fnua rxcrrr irrvva TYtto Economy BRINGING UP FATHER 7, GeorgeH it . m IiUhat?, auu iin -U. ITH i SlTlt1BfcJ iy gg I Ills ewatfK'wSft flffi - cons i ni5ht L thi ' . - h MWO.LI5CIH . (5f5Sj COIN' IN THM TN , YOU id ut your last year's ikirt or dress and have it returned, looking like new isn't that true economy? Frequent Dry L CTC""" r"' InTi jc l" J-sg!SSC' J IHIjt rsaruaa navies Cleaning and Pressing yp. will prolong the life of your clothing and Session Busy for keep it fresh and new. BUSINESS DIRECTORY economize May we? help you League of Nations These are Good Places to Make Your Purchases when You go out to buy COAI EDSON MINE M Canadian Reduction of Armaments, bstablishment oj AERATED WATERS FURNITURE AND GENERAL LAUNDRIES csckco 1S.to Ui Steam Laundry International Court and Other MERCHANDISE Dulk Justice of CAVER BOTTLING WORKS - CANADIAN STfAM LAUSjDflV Phone 8 to t'ra.wr Sir..1 PhOW lit WltrntO ORATTON Cor TMM ind Tih. I. Ipr CtrtHuil tixt Preaatsr D11 Matters to be Dealt With I'twms Urrn .aJ.I far Mrond MihI rurnl-tore. COM BARBER SHOP PAINTERS AND DECORATORS f o b cars NRW YOD.K, February 8. Twelve important cogs in the VOKAMAMA BAR9IR SHOP " FURNITURE reto fCAOOtM machinery'of Hit League of Nations, ninny of which are to be Lady lirrber . Bsina 1)1 ird Are. Slllh ssd Trsner - etme Oreeo l raANt r-cmu set in motion vieii-lhe Couucil of the League convene in (leiicva Thim e. rtsew Orreo 441. NANAIMO - WfLLIKCTCI Switzerlmrd, February 2!, and the problems which nwnil their BAKERS PAINTS AND OILS COAL Reductions u-lion ore dcllned in a fureenM of the work of the League which la casic BAKtnr FEED STORES THI A, W. EOOC CO. ll Are. ha,, just been received here. rtilril Acenue pimm ft eaiNcc rtuptRT rtto r.o. PBI. oiu. HUM and WsUHt. on All Lines Arthur bweetser, an ofHocr of the American commission to lurallnn. rtir. tin Are ami 710 SL CHINA, CROCKERY A NOTIONS Albert & of Hie Peace Conference al Versailles ami who is- now attached to PAINTERS AND DECORATF.RS McCafferj tlie League of Nations' secretarial stalf, is the author of tlie THE bCNPIV ALII CO. FISH MERCHANTS, RETAIL scll cstossrrr n. Third tenue, ufpialle eMt Omrs. AaTrUMI'S MASIACT Phon-s SCI forecast. lie way the twelve cops 115, Furniture ait- really special commissions, lily providing ll.nl those nalhms Thllfl Ave. roi-nei A 4lt. I o. Imi 4I PLUMBINQ I!m iiersonuel nf which Will in so desii ing. may ccept tint pi in-c CLCANINQ AND PHESSINQ 'GENERAL MERCHANDISE ST II a LOSJOWILL rtwea S. miie case m iWitmaltil by the le of cimpulRory adjudicalion TOKYO DVC WORKS l'miin( tnd dry r.ounril at its forthcoming meet-ins. and dial the organisation of Ihe i-lrsnlnr - 3rd Ahhi Pinna 4T IWINO CHIN VUtN CO. until rhy , ei u.l should be subject In ratification 731 tacene Axana eivaa Black nCNTAL3 WE SAVE The suhjerfs (hal will be of individual n.-tions. t. W. MART MMK Start 411. Large Stock Imn. leil by (lie commissions arc iVtion for or againsl Ihe emir! CAFES GROCERIES numerated by Mr. Sfreelser as vil' be taken in a numher'dr THC BOSTON DRILL LIMEY'S PRINCE RUPERT OROCCRT SIGN PAINTING is reduced fi.l'ows: fi.il liamenfx nh,oh meef tMsA-ear.: Third Ate. hone 417. tins place lo rsl cur uli sod Fulfil -- rtmo Your Clothes CtL A CROSICTT PH 477. Mandates Reduction of Armaments 9 Trcbuical cxariiirtatinn Jr.lo 1 lie An iiilfrmvlioDal eoinmUsion of - THC ELITC CAFE HARDWARE iScroiul Ave. Blrm rwal tor Uie mow). arne present condilion of wnrhl arma- nine iiieinbors from nori-iiiand.ul-oiS- HOWE MtNULTT - Tnd Av. H. SHEET METAL WORKS Have ..i ..;. s iienl:', now iimler way hy the poveis,js lo be appointed by 'lUiKhauillrn. palals and riWrtan s tup-ell's. ll need . Era'flhlaf la !l HaUla Ihfl Co.iini 11 in n- ;riliinci'i Willi CIGARS AND TOBACCO . . permanent Naval, Military and Air u: ROWE'S MM r.