J .11 ft t '.'. FAar i;- CATARRH ef the FIGHT REPORTS WILL mm BLADDER COME ROUND Br ROUND riztVaW. 7 V-'i II ha bn arrartod i,r Hi iMIly Xrw, u hmr II,. rHtt tit lllf pM.y. ! :snTewjr in..,i m nr. day m-bMj r)Mn1 ! by round. Tin iiKtil -url-about if Kin I'mii.i. liuWt ) litrt ami abotiM . .,vr ly If II"- t,';n.- Ilite pH.,-, Kfw, tll pr.. ill 3o'i,Mk. Tbe ii-l-ra li rmiiHin ami Hi" S8iimltiiit Pre. ,Hti' Announcement proml. ,ir flinrii en. IfMCTIVI JURE TTM. 1t!1 opration. . .. i ;t 47 J.i .-Ui PLAYER ' ssi.se Skill 14.Vii BAD EFFECT OF Mtf.ft . are IU. prture Haperi UK COAL STRIKE ,rl.,ty Ml" 111 NAVY CUT ?W cS" Frizzcll Ford Dealers London Air It clear But Social j Season I Dismal Failure. prince Rupert, B.C. CIGARETTES l.ltNlMlX. Ju,,n 17.- All kocjefy i- U-inoantttii ih failur of ih I...II. l MPHl.1.1, fll W,--S j,,.,.. ilioif Ih Ihrhy sbtild have field f"!- I In- Mi'Mtliati' -: Arthur, " itmiHr HpprYMtrhiriK n S Sport Chat ianiw-. Stmw. Akti.ii. Sinilli. li'iiflil; but Mi.- widespread ,.f. Ilari-nn, Arthur, Hardy. Kool. tm How about that f-.i McKiii'non and Laveriy. Sparen if tli. fr,K have mil WATEfl ACT, 19M. TIMBER SALE X3211. .. damper i.ii I he round f y.m know thai lb Klf - flapp and Thoinpki.n. m-in wb..lun jrani lia lwn larli-.l in Prim1 .ioth:1 I HKHKBY OIVE.l I nat Hif Ht-tUii tnutt-n v.111 hr rrrrlrnt by llw, f,,r this Mm Th following players will line llonCiiir I Lkutrixnl ilmrtuut of BrlutB I VlnKIrr or Land al Vlrmrlt. B. ii"! I f fh ). ami uld Mas Ami HuMrl Takinir xaniil frmn iOiuiMk bf arvd wito th advtre r Hmilnk-r than ihumi tai th sots tUy rf Jur. ) LUMBER Hi douirlity Major Uibaon. whom up Willi Hi AthlMiik for Hi llmiutr Couurll Da lirni plraiml to ltr. fur tbr purrha. uf Llrrare Xlfll.t H hard li 1.1,11 any similar brdrr: " l.lia.ewi M of Sprurr. Fir, Cedar ... U i n-i...i-lfd now and tlin Junior fool ball fljlun- wit Ji Ih lhat nuriiiiant li in prcviMom or cna iienii.Ma. un an arna Miuaio on m.uin Black Diamond mi wiH-ii nun- private ..fs- Merchanls lonislil: l-'rizicll: riu.f i i.r in uiw an tell br- 1 H.nl.nrx Arm. Han( a. Cual lil.lrlrt. ii-'laiiniiK wit- don. timkf a kind down fci-rond in ctiaptrr si nf tn ktatui uf III! . TM-e in jram win tm aihiwea vir . order yon are placinjr? k . . . Avnu t.. rrinin.l ! t id of lb Hurry and IlideiuL' Ilumillon, (i. mat ui jrwrv nf tli unreenrned 'rrH.vil r llmlirr. . ii..iv i-itiiattis ar Milchcll and IiavMMii: Hill. W. alr of bear Lax. McKmiin Cm-k Purllw-r parllruiari r th rjiir ForrMrr, h a v unqurslii.ual.ly the mod idd Virh.ru. B. i... or IHMrtri Firfmtrr. pnnri-hprt. in i.mn. day on Salilory and Marmot Hivrr id id rrinc Ho-lrl Mountain Park i coiniiiir Mtorta? uf. I'lain or lirr il wan. vral Mllcbell, Mackintosh. IaMlman Watrr omtrtrl raubNanrd By B. i:. larpent and most complpefe ni.ite Iih i.,i.i man)' ocity ordrr-ia-i:oHnfii numbi-rrd sin ap-prowl . youn(rlrk ar alo Hi il now. ami lamb. Span- Illy I h. on !ti 14tn day of nrmjer, TIMBER SALE X3117. stock in Northern H. C. anc f..lk in nn.