V FOR i TAXI gi 139 Phone 35 Phone untley & Hale PRINCE RUPERT ROYAL Taxi SERVICE Uelgefion Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper Ernie Large .... . PIUNCi; III I'KUT. 11. C 8ATi;nilAY. FF.UflLAriY 10. (2l Vlrtr' ClrcalatlM 1,741. UrtM Saltf ass. PRICE FIVE CENTS s ;i 1 I . - Li QfERMMEMT SMS WALLAC SIP CONTRACT W LIQUOR LAW WILL HAVE TO BE ENFORCED, PREMIER OLIVER SAYS hip Contract is Finally CHARLE8 EVANS HUGHES. More Details of Signed by the Government New Liquor Bill Ird Receiued Here that Or ly Th'ng in way of Recom Munici alil'cs Will Have to Enforce mencement of Work is m Settlement of Difficulty M asure or Commissicners Will between Marine Djpartment and Creditors Do Sc; Uniform Prices Everywhere in Province Li- wii received here yesterday by the representatives of BETTING FEVER illtee Shipyard thai their contract had been signed by the nment at Ottawa, but lt provisions ara not known yet. VlirrOIUA. February I!.--Further light was thrown cm the hen the tentative arrangements were made hero between GRIPS GERMANY iiipior .onlnd hill whe in the Legislature yeslerday Premier oernment representative -and the company, It wa an-to Oliver discussed in runimillev fume of the more salient feature be on a cott otus bails and It of the proposed government control. Eu.umed that I. the basis on which the nna. arrancemenL j I'nder Ihc projoed new law municipalities will be obliged to enforce the law and in anv municipality where the Mjlice are fcnide. Country. PAIIan of the Wallace Company thla morning announced npgl pi-nl Hie onimi-ioniT Iiavc power to enforce it, the cost teonly thing now standing In the way of work commencing Ill III.IN. Fed. IV. 4fMHtillllK oJ -'irli eiiforceniciil lo be charged against the municipality and Ei difficulty between tjie creditor and the Government u Ikh'iiiim' a Miic pttt only in litis . depu ted from the municipality's share of revenue from the ' iiv Imt Hit lartfi fale of liquor. hi being aired In the courta at Vancouver and which throughout now i-i-rilif. of Ihe roiitilry. Immense u u nol ya jjjj whether ft further argued before Mr. Justice Murphy on Monday.. kum are form- lfij lite race. there will be a coinmixlon of ont iniielt a o.i,llil( ItfittK tin-I LIEUT.-O0VEKN0R or Ihree. The coiniiiNiiun wilt i.'iiiiiiioii Mini lo li ut Mt Hi' CF SATKATCHEWAN hap lather full contnl of most Land is tolaluer nloio- in a day and it s HAS BEEN SWOR1 IN of the operations of the liquor LLOYD GEcnae HAS IikiIiiI I tin i Am "cjusl amount tlepartuienl aiul be subject to re- LARGE MAJORITY l plum) il It iHMikuiaVorii '-t). OTTAWA. I-Vli. t9. Mr. moa for cause. IMPROVING : I I .M . simioli of li f arc Ju-liii- i-wlanilit of Hit! Uniform Price. I.o.Nimi.V I'M,. IV - -The itK'riip ilieir rimin;-, Mufreine flwrl of aVal-rlicwun There will be a uniform price MiHIr f l2oiNIIM.ll ywler- hii- lin itworn in l Encouraglno i,mJ. C"J l3U"JVJLia rJ he- r.rp ince. Ktporl aj .u.r.ii tin. a linleiWnftf rr-rnor of but lite premier Ji"iJ not (at'e pumpl' to I'Hurt Train DitTHOMPSON S4YS Sakalrto-Man i n succt-i. how Into Lad. frvtfi'Oie (hron prnrtiil 2 ion lo Sir It li-Jiurd Luke. ' many iroeriiiiieiit lnre-i -would by Ilorallo IHitloroley rni-urlnp YUKON ROUTE SHORTEST be ejlabli.hfi or ttlii-n- lliey would be loca led. Kery (own will ..Hi.