PKOt TWO THE DAILY NEWS MM The Daily News OWES HER LIFETO CHAUTAUQUA IS THE UNIVERSITY IniNGH IIUPKIIT - MUTISM COLUMMA Puhlfched Hvery Aflrrnoon, except Sunday, Iy The News OF ALL PEOPLE PRINCE RUPERT PrJntinK and I'uLlishinp Company, Thin! Avenue. "FRUITi-TIVES" II. P. PUM.BN. Managing Editor. r.hnllUlHIUA ha- "Keen culled The People lnvefy." for ' After Yn of 5ffarlnc wMl U l alera l.. Ik ettiM and SUBSCRIPTION RATESt txpais,thia Frail MeJkW Ca Rf lHi vAlilli, H ,,r, Je,-eJ in larp Cily Delivery, jiy mnjl or carrier, per mrtnth 1.00 oe.A4ire lr lhie ha' Ch31lt3i!li2 Ity mail to all parts of llic Hritlsh Empire and the United State. iuce,l IJh- riliii'.iliiAial jfh"not ai"l in advance .'.$fl.00 per year liavw smliiiiii't inid Me chisl To all clherfo"wilrIes, in odranre, per year $7.50 f life. II I inlfinl.-.l -He all . Um ttit lAJeilf TELEPHONE OS ' r hither ini.iUnii.ftjrW u IImiik inl a i-'nyV?er In Transient I)iplay Adrertlnlng $1.25 -per Inth each Insertion iliitunl ant mitui'y sue- August 29 to Transient Advertising on Front Page $2.00 per Snrh Ijocal Headers, per insertion 25c per line llrlnw are 4ven some of the Classified Advertising, insertion 2r per word per nf Ihe lit iii'n-nl I .in. i.tu pre: Loal Xotieea, oach Insertion IBc per agate line "Xer before ha a cniintin- Contract Hates on Application. iv irjrct aipealel In all sort September 3 All advertising should he In The Daily News Office on day pre nni condition a nhautauqiM." Veiling jMj)I(calion. All advertising received suhjecl to approval. MLU ANTOINCTTC BOUCHCS1 "NiillMiffr in reernl y.ars ha leen so conducive In Ihe liMie -1921-- Dorion St MoatresL DAILY EDITION' Saturday. .uuit 27, 1931, 917 KmnI n (he "ktk nf unalloyed . "Ian writiaj to tell you Uut m idea-ur f nkt s rnterlmnifleul my Li u'Fnit-atitt tot litis reme-if which fh Vuth fl..e,l." . . . . Program . . g Combine Utility ( 1 relieved me vhea I hsd sbiuiiloned "II It apnarena Uat uf ieo-plehave With the Artistic 4 islf fiopA f tvrr rrcoTexlocny health. cWe l'ai'lijeelate MM IN M. fn a new cornmunfly utility Is everylhrrig Tsriil art is tuftttd ItnQJf ulk PrifrptU. I what C3iaiitaiiqu; mean, and tipenlns- Announcement hy fttpt. jrcgJiidile uSantUyj We l.ufld I our honors for utility and not for bm) it for yesra a&4 all the medioae the MiW1rlle ii (ffer for thf FIRST. r-oneerl Artlsl Trnt. Keatnrlnir 'reltM!' Arl I took did not do any good. eajnyineril nf nm-ir. lb' loir- arLf if hiMrtPM-jaee put in why. We rare . Mfre HmMhey Nts are. up the?farn I read soiaethloc abodt Trait Ikm that mar he wained thruati Ia h4 hide for' the picturesque.- lieraue of tho's(rirfgle of making tire1 being1 rood for all Stomach (he hciure anl the uplift that DAY; York 1 1 H tone, a rut Pa. 1 1. . litim and the jot we take in achievement Tnen as the place Tnmbles and IHsorders ot IXgrslioa come ttirtMurh hee and Hie trlcfa Kler. VlnlNHit -Ml I Hi re ie- in age, in tnlili(y, and the struggle for n living become few o I boxes,Uwd tntinfy After tbetJ fieuS.ic of tho a other fnrm of entertainment frmfi AtiirHaakHi QliMaR-Mk C4 A4 "T1f hi I e rent rane, and the wl a little easier, we noiirt the inartistic and we compare am! Dyspepsia and my (eaeral health pmfNMHt llffrelm IrXI the evenliKill turn t improving the crude structure of a city which was restorrL letttnrrs have nnit have dnne ArTHllMKlN M. we h iw ulrcady ejected. That is how we build cities on this I thaak the great fruit medicine, iiMiee than anjtth'ns He tn the WlaV A 1 'Fr-ait-a-tires', for this woaderful SECOND continent. There pojihly are