TuMlar. June 16. IP?I . THE DAILY NEWS. I'AUR 3 N. R. Nelson 6t Anyox la rrtr- llered al (tic Prince Ilupcrt Let your ear8 e tne Local and Personal Hotel. e e judge of ll'jyn and girlsl (let your lun- SI. Regit Taxi. Prion ii Imk alloc frtr-llie holidays nt 456. If TONE H. C. Undertaken.mm I'hone 41, it Jabour lEio.' 8ule. 50 I If it is not marked WWW I. Duffy and I'. J. .lucuu'il are For arieinn..n Ud t hi v HCfllB ri.i. anion-- (he arrival from Vancouver Htayinir nl lliu, Prince and your eyes the judge fit ''''oil Iultf rintlk at (lie Oily nuperl Hotel. . MACDONALD'S of cnbinet bcouty. For Market. ,f Member of St. Andrew o- music that is sweet nnJ List elely and Ladierj Auxiliary Koinix your duals for tale with to ricMic, pleau notify lecre-lary. mellow and n home turpi m. .M, nlrphens. (f Phone 08. hing that if beautiful Hsyner Broa. Pioneer Under )W.V.A. HANI'e LIUIKNT. it is not Macdonald's and dignified in Iookhe taners. Phone 3i1, if Praeliee loul--it in Kxhibilioii Huililin-- jit H ji.ni. All member Wlille Voile lllouse for $1.75 reiueilcu lo alleml. BRUNSWICK Juoours While Sale. 00 . Tobacco Cash Ml M. II. MriiJII arrived for voiir Vii'Lmv l.mwl No from Anyox on the l'amouii (hi allin(f. T. McClymont. If is in a class by itself m iiiorninj- iiiid Is lfKllereil at the 'Mo' blimtfi llolel Prihee llupert. Shop will ,e open i"-iiu. July z ,Ui M new I do -k of xood. t l, Manthrop, boiler iiispcelor. of Victoria, I a truest of Hie eMnaeMvs.Jjd HeiiU new iJinliiK room now Prince Ilupcrt Hojel. havi'iip arrived !-1 1. Table reserved fur uritule yesterday on the Prince dinner am. supper partie. Phone Itoyal. I The Mayor and abli't'iiifii at It last nlalit's iiir-iiiK of Ibe cily wa. decided ,y .i 1 - fixiii- i il at lln- loeclint In.I niahl I rouiiL'it passed a nioliou, iii-.Irucliiii- ; purchase Meet f(,r irackaxr for the eily clerk lo convey illie I l a-lor at ril a iiifaize of condolence to a of 3')(). Launch Pachena for Stewart 8 The qualities that made our I Mr. Manlonald ami family in morning. Tin-: ):iixin shop win i. I lie tad bereavenienl Ihey have o'clock Wednesday ,oloe, unlit Julv 13. I inn mathm undergone through the dealh of Prince Rupert Boat House. Phone Build! a Imrrii'il business trip cast. Save Hie lale Lieutenant Wilfred C. Red 391. Build! Build! your money. I will need it.-Cha Macdonald. SPRUCE N. J. Macdonald, bnilher of the . Teeticl. 5; lain Lieutenant Wilfred Maedon- A letter was. read aU last The riirr.-nl issue if the II. C. night' council iiieetini' from II. aid i expecteil to arrive from j Lumber is the cheapest building material in the world and Kdmonloii on I hi evening' has perhaps rearheil low water mark in price. A. Iiiihamel, akin? for refund ISaelle car He the announce a train, to attend the funeral to- j Lumber iVimpany ha large slock from tie chief wood for nient iff (he voluntary winding of the unexpired Mrlioii of n The Princ. Unpen aeroplanes, its strength, morrow. . j bill they are fast being up of tin- affairs of (lie .Mire beveranre license la.en oul by I which to till your requirements, durability, toughness, case of wot king, Arm Oui.-I Ida led lloldinp, Ltd him which became valuele Tender from A. Carlson and i depleted, liny Now! smooth finish, readiness in taking paint and upon the lining inlo effect of W. (t. Hughe for supplying two DIMENSION BOARDS SHIPLAP LATH Owimr I" Hie death of Lieut the Liquor Conlrol Ae.l. The varnish and freedom from defects, render it Wilfrid Marllouald, the Ladies teller wa ordered laid on Hie firemen' uniform were oiiened at the meeting of the eity council j FLOORING CEILING FINISH SIDING suitable of Hie lliiyal Purple, auxiliary to table for a week, and the1 eily last night. The tender resper-1 Hi- II.IMi.K., will nl hold their clerk was instruct ed I" commun lively were: Carlson. T5 ami 7!; Do Your Building While Lumber Is Cheap. social a planned on Wednesday icate with Hie Attorney tSeneral' for Joinery and House Trim June ?V in I lie K.l. Hall. ile.arlliieu! umiii what action Hughes. G3 and C0. The mailer Present, your requirements at the ollice. iseal Gove, or left with Ihe ulilitie eoiu-j