r - WHIST DRIVE AND The Daily News DANCE LAST NIGHT mixer: hupkut - mutism coi.umma PuMiahed Bvery Af'-rnoon, except Sunday, by The News WAS BIG SUCCESS 1'fliitlng and Publishing Company, Third Avenue. Elka' Chrlttmaa Chair Affair If. F. PULI.EN, Manag'ng Keillor. waa Vary mjeyabla Good GUDSCniPTION RATES t Sum Ralatd. CUy Dcllver by mall or carrier, per month SI.OO , a Th.. benefit drive and Ily mull to all parts of the Urilish Empire and the United State. ' heM la-t whit n t tn fti. Ah-1 !FA$ue Cut in advance, per year $rt.00 ' ft.'iii i.v Mi,- Hk waa a To all other countries, in advanee. per year 87.50 K Ml ti,-i"f. I 'l. ri KfiTi' sSttm till.-. f w!n' hut i hi- main DAILY EDITION Friday. October .'. jaiiraelion ncenir.t be Iti-" I liu-i'. in whii'li I ' rimnl, look Melflhen'a Doom :!!. I be tlill-K , of Ullll Hai Been 8ealed. , , . ' iiaf'y hifh (ttalttv ai"' lhre wa Every Indication from the Bart seenta to be that the Meigheu in eitfhl pierr orrh'lrn for tlirj Onvcrntnent ia bound to po down to defeat ftt the election, the ni"l of the veniiMi. 1 wwsi campaign for which i now in progreea. There iaalso every William McI.i.mI a in chare j&m'ZTp indication that the Liberal parly wHI be the predominating of Ihe whlat itrixe. The ft rat influence in the next government, ami probably that party will :rip winner w.rr Miaa K. It. liflvp a clear majority over all ether. Arthur and J. . Veireek. while Prince Itupert haa alwaya lieen a Liberal town. It waa (onaolatMin award nt tn Mr Liberal at the laat election and there hat beon nothing to indicate t:. Hr.in and iwrt l.ona. a change in public opinion except that two or three Imetneaa men W. K, Thnni"ti waa maater .IS who have more or tc intimate relation with the rtoverntnent if eeremonir f. r lh danee end -m candidate have gone over to aupfwrt him. Priaee Hupeft dietrict K. A. Iionnhoe v n the donr. is Juat aa muck Liberal aa ever it waa. SUITCASES Hffreahnienla w.t,. red in the hall at midniirlit Ml arrange-mcnta Attempt U Made Trunks went nff wi"iout a hMeh. to Camouflage Iteue. The affair lked alter r An attempt ia being made to ramou ftago the iaawe. A CLUB BAGS 'v ihp Oliria' iii.i- '.ti''r committee w.yMHWMmrnwwnriiiHrn'i candidate, who haa coniterrtly until the day of hia election of which lb-it nelf la lh announcement backed the 'Metghcn Government and who ia Large Stock on hand. ii.urnian. A . ! um of moa- generally throughout the country looked upon a a Metffcen man. Price very low. wa rai'"d in at of Mra. rVir-lei ld. iMuvlaa. A MrMa-t ' C. . Peak. come into the content. He announcea that he ia atill a Liberal, and family who are In hi and afthotifa independent lli backer, who are It Gontervalivea of J. F. MAGUIRE -it ' lii'inr o r ranr" a a the city, pat bins forward to try to steal the Liberal aupport away Naat tha Priaca Saptrt Hot It a reported tmohhj earee thai tla Ha hydro.rlfy i-heNM Honseholflpr! from the regularly nominated Liberal candidate. That ia the PROPOSE TO BUILD lecirtc hylaw and the itueatr-n condition today. There ia nothing we can fight this election upon but tbe ; HOUSES IN EDMONTON t ita legality ba waar up d'r otiellr Pelera hea Irfl on n political record of the candidate. If we were loking for a military CONSERVATIVES OF turned to 1rW1rta. lender we ahonld know what to do. Aa waa pointed rait at the, Libend meeting, the other uigbt, military leader do not make oltWAiU mill iLi KIlMllVroN. K-l W-Hil. We offer Coal Iinma otan i erect (wo hun-tred good legislators. Invariably thej have proved failures. We doubt a SILVER BULLION IS reidrner in Ihe city i, evi .1 If it i gratitude to aend a man to Ottawa to Parliament juat Meeting There Laat Saturday Waa and the municipal Screened, guaranteed ch inv eale aumyaet lr SHIPPED FROM STEWART. ; because he haa been a successful military leader. Colonel Peck not Kaaa Meeting of Citltana. authortt. t''unt Toper waa in Parliament throughout a good deal of the laat aeaaion and days. delr. r who ia a vtai'or iii KdoMHiloe we have not diaeovered in llanaartl any record of hia baviqg dta- TKVART. Oct. tfl. The