PACT. EIGHT THE DAILY NEWS tutu' :t. FCAHLESS ADDRESS TO SCHOOL TEACHERS CANADIAN CLUB REAL 'BARGAINS in Real Estate GIVE IMPRESSIONS (Continued from I'aae one) . WESTHOLME On lot Second Avenue, Section 1 $ 200 OF OLD COUNTRY good llrilon because the bad One lot Beech place, Section 1 00 HrHon wniv no engrosnlui. tT THEATRE Two lote Perk Avenue, Section 1, each 350 i itt lU'A Aur Sfl Four Ol- llev. Mr. (luUHh said he had Tonight, Saturday Four lota Atlln Avenue, Section 2, each 400 Inwn nfllool leacher have Jul" for ?i yearn preaehetl unlvcrnnl Double corner Sixth Avenue, Section 6, pair 1C00 relurnrd from a trathmg vlult to military a en Ice from hi pulpit Saturday Matinee Double corner McBrlde Street, pair 2000 the old land. al llrompton ami while he had Two lote Have Cove Circle, each 600 Ono of Hie Indie vaas much Im- lost member of lu ajwingrega-lion Tho Famous Story by One lot Eighth Avenue, Section 7 250 prr-aned with Umdon. it imiuen- thrmigh doln no, other historical had and In greater Winston Churchill, nily, and II various come, num H. G. HELGERSON, LTD. liaunln; annlher found i much a bers. she had exer(rd Troin so murh Ireland the Ulcer. ulio had read of 1L ' IrrM hd wae the ulpet fn Ihe V-v . r-" r Aj ..1 1 1 . iIlE4 i.Ain niatiwrT -rttTnicT er Without eomniiUing IhemselvwiL A. 'ftji1 hie af IrrHatn. ifwftng the wir Ul lEl I H.AnLOTTB IILAUS. too dellnilrly off-hand. .he, -flfV M the speaker naid. Hhe wmiltl Tan nolle that t Inland lo apply to Ihe reinarkeil that they mnd tench- j f- 1) have leen less injurious if open Chief CcmmlMlowr of l.anla rr llrens tng there dllTerent from (U Niltktereiil. Several over ly Moir's lo prospect rr natural raa and petroleum army lorer tlO arre of land follow. tawa. The kind of children ihev corpa bad to be kept there In Comnxwlnt it a planted l the the poet I.M.I ti llftflA.l lllikin ' A r In prevent rehellirn and of (; somnweai rnrner nr seoion la, Tn. v. Cup Oraham Island, marked A. A. M.'a 8. W. C. i.. .,w.n fr...., ii. e Telknn "llattMHiiH ami to head off any movement. Ju.t throe north an rbaina, rail f o rhaloa, aontb ae rhaina, ! sn mains. sluip areas. Mis Hum said she 1 " " now Hritain was a distressful Chocolates Loraird Mir A. A.fnd.MrfllAIL.tltl. Lnrator. tr,ughl in iwlve different chool '""'L.. ' -" nation vMh au uoeoinfof ladle A. 1 oorrtnn. Aren ..i.ii- ai.... At it..m frrowes. wHl tv tn all. Hriahbor. llis plan (or dtalilig tilt fJ III V S T'f FVf wsea-i ACosmojrolitan iVr iftwUcii WHOLESOME SWEETS for 8kEEM HSU tilSTMCT - niSIRftiT Of r ii,. l!n.i in.!. lK-k.. nn.t in MHI amiBireio. nl. are being with the south of I ret ami would VLLt.l CUVHl.OTTE ISIJOU.V (nude to tH and feed lite vhtw C Gitv "You mount 1 THE WHOLE FAMILY. (he famous Whlleehapel area. be lo : are taol nuitatitn: (fi'curv 1 Tkke nottre that I intend ts apply to the I'hey much preferrenl OtLtwa I lore. for metnfrershlp In the tlHtfati If rhlef Oon.mijnoer of Lai1a tor a lirwr - - - r I 1 T in pmwrn tor nainraf man petroleum children. rniir. The CJioQoIatc used in oer sie fra of land at follows: .