young Women Have Great Opportunities Today They never bad better chances to make and to save money. Now is the time to lay the foundation of future prosperity by cultivating i 21 1 : V 1 10 twrt, n truss tmC k. , J 1' .jJj the habit of thrift. There U Saving "Department Turkish, Conference Is at every branch of tfrta bank. The statTwill be glad to show you BUSINESS DIRECTORY how to make the first deposit To Commence on Monday COAL These nre Good Places to Make Your Purchases when You go out to buy Capflil and Reserves $33,000,000 Question of Sovereignty Will Be Up for Discussion; Total Resources $519,122,317 Ottomans Desire Defensive Army which IB- EDSON MINI Rll Will Be Considered AERATED WATERS rURNITURE AND GENERAL LAUNDRIES MERCHANDISE LOXIIOX, February 10. The conference of th Hritih Prime cavcr BOTTL1N- CAMA0IA STtAM -AvAJDSlr Tas rrewr Mreel - I'buM 191 WILSMD 4RATT0S) Cor. TMId and Ilrimw I. rt Uraniua sM frMW( tfl. Minister, Itavjd Lloyd' George, Prtriiier Hriahd of FiTuire, ami Wssne Oreen 111. for rd tsixt furl' 1 1 STEAMJCOAl EPSON GOAL CO. Foreign Minister Sforza uf Iftly with representative if fireere BARBER SHOP tor. PAINTERS AND DECORATOflS ' o b. can mid Tu rice v. which is to onen here Moi1d.1v. February 21. ha FURNITURE tCAOD1 for its object the.settlement of important near eastern questions i rto lJ(fy ttnbn - bmih m jm a. Sllia iimI riser l'he arera 91 hare received the lat during growing oiif f the Treaty of Sevres. In point of world interest, NANAIMO three weeks TMrd ire. TtaMVi Urra 44t. VVtUJICTjl and perplexity it is expected to rank with the now historic run-' BAKERS PAINTS AND OILS COtL rereni-es uf llythe,-Hrnssels mid San Homo. r FEED STORES 100 Coal LA CAtlc BAtlnr thk a. W. (DO! CO. tlhl Ale. cars jflne of the most ifileresling features of the gathering will he : rwra Avmu. -- rin ta rsNict iweiRT rno CO. (SMI. int.. 'int. 4 WtDptptr Chic meeting face to face of the th'lejrales represeiithisr the new ! Vw Incstloa. rir. tnrt Ave. sd 11 from Maeteod River mine, owned (ireek government under King Constaiitine with former flreek CHINA, CROCKERY A NOTIONS PAINTERS AND OECORATERS Albert & McCa!; by Prince Rapert citizens. Premier Venlzelos for lti first THC DtNNT SLUM CO. FISH MERCHANTS, RETAIL - rM S77. Limited I We have the exclusive,n'ent to time sfnH Ycnlielos withdrew hade Turkey to liave a lleet ir Third Arrnur, 4fclM Post OBIre. I airrHuir mamct j I Pheiet1d,t handle this coal in Prince Rapert. fruiii lirei-ee -after..the defeat nfiinitilary airlane and providi-d - j Thud An. fwoe 4e A 4l r Q hat i ? PLUMDIflO I ' Don't be misled by other coal his ininislry in I In- eleetion) anil Ilia t all the fnrlillcal ions nlonv CLEANING AND PRESSINQ i I- - -? dealers who use oar firm name tin- riH'alt nt the King. ilhe Ilardaiii'lle-i wen? to be dc- ' " GENERAL MERCHANDISE' j TItn tooewott rtw . to advertise their coal. This overt urn in (ireek affairs strl. Tlie work of th-iindili..n:T0"TO Py wonxa pwiidi m atj ' If real WIWQ CHIN VUIN CO. (InMl W'.. I you want a good screen, -" " vtr an itnfMirtani .racior in in-Hl.en is reported nearly e-onmlelej T11 St 4 A.w. - fM' avast 7i RENTALS 1 I f T f IlJCrjiri ed coal, cat! up inR the Alln-s tu call the Kranee, Knpland and Italy werej ' r W tn ,Ua Phone 58 etinference. obligated lo maintain an army of i CAFES GROCERIES . One of"th inosl diflirull Issues oeeupatfon. Turkey was alloweI ' ( THE. BOSTON ORILL s," ' that Prince Rupert Feed Co; oiifronlinL- I lit- delegates will he for Mi)ice purposes an nrmv of Tlrird Ave, 1'hanr