MTKWAItT. et. aFifleen appeared hefrf the nijr roaa eticd on the door oT the lloue lite queetion which to ua waa neetimt held laat Saturday evr. thmiaaaU dntlaea worth of gdd. Sacked, ton $12.53 miaatonera Tu"ay ui -miae ano per important above all other. Uie provision of fiah cara. It remained nine uhieh waa resorted to have and aitver bullion from ihe In th aoileilett 90- eat "i fur a Nova Scotia n to take the Iktor in our behalf. The Skeena keen a maaa meetta of eitiaena Premier we abrpped out by the) 111 lima to tile -l-nt that ln- Bulk, ton $1 1.50 representative was ao cloae wUie tiovernnient that be could not waa advertiaed aa a aaeetia- of city nrovide the lot for ibH taadlan Kiprea on the iteorre per even air Ihia grievance for fear of offending them, and yet he now auaportera of Galoael Peek. It lat Huaday Tbu aa (be aeeond hnJMinir and. '' eomptle You Cannot Beat It' cornea out an an independent and aays he i a Liberal. Truly the waa really a Coaaervetrve rnnnting from property taen for a term lean-up front lb- Tannle plant.! wuya of Um politician are hard to understand. and tt aua parted the tegioat eaa of free yeera, the imirnemeni ttliich ia m "f 3 - n i jdidate of that party. tax la he met m th rnmjlai II nL'DT P. ni-f' a LL L I J V IT Inconaltteney mi 11r.1t 1 IV nil i.h 1 1. 1 1. 11 manner. of Argument. I An old offender in the per Ikuriav the auure of the con In discuaeiag the eiliiaUon recently the gallant Otonel n if Mra. Helen Wade ap versation Cnun de o.. r lair.l Phone 116 and G4 referred to a r made by William Ihiff. member for Lunen- reared in the police court Un thai he had built twrutr Imuw buff. Nova Srotev, ui worn he championed Um eae of Prince momma and waa fined ttofl la Vermillion. 1 hia aeaott al..n Rupert ami bowed the Government in Parliament the frea'. need with I!k' option of four month the lltiea proposed InJUmoaton Teaara ail4 t t oralra la lk I there was at Ihia port. The GrfTonei aays that waa nettling. All imprMonmru for in tan leal ion. the town of Vermillion aiin' c a. Htfi a im ljm M. Fit 'rtad Trunk rtna Ink, liMWMf the lime he. the local member, waa working on the matter. The nroi?ert tea eiemptin tor a 1 vfft at rxlMrtllunf a cfcw4 .iii-hprlpinii inference ia that the speeches of the opposition in Parliament are w - ..-.. MftoHM to ia aMrafi4 ta4 Im II' pened of eeven f tim ri.Wr oatr. rrtwa aurrt of no value, but it ia the work of a supporter of the fioverument ' TL- M, ! iL LfnAn j TVn M Um UioJf art4 Ik I D.P.S., L.DS., D.D.C auM r 1 a Mitia 1 r rar M-1 that cimnta. " ti M 'lokr'.' 4 mail im rcH4, Admitting that the Colonel is right, we get bark to the. SAYS;- 1 'RESTLESS SEX" 1 Mw affif f it aaorir4 aot Uur na II araawk a artiur I tlx III! j bi question or tne vniue or sending a man to rart lament who ia iKNiml a- a aruse caa rr t af tm imii DENTISTRY in all its ... 1 . . : : . r.i . . .i .. . i t . or Ik tmur mt amabar um iu or in 1 iic trie i-u Crllllant Call ftcom Scene In iipfiwiuim. .vicignpti ariy, pnny wnicn me, THE ai mile wheh kiwi cr aaj vaotr am anvutnij Colonel belongs ao far aa but record abowa, will be defeated, ao wpnjv. (RiB.. be one who reature Film at Waatholme I. ueTHrawtu, Echane BIick, Suite 14 and ) lit uuiiuricr hi no wni in isi uuiwiiiun. lie win lie in a aonie .......i... -- chut hitw i rifO, ...I ! :.: ... ..... A. , , , . r-.r""i eavaae amile. Tonlcht. Ml notn aeiMeif. Cack It wuai MiHitar iiimmi hi mat ui inc mciiinrr iur ixinenuurg ir in e, vuietr. a, c For Appointment Phone laat Parliamenk He will make, apeeehes in the Houte but will THE man who alia m the A atory that oiaahlm dW have no inflienre willi the Government. The Government will trne LA.vp acy nevr et- umi a unaai heart aptl with an eiaoc, atill look, to Fred Stork for advice in regard to thia conatituenry tkan luataicT or lDl, mttrhitr. aaya 8am Hill uieiety l ark-ground la protnlanl jtin taicr even though defeated, for such i the cualum of government on rtftua imiac nniaiov nriiniiu I PniT li.W 1 IMP f(1 in "The llratleee les." the . pir-turr Tl nw ikl i. Ia ftmti m na am m avar 111 am