-Commmrlaf anki.. a rl.u. Mm. Jofph'AnateroiHn of Vt Oisl Mnulti at a post planted at if smvr lite of th'fatid Molr'a I one of I he iimsl soatheaal forrw of SerOon 7. Tn. I, Or, The discipline sas ralher dlf-X"""1. r "r "", ,vTJf great ijwrtuhlllen to 'servH lie M.'a ham lalamt. and marked A. W. S. t. a, uuurjshiug of food, and theax-e north . neat IS chains, fercnt, and the "cane" seemed ! hSMitirw and h Ulna ill I y but hi- sou in ev mama. rat v cnaina. 9 Joseph Kelly. Mi. AiolenHHr M lead f that Mr weHt blfek to wllli the addition of Tty-ej Located Mtj rend, tail. rather more In evidence over a A. V. MetJtTTM!. Locator.? nrcoiopjiiied try her daughter. -, Ihe otil Maek grUruVe and there. There was not I he samo 1 0.1k, sugarf arpod butler,- a(id A. J. Oorrton. A rent. if spirit of frirndliuoMS and eonfi- (tern tin gofd and hvnit Into re rich ripe fruit and nut SkEEW I..MD lil.STRH T M.TRH:T OF The of Learnlnsuo bunihlne "Jazr bellion. If rwflsenpiioat Im( Comedy, iinnct', Fot,VrJ ut fB l lianillTI. ISIA1IIS. dence between teacher, and pupil : mhI' T,V' ,4 it .form a food rnuibina-lion Take rttce thai I intend In apply lo tl the lndon nchool. nreordin " . lett rHfWWt'd he IJefieveil Irefand n ".', ., rhlef Cntmnlaaiiiiter or Undo for a license - i,.., . .. 4,7 Aumistlnn, liSc an , that ift hard ! IkmI. ! priiipwt for natural raa and petroleum to Jtls Mina JlOm. Thi lady . " '""T. ' .3 wtauld Jv fnMmlMTrr;iri hp-py oer aao arren or lann as riHmii Ami Moire lmu I be additional rinmNwlar l a part planted at the plae In the Hinirlfe. Tire FlUonflTQQ THPATRC IOMcht h ' MfiinviM corner or wrunn , tp. v. u rain loetbttl tn. dratowttb her iiiw v. a a, , a . v advantage of m lalamt and markrit (.. f. C.'a 8. K. JOMORKfJ, rrnr, tnrnm north chain, rt a fat .- ft,dk aklnstlaBaa alaaaal aawl dkdkalt wai either la. hiI in ait army ami st iiitiiuirn a t-s 'if m pleasing everybody' lasle. chalna, teeth It rbalni, eatt 10 cnalaa to isj nukahie here ilk triumphs from the oldest lo Ihe liint Mwatrd r "mnxix May iim.niK-iit ttti ',a?.!? ?7.,p,?m , ,M8,',r,r-wo 11H,",a Automatlo Evidence. or tell v. her niilitnry to go her Carmeil Meyers in 'Dangerous Momesb1 C. D EMMONS, Lorator. M MiUron t .,ur .oh youngest. A. 1. Oordau. Arrot, history, and he found no ten- onaii way fr ale was not tmoe ....... ,,., Reel Westerner and ....... A 2 Paramount . . MititiM I " f .ur rione. The spirit of de introduce doctrinal KEEI I.AIK WTW(.T WaTKICT Of uriicy lu , I Sales Agent ! OtEEN i.HVRIiiTTE lLADs. earhing. Well Thy I n-rume Yalera. tire Spaniard, wa Imt AdmiMion, LV- at i l.o I fi.l- k in mn mv n i Ik U't. Takr nnllra thai I Inlrad la applr t th Speaking of her travel. .Mi ... wtita ua. AmerMMH, taanadian. John L. Christie I hw OmaMiMtnawr of LaMi far a Hrok r!lfM ,ml fAoutli Aftlratt and Australian Ktirna said had mosl to prmprrt for naoral rat and ptlrotaiKi' they a eor- I'rince Rupert, B.C. mar 4" ai-ro of land a Mtowa- dial reception while in Ireland, i-re art'on- akin with tin than Cnnunrorlne at a poal piaMMl at lb n.UwM n.rtHir of -twn SI. Tp. . though excitement there wa run-' Ireland. He anal hi alike 11-rl Oraham Ittend. markMl A. A. M.'a 8. L r. n kin a itti the Anglo.riamn. the INw north e rjaam. wti te rhaloa, ning high ever political events at WEEK-END fMlifnVlVerlRrll amitli mam,w rati ta rhafni la point at the time. 1 Cataadian or Hie New Zemlainler. LoratMl Hmf ftnd, Ittl. Could Net EilsL 'The Outing Season" a.v. l,a. uri'MML.Arrat utrator. SMITHERS SPECIALS Of what Iniportaikfti would jlveep omiim 'sotiiin'rti Ireland S wltlloul Ihe tkEEMA LAXtl ntSTaKT MUTMin Of Maid ''f lil'iM r ! .