rl place to est cr.'rrr'sr?;: - uarnieii the disposition of llio port of 35,000 men, with 15,0o(T special Corner 2nd Ave. and 7th St. Smyrna and the semi-cirele of gendarmes to rfiafinre them in tm cuts care t HARDWARE -' . " " adjarent territory oh the Aegean jcas of trouble, and a liodyguupl 'seewid Ate. Birrrt nwsi for the tnomi. KOWE A McNULTV ' - fad Are. funes, SHEET METAL WORKS " ' " Sen, 100 kiloinelrei long and 100 jot ()0 for the Sullan. ; . r ; MprtMiHltrfT. paint sitd runertnea s supplies. . , ; Ht i , itn, Kilometres nmaJ wnirii, unuer me creinjer l.loyd tieorge i es- CIGARS' AND TOBACCO ftarjUlaf hi Mt Hauls a or !vi torihs of, Ih IreaSy. were placed i peeled to preside at the eonfer- "own . ,,,, ... .-( Terrace Fruit Lands (imder Hie sroereisnty of flreere. jenee and'A.J.'IWlfonr, whft was fo VOKAHSA..tit TWrit Ae. IMPORTED GROCERIES TUOn U t,.f U,r-k- t Turkish Demand have attended I lie League of ALBCRTA MCAT MAJICtT trilSI A lOMCmtlL Pha s. s'" v'r Sinee the sinih; (T the treaty Nations Council uieeHig in Oe.n-eva, DRUGGISTS Ttfih suret --oo las 20 Acres,3 Miles from Terrace on fif Svre, however, Turkey lias Switzerland, which open on. TAILORS LADIES AND GENTS I ' J Good V agon Road. demanded Ibe.-atrogalion of flreek Ihe -tame day. will parliriiate. In. W. t. BKCUTCWZON LAUNCHES FOR HIRE , j I .t Good black soil on clay sub-soil. uyliis in Smyrna a well as auto. inddilion lo n'presentalivi's of' Seennif Aefcti simI Sltld Siret Launch NAaalTaONO." Phaa la 400. SI. r. lit Onwalt Pt Offle .i , 4 Acres under plow, 7 teres more nomv for Thrai-o. 'fhraee was;Kngand France and Italy, lle-j lb Uf ffl dn.'f huuMi In .Northern B. C The 1 1 OA 000 Una!. partly cleared: 25 bearine fruit trees; 2 god wells with lots of jrivcn outright In (irwtc 'I he jituo also may send an odlrial :- Modern Cleaiiiil water; well made log-house, 13 demand for anlonomy in Thrace IJelepatfon. .--.--.--i. K by 24 ft., two stories, with addition is made hy I lie Turks' despite the, Internal Dispute , UJ 16 by 18; log barn, 20 by Pressing 40 feet with cellar beneath, full i enunciation of the Ottoman Plans for holding the confer'. size of barn 10 feet deep; Price government of sovereipnly! ence were complicated hy disputes Daily News Classified Ads. Scd Avsnut, itCB SZ00 uih for quirk saie, $2,400 omt Turkey in Kuropi- oulsiilc of! which arse both in Turkey anil on terms of at half 7 cab, balance 1 Oinslantinople, as well as ils (iieece as lo I he delegations o 2 CKNTS PER WORD IN ADVANCE. No Adrnrtlsemrnt Taken for Leaa than SOe year per cent. onlrol ver eight-or mure is. riprv.unt these countries. 'I'he KENNEY BROS. & CO. lands in I lie Aegean S-a. llhallis ministry in fell and ta- lrJKili,"" Real Estate and Insurance Maintenance of Turkish sove. a new Premier. M. KalogeropmioM, WANTED. ! ill SALF I I.iunn pultets' FOUND ' -j-M Terrace, B.C. teiunty over the territory awarded was chosen. lie is expected to l liorn" , also llrvt ila I - - - If W . . .1 to Armenia is another demand of head the f ireek coiAmissinn. VANTi:i) Second-hand furniture. iin ken ii 1 1 1 . I'liiirir lllue I u:i. !I " ND riold mounted vof tusk. !tlfPhooS liie Ottoman government which is Kleiillierios Yenitelos, former If you have anything to Apply Ossify News ooVe. tf sell call lied .2 13. We pay cash. jlo come up for M-ltJement. In Premier of flreece, now; in London, F.t. Crosby, 715 Third,Avenue I Ft it Xl Man' mim. Apply OlMIiaW'W'"! TOM LEE CO. ! i in' treaty it wax provmeu mat is expected lo be "an nnolllciiil Weft. tf'- P. ft. FARM LAN 03 Tho rich News oftlr-e. tr j Sheet Melsl Armenia was recognized as "a envoy to Ihe conference as it was prairie of Alberts, Saskatchewan 810 Seeond Avenue; West free and independent Mate." while lie was premier that Thrace JlOUSnKEMPEIl WAXTF.l.