Patre 2 T' - 1 ft 1 layr . a - m,i 1 i ini ' T "-... ; W the Daily News - I HE WONDERFUL The Man in the Moon ' PRINCE RUPERT BRITISH COLUMBIA SAYS. Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by The News I PrintinR 'and Publishing Co., Third Avenue. FRUITJPCINE liOUHTLIXS il is when Ihe ultl fnrfil hinJt nt the eillirt- itu-ls' H. F. PULLEN, Managing Editor. IiiiIuiihI I rial wuue of them il--eiile Every Horns In Canada Needs to remain "lit nmid-t.1 SUBSCRIPTION RATES! "FRUIT-A-TIVES" so.Mi: i.lj iiiaul-i are "III niaiitt City Delivery; by-carrier or mail, per month li.PO liecHiiso they whiiI In be, olheia Hy mail to all parts of the British Empire and the United males, To those iufftrtnr with lJifsticn, liirause I hey Uno lit he. in advance, per year , JO.00 Terf-iJ Litnr, CJ,Mi', Xitt or orsr Mf A'iJ. To all other countries, in advance, per year $7.80. Ktrvout ffJaitti, XtralgU, SUMi: wninen fSl n4rrie lie- . V mty TroulU, Khtmititm, Pain im cause Ihey rnn'l matt a llMiiii TELEPHONE 88. , ike act, Ecttm"FruIt-tlTfi"J vtktr fires Uin any olheruwny. M More Tobacco ftrthe Money M tjtctiont, I T ft relief and, assure a ifeeJy 'li.. prompt WIIII.N n woiii (Tela it" Hint Transient Display Advertising $1.2J5 per inch each insertion U w!ieu the treatment recotery ihp wiin't with' her Iuim-hanil, Transient advertising on front page . J2.up per inch. faithfully followed. nuurrel l-ocal Headers, per insertion, .. . SJ5c per line. "Fruil-a-tivft"is tkt enh tntJUin you may lie he in. ei Ikik'iI In her fule ami ha nmile Classified advertising, per insertion, 55c per word. tnaJt from Fmi't containing the Hi ;.T. 7 im'W&Y&B' , AT Legal Notices, each insertion, ....... ... . 1 Be per agate line. medicinal principle of apples, uv her ml iiai nut in xet any moio t-m. r .. . itlwsure tint of life. IT : 13?WI I n Contract Rates on A plication. oraofes, flp and prunes, combined IB All advertising should be in the Daily Mews Oftlce on day preceding with valuable tooica andantUeptici. A.MO.Nd ih,. il.lnjw lhat, won't publication. All advertising received subject to approval. COe a box.CforJU.iO, trial sUe.SSc. eel yiiu ntiyliere Is jiiiln't mil in i- x r.jr f.dvjf i mi all Jcaler or sent postpaid by - - At a flrnw hat in rl I'rineei nH. Fruit-a-tite Limited, Ottawa, OnL perl zephyr. ffiy if) DAILY EDITION. stC3 Tuesday. IVhniary 8. 1021. w "1I n ! y i.i.hi.; i f i-firai ears viiii Co-operation In SUITCASES vniild.he fiuinviiiiin ai af1r a i rulik it irnex imN ami lmll. All Lines of Endeavor. TRUNKS o I Cu-nperation is desirable in all lines of endeavttr. In the A MONO the Ihiue llml (n't i sphere of religion nrlivities Uit Aiiglirii. and Presliylerinns HANDBAGS ret yiu nnwliere In TriuW lln-! have shown a line sense of the littiess of things by agreeing on a perl in piin- to u lUnee Im-Iuj.' . : . . WHOLESALE AND RETAIL leu o'rlork. sjslem of co-operation in the mission field of this country, TJim! is to. beui iilteiiipt lo eljimv I lie tfl ler.ifut or Iif.liverrrowd A MAX was wnlkhiK up Third' ",L 'CHEDOLE nit y i.'irlicnlnr.l.ici' l) reason of ileniimimilionnl nmhilion. J. F. MAGUIRE Avenue when he w irMk on Ihe shine rrrieifilo heml iludiiK the, fnjte ealertUy. For the CaaU . . Canada's National Fish Thei .spirit may he every line of activity. 