page four THE DAILY NEWS Local and Personal r ...... - , . - . . . i I T.rtej.reoaon;,? Universal Tradin , Launch "Oh Baby." Blue B4S. gc ... ... .,1 at r. pi. itriiia tavi. I'lione . u Corner Third Avenue and Sixth Strut a a 1). C. Uniertakeri. Pbotve 41. II a a Hayner. UtHlertaker. I'twM '51 f Low-Profit SECCOTINE a a a ORMES LIMITED t or praotleal alnw repalrinf Pi aeo Slwpgtn, Mellride Si reel. If Sticks Mi Pull 1 ''Mia an t Everything i"l (til in i 1 1 1 1 1 k .i i I to' Prince Rally ay al the Methodlat Iron, Glass, China, Wood, etc. Oeorjr to :end a week viaitinir Chureti Immrtv at X:30. Mee Quick-Turnover Poicv lip with bar flit her. H. F. Pullen. a RnouhoeAia) a a Si Price 25c Asterfo Rspreea and llasffasfe Rabekali Annlveraary Aervlee. ervtoa. New l.-athn. Male Ct-trar MeUiadiit Clrarch tomorrow IP 3 2 for large tube that usually sells for Store, SUth st r.--t Phone night 7;M. See announcement. LADIES' SUITS Ml ii.-a. rolora and 260 670. IImMtm.' Red tSA. If a YARDS COTTON CM KM" 35c; or a of this advertisement phone copy A Kd nroaraiu baa been ar-rangml i,,.,(., ...I. EXTRA SPECIAL iinilerwe.ii nil and 10c gives you a tube. Special frrh rrah aelad t for the Raptiat unday crvaoi, nii, We recommend and guarantee right in season now. The flood School Rally u Sunday at 1 M $25.00 Eat Caff is the place to pet thU a a SECCOTINE appetltlag nleh iml la a laMy M0 men, wwmrn and rhildrcn 45 c yard if. wanted to attend the maniirr. Raptiat PLAID SKIRTS Sunday HolMeel Rally at S:30 p.m. SO DOZEN MEN'S McRae Bros., Ltd. CLEARINQ PRICE SPECIAL DRCSt Uim. Trie Canadian Seotllah wen I to SuaUay. September ?. ' ' " Xanaimo for bunker eoal on a a a Irtftt Monday after loadta? pari e run The (Kxid Kata apeclal aand-wmi $9.50 FOR FRIDAY AND SUUROIT My 'f lumber on the Columbia River al M la nrovlna very op for Australia She ia achadaled Uar wii the after theatre trade $1.95 103XADIES' AND MISSES SWEATERS ' ail from Vancouver Oelnbec If 1 IS for Auckland. Sydney a atl .Mel a a a llo. - up o EXTRA SPECIAL 20 MEN'S SUITS TWO STORES bourne. MeHinir ol all aympathtier PRICC EXTrU 6PE0UL a a f famine atrtcken Ruaaia at PRICE I J. Ouehlan. Jr., of Van .Nk'Iatyre Hall. Sunday, Hent St $2.50 . "uver. arrived in the eHf iM at h fjn. Preliminary Relict $20.00 AT YOUR SERVICE, inorninfr en route in Stewart. To- Relief Committee. ic tlHT with Jaw Anrferxm. be a 25 BOXEN LADIES' KNIT BLOOMERS ikv uunn mm i yil will continue aorta toaferhl In J. L. Mitchell. ir fMewart A SPECIAL SHIRTS EXTRA Phones 82 an J 200. corner Third Ave. ard Sixth St. iniyl operation a on I he Stiver- Mob4y, whleeale houae, return IPtCIIL MlCt ad mine which m recently ed ihfc moraina from a trii Phone 134 Third Ave., opposite 2nd St. bonded h them. mtli aMOfMoaaied by hia aialer, 45. $1.65 Our Delivery Service Is Free SAFETY FIRST. MIm II. II. Mitchrii. Follow the erowd io lunch ai We will fill your orders exactly as you wish. Why Hub If the wwu ia aura a nwiU Kata. mr lOe lunch rot make your telephone work for you? confirmed maeta way tin you la a winner. Tmj fel anuv. alad UNIVERSAL TRADING CO. apend m much time vielttnjr her? meal n ftafa, vee table and pul Wife leeane I know that din? witli eeffae all fr to. tf when t l larkm In me he a a a Ormes Limited lan'l talking about me. Iioaton The Orand Trunk Paclfi S. K. Shane, Manager Traaaerint. eaaer l'rmi" fteorae arrived lime lb! mornina from (fee Phone 376 Corner Third Avenue and Sixth Strd eowlh wUh unuaualry liaht The Pioneer Druggists The Rexall Stores naaeeaiirer and freiirhl lial. Hd-aaila Church Notices t 8 'eloek for Stewart. a i Anniveraary Hen ice of the H O. Beaner left na lata tnorti -, fUotitt Church. bekah t.'hjt, 'SU)H4ay, Setitembet Morning- Service at II o'clock m .Method iat Church A I ina a train for t Subject. "The Holy Spirit and ntemhera and Odd Pdlowa n- K. t;. MHWaehy of Vamfrl f am i.hrW. Special sonttay scliuol rueted let me4 al Rehehab Hall EAT FISH RALLY HAY Service , at : l-'ullnn Sired at 7:IS p. m. til : a taaaear from ine Prtne.