ir wm ar a mi m a a a a a a 11. either aide. IT pay to keen a aaiewl too. . .t Jtohert V. Chain-hera' 4 TvWtna crk, mw iria ia rion mm$ M llfty tt prrnnttMa In VM P"e aoaietiaaae and then amtin novel of Ihe anave namr rmnMi 6ttril4 MM I4mmwmi i Dallvacad In bulk. ftIM ' Slenpporte, J - " which ia to be at Ihe Wealholmr ami Uaif4 mit nw on la mi Ik r-mi wmt i ta4 w Oallvarad In aacki, 114.00 f U I on ir til. Marion iMvlea la thi m la ruai iMn a-ta I. Tbla la one f Ui- " ' " ' ' ' " A aupporter of the (lovernment to be ia the man to aend to '-(. uenra mI I iraaea Mt Tt OMawa. The Liberala wttl win in apite of the milliona being apent THR birda are Art aeotb atar. 1 a iiiaiar HMia M l hm fM af"'naannaini. aa.t AbaolUtelr free fr m d"t t " k C J cm Ihe campaign by the wealthy plutocrat whe are liackiug end there ure aome birda arotind I'hi- hrroine of the alory ia oni wwn air" tuand thia coal hara a i ' , Meigben. With the Ioheral in the a Diet ty yiHine woman with an krPUraat ePcielly nt'd for .rfkn.T i party aiwer, party that flr-t thia town the are aoeh hash lit tfa ii put Prince Hnpert on the map, the friend of the northern diairict. flycra yu never know whirl inborn low fur earitenieai. Hav-iu map act. if wc want there a man to aee that we get wliat n coming to direction they are bound. Uiij of m'tepeadenee. ahe Ladysmith-WellingtonLump Fred Stork ia that man. He will be the Liberal adviaer anyway, lima ( r..-ruitec life to ike rawer TMCT atTrriT Of COAIT Lkvp a4.flS nUTaKT Pt rn..Mi In bulk. $1 M pif ta but we want to have him right on the job ao that he ran he of re.'d YOU dmrt have to gn to an full. Tin- rrault ia afl uuheppy Tkainiii.Ttla MtK ewiia tkil I. ant Ulktort.awr ...1 I 1. ..ri. S17M pw f" i'-e tu'ua. The elcctora of Skeena will be making a grave milat.- agr.ruliural a bow to aee the mari-iaae, but aabeemiently a AkrMl tm t(th far k evM M peMfvi far, Tka faiiieu. Lad-amllh.W.llln8to h keaa". r. iiiovr ccNnea to her. ami the ondi um tm& Mian I f a tlaa lth fka if they end to Ottawa other. ,,"f any f aiw. alit, .ara. a 4fruri mm cnewawaa ti a it: th. markat foe over endina la a beany eae. A bril NimmI H aiOa alk na te rl . ' rat r ef I.I. rplMfl Mil rOmf f LmA Ikvar fmi crialHtea liant ballroom In which naeno. kirn Ibrar Bank k rkat. tmmrt rt. I mnrirni mere than aix hundred iieonle rfttia. 1 mm kauta raata t imih n T).. 1 I I nmDZD 4 reiiiHi.aouxal. enaUMUaf 140 irrtl rnnte ixujjci iiuu.u i ake part, an nulonudiili nrci- t ar I" .. . dent, and ren' tn a nullioiiain uni mh.hi.bt. . -poc sni. Offloe, Central HoUl U. n. 'Uinri. kpal. I country home are feature. Dkld ttfUUtbtr II. lit! Saturday Special Cartyla lllackwetl al llalpli Kellard have the leedtiur rolea in aupMirt of Miaa fiaviea. A feu) odd lines in Mens Kraneea Marion lulapaed the wcanBaaaaBnaaanaaaBmai i Suits, worth much more atory for Ihe nereen. money, to he cleared on Saturday at Ten Years Ago J Cascade In Princa Huport f October 23. 1011. aa iii"ti Knowden. 'lie man The Beer without a Peer mi 'iir V u,i.-Oliver Mller liavr im. -i.it iiargi-a with lite niur-11 M ude In IJ.C. for 30 years from only pure product "f wiiiumii Uriiubart. ia well ket.ii here. fa wak, In fnat, vii.oed io hf (HI Ilia wny to fnhnes 1 1 '" Mn 1. 1 1 when be waa ar-rnt.'d. Delivered to your home, free of charge, m q 11 , j,. vuJ 1 i-iTur .f itrreat barrel lots. lUuitl. nn 1'ereliar one dozen bottles to a a I A fonin.iii.,. of litsal altbtena Ask the Government Vendor for CASCADE This is h.i dei-iii. .1 reaueat the Provincial your opportunity if find j you can your size aovi-runient In retain and onernta th. nmv wbarf. beinv among them for very tittle money. ippoa.j 1, ty.uirn of laaa. Limited Inif it. l Ihti- waa a meeting VANCOUVER RRRWERIES. yeeterdar with w. V. Puittr, the I a aa 1 w w 1 avta a. mm. ' i. deta,i minliiti'r of jmblle Martin worka, mkI 1 1.ik wan urirMl. Uistn O'Reilly .a .... 1 j - - iMaanoa ; mud ami aiimnit rnnce iupert mercantile v-o., -iu tli.i- .i. were: I. M. New-ion Mill. ) liiUoil, . II. Hti'W-n?t, "T-fimnrTrrifin-j- Ttinm J 11 floK. r, A. J Moi i ii.,1