tVidav TJir. t,II.Y NT.W5 I T v The Daily News TORTURED BY ETHEL CLAYTON IN PRINCE RUPERT . BRITISH COLUMBIA ADVENTURE-ROMANCE Published Every Afternopn, except Sunday, by The News "CROOKED STREETS" Printing and Publishing Co., Third,Avenue, TERRIBLE ECZEMA m - -A "KEEP SMILIN?" China Is Scene of Eiclllng Pic H. F, PULLENj Managwo Editor. Suff.rrd Thee Yti U.t.1 5a Triad turs Adapted from a Ssmutl wm. SUBSCRIPTION RATES t , "FRUIT A TlVtS- Merwln Story, City Delivery, by carrier or mail, per month 11.00 1 Universal Trading Co. I'.thrl latent plmtn- Hy mail to all parts of the British Kmpir and the United Utates, qaylun Iplay. "CriMiked Slreel," will be In advance, per year , 10.00, SssHFssl tlie ntlraclimi at Ihe etlouine To all other countries, in advance, per year f 7.60. m ad-v. Thealn- tonUhl It i an TELEPHONE 0S. nlure-rniimiief of- China and Contract Hates on Aj.,iCfitlon. wn adapted - from an iiriainal We offer the followlnc material for the week-end. v.. All advertising should he. In the Dally News Olllce ton day pre-ceding xiory by Samuel Merwln. you y. art publication. All received subject to putting special aalea, but offer regular advertising approval Mi Clay-tun ha the rle f not on you goo! at a i.ail Klli. who. anwerlng an fair margin of profit. The following prlcea are good DAILY EDITION. Friday. July IS, I9it advertisement herony secretary the gooJa last onr, ai '' an aniimiariau n a trip i rhtna In earch of rare vae. How We All Try To Fool Ourselves. In Shanuhai. (tail tc.iiiie u-plciou SHEETING BOYS' PANTS We all try to persuade iiursrlrf lhal thing- nre or are noU damc ptTCfi lamamrc lhal her employer errand emolioff'and i not an lowest ne. Yen. 72 Inches, bleached, yard. . . 65c Sizes 20 to 35. We are nil creatures of we enjoy or snlTer mii'tly PoinU St. Merre, P. Q. per per pnfr JUS see. through our expectation of what i going to happen. Ju4 now we luring alone Into Ihe native 81 Inches, bleached, yard. . .70c MI tblak It my July totrUyou bow lion of the eily. he I involved per are nil looking forward lo a hard winter. Jnt w'hy, we rnunot 1 tell. We have .heard people ."ay it i likely and have ronie to much your meUicioe ha daae wiA fur lemlie cue. in a brawl Mwn Annie I'.hina-inen WASH SUITS t UtffrrrJ for ihnt jrrt and rriUlerinjr I'rench sailor believe it. Tlere we may le fooled, for it may not lie a hanl fnwn 1 ceBiultrd aeTtra) doctors An Irish adventurer FLANNELETTE . winter afler all. if we get it out of our head that the outlook i ul did aot do fwl. on leave. New stock at they Die any Dai-e rescue her nanWil n bad we shall perhaps have an influenre in'pnictive rnmliliun. Thca, I ttaed on bet of "&tU-Salva with difficulty, but In adven-lure Light and dark colors, 5 ynrds$l,00 but if We see -everything dull leaden like a fisheries grey cruiser, and two botes of'Fnut-tun' half startling a MEN'S I not so we may really snlTer, in pnxperl if not in reality. sod my hands art sow clear. The Ihe one which follow. SulTice GINGHAMS PANTS Something over a yenr ago people had the notion thai paia U rone tod there h beea o end if lo lhal ihe picture Stewart was to have a hoom. People rushed in there and were reiurn. I think It U S marvrtkMit happily say fr tlail and her rescuer Apron checks, English