x ltd. r f Mr SUPPORT OF " BOARD TO VISIT SEYERAL HOUSES ARE ' SOLD BY LOCAL FIRM Industry of the Soil ALEX. MANSON NEARBY POINTS Fishermen Making Purchase for "yHE aor f ikia Bank ara Purpose Of Settling Here aatrntlal alamral In lk Ooaaialon'e Matter of Exeurelon Ut Bulkley feaatamaalal leaatlfy atataitalioa f - ,WIGI11 Speaker or Legislature Baoks Up Permanently.. lk aaily Cther Dftrlet Vallay or Dli-cutaed Prince Rupert IrLrtequeel Richer: FoV Road. La$t Night. That fiftherrnen nr purrbaitinR Far ii year l kara kaa praaaatlay boue in I'riure )iiiert i rvl. Ike iaUratlt ef so'(all(iat' Al Ike iiiii'llnif if III" Hoard of I It W-nn Irfl wilh 'lip puMlfjly' lent. The exchange- illfTerf nllal Taday, ear (krialiAa la brini ati). r- T i.il" nlulil it ropy of u ctl"r 'roiuitillli'i of Uio'Hoanl nf Trnl llUlkea it ebeaer for Ibem to Ihe tt treat eal la caaalla aa ttdn,. fvom cooliind ...... j.i'iil hy U'. M. Miiiion. member lo urrnnv for nn 't nriun lnr. deri' Iban on Ibe Allieriran eide ar la Ikcrtaia'lK eolpal of K ttUt. Ill) I lie "lining kiimmikt In aa finite ,f(ir Omlnwji, l the iiiliil"lrr of ami a a rpntill many are lookina; at Hi" niimiijjKlliiK poinu in nr. lo I'rfnc lli-i-eri for lumvii. If 1.1 til"- work rnrardiwf a mad on I Union bank of Canada iJit lo ue iu pVopli- an oppor. 'of Prince lluprl v.a read ns tVd-!iivh: tiour rail be neeiireij more will lonily of IfarfifTIy about Hip r"-. brinr Ibeir faiiiilie her thin permit mr lo place myacif on ri.iaaav kiiorrra of Dip Mirrminillrijr roun. umfiirr. Prince Rupert Branch A. T. Broderick, Manager :lry and Alo of srrliln into rKxer A Mr('4irrery. fSibbon.a Ioyl 'record (i nppruvliiif iif lli a t rr-f l-riilitirc 'f public money n I'liuli with I(if proi wilh .i' urri lhal Ibey have nold- Aevrral tin Idilir road from the y of ( In ri-o)iimliin, 'I lii n teibleiiee rererjljy, uinontr them irdM nl I Iii- rcjnilar ruonlhly nve.rtuiiiieil home prim ltu",r I" ran-; heinic a on 0RMS LIMITED nericat on (lie Hkfi'im Itlvpr, ami .itfflitiit of Hi" ooflftl mi niiibt. iM.iiKiiniir Ktrs'et to J. Vtir" friii ati-iai. nia A.ti 'rrrnoi ftv noni;K. wit nu. OAa Avn rKTrwiin m orrw: 'fii.- the following rnon: Tli inalli-r cnii- vjt on llif Ibe I'riiwe Hupw-I ItnildiiiK and WSTIIICT or 'o'tM.X tllAntilTTE PMTnl'iT or ijrir.i miarliitte ri'Ailifiit of a Ml'- fifio linn, T. line.lnif lit Co,; l(.r"iiiei JAUIIIS. li.AMia. Tliero Inrwc a "Mr! arc a very Aietander A. Vrptiail tnlena in apply R SALE .number of motors in Prince -llu-;twrl NO WET GOODS It, I'allullo In lli liiuiril uifscl- bouoe at Heal ie Circle lo4fapt. I. -Camlua t. Kmnvma, of virtont, B. C. i Ihe mni.lrr of MiMlt fur a iirmw lo ntr an ruoimlon l Yiini-onir mtrnd lo aiifiir a. the Mmltrr of tAnai pniprri for natural ant prtrtinim al prenl and wc collect flnx from lb Jobnoon enlalej a ltrrnr ta pnxperi rcr nalnrai rat ott r Die ruiomint tJrarribed urJii anl Hi Kitiillifrii ioli'rior il'irinif hoiie f'iflh Ave. and nrlrntrum or ibe fnltoorne dewrribed llrrfueienrmr at a Dort Mantrrl at Ike eten.rooloe on llbcrc'rom a very siiliatanlini landti I-iimMtfiii. .1 a tMMt titanbwl ac : a. W. rnrnrr or kertlrm 14, Tnwhhll a. lose of 3 Rooms n mount of llniDM fees for which FOR THE YUKON i ho coinlnjr iiiiijjiirr. in Seelion 7 In ieof(Te t'iok from Ihe H. W. rororr of Arrival is, Tl.arr.fup tilrarnrn MUrul. . t:., Ihr nrr in rtiaio I). i. Klrwflrf '(igjr',liJ ns an . nralwm l.land, H.C.. inrsre aovtn telnoriht rhain at; M