-.-l nil Ih'-ir I,ondon Mintjriimry and Mcl.i-nd. itltt, iw ranra-llrit m to far aa turn COALS i ltae"-'o-,il and Id futd lb 'I'm ,lby liavi-n'l any rrjrula-liun Id Trerr prruina to ihr matr of Seated tender will be received liy Ih our prices cannot he' iienlen. Marmot hin-r In ts frmm Huprrl kliik- but wliul lln-y lia Mlni.ler of Ijind al Vk-tni-la. B. not i miiiiBi.T a r-hf sply a possible Inklmd of lb regular City W'airr Ixatnrt and mat aonec of later than noon on the Jnd day of July. rlzri U)i lbrtiiv hitm-h lb Ieanu lm.' 1 1 fliUiri- hlwii urn canrrtlatlon to publistied for ltl. r the purchase or Licence X3II7. I U. Willi a pai. pHi.(m Hi. ri.Miiirr ly ih Kittif i.i mn-r mnniha in tic B. C. Uairtt to cut 3.130.000 feel of Standinr spruce. Also a complete line or l a ratr future, dealr. -..uri have len imiL purpo jtikl a wtfl a mnlirkx Ih Klkk and lb lied Sox tomor and for tnrrr roontnf 10 on iuw llerekak and ledar. on Lots ts and 17. lKjiiiMid mat jriva j iton. l and hotU and theatre r lrai- or whalvr lh row nisht. Hi twi s-lcl lenlnx ai"tt mnniB in tli of Pro-luim imrapaprr Huprn Waiev published Iil.trlei.umshcwa Inlet, oneen i:harkine Island! MiJ nainM ar il In mi l.mj: which have been cJ,oen lo ilay Dfrtrirt To (I) year will be a IN.wed for re- j Building Materials iiiuiiifiiiiii iiwuiii "liar- rMiriina iunipa. tiatrd tma tltn dar of Harm. A. u. Iff I. nx.val of tlniiier. tii. akh, arxl da ur.-ai Overseas Visitors. kinr- wi-' b kn a jrolf A ny ix ano Kelcliinn n-ielily T. V. fATTULUI. Fiirtlier pcrtirnl.r or the Chief Pnrester. M.irvr. Ili "! rl-Hiil) j TImti ar- a nuiBlxT of iivw- a-aiui'. -tfit on a billiard tabl. on iKiminion I ay will be pitted MintfK-r of Lands. tii.-rr,Vicp.rla, p.B.i-t:.. or Imtrtrt Forester, Prince Cement, Lime U 0w awrit today, wan vlailom in teta, 11 I but e-an't rf"iabr. Any-wajr. apauiKf each other. jVF.r.S rjlVRWlTTF. ISLANDS tA.ID DIS-f Plaster, Brick, liolf t no.T 4iitAnA. ii.a:mj. n. i-TaSr TIMBER SALE X 3307. l'rll M 1'jtrk aual i ii"n.ii -iHuali ) gtt rouiol," a mi firm Iiufrt Fireclay, Lath, etc. .in Hiid furMri (Hial. 1 1.in- li.H.-l maiiayrr put H, and niub lis- Klarinl. Wtial rur ATTEMPT WAS MADE Aarnt. of nntjr Mairar-tt.that K.Thuinaa inlen.'L-l fxair.In In-tun tnaar Sealed lenders win be received by the Pee our apr and minister or Mud at Victoria not later! Hi happy abinit Miulnirr f Lawla fur I'l.- Vifnif rfok Sk.-rf it mil fur III Aimriran typuH(tklr ri-pliration to im y.ir . ... than n.n on the loin day or iane. till, inr rrwmre or o. '. I nr a nrrnrr prm-p--t satisfy yourself. I l .i. ! U obKr. UU" hu rtiiiw- irver fur tlr in frrn fr mi hii nr in TO BLOCK BIG FIGHT for petroleum over and under the for the pnrcti or Licence X 3:107. to I I llki. Tbry'r liteylHS rdf. f.iloinr drienlk-d landa situate ,m Itir cut 4-0.ut. feel of Snri.ee. Idae, Hem- mi jpl" tra mr. lhH who liavr In West iuiat of lira hatn Mland. B. C: Uirk and Balsam on an area situated near: !ii.. nulla a Irlal lindilNx- out of