712 Second Ave., prince Rupert j 1 Day It was niiiiply the rend, fallinu. Mondays. Wetlnesdaya and 9aU Wholesome conipetitioiv Is useful in that' it-tends to betterment, Happily fr, he lanlliinlvlhU i,-fl unlays at 10:15 a.m. 'bill rut throat l omnetilion is injurious, in business today there rumor. from ma taau Wednesday, February 9th Ys a tendency to get together airri all work for the good of the I Sundays. T.iedava and Tburs. i-iim miinily. In the various businessmen's rluh, which are the PRINCE RUPERT TIDES I. Mew-vf Ihe uuinlier of Rras days at IM p. in. fashion today, sueh as the Rotary Club, (be piollo is 'service." S. v. ilmver IJyiiiK in Prince Iluperl Support Prince Hupert's Most Important 1: Tuesday, February il'xTiueei, there OhmiIiI ! no liltl" For Vancouver and South. They reriignlie that service lo lh,T community is the llrsl duly Hih. 1 :S8 a. in., feel. ws; hen. Tuesday 7 p. m. and of a businessman. Necessarily he expects to be paid,for that 13:50 jt. in., i'0.0 fi-rl. Tlinrirlnva tl n. in.! service, but it is the service and unlTlie money making that should Low. :3-'t a. in.. 7.1 feel. V LAIY ialmr akmsr Seenn.l Satliriay 5 p lrl i EAT FISH 20:1(1 p. m., t feet. Axr-ttue mid eens poor ww I lie the llrst aim. l'i hrtinr 12 and 16 . .. 9. lVi")' Wednesday, February man slrollbig From Vancouver and South Much Interest Taken , llijih. 2:!H n. 111.. 20 feel. iiinnni .-mm-imhi iwti, ""'"a"1 In Session of Legislature. I 1:23 p. III.. 20.5 feci. "Poor inant Are yi marrle.f ISunilays ixwdnest 10:30 8 at Each Meal on February Much interest is taken in the session of the Provincial Legislature Low. 8:23 11. in.. 11.8 feet. 8 a. m. Your fletaiUT .u sell yon acy -if 1 i 20: tt p. 111.. 4.2 reel. THlXfi.S.are not alwny a. lwd'S!a,"r,,a;"u "V:; llallbul Smoked Kippers Bi3W which at Victoria today. In the lirst place 7 and 2t opens everyoire Ihey tated-plh.n.. art, The time usca is ractnc Stan- Salmon Smoked HUck Cod is anxious to know exactly what the provisions of the new-liquor dard, for the J 20th Meridian west. for instance. ' Smoksd Halibut For Anytn and Alice Arm. bill will be. There will be' a good deal In do in connection with It Is counted from 0 to 21 hours, 3 making specific regulations in cqunectioij with thc sealed Jtotlles. from The midnight table yiven to for Port one O.NI-:Htiffered IhlpB from certain a lack i tf lhat freh rtr. Sundays Wednesdays , 10 V p.m.j p.m.j Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., lii which will be ou sale at the government dispensaries. air yesterday. From Anyos and Allen Arm. Simpson but the time for Prince There will be other legislation, but ou the whole it i not Tuesdays msn. Prince Kupert U.C, Hupert varies only a few minutes Til Kit K are a lot ttf IhUi that ! 'bursday in. the be 'A p. will nil" fllllicted session expected a lung one. a we are on some days and on others is't iret yon anywhere hul the wih loo much legislation inteadvof too.Httle, Legisjation does the same. The range of the tide inil elTective Ihintr wet Vntiw. lFoe Port Slmpaon, Arrandale, mill not help us much;' Usually increased egialioirmean increased may be computed as 5 per cent KlarliiiK riiiiitir in 1'rinr.. Ilu. i Bay, Watea Island and Naaa Rlvar. laxaliouaiid auxioVis for.Ui.lUiiiU '.Tnxnlloii has greater,at Prince flupert than at . .. . now. pert. II hea' (he falel-nir(liine Sundays 19 p.m. ' Port Simpson both at springs and ( about reached the limit, - 51 7; i lie way li iratei.4. 