FMflE TO Tnr TuftY nrw The Daily News WHAT CAUSES HOUSTON HAS n Irt pniNCB ntiPKHT - imiTlHH COLUMBIA OS) Published Printing Kvcry am Af'rnoon.Publishing except Compny,Sunday,Thlrtl by Avenue.The News HEADACHES ? ADVANTAGE OF i 11 M m II. P. PULLE.V. Managing Editor. FINEST SOIL "Ftull-a-tlws" Pteients SUBSCRIPTION RATE8I Canacla5 Favoril- City Dellverj'. by mall or carrier, per month $1.00 Aulo-intoiicallon CuUlsy Valley Settlement Nalsea Ily mnll to oil pari of the British Empire and the United State. JUto-intotlrAtlen m-iM"lf poisoning. rtnett Crops and Is Pip Tobacco mm in advanee, per year ffl.00 Mmy r"H atifTer from jw'J Prospering. To all other countries, In advance, per year $7.00 Cuulifmlin or inuftimi mrlitm af re lonrlt. Vie mHrr wliieh ahtwld Ittirsrfli.N. Vm. trt. Hou.ton. TELEPHONE 98 pM eat of Ue Iwly ewr dT Inenled fT, mite, fmm PHnee remain t and puiaaat the Wnewl. HdpeM on Ihe Cnnadian Natiieht Tnc Tobacco Trnienl I)ipUy Adrertiiirlg. . . V. .$1.10 per inch each lnertion A a retell, there Is ltea.Urbes, Railway, 1 ihe e.-nlrf t onr of Transient Advertising on Front Page 2.Xrt per inch h IqitrtoB,dhtnfhcd SsMfc, Iw ihe enininv farm i mm r.niiinuiiitn Local Header, per Insertion 25c per line Id Ihe lUck,HhetiBialisra u4 hears of I lie llulkley VmII hi oin an and otlif r skin diaeasee. aarieultoral laml'"""i the land Classified Advertising, per insertion 2e per word Legal Notice, each inertion 15c per agate line A TnUtHint" af"these mUft tahes,i rrnei Bails here preertml areat i irtiiaitiea Contract Ilate on Application. -I as ami a n piece u tlx. il Is ones, from fruit art t-eatly e Juices, All advertising should he in The Daily News Office on day preceding boarU, kklne nJ skta and Afiep netted. lhorn I- ne of Ihe UkNO ACT. publication. All advertising received subject to approval. lreiel oot ni Mm- line. nn4 Wood ad rirh. the pure ft.m. af iteea if te I'm. la.a. f. t: trtl ie? the emiHlry for mil. - ni-nnnel N M '! I v tottrtt. B.east Otairtet ' tOe a box, 8 fr M, the The eMiiiti i flat a tot uf rra H-v-n. aM MiMt. ii caeia 1 DAtLY EDITION ta Wednesday. Nov. Ifl. ID?I. At dealer or sent ioitaiU by ame. , t-iti l.usvl t rails-Urn limited, Ottawa. Uie lmh hi iivbt. " land i. TBr ,( thai IUr VimU. af Universal (not hard tn Hear. Kor mile there Trading Co Greatest Event ere no laette nsminlnin and Ih UK- -4V H H.( VMM l Ud In World History. SUITCASES i country iHehilaHna oer Ihe mnm a mm Hath. If the grit powers of the world now in conference at 1 oniall hill. I'M- III" WU Corner Third Avenue and t ith ttrttt Ka raiina- here at Ihe lrrnil in Washington evolve n permanent disarmament scheme which can Trunks .lime may he anW lo he in Ihe et R uiMa4in be worked out surer full) il will be the greatest event In human .n..eliiMnlal ll knu.ii .1 i. Seael t S VCR. ma ce. htslory. The world has always been fighting. The farther back CLUB BAGS realised that,"-r similar' to mo-- I of n.iMi t tr it itfl in hi-tory we look the more fighting there was. Thoe who did Large Stock on hand. the re.I ,.f ihe Ihilkley Valle the' SOTKX hot fight were killed off. The -urriral of the nttesl meant ver Price very low. .riw(tal...I .hwnse. i will etenloallr..... rMc i '-Wi target) (he iirvivl of the lct Hghlee. im- imiri larmnvir. i lawwiny nay i , ek ansiae thai I. . M. ftmm ll J. F. MAGUIRE iraieH wUh earrea aiati thai ena-. Kupeet, a C. nrraeaii.a