r. . TA? 139 Tj Phone X 67 Huntley & Hale i Helcr,on Block PRINCE RUPERT '6 J Joe and Fred J j Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper Ml ,j0 Mil, IMIIMX lUPKItT. II. IJ.,ITKHUAY, JUNK '28. IH3M. YUrsr'i Circulation 1,7 SO. rttl n. PHOTIC PIVK OKNTH Miners and Owners Come to Terms GREAT HEED IS PAID TO CANADIAN STATESMEN AT IMPERIAL CONFERENCE British Coal Strike Is Over and One FARMER WINS Premier Meiglim Sets MEDICINE HAT n d i. . of Greatest between Struggles Labor Unionist Candidate Defeated by a Majority of More Than 2.000. New Imperial Policy and Capital Thus Brought To End mfihcim: hat. J II II f 28. j Ilhcrl tiardincr, Ihx Lii.l-.l1 LONDON. June 28. Premier Arthur Meighen of Cuiudii in Farmer candidal.', w elrrlnl in addressing Hie Imperial CoiitVrenre today laid down the principle Ihe leileral l.y-eleclidii liere ye mi which he believes the future ItriliMi Imperial policy luuld LONDON, June 2SV- The coal strike Is over. After a period PRINCESS LOUISE tenla by a majority ofnore lliun:t j,u,ej 2,000 voles over Col. ,esoii of three months In which the greatest struggle between capital r'lneer. the t'llionist candidate. He siiggcsled Hint Ihe dominions be kept infurriied'uri mailers snd labor of modern timet has taken place a tentative agreement NAME OF NEW VESSEL The rontest was a very s'irile. alferliiig I'iilestiue. MestiMitiiniia mid similar countries ami (hut has been reached and the mines will reopen next week with the THE CONFERENCE one and a full vole a recorded. I hey -lioulil be run-ulled direcll on niullcrs alTeeting the Kmpiie return of the men to work. The settlement between miners and Steamer for C.P.R. Coast Steamship The Unionists, before the an. as u whole. owners Is based on the government granting Its subsidy ofj Strvics Now Nearing liouuremeiil f Ibe res nil seeme.l llrjlaiu shoulJ enter iiiLo no treaties wilhput Hie advice of Hie Premier Craig, on Behalf or His Completion. t' lie very t'onfldenl of wiiiiiin doiiiiuioiis tm.; such treaties should be subjccl lo their !i'priMil. In 10,000,000. j Parliament, Hai Accepted the .seat. all iiuc-l ions where Hie United Slates is conccrnoj he demanded that The relief Is manifest all over Great Britain with greatest the. Invitation. i vnrmiilA. June -.m. Ihe new Sweeping Victory. Hie advice of (be fjiadian (ioerntiifnl should l arrepleil as 11 rial. tnnouncement that was last night made t) this effect. Rich and lit!! foils the Ala-ka service MF.IHCI.NK HAT. June 28. The Premier MeiIien's spei-rh has been considered m importaiil that or allk are Joining In the Joy of the occasion and London has put IlFI.FAST. June 28. Premier !w,,iH' brln if built for the siib.L'iiiled Farmers of Alberta Hie consideration of Hie Anulo-Japiinese mailers has been po. n an air of general thanksgiving that has hardly been seen since Cram ha arrej.led lite inwluliou ''"'"adiaii Pacific llailway Co. at secured a sweeping olilical victory i lined to permit discussion by the conference of the proposals he declaration of In Europe In 1918, Such sudden settle I he Hare Ni.rlli ' Uii peace a ..r :....... i.. ii ...i Shipyards. in the fe.l era I by-elerlioii has advanced. ment had not been looked for and the enthusiasm Is, therefore, much r,,'.. t ....... ,.r;Vancouver, will be named I he here yesterday when their eaiiili- more Intense than It would have been had a similar announcement ,.ii ....i ......i.... i I'rinrr l-ouic. The vessel I ,ae. Ilobert fiardiner. of F.xcrJ.; lf n ICUIC Br T ken made a few days ago when a settlement seemed so close at hand. al, ,,. j.;,,.,.,,,. m, will be rnnudrted lair Oil rall.Xi.r,.,,!,.,; C..I. Xel.on. the umerii. mu "'l' POLICE STRIKE LONDON, June 21. It was officially ar.ncunced today that the .. t.. r..urtfi2 order m Ireland. ll understood. will candidal., by a hur urn. JACK BLOOMFIELD trills coil strike had been settled. Premier David Lloyd Oeorge Th- hi .eptanir lots hern made mi "rn. Jorily which, it i cxwrled. will III ask parliament to authorize the granting of the 110,000,000 M.iar of the t'M.-r government. iLQC4L VENDORS ARE reach the 8.M0U mark by the lime' IN TWENTY ROUNDS IN QUEBEC CITY subsidy to the mining Industry. all Hie nutlyiux ill have been If the subsidy Is granted, the men, who have been on strike since G'ZEITEp VICTORIA lieard from. Last nlglil wtli HS . I.UMMhV. June 28. Ted. Kid; BABINGTON be heard froithe Oardi- Believed, However, That Backbone In April 1, will return to work on Monday. poll .t.wi ,)i:thi jieforted Jack iOffUlai Afinouvoemit Appoint uer InaJuriLy.was jJKinj.YH -iU vimmrfielt W i.rrrtr "1ivSi-ft" t- . is. Broken Mllltla r ment P. I. Pa'mtf, Here, and poll are. rural,ime aid they will round bout foV the Iniddl.-wh-UI Rer.ify.. ' . WILL DRILL FOR OIL IN PARLIAMENT HAS CONTRACT C. Sutherland, Prince still furrier wr 'tin lnafitUy'f ctiampioii liip of Kiulamf. KITSUMGALLUM VALLEY Ihe victorious farmer ramJidate. Ol'F.HFC June With several Qterye. v.-it- The by-eleflion was raused by rVC VC1I7D1DC7C leader nf Hie I'lijou of Ci ii; MEMBERS TO Awarded Job of Delivering Rock llir death of llorr: A. 1.. sirton, 0110 ilLVYl fltiO Firemen am. I'olM-eiiien under d ' Northern Men Preparing o Start From Smith Island to City. VP:TDIIIA, June 2. P. 1. former Unionist member in lln. An'JOTICC DCCT leulioii and u number of x..lice-iihmi Operations the First Piiliiier. Prince llo.;ri. and ruiLiiiiiuLi ULiJi House of Commons. realy l. return lu duty on PAY IMPOST of August. lj.lam II. II. llahuiiduii wu Siillierland. Prince Oeorpe. havi Talk of Election. i Ihe Icrm -offered b?: rity, it j lawartlnl I lie niiilrarl for the Imhmi CHZelled liUr vendorc Man OITAWA. June ;. Willi .jToronlo Address Rttill is Ix-lieved tall! Ihe backbone of III The Klloiiiiivallum IU-hi IV. rru-liin;.', hauliiiu and drlirrn liiidcr Hie Moileiiiliou Act. 'Ill' Meilirine Hal Iiv-rlerlion. out of Merchants' Association. strike of llrriucn ami polit-eineii. . Iml'-um Ut Mil.. Hllh he. offirr'nf f)ir ,urfaHn Hie ily .lore al b'llli iojnt have now i Mr. Justice Audstlo FInfs Prov Ihe way, p'jliliiul iiilereel Is uuvv; which bevrn on Salurd.