i page 2. Tim daily ffirvs " " '"''")'. I ' 1 ,.rU k The Daily News THE TORTURES GOOD PRICES ' "PRINCE RUPERT BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by The News OF RHEUMATISM ! BEAVER SKINS , Printing and Publishing Co., Third Avenue, v . II. F. PULLEN, Managing Editor. Mink to Nupbr of 47,000 Not Happily Stopped When He' All Sold Yestsrday at H 1 SUBSCRIPTION HAIK3I . Began To Take"Friiit-a-ta" New YorW Cily Delivery, by carrier or mail, per month ...H. 11.00 By mail to all parts of the Hritish Kmpire and the United HtateJ, SOitawaVt., Dil i, P. Q. l. Vf 111 K. Al'iU I . - Miles in advance, per year . . . . , ju.uu "For year, I sufTVml with Kkru. dilriiiK the I i i--1 linlfnf lln hi one To all other.countries, in advance, per year lT-tl uttiism, lieiug forrrd to tay la lJ s'4UR aueti f i aw tur imw for tire ouiutlii. t tried all klad of notate im iii In M ,...ni' linll lueUicine without relief and thought lieiy iass.. 'inlliiiii dollar m ,..tmU-- TELEPHONE 88. 1 would neve be abla'to a)k fl. lttrk '((,l. Iii ii the p'etl More Tobacco for the Money One day while Irjoj in i.bed, rt4 Inch insertion, htit went , m,it i he hiuutrler Transient" $1.25 each Display Advertising per itoMt "FriiitHi-tivtt" the treat fruit ralid S'.'J.-.l)(in. TransieiH advertising on front page '. . . ;.?S!.00 pervmch. appiMiualcly mediicln; and it awcoed jtis bat I Tlis hroiintii Hi'- iiiiul I'll id in Local Headers, per insertion, JJOc. jierline. ncctled, J deckled to try Jt. Isle In 1 1,i.'i H.'i I The luii uiosl Classified advertising, per Insertion, , 2c. fyr word. TM firtt k.r ktlftJ mt, and I uuporiaul ci ll'-i l mil snlil were Packages 15- yLegal Notices, each insertion . IBc per agate line. tixik tlielaUru regularly until ftctry heaver and mink. Ai-iive Ndillnit Contract Rales pn Ajjlicotion. trace,of the Klieuniatinn left at." for Ule fa(ei f.'Hliii-i'd the thi. All advertising should be in the Daily iVews ,Olllce on day pra- V"'- Ihnu i; inni iM-itvrr -kins ceJing publication. All advertising received subject to approval. K3. lor,0 for J2.M,trial ! 25c were" ihI1 &l prn's whleh jiver-lMei At all dealcra arnt or postpaid ly ill per -! t iihiir the in-ler Fruit-a-tirrs Limited, Ottawa. , DAILY KDITION. m Thursday, April tt. I'..'!. miiIp Ojrui Canadian Skins. irm , The liiliik .ir.rliiar. whn-h lo. Coal Bunkers SUITCASES nlleler ;.wu, mi. ul fully Badly Needed,. " ' sold mid ii ui,ni iclt s will The Alherln Oovennni'ul is anxious lo Ii liiisliiess with TRUNKS h"- aiictiniie.l I !''