! THE DAIlY JSEWS '" The Daily News i OPERATION Wis PUSH FORWARD j imixcK nirpRiiT - muTisi! Columbia P. G. E. WORK liihllhe! Ktery Aflernnon, except Sumlny, hy The News HOT NECESSARY Printing n'n! Publishing Company, Thrrff Avenue, Weel i II. P. PUMiBN. Managing FMIior. Provincial Government Determined ewm "Mt-a-ttos" Reslorsd Hsr Prince to Construct George.Lino ta JkflLY BDITIO.X afAXiO' Thursday, Peal. & lHI. To Psrfscl KsaltSi Vlimm. p. More SUIMUt' lSJPtwur Are. MrrAl. than fr delerminwl l r.-n- It Charlie a "Fbr three yraro, remre gTt fnVbrr Mf Purtfl.- ir. a Fotrrn Real Actor? fn la tbs hjir.r part of T ear, H9Naw ihr..(M,h i" Prtn.-c It, i rommnn thing in om cirrlfl to ftk fool question; 1 " wry with - u,ar ftliony. ill- rrjwali r oeaninii. Iff an aor, expertm Uiat fWo if be hBw ri.thiff Mt .vprjUlst who said I stoat eaderro , the mi.j art he WeM try to mw An example of thai it -non in untiNi IraPaard ron fnmi atiniwloh t the .Special Attraction the qiifr4aao which heads lh trikfi. la jjnrl.e a real hrtnr? iMfrf Jf r efHPihf kteel ) I'iltNnwoMl Ki.er. "There i but one Charlie in Ihe w-ofra o I here i no need to ak 4fiit4 H fry . Premier Mher and lln. J"lm aaoiWr fool quostton in order to further explain. The Ant has r treat reKef and ItaH. mlnUlrr of flnanre, are Ijibly Mime people will point to trie popularity oi inapiin I ceotfeMesd tl treaaveat. Now tar nuajr aeakina; way and m-u l. ALL THIS WEEK ami es that i an uidieatiofi that he must J as aetr j.oa?t health Is iiltit-l asa free of fttMiaak mttd awkMakaaar. fnafi He aartain o manyr mttlHMM f pwpfe whs go agean lard aJi pato uJ I 'ire "Fruits-tires say 103 Jhttat the iiefMtrate t-eMkr0 to itmti ame picttirc. And yet tlintl no a roaotft Hp a aannest thsaks IH nf Prtnae Mtp nity Kerg terniii ralher than an of tor, IhiI he i nlo cleretoping'ae an Uim. r GAURAU. aW SJBM lM of lel MR rtetor jf th morie critie of Ihe IHkIoh Tim i to I IntMed. 80c box. for$3 30.trial sU 230. hand Ibe laiier a'inl. The on al Here what the highest anthority say of him: At all dealers or seat postpaid by Premier m lay al leant none Fruit-stirra Limited.OtUc. n mile f tn aetore wintar. ComU?London Favorite.Time and r . , with! Ihe neai llnr aatmnaer.i.. br rompleiMl DRESS PATTERN FREEi '"'The Kid' i. the mot ambHteife prodoctio in whirh SUITCASES Wtd imov baaeti Ike aiHMh-m Ch-irlaV Cbaptin ha at fe t.assayed, hi pellar,praltfce, and mark-a altntnp f the road frnen di.tftiH tep frrwr4?H"hb idea it humor., lie ha always been TRU NK S jquaSainh I" I.i1!mm-i remain in at hiiiuufutia even when M ha bean molrrtiilr. far ha i natural CLUB BAGS oubl. f Ibr exrnrooii. Many ihr TO INTRODUCE to in the eomw gnwa. Ilitherta. .iMwever, hetin on4lB4t hMnoelf to iel who nad' Ibe lri rx.ree4 every wom& city woafc hum) of thtype whirh may 'be ile rripjaT a knorkabnnt.' He Large Stock On hand MiinkaSa IhM (hi eelbm might values'we are offering, We will give VitK purcf ued ! i delight in falling tttiwn and eaueing other people Ho the well br ajMiidoned a a railway every select from. 11 moot he admitted that be cetitd f8 dawn in a uirrmel to nmr and the mute ued a (ho traae- Dress Goods, of the famous Ladies Home JoaraTDrt hiimofoif way. but that kind of thing was notfh boHfttf to nail, audit mXguire urovineial high ay- fhi wuuld one it eventually did. Now he ha aspired in higber tfiMg. The films i J. f. ueeeaallaJe the r.nlnM-lnn l Patterns, of own selection, il0fh iiel farre; The Kid w almont a your in be to appear wrre k ... ... .. t -ama a. a a a it tfco. Prt.