enn m In the tfarl) hisliiry of Britain vp llnd wnr viewed as a noble frr. mmi tmtt rar aaan farmer In the iht Iriel ahmsM l - far raei. aanuei tee ant thing. King Hiehanl. Coeur de Lion, is the hem of all young, Net the Prince Rupert Hot aMe In fee.I I heir nan Mnem. ai- taa s fiokmiae;enai Haeasa ewtmi m tant neato n Cadar Mt Wa have them far Men. Ladies. Be,, Oin, boys, and a fight Avws the very breath of his nolriR He never iloMiBh il In ihMctHful if hay wilt an mm aanh heat d LNaw t4 c,, did anything c4e. Of lale year, however, public opinion of the er be ralentl for the oul.Ml Ihia i a !HhMaa,se do,amt eateea tea mi aaeia af QU-LITY THC BCT-eiCH KIGHT world Is being modified. China, long ago learned to look on war MURDER MYSTERY IN I'olnloe are alo raied here lo aaaal iiaiiwiimn. mm- ' with horror, and that nwI of her civtiiMtlon is permeating what MlvanlAiie. Oreat rraee have lawn L'ireM Saraal Hat. ISfl ; we call the civflUe! world of today. TONIGHFS FEATURE re ported iht aenxtn on Mini, of anansaa. Mer? .MtJltiwear Shoes, 6 month, wear r i k The climax of the movement towtml peace seems In have the farm Ihe Unla. MTICL new pair, . VYESTHOLME THEATRE clinic in Ihe Vahi)igI(tn conference, where the great nations of Many Farmeca. the world Inure sent their representatives to work out a scheme There are alreat? thirty or rwvr tw nrrcsrr T r ('ssTftasoc ianv atavajcr mt ri. $8.95 which it is hoped will eventually lead to noirer! peace. Th roil li the creation of an nvnre rehlenl farmer re rnaee aaairv, B. C, niaali a mr mti tmuMtal character, the murder actively enrarM in OeeeiHi rT!ttaTOS5 Men's Work Ihoes it , .Sportsmanship myntery In I.oul ltennion' lai. lleff land in thi UlriH within is fnat 5aramTT3e J Badly Needed. ! fitlcure, "Hirh iWkels. ' a radhs f tt mile ef the Umu at man ear mar at Itoys llifh Cut Sh(M, hat i neeiteil in the world today is the spirit of sportsman which crane tn the Weathntnie There are sHIl ether farther 1 1 in iaanr mm, IS ShaMM. ffdp. When young 1ki are encouraged to take part In compe- Theatre tonight is nel. Tlie away, net te mention Uieae who e ia im ia Mas aan It at $5.25 pair Qtious and shown that it is honorable and noble to take a beating UHm ha haffleJ the sheriff IhmVI taml aal pen4 Met lino- linn ti. it iti tie a. with a m11e it Is ml always realised that this is Ihe force that and Ihe t'. Mafhai "High hsntkinr II ami Ihe ret nf(he iim- 1 nci c ao. aaaaMtat. wilj prevent the war of the future. To play the game without Pocket" HewlerixMi, wtm dis-r.iver afnvc nn the raMwne and tt;e 91 reort to improper 'incthiwU is the power of today. Once that i the BJnKvW. tt flri government mad- Thl year fwr oTK. leflrtied. we have with u the spirit that will eliminate war. clue is AManted ewly wten ihr "f the etyher4pmHt eram ws- UNIVERSAL TRADING CO. There mntiiJwaj be eimpetHMHi between nation. Jut as inamhat hegto to stert a the erenmety at Vaneheho,.f Tah w neAee ski I. W t af there must always IteycoipelitMin between individual. Iietween gang of cattle tlKVe ihe There ia a srreal ieal nf ioek at- eaaM f r . Comer Third Avenue and Slilh Strati ramnitinitfes. between" province or stales and between anv lierttlenilor of the crime. An many here, thi ineivehna nntlv m a icaaMa iat-y an iifaai OM tt ruf Phone 378 S. K. IHtkC, li-r griVilps of IjumiA (leiitgs. It is implanted in wr natures to try to his