. '"The b"i Prilir Ititperl. They witdi to use Ihi jMrl a the medium through HANDBAGS tiriee were iliuI fur fine ealirn ;iiimiii)iimiiimiiiir Whfrh cmil fur the north roast shall he shipped. -It is. not lieeaite ikiiadlan nkui. :wt skiio. in . Atb&rta has aiiy. jKirlicular iiileresl in this jMirt except lo make ii"i .do u, . II a usual. The money. II is tin priiimgiir advantage In shjp-this way. Teats and Awnings liesl. hUie aiul tiluck pi-lls IiimiiuIiI II is uiiilerstiMul IJiat many inllihiiivs have been at work to only iK emit aril, ami llie (fen- ' trr hi prevent Prince Hiiperl getting bunkers. The mini's mi ral run f jirice was IS ee AXFISHand SUPPORT Vancouver Island fre 'very much ihterbMed' in thh proposal and J. F. MAGUIRE cent hrlow IIiiiho imIiI ul the "i-.a ' A LOCAL INDCST ' would be glad In hlock (he mme. ''OUJ.irsjirc inlereslnl in seeing J12 Sstod Aye.. Prince Rupert Jiimmry l-ur AihtIIaii Sales u( the Corirali"ii..Ww York TIM0ER SALE X 2832. EAT T -'inatinis pori unr noi iieciiniM urn irwiiiiiiciii ill MiiiHiiK t-.uT.ic s4h1 r-utWr iil lie rermrral by li '.. As,o!itMill inllueuees, are irouglil tikliearilo the. injury of thi Low Pncet. VniVr ,r ljui at Vo-tont K I l. liilrr Hun Mi.ii wi uu fi tM ui prith i. phice.y , Jf Vllh Ihe I'leciifjiiei i.f peiinn llfl. fur In wr-e I irvws. & ,u. - Only a horl lime ngo;,lhe general nariagcf; wis ready to PRINCE RUPERT TIDES lamb and luaniml. iiimsI i.f jli.' HriMnrt Ii. nil tir.M anK IUKmii.Inef -if an wim.ikrva Huai"t iM.r build Ih hunker. Now he ha changed hh, mind, il is said, and lesH ImiNiHntil fum sold ImIiiv an m.iiib Jx.r nf MlersiK Six. Slur t Rupert Brand l lll.irtrl I hero, is nothing doing iirthat direction. Thai i,i.enmmon report. Wednesday, April 13- were lower filUII ill Jmniary. Tmi ' vrr M p l.., rr It. may he, however, that, as in the case, of llslt rare, pivssure Mlsli. t :23 a.iTi.. jo.O few. Marmt-i ran in per rint alhtvu rrttmt nsrtintur M is Jurf Iumiw.i may be drought to bear from Ihis end to hiibjre the fioveriimejil 1 7:3;' v.i".. 1 feet. grades wilder prlc...of I'ir-iart rHh lle h-IM'r Hunrri.Xtrumt.n . DlTVI Tun-mtrr. I'rinrri! to proceed with the work. The railway ollh-ia) ilin do uolhing Low. li-.flO i.t feet. lamb mi- BRILLS ehiiuai-il. The li.w araile Per. mi.vi.h.m. ai rr unless the Dominion (iueriiment npproiriale tlx money. S3:13 p.nu H.3 Stalls wer IH.fliTl.lJ. Cost of Towing Thursday, April 14. I'KHTMt. 1 ntl leNOMlTS itsy Coal.to This Port. High. 5:23 ;.. in.. !9.l feet. niimu ' Rrtuinai - -Mm - The rosl of bringing coal to this port by water is SI u ton 1 KT 1 1 i. ill., lrt.9 fet. I In the Letter Box rn."MX X HiMrral." -la l.lun Najw titwe Mt. m" I mm Mr M si i Mffer hiihm lutiM. M ttMuncT liKirvi SIMILAR TO ENGLISH SOLE Low. IS:ll .. m.. 5.2 feel. from Vancouver Island. The cost to Ocean Falls is $2 a hiu. WIhwv . on eiMeu im. kit Coa,kran be taken bywati-H fnim this port. to Ocean ljalls.fi;r,l The tune; used is Tactile stan (III Tk iie ilTlif. TO COOK Cut fih nUi rr, r. . i ... ik.H UMI l-TM VW. rIHMr i aiu .