mlll. Just arrived, all sizes, pecla J2.2J soon stranded, victim of their emotion. There wa no Ihmiih. cur became no other metFicin did It-did not come ulT. If,there i any prospect of dullness in (he no so gtmd sod I tried all th 5 yards for $1.00 SILK STOCKINGS coming winter, it is for n to show our mettle nd light up the remedies I ever beard of, without WALL STREET STORY dull skies with electricity generated i oor mind "and live. It beoefit until I naed "SuuA 5a W RAINCOATS Ladies, Radium does not need to be dull and will not he dull mile we allow sad'VwWfiWa EMPRESS TONIGHT; quality irpeclal it to he no. 'Fruit a tires' cooled the blood Ladies, all sizes, special at $12.00 There ne'ver wa a lime when Prince Hupert wa belter than aad remoted the caaae of the disease, "The Plunger a slory of Wall' she is today. There may have been more lnoe- change in sigh, aad 'Sootha-Saba' completed the Slreel I lo lie shown at Ihej hut never before wa here such stability a i apparent. We have cure." Kinpres lonmlii II i a huSly entered on the second stage of development, the period of permanent Pn PETER LAMAIUIK (Cb). dramilic tale of a former buildings, of concrete block, of brick More front, of 50c a boi.S for 2-20,trial site 25. offii .- Ixiy wio became a millionaire permanent street work and of the owning of homes. At all dealer or sent postpaid by broker and by hi pee-1 Universal Co. Fruit-a-UT Limited. Ottawa, Oat. Trading tarular operation on the riiwk Price of Fish Kvrhange won for himef Ihe1 Rather Low. ohriiiiel of "Take a I'Jiance While the price of flh i rather low during the hot month SUITCASES Schuylerv lell Henderson, a , S. K. Shane. Manager of summer, it must be remembered that a dollar I worth a good well-known director working I deal more in Prince Hiicrt foday than it wan year ago. Price TRUNKS under Ihe Kix banner, filmed Ihel Phone 376 Helgerson Block have dropped very considerably, so low in fact lhal visitor from HANDBAGS picture from an original lory the south remark that there i no noticeable di lie re nre between hy Thoma . F. Fallon. the cot tl living here and in the other coast cities. Ten cent Ilf unusual Interest are scene today i equally as good n twelve cent a year ago, so far a the Tents, Sails, Awnings taken In Ihe heart of , Ihe na-' fishermen are concerned. lion Vinanciai niairiri, ni iinsno , MHl (la lhe u, and Wall hi reel. J. F. MAGUIRE Need of Building There" are eteiiina aeene. in IT oniciimr ram ii'. tifrtk. Society Here. t Next the Prw Rupert Hl near-by broker' office, where in Frmce !lupcr ai 'uliua The Daily New ha oflen mentioned the need of a building much of Hie plot I developed. Jiular -uUiile p.rti-N. bill 'hn society here. Yesterday W. J. Alder, whom we all know, strongly A piclure'nf Ihe Ne Vnrk'i nolluna- to n M-r wt'r j4UlpU-lJie extension of oleraliori of Ihe Prince Hupert LAND ACT. Sloa-k Kxclianre which wVpj hailing irre cj,r is n.