rare e riTB DAILY JtiWH 'U III .. a.i.jj,K PRESIDENT TO PAY We are Clearing Out A TAX OF $18,000 Westholme Theatre WASIII.ViTO.V. Feb. lit. Wai A Few Lines of reii (i. ll.iriltiiK. nst iiiuh"!? ' f lllt lllilnl tull'f, Will IMM'OUl! la tons n4 .tr.nj1h.it TONIGHT ONLY the Arrant "9 4.raalloil and High-Class sxiiiirlliiiiir like I8,0UU ej rom Cllmlnailan, Impr.v ppOI. pciioalloii from lh unvormiienl t.p sick ti.atfj.rt... rii. bit , iktkI cenaiiMti" iinniiiilly limn Woodrow Wilson lh.tr Bmnplly, plaaaantlj, Iiiih ieri'irl. The Treimiry will mildly, yaf thoroiahl. aj pay Mr. llaidiiiK llm muiip amount Tomorrow Alright thai il pay- Mr. Wilmiii T".oimi George Walsh annually lint iiilrriiiil rcviiN.' Mil at Cost bureau, iiillrial etty Mini Mr. llnnliliK mind return nearly. m' HH1I fourth of lhi. in inroitW- lav in Before Stocktaking. I'lividriil Witauii mill" into oilier before I he i-naeliueifl nf the ISMS levniuo laws, alfiH-tiiiK lhe i i - Gtt a "Manhattan Knight" sidenl nml federal judwe-. 23c. Box ORMES LIMITED ORMES LTD. MONEY MARKET Thu underworld, the 100 the tricks, the exploits e.iiiirliy 1. Mrl.luionl SKATING GOOD each depicted in a novelty pliotodrama, Third Avenue Phones 2 and 200 Exchange Number or Parlies Were Out Last "Let Do II" SlcrliitK. .1.65. Night and Local Ponds i George I'rniiCK, .N(. Are Used. ; Finite! (Ile)viuiti , 1. 1 3 TluMf 'Wfro -I'M-rtl NkulitiK hit a, l;75. iarli)-! tit the mill Init lC fit. Mack Sennett Marl, 8.15. Comedy - - - "Teasing the Soil" Dr. Sutherland (irttfi', Jl.dl, in and ltq nfi.ir(fl Itw iff cmm Iliiti Kitne, 5'J-S.. ami vry(It Iiik I im-i-hIiIi4 lo an Fox News Gazette D.D.S., L.D.S., D.D.C. liiilnt Stalvf. IGVi. iij(ytli(- Uiimi. There im a imiikI ni 5vl 0'i HISS, !)?,.Victory Bonds Dial va upii a h'mmI il.-.il )rntti-; Violin Solo by Mr. S. Brail, serenade, "Serenade les Million d'Arlcqmn' llBft DENTISTRY in all its branches lus.i, u;.' . -ill's day anil many unli.-il the Mor i, u-ru.- ; t:rt'fl; ptml wluli- tin- rbild'rni l!i?Ji titM. hkah'ti on ftir4mil rntiitatalfon and Suite 14 and 15 EMPRESS THEATRE, TONIGHT ONLY Exchange Block, I ViXi. 97 otlii'i- iieec of. -.nilnblr too. For Appointment Phone Black 516 1931; 1MV Thif arinriMNiii Mut ill lit- it l37. V,. aiiixi uiartjr Jiarti. - mil and lumnr. I'dvv :ifljruiMtl -we ill In- lilt- hilf lilni- A i( i.ipo-.pl. fii.-ti.l mon.-y in j:f !'' iwwnt i. ath.M- rcnliiiu.'s. Clara Kimball WATF.R NO'HOi:. , ;u)ri lisin otlifrs invi-st it in i Young i MVEIISIn.X ASU USE. i m'.verlisitip. An alv i-tisi-nipnt in tkk .MiTir.E that The w. y. MrCartrr hf li.iily Xi'w-t i an ini--itininl. IN THE LETTEJt BOX Mai! Your Burr :".. Lid.. Imw adrtrrm i m mil Mdr Avenue. Victoria, il. t.. mil apply fnr a lirrni'e to taki- and niv ?u rntHr nerond ;ililr Maily ?!: reel of water mil of uarnwil i:irol, wmrrj Possess Good Health Ytiti lii'iir lt of talk qnii-' a "CAMILLE" weMeri.i and drain into Portland Broken Watch,::nal about three (J- wile from Stewart. .ilimil titii'iiiilm , iii'-n. Whnl" Tile llr Mill lie .llvr,le1 tnun Ihe By Looking after lIlMlll I 111' WOllll'll ' hi-ti IhP dry IMrrarrt al a point about onr milr from iihiuiIi of Mrrim and will he ned for lit tiiM-k i-lii-i'd il i!i"-r - ti did n on To Us , dntrial.ine faun awnitll anjoinrna,and mimna ueaerrvep pairpuse a i.upon i.. -v THE BOWELS bulb in n ami w Mini What are Fourth Episode of the Great Serial, "The Lost City" ad a Coftjj I .117. 