main aonih; Fji "",f"u inn direct ri-hini I jilven ly Ihe V. Kjbbald; a flve.riMiin boilne on rhaia.: ral 0 rhain.i nnria rnaim:o roaim wrt tir pnmi r,r urrinnmi. rdt.i) K. .. )ii',TIII(H"lll. alli'rnalivft (hat tliy unuc Soentll Avenue in Seetlon 6 to a ri ae rtiaina lo pmni or unonitif. l.tr.u4 Januirt Atn. .11. n At l XtM,, m A. Hr I'll.I, Iirairn aannarr ji.i, iwji. j 'HiTiind Tli Hy f I'rlpir Cannot Be Carried In Bond point in th'iir umii iJinci. I'cr-onlly, II. Ilinrfkn'ii from C, I,, r'ranci. t.AltoU.S IT. CWHO.1. lMtlor. 350.00 . B. C l h aii Lr had , lrtlor. Vtnroutrr. llnp'Tt. fNim a roioniT'll lnl. Through United States nrvrr and a boime in Section 2 lo J. I.. Territory. ii!M jsti'wnrtr1 Oufi-n C.liarlnllc Mrlidmli Aiiit .V. Dulli'ie from ATiTtvL cia Aivrr.TROUx-.x.'aiiTice. SATUML HAS V ry.TB-IIJIIIM MITH Room House j i. a( t nwW n UigUwnx lo Ijofnu. " iirrli' rl, n wry roiulilf-nlili IklamU or Ilin'lliiUIfy Valley. Milebell Currie. IHSTBir.T :or ytfli rJfAHUrTTE fijTRirr. or ovr.r. "ciiabiitte ' K H. Parker a'usriru a'lrip ' ... ' :sLAb. . .af.A.vna. VANCOrVKIt. March 5; Tlin f I t A re I iMLu" iiiniMiiil of niiiiii, i ilnn lnr- I. Alrtandrr A. Mrpnail intend lo apply tnlln YMkonMrrrllniy anil ioio; to the lltillry wljli iii Iripn lo SAT I'ML OAS Af.O tttWVEJHM OTIU-'l I. ramltvi n. EiiKo. of virion. . C. In, lh Xiniorr of Laruia for a liarnae io $1,600.00 jinu alt or rvi-n mwili of tli Dro.reri for natural aaa and oclroleran mirnd l. apply Ii the MiWWrr of Land of Hip .oinli In niWfi rn llrilili tr1e tlir pjioiir an idea nf hmtrict wwtr. riMHUirrr. for a lirrti in opir for. namral aa orr ine follrtw-mr driwnbnl landt: ' Ufirr, Ihe nt r"0irce( of lhal lilrirl. iijw.. and rerroleuro otrr Ihe foUowlkf drvribed vxnnienrtnt al t P-jit piant-o ai la-norm on 1st Avenue i "'III lrl Kuril a lilnliwny would (ilumlila Mill Iif il'n ilry, tcm. I. Alrl.lvlrr A. Vrl'MU, Intrtyl lo apply unrj.t iiniDirnrina ai a r.i -pnei l mrtirr or are. to, Tnwowip (Mirarily nl Irnal, R Hip fpilll if Mr. Manoii, (bo incinder tut dial M ine aini'ier or isimm tnr s urrniu- io .1. E. romer or srr. . Toantnip . S. Oraham laland. B. C. Ihrnre tooth ao l 'h a link fn iillfmnl- hlirliwny rro.for foe naiurai ra and rnrulenm Oraharn I'land.' U. r.,, ihrnra amita to rhain: ra.l to rhain; norm to mat; SertU.. '.'tor' fin IIh Inlwjor. a rtiljtiar of the I ollv Hlnlcn an. dilrlrl. id oflen intileil (lie rrr ihr folly ina; axmboi HMti rhaiai; imi- te main; bona te rnaiot; wri te rnain In point or brrirmrnr. B vr Apsrtfnti It lliorilliM miller Voll4ai law. iK.crd lo fro' Iherr omifKi-oriirV al a pwi piaaim at uv M.I la riuma lo 1'nnt of brfnalnt. Lnralerl January tain. Itfl. l(i VW. rtwwr r, SI. TotiMmp S. liraaaan tjmwa iannary fin, tail. ALEXAMikH A. MrpllAlt, $600.00 ' Il will ! no lonprr criultililc J. K. Mawulrt nlfc approved the l.lajwt, B. ttxw wwin no raaina; rati CAHoLi'a D. Kaao.i, Lorator, lliinrl I an ilatul niul I f VtormiTrr, B. Lnralnr. aa rfum.: norm rnain.; weal e roam Cj ' lo rry li'l'ior in lrn llirmipli Idea of trelijnjr aeuainlrJ firl Ki poi or urainnine. off Mi' iiimIIH nil nl ri-rnl wilh our own diMriei. before ?o-injf IiraiMl Jannarv tiin, ISfl. XATIBAL OAS A.tO N.TBOIXI.3A'.tOTICK. s.tunti, OA a.vd prrraoLEuir .hitii'.e. Alaskan Irrrilory anil lliul will .ffery, Gibbons linn fVmo n rrrr-niion lninlfwitnl ' AU.kA.VIi:n A. VrniAJL, Lorator. -I'ul orrilic Yukon. Ilo likinr ami farlber afli-ld, Vajieau'tf. B. C nuTBicr