wa Phone 361 for Prices. should be taken in these case. Kir dimension lumber and mittee with ower to act. I nhiplap, 1). I), spruce, tlr finish. A leller wa read al the meet, PRINCE RUPERT LUMBER CO. Wiken. who Anton (iasloii was, ilixira and window, lumber re in tr of th' city c-ouiiril last nilil BIG BAY LUMBER COMPANY Kawn and dressed to any size. fhuu a man named 'ali in u t on remanded yesterday on a rharg of drunkenness, wa today Hurt. Quirk delivery by our own car. Irvine in regard to injuries he 50 with the option of Cu day K. 11. Stiockley. Cow Hay. If claims lo have received IhrouKh imprisonment by Magislra!' Mc-Mordie. falliliir off a sidewalk, while All person bavin? account Owing to the fait that Hstenini' lo iiiu-fi of Hie or- nvaiiKl Hie . M. A It. Fisli li, the aeeusel pleaded not guilty B&K PASTRY FLOUR clielra al a dance U'l'iiir held al are requested lo end statement there wa no opportunity of obtaining Ike Luxe Hall on 'lliinl avenue. FOR THE SUMMER MONTHS of account t dale on or In-fore information a- to where The railiny .he wa. leaning June so; t VS I"to Krwet' Lnwlti. Ihi li'limf had l-een obtained. The real white pastry flour which aiainl and he rave war was Titnkoi Diib. 75c I'.O. lUn Jrty. l-rinee ltuH-ri. H. ireriiilalrd inlo Ihr excavation FULLER'S SPECIALS means better, lighter, and more Garden Court Cell Cm 7Sc Ih-I.iw. The mailer, wa referred Itcduce your cost of living. flaky pastry. F rir. SI 00. Hie of the All croods sold under ' B & K" to attention our II. I I'llllen. etHlMr of I lie H illy jly Iladiiim 1 1 read Klour, UK 5.75 busts it-i AlatW Di 75c Tslrl Wittr. J1S0 kule in. Nm. will return on Hie I'rinee Solicilor. ' : , Secial Pea and Corn. 5 Trade Mark are guaranteed. tt1ut, JLSQ il(iiMii ItMtioitmw mrtfttx ''after tin 'J3c ALL GROCERS sell "B fi K" PASTRY prf Bfsct liav lllir- MMtt l weekn loilrillS The Prince llupert I'tllp and Local Fresh Kgg. d-i 55e 1 The Prince Co. Paper IU hate wrilleii Hie cily Macaroni Villi pkge .... 10c Rupert Drug Die interior of Ibe rovinre and j roiniril. thnil-.'h their bal rep. (.ray Dunn Obi Country THE BRACKMAN-KER MILLING C0,LTD. Irtl Avtouc r'' 2nd Strwl jailing at Vatvrixner am, Vir i rvsrnlative K. K. Iuby.. in re-iard v- Tliscuils, reducd to.... .'7'4c, Mall Order Gln Prompt Attention lot-in. lo Hie oblaiuinir water from All Canned Kruils Reduced. I P.O. Box 74S Prince Rupert. B.C. Phone 3SO 1 Al Hie wtffetin? of Hie eity Hie cily lo tiiMTale a sulphite Fine -Creamery liutter, ll-lh.j i-oiinril Ul evening, a letter plant. NcKolialions have b.-n boxe, per lb MCc I ;wa read fnm the rin,ird "f Hall Soilij on for some little lime. Fine Mild Canadian Cheese, per P.O. Box 1 SSS Phone G7 They reMiel to be allowed lo Ur lUMiiMiifjiioiierii olaliiiv that lb I way LARGE FOUR ROOMED HOUSE FISHERMEN!! !lbe lau fur the "He of Hie use 3(HiO callous per 'minute al Swift's Pure Iud. 3 lb, for 70c im'W railway elalioii had been certain periiMls ilnrinu' Ihe VI! SwirL' Pure Lard 5 lb. t.- For Sale in good condition on AUrcd Street 4inieil. hour. In order. I make up for Superior Strawberry Jam, 4 $1,800.00; Terms (hi, Ihey propose lo install a 1.00 We offer lb lins The Lot which the house stands is equal in size to can now on over Maler '1'eikly Kerpln, eon if I loos I it pump" and slate Ihey Speciul Coller, 3 lbs. l.0il. FRESH FROZEN HERRING Mr. and Mr. II. V. Kersln. ar. will Buaranlre to twi the 'reservoir Special attention and pnmipt four 25 ft lots rived Ihi tnoriiiiis: frnni A lire full continually. The delivery to llshermen and wharf DAVID H. HAYS & COMPANY DRY ICE Arm to peul KOiue I fine lit the council al last iiljilit'. 