the nrnfit tHilr in OmiinenrituT at a pnal planted SO enalna the bead of vujine li.lel. itanicr 3. (asl NAN At MO-WELLINGTON Hi tlnrtrfMiTW raniji al Man- New Jersey Judge, However, Re-fused v.iilh friHii the noiilhwrM ennier of JJt l.l.lriei I mi- jrim Will " lbr- Ibr araw uraHilii be in ilpair l; IS: thenee SO rhaln. eat: thene i. me 'I, year wilt be allowed fore , ImiII ifin. Ig bm. n vry to Hear Motion. etiaina WMith; ttwnre ko rliainn vent; tbenre nioval of lUooer. .irlin a' ifu-d. Itfvoainakrr. lall'im, and en- l urlher paetirular of the raner Forester. I Ko rhalnn ivirtli i the pnini or rufiifnenee- mylrinu rl , lli day. trenL irt.nia, R. : . -.r luslrlcl Forester. Prince Coal eaiTcm ar diiiun What ran fh fiy l5orK h Jl-JISKYCITY. Jun SR. Hob-eri Uirtl'S iltb Marrn. 111. Rupert, B i:. - ' PtilpotI, Evilt & Co.!"In not Inns, lb rraaon M TIIOMVS HEA8Y, diHnv? I'rrtiniiK Ii'k larll an Walkon. an offWiul of lb Hobert Brown, item. TIMBER SALE X 3332. bat Uir prvint t. im nrnl and fii!ktTtr"" band International iri-forai Ilureau, Nut to the Post Office ndulrial unrvwl Makr M Imi. ot'EEf cmntiTTe islakas LAsn w- Sealed ten ter will be eeceired hT- the It Lasts, I Telephone MS and 555 rrnadi for Jark. Wbnl Hi ac4oinpanieI by fivetclerrytnen, TIUr.T-'-P.KiS !SLA.0. B. CKirk-i Firferr. prince linpert. not.later iM.amlii" in rr a mimlb alidad than ihxhi tm tiv 7tn day iu Julr. Ivfl. (Viurf iu lb Krrnrhtnan can ! up to (rninif apin'd Clianwry ' Kftiirt wrt- mad mas Take nntler lhat Tlwima oeany. Indian for the pnrchase of '.I.VBO- JS 33.11 near hi I in lb wimmIk and I Urn r-luniiuir Inday in an effyrt In block Hie Irrni. MnvlL B. c... intends lo tnaz Naniu. C. R. , lo .-lit ao.on rrei or imr lif-nl-)' Halla a m-4I our. application for a lieenre tn the MlnKler ft Batni. ixiar and lletnlock. l bav lit quartc-s Ieni.n-y-l jir..-iili.r lioul uexl Ijnrt. for the province uf B. for permit Two reai will be allowed for removal Albert & McCaffery r. Ileiilry is afway a iray kurroundnl by a ritalil potk- Saturday. Tin- judice. however, nimi lo piwicr for petrolenm over or tintber. . Arr.irdinK I m and under the folk.win OeM-riued laiwl. l-arther particular or the i:nier roresier. s .i aici-n.nt forr i rtior tkan v. can way. ri-fii.'i'd I., li.-ur iln- mi1 inn. Iiuate no the Went Coaat of Oratiam l-UimI. What. B. I... or lilslrlrt Forester, .rrtnee Limited Hi-- fanhion taT. Ill" HMlib B C: BOfert. o. c. ItrporlK fmm bms Inland ay omimencin at a pol planted at the r..i.r arr yrll.m and Pd, with i Irllinir .uitheam rnener of Lot 1 1 IS: thence north LN THE SfrrtEME COCRT Of BRITISH ', lt rballnFr oo fl and fruit dniia-n and bat DEMPSEY an rhaln.; thener went so chains: owner COLUMBIA. ..