- Snfwrt I' I (be Aanin-'.liui.ii rul-off, i-omedy. unartie UMpun i sun ni wn inimiwrnc rni, imi in with direel roiinrrtion beinv self i-f o BBeUowed and improved awl mi much more MiMte Uiat made with the I'anadiaii NalienaJ at ttrTP' it i lranforffled into something qaite'new. He acta e and Canadian Pari fir llnre. Or-laio FREE! CHARLIE BO MUST well rlown. U . ihr rtiad will be rtun- he dim itelf dor net rati for very mtirh romment. STAND ulted a rapidly a pwaiMe I" alt hod gb at i worthy of note that n tetH rpirte a paatibM ury in HIS TRIAL cpiite noiMe way. Thare are momenta when it rorgeta to be rumi 1 and heroine ixj-itively tmgk. and evaa ui tlte aaemenu Cata Against Chinese Merchant STOP FIGHTING AND AH materials in this department have been marked don I Chart e Chaplin parttcipatea with ereatu Allsgeiner u a reveta- Will Co to Fall Assizes, tkn of bi4nuwr. lie t uo ktnger the rome anountnUnnk; he i based the wholesale for fl now nTptfeUnfMnfnT wbh thiHild piee thtftt7tHr' WORK TOGETHER, SAYS rock bottom, on quotations hi former drtraetor without elietiatwg hta nrHHo of wor-sbipperv pliraii4i for a til of bbae ATTORNEY-GENERAL buying and are in most instances half price Formerly it wa the rtitm to aajr that Mr. Chaplin eorpu. made by W. :. Moreby , l4ayrl down to the level ef bi andiepre. New M In br hopd and a. C IMve aw bebalf of Ttie rlMr ..f Itritf h iurn- thai He'-will Tift his andlebrei up to 1M new-kyl nf bi own;" ha'le lb.. ,.n ball in All-wool Serges in nay. a. nvyrlle. Ir..n PUI4 Oroas Goode appear bia and the i' -riim. nl h..ol'l Druhkennes ft at be Fall AMisea l lawnr to lop fia-hllnt aii'l anlir t.i si .1 . animal. M-inrh SO per yard MUM Dangerous HabiL '-'. a fbarpv f bribery. wa di plan for en-uniin Itiorr rr. i,ii AtUwool Sergta. 4 1-tor b navy. bla. k. brown. , OUtaevsf Coatbet OnirUf 3f ft brattlliif . dnlnkemW h ft daftferoti halnt. f.'ii-.e) m jude-nsrat banded fr.mi Ihe taxpayers of ibe fro- $2.&0 yard t.r',' r .it.! V ' epfi-i.iftjilf 4 getd many eeirpatmh-n whieh the live of Jhe down in Yanrouver by Mr. Jili- ltre Iffifi, J. W f- H rarria. arj na per nil.l r may te endangered. The fojluwmg quotation tmm 4hnJe Murpby The refusal of I .UtrneyUiavrral i4d Ibe nu All.weol Satin Gronadlnss A hMylilu rlilai Torunio (iUA hi connection with tfipi Matter i very timely m appMosntuai auaana laai ibe Mil of . C Muaieipalilie at M n a nice raaae of iPaWPl'faTaBVVaisurl c-tiiunatwtnt eriaets. V aant Charlie Ha will I ravenlion at Alhemi Ui week thin ntv: ileal (n Hie limud Jury al Ifeei brovins. Jirey"- ekifs. ebr.i I tin. M.75 yaH rne areaenl aitwa4on "lnpiin a mfor ear m more gangermf tpntr ojmairsne. i very Kail AatteabaaiB- wNh Ibe bMa a Isa ate. Mr. Karri. eriarei How bmrwiitM the management of'a nrtfway 1ler4e-tbe tantag araknet Itr. Krnatd HaM and J. of a bottle of whioky into thrratrof hi engine by a loromoUfe "The nssmtelpatHlea are in need 1 " ' V' i Jhe above prices represent 1tt4 vsbres. aad enb Xortb. 