October 3, 193 LOCAL NEWS. NOTES Roy Chenoski, James Garlick and ts B ; Yi |James Wood ave leaving on the k jSteamer Cardena tomorrow for : | Vancouver on a two-weeks’ holi- fe jday ; : | nial ke 1 the Old Country lexander Gooch was finea $50 gd a “e by Magistrate MeClymont in city FI Chloe Nid Folks the best possible police court this morning on 4a! bi non the puns t0 se0 them = harge of having liquor in an inn this year. Enjoy the thrill of doing your Se ee et ee | Christmas shopping in London, G lasgow other than in a private gues! ‘ or Paris. Low ocean rates still in force, em Oc ete One Way Return Another enjoyable dance was aabin 104, . ‘ Toutit from "st ay held Saturday night in ‘the hall on Third 67. 119. Second Avenue by the Canadiar ate ny of — —— is back Labor Defence League, a good- oF the famous Cu nard-Anchor-Donaldson < . 0 service, accommodation and cemfort. sized crgwd Weing Jn attendance, LAST SAILINGS FROM MONTREAL Nov.18 AURANIA Piyma uth, Havre, London Nov. 18 ATHENTA B'fast, Liverpool, Glasgow brought refreshments Nov. 26 AD 1ONIA gow, Belfast, Liverpoo! a ae ‘ow. 20 \USONIA Plymouth, Havre, London No word had been receivec up to rg re a ae SA . cae ade ax in early hour this afternoon as <. ymout avr J ; ’ Dec-10 #LETITIA B'fast, Liverpool,’ Glasgow to the time of arrival of CPR. S A «Prom Saint John on Dec. 9 teamer Princess Louise, scheduled Book through your focal ai to call here this afternoon south- Agent no Of@ can serve you CUNARD LINE, bound from Skagway to Vancou- ver. The vessel has been delayed on eile o CUNARD s Hastings Street Weat, i Seymour 3648) Vancouver account of having a heavy freight ANCHOR- -DON cargo to discharge at Skagway and ALDSON is not expected to arrive before to- night or tomorrow morning * io es, Fy : o* 7, a) ‘ Cue 2 OA tm 3 = Wurlg es oS Government of Gritish Colunrbi *rince | Assessment Distric Prince Rupert Assess strict The Annual Tax Sale of Lands for delinquent tanes will be held at my office, PRINGE UPERT, on WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 5th, at 10 asm. \t the POLICE OFFICE, TERRACE, on FRIDAY, OCTOBER 7th at 3 p.m. ‘t the COURT HOUSE, STEWART, OCTOBER Ith, at 2 p.m. All lands upon which land taxes and school rates are delinquent fer the year 1930 will be exposed for sale Particulars of properties to be offered at Tax Sale can be obtained from the Provincial Collector at the above address The Tax Sale list will be published in the British Columbia Gazette before the date if sale A. J. LANCASTER, Provincial Collector. Special Hard-Time Bargain Offer To Subscribers to the Daily News or Any Wishing to Become Subscribers have been offering special bereens to the custom- Here is our contribution. Any person sending in a full year subscrip- nm now will get the rest of the year 1932 free. Thi lis applies either to new S Delivered by mail out of town ibseriptions or renewals. 1933 FREE | | i very attr itive offer and is made for a limited pe riod to induce Ss « € . 72 in advance during the difficult finane ial period. , currency. The sooner it is All our advertisers S Delivered in the city one year 1933 FREE THE DAILY NEWS from January 1, $5.00 Rest of this year to January THE DAILY NEWS one year from January b ey Rest of this year to January This ubse ribers to pay a year yment may be m: ude by check, ent the more you get for the money. DAILY NEWS Prince Rupert, B.C, money orde ay or Daily News Want. Ads. Bring | Quick Returns Weekly sailings throughout the Fall Musie was furnished by members | of the League and ‘tthe ladies’ ald Matheson, for Skeena ' Taxi 35—Ernie ‘arge. t? Olof Hanson, MP. lites le lett on this morning's train for| Cash is worth a good deal to us.