-r HAS an.) Makinv (bins Imui in Dial onth SO chain: iltcnce rant rlialm. In In tbe matter of the estate of Samue. ; liiinuird wilk wn-alti af Multa-I IHnt .if eonintenecnienL Lahbe. deeeaed. and to tbe mailer or the. ti. wl- M..l..r f TO. l. 4.1 lnl. Micaiea inn varcn. ivvi. Administration AeL i inn a THOMAS HEASY. TAkE .Norii.c tnai Avaminisiraoou oi iirirra of uii lnir Atmosphere Clear. linpyV hard work nl At- OVERTRAINED? y Boueli Brown, a rent the EstaK or Simw I Lahbe. deceased, was vranted lo John II. McMullUi. OOlcial Ad Japanese Var Tb nly bo-fi lb rnal lanlK- f'.ily i now nr until h ,111'F.E CHAflLOTTE ISLAnS LA'D 01-I rninlstrclor. Prince Ru-rt. Hellish Colum-tia. l'r ' pnr" arr lli Irikr ba riif-rrd iim.ii I.uii-.Mi r.anHllr I'1 at TBIOT OMAI1AM ISLA.ND, B.C. on li- Itri day of May. 1SII. mU riiiK and n hthkh TASK ii.m.fc mat an '.aUiir rvfard t.. mani. i lb aliw if iii"k and Jry ililjr July Mi-mbrr Noted Trainers and Athletes at Take notice that Tnonun Deaar. Indian nersous reomred la wina-oav rn.rn.es the uitie to nail to the tsuie under-are Fancy (Joods .u.ift ii qualMy wf tb "'tm Tb riHlUlllnl rlariii- nf Mh rhatnpion'k ramp ar wll Jersey City Say Champ Will ; treat, Mi.nrtt,to the B.Vlnlsur:.. intend of Landa to make for application the r l sued forthwith, and alt persons havmt saMl Estate ar.- re-qiUred ivn.vtnc of B. :. fur a licence to pro.peel returns aralim (the in , Mm- aiimiurw i -! .-, alifil with hik iviiidilion now Be Stale on July 2. l.a- petroleum over and under Hie foilowina lo hie the same wltb the under Itir. Ii i...r f GhmrfdH .ar ' l.1.nd.-iir. r di-'VrMMi lpil th fal tbal rmrla yk- I Mr.rnbrd landi kitnate on the West Coal sirned wlttkn. thirty day from Ihe dte Porcelaine, bereoT. Lacquer, n Prcir. Muni jkty esartly tbe ,iwt if lbff rily U it lrday aid Ibal h wan lirin- ATLANTIC CITY. Jun ?8. uf Oitwneurlna Graliam l.ljml.at a B pol..: nl'ileU at the DATED al Prince nupert. mi join oijr mr .n. . . a ar rbanrryl f.r Inerlliwed corner of Lot 1113; thence of May, 1911. Bamboo and Antimony of K ..f birh thy baruijr mptiu. ninK lo show kifn iip-ous- Jack leniir i Imlay within (viulh So rhaln. :thciice eatl kO chain.; Jlllt. II. in- iiip ui.hM In YaiirMnir. 1-ublic liallli ban bnfi(d no ami irmaniitiy. una in bourx of Hie end of his. tr-iinint: thence north e ciiaina; Ibeoi-e vl SO idlrlil Administrator. Toys Fapeteries irhanik lo point of commenecmenL h"H- yim lite diffrrvnt vry vratly. iunliMS IraiiuTK ay, howevor. nians Krind for Ih heavyweight chain-p1oiKhii I Uicated lllh Marcn. tl. MINERAL ACT. SIM-a.Sk' :u..l qllOlc irlr. and rbjl limit h lallUe. TIkT ha lhal Ii i rnpidly rounilinc infp bailie on July S. The I I THUMBS Buben HMSY.hroou. asi-r.L of i jtrmivEMtnta. flll i; rn an attiililnjr dt, in lrfcl litililiim Mindilion. I'r- champion ik scheduled lo do CEBTIFICATE.IIITUt F. K. Akase & Co. lironrbial and HilmtUiry v,m-puuii. bap a Inixrr fiphl lillr if n his lakl iHixiiji; in public thi OI'EE THAHLIITTE HHAIIAM ISLANDS ISLAND.LA M.Ml C DIS-Tht:T annia-Hrllimla."No. 3," -U-Brltair.la Hose No.No. -t.and Br1l--SL Pacific Iicumunia rai Itavr i in a had humor". aflernooii and trunorruw'. C lots' Mineral IJaim. Slllisie in in, naas Cartage Take nolle that Thnmaa Deuj. Indian River Mlnahtr Diviakoi of ca.siar District, Phone Red 85 P.O. Box 61 jt..n.