suspiehms eatimtil he em-iimwd, heef rattle. Titer re an h,r.,.. H.aae c4r avaai Nw at aa a do lietler than Ihe otlfer fettfew. It is the Impetus which makes he is jwwerten to pro. heef and awme, tar nrt hMh of I a)U Cae if tiw. Ua-ar for all progres. Carried to (he limit it means the iccefnl war eenl in Ihe ae. Hhest a half-wiited There are aotnei nenapeetor in Wwar't aaat fhliai.e ran,am Bnrta m.ace la mil tanaa, of Alexander, kl wfity he conquered the whole world and wept muieia. who has drift. Ihe neishherbMMi. hari il i n- I tae Haua la err.aeai af inarmn i. raauia Deeanse there were no more vwW to ciMMjuer. There comes in d lo that leerted iart of the likely that mimnir will ever la I wiM Sael SIM. lift. iwiwever. uie pirn or sportsmaHinip wnicli fortMi men going world. yie the inarahal hi maieh part in the faliiee of H.Milam .w...k ansss.t i,nast.rat me limit, out keep them within reaxoiialile IoiihI. They have to firt real nife)rinalNH. r ihe lerMny imnetiia'ri) Jlortrf play aceoruing Jo the role- anl learn to take ihi mean advantage Vicious Denes Halt. snrroaMi.ling it. YOUR AUTO of an opiHioeiiL Ttiat i the'upiril that niut eventually nile and In -Htjili leseto tittle Temy rai, aieakT it iHTairT MS Fine Summer Resort. tioct or cojier nanot: rrvc that will make it posfb!e for the nation of the world lo agree ihe muirian in the vtetnu daaave With sttch acenie ashantaae. Take auoea. that I. I taw liar, af mar Touched lpir-i m tU not to quarrel while at the -anie time competing. hell where the eat lie thieve-! aratllaa) aaeiwar M OJ ,1s. apWW bntlng arot 'ZZJLSZSTZ'tt Vamiinfd tnade thete hd4tMrlera, bad fl.hin. M OH ton h murli O- fasnae; illattnial Uafc r.amaa.ariae it I Cultivate at Home t nelMg Keen fertrntten as a per. nffee SJ"',flSHUJ? ati7I-,nIK "SUTuT!! n a aumrner enmpinir re. I Spirit of Fairness. on of e sequence and was snrl. (land ttull are belna hit it f .U-Jjg? ?LJ'XVi KiLSOSIIHKO J9 In even phae of life weflnd this pjrtt exhibited and ils treated lf Mie gasur a a lislle nayw are oieninn lite country up .-aaiai. ami a.nh isaa t ri f p APERNaacisa tJallnre is alo noticed. When men at election lime meet in hKigniflcanl eeg m their eiiene and mnfctas thi town at. enaaaaawr ie trt debate and disco Ihe iue ami the fltiie f their repeclive ef :teMre. I Hat title eHr knew from which a beJiteay seeker a rentre or lrafd ari j a Slat.was Illl WW. Jlaaalraat L. 0. LARSLN r carwlklales withiHit rancor and ill feeling, there i the spirit which the key to the mystery which had traveller ean set foe man mile. WJL.lfHrVJ Comer Fifth ail will make wars impossible hi the future. When. hiwever. they mi hmg baffled the amherilie both enat and weal. The elimal- llib Phone Ortea HO n1 raj arc trHii OMTWlri MS carriwl away with the importance of the iues and allow and Ihe knowledge bore UHn his Is dr and rexd and I a thaai' Tt t or ot aut nvr to take unfair means or to abiie or threaten their eoHeieiiee Willi a Bressing fear Tk an that I Ttaaaa Itw(r4 Illeeome ehansre frmn the conl. Wi aiaa. af Taeraes, a c. rsttaO Uferf' or even to go farther than that, then the spirit which he emild nt hMsyer entteeal. fin In the way of a I swan there a esjr a to ally, when he saw Ihe d4ermtfl. awawnirt far a aatar a sad the future of Ihe world is much in ( peace very' not much al tinueinn. The people 1 1 iiai aa asa la ad: s evidence. alhm of "High PaefceU" he enuM i niaiiariaf al aoal alaalad o sad aa. are rarmera and n4 huaine.a awara-r an is wal fnan Cadaf Maar tmi ! Until men learn to play Jhe game fairly, obening Ihe rules no liwrer remain silent hut re men or iratWrnea. ami eome here . m..M . 