or rjrrr.Ji charlotte hiamicT or oi eki charujttf. ami an ittltft i niwiaarjr lo ni-n. islavds. nLv.xr. oiHIhhI of ollirr poinl in Cnnail.1 that arc II wa (he.i (eft for the pub. ti kL naa and rufioLttv Aoim 1. famlaa n. t.nunona. of Virion. B. C 1. Alrtandrr A. Mrr-htll intend to 1PMT & Doyle, Ltd. 4r a inufli-no-il''!! lb ity roiiiinlllee to di al with. mu-nd to applr lo the MisMrr r Land In Ihe Mmuirr .f Land for a IwenM lo rt-r n-alinn." aupplinl only lliriiiiali Ainrriran fiKTnll.T or WtK r.HARUITTE for rrne to prreperi for minral eaa rownrri for.natHral rat end prtroiriiin' MI.AVIiS. nd prtrob-oni orrr Ihr folio,mr 0rlLrl over fiiow ina drkrnbed land.: Phone 1 1 ilrrrilory. I. Ak-tannrr A, ari-nati, im.M lo apply xnd.; 44nni-frrinv at a port pianino ai lommrneinr al a pot pianieq at inn ! Avenue AiTiintlnr lit hiai riwowl SIX NEW MEMBERS M le Vmulrr r tAtm ror ttera In the . VV. rororr or airrllon . Tonnin . .1. F.. rornrr of 9rr t. Townom t. Oraham MISS MARGARET RYAN trnprt for nainrtl rat and ttrorum !ra nam I.Unl. a. I or nrr north 10 .jnd. B.C., ihrnre anoia to rhain; wrt from I).iMfi, YliiU.liorin an.I "rrer Ihr follnwinr arvntx-n landa: rhatn.: rat ttt rnain.; u it rnatn.: to rnain-. nortn ao rnain.; rati a main llir j ivmmirfiritur at s Jki pianiea al Ine te rhain to prnt of birtmnr. In poini of berinolnc. in llr finU Ui Yukon, MARRIED ROY GILMOUR Board of Trade Adds to Its Num. eomr -f rr. it. Tnip . lira Loraim ianuary ii.i. mi. Loraim aanuarj zrtn. ivii. : mriaU f lli ifrrlUiry li pro. 'nam IfMt. H.C, iDrnrr .Honia a rliaioa. l,liou If. CMWO... AlXXA.vriEH A. MrpHAIt, bar One Heelgnatlon. ir. a rham, nna ee rnaiaa, rati se .Lorator, 1 ii-i. il lo Ottawa. ham. in pnMi of twrtaniair. vanronvrr, B. C Wedding Took Place at Home of i Loral'il Jnarr 17 id, 11. XATIRll. OAS A.VD rtTB'U;fl,."OTH;E. insider the Sit new member were elerled miiM'tn a. phaii, Loraier. M.ATL'BAL OAS A.XD PETnoLEI.'M JIOTIJ.-fi. Bride's ParenU on Thura- , Vasroiivrr, a. SUNDAYCONCERTS lo Ibe Hoard of Trade al Ihe MATRICT Or VIEE1 CHABUITTK day Evening. .IVTfBAl. 5AS A.VD fETROltCM SHIItt I. rart.lii. n. I irmoo.. of Vlrtona. B. I' ISLA.MIS. monthly meet ina al nipht. They introd lo anplr io Ibe Minlrr of Uuli t. Allan strwart, intend to apply 'in ihe I PMIAICT or OlfEX OlAkUIITE k lirrwr in prnprri jor oaiwrai' VlnlOrr or land for a lirento to proi.-rt Cost ' Mi Maraaret Hyan heeanw Ibe Series of Popular Eventa Being were II. II. Hoc healer. A. W. I.ip- lI.Ali. tnd prlroleurn ntrrr Ibr followtne tutmbrt tor natural tat and firtrolrum orar Ih riding Arranged by J. P. Magulre. - iii. John f.. Chrilie. Paul Aita. I. Carnla. O. liunum, of virion. B.i'-, land.-. Oanornetnr al a no-l pianim at fuaioainr nmnrd linn: rjanmmrinr al jhrlde AX ftoy I.. niliiMHIf at a tiirl H.arfHt In aiflr in in Mmuirr of Ln4 Ihr t. rornrr or wrwo it. iop a pnai punim at. the .1. W. corner of er. loff. W. F. Ilolrefrr and Albert lor a l.rrnw lo prnrr' lumrai r . Oraham I-land. B. ihrnre aoum te a. Tovnip t. orantm IMand .'