-mil the same role ran be oltlnined to Anyox. These rates' dard, for the Jiolh Meridnn Aest. NATIONALIST LEAGUE. rre Miiw ktiiiiiu v. JHI . aimii tatter. Place in very hot ta! n f 'r. It Is counted from 0 to 24 hours lr Uv iit rm la H- Minim rjmttnr I -' Prince decided give Rupert a advantage. The Isbind mines are, iJMHed. -.fl I'tfwiMi LuHrillll reM- 50LO liy ALL -with the exception of Najiaimn, all back from the water aiul from midnight to nildnlKdt. Idilor Iiaify Xewe: rlinrlr ... ijlM I. iMleM Ulli ItETAIIXr.- there1 is handling tb lie considered just as it would be here. 'e The table given Is for Port n Ty'evlny yni published a ittt! MMMur tnm In ennkl Hir tnr . trllBral in apply i.l l., ; gel A good rate from Alberta, less than four dollars a ton, and Simpson but the time for I'rfnce etler. friiti I.eio ing of I lit MriMwfii.W Cruara nranl rir IM.4 tmrnn rl .t ut imp t4iim I Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co, L -..htliore.is. HO watered lock eoiinerled with thp.... Alberta mines mi1 Hupert varies only a few minutes M wlilcii made nine ilp4tarntf. r-MWaW. rr or .t - - - - --- ll I i'MTHRS TkF VITIl K IIMI I which ijijerest has to-be paid. on some day and on others Is IV reinnrl AImiiiI Hie (UlieM iwo '. ! ! wmrnimi iv 1 the same. The range of the Hue Naiionalist r.emiue. In mtWIhat li-r" In iiaay or rn wmriK Tliere is a demand for over a quarter of a million Inn a year on this coast, all of which might come -through this port ami may be computed as. 5 per cent you and, oflnr 4ople Wre may iirrii iHf rim ma at Mgrrn. i i greater at Prince Hupert than al nut he milel I sfinnld like lll. In Jhis would bring: boats hero all the time. II would be a great imvm w ettUONK Port Simpson both at spring and Tplnln I Vie iibJUfr Of thi MH-iety K tiling jur its and would make po.Wil the hunkering tif, oi-4ui neaps. Therefore the rise in the ir which i ai presfdeni: Tlie TCNDCrtST WAftTED - t liners as soon n we are ready lo do8 forefgu sliippiug luisiue'ss. -This also would mean profit' -.flic (he alvay and ,wou!J .jtejjf lo Prince Hupert harbor is slightly Leatrue i furrued: f dl tm rereiml by in nnrfrr Build! Buili greater than Port blrnpson. I. Tn maintain Mm ilitirl M UUr than luil tm mi r. Build! make up that dellcjl with which the (iiuadinn Xntional lilies are naei rawH a i narna lair i. The height Is in f-et and tenths uojly f :hfe'nnd (Jin. :tnne. I'laMa aM aierlalnM Mt ka- ami al . liurdeneu. I he jmprovemeiil.,AOUld pJjy Jor, iL-ielL iJ.,ix Jinujlh'. of feel above the average level of people. l Ohjeel? fh lerrihiriuj Kr. wm r lunula, ennr nniirri. The railway income from this source alone should be n milliotr i, Biinui Me ut ITlie- aarotf.1 fiwer low water. linrlilloh jlud njmi in division of Hi, -dollars a jear, and (Ins eoiild he secnreil wilh u initial invest-- Hie MHi'ple InW clae. . !mln ir ietpiail.il In .nir- H Lumber' i Hie rhr.csl I. uid ment of ?25,00). l.li revuireol tnmt takr i4 itnini n. hni hw w i'-i Til fier.iril elf-grrn I'mrl in nawpMr Ike . erhjH reehwl Fish Cars for ' IIWIll UU i'rlieit In the I'ilt llir-,- IMVI rrwn lb nrl tUkl To! MU. ieniflr Hp, I he tendenrx Local Business. dial idea. .. ""1 Lfi::."J . uice. 3. Tn make iiilie m.I iml I""!