TUB DAILT'Kiwn nluv ' ' -. ' ' - . ...... ...j j 1 i i j . ' i i i 1 1 1 i i i . i , , M . 'An Important Item Local and Personal qnund digestion is uie uabis ui n. .. Digestive disorders should II. C. Undertaker. Phone f I, If &vigor. attention. If you suffer prompt Wiind-d -Haw tutu. I'al Mill ISIS slucgish liver, constipa ion, im- llpKtill. ir flatulence, aizzmess, appetite, Fre-di Jlnlklcy Valley meal I Picadache, biliousness or other t'.ily Market. ii of stomach disorder you T symptoms y r t . 1.11 your boats fur aalo with may expect iu uuun M M. M. tftt-idiena. - tf fain Until. llln Irnclicr. l-lu-ilio. ECHAM'S P&tLS Walker' Miiie Slore. If In txin. l.iil (lnwern. Imllx In HUhmii. SulJ rtryUf Z5c. 60C i liimlie, oliruli. Oily Markrl in ." ;crfT f Afj: or A Y MEWCINE IN TUS WORLD I nut i:.'i:iit sikh; ihii-aiii- tnu. McAMIiur'a btioc Ktorc; 3rd e. If hKATIXU l?-l-r-s:l5 o'eliMk m I'm- 1 1 in" "Oil lluliy" lisni-H Ihiw ll.iy llnal. i;iill-lr-ii ttic rl(irn. MMM aUaT BBn BBBBL BBI I I! tio Ikl and .VuriiiHii will m-lliiiK (ml iloir and liot en(Tee a I lln- fait l.iiV,i t4ay, tmiljilil and linior-row. 42 on ;. W. Snn-.m, W". MeSliill.-n1 und W. llolit-rlK, nf iniion llay. s n 1 i n ri i Mill j 1 1 1 1 i in mi in uiiiiiiif iv iiMir iiiiif ii iirr riBipr-d at ilii Hotel I'rlnee! r. i AAArn inn i 'iriiMnirv v iTiiriiiiiiiiimu Itiierl. . . , Gas Engines and machine Shop Practice y. it. liaMunn lft mi lid luurn-nu' ti-nln mi a mlriKii lrl In KOYALNAVY Shed Mc-lal Work & Plumbing Hurn I.nk. Ili will w Imrk nariy hp j I ueek, . Book-keeping & Stenography lluiiio.iiiadi' liil, ic. rntiM anl Hell. Ilmiic riMjkril tii-al . a im Medical Books & Firsl Aid Work I lln Sitirwtiiii 'IVh IIihiiii, 301i l fiiT Pinr S i in I Awmn. tf m iv aid b ut-t.-hite in your vocation a of the Juu ? I i.ls ih itsi-ntial. Consult us. A IHier f vrfitaner Iw-twern We ha wL;; m u war t i r will pet it for ycu lifi.rtir irc injlr Wnd'HI an-1 p'rrwl tin iiimilrliml ly !! Smoking Tobacco 1 1 1 y roimrll U-l niulil In I If I tililir riMiuillee with Mmr to icRAE BROS., LTD. f ml Mr. F. W. TliiMiip'oii. of 'l'lilrd: l...lir.i U..H.I.V finur-illi.-niif llw court Wrai,and ma lid innkni a aiMaml liiiirnliiB riMiandn rliarvenl in im until tier1 tli'! ' X Hi I b. oacket I P5CS . NrV "" AT B & K CHICKEN CHOP Tlir adjiMjrnrtl annual wretiiiff B & K SCRATCHFOOD ..r iiir CiiHrvalite AiitMtaiioH mil - lirld in the Smealon Ira st are balanced rations and if fed with lliHiiii. rid Aen in Tuesday nrv:. i.nvwti arepft feed (Al FALFA FMi. ??nd. at H i. m. All mi. VFAU HEEPSCKAPS. GIUT. SHELL wrll tiltited. It an i IS'CRBASK ECO PRODUCTION. The W. A. vt r-l. An.lrmr i.hurrh will uie a ten ami -al vf i .. .. V et.-.d fetd in any quantity Indue riMikfna at I lie Imihii f Mf. ,'Wallaee (nrlird,-.M teifrne I'laer.j rnnnnn rl tin 1 1 I n Din n 1 1 0 1 1 -g--mm. . I Nil I IMII, I II 1 I'll IIII. I IIIII fill I TM. . nivpK.iiirc iinii iinii in 11111 HiHHBii(aiaiH(Mw.v u if ri v "v r mm rv r n i a ,..n WV.Iiie.day. IVIiruary 13. at 3 r rniii r ii i u r r n mil i mi. p. n. All are uelnmie. I Social Time Spent Last Night with FOR BREAKFAST Mr-, larkr and family, lleafli I'laee. f-r whom a nranfa re. i Fred Shaw In Charge. FOB THREE YEARS til I)- made ! Hie elly nMineil; l.i lliere wa ii . f..fMMl .aker Brand i.nnl !irl tefelie to take 1'lel , .. ... . . .., Rupert l.i.ik, lit I CmOand. niinei.ee. tl.elr I""" TT II- r.