-iy. luis al Terrare, rerenlly itatetl.tl. ilreel ill lul tiijilil'n liieelin of been opened by these men. vlnclal Ministers and Members lurniiiir l ..Hier Vacant seals.I TOHONTO, June 2H. -Atrdn-.ss- hern lirok.'ii. The 22nd Itesiment Subject Income Tat. I'lie nimiiany lm- ImIiIhiv near I In- rilv rouiiril. There were a Thertr ure live or lliese and tliel'nir uie uir ikhis ifiion or me is lie in hel.l in rradines In check I.ihmI. Kilxuiiiualliim Valley, uumber f eiuer from Ih'I LOCAL LIQUOR FIRM fesulU or Ibe elections will, n.i 'l-lnil Merebanls' Ass.,cali..ii ul any disorder Ihul m lit arise '1 ' i AW V Jim.- Ho- ..il.i about thirl mile from Trria-. f-oulraelorK. I li- HrifiralionH doubt, have an rlferl on the s..v- H convention here. T. M. Hum-hmniiviiI-. with the pvlire tiff Cufy. uii. iiiieiiiulli.a of lli..!rmi-liliK "f elphl eelin. F. railed fur four !!uirule ijuoln- GETS EXPORT LICENCE .l....i.M.ii Im whellierible. u well known adverlisiliB .. .Si liaiib iirtiiiioted Hie man) iiu: Um-liiiin mol niixliiii nl wiiler of this cily I i - of Ida prm in lal I'm - or not it will carry' until uller ;.a emphasis -in.' ni and llie l.n..-l ihii.i-.-!am1 he lm MtorUle.l Willi linn a me HHrry i r-miiii imui.o. iow. In reltiru fur payment of the Hi e next session. on the value lo merchant, BOUKSPUTON ...l.l.wi l.. I 1-tll...llv loral .llrrrlornle a. fol. 1MB tu Mw llay; .laemr III lin mjiii of .l.ii0ii. wliirli i the annual It is nut expected that election of newspaper ail vert iinx. Mr fleorpe Utile. f Terraer;ai i-w nay. anu iieuenii)r on tee. Ibe Middle West Wine "Kvrry reader of t iJiiik In Hm ruliosi of o: writs will be made before Premier newspaper lii-n. . AudrlUn, ut Ho- cbe. Y. II. Tiey, PrljK Huuerl; J. I". I he lrrel of Hi.- rtiy. ti.. Ltd.. of Fraer direct lias Mcihcu returns from Kiulund i u possible ruslomer." lie said. HALF RATIONS I'll ' l .-url. w1m ee no rea4t Klrkparriefc. tHifUt;J.H. Ilrear- Sapialn llaiiiK h (luolalioim received llieir licence under Ihe where he is allendili the' Imperial "Newspaper advertising cosl less n rnuimtUuil ut foor f Irs. N.arviite, an.I S.T. Flimeaan rrp.Tliely: a.5 r tu-of new Moderation Art, permiltins Conference ami lb Cii-ference per actual thousand of peplr i" ..n liameiiiariaiio. Thin de. Ten are ' Ar,i- rrnl''' ,lK al"' theiii to do an etporl business. of Ihe Premier, of 0er-scus reached than any.oilier form of Prisoners Frcn Grand Forks 'i n wk a ml of lhe'el III! .eeaKe. were riMiml "ll lhe ' 0U. niilouiltil.B to .1 total of The Drills IioIijiik export licences oiiiiiiioii. There I tall nt publiejly, not couuliiitf Ihe prcs-liife Giving Considerable Trouble 'i'' lamirlird by Hon. J. 'A. ,,ro,.. rly auip nr. a., bid n- .CM pr ruble yard which was under Hie old Prohibit ion Act are a redislriliulioii of seal luking of your iiume appeuriliK 1u at Nelson Jail. ai'M imiiiiiler nf aurirnllure atl.-mfl v.a made lo r.MHl ,!; '"- - apparently very til tie alrrrle. by place in the fall in view of Hie a.repulable newspaper. There "' Hi.