-t i,n-ihe GRAND TRUNK PACIFIC RAILWAI PlnoirslngXiitiileilllr fharereJ!il famous' buildinK frm lreetiwifrtorl. - I siiggestlthat on the HMkllflMMIlMU ArT U Lhh Im4. S. S. PHINCC RUPERT OH PRINCE OCOR0C installment plan, and loan made to owner of share oula. there Rm-omihc IB Utm iJiarloll 1IM Lmnii Umrtrt. lo eaves wA made from Ihe mif aaiflng i Dmnct of rnnre anrl, .imI would be riiflTcldlv in raiitic miiTii-irrit . I of J. f. Myryan (iriiiany lunllv no iniiiinv l m L ursalr IIMI CtM4ua n PRINCE HUPtRT TIDES Thursday and Sunday Midnight for toanaoe, Say, Ckaai liUilalinar on Ihe npioile Mle a iiiiiiiurr in iouii9 rum nioniii riiiiiiinoiisiy. lie say inai sllcn ''-old mmrr Lid. of rtmru Htivm. Fall. Vaneur, Victoria ana) Saattl. association are operated almost everywhere in Ihe l.'niled Stales inkiM),rrnailii lo apply rmh tnd rr penfHMlon lnm nth In 4rir,iptw of llroail Slreel. Friday. July 15. Wdnday 11 p, m. for Anyoi Saturday p. m. far SUaA 'and lhal town are built in that way. .' IIM rnlkiwlni draentied UMi - The prNuciiiK cinpaHy nel Illh 10:10 IS.n fi Pr1fCC JOHN CtimmMnnw l a ft punutf one font I lie Iwo.niillinn.diillar lina Island a.m.. l-er Port i io cnl- Maeti lit . irr n.i . I'rince Ititpert Housing Limited ha done excellent work in la a amnbrrtr dlnrliW rrtn r,,l ladi- 22:37 I0.O feel . a small way and'if it scoe can be extended it will be an.l-xrrllenl rilut Irw I. K .o. ! larnre ii tt mor or estate) of a financier for lrw :S, i.ti fei. ail point on Southern Ouecn i:hrl(i l.laiifl 1. 1 A MIS. W. dirvcllr M tow wtlrr a.m, ' thing for the city. If it doe not take up Ihe method, another mark; Ihrwra 7 Of f U rtlerly aK( low many of It eilerior' scene. An 16:21 II.I feel. Train Sac lea, j p.m.. fataner li t! SATURDAY ir atari; tbrnre nortttrrly fl. more etact copy of the mansion' In MONDAY, WEDNESDAY and t association might be started which would do the work. r la mrn vilr mark: ihriare aad The; lime) used I Pacific Klan. 1. in For smiiher prinri- tleorgs. Kdrormtcu ord W IL raairrlT a Inn i bitti au-r mark la Dotal terior fa constructed in Ihe fea;, makina direct connc imhi tt all t. : I ft ir ruFOM-nrrairiil ana coeuiuar iwa arrr dard. for Ihe Itoih Meridian p -c ' Km aliidio. The e a IAA Unada and ' niied Male?. Value of Punctuality mc-re r art wesl. It i led from a iia.ti nH a cold htomoi co. feel lonr and had to ho filrnrd conn o lo ACEN0Y LINCS. OCCAM Not Appreciated. LTD., T. H.ioanaoa. . 21 hKjr. from mtdnlirlil lo nud-nfght. Ma. STEAMSHIP The DAIEb Mir Ira. lilt. hy mean of a camera mounted For full infr inalion and r, scia' 3 1. . ' value of punctuality is not thi appreciated in city. on a track and nioed arn the City Ticket Offlc 82S Third Anu Phoaa IM Very few people ever expect lo be punctual at a meeting, (o the Wttl CHaUiTTR ISLAND L.n Dl 'Hi e labia riven I for pod TIUCT iaHtM ISfAJlD. a. c tel. great annoyance of those who are there on time. Yesterday at Hiinpsrm but the lime for Prince Tak nollw ikal Tftocna, IVatr. Iiwlia A charming lor slory run the Hotary Club May or Rochester gave an interesting-talk on the nl. SliivIL H. 11. intend, to make llirouph the ribooday. the role Hupert varie mly a few nun-' value of punctuality and urged the member of the club to take aftJtratloo roc a bmr In iim Miniairr ul tile on aome day and on other ' Limn ror in rminr ar i. r. rrnprr of the frirl being' enacted hy Ihe t the lead in the matter. Iiwerkiug for the railway fora number la the same. The range ,.f me of years he had been impressed with the punctuality habit and iiual ixt kixlrr oa lui lb Wnl rulhislnt lxal drariitiMI or uranua UMIa,I, winsome