'CnmmiMinn. engineer 2 There would be no opportunity for a seeoad otferje. of mousy fraH tatalion 'and Ihe pleee ha boon rnaraed eon remember, ers r bariced wtlb aniafeaaaaar of ovsry c Men of ar1e good repute are apparcally dpoed to dire-gard Provtaee needs every dollar st 4iiif f" otfie. to corrospend In value talth n ooods arrlalea. the law which forbid the carrying tr keepmg nf lbtm In baa. and vary trkty will need m$lof'T5r7r""FT"e ' for the bf f arh' nr thl biw are rreeatly In hh wrttlen Judanatt Mr Hsnre. There Is na use Mir iry. mprv.? yrl iey eem hve little effect In making an emj of Jual ire Morally aaya: "II i ooa. nso- to lake revnw from ui, reded tbat if I here av rri- 4 her vtheaj User ia not aufft-etoat ine prariie. denee adaiast the aaruaed tbii to arooavd. jlnjeveraJ motor arrident reremly of a aenou naiore the aaalicaiton aaval fail. I have "The only thus? to U in iMble have Wen arrested on a rbarge of drimken- fjyn prrMi I nei. l7ie igilrate may not be able to impoe a jail entenre peruaed Ibe deposition aaste a more freaa that ibfraeelaa of late uHiun thai I Lt the laipayer. and we H, S. Wallace persosv without ihrt'ption of a fine upon peroo wIh rarry iMptor m their ran Co., rannut hold therr i bm ev work out the method of isoiar r. Iff M y can discourage the aangerou nait by intimating whatever arainat Ihe aeeuaod. ' ao at the nail seeetoa. thai AiiliJL dirovered to be intoxicated while to rhargf of a Koeb eiiireaioi as "Yo fix Mr. Ferris motuf will te rut to,prison for a term Iopg enough to make.tbe him Dr. "ti aaid that if tU HaL (tataa up. rrartifc di-liucllv uutxiniJar. A motor ear driven ! a drunken Oovaeavmaaa swfclwajlsd to hrian C. G. Minns, Manager Fry." wbien are itavwen to up. la a bill rreatla a Lneol n.n man along' a crowded city treel i a menaee to every foot paa-lh ave been need by aaeiiiaad wban ernnseai It-iard kb mu4rhnaal''' enger urion it, as wen as to oinrr mowrwu. i ne growing napu ,. .iimmi - j . . ... ....... hn.t ,..V...B - r...,. - r-....D - money 10 .-voria. ttMsrtti. i invnx lt been yivea out nrthlely. It i even more prevalent among the ri'han tiebrid an oftpwrtumi by a JnF to diaeux na the utatiar. infliientin than among people who in pre-profaibition day werr tbe arena vaeant OPIUM SEIZED AT mot iro(ie to public drinking." ix n.y hiMild reach Fry. la- DrunkerPraon leed. if Xocih re tHit a Polled AUCEARM A CHINESE RANCH la SorsTiEkihl.; UMnmissnof. it rould hardly tWfiOei)iirJb filiioo (n soaie quarter to think it niilwi j, rtr;u-l hut naM "preion. if H wall b MtiatMd ON LULU ISLAND RAltw tbrouhoui the winter the PACIFIC a apurfyfwiitf'to drink Ux much. The great ma of the i n-. iae, nuyht lo be paed npon GRAND TRUNK Hellewe ItUaare Hreer. bo vr. with pity if not with eantempt en the htwhi r a Jury. The fart thai XnHh irsisjB). VANOnUVttlt. Sept. 7, 4.fi, titi.'.i ouAfu b appetite for strong drink. Tbere i i...'iii .-i i a Poiiee CoaaUirMUsurr dta arordtiiR' In present e plan. valued al mat than I3a.oon .u-.' tAsJnamaaii 1100 o m. foe Anyo l"1:',.,'a- i. . ht,,,t tiding able to drink until the soe go, and . e,-tinui not I tliinl. take these rxaraw A. J. Hone, whaswtah Mr. Hmss-a aanMshf to the aelbv was Ocean Falls. Vancouver Yjctoru TioOi iu u-fi proud of. Aa a matter of fart it t tbe lirt trp of"tmm ei4enee.i-nlirely out of the eaieg-opy ha beati opeee4h claim at... Ibe. farm. of i ..Kre. Kit .n I ulu' Saturday 8:00 p.m. foe SU-art. -V ' TmV i w j-oj-t'riJat-aa up the llliaoaa Htvar this aeaaun, www aaa riawi riuiHuyera b Bar. Ooaan Falls. Vancouver .V-f "That fael hi nsarely anitbr left ilhe farm were arrealrd. S. S. PRINCE JU"" to' laat week for ew York. ' iiii "f eviaVnee enMhat? tor aoav v... Ii. ri.iui.nl. Mj--.H i'I'S FriHii lb"rr he will tto lo Peru In uii.