- lurliec prt.vlniial rabt-H.'l Ihe rhaiive W, the Moderutlon Act. warning of Premier Meihen at never was a lime in mercba'i-disin? NKIO.V, June 2K. Tlie cmht IokUU year. ni reiMirtwIJI a " ' While Ihe aboe metilioned com. the close of Hie session tn his when nevfspaper adverlis-ins d'lukhobor. from Orand Forks I ii' indue Ihik al found that aood rmiulry lo ,.ni.pert in lr ..- 11IP PTnn paiiy like ollicrs cannot make dc. follower thai Ihey should or-paniie xyis more lut-essary or pot- who were imi.risoned for li'fus-i tin- K'erttiiieiil riiiMiwered ..II. The nmipniiy r fe .li,. ur- i W fl K tlAflnO 0 1 Uf Iieries from Ihcir local ware in preparalioii for an early fenl In it power to jrel business, us? to Kive census figure and liimcs in Hie province tu points i JJi'wspiper an Ihe snfesl. stir- olislrurliiiK' the ilulles of the umlci i ln llrlllli Norlh Ameriea canUiHl hoM lo liieel Willi ui rleclioii contest. An I.. iMioe dlreel laxallon re Mini Hill" ner,iii n n" THE SALE OF BEER in II. C. orders for I heir llritisb (VI and cheapest mean. of Itnyal Cannilian Mounted Police "'llini llir priHlnce to nrle .ourre of wraith Hie dislrn l. Columbia customer wHI be 111 led rearhinif Ihe greatest number of have refused lo scrub out t lio ' .-uii.. fi.r (irovilirial iiirioe. The ir..i.aM'liiff iue. Ulej -j-it, fHa lireal War Veteran' Irom llieir warelioti-e in Cali-'aty SICILIAN VOLCANO pMije." Jnil rells and have been placed liiiMi lanntion. lie holiN. l im.I thai Hie roiiiiany will ireure the jA!.i.ocialioil lo.luy eiased Ki'llin;.' and frill by eJprc direcl to Hie BREAKS OUT AGAIN uii half ration. line of the '"f'fl i' ' Willi federal laxulioli. rrirr tif all exerirnerd Htil(rfr ill Ihe ran teen on Third Ar. consumer and in any uaiillly PRINCETON MERCHANT prisoner lia been on hunger reliable driller with iiKM.erii out-,i.n,injr further d.n'opiiienl. The vsareliouses within Ihe prov. Nlrike since Saturday, BIGGEST CATCH til. It i Jtn led llir dnllina The iiruvinrial ni'ialion ii Ink- ince of course urr for Hie pur. People Abandon Homes and Flee SUFFERED PRIVATIONS Mill be hliirted in Amtut and It hu uji I lie whole qiienllnn Willi pose of handling order fur soods for Safety When Great Explosion OF SABLE FISH l etlliiateil llir oil Mill lie rearu-mi ti,r .ro I lie In I i;oernmeiu pom;-' out of llrilish Columbia. Is Heard. Fred Nowse Returns Home After MAYOR'S REQUEST al a depth of bet with l. nml Beln? Lost in Hills. In order that all may have Herald. IKI.M June 28. The ilrmu- I', fort Uuiineen He Canadian I'lli niol ('.old .'.(11(0 an opportunity of attending Terrace Sawmill Completely boli volcano ulT the northern roust Mnraxr CnniimnyV trawler Jiiiue 1'HINCF.TON, June 2K.- AUer Hie funeral of a highly respected lias burst InUi uc- or Sicily again 'f' ullier arriM-d in port yealer-ily PEOPLE WERE TOO all hope r ever riudliifr him citizen, the late with loud II liean a ex-... livity. arU'riiiMin from H fourteen Razed by Fire Breaking Out I ... .. i.:..l. ... i ii... ...:.i.i.. alive had practically lieen ubau Lieut. Wiirrid Macdonald. I uy trip wiiii sno.iioo iiouiid oi HEAVY FOR PLANE . ..A?' : doned. Fn-d llowe. sou uf A. K. would retpiest. on behalf uf ''Isi'k etui, lureet ruileli