- diin a tnurh a M pr-r.. c th flat Soin nolexl I rainirsj,4iiid atli-lete Arrnt. Maeti, B, i' hereby rivea notice Where located: a Paulcad Cret-K, klt-taull 519 Third Avenue rmniiaNMl Willi MaiTli. !imky will riv making eirntii; rriti-nisin' ..f Intention Ui nuke appuration to the Biver. fljMITEO i.i nr 300.ooO and IUrlir are viulMrr of lnd for I lie Province of B. TASK .NOTICE lhat Lewis W. Patluore, Prince Rupert, B.C. Ir. Jidin B. ()wn, rlilrf "t Mini an lo lieiupsey'a cimdiliiin. C for a licence lo primped for petroleum Free Miner- Certmral No. 3S6SI-C arenl Chevrolet Dealers III hi ISOti.onO rrjrardlHi. of lb over and wnoer ine rcmnwinr oewrmeo ror the Alice Arm La Hose Mininf Company tlii- dtiiry rniiH. U They claim thai h ha.. over-t landa Uluale on the Went Coaat or Ora-hani Limned. Nou-Personal Liability. Free Min PHONE 93. ! Mo.inliiKleit Offii on atinnn-" oiitrom of Ih hiir rlianipiiinshlp rained and fs now on Hi verse Inland, B. C: l.imnienemr at a hsi er cerlinrale .No. 41110-1 Intend, ml) nl Saturday. Thi was plan led al the kouihwett corner or Lot cays rnun the data aereor, to appir o i.ti.rii- iMiiluliini i aulborily haul of poiiiK klal. H U work-out 1119: t hence SO chain east; thence so the Mttuor tieeoriier lor a certineate or mad known In Xw York yklr- showed lhal r ha in. north; thence chama wl: llience Improvements, tor the purpose or oh tain if..r ayiiiK IMI " thai yi'klerday. however nil chain, umith lo point or cnmmenceinenL lav k Crowu Uranl of each of the atxive ..w rarbd a Prily nr !-!f..... day whn II a annoitncd be wiiK nol at tbo lop of his Luraied March tlth. ivtt. claims. phone redl57 Ti-l lUrlard. Ih ppmnolM- of On- THOMAS IltASY. A.lU l l HTHf-H TAKE .utTl-B mat sriion, Hliainrd undr tmlrH nm- form. Maitltew Yoeuiana. arrnt. under erlH &, must he cwuuuiurad ba-rore TERRACE flsht. had xrid In mnlrart tbe issuance of surn orliDcaie of , l ,..!! ..f llf"1. Ut'EEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS LAND IMS-THIi:T- IniprovemrBia. Vv iriilg rrallitifr tb prvtoun liftAHAN ISLAND. B. C. DATED in. istb day of Marcn. A. D. Fruit SOUTH AFRICAN nrrantrriuont whrb' Inips.v VANCOUVER BASEBALL Take notice lhat Thorpaa Deny, Indian 111. LEWIS W. PATMOHE. Lands would rh 38 lr rnl of III Aernt. Mannett, B. C. hereor rvea nonce PLAYER BOUGHT FOR of mtentlon to apply to the Minlater or BEAT AMERICAN rripU and narinlir ? 1'r I and fop I he nrovlnce of B. 4.' for a LAND ACT. -t yrvit kui tr amuk i rnL IM.Icntly Tx 'h n- MAJOR LEAGUE TEAM lli.-cnre Hinder the to pm.peri folluwln for denrribed petrok-um landa.ovrr aitu-llle and Netlc af latsntlen t apply I Lses Las. mtm brtnr mnwl up AT TENNIS TODAY rint ar triUtii In h l,U" on the weal mail of Graham laland In Ranre 1. ;.mim District. Beconiiiia- luslrlcl The Inlander Uli4 ind knaiinikilum and dearrlwd aa roiiowa; .(.