-Apply and Manitoba are especial -1USIC. j Age 'ZM Ti rkey uecepled the proposal that and Smyrna were given to the Mr. V iherslonhaugh. Seeond : ly soiled for mixed farming.!VOCAL TllAllNn HY CtPAIlLK I S-nltarr una . BJ VEGETABLES I lie President of the United States Oreeks, He Is on friendly relations Street. tr Land that will produce big' instructor Heglnner and Snl Wholesale and Retail should he the arbitrator as lo the with the Allies, while the crop of grain and fodder, and' cniirse pupils taken. Result! frontier in the province; of FOR'SALE i I'ri il B attitude of the Allies towards the adapted for ' .wren dairying General Contractors and or, guaranteed. Term" moderal. It -M Kzeruin, Trehirond, Van and Ilillis new Hreck Premier has' not been livestock raising can still be, Labor Kxchange For Hlu and aa to llie access of Armenia to defined. TUXDUItS WILL HE IIECF.IVKI) bad at prices averaging about j 3fll. appointment plione' he by the undersigned fhr the pur-cliasc'of I sea. Would Sland4at 118.00 with an acre, twenty; Prince Bupert,.B.G. Modincatlon of ."(he economic Venizclos ha declared that lli hull of the gashoat "ll)e Phone 547 P.O. Box 725 ' years to pay If ybu wish. Only . ACCOUNTANTS i & Mm SMITH clauses of the trealy which iu- possibility ofrestorlng in any "fl'allan. Mvnty.live feet long fO per cent down. No further i.'inge upon Turkish sovereignty degree whatever Ihe blasting rule by twenty feet bertm, owned by payment on the principal until F.VPF.IUFNCKD ACCOUN'XANT and .independence will also ne of the Turk by revision of the the lluiLon's Hay Company, the end of the fourth then would takn charge of set of I -oiighl. The Irealy of Sevre treaty is incredible." vthere she lie on the beach al sixteen year; .moks, I whole or part time. annua) Interest IANO TUNING provide thai Hi" Turkish govern, Turkey's representation at Iho J'orl Kliiinori! 'lliderto lie in (i per cent.payments. W. K. - Willlscrofl. Phone EKOimsj arnlsU P HONO REPAIRS ment can contract no loan, in- conference was complicated by Ihe my cilice not later than live Wrlle In II, O. Lnuchran. liand - alack 2ro. if Ksllmalss ici-nat or external, without the fact thai the Ottoman government o'clock p.m. February 2ft, 1U2J. AgenL C. P. It. HOTO ENLARGEMENTS Stallon, Vancouver. SHORTHAND TYPEWRITING consent of a permanent Knglish. headed by the Sul'an controls only M. M. STRPIIIiXH. J'.O. drnwer! Addreii. 3rd Arent for best art enlargements 1'rench-ltalian commission whose a small territory In the vicinity of 1705, Prince,, IliipcH. II. 0. If Pitman Stenographic School u, . .as made" In Canada. Negatives not duties include the oiipervislon of Constantinople, the Uosphorti ron rent fening classes, Monday, Wed-nday 174 necessary, but merely a print in all Ottoman financial laws and ar)d" the Sea of Marmora, while FOR SALF Four full lots andj and .Friday, 7:30 lo V Phons condition faded, cracked any spotted event or the reformation of the country's Anatoiin, the greater part' of barn on .Ninth Atenue, nearFf)R RUNT Three rooms and o'clock. Individual instruction. Phone us and we will call. monetary system. This coiiiinis. Turkey in Asia, is coptinlled by Mclhide fSlrlN't. illarn easllyj bath. McMordie Aarl;ijcnU. No. 10 Smith liloek. tf sion is also to determine