1 It anMI'anl win nemo .lliee wi.niiH dinn- and how are ;iMv-r .4 n (:la. -IV .ntillranf unolt tlM l'li it U a good time of year wveni trrritory. Ibrv i-sUI-iitf? VI t li -UK tt llierv i ills ooiot i-oo-n oil i itr nwiri rm- 'imr tii for (he IIM.U..II or tin- bovrir. ann or ln'i'ii im-i -- i-nlb'd In Iium- llio regular over-large, on tin- tllh Uy '.r January. Il. A ropy or tnu iintirr ami an appliraMoa pursuant day. alMNiM l- tlx- rnk- nt evrry ,-,ni bm-d I lb ik I ant null) ill liiiiiliiiK (Jmre. IUrtu and to Hip "WaMr 'li nil." will! a. half tin- ill Bf ltf an- raiiard . . lr.nun In tlx- i-mr of til 'air Hecurdcr -"t,,n' ,bal " .,.., .-v(. tin- l.H lo inir r i Inlo 1 con- UVe a box enough at frlorr lniYrl. B. C. leiuieil. Iia Vtr no Ull UAVE Yi ur Suit Cleaned f lhltlloii to tti. mimllr.rlAn miv ti ll4trd omuilkin. ptny.-ii 1 1 ami I'rrard Slram and wit plenty of soft pack- I itM "i ttif td wir Hmmrr or una Wltm the U.mrt arr alkJ lo bwrun wiiinn-w-f If mi. then I'rlltee by our Mkchin MetrKL I'l ice l.'rn" OimipirnlliT of WatT Hlrtm, I'arlia- rrai-o-ble. ing around. HiMit Biilliliiirv.' Irlorli, u. v... within mniiii1. :h alonnrti ri-i out of '. I(uixrl in Ihrtrn lili eil. I oIkhiIi) Give o trial. tinny diva arti-r th nrl apcaranc et ororr. and tlw liver duel ihii do II. work Hie Mavor lake thin imiftt like tip Phone A Drive in thi' In lofal a wpatx"r. proprrly on lirnnnt of hoidina bwk tin- LING, TAILOR Mighty We guarantee satisfaction. imllriiit'n Tlw tirtteton undHrtaklni-Tor tr a aproa!a :ia of!." ap-thr Mr i that II dor. not pan. throats lk l(iii-nliiin and rail it tueel'im al H j DUckSOS Bllcatit will l luiril In tlx- oOlrr or ttu' IxmH-. but I allowM) to gtl Into the H H ill. II itn n-d make any John IrolliT.at and a dalr aur to tntrrfftnl l ntrd by iwrwin Ifir lirfnp may bhKxl. ttiii raoalnr liwninr of iw iliflVri'iii if I hi uimimu V paid a Bulger Ilk- an objection IhrrMo In tlw- olllrr of Mholr Jtilli. I iliiry ur uHur. If U- ba tin! thr t.oniptrulItT or of ibe Walrr H"?rurdfF. If yoil wmilil rural un.lialion, l-k I . k. .I.. nf . , ....... ..r Jeweller prlv THE W.Hiirn-rt.Y. .VrtAMTEII B. f:. Cl lin LTD.. aiwl UIMH tiead.el-, Iteartlinrn. nnalin:" " Ti r ' MEN'S OVER COATS GIFTS THAT LAST Applicant. wrk. U-twr Um- rym. (MM brne. f.-ll I InillBer Mild lMli1arMH uf Wtlllli'll R ini liimnrH. ifrnl. Irr-aiii; ti- na-iy imuiinr. btmMnv. nei'd help and yatUlby. On lln-Itrliint TIMBER SALE X 2117. TIm dan of thr nr-l publiratlon of mil ami pmtnirMiit pile.. j. ahouM i(,r aml tMKler. m til j- rrrrltrd tif IM uollrr I Satuntav. f'-lirilaiy It. Il. huri'l ir vhnr IH Ultent-kM-i y.r liver .lirred up l,y llie u- of I . . i u... it .., , MiiMirr of i.aiKi al Klorta not later 1 iibum'a la.a :irr I