-. Ibanre wnPtin," ioirmntej nl in! nome J. I. MK'iin- announced nt and plr.rtun nrr Ih. fnnoint oewnbrd rhain.: weal to rhaln: north H fltltii; It rhain. aniith; SO main rati; to main f of f itov brideV fHrenl. Mr. and rireenwiKx). lawtoi Omairnriar al a Pol puninl al rai eo rhain I auiru of brrlnnint. norlk; te rhain wet to pnmi of fcrgin-Dmi. nlebl ihat be had made arrantrr- The rrronatlon of M AJIerl Ihe ; rorwrr ! t. Townuiip . Loratra January r"io. mi. nuiMTit Mr. J. J. Hyan, rtol Tlmmpin men In with the management of i;iahata loend. B. C ui-nre aootn an r.Ro.i; ii. Lnralerl January tun. IS1I. waa nceepleil with rerre, Mr. iluini. ri st malm, nnrta s rtitim. Ler tor. ALLAt STKWAHT. Larator, ii (he Hireet. on Th.irartay Mwlng. Ihe 'eib"lnie Theatre to hold a rai rutin, id potoi oc orfionioi. Vanrourrr. K. C ui The reinny wSi performed Albert in bis letter Maled lhal be toru4 January in. Itei. VATI RIL OAA AD PtTHoUOiW .tOTll t. Aleitndrr A. Mrt-iuu. Aot, . krrfe of Sunday eenlnp- popular hi in-Vancouver rjkllOLtS II. r.MMO.tS, vanrouvrr. B. G. in wnt numl of lime rai ly lie-. Iir. II. II. Oranl and only ntnrertu on Marrli yrur MITBICT lr CK-r.CI CHABUiTTE -eommenefnjr PETBOLEtx at rati, oas axp jioTicr. ' t l lro now. , ltOH. re'alie.i and imnie.llale frtend 13. Itth lor I and oul.l.U- ialenl naii-RAL a.vp rr.-muiLEi'M. vifici: I, rrolot D. Cannon, of Vlrtona. a. C Mlaa Iniend tn au4r-ta ua. Minuter of Land DliXaiCT rOfi lll tfS: CHARMIT'I k. ' . MorrnrcJln " H r a y Vrr prenl. v.-i uld MMrNr tl)eeeeenli There may t, arnethlnp you niATRtCT or VITCt C-IHRLoTTE for a Umiee to prv-pret for natural rat ISL.AM1. 1. Allan lOratrt. inirrel to apply lo uw i..i l-LA3. tnd prlrultMe'mrr lla fulk.tn drxTibrd niswrmiiHiuaiiii nl r...,.!!,, ejiwr.ted lo earry lliem on inl Ree lh eHaalAM enlumn TOO.- 'HMOeurin. a port wwini at X BJ.Irr of Land for a llrerwe lo'prn-pecl Bnointnin. U.a hrwe twin? ,,,ni(.Kulary. I. rjr-4u n. tirouona. of Vietorta. B. C Ihe .X. W. roroer of ecll. 4. Towtubip ror Mluril a. and petroleum ovrr Inr i ii ikI by her 'atl-er, ' ilcimd t" apr-fv in i he Vloi.lrr of Land t. Oraaan Ithutd. B.C., Ihrnra aoetB te rc.o-tna- iternhed laiwt: tflrnnrnrmr at ay a pnl ptanird at Ihe K.E. roroer or Sec. WATI'JI NOTICK. . lor iKf i to pnwpen r- niiam ra rbainti rati ta rnain; nnrta t rbam; Mr. avid Mr -. iMIinonr at re-1 'end mmk-uni ntrr Uir f-Hotnr drrrllel rl te rnain ta pint of b-1oolor. t. Tntrr,tbir t. Graham tland. B.C.. Ihrnre ToKCE. noma ta rhain; mr-l ta rrumt; north l jinainuM in the city ami will re.; The Man in the Moon ;im2.:ih .I.E.iiMwnrinir eornrr of ai re. Jt.pom Tothoid ptaniru ai e. Uriled cajtoLVS-January tl.t. EaMU.Vg.Itfl. rhain; rati tt rnain to potnl or JXtn-Blrt. iV Slth Aniii ljil. I TAAC orTCK i'ul, GranOy nmamulilrii ora ham I Mind. B. C. Ibenre weal ee Lorator. nit e- aiauir. cmrliint a rs.m rr 13a. LI a.. wlvMe irnain. aonih ta rhalni. rl te rhain. Loratrtl' January ttlh. Itfl. rbhavn & Hanson SAYS- Mktrra it jroi. B i: , lll apply ror carta l-aierjaniiarr te rnaUM ui pnmi fin. nr Itfl.Drtinninr. VATIRAL OAS A.VD rETBOLELM .MITICE. ALLA.V STEVVAHT.VanrooifTr,Lorator.B. C Aitverliee In the tialU ew Hemre fur Ihe Morar of Bte minma cnoi.r, r. rnvuta, rusTiucr rr oriri charuitte - Aletanilrr A. MrrnaiL A rent. Ap.-ifd, Thirdly ealhwa nf .laaarr Ml of Ine rM torture ' tortlor. ISJ.A.Wl. VaneoMvrr, H. R. li.N'i: ..f (b- family "f aiiKbnn I. rarolna It. tnunnaa. of Virion. B. C of lllrMrw l-r I lxea now eauinrfiy tn4 rCTROLEt-X" .VATI-RAL OtS A AD .VOTICK. iVATI'RAL AVD 'ftUTIfX. thr MiMMer of landt ' Hit pert OA PETHOttDJI mien.1 lo eppJr M me untie na neen rifi m tram Mio HMdrti rrra. atmut lo imrdt for Itreni IA enwDrei far natnr-1 rat peerace wild Ihe lllli- of llafon at ' IMIe from oranbr Bar. i nisTiurr or orrrn ciiiblotte ami peirotrHm orr the folioalhr AwtiCl PMTRICT or IStA.Ml.oi FEt CHARLOTTE, VIhiIi