Tuesday, October 4, i939 * CAPITOL SHOPPE = Will Open in its New Premises FEDERAL BLOCK, THIRD AVENUE next door to the Besner Block within a few days and will carry a complete line of Children’s Wear and also the latest in Ladies’ Ready-to-Wear | October 8, 20 and 29 ......... ~ Mail Schedule a.m. For Stewart and Anyox— nie N R. Trains RIN fi saidaekassssoschiasieodaiie 7 p.m omen Wednesday ...........2... . 3 p.m./ For the aa For the East— | From Stewart and Anyox— Mondays, Wednesday and Fri- Monday, Wednesday and Friday| Tuesday .........--..--ccceso-: 11:30 a.m.|days . 9:30 a.m. ate EE Le 8:30 a.m. | Thursday . 8 p.n\.| From the East— Prem the East For Queen Chariottes— | Tuesdays, Thursdays and Satur- Tuesday, Thursday and Satur-; October 14 and 28 9 pm.) GAYS ooeenerserreneeeneeennneereene 9 p.m, GAY ivi 9 p.m, “From ‘ueen Chariottes— ite Me at cet tS For Vancouver— | October 12 and 26 a.m | Th W th Tuesday ....... .. 12:30 p.m | For Naas River and Port Simpson— | e eainer Seen § p.m) Sunday 7pm! pead Tree Point—Clear, calm; Friday . : 11 p.m | Prom Naas River and Port Simpson ‘barometer, 30.22; te mperature, 66; October 3, 12 and 24 pm. Tuesday, 11:30 a.m | jea smooth. From Vancouver-— For Alaska— Triple Island—Foggy, calm; sea MUI sii scccsasttctceekienicetesclbn ccoeas SDE October 8, 20 and 29 a.m. smooth. Weanesday . 9: 30 a.m. From Alaska— Langara Island—Thick fog, light Friday . pm. October 3, 12 and 24 p.m. southwest ‘wind; sea smooth. —_—_—_—- —_— Support Farmers of Central B.C. The farmers and gardeners of Central British Columbia are making an effort to supply the Prince Rupert market with vege- tables, fruit, potatoes, poultry and eggs and other products of the district. of tince Rupert people are asked to encourage this movement by asking for Central British Columbia products whenever prac- ticable. Co-operation in this matter encourages merchants who buy from farmers and if the farmers are prosperous it will be an encouragement for others to take up land and thus add to the buying power of the whule northern and central part of the pro- vince. Householders can help by keeping this in mind and asking merchants for Central B. C. products whenever possible. Steamship Sailings | Thurs.—ss Prince Rupert, 10 p.m Friday—ss. Prin. Adelaide 10 p.m, “TILLIE THE TOILER” . Y, el DAD, THEATRE: ~ PRESIDENT’S | BIG ORDER Will Endeavor to Offset in Single’ Speech Effects of Roosevelt Campaign Tour ; | CLOSING OUT All Our Shoes and Rubbers - :—| GIBRALTAR, Oct and! ee eee having been mé ide here to ‘ ic i » ex e to Italian Liner R 1 on Her | Monday & Tuesday TWO SHOWS — 7 and 9 pm, Feature Starts at 7:40 & 9.35 ADMISSION 15 & 50¢ THE SWEETEST \Repairs Mad Which Broke Dow! Maiden Trip 4 "Repairs her ma- DES MOINES, Iowa, Oct. Straw votes taken by papers and! FACTORY COST chinery, which broke down last LOVE ST magazines show the Corn Belt, of 4 ; “2 aca : aiden voyage 4 STORY which this is the centre, normally Men’s Boys’ and Girls’ |/week during - x , . , pala VU nd : , : : lfrom Italy to New York, the pak EVER TOLD Rubbers Women’s and Children’s Dress Shoes Men’s 34-length Rubber Boots white only, reg $3.49 $5.00; Today Children’s School Shoes, 35% Lower Than Elsewhere Cut Rate Shoe Store Money Saved By Bringing City Relief Orders to This Store strongly Republican, to be leaning definitely today toward the Demo- cratic side in federal politics and, particularly, the presidential cam- paign. To start the tide flowing in the opposite direction will be the immense task which President Her- | bert Hoover will attempt tonight, when, in a single speech here, the chief executive will endeavor to answer and offset the whirlwind campaign conducted in the west during the past three weeks by Gov- | enor Franklin D. Roosevelt of New York, the Democratic candidate. — - Republican managers concede) : that the impression which President | HALL FOR | | WORKLESS Hoover makes at Des Moinés to-} is-Atlantic liner tial new Italian tra! ted voy Rex resumed her interrupt age westward Sunday. J “REBECCA OF SUNNYBROOK FARM” With MARION NIXON | RALPH BELLAMY An Former Mayor James J. Walker ‘of New York, who was a pas ssenger from Italy on the Rex, le ft the ves lsel here and proces eded north by ltrain through Spain to Le Havre lwhere he will catch the German liner Europa for New York. et cae ‘Secretary Mills InLos Angeles | For Convention § LOS ANGELES, Oct. 5 tary of the Treasury Ogden Mills arrived in Los Angeles yesterday, | @) being kere to attend and speak at Imperishable Story Youth in Love of Comedy—"“THE KNOCKOUT” Screen Song — “SHOW ME THE WAY TO GO HOME” METRO NEWS Wednesday & Thursday “FORBIDDEN” night will have much to do with how the Middle West and West, vote on November 8. The situation in this territory is admittedly ser- ious as far as the Republican cause | City of Seattle Providing Amuse- is concerned. ment. Centre For Its Secre- WEDNESDAY REVIVAL os of the wreck last Tuesday of Iter Nevada on the Aleutian Islands rae Unemployed la convention of United State | up haa He SEATTLE, Oct. 4— Mayor John F. Dore announced that the city| FOR BODIES : had taken over a_ large vacant store building on Occidental Av-| S 5 | | enue which will be converted into} 66 BURROUGH Japanese Freighter Oregon Maru 4g recreation centre for the unem- | Hovers Near Scene of Wreck | ployed Installations in ‘the build- of Steamer Nevada ‘ing will include a stage for volun- |teer vaudevillle and other enter- PORTLAND, Ore., Oc. 4:—In the’ tainments. hope of recovering bodies, the res-; The premises will not be used |eue ship Oregon Maru was still re-' for lodging purposes and will be | LONDON {maining at the week-end near the onen from 10 daily a.m. until 10 p.m. purest’ GJ[|NJ AND BEST the States Steamship Co.’s freigh- | Rally F or Yores The Japanese freighter reported by , Wireless to company headquarters lhere last night that she had et) This advertisement is not puhlisted or displayea oy the Liquor unsuccessful in her quest, People Was Held Control ae ~ one —_—_—-——-- o § 0 T Large Funeral Is On Sunday Night ~~ - EL Held at at Stewart, On Sunday evening the service ih First Presbyterian Church took the ; ee of a rally for young men and Premier | The Fish which made Prince Rupert Famous | Victim -of Le on ; . ay j youn women. The sermon subject Tram Line Buried on Sunday | was “The Man Who Wanted to Die” a i was addressed especially One of the largest funerals ever | pa sale ms qr lly to the 66 5 |held in Stewart took place there on Savery sakes Se ee u ert ra n male irtet | #unday with the burial of Thomas or After the service a large gather- | ;Pollick, who was killed on Thurs- | ; ing of iday morning last when three the ssembled in a social hour young people a tow- . : Church Hall for on} SMOKED ers of the Premier tram line, if ir There wi el . ( inging sre Was, a voeal §c which he was. working, collapsed by Mi Betas C ’ at testa te " ¥Y Mi LY ameron Pollick being thrown to the ground | D ' . niet : ‘ €iiciou refreshment wer ser- jwith the bucket which he was rid-|,, , 5 were ser | } ved, bringing an enjoyable evening oom jing. to a close « 2105e The funeral took place under the | auspices of the Canadian Legion | - with Rev. Father E. M. Leray O. M. I., the chaplain, officiating. Pollick; was a War veteran, having been a, prisoner in Germany for two years He was single and had been in the Prepared Daily By Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C, Daily Special Look for our advertisement in years. this space every day. You will employ of the Premier Co. for tare} 1 iaillenerere ee get a real snap. This special VANCOUVER WHEAT is good for 48 hours only, VANCOUVER. Oct. 4: Wheat | aig bap Peas ay We de- - o—- was quoted at 47'4c on the local | sYOE Be Genes Bet $8.00: 0 more free. exchange today. | Arrow Brand Golden Tip Tea Reg. 45c Ib. $1.00 The New H ( Ltd Special, 3 lbs. for Postum Cereal Hotel Ventral Ld, ae 18¢ PER HARD COAL 8 - , . stry F homelike, cna harbor opie nevi 27¢ M views. Oxydol—For fine Rates reasonable. Spacious sample rooms. FIRST CLASS CAFE ee ae per ton $11.50 MUSSALLEM’S Economy Store | 18 — Phones — 360 317 and 319 Third Avenue Open at All Hours Special monthly rate for Rooms and Meals Hotel Central Ltd. First Avenue & Seventh Street Minehead Coals $11.50 per ton ALL COALS ARE IN A DRYSHED HYDE TRANSFER—PHONE 580 een Stung Again! —By Westover. Ss. Catala ... . midnight 1 se ——— est an ——— iv a 3s ef2E MAC (M GETTIA ¥ ; 4 an ae ar em Ra ape Fe0 Wp oC NOU ORDERING a tay year CAN FIND Ow! tve y | THATS No WELL. WHy THe | a = Oct, 12—ss. Prin. Norah oq Mo AROUND ALL UE TIME YEAHF || |-tuiING6 OUT FOR MYSELF BEEN STUNG SveaPeize. rece DIDNT You ) | wa FOR? I O06, Seis Free enn ~~ Be Pa. See ry WITHOUT YOU TELLING ME SITTING ON =D en a | KNEW From Vancouver— Sunday—ss. Cardena . p.m, Wed,.—-ss. Prince Rupert 9:30 a.m. Friday—ss. Catala ................ Pm. Ss. Princess Adelaide p.m. | Oct. 8—ss. Princess Norah ....a.m. | Oct, 17-—8s. Princess Norah a.m. | Oct. 29—ss. Princess Norah a.m. | For Naas River ana Port Simpson— 1% ) ri Sunday—ss, Cardena 8 p.m. i From Naas River & Port Simpson— Tuesday—ss, Cardena ....11:30 a.m. For Stewart and Anyox— Sunday—ss, Cardena ........ 8 p.m. 3 | ‘ > ; ' 4 D FIND YOUR DOME ABOvT Dey OLED