of Afternoon u - ."'"'"" " ' owe, the Im-al mereluul. lumJ heClly Council, thuL ttll-btisines Hd at 3.30 Yesterday lt nmi-i '"""" .l ,1 I.I- I I.nr.i ..n al houses remain llbli i'cr before inadit nl one London to Paris '!Ali Enpress" f U u: n sss in m - "ii"' In northern wairn. Stops to Unload Some. urday. pi llnly showing mark uf closet, tomorrow afternoon, urternonu nboul :i::i0 PASTOR MEMBER OF privation and sufferni he bad H. B. ROCHESTER, Jnne "8. Yelerlay II. I-. l.n.MXiN. June it. owiinr In TKIUIAllK, uipJeriroiie while wandering iu i Mayor. Hi. rrejle w.'inlll of three nVlock Hie broke mil in lienrge Little's sawniill uml lutully LEGISLATURE MOVES Ihe woods, without fond. ; r,il peroon niu.'liir Ibo iaKrli-p. lestmveil wluil hn been u raniiliar lumlimirk inr nianj year in Four day atf Mr. Ilowse'a B. P. O. E. nellinu out TO CITY OF VICTORIA ia an "olr exprefit" Kisseiiger im'i passing Irani. liulo pliiiiKed over uii embankment receiilly from Ihe London air loreil in Ihe urd were sineil by and crushed ul the bollom. FUNERAL NOTICE I'iiiIk .Most uf Ihe luinber nml logs W. V. A. l;,ti'iti lo inivrl lo uh-ireinlrd COLrilTKNAY. June 2. llev. ami lie susiaiueu a concussion G. View iis.isleil by Ihe citizens mill the no loly llml iiflcr il Hie sliemiiius HTortx.or Thomu Memies of Samlwick, thai Is believed lo have resulted The funeral of Drother Wilfrid Im.I riM'ii nboul IIHI-feel. Ihe "n......iiv Hose were put into uo mid were supplemented by iiiember of the logislulure flr iu a temporary asphusia, causing 0. Macdonald takes ipilol derided Hint hi" l''d wn ec line nf Imckel. Cumox, has resigned hi paloral,e him tu wander aimlessly lulu Alt ex-ervlre men and ii In comrade Piece from the Q. W. V. A, ! leavv fur Ibe i:iO-inili'H 1 insurance on Ihe mill. It is Ihe only sawmill in Hie at Samlwirk uHer 21 year' rr-lce. Hie hill. Search parlies were ure requested There no attend the funeral uf our Wednesday, June 29th, at journey, and relumed' 1" lh ii. Uml I,us l.cen ninnlni,'riiitiiuiuly fur Ihe past nine years. On account of Mr. Minnie' organUed and u counlry-wide lale Comrade. Lieut. Wilfrid 2 P. m. ietiM !(- A to'cond uirplane tin' operulloit id Ihe plnl u not, ultotfelher health il ha been round uece. seaitli wu inslilued, but no al time Wrdiies. Vlthouult ELKS, Be In Atlendancel wan I hen run mil twm I ho omnialile ILwas never closed down even when time were al their vary lo leave Ihe Comov valley. Iruce could be found of I lie iii-Ing C. Macdonald, on W. J, CA8H, shed". Ulid follie or lb pltr"-v,.-m r'" . They will lake up their new iyl-denee man and hope bud been i.ay, 2Ulh Juue.(ut i'.'Mt p.m. parutle ut ti. W. Men will Exalted Ruler. finm Ihe first were Iriui-feiied WU rcbulldinsf on Hie ile incupicd by in Vlclorla. pruclfoall ubandoiied when he ulready plan pn Mr. I.illle V. A Itoouis al 2 in. W. E, WILLISCROFT, to H ! whereupon bolh came to hi home to Hie great p. Secretary. n,..el.ln.M flew off in cuuipuiy the Tin)destroyed uritflu mill.of Hie Urn i ' uuknuwii,' ?f . SL Regis Taxi. Phone 456.- tf relief uf bl wife and parent. lu l'uris.