'Mvrri ru aimpaon, Arrnncale, mill ; neaps. Therefore the rise In the Bay, Walea Island and Naaa Itlvae. Another Effort to . Prince fluport harbor is slightly n'-" - niTufndara ajn. greater than Port Simpson. Settle Irish Question. 1 The height U In feet and tenths Ten Years Ago GRAND TRUNK PACIFIC While we are not directly affected here, everyone would like Qun Cliarlotta Islandat of feet above the average level of In Prince Rupert For Masittt, Pott Ctementi ani S.S. PRINCE GEORGE sailing- to see a settlement of the Irih (roubles. - This has bt-en a live lower low water. question for at least a genernlioi. It is more lo the fore loday upper Island pilots' Midninht Thursday f wnTtw.n Ila. i Two-color window cards take February 8, 1811 i Febniary 2 and l r, Vieliiiio, ilid Smiiln Wcin than ever it has been, and its seUrVmenl is puzzling the brains the eye ju(eXly. He them at Hie Afler one r.f the mo-il i llinr ,Ti'" Maet. Port Qernwiitt and S. 8. PRINCE JOHN of the ablest men in the Empire. The jlifllciilly with the Jrih New Jnh DeriArtiiinf on.l Mllerly CDiilewied ePii j.m-. Upper I eland points- Kur Purl i:b-ni..iils, Mh-'H. Ilsn-V. It;i is that they are Irish, at least that is wiat nu Irishman say's of AlHvi.r Hi :ill un. in.I n,.-in .... ri'hruarv and 19 iiiilbTii OU'-'-n tjiurltill.- r UNO ACT. them and he ought to know. eaiierf. hy Hie riliirn of Seall'i-f r'lewjtrl. Feliruarv- lh and i'.iU Nolle 'of Intention Apply to Purchatt and ISwirlre W. Ililllnjc elected in or aldeirate. Queen Charlotte TRAIN SERVICt, Why Be Always hi stead.hy n majority of 6.000. City and Lower lalnnd points: I'assenper Monday, WeaneKJay and Saturdajr al 11:11 a In Cnr Land Umnrl HwnMim mi for Hiiillhsr. rinne Hefir.e. t-liiiontun aiv' v Talking of Weather? trlrt of I rlnr Hunn. mimi siihmi shnitt (ii;l wax ehnrpted Willi hailiorinK , l ehruary 2 and I A ' ' (rig direr?, cunneetma for all poin'S be about Hie knows " na nn. pur niiwa aii or tn town tire and inieon4iieins' hi From Hkideaiate. Qu Charlotte Why .always talking weather? Kypryone .i oi iice Ann. ami acijoiniDf loia .to.' ' imce. Li il and &4. Agency All Ocean Steamship net about it so why discuss it? The only thing interesting about it Tlif nollro that I. Invnl (flur Trin City and Lower Island points rw of Port Hammond, oeriilnnon limwr. Aflr four ikiys at Ihe merey of Fehrunry 5 and 19 Ttr lafsmution era tswmtmas appr is in Hie matter of romijarison, either with similar weather at Hi niriui.fonomna in appij dPtcrllird i or permiaiwon landa:to purenat the wave, when, their hunt' Cite Tsl ona, I re TVptf sf,. some other time or with' the weather at some other place, ami Crnunrnrinr at a poat planted at tfM Poreher wan wreeked on ;iyn For Skauway and tha Yukon. outhrait fiirwr or lot fl. mmrr in even lhat is a dreadfully dull subject of conversation. rlialna norm: tiwnro 40 chains eaatt tnenre Uir.nd and Ihey were rnt ashore Fehmary 7 and 21 Cats or rats or dogs or pigs are much more interesting sub point u riuini or eoinmenrppHrnt,iouid; inrnre u cnaina Dd containing oil to mi the dennlale hlaml. Frank From Skaoway and Yukon, jects to- talk about than weather. Hven ladies' hats or men's irr.JOSEPH im t. KrxitH