- The I'nnee Itnoerl Lmnhet H fJcneral of heard expressions businessmen pleasure were from WATI'ft rrr. id ii. IIASlllllnllatmil Willi ..lln-r enei-. I ....1. . . . ' fnim which tn (ill wmr rf and. others yesterday at the new-girn out Ihroiigh this paper, that fish cars are now really being built. The news is .XOTICE 1.1 IIKKMir 'UVI.l Mai H I. To a-..il such siiciol i-i. - i "" 'r11 '' 1 DIMENSION BOARDS SHIPLAP LB illumiiir I- l.mi ifianr'iiitrnwir nr Hnin authentic for il does not cnie from politir.il sources but from ' ht'mki cie a may lie uilw ( ..nr MINI'HAL Airr. 1 1,i.wo .....,Aa4aia. !., I ..l I 1 .l t p.-llll ONMIfl im m pk-aneit mjimiple with wiriHl refereiii .1 SIDING FLOORING CEILLVG ftt ,11 iii.il iimii,;. , it ii.iiit iicini jlirns iniiii i .nkr: i. niiieiil cr.HTiru ai: nr UtrHovKHKAm. pfihlieuiis which have proved unlriie. ' It lay for (he Fisheries Thai pursiwm in irw prnriaaw nt fruvei 'tiMiicr.iiifi ..r M.iii r Dd Your Dulldlng Wh ! Lun tie' l Cheif "-imiii ( inf taiT iri ivit ii. tiuhlie utililiwH. )a.lli. Tier. HianMUk MiMeral AsKorinlion lo check them up mid prove them iirevaricators of mr rta.t.r l nt llw- siajutea nt 1114 i.iamar. uiui. m in iimrnera Mtini In the first class. y ' i ha I I IM mi rae or In MAjvoardnt 5. To iiiainlain iiileriialiyn.-d rlakuH mT la.uaf l.i.lnri wie-r kM-abil , I'l ul mil' i . .II1 flu i' . f llrtf kUMMKa lltrtl nil Horfter rtr ibmi np-uniain ' pence, ur in ller wnnls lo for Price. At last something is being done, and we shall expect to see and Marmot Hirer n ttm Prlnre nniirri herji T4kl! HTI': thai lb rw kntunti Phono 361 Wilrr liiainrt nuiAultni lij "make Lhe viirld sale r..r i.-. uakrawy. Uniiim. iv ivrmai uiuiu the first new ear here in the near future. It is to be hoped thai irder-lB-Omnril luinUorea flk ai- iiKJtprnry' or.lra)iir. K .. It. Miner orlinralri pmUfd Otl 111 1 1 lb Itljl r rMTrtnlMT, Iklll t. lnlM). ly da rrvin Ifi ! PRINCE RUPERT the work now is under way the number of cars on order ma ltu. be ranrrlleit in Ml fir mt llie Ihefe are nertiiicn llinmuin UI nereM. u aiu i. in Mimnr fw be increased airtj we may gel yiifllrieut simnlv lo handle ll.i- alii rrarrv prruinx I'l llw watrr of eonler for a (rftal nr lnwn.,maAli 1 Mirmol .Hlrrr In in entire Huprrl iiii'IiiImtm of llie League mi thW lor lb pttrpoae f bbummr ',.n uranlti local liusuiess. Ualer Oialiirl aim I rial on lie ft! or Ike aiwi rlalaM. urn anfMlKi be wblllied rr coaul and iur leader i )r. Hun Akul rentier lak Hr.iirp ibat anmn. nn I ihro RHiriiiM in in . uiti Vat Hen. lu hail letn (mwlaiiu. Vr HTllon It. mull If nininwured I'lor , aim for itirr Rmnllia in ir mail Ih laananee i4 mu-n rrlinraie of im-1 arn fmmili or wni iivinfir pan cd prenideiii nf China. Ha ami provrfiirni I llml in llie I'rmr llirl Water hi follower) want lo ne away iiami ima oij or H'rrn. A u iuii ilnrt. . . .. . a-i Imu.