the Mustapha Kemal Pasha, th(M converted jnlo dwellings. Price!. Ajijdy McCarrery, n).l.ons & J.SUd Stevens Red 291 P.O. Box 762 amount of the annual sums to be leader of the Xallonallst revolt fz.o.ft.uu. irrpis, ?7&o cs"ii. Doyje, l,ld. tf HAIR DRESSING. Hotel Prince ami l,ntn,iA Avee lu-n venra st H - , paid hy Turkey for the of which followed cast the Treaty of t0'1 nn.NT Three,roorn furnish. HAIR WUvSRINd. SPF.CIAL SCALP M. Stephens. If occupation of he territory by Pevren. per e. ni. JI,- mi aparlmenf. Apply 208-510 treatmeiil. Marcel waving. Face I MUSIC FOR DANCES. Allied troops. , Both Represented FOR SALi: -Furniture HI two bed. Mnih..Avenue.,West. A If fnMsr.' Hair ibeing. Lmll'! pr itif Wants an Army Tewflk Pasha, the Turkish hwltches.l H.b0 rooms, consisting o f beds, combings made into ARTHUR'S 4 Piece Jurkey-s desire to maintain a Orand Vizier, heads (he dclAcilion TO It KNT Furnished bed-room. Charles Sixth dresser, chairs, carpet. Also LcClnrrq, 2:13 chcttra 51"dftfeni,ve army" will also be that will represent the Ottoman ; rnone hsn. , 43 i kitchen oaUliet, sewing machine. Street. Phone IIJuc 78 for hnme L ,;,rwL considered the delegates. The A hy government of Phone 481 Phone 481 (, Constanllnnple. sla,ir45i.rri,cts, etc. Phone GAHIN FOR RBNT appointment. . if military clauses of the treaty for Kemal Vaslia, who at first declared I'Iiodc Jilack JUue .117 for 3opP''nl'n'nL M 5I. lie vCjOnld not do t-o unless (t5 Natlcs of InleMlea te Appl ts Lstss tans. rr MlSSi 1 the Allies withdrew from Turkey FOR SALF..' Wonder range and LOST in rkioas nirrNTninf niMnfi, Lsnl hit wrti Rupert Dance Orchestra aci and waived their indemnity bed ciiiiipf6l?, cheap. Apply oidnrl. ltroroinr PlfWtrt ef Allre Ann, " ti. C, snt siutiia si mourn or ttl) Creel claims, also consented later to corner fJJtlh Avenue and LOST-.Oold vntch4bftween Oen-eral "rf1 Now Four,ready five for or engagements six pieces tails of kidney trouble. The most send represenfallves fo Ihe meeting. Thompson fjlrcrt; 43 llospifal and Pnsl fllTjce. adjoininC Tsta Honrs uer itst wiy,we a. the c. uaierslrnsH, prompt relief It obtained by ulnr Finder please return lo Pally Ahihnnr M'Ouire snit Htrotrd w. aarrtlt, LEt. Phone H. White, Red 102 Dr. Chs'i Kidney-llvsr Pills, ths FOR SALC. Piano, dining; room News ofllcee. Reward. If or lls Arm, rcupslirifl rnwpeelor snl well-known horns trtitmanL On Y. Armslrong, ehaVged with suite, kitchen range. Phone tierrkrrpar, Intrrols to srply for psrmll-iym pill I doss. 2Se.a boi, ill dislsrs. using obscene language, appeared Red 270, , . ; '- 4.1 LOST. Rlack arm.bamVwlth god Cnmnienrlnr to lease ih It followlnf a pill planted natrrltieit louibraal tandsi Chartered M Phone 056 327 2nd Avenue in Ihe police court this morning monogram buckle. Finder rornur, t rhsini southerly (lirrtlion from Pecond-ha nd urn 1 1 11 ro boug h t a nd return la 5'cw ouire. Reward, 9.E. corner or Lot tnctna 14 rhsina to answer lo Urn charge, but t C. V. EVITT Mr. Chases proved fO cantankerous that be sold. J Lrtflajrj, Phone Orrcn 42 hhrlh! tMire 10 rhalns wetl; Ihenrs 14 . sit. tf rhairn souihi ihmrt IS rhiins rail and Auctioneer Rarta was rent back to the fells by i ' - LOST Bunch of keys on road lo containing ( teies, mors or leu. of ,,p7'rtr-lf,S Auditor and Accountant Magistrate McMordie and will FOR SALF Piano In good condl-lion. Cold Slorage. Return to Olympic; MHUn McUVIHK, rnoNi Federal We come up again on Monday. For particulars phone 188 Club, Recnive reward. 41 pair norrmhrr BChNAHD to, tie.W. -ARMCTT,V