or THETHEWET, KiixhT. hit won and Jack Hill hate February 12 and 26 RAILWAY natd !mrmbr tt. mo. rel'.rncd to port m ihe Prince CANADIAN PACIFIC styles are miles,ahead of (hyweather so far as intrinsic interest. - Notice of InWntlon to Apply to Leaae Lanf. A'liert. A gallant rescue was! (tawart, Mapla Bay and Iwimi tisetcts Bcience and art seem seldom to be-heard of, either at the dinner elTerleil ,y Cnplj In W'eariuoulii Point. ciPiaoispi raoteia occasj table or at other places where people congregate. fcport is popu diiinrt,In Skent Hreordlnr RJter Dialriet Mimnr or Olitnct.Alice Land Arm, CI. 'ef Oflleer Donald and Second FOIl- B.C. Coast Steamship Service! lar in some circles, out the weallier, the horrid weather, the most H. C, and aituate at mouth of Loun crert Officer H. L. Hi Iiersi.n. Fehruary (J and .10 inline subject in the universe, is on everybody's tongue anil yet adjoinlnr Sllrrr City, B. C FltOM- 8. S. PRINCfSS MARY no information is ever imparled in regard to it that is wortli a Take notice that w tha nndrriltned, A marrinae of much inleresl in Frlininry 7 and 30 For Ketchikan. Juneau. SsaawSv. Alaska, from rn moment of thought. Anthony MrOntre nd vernard w. aarrett, P.-'nee llupert was icrenlly snl. or Alice Arm, oeeupalion pronpector and Rupert . ei.inUed in Ihe llciiiau torfkwper, Inirnda to apply for rwrmn-ilon Cnlholie January 24; February 7 and 21. lo la I ha rollomnr deicrlbed unflt; CallieiJrnl. Seaitle, when Oiler Prince W-January For Vancouar, Victoria and Seattla from commrnclnr it poat pu&ted footheait lleiin'r wa' WeiMi'il lu Maduilie and U. corner, it cniini sxiuitirrly direction from 1B and 29 Ft-brvtry 12 Dr.JOS. MAGUIRE S.E. corner of Lot els thrnce S4 chaina Ailaud. AppuctTioss yon oruzivi iin.yiTa 8.8. PRINCESS BEATRICE norths Ihrnre lo enc!i eit: tnenc fl ralla, Marf i ttiiu cntzi.tu act tut. frem rrlste rtsperl fee awassea Bat, cnaina The cfly rouneil tins derided I aoutti; thmci 10 chaaii can and o Ceta. Pell silt.f, Vsa;etse sS Victoria cowaiDina 14 icrea. more ort lea. (rive llje local Iflephonn jfjrls a Applleaibina rr pnnil xn true live tiary SaturSar . si. DENTIST. A.MTIIO.NY MrUUIHE, raise from 50 lo ?00 ;.er monli. stock on ine tory rinse within earn rf rsus, rMensiiens sail rsillBd. srcij w BEHABD W. BAHHETT, 'iratlnr.rjsleitl tt tlm Pravlnce or Hnil.o lAf. c. ORCHARD. Qaneral Agent. Oaled Kovembfr 10, Jtzo. :nlomW4 durlnr the tminr sinn of HOME TREATMENT ' ttf I muaf ho filed wllh lim ni.irlrt lor- Cor 3rd Avanua and 4th girl" Prince Rupert, B.C Rooms 7 and 8 Smith Block MXD ACT. eiten at lUrirxio, Crsnhrook, rrl tleorre. FOR COLD OR GRIPPE kaniKHips, pImi. Pnnre Huprrl. Vssrou-vrr. CAKBIAII LA-XD DISTHKT DISTRICT OP Lady Assistant Open Evenings Vprtwin op w ith th. iwhiikim.. - Office H our: Sunday ji.ruinr. Iiepartnipnt of Lands it Vlrtona. Phone 575 by If. F. kf ram or'Alu-c Arm. orritnalwm tinm. ID. c.. Ik-fora on or Uarrn 11. Iff I 9-12; 1.6; 7-9. Inienil lo fir Method Which Will Relievo Appointment jiertora. apply permiiMon lo a I Hlanlr r,.rn,. hmm .hi.. ,A .... . rmr in. iniowm niarnDii lanna; Corrirw-ncint al a noil riUniid on iru Cold In a.Slngla Night. plirations may be oblainpd rrom trie m PRICES norm uoi naary ur ut llll; thrnr fol irici rrsirs al it aiMiye. psnwd pliPei SPECIAL aiiia mr nirn nairr mark lo nortn ror-n'C of Lot JilS; tlu-nre H. it Her. t nun, F.very reader will lie Interested or Trorn liw iH-parlmrnl of Uaiis at vie- : K . a (IllUnrf or iVI I It., mora op Ir.. ii loria. n i IrcHfuient which, on a record ca.i iK.iino.ry or nivrr Mouin mineral TIip rriimr or Hrraiock on the Cnrvn rlaifn Droduril In a aonthpriv ifirrtif.n. 