-n-ij'.' hvrktnir. r-tMiir, . r ehuru f U HSHKRMKN ' i unlet' l.y.l.i- ...,... train. .,,,r;,'U"'! .l r.n:tli llMl. lrf I" J'XI 111 HI- IMV mi in. - j,,,.. (uj. t,-- art nt! 1 fiwtual talk im i-iaiinHli' n ii. .- Ho Hul i- danacruu. KIPPERS J. II. MeMulliii. KtiteeliiiM-nl Tlefrehiiteiili u n tened ami 11 in. i.. lit i-mull Illk ,ii::enl. i lIy lnldiitt eitil er- . m. ni. )a i II l fi.ll In iir Rraitv. lilraanl aiieial Iim K'llt. 'lir lrnKruli"r' etnininaliuni. rix ". i- ii-. ci ii..-.n nai hiii rlirr ; r, hii. .iflltv. The vaididU-i tak-iihk '..url i nlrii. Jim i ! t -V1L . A Nourishing and Delicious Breakfast Feed. A f? tLECTRIC & MARINE nr. W.-1 I'.m -nii i n the lel here are Mr. A. J. TERRACE 11 lw Mrslina aixi --.Hum ac lion iw , TlIVI- ciiddi v rn jlUirloiiii and Ml'"" Krlannnide m Traee. Mh- jt. i-wt, anl i to- Hr uiur rti TA CfifiV. Place in frying pan with a little fat The Tenrttre N-w -llr.l eleliriltfil il i. t ii'-'iii 'iml .tf ikr mipiriuir.v nrrtiu.j - COW HAY 1 U tUli. minutes. and cook for ten ? iir.liiii mi tin trrttt llul pnalurv trrtuu ; 1 1 1 nnK Wining Storage lialtcries Arrliii.ioi F. II. Mil Verne I re. biHhday l-i M nday. IIIIIK oilliplK-all'rtl. 1 oi ir m Hardware Al Ihe Miaiiii'i.! 1 l.tni-i- h' l'l M,. J im 1iU.T, MialHiru. tin . nl': i PainU, Ct. Hie Teen Ihlx limrnlny CB, Butchers lurneil in . . 1 Sold by all Restaurants, Retail Grocers iaJ week in 4ay Hull III" -i hail a in) bail r..iifH r.M- mr. jrram lfmiii Vunet.uler. nrroiiiulile. h I txi-ni I MkritJ d'rlr and Irlnl aiRrr-ml Iiriie wtnii T-. wet. l: ). Andrew . SMOKED DAILY BY tlev. F. W. tUiilll Kennetly. the ri.nir-ii iw-dirtiK. by I tMUItMir eiira S. Kiekniitr. J. t:.,). FJhel I Iim-. uf A I lean Jap. i. hMlii in. la flat fitt-iMl luld Iih- allege-iieHnlendenl Ml.n. tth.i iiK will lii-i-e,t lie. O. A. AVaili-. Mi ¬ I., (i. Skin. !.,i itr Wio-H'a ura l'iw frap. alKl Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. ner. Mr. O'Neill an I KrtjiMy Sn.11. rirr ii-.:ii iiitial buliii I Imtmt cwii-l.l. Food 1 1 lie ixiil iti-tluil. li lv r. limed. I kvt UniIH' Inspection Hie judaei. were M 1. Kirknld . Prince Rupert. B.C i i iii tbr Ivum and at r-euaintnii It I" II. A. Swain and s.Mirie. iMa-asr." ! The idd tHt.t-.ler l. refhiil . The nUiiihintc dntoat I Dr tk'uuril .Nora 1'inr Hyrup lu txvn ' 1- ai'iii- rri.ll lni -!( and lctl tiy upcru. iiMirl at 5 o'fliek lii innrnlne in ' ' here acoiiiit . f -uiri weather iatrany ud r..r ..w 30 mi ' " v u ran KiUh Low it ia cuukrd. ll'lnee uf Ihe lrinee-!i llentrier tin in trrat na. urrn in wrrrM. 11 1. .1 ureekeil lal week.' reeenlly. imiurat Uaat a ai-nal mauv iiniutiuiu han oniy place In town where you can do this is which wn -Mr, !i'aitain Alex. I liniii(iii I ihi the ft. It. uitl..