1 lath ... Dr. Sutherland and keeping their temper, there Is little hope for veiled bis knowledge )f Ihe aWnr nm Se Hljiai. Saea teeth t permanent In s-o nn the land. Henrever. J-li Oataa. awewa wa ee fSaia. theafa aarib peace. Happily, it isiol the Mnall men with small minds that ertine. Iliroiislt UUn Ihe marshal floold. a pioneer of Ihe North, MiuHst a rtawaa ti a arraa.aaaai af mamanwH aav D.D.S.. L.D.S.. D D C. usually control Ihe destinies of nations. It U the with the wa then aMe lo ennenet men rood or t a irene ra I store a will Slat. ISfl broad outlook that who the scheme whereby the real IH'iStl N"WsaO WALSH. Mlfaat are deiralde. men are safe and who pan aa the pnaloloen and r. saa. view things as from art eminence where others cannot see. murderer were hroufrhl lo Uie tejetrraph nhVe. There go-rniiieiii i. nt-hemelike Sonet. DENTISTRY in all its branch poiul of admitting their eriwe little hotel run by Mr rsuirr aurcRT ijiso buTiucr ms- Learning Sportsmanship and m vinlieatinK the course of Tair:t or coast a mic rrvr and Mrs. C. II. dtries. this Ta we Skat I. Crf Maastma Cartr. 14 nd 15 Right In Thla City. Justice. hmise af i Kaert, a. c aaaatiu.a dtd ExchanEe Block, Suite i certainly nol like ihe There is no tseaua of (raining for sportsmanship like the run of entail town holH.ordinary nmaaai-t far am si eael in salaral aaaaV lae r a aM nOM ptr ia For Appointment Phone Black 5p5 indulgence in manly aporta and games. lat night the baketlall A NEW BOOK u.a a 4 a a . ira aa tae roii..uf tnli Uaaa saj mr ion meal. W fie re one baaMSu at a aaat aiaaiad ana isd ana- season opened and a number of young people, Ixiys and girl. . . .ire.. ereani ... ..... mt-"rTr u - ..I Amm .bl imtm I S1 ,e.- whm itumtey c5ir w.W" lilted HO ill IIIHWMHIir f fix HI M UMil nlavMl m M nm I .. - Luo. M-Vi; taney nerrrM, rreiah meal. freh r"'"A f " is rules. There however, too al,Jam" urw.82drU? " tea waat S aletaa. Ihnvra aaaia te whs, much of a desire to win even milk, eta aO rooked of tnr. in a te aaaat af eutiavnawaral. fweuia- raa .... Home the .OKU., ..,.if ii.a ...;;i ..,..r ti .i:.i wr ' i The - (.... ytmj, i urj tini iio nma)n Mny Imtne kitchen, aee making for it a . ""..if.- the gMmc. t'otil we citn learn to do this iu fist, tin our games we cannot mifmlar CtWt Hvft otas cant l "The Flaming Forest" is the reputation. Travellers h, sppUnat. h,ope for nation do it. The lasketbali league may be made a like lo make their plan, to csrMsh. u.t BREAD ,my title of a new book recently writ, Domestic practical adjunct to the conference if tt train peace can it ten by Ihe great outdoor aulhitr, here if at all raathie when in the noTicz. members to play the game all the time and never to take an unfair i. mwjici; at rraT iso wstmct ms- . nil of James Oliver Corwood. It i a nuirtef. ror it more like koine twct or coalr ncsot rivr a II fa . " .Advantage mi opponent. than W. h.v. mad. bre.d.m.kln? (ale of the norlliland which will any other .lopping place in 'lZtff.' ths of "n-1" Ihe ?f rZTlZ-? pTi'-1 but stir up the wanderlust in the Itnlkley Valley. II Mrker.ou -MTi heart of the adventurer. This ia is the inadian National Hallwr KP,!SLSA TLi'll'tl 'SISSS.S i I '"-'-n.i. av.siev I...ia una-".......Had. 