|Ottawa to attend the session of See our special sunscription offer. | Parliament which opens this week . J. T. Harvey left dn this morn-| C. C. Mills left at the end of| ing’s train far a trip to Smithers;the week for a business trip on legal business. |Prince George and sedidled |,points He will be away about two! r. aid Mrs. James Currie; who} weeks are been paying a visit to. Van-) — jcouver, eturned to the city from; James McGlasian, who has been| the south on the Cardena yester- | day afternoon, {the past sun imer, engaged in fisheries patrol service/| jin the Bella Bella district during| ~ returnea to the ROR RENT—Modern flat,’ on the Venture Saturday| ‘Block. Apply Max Heilbroner. u A change in train service becams| city effective today whereby trains wil! , night. leave -here for the east at 9:20 in-| —_—— stead of 10°30 Monday, Wednes-| J.'W. McAuley left aboard ‘his! day and Friday mornings. There is| cruiser Carmona on Saturday for a no change in the times of incom-/|week’s hunting trip to Estevan. ing trains at 9 o'clock Tuesday,;Campania and Pitt Islands. His Thursday and Saturday evenings ene on the ») are R. W. Cam- meee }eron ,William Reid and A. R. Nich- Taking over the run of the ss /ols. | Catala which has ne boiler oe trovble. Union steamer Cardena, Capt, Ernest Georgeson, arrived in : Wie OPING COUGH Classified Ads FOR SALE i PERSONAL | FURNISHED flat for sale. Apply PERSONAL — Kalen Motors. Phone 52. to —_— intermediate| FOR SALE—Mink, Quebec. Labra- der, young or adult. $20 per pair. “If James Donald, formerly of Owen Sound, Op- tario, will communicate with the Canada Trust Company, at Re- gina, Saskatchewan, the Execu- tf wntnaitemaneton diya F. Hoppe, ‘Lochdale, B.C. \t. ‘tors under the Will of ‘the late - nee Peter Donald, he will learn FOR RENT something to his advantage.. 235 Rand DAIRIES FORK RENT—Mozern seven-roomed For FRESH LOC AL MILK house with furnace, Phone Red 720. close in. (tf) Phone Red 608 or 953 DOMINION DAIRY 8 Quarts or 14 Pints for $1.00 SWAP HOUSES ILL s sell aus WILL swap, sell or tent DOVES. ACTERIZED MILK a IS SAFE MILK WANTED port at 5:40 yesterday wives rnoon No “cure”—but helps to re from tlie south and sailed d of ; ee m. ter Maven Maia and dale - Y-y xs WANTED—Dining table and chairs Presh from Buikley Valley northern points whence she wil! VI 1c fh, oar coal range. Apply H. 8., Box Farms jreturn here tomorrow morning | ce Leanaleaeoitst: Yours ree |e ——= VALENTIN DAIRY | --~- HELP WANTED Phone 657 Miss Helen McAuley of ihe Prin George Rorie, who has been on [ meat Rupert poteral eer y ralning Bia ten-day business trip to Vancou- HOUSE to house salesman for om AUCTIONEER a * — re ied ali ‘¢ | ver. returned to the city from the 0 aa necessity aed city on the Cardena yesterday af- ; a: aes aed . yes ore € province. south on the Cardena yesterday List your goods with us—Prines iternoen following absence ini .+¢,... ; i y - y nit ee eS — ” D i 0 afternoon wn 541 me Street, ‘Vem Rupert’s Jeading Auctioneer. ae ae Tr ng ae W. H. MeCalluri returned to the oe a G. M. HUNT rculosis sing t uilix ae are s ; Sanitarium and in dietetic city on the Venture Saturday nich SITUATIONS VACANT | Srd Ave. Phone Red 637 Vancouver General Hos from the Bella Be'la district where } os he has been engaged in fisheries BARN MONEY NOW TAKING OR-' —— we + aa: : a Cuty during the past sum- DERS fer Personal Christmas The AUCTIONEER rE ee fi sally sore pe Greeting Cards. Finest line ever e e eaen nail ” . : i - > at 9 olclock Saturda n ara mown Easy to sell. Liberal com-,; Packing — Crating — Wrapping the squth but, bec Frea Wescl.. in his capacity as| mission. Regal Art Co., $1 Gould’ nq General Furniture Repairs dic ui] until 5 preside Prince Rupe Street, Toronto List your goods with me iday morning on her return to Van- so sivas ag cette PagprAtame GEO. J. PAWES—Phone Black 120 couver and waypoints, being more wee ten 4 p 9 ; E -_ ies 4 P ORCHESTRA than twenty-four hours late. The fifty apie _ sida re pers “4 ore : = Venture will be taken off the ruz - oe ose wne C°"| POR Your Dance orchestra phone | at the conclusion of this yoyage ~” ad ee Mrs. Black, Green 218. Snappy PRIN | IN¢ and the Catala will come north | in music! Prices reasonable. (tf) ber place this week, the Venture) Mr. and Mrs. W. Vandersluys OFFICE SUPPLIES later resuming the service while Who have been on a holiday trip ithe Catala is withdrawn to await South, returned to the city on the VIOIAN Rese, Cowan & Latta new boiler installation. The Ven- Cardena } uy afternoon. They i rhe 234 | ture will be civen rerhau) ¢ took their car with them « mo- a eee - ure will be