- iii'-ry VUl cuANtvrrE j lloipirv, asked Urn speaker. Thai I iAt,yni. Jluller if) Hulk .1 11ms. Let us supply the ' ilt.cdu Hem Jphnn, of ltotxl Hake, pat'i f ihe evinntry rsh not Ttka in thai it i to in . for $15. lb. i.Mirirl Universal Trading Co. t CMr Ciwlaionr of l-nd tar a ltrm left, Monday iiikIiI fur Settle to ban 'I ntnl U exi.i a a ration ly herself the I to prwfwtt fur eateral vat and prlrolruni aijvi'iiri Good Eats i ,0rr i arr of land at fnthwa: - attend the funeral of hi VrtXh- ktlloe Will lie n Hitf has- neHlier ipcaal TVr ' Iron nt 1 Cxarnrwr al a mat ntaMrd at tlx SA TURD Y AND M NDAVSPECIaI iMOnmi niM if frroeit , Tp:-. er. Ilerl. Mho wa a visitor herv mt lt (aa-t nHtn l Holier Tlrere VA-ere present FRIDAY, Wo con furnlnli everytlung Oraham laland. and mitlird A. A. N.'a 8. V. two yeaft. ago. . !, k in a-Xj iwhr l Ihe eleturttln which Hrrsr-lil Oirwr. tlmar north rhalM. al a , from Soup to Nwtn. itntludnig rbaUM. aouth aa hmim .r rbaina to .. . . lUMletetJ.', eoHtd rnakaa of lier a Mid na-Utan. Olive. Main, Stuffed or butnt of r-anmrm-riHrM llrfnt iitlere! I being taken AlUMia Ch'.ir.. Itniry tlttl In tire middle age lie FOR LADIES for mm Loralfd Mar ftrd. lift. -tor. llr 1 ri Ilipe; Olive Iluller. J'mnui A. A. MrPIIAlL. l-orator .3 It, fwr $1.00 trail rotafatrd of nfjmher atf Mualtn Crel I'.mrt. Uultcr, Ganncd Mraln. A. J Oordon. AiraL AkiciA i.An MTRirr niT'CT or eHHeaHliHg statem-aitd tribe a and -45c, 58c, 80c .i . .. faeaj Vl'lE" CHAKLOTTt ISL.A.NDS. .lleri Frcali Kan. parr 3 lee M Chicken, Ltibsler, I'liinn. j iloaen ... .. , 45e the' spirit Whfrli aiilmalM Itonn Mte-lbJ rjwmUra. DOo, $1.15 pairs Tak nollre Ibal I Inlrnd tn applr ha the linn I l CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS AND ItM', KUd DrcgsfDg.-l'Jclili. fJttrf Conmluiaarr of Lamia rr a Urrnr 3 diu fiM- I1JZ5 now nkkes for' grievance, not Muslin I nderakifta $ FOR S0T1 Ho ft lrfnk, drape Juice, AUDITORS In prMport ttt nalwral raa and prttnlrim for nolldariiy. There w.ia no orr la arrra of land aa foilowa: i Fry lirvskVant Mar-hi. taking Mrreerued ,'talkj4 llo. ir evt.-.i r P Limit Juice, Fancy Cake, RORIE & SMALL Omtrrnrtn al a poal 4ntd tl IHr wlii"H aide, lb 42c elemeiita vthirli made for a en- . 