-nitmennna of prince Riierl, and siKale at Jap 4... ii.n.mMiint trrM-" iiBi' thau h Ihouglil Uiy it iwl plaend chain, mm in fr.au the Inlet, rorchrr J'lijd. I4IV Is Eliminated Jim Riley, Hockeylst and Base- 4ilhaeal corner or Lot 1113; Ihenca weat Take nonce Hun I, Edard (.. raranns, T. Hunter Wousa mnr it nn tint n Frances would h. kO rhalnt; IPence aouth k ehatna; thence rjshrrtnan. First Class Boardinf i; of l-urrlier Island, ucrupation I-- liw aill tti.iiu will uo to St. Louts iviua lr baller, chain to English norlb so thence i 'N limme iw rr. By B. I. C. Morton eaal so chain.; Intctid lo aptit.v for permission to lease S30 Seeeod Aveoue PhooeUn -i Also Win. Th haM-hall trani Hiwn the Cardinals. liolllt of rununeilcellieuL the following described laud: A. Koekalaa. mprietor itui. t n.linr up tt and Women I.K-.led march t.lh. Ikit. Ciauiueiictor at a I"l planted one l.wl if i ' 'ni art. Hw nral M ii Sons of Canada andMb. Ild Sm THOMAS I.EASY. la a wekterly direeikai ru a xst al Hie Viml.ld.in."Tuito !. Fninn ll "!Phl on ac-rounl VAXCOrVKIt. June 'J8. Jim Robert Brown. A rent M.W. corner or W, half or U.I 1343. thence l"f bwtlH st r'l In was poklHind one rhaln more or lea in a wosterly direr " i.g .. T llunlif. or t!i unttu Hi'", or Ih ruin. Thr ar Itilev lb Senltle hockey lilayei OIXEN ClltBAOTTE iiltAUAM ISLANDS ISLAND,I.AND B. C. PIS-TltU.'T Uoti lu low aaier luark, IWiii-a ality eiiain or les aluns low water wart waZirliiiiluald trom Hi in who I lii" kcuson is pluyinK bae- Take notice Dial Thmnaa beaT, tndlaa more today now lhn tHilponil ktii lo a point alHi:t two chains in a s. w. KENNEY BROS. & CO. 1nnl rhum-i.l.illill' Aarut. Manaetl. if. C, inlenda la make application ilirectK.h renin i.t roarkwl K.CI, N W. lurf nuirt halt for Yancouver in inc. parmc II,,I h h Clly I.uku l l piayu. to Hie Mlulnter or Landa for the ruraer, theme to a post located al tush Real UiuriiaiiKMil ly l- n-Xiirl.rti account of th Acropoux Inlernational League, huw hei Province or B. C rur a licence for per-n.lankm water mark, ilienco foilowim hirh water Eatatv On and ovrr and Iniuranca to proaperl for petroleum mark 1u uanl of rtaiimencemeni and rnu-annus BroW.ra f 'U" Afrira. in Hi Kround hefnir. n-nil ror sold (o (lie SI. I.cul Cardinals under Ih' r.UI..wllil drM-rlbed landa alluale Xlnriv eres more nr . ALICE ARM LOCK-UP. - - Ttrncvi B.C. on th Weal Cnaal o.' Uralwm laland, B. '. EDWARD C. PARSONS, M-iiii-fliiaU- tram narly every niphl ror Ih for 5.nno. OakiiienrAr al a IKial punted at the ApplH-akL CONTRACTORS. H0TICE TO In lb swxmiiI .rwitw of lb neil few wck. II ha not hn hnre it rlMiiia;line al Ihenre While rail Point;00 rhalna;thence IImmic eonm Dates! June , 111. wotu-n a Mnubl. Mm Oradd.wk decided wliit lhsn posljmnH BASEBALL SCORES n-lh imiiil of riaiiuienceiiient,chain. U-ence weal k rhalna lo IN THE Sl llltML lllt RT OF BJUTtSII ror Sealed Alice Arm Tender LucS suererited up" will tie received Tender MrKan. of J'alanl. It be C.OI.IJMHIA. by lh Honourable I lie Minister or Public and Mi' will h playo.1. may Locited I4IK March. ISil. Kiinen Work to II o'rkM-k nooii or Momiay LADILS' AND