-ial- the loerniiienri WAY TO FORT NORMAN not necessarily haw a liquor 1 n'ks of 1 t lioliry toward lltw Treaty 1 (:ii"n U' I"r. ilcnl elet lla 1 nr n s-il f St. enJor. bul I he priee oTIlie liquor lioin-enl of Virallf It)' I hi- larfe he t n i- Slale. OrrAW K.-I.. I!. Alfrml iwfll 1- the. same, all express A. i. .1 f -Mr. majority of I H I U ..' MASQUERADE V . iln- i.i i s TtimHpxon. M. I for Yukon T-r-i'Ioia, rtiari:es bi'iii paid by I lie com .'I I M . .iii- tltai lb' urtt Hughes Chosen Secretary mission. .li.i'ii ,. otfrlami rMile in wlnltn in Ihr. WAS PRETTY Special cinilitious will lie mad" . ...I K. f f ITirt, Norman oil fi-ll i ly way g'oeruiiis lite use of Iiipior by I,.- .1 , AN ICCSKATNC KING. of llif Yukon. laMnjri-rft ran ko Of State by President tliM-lors,- dentists, eleriiiary sur- .. .if ! i i ImwI or rail lo Wtiilrhnr al Knights of Pythias Annual Affair eons and liianiifai'lilrers. - I Hip rnrf or llo WliMe l'a ItniUay Was Unprecedented I No Suggestions. illMii , hi llo- tiU-n HiM-r ami llo-nri- Wat Dtfeated Cand"de for Preridecy when W Isr-n The liovi'rniiii'nl been left Success. .h'Iov l I-ii' i loan. I"M1 ISO nir Whs Elected; Waa Governor of Ntw York and lo brin in the liquor control bill ; -'-hi on ilo;.' Mnl. Only i-xiHTirnecd wilhoul suvgrstioiii either from Held Other Toata Hi. anuiial hiiiclits of pyllnus . n, .Itolllll 1 1 m ll'r n- lo rohl roti Ulrica the iiosilion or Its own nup- masquerade hall held last uivhl -ilollly. -lioiil ry llii. roulr. Iir .ay. ttrters, no members complying in the SI. Andrew's hall proxed on X ST. Al'IH'STINK. Florida Fed. 10. tlharlc F.vnns IIukIk',' and with Hie Premier's request that 111111.ii'iii-nlis sueress was Ice quell DIED AT VANCOUVER f New York. ha. been offered Ihc position of SeciTlnry of islule uiiemled by 230 iKiide who en- -rnedly ILau fi-iinl olfer polities supestions.and unre- ill the Uniled Slates caliinct. il is dcllnilely nnnoiinri'd by nsi lirvi) HioroiiKlily into the jolly 1 - I .Ifllfllll.tt I. .(VI.fUb .1.1 Wanry BoMlngbroke St. John was dcnl-elcct llanliujr. and has accepted. This Is. . llie llrsl jf I'resi. s.iril of the alTalr. There was a ,. ' , '.:,' ., j .V r- ,.r ;.. II ,.l ft"" CHINESE MOB Engineer on O.P.R. for Many lenl-cJccl llanhinr cabinel api'iiiilmcnls uud is considered Ihc . 1 . T voice their opinion of the hill ileof the Year llitfhl w.silion in Ihc cabinet, coming next in presidential sue- j,ari,.Mr,t"'u"" " u,resallas"V 'V of (he i dancers! x ( f (aU,n h lh(, (UV ernmenl uienibern in raurus. CiUbllhd Aoalnil Orl- M.iil Mill. Feb. H -Henry c.ioii lo Ihc viee-presiijcnry. ,waj i,.,j B .rasant one lo tho 1 Thttr for Refual to' , 'i' li iml.i-oke SI. John, formerly YVASHINdTON. February ll. The ajtjHtmt nifiil or Justice eye. pitf Tamlna Sufferera ml out.