PAGE TWO = THE DAILY NEws. . |SOFTBALL AT PRINCE re - proton COLUMBIA | HIGH SCHOOL Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue H. F. PULLEN -.- - Managing-Editor Morgan Pirates Shut-Out Moxley Cubs in Yesterday's Encounter ‘ ees: ~ SUBSCRIPTION RATES By defeating the Moxitey Cubs 2 to 0 yesterday. the Morgan Pirates City delivery, by mail or carrier, yearly period, paid in adwanee ...... 6:00, , 1ined exclusive possession of ‘first For lesser periods. paid in advance . per week ith siiaess 10° place in the High School Softball By mail to all parts of Northern and Central British Columbia, League. The Cubs ave still in sec- paid in advance for yearly period ............... 3.0) ond p'ace just behind [he Pirates. By mail to all other parts of British Columbia, ‘the British km- Flivine .errorless ‘yall the Pirates pire and Unitea States, paid in advance, per year ...................... $6.00 -ollected one run in secona and By mail to.all other Countries, Per VOAT 2... ecctjececceesenecsstscesereeeees 00 ene in the fourth innings. Only lthree players of Moxley’s team \reached first base because of the |nerfest fielding on the part of the ADVERTISING RATES Classified advertising, per insertion, per WOTG ..0w cece eee, 0 CAORT, POMMOKE CORT AMOTEION, DOL TERE oe canis sickness osorrseevsernrees'eopnaniaetosse Pj 7 ; ; f rates, Ten players reache rst Legal notices, each insertion, per agate lime 2.2.2... seeks eee seeeee AS | gor a attains ae they ae - Transiet display edvertising, per inch, bee insertion Fitna dao. able 40 get more than two agragss Contract rates on application. he plate. Phe game was fast and Advertising and Circulation Velephone ........................ 98 Lexciting, yprahably .one .of the best Editor and Keporters’ Telephone his csartgulcoe ‘played at the school, The teams Member ot Audit Bureau of Circulations | [were evenly matched and the = mueer iscore itself indicates the closeness wei Bib: Tuesday, October 4, agag |! the play. D. Morrison, as catch- )er. J. Mornison, at shert-atep, and |Blake, at fixgt, plawed gaad, exror- EDITORIAL ODDITIES less ball for the Cubs. while After damning both Premier Tolmie and T. D. Pattullo hort top jean a, * and declaring that British Columbia would have a gover N-|and Morrigan, in the field, played ment by neither of them, the Vancouver Province decides| well far the Pirates. that a coalition of the two undesirable leaders would be| Moxley pitched dor tthe Oubs and acceptable to the people and strongly urges the Premier |"** ee for aur ints inolud- to approach the leader of the Liberals and try to ar wine mk 9 hon ee ae |gave wonderful ayppart in the field. for a joint control. The newspaper pointed w ith pride and | Reams: joy to the work done in Britain under the National Goy-| Cubs—D. Moxrisan ¢.: J. Mosni- ernment which was a coalition of Conservative, Labor |\*°": 5%! Blake, Wb: Moxley, p. and Liberal. That was only a few weeks ago. Now here is| worstold. Mer Ouame, Mh: Sa what they say in their issue of Thursday: sall, rf.: Peaghy. of. “Under the circumstances, the’National Government of| Pirates—T. Nakamoto, db.; dind- Great Britain could hardly be a stable government. It| av, 3b.; Kanaya, .,; Movgan. s6.: stood not on one firm base, but on three legs of varying |‘C*?*’: Campbell. c.; immerse length and firmness, and as the legs wobbled, the gov ern-|*4. ae Saves m.; arine ment swayed. Now, the two weak legs have cracked and| umpires — ©. Manson and W. the structure will have to be braced up. DAILY EDITION | Smith In other words what the Province newspaper advocated| ‘corekeeper-—4E. Santurbane. in the way of a government for British Columbia was an League Standing | unstable wobbly affair that could not last. Later it would oe w & Be : 7 at >, ; 4 ; 7 Morgan Pirates 8 0 1,000 have rejoiced when the Pattullo section of it was driven] yoxiey Cubs 2 1 Ane out just as it seems to do in regard to the situation in Bri-|smith Giants ist oe tain. |Tobey Tigers , | | ae People who do not recognize that “capital” is a god to|O>@t@ Branes o 2 a be worshipped and that “profits” are more important than | #208 Senators ...0 2 00, men are doubtless watching the developments with great | w. interest. They must smile as they watch the eccentric] teams Obata Braves and Hansen gyrations of the Vancouver newspaper. They are refusing |£enators to be swayed according to its changing moods and will ex-| ° Por pean press themselves very clearly at the polls when they are | given an opportunity. That gas gusher probably just a scheme on the part | the advocates of coalition in Br itish | Columbia. When asked who was the gentle- man with her at the Qapito] the ather night a local lady is said to! have roctied: “That was no gentle- man, that was my