exceptions to that general rule, relief." hislaejr nf Ihe Umn " Prflwle Arltat Trto. leiure -ft.. hot the 'xreplinn are horn of peculiar circumstance. Messags of Chetr. Iter Hal NaiH Ik SsMfVf. .t - ' a,... Mil A2T0!.'CTTB DOCCltER. "The the lenlnre. ami DAY music, The people fh the new community perhaps have just as keen ien Ihe til el frni th AdftkMaitKI ), 3 a conception of the artistic as lhue of the older, for most of the toe.a hox,6 for f3U,trUI ! SSe. :haul)iiiitra ttafrm, bre ih Iop! come from the older communities. It is lack of njtpnr-Itinily At all dealers or seat T-olpaid by diantaiMita mrii- of rh-er and lack of incenlhe and engrossment in other thine thai Krult- Utc Limited, Ottawa, OnU ArriuiMMsN and a hfaber and hrnader life THIRD Jan J'fo iutte Prelude Muass aot Masta. hold it IssA. Ve have so many natural hoauties here that it "The hrlmrmic toaelher f fh - seem- foolish to hang pictures in our homes. For a splendid I.r. lure TrootrHt CoafrtMitMiit lelr I f a pile of the town in Ihe emit Cat Not- SUITCASES DAY ( ncle Ham." pi. I'. , picture step out any flue, evening and look-westward across the moil cause nf ihe Chautaunm ,h.nlCS TterUMEJ-'iSfrn a hundred pictures in mi hour" such nfa ha ftetmp hen nnr nf tfie nian Allan Imrle. i : I H TRUNKS an no artist can paJnJ. most valuable feature connect AtTatll.MKkN y i ' e,l with Hi It ha fnvtered Ihe i HANDBAGS tl. LlAi....lR. .Mlna atl 1 K U.i V1 .Should Cultivate liif , H inirHher" pirtl a rtothinn .FOURTH-DAY- afc "a t A a ' a.. a I . - ... . .1. n iifiar ftuii mil km i MtJ mm ssirw- i r a nm w ( Artistic; Ex presslon fh hs) lrMr' Large Stock On hand J- I ' trlrk - Arlitic exnrBcsifln should not he uCKletel here even in "It 1m hrestwtit kImhiI an in 'Trince ht to select from. lleadlnsr - fXhe CkAhnn. t Ha V .n -ar, Rupert. The art music is studied here a good deal, the lermiuffimir t i wb nni mo-Iry " length of the winter evenings giving ample opportunity fr such people that i Ktwt f'Jj'1 4Iffttiafi tw. a ' -a li hMj- bu h organisation a the musical society may do mnehi J. F. MAGUIRE wftnle eMnm"niM l It'. iri sjiuBucourage mis. , m. i Kelt thw Pri. 3ttcrt J' ! ide for a wlfie wrHr' AlTWtSfHlX ' 7r. Ciltle & done in Uie way of artlafic expression in picture, and 9 the ttrtMir speech i muck neglected. Yesterday the address of EASTERN FARMER AND FIFTH taatamed ItnterlainiMoiil Ttie, rtTfU-piUry ''Uguwaj in many respect a model of art. Such SKCZMS t-AMD OISTRICT WSTniCT Of Old-Fahtnti tllfls. t'offjJceV a 'O-frgland bears thing until it is very late aud then CHAHI.OTTK ISLANDS, BANKER IS CONFIDENT DAY J, in, i gw. tlif Iwesn'herTihaoiiuerahleness of race and you catch the fir! jiwr Tit iMMmnMf lintJr that I or Inlea4 inat U rr itnlv nrrm to Uw Ad salt son fit. llii iiats. gleam ofthe sunrise of victory" are so picturesque that yon like in tenrrt ror ailartl nt ta4 petroleum OF FUTURE PROSPERITY Adn it UK Otrr 44 itti or Uod r ilovt: to repeat them, especially if you happen to be KnglUh. It is just Cmunenctnr tl bo rn&cilo no tht rt lint cf Srlka 1. Tp. . Ortbun Mi 8 v a to a thing elegantly, or in other w6rds artMically, easy express ItlaiM. ttDr is aonhwett n-rnr tt Irv1 J. i. f'r.