-jiifj.r in Hie l'..IMl. crier HiiKlies lo llie slale necretarNship ctmies ns no surprise in ullleiat The Jlrl piUes were ttward-'d FINANCES ARE . i Moiilfftil li'd Ja-I uiiihl . . . ... 11. .... 1.,. 1....... ..,;.ii, .i lo Mr. Isaacson and Mrs. Harold l.llnrs iimur t.u niuuu 1111 iiiiiiiii 11 , Circles llC.e. ,tir. pi iiiij .. . . .( rker who represented a Jap- T'leiiiy :-mIIi'iiU lit.lv l'B'lillR. a luwr. ..ill in: mmm ,- is Ptlbincl lllnor auu ins j'oiuicai , noble and lady . '1 i.i ":i yearn. ji'iisi' rcsjieclively. IN GOOD SHAPE I. lt I M' HoiiinBbroktf M. J.(lin 'Sperienee, iMtlh piaclieal ainl. The ludles' comic prie went to 'i 'HI. of llu- "i mi' roiiiiruriioii oi uie hetirellenl, fully qualify'film fori MX! 'Phil McDonald as a ncpro Jitrl .. i .1... ' 'and Miller, '('he ..i.i'. Hurry a mvro. Hll-I l Cll ! ill ilHK'illlll line. im-.-ii Hie mptir;illU. hwi iiiHjnns Revenue Exceeds Estimates for -lalilimhoil onrerrvU j 1 upon ftiin by (ho new WINS SEAT jmlf-'i's were .Mrs. W. (lilrhrisl. Past Yer.r for First Nine I fimii! rf ' . Mrs. W. Iteid, S. M. Newton and I ' prasldeiit. IE 4 YES TO TAKE AN .Morle I'.ntij.'. Months ml ll il " His Career.. fai, itir AIR FORCE TRAINING Mr. lluultef us horn In Orants IN ENGLAND luelivhlful After unuiaskiiiff upier was at midnight sent'.I up-:a YICTOHIA. Feb. 1U. While t th i Falls. .New York, on April tt. . islairs and much credit was re.!finance ucparuneni esiimuieti 11s - ii'Hullril Lionel O. ftrown First to Leave IHrt?. He is a itradtiale of Oolpnte Heeled upon tin' Pythian. Sisters ;reenue for Ihe year to be and Candidate Supported by Lloyd for Camp Borden From and ilrowu University won I who wvri in charge. Jack (i'.bb J.u89.7t5. Ihe actual receipts for This exeral priie while luilyiiii law. George Returned by Handsome llrst nine month. amounted to j City. 'was master or ceremonies and .the PJELKEY tR HAD He practised law from IHI lo Majority. tllairy Wake aiid r.eorxe Joluiioiij"'.i5.'ol, nearly llie amount of law in I.iuium it. iirown. foriiu'rly rni-i lvf anil was proii'Mr were on Ihe door. The committee leslimatetl Tor llie whole year, ar-iu ioyi'il iii llu- fhiiiynrd, Jrfl IhU (rix'll UuKersily and other CARDIQAN, Wales, Feb. 19. eharire comprised W. Itiirkeii.U'ordlnx to a rep.tr! of the treasury feilrdy; ii.ii iiiuji for r.aniii UiituVii to lake chools until ltuti. H wait Heeled Capt. Ernest Evans, coalition convenor, llay i.ove, narry inake, jiieiuruiiriti. Wa One lo Ihe .New- York li-Kislalurc in of ,i iiiiii'-wrokit' eour.e in connec Liberal, who was supported i:. i:. Weslawuy and Jack Knight. -While lite en innate! exitenui-1 'ld'i VWhlU Hopea In mod illi Hie wlirk of the I'liiunllun ll05 and in thai year was also 11 res for Ihe year were f 7,f 1 3.