'iiieelinp orders. QUICK. SERVICE eily iilinit with lii j.'ratid. wa in fav'i 1(f allowin, Ihe 1000 free rides on the merry-go-round.' G. PERCY TINKER, Manager BUTEDALE CANNERY - Princei. Royal Island iiml her. Mr. K. Mctkrh concession. ro bliiiff Ihey have (let your tickets in Real Eetate Fire Insurance I'kuiIIi Avenue Weil. a Jiroper acreemenl safeuanlini' Our Own Tea and Coffee. Hie city" inlrresl. Fry's liacou per lb, 50c I.lie tirooKliiilb. Ibe lalented 25c bottle, inuiii'iaii nud entertainer who Catsup special, per Same quality and ha villel I'rinee Itupei'l on I Art Clothes standard, but new Ten Years vnriou oecuiiini in the roune Ago f eniieerl lours in the north, In Prince Rupart ' Reduced Prices Dr.A.H.Bayne Hiiolnled eondilrtiir of DE LUXE Dentistry- ha been (Cook Broa. & Allen) Hi x-hciilra in Ibe new Canilol June 28, 1911. Over 2SC patterns to select PHONE 109 ,'Th' Blre lit Victoria. ICE CREAM Lwiin' Cot'timcs icd Ceils V.. C. tiiblHins relumed - from Cents' foKs and Omcoalj II will be optional Willi the lertlay from a six week trip in Having enlarged our premises Jijhl Helgerson Block, Corner Third Ave.iyid Sixth St city nlorekecprn a to whelrer lo Ihe interior, most of which and installed modern machinery, Third Avenve i i-.-y rni- or mil tomorrow after. lime wa spent in Ihe Nerhaco we are thoroughly equipped to STEVE KING - Dental Nurse in Attendance Prince Rupert noon oul of rei-pecl lo the tnent-ory and llulkley valley. He also take care of our ever-growing Ice Office Hour, 9 to 12; 1.30 to 5 7 to 9 or Hie lale l.ieulenanl Wilfred visited Hie townsile of Houston. Cream trade. Manlonald. while the funeral Mr. 'iibboii report mosf fav The ingredients used iif "Ie .'J i lakiuir plare. The mutiril orably on all he saw in Conner, Luxe" Ice Cream are of the best, derided Hint the Mayor reiuesl Hon wllli the potential agricultural our cream being imported from W. G. Barrie Phone thai tliey do u, and II i ex-jieeted possibilities of tlie'se great the south tri-weekly. - 3 that all will close at 2 lew area. Ice Cream Is made dally on our Murk. "X, premises In three flavors Vanilla, THIRD AVENUE - POST OFFICE BLOCK RUPERT BAKERY . e "Why not have real baseball in Strawberry and Chocolate. When you wuiil tu ride in roni-fort, Ihwii" i Ihe iueslion often put In Neapolitan For Alto for lyle and case, remember t lipwad. When interest i We bricks.also specialize Buffets, Dining Tables, Chairs and China Cabinets CAKES AND I'ASTRY OF QUALITY Taxi Co. liaV Jusl added a new rrowir.g 'anionur Ihe young men e solicit orders for Teas, Window Shades, Curtains; Curtain Rods The Bread ued seven-pascenger Master Six Mc-Luuvhlin of Hie cil'. urisinic oul of the material Only bolt Dances, etc.. and all orders are Blankets, Sheets, Pillow Cases, Ordert for lourlni? rar to their service. indoor ttaiue. Teams are to" be , given sjiecial attention and delivered that Rtilauranti. SUamihipe, Cannerie. te. We are also purchasing orKDMlicd and an effort will be by our own automobile. Comforters ' Promptly attended lo another iiitJli cl f'edan. so our mnile lo secure h park. We make prompt shipments uf ran rely on bavins the e Satisfies Jostm Gakon and C. K. UioosaT. Proprietor! bol patron cam and the best service In On July I, Ihe four raJl men oul of town orders. P.O. Box 621 1T third Ave. Phone 64J the cily. day or nlhl. Phono V). enndoyed by the cily fire department Wholesale will walk oul. Tliey 5 gallon :$1.95 Dr. Sutherland .ii..i. win Siiinmer Sale run- art Fred Clark, John Unwin, and upward .; llnueM until the llrsl of the month. James Park ami iKinald Mc-(Juecn. per gallon : D.D.C. D.D.S., L.D.S., Tf ir- rri i a T-rr t TH NOTARY Jaboui nrothers, Ltd. On lliul dale, begin Ihe Two Stores f i nLU LL.K 1 , L. 1 iV. - public new scale of pay for call men Yisi i not reducing their retaining fee from Royal Confectionery j DENTISTRY in all its branches FOR hou.e. mn iatrlmni SALE nt Tarraca, fl.C. EIKht room U wU.n K'5 lo I0. The men claim that Office and "liar, lot fenced, 3 blocki from Pot fCZEMA furnished. Only ou ti i. Hie condition iiiipocl DeLuxe atro. 92.0CO'. See ui fpr more particulars 1 11 upon Confectioneryj In.uranc. Company 6f North America. The Moat uifiit Ut Kettm. Ski" them are too exacting In make Third Avenue, Prince Rupert, B.C. Exchange Block, Suite 14 and 15 lbcrlt Company on the Cat. it worth their while to remain 17 and 193 - llAn'i 6luui.ent tr II "',,0,L on Hiu stuff at such u small . Phones For Appointment Phone Black 516 P.O. Bei 68 We.lholme TheaUe BloU Phone Blue 69 n.Wt fc iVk, I bol i kll Uler w tilnnu.". wnge pel1 iikhuIi. UuilUxl,X'!"" I