GENTLE- American League THOMAS DEASY, IN PHOUATE. up MT HJumIpJI ,lf,.alid Mm. Mi"a necessary In play inm on on Matthew Yoeuian. arenl. And iu the limner or lb Administration the 4ih ilav of Jnlv. IVKI. r.rthe ereclki'l MrNTiiins A.iirlcan slnul Philadelphia, S; Hnslnn, fi. Art and In tlie mailer or tli Estate of and rouipletioii or a Ui. k-l'p SI Alice Arm Mallury. tbr Sunday. CHARLOTTE ISLANDS LAND DIS- ( baric William Unhletmi. deceased. in Hi" Allln Electoral Hlslrlrl. B, C, "PtT CVADAI.TKKM u'"' M' M"" hl St. I.ouis, 2; Cleveland, i. OL'EEN . , , TAk: NOTICE lhal en the stmt dar nf. plana, specifications (nil Form of Tender TUMD fUiitiiiii. 1 IV I'- 'm ill. - of the real and may be seeu on ami after I lie 1710 LEE AVKNUB nnd Hie Prince National League Take none that Thomas Deaty, Indian Jane, till, Administration The Men-haul of: Itiislan. ISJI. l the nltlce iriiunii'y. of Masaelt. B.C. Intends la links an-Mlraikm tirrsoiial t-iaie or ..nariea n luiaiu ciuviv Bv or June, t'lionai Hani .130. Alhlelics meet lonislil in Ilnslon. 2; llro.iklyn. S. Aaenl, to the Minister or Land lor iim Voii. .leeeased. a rranted lo loe. 4. Mahony, Ed Ooerninenl SaeiO, nuperl l llceace tranllnv AND riRIHLH TASL NOTICt. Ilial lit I'xurl House, VaiM-ouvrr. 12. or 8. C. for York, Plilladelphla, ri.nn.e NOTICE. Hie Juirlor I.eaitue imure winuu New ; iicmiisslon M proepeci for jM-troleum over persons luoinr rlaini aiainst the said J. II. McMullln. Esq.. Ilovenunent Aea, lat night bul PitlsJiurB. I; Chicago, 1. the pillow lnr detrrltied Isnds uluale on s.Uie are required lo tile Hie aame with Court llwise, Prinr Hniierl. Win, havlnir mutlil WHII kl'beduled fur l.'ie West Cnaal or Uraham Island, B. C, me within liurty Oay rnnu ih dale erovmciai uMisiauie, Aiun. Chartered Accountant I Ohas pimlponed n uccounl Cincinnati. 5; HI. Louis, 2. and ilesrrlbed a follow; tureor, and all persons owlnr immie. lu or the brpartuietii or Public Worts, wlilrh was and ,1,' ...iloii V1 from Wont Pacific International League I .Miuiienrlnr at a rol rlantea St the Ih Mid t.Ute are hereby required lu pav Vlrtarla. B.C. Auditor. ranked by l!!,nK IMI. will or Hi upset in plan nnrthaest corner of Lot 1114) thence east the same la ine forlbmilti. The lose! or any tender nut neressarilr as al Jun I. Taeonin, 1; Vancouver, 2. il rhaln: llu-u.e south 10 chalnsi thence OAltti tul lird day or June, nil. at acrrpied. . GEORGE RORIE fr ii.. runlav nr lie. Iinininiou.i'uy nest SO rbalnsi thence north 0 chain lo Prince Rupert, 1'rovlnc of Brltlsb Coluni-bl. N i-s.nIMi 10. Public Works tutlneer. VJetorlu, n..J between (h Sons of Yakima, 0; ixunl of c.aiiilienceinrnt. W...1K IK IIU Cup train Coast League -No LiH-atetl Mill March Mil. MINNIE tOfE DROL'T EMULET0N. PtOillr Wnrka DeiMtruneiit, raoNe Mr I'.nnlanil nnu iatiii. THOMAS DKASY, Admiiii.trairit. Viri'iria. H. r.a fu sa artr Jun -H. ,UIt. will tola Hie games played. HoMrl srowu, itaav fiuic hupsrt. B.C. It, 1IL .derB,l Dulldlng CIIAS. WINQ. lowing players