50; 3 pairs for $1.40 Mllianl rornrr of Srrtlnn Tn I. ! pair. tented "To eueh I would and Fruits. people Oraham Mia rut (tM-lnr lha aoaiibraal rarwr Fir' irkfat Ihonn ' " M - No cnarve fur fueling. llHltnl rartaar or land applied Ivtj, tnarkad A, W M.'a nay. (in. Oct from without Ihe llalltfm lrr,i'3, pair foe. $1 8. E. C, arhalna. ant at ' ' CC0R0C RORIE. OJk. folds of the Union Jack. 4 The fjy Wl - Freq Udmry'. rnaioa, aoann aS'rhama, fait IS cbaina to llaiiyK Wa-l, - .ny Ai.ilimr fur rrtnra tttrl tfre.1. lb. 50o great ne V Of Mhr IfMntt Fritter $1250 -M Mjrairq mtj lain, lvi. I a ir i i. i in Bankmplrr A. W KrUTYRr. ltrator. ! had been beue of the Union Corn tVn Ih? Coii. I f ir tSc Aitdltlef Parlaaraliie Ainta A. I. Qonton. r-hl 1 Munro Bros. laiaatlaallona dotert 70c Ijark wliieh lent bin) iMtpwr tanec Llealdatlana Elaanclal Niatnt, at. AaalaaaiaaU skECi VI'EL.I i.asiii CHARUTTC msTHH-r iSLA.MiJ.niaTnoT I'Srerti IKrr Ita-.tas 2 lbs. fr-r 25i 1 in Ihe eye of Ihe Wiirld. We $5.00 Gillette Safety Razor Fid Fadaral ayll4lat, frlnca Rweart No. I lriti- Cttkra 2 for 25c of ihe lirilish i-Unplrn have too Phone 83 Third Avenue Take nour that I inimd lo anolv lo if ehaaa JT Ba S4S Oilrr Oanmlaalonrr of Landa for a Itrriwo Per doien " $1.00 mueli to do to deal with a pro fin Haltirday every iurrha'i ! 11 to pronprrt for natural rat and petroaraiu (I oof iiMwitler a she has pmv- tin lre villi have 1 ta prtvileao- "f orr (4a arrra f land aa roOowa Fine) lit:. Uabbaae 4 lbs rummonrtne al a Mial ManlMl al in 23e I lo be. - and three blades free itli eawh amithraai mrnrr of wttai , TP. t, Oraham foe . 4 laland. and naarkrd C. O. E.'a 8. E. Yakima HutarttgaJen. S lb "llefore jwir rare there alnnea a' regolat wlur. Poiii-ly Hie Cjnrhrt. tlat-nrn north ae rbaina, l ae 2So a future greater than the areai evrr otfcii'd 10 I'aoada. ' Hi' .1 1 at rhaina. aouth aa rhaina. rati rbaina to for point of mmmenrrmenl. j (ilron and Veg. Murmw. paat, and vte cannot be distracted MKaica laaj urn. iiii. i C. O. EMtoi.ilS. Lnralor. I lb. to with Ihe fretting tUnn Fim. A. I. Oordon. Atrnl. ' per We nhall draw close lo the Iht-mintoo I ailored ekEEMA Ol tt I.AMD CHAHWrTE MSTIUrT-ISLA.11'5.mtm:.i or, k Fresh Okanagaa basket TomatttaM,Mue Hun 4-pound basket 50c ami wIiIqIi of one an heart.fleah of our Universal Trading Co. Take nollra that I miMd la ami la Om Ctilrf Cnmmlaalonrr of Landa for a Urcoa 75o Labor Movement. in iniirrt for nalnral taa and nrtrolrtim Preireifdary dlough lhrn'sMike IIELCUMSON IILOCX 25o OnliBH'ie- 3 lbs for otrr arrva of Jaod aa folio a: AtnmmrHir at a pnal planlrd at In Par case, 49 lbs. $3.10 of Ihe lalntr inovrmefil In Ureal I'ilOrVt 370 S. K SHANE, Mr nortbnaat mrnrr of SrrUon Ik. Td. . Suit oraham laland, narkrd A. A. M.'a H. W. P irilrll Pearn, per cais, lirllaln. He' said there were two i onirr, inrnr aouin an rnaina, rati aa voire. Ther wat Ihe ' voe $4.50. rhaloa. north SS rbaiu. nrat as chalna to Ihbi or niminrnrrtMni. Fgv I'lani per lb. 2Sc rrreenled 1iy e Melan arid Lucatad Mar lira. Ifil. Mm- other' represent ed by Ivler A. A. MePHAIL. Loralor. California OraYVeW stein A- A. J Wowlun. Arrnl ile, pert case, $5.25 Wright of the' seamen's union. AkiEMA laio nisTwrr mtmct or: Musk M'-l'-ow 20o and 25o The laller wa a pleiidid than 1 JVlt tllAfcLOITE IkLA.tOS. j but he had said that. Hie. heari Taka notir thai I mimd lo aly lo Iho Watch for our Special $5.00 and soul of (hr llrillnli labor i.hlrf Mnlaalocirr of Landa far a llrrnan Fires Our new Fall Suits have a to broaport for natural (aa and