ill. ll'iiij"' 'iw,- it, ' uwi ttmrn ibr mn day tt Minn, nil. Im- ulli-'l .11 ;uti. Itn II will lliW rr Um iwrraaiw uf Lleenre l, cvl Tbi-ae jiill. brtna nrrrty uriUiiK- We an? ms filial lln bel lo .. frl of fprurr ami lirmlork oa prp yiur livrr wurklna arlivi-ly. Itniptny Ihi- eily i- dirlntr FOR SALE Weekend SPECIALS i an area toftwnt ixna i. it. no. I, tii. mightytfrive : Mcri muiiir ii riT rruii, anu ok .irier I he ieri-Ml of all ,atrU u- . ItM-n-liy rfim.vina tin- lillr that i rim- I:. i. II. ' Over Coats. : i i.n.na in iir Ift-nnl ami urninK I tie hun- " t " ! Hi rar HI be alkvird for House of 3 Rooms i-tin. BILLIARD LEAGUE ne...i r im,brr. our PURE JAMS. Mm. II. llarroi Ki.ll.l.1, wnw rnriHi-r inirui.r. of the i.1ikf I'ore.ler, Leishman's Mfdium "I Inniblnl' Willi -iiru nradarlHi and Bath, Fully Furnibhrd Slntwlieriy. raspberry, black The siandina ill llie Herii - to . VMnrei, t: or PMrtfl I vrr.tr r, Piiik ami rtttitiaiMMi. iih iIkv a frti-ml lom St-ction 6 eiii'i'iinl. II. I ills $1.10 Iiu-ri. H :. Weight b M- iim of Mlllinni'- Mxa l.irr I'MIk. I at lie Inline- $2,350.00 I -lb. jar" 45c. l Vial.. iikI rmiml IIk itet Mr a wi.riil riayrd eomu Airnar TIMBER SALE X 2725. andSuddAMiilirr oT rtHHl. I llirrt-fon- luiti' irrt-al taiin in '!'all Hm li:5 j M ated ! IKlrr Mill ur rrnjirit liv IM MARMALADE. llw in." . 1 iWllll.ler of UihI. al Vlrlrla. H . ton's "TOCA," 4 Room House .in.In. . . 7 7MJtt 1 IK te-l Milliiirn n Um l.ix-r l-nt- are jr itater IHan in imi tie- llh d.) of tnrti. Kfnu iM-aeli. i Hi. litis $1.15 Kl. An.li .-u -. H miH 1 1 HI left. t the pure ha of liernee . a Iond'in r a Second Avenue, Section 1 vial, al all dcali-. or tnailil iliri-i mi in em r..iH.on feel of lli-m Malkitt's I t.-.-J i-lli. linx $1.00 !prei- ami niii of prli i' b tin- T, Milbum i,o . !.v.v... .. ; i.'.n ') on aw area una n-d on Ijinr.imw M.t. anil all odr I.ip m $1,600.00 i.iiiiIImI. Toronto, inn Son of Fiil. It litW.'l 1 111." 1 1 '"ii"' l.laiHl. Vuem t lurh.llr Uliml' pit MILK. trtrl. &FI ICIk .0 5801 U78 I Tn if, year. tll be alloved for rr 'Weight Spring Lot 1st Avenue I'aeiHe. Maple Leaf. II. C. MKit.l of IMuurr. on I nrllier liartlmlar. of lhe llhlef r,,ee.ier SHp on Coats. all $5.75 case prit-e mil- per a:irtorii. B or InMri't I ore, er. Trine Section 1, close to Kf. Cliai b-.' . . $7.50 per case i..or,, v. i.. i Fir the next Hesner$600.00 Apartment! APPLES AND ORANQES. Church Notices S TIMBER SALE X 2323. days at prices regardless eanil terrier Mill lie rreeltrU l.jr lun Jonathan aph', wraip-il i t Viulnler rf ljid al Atelirti.. b. I., inl of ccst Begaw ..i...n i I eM laier inau wun on ih lath iMt i-f Varrh. Mloek, 4 lbs. 25c, 101. for lhe pvrrliav of Ijivnrr A $J5,G5arid"5toatt McCaffery, Gibbons l lMit lb Tor Mi.. . II.IH-..II- niilii at Mi, Wini-HUi Kinall Church. I-. i-iit l.iaii.doa fei ,.t neb tdar ami (jiinibb- I'rllli i' Itllprrl. H i . In Mill" iinil I .HI) Presbyterian it. nii- 6 lbs. 25c. ll-llllli II'. ;t llie Im'Inii llnent of IIk- laval There Uii- a eplelldid ulleiid-anre Inlet,lleiniiMk.iurrn ihi i.harloite an ana .ilkiaird auU lilMrlri