ii Tan-y.llMlrli. No one The alorare-aam will be trawlr-l JO I I'f.'MiS. ihe tanut; w.urfiuwrre-in mrorr or Vernon at a po.t t. M.n Towrump.i I. Allan Ftrwart, Inlrnd to apply tr the fret rrura Ike al Bouodary -if ol t4. I. rmlua n tmmiini. nf Vlrlnna. B. C . nrabara I'land. B.C.. toene- ta rhaiat Vl-iier or land ror a lirente lo prosprfl CANctiLATion or atstavt. olii-l Ui I lie line a ln n lie The rarrty of tar rewnrMr lo Be rrralro ! tetrad io apfiiT Hi Ihr .MmiMrr r land. aorth; it rliain rati: SO enalnt koulB; for nalnrai ta. and priroleum over 40 follow dnrnbrd land: tnmmenfltl al il not flaunt il in lre ror wmw to pnnim tor nainrai ra to rhatn wri to point of brauinint. in l HI M at Oivn taal IM our or I towi ni ituiiKin rtHrxi. tnd u vui a potl planted at Ihe . E. rornrr of Her. TORK'S land petneoin orrr Ihe foimwlar devnbrd Ijoraim janiary n.i. un. fer. rmrtu$ u ll. viur umntl. auk it lo ronoiitire it. IVtsd Mtrral teer ! land. The lr lcnil.T i:iKiunenrinr al a poat planted al CAHOLLS D. EMMU.1S. 7, Tuan.nip rhain-t. i.ranam i.uira, n. t lororv.to M-aitn an et to main: norm 1il Be diirnrd fma tw tirran al lite ine .v c corner or sre. in. Tiwrnroip , Lorttar. a. k nr. 1 i main; rati te chain to p-ut of beio-nma. Ibr ta rhain SELL Orahaw lOaml. 8. c.. nrr due tad ui t im4 far roioiug tod hIMil7 Miniir or um. MAJOR Kirk Uur.l. he aootn. pe rnain am aw raimi norm. VATtRAL OAS A.VD PETROLEUM jniTICE. ia4 twrtronmi, IB OXrnord Located January rain. ii. 0Vn-Ur iir" B"h pirpe riHwa ri in puei or orrinnmr. TOVES. wauU leer. In know AU.A.1 STEWART. Lorttor, vkiutm, a. c sWt happen at Vil 4. HI. !(. Ml. 4(1 tnd lit. joritl Janaarr ffib. 111. msTRicr or qifpi charuitte Vanrouvrr, B.C. ttm iMwmwr, me. belter. That U not the stufT that isis. itn and uv rtis. stti. tftr. CAhoLL's u. E.JHS. iLa.vds, Aleiandrr A. Mernail. Atvat. tf. lire. HIT. !. file LnralDr. l r.min. d. EBimun. of VWIoria. B. C Vanrouvrr. a. C Itiek drink. In like t.otiHthlnR ftfJ. fffl. tr.u-nd I, apply to Ibe MlnlMrr .rr Laodt r.tlb a military Imirh urb a and ft 1 1. Tie- lirenre tpplied for It la ATI'ltL OAS A.VO rETIVILFl'M .VOUCE- for a lleen. In prmpert for natural ta .XATI-RAL OAS A?IP PETROLEUM .lOTICK. .iwlrmrnt an tppUrn lo lake and ne and prtroleam otrr the follmvlns drv-ntied PIAfHIirT Of Ut'EKX CHARUITTE Slorft Hardware llalK'n. a ler a nrr irr iw.urr potlrt n IM distmict or isLamh.oirr..i uuruitte unut: iJunwrnrma at t.ro'i i-wmm KLA.VDS. the north weM eorrtrr of erilon 7. Town-hb I. Allan Sirwarl. intend to apply to Ih tune, lata r waarr oranrn roe ettetti. I, ramlii P. t.nuiM4. of VIMorta. a. IL, a. Or nam Itland. It. C Ihrnre Xinl.ter of Land for I liren lo pnwpert TIMBER SALE X 2117. nVKHY If ma tb wrmen'a eonlt, TMa aniire waa mrt ( lae iround na Intrhd tu appi io Ine nintMer ar itna rhata. ouih; -main rati; eo rhain ror rulnral ta and prtrofc-nm over the PHONE for a briDu In prnnti for tvatarai ta norm; ta rttaira am io poini or prtin. rolloinr rletrritied lands: 1 XniDennot at Il'ACK like Urd day or,rrnrnary, lf. a e.py 1 14 ril or oilier uplift orpnnlrntion and prirolrita orrr Ibe fnloinr Orvrlbrd I to. st. K. rornrr or he. rMt rofr Will M rwrlml by V ..... .... pot planled a of Ihia noure ami an anliralen urmni Uik!: f-.iunermt At potl Mablra at inert it alka about eitunllty rf Jjoraim January ..mi. It, rrvin..nip a, tiranam i.ianq. d. i. iiwitt-to Mmui.r I41 lAort virion not utr m romer of ner, J..Toa. norih i il IVmo