Virsinia Valli. llde may be computet) a 5 pri CANADIAN PACIHC RAILWAY had never forgotten it. , iim. . aj.: cent rreater al Prince Hubert ivMinnmrtar at a doii ctaaird al lb The worst feature of the habit of being, late J Ihe loss of MiilMaa torwr or Ul tilt; tame Mrin than at I'ort Simpson Ixiih i B.C. Coast Servicei valuable time on thepart of thoe who are punctual. Mavor foalh rnailK:la rhant:inrar ttenr fl at tnailia.a cMin.iiim to Ten Years Ago aprlny and neap. Tliercf.r. McKIymonti when -at the head .of the cily government, always I-uibi ujrairq m nirra, In Prlnco) Rupar the rise In the Prify Hupert aimed to commence the proceeding on lime and he .n. cci ded THOM43 itsr. harbor i slightly greater thin Sailings from Prince Rupert Hwrl U romiMl very Well. Aldermen were usually there because they knew the I'ort Himpson '7;lMsine. would go on without ihem if they did not get there. ot ez.-i irui.i nuauiTTe iiiinoi mlaid i) m. u di . Jjly 18, 1911. The height I in fed and For Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau and Ikagwaf rite busy man who get to a meeting on lime and lind- no A. J. Pru.Tlioriune. K. J. May. tenth of feet above the average j Tak ryXMw I rial Tkutnaa waav. lo.lian July 1S, 25; Auguat 1, S, IS, 22, 39, nard and J. A. Smith levrl lower one eUe there and half an hour or more to wail before Hi.- jiro-- nwrni. m jaaaaciL n. t . miriKia ta nai, were1 ye, of low water. t rrplwatioii la in MlnMIrr of Landa 1tt terrlay frranled. retail hollle ceeding commence is likely to make use of language - nrore expressive h FnrttiDr- or a. c roc a nmtr io bcm For Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle than olite. ln for fwirbtrun --r au4 maa-r id uor licensea hy the License Coin. rlkilnr drafrlU-4 land tllnau oa I mission. AIL SCHEDULE l July 1S, 23, 30; Auguat 6, 13, 20271 Weal of Urabana lalarid. B. C.: luiniriKiiit (I a pnal puntM to rhaloa aiia fnioa IIm aMtUacal comrr ol Lol The Line. Wesl holme Lumber Co. Agenay for all Steamahlp till: Ihcur I rbaina ca,: Ihrnnt h. For la EaaU Dr. JOS. rhaJDa auvlli: Ibrorc rhama ,t; Inror plan lo start work immediately Moodaya, K11U information from MAGUIRE ru:a nuna tu ine nuini or euivurnrt Wedocaday and Sat on I h erection of I J" vma. fy.nw -000 uraaya at io:fa a. in. W. 0. ORCHARD, Central Agent Uiraird I1 MarcH, Iff I. vaudeville theatre licit In the 1 HO Mt. UCASY, from Um KaC Ruerl, t.0. Corner of 4th Street and Prince 3rd Avenue, MRMBCa Or TUB B.C. OKMTAL. COLLECE Rupert Hrown. llnL Contlnenlal Trtll Co.' office) on Sundays, Todaye and Thar. DENTIST orrr cfaajnorrr tf."ip hid bis rWond Aveioie. ft will seal nrw daya at 7 IS p.m. TIIU.T -IjUtrMM . U lhouiiid tieople and will h oen Phone 575 Smith Block For Vancouver and South. Tak imllc lhal Tbnaiia Daar. IMian early in Octolr. dental acai. Nauru. . i:.. inu-nua lo male as- Sunday n.m. lligb grade work at the loweat prieea. l-liralioa lo lb Miniaur or Laivlt fuc Ik I can give the belt of reference. rrotirw ur n. i fur a nnar, to pruaivri 1 ; i . , M Tueaday 7 p.m. LIMITED. 