on Mrmn to b" clearc at Srrvtre if iiiwda ami ottH-r Canadian ilov-iiiiiiiriil & Doyle, Ltd. Sunk! (Iranex. rej.' USe per iJi'ianiin'Ml., a mil a to Minim ill 'i bm rii laxt Sunday -I h" iirivat'nf turn Hi llrtlT-year lie allue for tt of tttr linfierlal Oovrrmiiriii al Ibrtr option: ilozcn, hju'imhI 4 doz. $1.00 N'ali-d Irnrtrro. al.lreiU lo the muli-r-lned. lli -l or Do- itiif -tfi ahilri h eani-pui(li. riirtMr ianirtiiar r tv mirr rin-ier $26.50 3rd Avenue Phone 11 will te rerellnl np lo DW otl v inona. ii. i... or ui.tricl I iu-rilrr, prinea Kwimixl Ijeinunx. upeeial per in Mircli. ir fur anpplira of llie uwJer-iiM-nllotird I.i-I ii be Jitubled liiinur-row. Htn rt, it. :. dozen 25c. llewa: 'l lie iniii1lr-r will prearli u Far parlnd of thr.a month. from 1.1 April ' TIMBER SALE X304C. to 30lh .una, 1821. Mi-rii-M of i-i'ioitn4'afiljible In the Healed lender, mil lie rreeitrd hjr in EQQSI ECQS1I frnh Mf4lw.. eani, liiviniiina I O ft o now lii.lrtci iore.nr not lalrr llun iwm on $42.50 II Ire.h rial). II. ('.. Frea.fi, per dozen . 55c. (' I n Hi Milk. ilioniiiiK. nnliietjL '"fTi' plaee of tlir tll of'l.lrrorr day of IHiru.rj,iaia prir tl.p.-rl for I..in-punliair You Can't Buy Speeial prife by I lie rase. I)y liaiim f rr.li and r Lard.lll. . Chrixt in Hh-- affriattiuii' lire." Injlon,prtiee and H. c other. to tfg-riea.nil Un.obii frri of Nuiiii-ruiifi oilier Kpertalu oil' r ii llirad.i hi nr. ' F.e niliv Hi T :30, tlJ4wl. "Wan oi "iw ilioner.year lll be allowed for frrooVaLi $49.00 II Mlurllaueoua J'ruvUtont. the AiuiM-iiii iii naewaiilsryf" Suiu lurtnrr iwrilrniar, of llie i;hlrf Fore.ler. dixplay in lint nlore. 1 ler. Vntorn, i$f llir Iniirirl lorriler. I'rinrr For p.rlod of four month. from 1.t April day Heliool n ;tf$9, Rurt Insurance GREENSTUFFS. to 31tt eulr. 1021. Christian Science -Society, i w aatiiDa ur unjalac. Uotmnr. Llr. TIMBER Ilbtibai-b. Hweel poluloea, For th. Flteal V.ar commencing lat April, Morniiiii I'Vfoe at 1 1 o'ebiek. SALE X 2827. 1.21. ("a red Iradera will Iw rrmlvrd l tin letluee. caulillower spin-ach. K (il. Sl..minir. Kubjefl. - Vin ii Sunday Heboid Pl.lrti-I Porr.lrr. I'rinrr lluwrl, b. i: . not frenh loinaloew. Fih-iii. or IriMler anil all Infoiiiiallnn nik al 12. W'ediw-aday fvnrlliiKa at 8. later lhau noon imi ilw- fun day of lebrn MARTIN O'REILLY When Your Ivfl. for llie tx- obtainrd by appDiiiir lu llie underiirnrd. 4ry. piirrliaie nf lleeiu.. A;plr4liwi fr lorui. are rrquralrd to ilayn, Jilpek. Second Avliue. Free X v.rm nimrr l llrraii Hay. In em (l-iniiieiy tin- Kf.mi'i fret of Menilorli. , i We Buy American Currency, mate iierii, or lUfm, on Sprint i-dai vlilrli tlH-y wLh to Irndrr lileraluie. All are welcome. and HiImiii Sliver, Gold or Bllls. Tlx- lnml ur any IrtiUvr no I netei.irUy onr year win be allowed fur ri-ni.it a I m i rule.I. .