-Orore t the eaaihound train a a a ieeial Profrram. Rveolujr aerv- th i morn ln. GRAND TRUNK PACIFIC RAIL? at 7:941 o'clock. J. M. Pakataon, aaad ma per ire Subject ' a a a 8 8 PRIMCC RUPERT '1 Jeana Watching for Ptnnera." tor, left hy ome fretaiit hvt hi r.laire Rrtndl. Hie Vir. Wadneaday 1100 p.m. for Anfoi tisi n-.'A'f And Support the Industry Preacher, the He. V. H. Red ntght for MateNaai where he wtl OMin Falla. vancoutae. kic.t a a:.j iiKia enfrtaeer. i ia- niiniuif ta G10RUE do S. PRINCE man. aaane mapeetaun work. He S. which supports you cty lita ennute ! aiewrt m Christian Sclanca Society. tntenda lo he hark tomorrow the Prince Oewrae. Oca Falla. V : r tot. Bay, an Ask for Bar ice every !MindJr al II aighl to take lae Prlncr ileora--outk. a a im. lealiaamiUM Meetlne every Mr. and Mra. P M.-r1ri of ! lk..l I'UiiimmI. Iiatll ill Smoked and Canned Fresh, a a a aad ail 11 Wedacaday al 8 p.m., Haye Mock. 2tth, point Aniv. will ail Ihia aftern m Second Avenue. Free literature J. A. Maedaaahi waa the win Saplamhac 3(Rh Fish the Pnnn-. Royal for the oulli All an- welcome. ner la the eaal gueaetng ronir.i Tram Sactiee, Distributed by tfelhedlat Church. m at the eihihataoa. The weuhi of mi rout- I" Mtwa. Paaaen t MONDAY. WaDNtSOaY I"VH a a a I ttiiiMh'-r ;o.ii. ,. i. Momma aerviee at II o'clock. the eoal waa 70S pounda and Mr. i m i fte. niakma itic---. nn.-rt. . CMI F JfbnalMi. city : upir. "'raw Church at Carta lb Maedoaalara Rue waa 700. I n. Canada nil I nii-t mi- Canadian Fish & Cold Ltd. Storage Co., ttcke aar'iit, left on Ihia mot-nine' Special IIALI.Y MAY Service1 al pair of hoota w wi by Mr City Ticket OfTea train to epead the week- 3. I'aK Iay attondne aim WHIetl. P-RINCE RUPERT a a a end at l.aaclaa (abe. petition. I'roffram ineltxle www choruaes, oiM, virdm muvic and A aperial fMaeeopcr coach at C. J. fnrmrrly of t Clayton, ahort addreaa. The Suntiay lacked lo the 1 1 toe freight lat RUPERT BRAND city hul niw of Vieloria. arri-i School nrrheatra will make il evenlnfr took quite a rinmb.-r CANADIAN PACIFIC RM! from Ihe aoulh i the Prln-laeorae firat aiweanuMe. Paraaaa are Incal Maaoua lo Smithera wIlt. urRed ta alUml. Evening aarviae ecial fenthriliea in coiineition thi a taoniint a a B.C. Coast Strvicei at 7:30 nailer lit a airier of the with the inalilution of Onnnr i Mr. and Mra P W Min.lair. 3 Rehekab ImJkc. Sola, "I know liOdee are to take place toniahl I hat my Redeemer Irvetli" Mt a a a of Juneau, arrived In Die i-tty Sailings from PrinceRuf Ihta moi-tilna and are t-ii lalcn-d NOTICE TO FISHERMEN lavia. Iraaclier tha Itav. Gee, Fire Chief H Meltouald will al lhe.M MH Hrlnre Hui rt i. Hacker. leave on the Prineeaa Royal Una a a a For KaUhikan, Wran0all. Jun Church. afternoon tor Victoria where n-wlll 10. H PrcabytfHan Good Supply of Uilnui t. H. MiahoUoii. man-aer Septamhar 5, 12, 19, 2; October Momiatr Srv ice a I II o'clock attend the roavenlion of the the Canadian Xal.hmal Mjnjeci "The place uf Womra ia Pacific liaat Fire Chief. A- of For Vancouar. Victoria and and r.ol H'hiiiii haa Herring Cm rial iaa Miaaiutt." Sflbhutlh elatwa. On behalf of the city erlrra. 24j OtUbar 1 1. 17. BAIT rorntlelt'y reetnerrd from hia ScpUmhar 10, Hehoul at 12:30. R en laic aarvlae of 1'riuce Rupert Mr. Meltouald llineaa. Me lr.