r s'M paoe mo THE DAILY NEWS The Daily Nfiws SCHOOL REPORT PniNCR IIUPKIIT - MUTISM COLUMBIA PuMliliCfl Kvery Af'-rnoon. cxepl Sunday, Jy Tim News FOR SEPTEMBER - I Printing anil Publishing Company, Thlnl Avenue. II. P. PtJM.BN, Managing Billlor. R. H. ShoekUy and Principals Orady and Campbell at Board SUBSCRIPTION RATESi Meetlna. Clly Delivery, by mall or carrier, per monlh. .......... ..?!.00 lly mail to all narls of the Hntish Km pi re anil the imticu tte. TRUSTEES SUPPORTING In advance, per year .fn.uu SPORTS FOR CHILDREN '4 To all other countries, in advance, per year. . . f7.eo n. H. Khoealey. mai u.il irani-imt TELEPHONE 88 lainsrloC, report .1 at tal iiictil school board m.'tinu that Transient Dhplay Adverting I.2S per fnch each mertlft HilallRtnn of Mtatpsn.-nt i the Delivered in Case Lots Transient Advertising on Front Page $2.00 per ineti Kersreant William Ho..th .Hrkool Local Header!", per insertion 2fte per lin nearlv romnieteii ana was Classified Advertising, per insertion .Sc per word aw but awaiting' the installa Legal Notices, eaeh Insertion 18a per agate line tion of switches for I be nitr To Your Home Contract nates on Application. Ife also mentioned the wot anal All advertising should le in The Daily New Office on day. preceding tratninir exhibit at the Fair. W. publication. All advertising received subject lo approval. James, the Jde. ha sl tbay were n in as any eacellrnl other as city.he The had YOU DO NOT HAYE TO CARRY your beer from the Govenned DAILY EDITION "KiN5 Friday. October 7, 1921. board awtbnrtted Mr. H-ofcley v vendor's shop. We will deliver quantity from to purchase 3O0 feci r yen any a case np-. of What Local About Industry?Future her cedar Co.from Ike Ilia Kay l.um wards. Simply tell the clerk in the Government vendor's tbt What about the futitrt of the hrptHWfng industry In tb J. C. llrady. principal of the yon wish CASCADE BEER and,ask him to have it delivered to rily? Two flue vessels have lcen almost nimpletesl and one of hitrh school, asked tkat wire them is loaded and all ready for Tier first voge to Australia and lu lling be plaeed on the ouiidr address. . New Zealand. The other was launched yeterday and i very of Ike basewnt windows al UV your nearly finished. King Kdward Send. The N.mrd Owing to the depression of lmines and industry everywhere, the lias instructed HMtinjr from Ike janitor Ike in-ide take of The vendor will notify us, and We will do the rest. contract ottering and not there are at present no more much repair work. The remit is that the possibility present he window and sat H a late itself of the local shipyard being Hosed. outside. Wlnttr Sports. More than that, we will call for and pay you for the empty bottles. Limited The Wallace Shipbuilding and Drytlock Company announces that it has made an offer to the Canadian National Harold Campbell, principal nt Hallways for a lease of the ptat for a term of years. Not being the I ha hoard public consider srkoota,tke as&ed matter tkat of But be sure you ask for Cascade, for thirty years the most familiar with the term of the oiler rt I impossible to comment on it exet'pt (o say that any slept the railway company or the winter $ort in 'discussion the schools. After popular and best beer made in Canada. Dominion (JovcrHinent may take which would insure the continued considerable as operation of the shipyards awl repair shops would be tvayn and niaa. it was decided appreciated by the people of this city. The Wallace Company to rant the Man Own irymium Guaranteed Full Strength four ntffhts week at a Ium far a has shown by the way they have completed the lnp tbat they know how to handle a Big work. They are the people who would coat of fit monthly for practice Not Less Than 8 per cent. Proof Spirit ind The Fair IMiiKJina-. lie likely to build up a permanent industry that would be of great atunes. it is Mpneted. will alMi be benefit to the city and to the whole of Canada. Prom a naval tainabt. Fcssr basketballs wen-ilso point of view as well as from a business point of view it i highly nnlered to be purchased. VANCOUVER desirable, that the shipyard be operate and that it be conducted BREWERIES, Limited enbr bnya and ftkls from botb in such a way as lo be of real service to the, shipping interest ( the Itafden street and eVrireanl of the coast. Distributors: wUltom IkMdli Reboot are to b Established Darwinism Still Theory. 