( Illlllier. , House Burns! (!"ll.ed. I. II. tlKI.YEH. I.Xli;GT. ninlirr iiarltriilara of ilu- i:lnrf foirjle. Artlnir .Naval fitnrr Omerr. Virtori. .:.. or llie piatrMl rureoin! Table Go. II M.t:. ixM-kyard, t.'juumll, B.C. fcA.I.UI I.A.M DWtluCT DISTItltT OK I'rlitcr imprrl, B. e . , . Rupert Supply 1 u Hi ivliinary, Itiii . MIS. No one call forecast when 'I'liauihorlted i-kMu alfi.n of una ad. TAk't: nTll v. i. K. stark and TIMBER SALE X 2691, yerlUeiiieiii mil im.i be paid Tori. II. P. keralu of Alice una. crapaticn proa or where lire will break PHONE8 211, 212. (-nnn, iiiieuij i., apply for Knulaaion to Healed leliilir. will be rrrrlved h' lhe lrae I In foiloviiar rtaerllril litn: IH.trlri porr.lrr. I'rinrr lliiirrt. It, I , not mil. rn j-ou proU'ded i:oiiiiiiinrin ai fiOAJ planled on m lalrr llian iuini on the tlm day of libni uiniiiit lire loss? IL ia north Ikh nrtHi ..f'JAI Si llMnr fol-fniTlni arv. IV'I, ror l,e iiuniiaM- of Llrciirr Special Barnes the inrti wamr mark In norm ror V 1 I le'.r liiaU'oe Inlet lo nil ?U mill really worth while. nrr or Lot u:,, uM n. def. 3 inln. ren of UalMin. Cedar. Mpriirr and lli inlinK All thl f.'. a dlUii'i' i.r Itl.S fl.. fiHire or le.a lo Two year, will lie allowed fur removal month CANCELLATION OF RESERVE. inc bmnilan .f nivrr Mouth mineral if Illlllier. DENTISTRY el.lin iifixlti,....! ,A . uutherir rilrerllon: Kiirnn-r lutrin ui.ir. of the i;liief Purrnier, make Mil.i K Ii IIIMEUr OlVKi tht tne Ihnur fol..wiMv produili"" of aald Hivrr Vli'lorla. fi. : . or llie liuirirl 'iirr.irr, Furniture to Furniture & Hanson Lot I Ca.nar Moiitn tlirnrc f'rniie llna rl, B. I Dybhavn rerve eovrrinv a V, pialricl, I boumiart n, low ap-r mark; room Don't neglect your Teeth U cancelled irolluvrtnr I" iter mark to imrtn txiiin. for fl. H. NADK.1, ilarv or l.m : ::, iim ntr fiillowiiia norm LAM) ACT,. Insurance Agciils! Third One decayed or mianing tooth Pepuly Minuter of Land). iH imdart or i ..i a3S to rxxni of coin-Lamia Sprlntf loweri your efficiency fieparlnirnl, im iiicnii nt Store Avenue, 1'rince Rupert Victoria, li. I jiiin ii,Mi;ri MTAIIK. Afnt. l AHblMl LA.-U FORM lavritli.T OF NOTICE. Prices Good PUTIIICT UP Klllli hrrrnilier, Kin. Hate Jannarv 17. I Of I. CAXHIAII. DR. BAYNE TAkl. fiotlea Dial .1 Wrbitrr Kcotl Simp, ThlfdJ nnr of TrlrirraMi Orrk, B. c orcupalion Office JIoura-Mornln-, 9 to 12; Indian AkriiL Inlenda In apply for Mnma-atnii Afternoon, 1.30 to MX); Satur-day, tu li ar thr follow Inr de.rribrd landi: .PACIFIC CARTAGE LTD 9 to 12 only, Eveningi, OUR COAL WILL PLEASE YOU nmrr i:olinii-irlnr or lr noriliwril al a po.t plantrd of tu. iiorlliwrii lou yard) Tueaday, Wednasdsy and Fri- Mirtirr of thr Trlrrraph Crrrk townillr, Pbone 93. S K. Parker, Mr. day, from 7 to 9. Clean Lump. Clean Kgg. Mine Huq. IT S HOT. NO E00T marked Initial I'oal innirc tuirtli to rhaln.i W Ihrnrr rati 40 fliln; Iheiirr anutn 4ti Crful tUntiun fww to.all vrdr for DENTAL NUESE IN ATTENPANCB Consumers Coal Company, Ltd. Cliain.: ibrnre writ lit rhaina lo tlir tHilnt Subscribe for The Daily furnHur. frlnt, b ray or otlivr or rniiiinrni rnipnl, and containmr 1(0 icrea ORDERS TAiLkH iianTr rou work COAL am o WOOD PHONE 109 FOB APPOINTMENTS! 11 Smith Dlock f'UONK 7 J. Lome MacLarrn, Mnat'r mora or l.WPBTHI HCOTT HIMPdOW, Brti u till, DerrUiUr Ulb, 19.0.1 ' The Lcadlnc Dally of Northern