and In Hie "Walrr Art, lll," will in CARoLL'H 0. EX MUM. num. norm: ta roam wrM; ta main ' linn n.n oo Mr tllh $ij at Mlrrn. Hl, Ibe sexei. IT nnrlliin(r liku the be aire id the ooire or Ine Walr Hecoraer iliim kip ,anuih.lirahim 0 tiun.1.rhain. H.eat.U Ihrnre no rhain te Lorator. MHtth; re main rati ki point of Cr roam. 2 DryCleaninp I Ih tmrrhaM ef LlVrnre X lilt, 10 ml pope aUnsr for Cliijrrh union. I rrtnrw UuprrL pM-ih. u rharp wrl to point or brtiu NATTRAi: OAS Af PETROLEUM' MITICE. Lnrtirt January lm. mil. U.tte.uoe lri ir sprur nl iirmiora oo c o&jertuni lo Ibr ini.raiioa nuy be nmr. .ALL-A.- STEWART. Lorator. - r-Waa wwtfKW tivi tuijoinisr len IJi. n& 1, atuie-lilf WITU Sex liiallty died wilh ia Ml Wtlrr Hrmrdrr Or wilh iM-tied Jimurr;inu.rs eeih.i, Kwvio.tiS.Itfl. nisrwcr or isiA.Nns,'oi rf? cuablottk Ateianner A. MrphaH. Att. loll. gung l.htrlnu IHIMI Ult. Ihe. cnmetrollrr of Walrr Hirhit, I'arna-tent . Lortlnr. Woninn would epit; I. Ak-ianoer A MrPhalL Intend to SPPJT SATI RAL OVS AP PSTrlOLEI'X NOTICE. jlri.-t BiiiMtnrn. Virmna, H.&. wiltw thirty ia th tioii.t.r of Lana for- a tlern to Il$fBirT-o-' ihVeN CHABUITTE iWT lo. Aw V. I Two it' r'f am im nom ror re- AIo ithe'd exyear and daya after ine rl pprtrnri of UH ATI RAL r.AS A0 rETHiiLEfM.,MJTIO: rro.'il for naieVal ttt tnd prtroieiiai over lU,DS. lmitl nf nnilirr. ' lie pnmd of jt. nlrre In Inril nrpit. Pisl nurr or 'ortEX ciuruittk ine Ciaoinrnrlur roootrinT n-wrni at a poal niw?i planled tt the to i Ihr raroim Minister iv of rmmrai.Land for mtrnd a llreow to.tSDiy lo l.ir'ir (MiHwiMf ef M rhlf rnrenl oitvvav :oiv mimmi. aMci-iiu s ULlMIV S. E. corner of Section 4. Township s. proeperi fur natural aa and petroleum IVini.ro, b i... or Imirin ruritrr, proce lrl lo.lhr bar hed " rowrr a. ltd.. Arp-nu I, rarohi O. KinmAivt,Minuter.or Victoru,or Lands 8. C. Ciaiiani I.Und. B. : . Ihenre u chains iitrr ine roirowtua uescrior-i tbe Intrnrl In hi apply : Hilton, il :. north: ' rham west; to rnain touto; omniencinr ai a poi paaiw at tu. Vounr. trenl. Knowingly Mrp. , By vvinint for a lireitM- to pm.pm fat ntlurai ta 10 chain rati in point or aeruuuu, S. V. rornrr of See. , Townthtp I, ore- The dale of lb nrti pubiKtuon of mi prlnurutu otrr tor itvjiowinr u-w-noru liam Island. B.C., Ihrnre ayrlb ta chain: flld iiti, beer inrau-t! January run. P9 705 Brinchts TIMBER 8ALE X 2323. firder a or CouimrrKinr al a pott planted al wl t - ID.O j notice Itvlhe 4B day cf ttbniary. Hfl. 17. Townahlp Al.t;SDLA A. McPaAIL, rati to rnauu; ton in to rbaiu; ih V c roroer of Section . SnroelbinK- with LotAior, rbaia to poini at brtrlnmnt. pep. . ilralum I la rut. H. :,. Ihr nrr Iiii rnain SvaiMl in..M m t rwntn) hy in vanrouvrr. B. C M eiett januarT oin, LAND ACT. MWIIl; to rhalD wral; to rhtina north; vii.ior i)f uuii ii virion, a. c. tw.i That la v C.AKULV3 D. EMMOJIS. eiialily. te mama rati lo point of brttnuin. e Bank ui.r iiuo iv nu iim loin atj i4 Mrn. Loralrd Jasnary tfl, Itti. VATi niL OAS AD MtTROlEl'M JlUTlClii Victoria. B.C. Royal Il. for Ihe inirrfu n l.lrrnr. X 1J, Who would desire il? Malic tf l.toill. I Apl la Li La.a. t.ARiiLI S D. EMMO.IS, Lorator. I" rni .Hi,nif Irrl or Uprure, Irrtjr and Lorator. PMTRICT. or oue.M OIARLOTTK Why do reformer all An PETROI-EIIX .tOTICK. ll.'iuhMii mi an arra xmairrl nn Lairxm I tThol ll V jtMi Mtl HAL UAH. lALA.V'iA. .tATI'RAL OAS ;lnlri. rinrlniic Idanda niilnru I. rarnlua n. iJontont. of Victor it. B. C rilnTHICT tir