-ri UU irttlie IoiImvu Dtti-rd ua Uie niarki 1. Tlx trDtuiu- THE failffuritia where ! vria vlull fm '! mil ihi in ilii rtwr; J inn EMPRESS CAFE liihlue uf the Teen which will re tune time. lli-a-rn lie- Iraik- rnmtk. n-e sir. imI i'.i'i turn In Mtneiiuvpr lint niierntNin. kottl-, manurailiinii unly by The T tfe Everybody w f Fni. All U e Mt. W.tr, She hmtiiiht nurlh einiitenilile Mrs. I). I). Miiiit n 1 fton.Thtirt- WOliura Oi. I.liulvrt. T .n.nlu, onl. Vdv i BUY BONDS 'ay ftf YaliMMiter. F-mprea Hotel Illuck, 3rd Ave. freiulil and n few iieiu(erit hul lllllll. )'. IL Ghatldler w 11 at llati-ltoi) 1 FULLER'S SPECIALS tin im Monday to nitty r r Vnlen tine daaca. Kinprei Maiiiialidf, t-lb. tin t,tn. TiiiuatiMis. lai Bi- I ins, 0 for 1.13. Why have our money earning less than SMITHERS Yakima Spud only $3.00. Eight per cent, when you can get this on is Economical .xilr.u. 1 i-a, per ti. jjic. finf Bonds Guaranteed by the Government. just as i The tnial refi ll'' 'W, Hie llnil-wityuien' ll'e i'iillpiil. lluMiilnl H.ijf tm. iloil-diiy Strawberry - J a 111. 4. pure, We have a large list of such bonds, also iilnht were 8'.ih .'3 ami 5tt.- Ouaker . a 1.10. C. P. R. Stock paying 8 cent to Eat at the St. Regis j V0 wu uelti'd fii lite liutiUil F. Ii. Ccirre. 5 Um. rr l. per fund.'. 'Sweet OraiiKe. it ihwen l.lr 1 Owing to the low rate of exchange we I A mr of eoal fn'm Hie AvelinK I'lune, ii'K. g&c, now S lbs. for also recommend the buying of Foreign niinu nl Telkwu w .1- laif week ?3e. hipped to Sinilliri - Itipr llli., per Kid. t.10. Government Bonds. We will buy these Here 1 A nun Iini i) ii ihe SinilliiMK j (iiei'ii (iKe Jain, t Ih. tin l5c. wn you'll And food flood food, tastefully prepared, eioeltenlty back at current market value, and cash Kstra onions, 10 lbs 25c. lln.iilnl )ai Sal iiiil. tu ,Mr. undj pt'iul a. rved and tail.tying In eery re'pect, It coeta no more lo dine all interest presentation. I.M1-. J. II. Il.-iii,Tin. '.in. I CrUoo, .'I ll. for l.00, coupons on than at home and aavee Infinite trouble. t ! The Infant rlnl.l -1 Mr. and Mr. 1 Hulter, fiesh. S.'ir, OOe and 65c. Then S. Kinley. of llaii. it. i'iifd away' I'uliu oitve Soap. 12 for 91.10. Victory Bonds bought and sold, also r there'a our Uakery Department. Have you ever noticed ' wire X.. lh on Thurtday. foreign exchange. Our daily keeps variety of cakes and pastry vve turn out dally? Try some once . . I Net or forfret to look through "d Join the large circle of our happy customers. ! The enurt of twin.' aH'iit thejth elaaalficd llt you posted as to market conditions. inn.I uf Iim in tlnu aiMiln hIIIiiiu' I on Ihe railway uec-i'ienf appeals Tuu tptrlDieoi ax. tut and hud ndjiHirneil until iliii. uf-leriuuiii rn7FMA lag wli.u. Klchmnnrt Third Avenue when its e.itu for the jnii us THO.S McCLYMONT, Manatfer ' St. Regis Cafe Prince Rupert Mur will likely Ihi llnihed, L mi-lit for II ri-U.vr B'ii-ni at uu Mia aiid fTd iriiia-Uuiia. representing i. ally hJa It akin. KunJ tw (Iiaaa'a OluUiiunt I it. II ywi ueatlto wit NATIONAL BOND CORPORATION, LTD. There may be nonnjiittur v.. Mr ao.t aiiiultn.aiamp lorjawiafa. littva bu : nil tlealrn u kilnianana, Uai.f CU, want. See the ola tltd volunui Uuui 'J. Tan