-iI ihi tun dar r 4rti. t.li. lti. fr.m the rijrni.ll.in "f Die otd LAXII ACT. T. IL Minuirr I'ATTI nr I I H.Ijium. liulilicnl parHe nlid to hulhl a TiK"" II' lTi.Till getter Dentistry VI PLT T' new China, where Hie iiimiile will I'l IIUlAaK 1AM). LAXO ACT. jfiivcrii and which will have Hie RAP in Prior Hnneri 1 arvl iminn nmf. PACIFIC reipeel and cniflileiice if the IB lllmlalrl .f rk.l 11.n c .mm iii.ii. GRAND TRUNK Nollct Inlantlon l appli le Ltaia Ln. on an Ipiand Irlof off tw rwrifi roal or has never been placed before In liarnr t, i:oal Ijinn liiairiri. iicr..ni-inaj rest of 4 he world. i orrner; itiaod. t S.S. PRINCE GEORGE HKirirl uf rnnrw litiurrl. allrt eilual Tak f no lire that I. ulina lladianil, nt the people of Prince Rupert In UMli (r nrr in .nrtn wi mnr i;. i;. .i a i i-;. erinre liuM-rl, M. i: , on-viamon rarpnfr. Mldntsht TJuiniilay r. - '.r Kpnnrdjr Ulaod Pivsiilcni Prince Hupi-i'i llrnncli. ml'M W a(iflv for umnwa la I'lMritiM ' v LOW PRICES Tak iHllr nut I, Alhril K. Wriffil. n Ih rnllnwiiiv rtwribed laiut.- ver. Yii'i'iftii and - rnnr iuiiri, ii. i;., rirnipanon linn aur-"vit. .jjuiiMTwiuir ai a imi planted on an S 3. PR1 inlnul In arnt for vrrnnnum in i-lanl abnul !,( fl noHheurir from lr considering the material I use Ua l.'i fiilkiwin ili)Srritid Unrt: l.ol 117. Haaa -4. iaat lotirirl. inenm For I'nrt Ciemeni. ai " ' .: which is the best money can buy. 'tn i omimn'-lnir rrwl or Hi at Hand r-"l liar kiin pianird ai on-Hiw inn Ten Years Ago innrninl. and rilainint 1 1 ', ITK.ra oulhern Oueeii Chu'i-.i'' 1 1 1 I have Hand." in rlialn l nf in orih lui or Iraa. this statement and proven c .rmr of l.nl it. Ilanf . i.iiait DMIrlcl; In Prince Rupert il'I.M;) IIAULAill. SlewarL Anril lllh -'",' to many patients. The best LfHiir amiiiiit in fnnr CaiKl Har, akm Ciald Marrh rrt. Htl in all Ilia I pari above Low Wairr Nark, teeth used all work. Panaenver Monday, Wedr on lid rtmlainlnr i arra. inori' or !. i.nin v.. whm'IIT. April 14. 1911 fur hlinlhern. I'rince;!;r.';;.".i'-.r'! Phone 575 for in rppoiolmeDt iald Ifilk III dy or April A. U. Kit Inr direct Almiil lueuly memheiM of the Bags Una, Rooms Z and 8 'LAND ACT. ICarl lirey ItillcM went aerosK to Agency All Ocean Steamr: " Smith Block Nolle of Intanllon to apply to Laaaa Land. u Judicium liiccK rllln rausc Suitcases ona.TI.1.1 fnr information omca, a ard r' r yesle-dny nflcruoun for Jhe In lianre (. (Vtaul Ijnd fllilnrl. Itrnrd. r-l Office Hour: ln rmirirt of frinm Miiprl. and ailuii lhoot for lha Htoik Cifi. The Trunks nuiai I'aniar. I i inn.i aouui'l or 8 to 1 2 a.m. MAGUIRE ir.