-rh. ..f Ii 'inH Kan t,a y-Jaw-U 0 '17 'a to do it crudely, once yon have acquired the knack We read, iwluxj roe, ud nurk4 .1. S. C .1. W. C, " iii.J ibrort KMtk ( tllM. rill It rSUB. -i a reiirVil firmer ami b:ttV Shakespeare today after hundred of yearn Jinl to -nth hi norbb 19 thln, mr St rlwiKJ In poliil f SIXTH I Tf71tt II. I wonderful style and to enioy his artistic method of nunmmrefiKal. UJ lartadiBir Itm north er of thai rdace wfi ha' beet OnefVt The ' ttM.rMahiffn.! fniH.i,M ant h. Artt 1 expression. lull tot Serikia tt. To. . tad south tail spendlmr scKiia lime here, where He told old stories, but told them so well that they have endured of SrrtKMi l. Tp. . (Ttrl. -1. Lortled Htr ttna, nil. tie U inlrrenfril in reT estate DAY sand will endure and will reflect themselves through all the 5. S. CMMC Lnrtiar. will leave tomorrow night Admiaalen lie wild UW ""literature of all time. A. J. QieSni. rnl, i t lit In hroihi-r.In-law, James M - 3tt Ai SACE.tA I.AKO DISTRICT MSTKICT OF yilt.l CHA7ILOTTE ISLANDS. s AWnan, for Alice Arm. Mr Catch the Idea T notlr thil I Inland lo pclY la uw Kresrh i a confident a erer Then Express It. CJUrf OMuWuloner of LtihU rr t UeraM in Ihe future prieperity of tin Nor very long since a younp man wrote a series of articles for la procpect for Mturtt tti tiki nrlroleun rr 4t trre of Uad tf fullawt: city and Ihe illtlrict. He make a newspaper and an older man ventured to criticize them, men- OAimeDrtnr tl t pott pliBlra on IM yt-arljr m-hk here lo look after Chautauqua andtatrora by tinning the lack of continuity and other fault wtt Una of Axttloo II. Tp. t blr IS which he nyticed. uttwrf! romrr of IM4 tft'iM for. hi iilti'ri. atltctlng wall balancod pro Later the young man was writing to the older and he expressed Uienr north it rhtio. ! it eit'm. U It rlitlB, nl tt rlMttM to priDl grama lo touch all phasosof 'himself in this wise: "While I am fully aware that I am unable to f emnmenmneol, tad laflsdmr llw north ttir of SertMa II, Tp. . tiwf Ihe Mxth PREBENDARY GOUGH llftvfor tha help, (hat of which is ancourago-monl BCtnnif'tam continuity thought so necessary to the bir of Section t. Tp. . Orturo Itltnd. "Vt rfe'l fctyle, yet perhaps, in my own rough and disjointed way, I Lwtled Hit M.I 8.tad,CLAHkC,till. Lonior. LEAVES FOR EAST and tnttrUlnmont of may be able lo chronicle event with sulllcient clarity to at b;al . A i (Wrna. A rnt I aVaTSSSSali. a all kinds of ptoplt make it possible for you to keep in touch with affairs, if not to ftiA mid wsTairr riTr'CT or experience that keen delight that comes with a perusal or the Will Address Canadian Cluba In jci t tucruiiiro.I t Tike notice thl I ttilrod u tpptf to the Important Cltlet Fishing In I ' ""'The had the ':hlf OmsjKnr nr vl$ for t Hreao Alberta. vounir man causht iilea and nrrxlneeil nn nrlikiie In for 11 proffer! otlitrtl m pelrttei-m s . sentence which was a delight It wduld not bo suitable lor ail aer t trre nr und rono(: i ommrnetn tl a niMi plaau-4 tl the I jorouaioii beooue the long sentence is ponderous, while the xhort S"rihmfl rorner of Seellnn tl. "tp. ut, ItlKht Reverend I'H'hendary A Orahtm IM4. wtarked A. W. M.' N. F. C, V. Uouiih. nf Jr. Iarfls. I .sentence makes for vivacity. Some of the fine sentence of the I.uhdon. f f great wrilers are nlwny remembered. They are like the- shining wrth to rhtira. utt to chain lo pohTi tl left on I lil inornin?' (rain fi" s -. diinoniU in a tiara, the brightness of which will be remembered rxmvnvnrrmmi.Luc lad Mar Xih. Ittl 1 I 1.riill.riiivrii I......i He will pay a per s after the' A. W. MrlJTTKC LoraUt. tonal visit to principal of Keaann Tickets to Lo had al and lie 1 Jong tiara its associations are forgotten. I. norifrm. A real I To J'J ItiinM vrell is often lo do things artistically. To writ I h- l.'invraltv nf Allmrtn ami Orme Llmiifd (two stores . ISIE LAID WTIICT -MSTMCT Of' .... . ... ... . J a letter well is to write it