-KJ3, ooiing Qama olfered Ihe nomination for the b y Premier Lloyd Air Force. IIa in a uinii with predion- for Ihe nine mouths there eiperieuce, only Mich iiumi .New York mayoralty but declined. George, has been elected to GASOLINE IS DOWN wes hut ft3.ai7.8j7 spent. Hi ArMuir lu iiitf n'ii iii ri'il, Thin ii the tlr.t He ,wn Kovernor of New York for the House of Commons over llurius nine mouths I hi' pro-inoe 'llllllll'IMll ,r si'iral who are nrraniiiiit with two term from IP'W tn WIO. In Llewelyn Williams, an Independent 6C. AT EDMONTON borrowetl for capital cxpcn ''iiii it I lie loi'iil i'i'pfei'iilH(lve. Waller llMO.he resicned Ihe Kovernorshlp Liberal) In the by-election j.lilures 7.HS,773 Ineludlnir 7t.- f I lie vslntn 1 1 utile, lo Iii'm- tlii IlitinliiK. They mid hernuie a Justice of the Supreme FltMU.NToN. Feb. 19. T. Tur. i;j ror district seven, ineludins iilli- hitil tut' till ini'i liilnicj roiinrrli'il wilh r.otiil. resiuning from Ihal horc. Evans get 14,. ley. mauauer of Hie Imperial Oil Mmfneeit. prince llupert and Allin 1 U' ' ulolll-' IS I III' uriniliil furrt). on June 10. I U I It. tr accept Mie 111 votes and Williams 10,-521, Company in F.dmoulon. has ati-Und c0tl.ir53 for district ciKlil or Hiy in Ida Htjrmond Uurrr. lht,tn-rr-cl Itepulilieun presldeiiliul jiomlna-t giving a majority of iiotiiieed that the priee of k'asoline Fort tleortre constituency. ' UI'pl ltJII, JUTnlU Ica-akatlnc klaa ' N" COAST HOCKEY. , ion. 3.590. has been reduced four ends a gallon 1 H'kllONlt. Terk ell and vlclaltjr. who tins l YliriOIIIA. Feb. tO. Vatirnmrr Joined Law Firm. which makes a cut of sit ccitls AWARD FOR BURNING. chutii tt minbtr el tb tchoolbor lal nip lil ili-fi'iilril Ilic Vlrtoilu Following hl dofi at in Ihe lOlii ' CARUSO CONVALESCENT. In I en days. The wholesale priee Ura that will mt lUror Thomp-Oo't leaiii ill Ice I key by n ttcore of elecllnn when Woodrow Wilson in Frflmonlon is now ftityoUlil CIHIK. Feb. 1U Tho recorder n r m. li PICIbfvra f Kill Chlrtco icboolbors In i ictIm to 0. . was re-rlcclcd he iH-cuinit senior NMW YOltK. February III. cents and Ihe retail price llfly.ime of (he city has awarded (he owners of rim to b bll In Urookljn. N. I. iiiciulter of the tlrm of lluuhesi. bulletin Issued in rejrunl (o (he cents. of Ihe lluusler AfcatJi' i'-iM,- "9 i Unemployed Each dtjr u lo tnltr lMn pupil Oanee tonight and every Saturday Hounds, eitiTinan Dwiuhi one coudillou of ''.11 ni . Ihe itreut I Itellnetl oil bus droppetl oim.OOO for the uurniiiir of their i dlYidiyt Into tlnfnlrr. Jun-lar night, 0 till 12 Molntyra Hall. of llie lurfs! law irtV':V' ' tenor lm.'er. ahl lat iilffM' thai cent and is now Ihirly-seven cents premises on Urn nliiht of Herein ' no i .ntt. mm. and inlor lilib cUmos. Best muslo. Entrance 50o. Central United Slule. II'1 I alHl with lie was I'l'iivnlrtet'iit utul sIiowIuk wholesale, lis peak pricu waiertt. The claim wa for tl3, Tb utti wlU uk plae lo rtrk&r Labor Cuncll. lliln llrm. ,dtsliuct iniprocinent. tonyuno cent. iuuu. t