v( ar... Liitni.ii i i c Sfi'iii lo renuire il 1 In Oiirlolte lln) jint M.tnrt. .WTI'rlAI. IHS 0 rTRO:l'M rtOTICK IS IDS. Owen m MiniMrr ol Land LA. "iw ! jar l)l te aileg lor removal Uitrnu lo apply 1 ol nf kmairr Ilrenrdinlr dltlliri of Fkerna, and klluile niSThjrT or yi;rE.M riivRUiTTa: ftr a liren.. in nrotnert for ntlurai rat I nun tewarl. Intend to aeplT to the Canada l urliirr ixriirniar cr ine rjiwf rorir, of Uranam iand in IBe ISLA.Ml.S. C. and prtrtOeuro over Hie folio in t ursrrlbed Ulnl.ler nf Land for a llcrn-t lo prospect on Ih went ro. I I'arolua O. t ninwrfu. of Virion. B. natural aod petnueiua over 10 WliiMt. . i... or Intlrid Hirlr, rTim-e "SWAT THE COLD" tanilt; ..iHiuorfiriiia at i--i-u r.ve aa l ine Miniuer of Larkt wl Kitrr. Iqtrnd lo apply at lUrl, a, C. tlrtnliy of tlie. .1. E. rornrr of erllon , Tuwniip fnllnwtnr iernbrd lands: tHinunrnrint' TAKE OTi E thai rjitriea winr, or ror a liren' In pro'peri for natural rat a. llr.fL.ni l.land. B.C.. Ihrnre koulD a a pool planted al ha S. V. ronier of 8r. TIMBER SALE X S72S. NEW HEALTH SLOGAN Vanenutrr, B. X... orcupAlloa arroununl, and i.ihU: lrieiini Dunimrnrlnt otrr the at follow a potl inr planted dearnbeil at rhtlnii.( tu rhain rtt at to coami;point of aorta b-lnnlnr,te rhtmt) thene 17, 7 0tkt.mp iwrih chain;ir.n.iii ra.l..i.imi to mama:. . TOBa intrn.it to tpply for inniioti lo Iras let A, E. rornrr of ertnui 10, lownthip iti toiith to rhaiiu: wrat ttt cbam to point BIT A Loraird January into. CHAKF ! te Ieralrd irnilrra m 111 lx M-wlv.d bf Ina lb r.Ak.niiif oearribrd lahdai . lirahatn Itlaiid. . C, Ihenre nortn CABOLCS 0. tx MOMS. of brtlniilnt. of LaiHia il Vifirla. B. :., nn Health Authorities Are Back of rttatnt; M to rkauiai aoutn to rutin; Loraior. Lortlrd January rvin. ivn. It the P! rlentrtl will , Ui.r than lumu on iihi JUi iiar tit Arm. ijuruinrnrirur tl t ra.l to rrwm in pinni or nrainnnik, AI.L-V.1 SfEVVART. Lorator, ! not m ifie small Hl, fur Ihe imrtlilM of Ureure X tl, Campaign to Prevent norlhratl Cunirr of ' . U lotte, inrnr Lnralrtt January Jultt. Itfl. ifATlHAL OAS AD PETROLEUM NOTICE. Vanrouvrr, B.C. I la rul U.loo.ouu Irrt r Knim,ana linn-lork Disease. norm 10 rlialnt: Ihrnr Mil M rnalnti CAIUIIXS l. EMMONS,Locator. Alrtandrr A. .Mrr-nail. Ayeni. mi an in-4 tliualrti nn LimrOon Mar. ihrnre toulh rtin: Uimre wel 10 PMfRICT or OttEl CHARLOTTE Vancouver. H. C. mm amounls I "ihm liiaiul. Oiirrn I lurlniia ItlimU pia- irki. The familiar "Mal Ui fly sin. rhih lo fnukl of ronuwarMnrot tnd eon- XATIRAL OAS ANO PETROLEL'M MUTIt'-K. I ti-tander A. .MrPbaii' Intend to apply XATt'niL OAS AND PETROLEUM .HOTICE. the first j... tn III yrara will Ihi sllovrd.ror removal Kim i now heinc reviei by fieallli Itlnlut ! arrr. hHHw- or l. MrilRlirT or Vl'EEM CHARLOTTE il tbe Minister of Lapd for a lirrnor to DWIUCT Ol' Oil EX tllABLilfTE i every lurtlwr or uinurr.fuiriirulara of ihe l:hkf Korelr. nutliorlllr and Ibe nubile u belnff CHARLES WINO. I. l-trelv P. l-aimon,ir an of Vklona. B. C. otrr nroarn Ih follow for tuluril Uit dcat-nbed rat and land:prlrulrum, L A lr under A,ISLtMlS.Mcyball. Uilrod lo apply lit virioiia. . '., ir oiMriri txirrmr, rnore aio-d lo "hwni Hie cold" n winJ Auiun M. Urotiu, arui. Intend lo iikIt lo iim Minuter of land rminuenrinr ai a ioi r'"e t o. m uiui.ier of Lands fur a llrrnne lo ftmeri, b. i:, ler nn iienriily na they "awottrrt Palrd Tin Hilary, I'll. ror a nrr- an pnwpret ie miuh. ... R. W. ivrner