husband.” Making his 87th P. G. £E. an- nauncement at the week-end, Pre- mier Tolmie said he haped to soon relieve the taxpayers .af the coun- try of the P. G, BE. burden. As long} as it is not just a shifting of pur- the people will be pleased. SLEEP When you can't sleep, it’s because your nerves won't let tions. can all turn our attention to pre- Halibut Arrivals Summary American—244,500 pounds, 3c and 2c to 4.8c and 2c Canadian—27,500 pounds, 4c and 2c to 4.6c and 2c. American Paragon, 40,000, and Tahoma, 18,- 000, Cold Storage, 3.5c and 2c. Atlas, 90,000, and Schorn, 16,000, Sold Storage, 3c and 2c. you. You need not spend a sleepless night if there’s any Aspirin on hand! Take two tablets, drink a little hot water—and go to sleep. It works like magic. This relieves your nerves of any little nagging pain or discomfort that keeps you wide awake, and Nature does the rest. Any day you have a headache, you take Aspirin and get immediate relief. Remember its comfort at night, when you can't get to sleep. ASPIRIN TRADE-MARK REG. IN CANADA (rhe) Prosperity, 24,000, Atlin, 4:3c and Ac. : Hazel ‘H., 18,000, Booth, 4c and 2c. di Excel, 15,000, and Lumen, 8,000, Pacific, 4c and 2c. Tusean, 9,000, and Reliance I,, 22,000, Atlin, 4c and 2c. Don Q., 9,000, and Garland, 9,000, Cold Storage, 4c and 2c. Sherman, 10,000, Cold Starage, and 2c. Betty, 9,500, Booth, 4.2e and 2c. Zarembo, 10,000, Royal, 4c and 2c. Viola, 6,500, holding over. Canadian Lysekil, 7000, and Teeny Milly, 7,000, Booth, 4.ic and 2c. ZAM-BUK Used To-Night Will teal Your CHAPPED HANDS occ. and 2c. The next game will be played on | ednesday bekween ‘the tao cellar | Pace nee mobiiten te in Alberta is; \of that province to keep up with | Ken from one foot to the other,| ; | Now that the local improvement taxes are paid ‘or left unpaid) we | paring for the Christmas caleba Gibson, 13,000, Cold Stoxage, 4.6c 50-tan Derrick for Heavy Lifts RAISE FOR ~ M’CARTHY Yankee Pilot Gets Contract For ‘Dhree Nears at $50,000 Per— Ruth to Manage Red Sox NEW WORK, Oct. 4:—Undaubt- ttly as a sequel to his successful piloting of the New York Yankees through the 1932 American League season and the Woarld Series game the announcement last night on the return here from Ohicago of Col. Jacob Rup- pert, owner of the Yankees, that Manager Joe McCarthy was to be given a new contract for three years at $50,000 per vear salary. Baseball fans recall that it was only two vears.ago that McCarthy was dismissed as pilot of the Chi- cago Cubs, the team which his Yankees so unmercifully routed in this vear’s World Series. It was also disclosed that this would probably be Babe Ruth's dast wear as a member af the New Work WNankees anf an active player, the Bambino, who has iheen slowing up rather vapidly dhis wear, theing slated te go to tthe Baston Red Sox as manager. he Vankees were given a great weogption an their return home oS Cr Well Known Los Angeles Soldier Feared Murdered LOS ANGELES, Qc 4:—Major @liver \Ladd, well Known Los An- ‘eles ex-service man, has been missing smee Friday when he left his hame for the purpose of getting his automobile repaired. It is feared hthat he may have met with foul play. “Plan each day, and then meth- \odically exeoute that plan Benito Mussolini Sess EXPOSED ; ECR U CONFIDENCE VEN, SCHEATIN GAMBLERS, | DICE 7 ae wane. im Clever crook of dollars O aaa from ‘ people Send for this remarkable hook “Parasites and Their Pre y” Written to sr a the public Sen name an it “ o Es ac ele ior Publishing Company fi t @ Good Clothes Do Make You Great Order Your Next New Suit From LING The Tailor Second Ave.—Opp. Post Office Phone — 649 re WIDE RANGE OF FINE QUALITY WOOLLENS fy TO CHOOSE FROM \ We use hest trimmings: hich class workmanship: perfect fit guaranteed. Prince Rupert | DRY DOCK AND, SHIPYARD Aperating three Dry Docks Total capacity 20,000 tons Shipbuilders ! and Ship Repairers for Steel and Woed Vessels Sawmill and Mining Machinery Repaired and Overhauled Iron and Brass Casting Electric and Acetylene Welding _——- Tuesday, October 4, iggo ae = a Fish Shippers Are Disturbed Shippers .of Halibut from Pringg every worker, every house- ert are much disturbed over wife, and every child should the arraggements made by the TT’ y tor handling their prodyet take SCO $ EMULSION rhey say that no schedule coulq regularly. The strength- well he arranged which would be maker that maintains vital- worse for thein business than the \ 1 force The train leaves ity, ensures health and saves er a, we early in the morning to ship a _ that day’s fish and ¢@yen i ssential h ScoTTs teal! ‘anno! always eannect with When economy is e dae fEMULSION other tains going eaat. Th it is better to buy one bottle that an evening twain Out.of Pringe of SCO ['T’SEMULSION of ae rt hj c ried