given verhaul thi ao ges a vest ras MISS NELLIE LAWRENCE will re-| ite tama mormacesidh sot” coisiadaaial f the Lacasse| SUme violin lessons October 1st. - aati ae Mma as a Phone 177 tf WHY LOOK AT SHABBY & ake , ow : , DIRTY WALLS? Don t Sleep on Left 5 ee ee TRANSFERS We paperhang a room for | Side, Gas Hurts Heart . Se! muanton, attic satetins muse $5.00 and up, Calsomine, $2.50 a> “Chitin Mikeees aed, ae oe en =e | If stomach gas makes you restless ~° Buyer. ype aon Camevon’s Transfer— Cordwood 4 and up. Call, Red 802 ¢ oO sleep yht sid Ouver, Whe coming 0 irom : me Adierike Oned ( 5 Gaia yon Vancouver «aboard ‘the steamer Firemood, Furnacewood, Kindling J. P. MOLLER \of gas or nervousness, and bring Venture. had the misfortune to | oles. Piling oii ian jsound sleep. Orme’s, Ltd., Drugs break his foot in a fall on the! Many people are taking advan- Wharf Haysport cannery in the | CHIROPRACTIC itage of ‘the special subscription of- Skeena River on Saturday. He was agenesis . fer. Who will be next? taken from the mer its ar- M D g i e 7 ee - rival here Satuday night and is W. C. Aspinall ISS 2 0 an ! now @ patient in the Prince Ru-| Whree Year Graduate Chiropractic | m ’ \$ pert General Hospi Accompan- Announcements } ied by Mrs. Rushton, he hopes to Modern Ray Treatments Given TEACHER OF MUSIC ‘be able to le Vancouver on Phoné for Appointment : I* the Cardena tomorrow afternoon Green 241 and 549 / Phone—Black 232 le — Bazaar and Carnival Oc! (pen Evenings 6 Exchange Bik ane - ata Church Annual Supper “Build B.C. Payrolls” azn | ==> | G “f° -- ood Clothes Do |! Prince Rupert Thanksgiving Day benefit dance Pacific <— anaes | rince upe Eagles’ Hall,October 10, Ik’ clFIC M k y G t . i S ACI ake You Grea Rebekah Bridge-Whist, Oc tober OX #2 DRY DOCK lao xz *_ | y , , oe i] | 1 Order Your Next New ee ae Hy i i | Oe om | Boxing, Empress Arena, ~ irs i Eu ronatey \ ; Suit From iday, October 13, main event en ay ee f j SHIPYARD {eile vs. Gurvich | } — A lly } yme to health | | Eagles’ Dance, Oc chaber 14 and 2 and oe M Nature wisely Operating three Dry Docks i coneentrate he things that Th T il Total capacity 20,000 tons Catholic Bazaar, October 19, WW.) count rl imins illustrate e a or -_— it. In the roscopic units is Shipbuilders Elks’ Dance, October 21. | Cane he ence of the thing Second Ave.—Opp. Post Office and Ship Repairers that gives life and health to) Phone — 649 for Steel and Wood Vessels 4 MgO? 69 Hallowe'en Gridge and milk By t w ally, vacuum! 8 ill and Mining Machinery ; a j ii its ne aiuy, vé sa awm n n Mance, Oct, 28. 1.0.D.5. Hall. packing, Pacific Milk now saves WIDE RANGE OF FINE Repaired and Overhauled j i , dn endreth re oO se vitie UALITY WOOLLENS | «Presbyterian Bazaar, Nov. 24 See ee ee "re CHOOBE FROM tron and Brass Casting | 7 m ° nthe A We use best trimmings; high Electric and Acetylene Welding Hotel Arrivals Pacific Milk class oe Pee 50-tan Derrick tor Heavy Lifts it guaranteed. Contsad “400% B.C, Owned and Controlled” j . Leif (Karstensen and John Bar- PLANT AT ABBOTSFORD | FC RRR a RRAR seth, city; O. Phillips, C.N.R.; Don- - Dorreen, Hotel Central Lid. Covenient to business district, homelike, beautiful harbor views. Rates reasonable. Spacious sample rooms. (PERST CLASS CAFE @pen at All Hours Special monthly rate for Reems and Meals Hotel Central iAd. First Avenue & Seventh Street ‘ Pianos For Rent $4. Per Menth and Up Pianos Tuned, $3 WALKER’S MUSIC STORE CANADIAN PACIFIC To Vancouver PRINCESS LOUISE--Sept. 12, 21, Oct. 3, — To Vancouver PRINCESS ADELAIDE—Fridays, 10 p.m. via Ocean Falls and Way Ports To Ketchikan, Wrangel, Juneau and Skagway—Sept. 8, 17 and 29. For Information call or writ : W. 'L. COATES, General Agent Prince Rupert, Bw: UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Steamers heave Prince Rupert for Vancouver:— CATALA BVERY PUBSDAY, 1:50 P.M. Via Wa arriv Vancouver, Thursday aim. @.88. CWRDE ‘SVERY FRIDAY MIDNIGM®, Arriving Vancouver Supday midnight. approx Weekly sailings to Port @impson, Alice Arm, Anyox,}! River pdints, Sunday, 8 pm. © Purther tmformetion regerdt all sallings and tickéts VRINCE RUPERT AGENCY: Second Avenue. v8.8, ae 8 wt Sable sed,