20 yeara in active aervice. fiiC iiR.Itim ftr and anlrr Ih ruUnwina Thuraday n p.m. UNION STEAMSHIP CO. OF B.C., iarrib4 uikh alluat a la weal oaa The Mail tlw fe Viaraaxr, Vaeaaay in Meeti Saturday iieeaa ran aae aaue) ar Offiei Bwi-M2, i( Hi 11 0f httim i.i uranain I'uxui. n.t. n(M, It taaeoaitrr. awiu ana, Alrl ear Saluritar p a. '.iwiOtfiarlKC al a lanld al lb pa from Vaooeuvar Waia and South. yoi, auro arau. luail aMat awlsJ- ai-cibwrai Lot III): Ibrar turner or SAYS rut I'wrl UuMai aja aaaa Hirer p uia, UHlai a at. - win rbaina itbrnr rati ( rbaina Sunday S briar H p. m. Mca BAaaeccv, ! . aorib rluina; Uinr ! U if Km taaaa aaaa Pe rbaiaa lo polnl or rutonvnrriMrnL Monday .,. LoriliMl, Mia Narrn, Mil. A queation lhal i helnr din Wednesday P.O. Box 1 SSS Phone 07 THOK4H rry. 10:30 a. in. H.bri arown, trraL ciisseu ii, (o married people k'I rrttnyw ,.m. LARGE FOUR ROOMED HOUSE iuarrrlome or do iuarreloni oi.'ic nuHLOTTr. ifi.Axn lamd tilt Saturday 10:30 ajn. For Sale in good condition on Alfred Street THK;T -OHAII4M 1 4 LA AD, b. C leople iret married? For Anyox and Alice Arm. Tak nolle IMI Tltomaa Drair- Irxlia Sundays to Terms $1,800.00; p.m. Atrai, MaaaMt, a. C. nrrrby ira aoiir WIIKN a man becomea a v The Lot oa which the house stands is equal In size to over ''9 ini.irr""""or uadi w niaaa rn ab application fn.viiu-0 iq rr in ruii in hulnea, Mdilh't or la-hor Wednesday From Anyoi and Alio . Arm.p.m, I Serge & Silk Dresses four 25 ft. lots rr fw aad urnir uadrr Hi llw proabrri f,lkwiiif ror frroiTl drarribMj he Diual watch mil lhal he Tuesday jn. aaaa aiiuat to in rnui ai fir. Joei, not Kef fired. H. I"am I,land, a. C : iamcariav al a poal .hurdays v.IoJ DAVID HAYS & COMPANY IMantrd al lb aouikmral rornr or tal 1ftf. tln?A ti .La.,., iuttm mm AUOl'T Ihe only hiiainea that! in Newest Fall Styled C. PERCY TINKER, Managtr rhalna onrlbi Ibrar io rbaina wral Ibror conlimjH to hold U hurKUr- t rnaina aoaiui lo unai or timmtntrutrni. up RI Eatal Flra Inturanca iMcmtmn Marc,, inn. ivii. itisr. The SEE WINDOWS THOMA DrAlT, Inlander Malinrw Tonaaa, . NO wonder Hi tide fall rm. (jvtf rHaLoTTt iiiasd lakd Ms- Flral Claaa p.o. phonf TMICT (;U1U I1I1MI k I! rationally, considering Hi" iiuni- Barlui laa ox 327 "DEMERS" THEO LTD. Tak notira lhal Thoua Ixa., IiwIimi ier of roller Ihern are In Ihe. KWm in COLLART, - ggBTycY Attal, Maaaall, a. X, bcraby r( aour A, Rakaac. FnaMW ii mirutiua iu appir a in amitirr or ocean. ' Uada for lb prvoiara of B. C for a A REAL, BARGAIN Lot and Flra Room Houaa. Bath; Clh Ave. hrrnra lo pnwr for prlrolruia r and Uon . 93,100.00, 100.M caah, Ulanc en tuj tarma. at"wr m in,lb ronuwina oral reaal orarriiMra of Uraaau lanua.laland aiiu. "TIIKHK arc plenty of promis SOjtv SAil "FIRE INSURANCE Th'moat liUral Marin. Inauranca on ti aud daacnud a, tulluva' Cjuitnn( al ing mcp put (he mao who pay la Our phone aumter I W se4..csf Anrtion Cuaat. Oalroa quicklf paid Th Inauranc Coropany of Worth (Kll pi plarad renvr of rnaiaa Lol 1 1 II:aouib Ibaara troia w.,i tlw worth all ih promiMrr put In. changad. New tMinv 649 YBJ. OX wunuuvi - efficient. America, . . . Ur la nd ww i-v im v wrt If, II.I II 1 ii,.in w fether. any whrc, promptly rail t rbalaa. Uwnra rnia a ckaiaa k, P.O. Boat Waatkolaa Thoatr Blk Bloa puiul Of rownwiwciiM-bl. UNC, TAILOR a ioi aT PUa LvaUd Marrb 1IIOM1 ink. Iftl)AT, J III- mother IntiipiA" a CI 3nd Ave). Phone KcU bC M.4r et-t refit leaded hers-t-t th, -r fj Ma rat,SjataJiMai 2nd Ave., Section 2, FW "v