1 tirm iion pftvftfen ot ike viae awler nrlnHtls the nper.as- Prince Rupert Mercantile Co., Ltd. Phone 545 oistnd hr Mks MM, .f ItoraVn Dr. D. II. Scott remarked to the botanists at the Edinburgh Hire,, and .Mtss Meiwer. nt William meeting of the British Association that "the Darwinian priod was AkyHh. 8tecial arranve. past, that all again was in the melting-pot." ay le Ltnnioii lents are b ii sue made to reeom- Times. Such a statement may not be misinterpreted by litit-o who are able to follow the technical controversies of biological' ' science; but it is apt to mislead the public, who do not ojiMlinguiidt) i fnMrfjinn ttK Ur ijim i between theories of evolution and evolution itself. Ren In- bell n reoort tne salarr asses- PICNIC DANCE LAST :2T .HU hrr: Scott admitted thai "evolution remained, for there w no alternative, ion was also diaensead bsfT it and the evidence of ialaeontotogy was uaahaken." lu sjtftrateidcd y lw m ver m. NIGHT AT DE LUXE ';wkZSn 'UI other words, the mode by which existing planta ami animal have lefinilely before arranging an- St ran dC arisen is descent witn mouiiicatlofi irom one or more simple otbar jMBbedule. Tne matter was WAS ENJOYABLE EVENT '-Mb primitive rorm. That was the thesln not ttHleed a nev fle 1utl diettsMl aiHl k nnmbsr of i. Knmnavar, I.. Moors. llos!rt which Darwin set out to prove in opposition to current ffor trine, anoovbnjs ca-s were referred . iirorur Oiisby. ft. A Harlow. M, Under N'W Mar3gc-,c- lie did succeed in ronviiieinir the Ihwkmff world of ib train, and iV?'" m'L 'la- and 8. J.dmsc.. -i.JT at Ihe Hall Third Avenue the Hiibsequent progress of kmiwledge has widened Ahe baais of General Report. asnt one hundred p,,de si .t.. that conviction until there i no part of the order' of nature on In Mr. OamsiksiTs enernl re-fort, tended and which ws heii Un- Mrm c 0 v which there is higher certainly. tke school attendance at well on into (he snornlns. The ! - .. "BEST OF EVERYTHING IN THEEATLl the p'rasant lime wtiit nlared at We.th.dHir rebeslra pi.nidedi J" ,n" " ' , r" Phone 583 Phone Origin of Animals ?:i. All desks wre oerupsed tbe mn-le Mid l.looH Holh,;'- 'bnsrsiwn and H l. anee by Natural Selection. and Horde) Htreet sefcoul was already smde an etrelWnt ssa.Ur ..f J "'',ttiim V" Hut the origin of animals and plants by evolution requires full. Class work wa re cerenKinie.. Tle oeeaion was r""" """7."'.. " the existence of variations of difference between individual al tne vu- one ported ts be satisfactory. TSf a ini..i Hi.i..sia s.iMak. i iccjcncr iscrgenat and another, between parents and their offspring, fjarwin collected wilt e examination f all grade sneni. .r.,Mded kv Ue ladle 'Haas Ikaoth Mcbmd was confirm 9 great body of evidence on variations, and discued many al lite and f 4oiir. There were oartaken ..f abul midninlil ed lv tbe srbo.4 Uuard at ihV possibilities as to agencies which might produce them, and as U hanl iteen six eassm f aornssmi in ihe ire errant tcrtor down nseetina Inst eenin. their behavior in the chain of life from grandparents and parents punssbment in gepiatnb sr. Ks-rue stairs. iiwHijf lbo alleudinn SAVOY HOTEL to children and grandchildren. It is true that ome of the interpretations were being dnninmlad In all ere number who are not ..ften U. A. Young, road uiMTini.-nd-"i.l to which he inclined are unfashionable just now. Hut ears of absence. Teachers and seen on dnce floors In tbe eily. (or Atlin dictrtct, -arrrVcd u it is also true that there is now no greater certainty, than in tbe prineisal bad held frMtent Those Present. I he nstr nn tbe eMire Muss-n rrassr $imt tinttT of Darwin as lo the causes or the inheritance of variation-. meetings. The board asked Mr. Imi nivtit fr"" Alice Arm Undsr elssr atsnso"1 Hut that is a charge which can be brought more. ju-tl again-1 tlamubell fr a lasst of ail (rrtant-ais ,tmmm las'iic praseni were OmifortaMe .l-sif I" ' ' ourselves limn against Darwin, who continued b iim-l on the ami Indians wh were ottesjd-inar Hon. and Mrs. X. M, Mnnsow. Mr at mcdsrsU priess. and Mrs. nlenje of and need for exact of schools. A. L. Uarrntbrr-. Mr ressv knowledge variation. Iiarwii: tne and edd wstsr la S'sri and sir. J. feed HUcMe. Mr. and The Man in the Moon Hot advanced Hie theory that the main ageucy in producing i (orris Mrs. J. melon, Mr. and Mrs H MRS. A. B. riSMCR. WsnsQsrsss of life from the raw material provided ! variation wa natural iHAi. Ue. r. acsl Mrs. H. K SAYS selection the preservation of favored races i prx-e akin to I Ten Years Trcsnnynr. Mr. . Ago and Mrs. H the artificial selection by which man ha improved the irwd of domesticated plants and animals. He never a-ertd tbat this 1 In Prlncw Kuport Matwffin. Mr. and Mrs. K. F HKAIiMfOC in a na-r ... was the sole ageucy. In aclnal hisUirittl fact he brought about IHiVy. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Vieloria oalr ban til .ui ..f EVITT 5 belief Iirudhwr.f. (kd. and Mrm. . V wmra. I nis or ennrse dM- PHILPOTT, iu eviUution. and stimulated thai oilertion of evidence by October 7, 111. Mr.Mord.. Mr. whi h belief ha into hum and .Mrs. X. It. inclnde Ishmc enasw si tti-cnnitnl the theory of natural passed selection.over Subrrpieut m certainty rutinv by of providing nature The jolly lars from the llainlMiw ritllvn. Mr. and Mra. M. I'. Ms lantbanir for (keyernmeiit Next Voet OfTiro. rnn-- Rurrt P' fired a bradide of imrih and Caffery. Mr. ami Mra. ti. WMtc jnba. has supplied many other suggestions, out o far few .if the-e xptured the hearts of tbe Prince bead. M and Mra. N. J. F. s s s PTrn urinp nnnCC M A VII H have Ieen a eptate to. any exc ept their proposer1?. ziLLi nine nurw. Hupert audience in the musical ,urr;vr,rrr Tnrney. Mf. and Mrs. J. Allan IT is aH very well to say oaieuients at lbs Hmftrnss Ritchie. Mr. and Mra. A. 8. Haul. that a man's tnUiiltoii nothina MOUNTAIN PARK STEAM AND Theatre last night. OouiHisrvler Mr. ntid Mrs. J. Mattland. Ir. and like Urnl ml a wnman. A wtMnau's Dr. JOS. M AGUIRE lt e. ike officers and men ware Mrs. J f Gnde. Mr. al Mrs. t: nil uH km leaches her Hist lu me on y nt-uBe tn ;oruu ' ntertained al a smoker by Mayor K. Hlarr. Mr. I). I. McTuub spite nf lrr mails of dreu ihs Btocks or au -vc. .i Maiioii and tb city of Prince (YiftiTia Mrs. UrccnhaiKb. man's intuition will enable In in DENTIST Rupert. Front rw were Mrs. U. a. McNtclNiII. Miss H.-j to ksratc bar waist line, and it lliOuln.V.u Ul i rowded with blue jackets and PltJItn Nwtoria, Miss Jenaie does. Prices remain the Maine. on the atagc sat the mayor and Paul 'VI. i ria . .Viae (trace Cur-lui. Visit his Offlcs Rooms 7 and 8 Smith Blockor aldermen and Cwmuiander e Mi-- Amies MeUnillan. Mis. PA I.KINO bimmiI rharity drives. phone for an appointment. and bis nffe r. Nuis Mur-eney. Phons 67S I'liunlr, Mias Haisl why nut one to rai money for Onir-e e M. Hern ice i'atwer. Miss Ihe tutor 104 who wants lo buy hours: 1 to 0 and 1 to v-12, 0 Pree4d . 41. of Dhi Jan Klewart, ih. it, Mica Madeline Nelson. HMdor boaL evening. Ho.pHal IhMrd, has angsjeclcd Mi iMtrolhjr TreMiiie, Bunday Appointments I.ad Assistant that a new win? te built at the Miss l.ciise WakaficM, Mis. CAN' soninl cufHiiibma he so honpital to aacoiiMiMMlate Ihe ever J Kmberiiif C'dlicon, Miac Kathleen had as alt litis t Koeiety article imri a4iig needs. The advice of! l.i Mill. Miss WlftiM JnHBji. in Vancouver daily has headline FURNITURE AND HOUSEHOLD GOODS, Secondhand local architects is to xt solicited. Miss Hall. Mis (trace Live. 11 sji)-s: "Hueiciy F.dk Are Hardware, ate., FOR SALE at our Salesroom, Miss lior.dbjr Tovcy, Mis K. I.. Fetid." Ma)lc. after all, tt was Adertise m the Daily News. Kdiiiaiid. Miss Miss Mr-Ix.nald S23 Minns, Third Avenus West. Phones: Black 61S Red 157. the proofreader's fault in over GEORGE LEEK, Auctioneer 4iul Mots M. Murray. looking; the spelling of "feted." Mejtr. Vuraisu Alton. Mulierl SUITCASES Ward. I. II. Murliancr. J. i II. C. I'NIVKJtalVY etani leal Maxuir. .V. II. ToWy. II. F. ckjnws "aaiaitng Imiorance nf Trunks I'ull.n. v NirholU, C. W: Wilk-1 THEO tinnier." Let Hie fseully en- COLLART, LTD. ggnTy 1'- 1 1 i-tiw.d. I.uler, A. t'ourage readiiia of the spattt CLUB BAGS ars. then, and tnater lh.- ()Jya. Large Stock on hand CATARRH lll.to4Skta y .r iiui- itniii 4 daily ' to select from. t it. IlKW i s s s J. F. BLADDER "W - 1 1 .ii'. ' f tlADDY Gkqiy Ws Lot " MAGUIRE uT ths luu.1 UtweaJ Minn l..,lr.iw i un Uia nv. ii um p-Bji) ii.' r.insiders the 'ease of Mr. Nest ths I'rU Murt l"-l H Sw I ii...,,1 (Un fun'.! ajr.ii r..r drniit. ' 1 I M - - III Ii I MIS I At tl.fl Ft.r a