'tirwood'a third Ixwik of the telegraiili oiieralnr amt also f.,-i. ti e pan piaJ ota aula fra oatr ai.r ... . taa i kuh f I Oil rmAmm .1.., Canadian National Three rilvrr Country. The theme n "r '-iBrnjr o aiailon ageii'. Ihiai aMI Se etuans. thanaa suuih II i THE LACASSE BAKERY, 111 Railways rial la, an an aeat aia lhaara earth of Ihe story i thai David Carri- aa aaahM to bomm el aaatataecaBiaai, roa-UlnMI . ani 717 Third Avsnus van. serneaul of tlie .Mounted WILL SELL POPPIES I UIleS SIS Aeruil arraa. Slit. till. Police, goes into the wilderness to A. H. .tKIIOLS, Appllraal. trt bis man. He becomes the vie. , c r scaaia.. A,.Pt. Prince Saturday I Tas Day foe the Koncr. .unl n fiOODS, Rupert tim of a strange marksman, and H0Us.- rwver nt'etfiT i.a ID MSTaiCT FURNITURE AND is nursed hark lo health by Marie. Q.W.V.A. Aid Trench Wldowr tioct or co ST rasok rivr rom" Tike rat If Ibtl I. S. T. at .U-. .Mtf Anne Hoiilaln of the famous lion, and Children and Local Teevate, a. c., aea (Han rtanarta, hand Mardsrs, ' lain fur brigade, whose chief is Funds. Iteevl to eaaar tar v On to prottwri for 11 1) . ,s.. i...ut West. Phonei leaaL iMIOtil t 14 palrairam cm lha Shipyards hcinyaterlotie W. Pierre Itoulaln. ioHia eaaantiee tkanmaannr al i aaat ptaaied ana Mie frim f:ir War' Of course flarrfgan falls In love I He delayed lag day will be an ttw aonti btal af Utile cedar Kltrr, with Marie.Anne, hut llinjlain held oo Halurnay nest when !?? .ttlL"Jt.lKJlZ" f' Operallna O. T. P. 20,000 Ton FloaUn0 Dry Dock lands between them. liiies will he given hi all Who 'so rasiaa to pamt of cetMnencrinaai, eua Enalneera, Machlnlets. Boilermaker., There U n flglit woodsman' donate to I be Tl.W.Y.A. funds. , MHuae taretad ie Aareel arras flij. till. ..StS makers, Founder, Blacksmiths, Pattern ngalnat skillrd hover and Oar. II Is a worthy oltjeel and douhl- S. t. rustO, ArfUrsat. REMOVAL Woodworker, etc. rlsan win. Hut he I kept prisoner leas Will tw wvll annidu-ta.1 Tl L-UPSVP.SITI11. and goe norlh with Ihe brl- rreorii mdMWa and lerptiaua. who lash' riu.tcr MrnT oistiuct mi- Our plant is eompprd i0 handle all kinds of wade In the forest domain of HI.1 UUile I Ii.' iMimiiea will twiieril a. TftlCT Of r.OVBT hVQR HVr. I'ierre Itoulaln. There is forest u.ii . , ' Take aaUe ihtl I. Mr lltrrr aandaraoa. olTerlng everytlung m our MARINE AND a : -h in-- t .. reiiei iiiiiii. or aiuiknara. a. c, y uaooo naaMKir tif re. a trageijy. and then the smoke Ihe . Ilei-tloi, will lie laken !iiik-imI tn trait for a Hraaa la prowl ruf ii north your Anne C8M P lyfUrl'" .1 iiai'irel ft a and Drlroiauia oa th. rol. DOLLAR (of mystery ia cleared away. by Hi. I ' i f i.l. aided by a num. i' an., .b-w-niiae sMr4 UitaaHMariat tl a Ilurlng our .ale EVERT M en lha tank of Cadtr kiaar fi.iHM - . COMMERCIAL WORK M-r of liiHll w itiels. i:- Xic taa pnulh af LOO Cadtr Hiiar. "A far Frl Unborn lomorrowa and ilead laentw ra.l fe i-htM. nVanra aaalh I Sea our win"- rhlni isrsiii- ara.1 aa rhalaa. ihanrs twins PHONES 43 AND 3tS .yeeterdayst Why forget about C Carter, of Hmither 'Sam. i i4ri t runuiwaraMni, tea them. Today is everything. Ad. reaiii.,) Die l-lly illl . .I II 1 W tl t . ' I .,,,t .ara.i fltr lft Barrie'sFurnj jvertisa- now I Irani. Mils IMWiY MliKHSoN, Ar-PtlrtBt, r Scbtub, Altai, i iaa'cee'