prtrolrmn Gillette Raior Deal Free uioaeioeHt III Hritain wa sound. Prevent Forest orrr o arrra of land aa foltoma: In that be was mistaken. Il distinctive style and an easy jnmnrlna al a pnal plaoll al th We liavn northran rtmrr of Krrltuai IT. Tp. t, jOn Sat-jrday. wa not sound. II wa rotten 'iraham laUod. and markod A. A. M.'a H. E. fit that marks them as thoroughly ... thrnr aonOi at rbaina, al a chalna, 400 I' give aMay He lo the voroT Ibor wa sound tailored garments. nurth if Ulimrwrturfit aa rhaina. nail aa chalna to point hi lite movement wa not. The Loratad Mar tard. latl. nun' f"H gH on movement warn conducted by Ocean Forests are an Inveatroenl which gl' Vi I IIVJ .IV IHIIII6U III tllkll . . A. A. Mrl-HML. Locator. A. J. Portion. Arnl middle class Intellectuals. t We American Cur way that they all show ex. buy had not been sound during the returns. SkEEXA iaID MTPII;T MSTMIT O (JI'UI CHARLOTTE MLAMiS. rency, Silver, Gold or war or elnejf. pert In their workmanship Taku not ire llial I tnlrnd lo apply to tn dlrectlf or m-lrsd Include, Labor on Ihe Clyde had been The shareholders i hlrf i naimlaalourr of Landa fo a Urrtia Bill. mk-up. Our new prices to proapart for natwral aaa ard petroleum 1 1.1 a 1. saturated vaIIIi treason Province. oarr Aa arrra of land at followa; " (SannnnnjaaaanBnnnniBnnnHaaaiannnnaBBaMa .every cltlisn In the are all popular prices.' :nrurnrin al a t.l plantat al Iho and at other place hy had . " i.raUaiu ai'iithnral laland,rororr niarkrd of trrlina A. V. M II,a S.Tp.W 10,C, fluperllable Supply Co. Imi-ii helping" tin Herman force, Dlvldenda ara sharsd dlrsctly by e.ary Itn'iire north (0 rhaina. rail aa chalna. lie told of lhcn-trlkrn that bad aouth an rbaina, cai a coalna to point PHONES 212. been brought on at Ihe bidding who resides In British Columbia. $33.50 Located May A.11 W MriNTrrtE.tail. Locator. i 1 311, of the Herman and of ihe valuable sl M4" A. I, Cordon, A(rut. time lol during the vtar Each tree Is worthy of preservation, wlio'ti had cost Hritaiu and the or I' to someone, sooner $40.00 other alliens valuable, live. The employment . heart and fcoul of a niokeineAl hut tlis-ae Consumers Coal Co. Ltd. like that wan not sound but rotten No timber substitute haa been found,articles. to tho eorc. provides substltuUs for many Room II, Smith BUk DsAi Proheudary (iougli lold of I lot $50.00 and $65.00 Sale Altstl sC . rO demanding resolution that that had negotiation born pass for Tho Lumber trad, la callsd the biromW peacti be opened. The men who British Columbian prosperity. naid thi was pound wa 110 friend of the F.mplre. lie urged Keep the mark set hlohj destruction f" thai Ihe good eillien of the Km-pire spells loss for averybody. bund themselves together MARTIN O'REILLY against such thlnua a these, lie then elod wild the word of TclcJonc cheer which deelared that the Our prices all Lower real heart of labor was sound, FIRES are Cash Prices are always Number 7 FOREST thai Hritain would win ihronicti PREVENT Prices. Lower Prices, ai she had wmi lir. iiHli in Mn Will Take Ooal Back If not Satisfied. la- and Mia' sunrise (.f Vn v wa 1 iglif