-ll.-il ftaan 9 Salmon at 7:30. Subject "The law wIN eiioud an invitation to the recent for all Slaamah.p k a. Victoria lo Vaneoiier on Ihe Aomcy compenaalion." Ireatier, Rev aaeocialion to hold lae next con. Prince 0Mrae this trip. f ull inforniali' " H. R. (Irani. ventton here. The fire rMef . ..i Aetrit wHI he away about a fortaizat. LAND ACT. W. C. oncnanu, -.-til AT BUTEDALE once ir iTBjrTfoa to trrtr t Cornae of 4th Street ana sra ANNOUNCEMENTS Mm. H. il. Crewe will cm- UMK LV) meuce the aw nana ,l.,.,,, hi Raaea a. roaat uaa KMtHet nacd- Adair Caraa Chapter I.O.I).E. laaaee l- Orat Week in tic. MS iwm aim Second Annual Hall. October II. Tak anWaa Uwl I, Claea C leittom. of litber and will be triad if 1(1 OH enne anen. a c DENTISTRY of QUALITY llive pupHa will kindly JtaltSUSt CSS ofjumt Last Day The Ho,iial Annual Da Or-l(ber nee. her. Kfteewl elaaa for bnhica.,. cnmraravt lamai.ataaaaijtkaui raaa Exhibition viMtois Mill J.. well in lme me xainiM their .ii. ri ir iwya. i ii. jff iwiiaa anrm. aaaanwia maa aeai. t'Hh liile in town, a claa Hnaaa raatk. ary for ebiMren. ekly LeVarl i.i raaukaat 4 Ml special anautffini'iii will be mad villi Uioae who have Gilbert and Sullivana "Trial ttallrMiHi eiaaa aad ihHi- ror e. kttiiium. yiu HAY the change tn - only a few day in lown. ' -v" . Me li ince Hlicrt iMiya aad dirla over II nml under aeaaoua. 'lite W DON'T " NEQLECT YOUR TEETH Muateal Hicleiv. Nmemher S. H. Adult claaa. For terma, etc., LAUD ACT. daya and the wini- m i 1 ' I" ilinne lireeti fHH. j llOTICIt or ! TO AfPtT TO are not far off. If DR. BAYNE etf US I Huiiiiikt will make a area il la ta V On all limil nitlria-l ll. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY Ihe ft. M-bedulc of Ihe C P H lnrle at FrMwa tmcairt. tni Room , 6, , Heloerson Slock Phono 103 la I l ikaja till.I... co-ail eleamalil! aervice ii-omc Doilrr jrraa fftrl oaviaeo Mat- WAM'Wt-Olrl tar Raseral for Ihe tenlbMl of the l'iuti- hailaad. .if I'l aea nam arruMitan rar FORD SEDAN fill a taax V far paraMMtoa ta ll - hoUework. 0 Flflh Mill I'rilK'i-aa All in o- Alnka Dank.' tlx- f uHowU) itaarriaad Uadt: - .u.i... .....ii ii. i .. . M a ! niuitad at iha "" Avenue Weal. J'lioue 0reH wmM I uiiih IW I'lMI i 'i i"ii'l anuilMa'l r..nrr ar L. Ill, Ipin ! "iew Fall and Winter The I'l'ineeaa AlNi Will Itiilk'- alwiu: io i-tiaiiat la aeura t Ilka, ttieora III.I. If anutlir aitiat aknet aad arraa nnulti of 1 1 Steve King Samples four inor.. trlia lo tkaray. uil-inv eaatrvtlar Cava u rilni of riintanca- fl KH I.K Kmpire tirafouida. from Una purl ftepleiiber 34, aae naitaiax r ait I)a NI'LHDI.l.AKU m. aor or . I- -1 tw.-nly ,,.ihl.- record.. .()0. Oeloiiei H. If) and .'V. Omiinen. lalT Ii. 'til !' Third Avenue ART Clothes I'll..n. III.i,. .M7 cIllK No.'inker II the alealiilili Tivata (Ait x.Mii, i I"' ' I'rilieeea Mary will mainluiu u - I a ill II.ll M III! Just Arrived aeini iii..iiMiIi .rii. .lulr irliouii In.It . i I..r-lrr I'. h . Mi-i i am latax ETOZEMA M out ihe winter. .I.Ill II 'J. ..1 tlH' ' M. 'i "I !!, 't t il i !... ..f V l IK Fall All Wool UNDERWEAR In l 4 . l.iii.i-.i" h a W rat I'd 4 FRIZZELL-FordjH l t t uu and akla Irriu. t.ar4 far I uf up,ma MnaliHk. BtlaaiM l ROOD & '" ll l"i" 4 IIVMHUl t4lk ' i 'he dity riahl with I . ir Ceeteo V-!sey Mircury M. r ( . id. ttc l" - ....u .ki-,, ,.Baiapl, .Dm.liu,tot lUo lr. III til.I Ml liiMHl Fh'- rii- .I Mill all! Im fi.r I lli"i ' 1 ' ! I f M).I r a I. ." r h flat 1 1 U Ir.iiii i 1 1 a. i I'hone (ireen JCH l vu 'i' Mica a it., . i ,. , i ,. i i . 11 '' "." ' . I ll I I fl I.III. 1 1 I, i . . i l I