-iniP I anii.-ry. Nniiin Itlanil. and lu lilFh men fur (he day were: v. niili-a rail norlp al of Ornn liMand l.lhf. IVown and (I. (J, Day,.."i I each, II. I O p.m. Take imlir Thai I. Alfred I wrirnt. or Tents, Packsacks 7 O Prince lliifierl. H. C. orriinalK.n land aur- cr. 18, anil A. V. Atriiew, I.l. p.m. i)entlst vyor. inltKl lo apply fr trtoiim to nj Open ra the folk.in ilrrlbl lamlii r hi Evenings ninnriiia al a ril nlanid on in The unowphniiihs and 250 men F, M, Crosby avoirrai end nt i nand liar 111 ,uiia try.:-. n titr winm.". tini.'r if IJ51 in, !, I.ai' JIITII MO.nill Ji, ...Mill 715 Third Avenu. Vrlvc Kuprt (liana S. ttiaat malrlcl: ltinre arnimd 'day on II... hfo1 iwiWmIWI.i ul Mil in.' nur nanii nir. taaiiir in ill mil Ctrl,.. , : ' . . oaii aiH.ct low viirr mark, aim ronliimiir Uii rrniriicii in inn cny lam fllKIII. Dtjt arr... more or Al.Hltl)! E. WIIIOIIT, Know Mi ell me to he ImilL at all G. He nald Ihia ti day of April A. IJ. Ittt. nniNCCSS Arnold - Notary Public IioIiiIh needed (hiprlng M T LAWK AND GENTLE- " J llalU, LAND ACT. Aft A MEN'S TAILOR Tor Ketchikan, Junu, """'. . ,, t9 .MM Tha-oity council hj.) ijeclf.cd lo FIT OUAUAHTrao Rup.rt- March 7, 18. Ml p;H FOR SALE. Wce 'ptktio.to applt To pay Cily llnitlncer" Thompsun. of Titian AVENUE For Vaneoum, Victoria ana t: A Lot Third Avenue In crime Hupert Likl lintrlrt. HoM. 'auie, i,liu .w rome iiern ami LEE, OpRoall rumi UIIW March T2, 23 April J. m on in Block 34 in Dlilrirl.of toaM.ffanas , and Blluaw(.,niiuH Willi 1jiirlniee llnii. nn Phone Raid 130. n an uiarid jjrinr on inn norm coaat ori:, : ' - S. 8. "TEES" from l'rin , ,,! ' Adjoining the new Concrete Building I'.irrlier line noiirs Iilann. inai i, junua Minima of Ve piaiiH oii.j -iiiiepjijeai0iM ror FiiU. Alerl Hay. Hetver ' ' ' ( ,. v " I'ruir lluiwrl. 1). C. orrunallon rirurnur. walerworli and hctvern in the eily. ev. i v . Chartered which fa being erected there. A very desirable buine8B iiiinidMo apply for prmiain lo purcliaM . Accountant fllver ntrtl Vanrouver and Auditor. in loiifiwuiir qrai-rior.1 lamia: location Coiiiriiriirinr al a poal planld on an Mrs. OeorBe'fc'jrizzelP millinery I la no about it.AM0 fel norllmralerly rroin simp and .Noel' GEORGE RORIE ror rain. rrr .ir. tjl". trm H.w. crnr of Lot 1 191, liana t, tioant Waller grocery . II. Gi 0. ORCHAnOi f W. HELGERSON, LTD. liutrlrr,' llirn.a around lh laland lo ma torn at I'orl J,l(iglon have hern Hor), a Bm.ll. O A., Vaacouvar and Prlne W iTInca Insurance ' iH.inl of rimiiiirnrrninl anil fonlainiui II Kuprt. Rentali Street Bca Estate arra, mor or laa. completely milled, by fire raud rtlOilBkW P.O.Bfl, M Cor 3rd Avenue and 4ti iui.i.;n nai'LAny. Federal Hullcllntf Patrd Marrfi Ird, ll. h II defi'clivn flue.