artistically. To set a table well i to do UUEE.l CMAHLOTTE I4LA.1U1 1 "- auwri atop ill r.iiiuoiiii ill Single Admissions tual fin aud at .Vrr.iilehenn lirutf I it artilicaliy. To cook a dinner well is to do it so that it may T.knoilth.tTnTe;-1loaoDl,t,lh.!w,', " l" "nntcd Uke llanch A Hea'ton Ticket Qst 3 Hlore. t entire the appetite, and such a method is the artistic method. We Chlr Conuiil Mluwr or Landt fr t llreata1 Kltex, A Uteri a, III NDeild a few I infionsiousy stinly art jn our daily life and we aUo unconsciously rr a trrea or una tt rmiow , tlayt viait with Ihe Awlier. who Voir sate .. I? icnairDriar II JC:i,.J5Lta.If d V? i a ehise friend. Here h will I .-'har'jKir ugty idea and ideal that make life ugly and sad and northwMi earner -tl .gloomy nod set the world on edge. Art i harmony with jusl Graham Iklaad. oiarked A. W M.'t '. W. d Smile flaliinif. i... Ihenrt xmtb t rhama, eaal to s unyugli d M-ord Pi make the harmony apparent- Sounie pucker ieth SO rhalna. waal at cliaina la mini' rrebeiulary (lofutll Will then Ki I I tin- nimith, but too nioch sweet is even more sickening than '.emenr-iinl.WCi-U Alf I'll . 1 to Pasknloon. Wlnnlner- ' Tnrnntri I a a. w MrMTYNE. trttor. (Ottawa, Hamilton. Montreal am: " iguetK-c and oilier Important "-!..A.!,?-PHT5JilTJ!,?I!!L w.ciile in ,fr which h will CCI ISMPS. addresa the Cinadian Clulia. lie Chlrf Cominltaioitrr of Laud fur a llrenne etpecis to leave Canada for to i r Dr. JOS. MAGUIRE .JJF'.IJV?L'?Vt!ir,m Knuland atwiut icUber l. )lt tr r flaftflaP laaH-Ha rnmncncina at t pna planird tl tha'soil. Who IS at ircelit III Aliyilt, MEMBEa Of THE B.C VZKTth COLLCCI rah Tliland. narkMi v w 'Kr r"' l f'dh'W his falher Uer. inrn-v wium av iiania, waai i? rnaina. DENTIST north at cnama, tail it ebaJot to point or rominrnrrainl. LATE DESPATCHES Phone Lortlrd Miy tlth. till. 575 Smith Block a. w Mriirynr, Lortior. High trrsdt denttl work at iowsst prices. A. I. ftyrAnn, Arnt, , k PI.ACK niVi:il Imperial Oil I can giv lha bett of rtferrnce. IkEIMA I.AD MtTWCT -ntSTWCT J ZOjrcara in ai-tlrt terrtee. Vllt.t UlAhLOTTE I2LA.1US. iiiiipany monuplano was at MO. 1-1-1- ....1 - I I Tk. nr.ll-a Ual 1 IntMul U annlr la tha"""" "'"l"-te7 viotiirrnrn unu WItci Bfj-M2, H inns. Opea Cveai&ss fcjrr tMotataaKioer or Uwit fir iiz-mm was badly (laiiuaed iu Inudinii i pro'lierl fur nitnnl and rwilrulauin , . . over A40 arrea of land aa foOi.i rr MlUliy BILefw K SOVCII lnll iMnencla tl t poal planted al tbt'lrio fi iii hurt Simpson. Three tmithtiu of twit.! t, Tp. a,I irtham land, markad A w w a r r H;ctipanu eteaped unhurt. Ihenra tiorlk It rliaina, ! It rhalna, NOTICE TO FISHERMEN aouth It rhalna, rail tt rbaina to polo I of riinnrnint. VAGol.VKH Fred Varrlck Lacaiad Mar ftlh, III. Good of A. W MclMTVSr. Lortior. iwat badly burned when an as Supply a I. nr rO'n rep- l.lialltirp lank took fim at the ""wtVfWXllKilVf "1,,"B" fi'inpany's plant ;" ' tppurw iha n oraiiMii hi reel, nie nam BAIT ICEa fhlrf UntiiMaalonae of taiuta far t lireaa .. .. .. r Ii oniMwri for natural vai and tlrolruit 000 and the fire nvl ifr ia him i.r Umt uiau.. .... ' ai t lal JTuj' al tha "! IU tllllliy cate amitllW-.t -. rnrr af frl.,u J. Tp. 10. UHMllnJ II,,. i,aiil 'iraham lulatui u,..k..t , w u . a W .. . Ill 1' tl ft,iria I, .Lil. .k.I.. AT BUTEDALE njlh ID -halna, aj lu'chilu li point uV III III IN Malluas Krihemer Faaturlnaj aVana THE t4 OLD tltrlat FASHIONED tl Long Aga,OIHLa,at th lcai4 May Silk, till. i former : initr and nUuister of A, W MrllTYRE, UwiUar, A, i Oorduo, A am I, finance a murdered today