See. II. TowwAnip t, Urabatn ptowrt fur natural eta and petroleum .ovrr. k,r"'t oi and tirlrt.lroin over thr (idlowlnt drM-ribed Mand. B.C., llworeti) rhaina nurihi ao IDT follow inr nrKOUOl i.imi; your the lly in Kiilimier. lamtai i.oiiuiM-iu-iae al a pol piaoiad at rkaln ram tu rnjtn aouia; loam. ConuoriH-uit il a tirml planted at toe I'&wjngi Account Do Ilidilnd Dm mnvoinrnl is I ho do. I.AND ACT. IBe a, K riMiier of Srction , Townthtp w-.t to point oi arpnnini-. S. V. corner of Krrliotf. S, Towiuhip I. I'hnne 6.r5 S27 2nd Avenue dire to cherk lb ihhhIiIo spread t, liraliaiii l.laud. B.C., ihrnce north L4N-airu J."Yar? .iw, Oraham l.land. B. C, Ihrpce to raain e a rham outhi ior, say, ten Nolle ef liitaallofl le apply I ilMiuti ai eo rnain; w... r,i.ui AttSAVplH A. XcfllAIL, norlb; e rliain tli of influcnra and liinpr diseanea by ral to rhaina lo point of Prflnoins. Lorator. rhaiiu vol lo poini of beiinnmr. ! "VMn C. V. EVITT ill n prompt treatment of every Puree) ta. Lortlrd January ti. Vtncoiivrr. B, C i.orateii January tvvi. Auctioneer rate of cold. "If every person In een land piairid. Hrcordio IH- , CAKOLVS 0. ""5ttof. ALEXAIitK A, McrllMU Vanrouvrr,Lorator,a. C t. and eituate tl hrid SATIRAL OAS AMI PbTHOLEl'M MITICE. would pet bii'y aw ftooit as a cold trlri of Coatl. Hinre Auditor and Accountant developa, we would do vondera in ol fnion Bay, djolnliia lei l. MATl'RAL OAS An rtTROl EL'M NOTICE. PHHtfCT "r Olr-E.ti CHARLOTTE .NATURAL II AS AVO PETROLEUM ROTfCII. Tale noiir mat nrnua i. urnunurfi, 1:1 IVIitl. prevenllnir dlrAe," ay an MaTHKT CHAHMUTIi "r;" ti..iwt.. a uerhaa. Intend to apply r.aatern ohVial. of I'rinrr Hii(-rl, orriition matter mari f r.enin n i:mmon. of Virion. B, C. Lnuoiua, of Victoria, . ft. I. ih. tluUrte. n I .1.1. fo UrU IO lr perniuaioa to I. Carului n. lo Ih Muillr at land lo apply ner. Inlrndi tnleod lo, apply I'.oMa onj yrippa nrr promptly of laud nM.M.1 iii. n.iiie.i wma ami ltiivhuu, inirnd i apply to the Minleler for natural ta '"Kiorwatres, Mceaiie m pnnpert dtarritra ludai- ine'followlnrtlracnbrd Iu4ti for e and rirerllvi'ly li-eated at boom by purrbaie Ih follovtDt ror a lireii.. Wt prr-Tert '' """ otrr at I planted tl II' and oelrolenm ovrr Ik followiaa dtwrrUied UAVE Your tlult Cleaned Cuaimrurlni II S P" l'iiiirti ou uw .v.. iim ftiiinuin rirtH-ribed ronuuenrlnt t po the uiie of Drip-Fix. As 4 combination JiDdli Coinuienrlrif l pom. aJthiea - 1 and 1'reaaed Steam let. Uirpre ran torhtian landti al a P"1 1 piaxurd 2. K. corner or section i i 14 iE . E. tr?ar ef no. Tcwii.oip . by our of rJrupn aurb an would b touio line M t't ef'secllon . Trwl'H J.laud. C, tbevce porie .see. i ErrreT ih S. lTod. oorU B. C. Ibenre Price tfare l ID rluintT rti II 'htrrVi; eoota rblloai Orliio S33.O00.00O Machine Method. reasonable. ued OrinFfx. ibenre toalt rbamti :r-L..Jr a r ttienea oorib 111 by any physiri;in, ta rbalus; aouto roams; ral to, i ncsaurces ,Glre us a trial in ll capsijio toriw, rmevra a rbaina lo hre; itwore int tur la poal rbliiin wen l fauai iMtutD praluaiat.10 cb,int r-l Loraiet to rcaiot j.nn.rT 10 .K'SciHAa. e.t rbeiiii;le rhaip t poiol el befluulm. SStl.l22.Sll iu4 reuUlnim forty '!. iira er lM. r.l til rt.alii ! r-tut AltXAVPL LWaiea January ii-i, TAILOR C&02 rtld In a want ana ftci prompuy WH'itlH U. EXXOM. LING, in Ibe cie of nrlPP'. rVi1 hy all .NnnvvM a, vaopiivitaT. , Vaurouitr,l.orwr. 8. C lArahir. dated Jtuuiry 4. Ill. Lore tar diUFrUte at ,T5o a box. AIIVl.