-i Mir ration by rhe jury, when de 14th. and all i-inls .n art in aa adlaoey eapaeily for NO WONDER. SepUmbsr S"d 1u- lL idniB Use quasi ion, ei hataallai Dr. JOS, MAGUIRE an Amertraa mtniner tunwpany. Train larv ICO. ..if V I on the part ml Ua an atiad a) (toe a at nana IMtle Oeetrpe en. Psa-ieer MONDAY. WkDNCSDAy TU" rf If ! refriance to Fry. The appHea-luatbaB There was a dauble header red the saute kladerirarleii that in. Kr eii.iib-rs princr ' . , J' MtUttU bT THE B.C. DOTAL COIXCCB ia ratuasd." hasehaJI name laat werk beiwean hrathor Heary had attends! nee niaknii: lut. '' "i" l' " DENTIST J. B. Vraados aaimi for the Camp Kin hi ami Town players.tdartoir tbe (irevhxet year. Very Canada anJ ' nii-d Mat---. f frequently ihe teaeher oaMetl him Cits Ticket Omce 62a I niru jBaH, aaafcaanaM :roan and the pretimtaary pro- latlfi both b se Phone 575 Smith Block LHrnulLMM. 1 ..- l. 1.4. .L.- vroii liamea Menry liy misiake. uu(i)lr lvv?rwM9v ill muwevuim wvtM tig ore of '. to I aMl 10 to 8 r-ranve High grade dental work at tbe lowest prices, babeas aarpus. i provoked al lierself and 1 can site the best of reference, aaid to bun: 20 an Id active service. 2 "I am sorry, Oeorae, but 0iet Rottrj-M2, VI ul 71 Bpti Etic;s ifANDERHOOF Ten Years Ago Ion'I know wby I always all vu 9aaV CANADIAN PAC1HC In Prince Rupert Hrnry M A Ibniinion 'lr-ria'n' feu "I iruriui I know.'- aaid ISSffif B.C. Coast Services detir urvry party baa barn SsoUmber, S, aeriiKily. "I've al no llrrrye "fflrOTICE TO FISHERMEN rauiua aj Vaiisrtotsf far the KoIIuwiihi a fbe atariM whirh abirl and hi pants anil In PrinceB. past three waeka. Itry will go was ruuit to froHi llaya Creek at eh." I'liiladelpbia l.ed r from here to XiaaoJ aad Vffinae Ba(r UUIMI' ' .11 Good Supply of II lai itintat. there was a real .. .j Mr" korKe. S. 11. Jtojails) ia in " Maar al l.:M wbea two sbaeks for KsUhlkan, Wrano. Herring and O A ITT Srrr HBeuibefa of the avv panW v. J.jjtikj.the Lawn. on Ihe lam baiweoB Third Avo- TOM LEE CO. SspUmber 5, 12. 19, 21 October 10, M 4e and Pfaser Irlreet near Salmon O-Ml i M. It U liaafiiL Q. V. 1am-nr Kiffhlb hi rant war deal rayed. 810 Second Avenue, West for Vancouver, Victoria j . ) k. W. "miillniuij. W K. 1' The sharka ware aeeofiMd by 10. 17. 21 CUt SepUmbsr Huitlin., aL. Oraat ajnl A. Han-TO"ie. VEGETABLES Mr. Ifavbraw aad Mr. Ilradabaw. OS Wholesale and Retail Staam.MP LlP- AB.ncy for all AT BUTEDALE Mr. and Mm. Ioaard Porter General Contractor! and ' - 4. a). Ann i.haw, fl. U. Out ram recently l.rt Use tty. have taken Labor Kiehance t ull inforu..i..' . J wid F C. Iinrliavaeii lnterewl ,r . ,,,,., al"Kaaweoe "wnetl W. 0 ORCHARD. Hon. lit. K iiiiin.li'r of pub by I orlWalator of this Prince ItuprrL U.Q. Corner of 4th Street and 3rd "- THEO LTD. I ! work' III- fiTlft j.ll iity Phone 67 P.O. lioi 7X1 COLLART, ?SRcr brrr. . Ttl - I-1 1-1 1 1 1 hi jilv ml ess 'viHeaj ue 1 1'ii ' f i .ill tf Th. n :, I)iae itlhbams defeated roe SALE Tw loll sad lao room aosae . S7S0 cut ."lit .ill ral Britiau OHuavlna. I be DrKera Quhi at in-dour fi'liffr iatl ''Tfer ,0" ' r' '"a ' f"', 'roaurt tut ssoo OF B uyw lot la M, BerUaa I ieo a a ha-. I..11 .. niulil l a Our phone number U UNION STEAMSHIP CO t eire ieyA4i aurlae Inauraaae aal Eitie Ts.-r. :c h itBin-i' and I'M' "!'- ..r 17 (,, (5 H.,,m ,n'l ekanfea New number 649 r . vta.. .tnwer, "."ssn k , a ra'ia.an- an t - MarlM lnM-ajjrj CUitr f S.tmS Knmr . is :s. I nun i tin utlM' ' K - rr anvoi, AUfe a vvaina l an. s ih un lue 'umi. yt.t :uiou qui scy ; ''!'! n.n -rt.ti. . I W TAILOR 831 ff i'jti Mvrea au4 ";mHl.tt P. O.' wistholmc TNtarnc block rnoNi blue et .ts LING, ' T :r v M ti O ii Bnd Ave. ttl IhmI aieaea In w f c::ahl win