'stndinsr over inanv rears, tirorn. ' In G. H. ARNOLD, Notary Public iiiiine rolloKlnr produriion or aaid Hir sen relief for eteii had colds in rank willsrtit tieimit ronslitulcs trespass, Skirts .i.juid uouiifiary 10 low wairrmark; innro a sinul' nlshl. prohlhilPd by law. Serge Dresses, follow inr low aiirr marie to norm hnnn, 0. darjr or 1-oi-SHJJ: mn- rlloin( norm This remeilv. under Hie name of B, .HAIiK.-, FOR SALE trirriri' or Lot aois to txMnt or rom Orip-Fix. is now wild al all dniK OciMirlrnrnt of pppoly lands, MlhlsiPC or Undl and Cor.ts stortvs. II in comes capule form 1IIIJI FDMO.VD STAI1X, A urn I. Victoria, B. t:., A fine double corner on Sixth Avenue, n!ar Mcflrlde Hull' January IT. mil. for convenience in laVinr. and January fun, i. Street in Section Six. ffewer connection, Can be bought IV PIUIHATF. nsmirlnR nothlntr prompt hut nellon.Just Iho It cun-tainH in. DEMERS Third Avenue DEMERS cieaifip.eah. An excellent site for that dwelling which n THE SITIIKVE ClLtMBIA.r.nlirr OF BHITIKH gredlenU which are Konernlly Prlrtco Rupert you arcjgoinp to build in the spring, scribed by physicians for cold. is Tlu thf m ACT t Tf:n "oT'Tiii: "aijii.msth. i Is a safe and reliable remedy, BAGS! BAGS! H. G. HELGERSON, LTD. anil tiroinr n action, certain as In Insurance Dpnds Rentals 1.1 THE MATTF.II lip THE ESTATE Or" results ii... m. iiiiicn. iJct.r.Anr IJ Keep box of Orlp-Fix In Ihe TAkE MITICK a liny a bu of substantial Public that In I hp Urfrr or Ilia quality, , Honor, r. Mill. Vounsr, inaitu Hut fain nay hoiisn so an lo slatt treatment of material that wears and with THEO COLLART, Notary or J.nuary, mi, m apiMiinli-il Arimin. nroiiirlly rold us snun an a an. a frame that i lalratnr lo I tin or in. m muu. constructed for Hesl Eetata Insuriu- pears. liy following Ihe direi'linmt service, of RenUla, ami an panic navinr nanus yet light weight. Let LADIES' AND CENTLE. Dyeing - Dry Cleaning asalnil th said r.lalr an Iwrrtiy rrn uirrd even a had cold can ht rnmiuered us equip yog properly for EDSON COAL flTuTk, ' SI pe7 ton l"'""'1 lo rurnUh bronrrlv 1't.riiipil in MT aauia tn mm on a nlxlil. and even a rase which " MEN'S TAILOR For good work, prompt service or brrnrf ihn trd Day of March. A. 0. ISKI. has deeob.d lo the Krippe stann travelling. FOK SAU Sacked, 9 13.00 ,t anl all parima Inrtrbtrrt to ihe estate are Moat Llbnral INSURANCE on MAHINE Fit Guauaxtho and reasonable prices send rood rroiJirrd lo nay Ihp amount or thpir in. in jo Hours. ,- -.(is TniBD AVKNUK to CITIZENS' CLKANEItS & aVbttdness to inp forthwith, lie Hiire In if el the trenulne Orin. F. M. Crosby insurance Ckiropany of North America, rays w"- ' - LEE Oppoalu t'uat Olhca DYKffS. 2037 th Ave.. Van, innv omrlal tl Uiui'i li. Fix, as there are many substitutes. PkanS BW" Phone Red 1HO. Prlnre Adminlalratnr,Hupprl, B. C. Ou sale at all dri'iftaisls, 3Sc. per 715 Third Avenue, Prince llupert P.O. Das 66 Wealaolm Theatre Bleak iaid Ihls Ird day or Ohruiry, Ittt, box. !Adt.,