-.. t Furniture Store, Kohmilssinn of llici.Lcaguw will be nprevincnt. ceaclud mi November T0KAHAKA TSf'Tfllwl w. WL IMPORTED GROCERIES Ittmi AifTMM til lit llo-'ri i, i m a' Third Avenue .oinpleled. . , In nduition a tern J'J. The (iiet'i n nf mandates n . arv foinmisslnri of expert in fix- I be;1 3,000.000 or Inure people DhUGGISTS Fi'lh ALB Slrrl CRT A MEAT MARKET CllkKie tl STUN LONOWILL PftMt S. 'Jusl ph ti of PaciOc Soulh adiir. .. I Hie ir.litiral, orl.'l nnd economic Islands, Aflfia, word twill beasked to submft plan Turkey, and,'; Klao-CJiow, freed LAUNCHES FOR HIRE TAILORS LADIES AND GENTS brins! Ho '" W. J. McCUTCHCON to. a reduction of -armaments. ft-nin (ierihany and Turkey by the fresh. Remind Avrnui and Slith Slrrrl. -NARBETROfta." Launch Phaaa Slack 400. M. T. LEE iw,altf P.l nmt The aim of this commission will vvnr, open.H one of the least ad-Vtn?ed rn larireal dmr nous lo IV or tlx rn B. C TIM- 4 100.000 Host, Aid feaninf sikI rra(. Terrace Fruit Lands In- In get membe'S of the Le;igic of nil the League's problems. .. agree not to exceed I heir pre-!)! Tentative- drafts have Modern Cleaning S scale of afiuainents, to asree peters-, so that te League is no-.v. 20 Acres,3 Mile from Terrace on Good V.gon Road. to a pnfHir(mili! nnd simul-l b -en profmsed' by Ilia Allied Pressing Co. Good black soil on clay sub-soil. ii i ous reiluclinn in ' military in posNCSMi'oii of Hc teVms of all Daily News Classified Ads. 4 Acres under plow. 7 acres more ii (!ri'ts and to urcepl Iho prin piosaecnv,, iiiandalen. These 3rd Avenue, nsit CvriWi partly cleared; 25 bearing fruit ciple nf ciintiflc and compre-b: ' i'l hi- analyzed and, where neces trees; 2 good wells with lots of -jiossuiie 2 CENTS PEu"wORD IN ADVANCE. No Advertiument Taken JW L - tt.ma SOi Bskery water; well made log-house, 18 nsive I'fibiciii.n of annn'iiienls sary, riianirs recom by 24 ft., two stories, with addition lo Ilie le.-t figure mpalible with mended. 16 by 18; log barn, 20 by Ln.li nal securit). InveMligation Economics and Finance VAftTXD. iTKNiir.itK will nr. iiKci:tvr.ii; LOST 4ff feet with cellar beneath, full size of barn 10 feet deep; Price ll.e private mani.facture of a permanent, centralizing, ec I by the undersigned for Ihe purchase NifM rtior . $2,200 c.h for quick sale. $2,400 munitions and war material, de- onomic and finam ial organicfion iSTKNOnnAPIIKRS i:xnminalion of the hull of the gashuai LOKT-i Mlerll"K ii liver rigarelle W I . - on terms of half cah, balance 1 juiiunced um a soeice of danger is to be formed v.ithin the Lcugiie for !.:. Civil Kervfee. An j "Tnltan," seeiify-fle feet long; r.se on s inre of KtiawBtlan Dnr Phono S year at 7 per cent. ilo the world lliriiugb an extended 1 y (he appointment of an advisory exouiinatinn for junior nnd Iwenty feet nenm, uwned by KliitMr please .-lihrl.e KENNEY BROS. & CO. si'le tlirniighont Hie Ich civilized e. o?.oioii; and financial coiiiinilli-c, senior BiefJ(ff4pt(N will be' tbe Hudson' Hay Conipnny. tlallv NVws mi , 32 STEENSLO'iGMLj a'vin iii Asia and Africa" will be H i membership of ujiidi will lie held on SgUirilay. February; yhre she lies pn Ihe heaeh ul - Metal Worki Real Estate Sheet and Insurance LOST Alrwlale do Usl i nilertafceil. , ;. comjosed of lending world flnnn- tOflt. I2l. In'VdtiriMiver,. Vie'-! J'orl Sliiikiui. Temlcrs lo be in wpek. Terrace, B.C. International Court cierM and eeinninisU. This toria, New Waalmlruter and toy ofllce tint later limn flv Anyone stjaiog same kindly Agssil fr Mi ar r " Nominalii.ns ; f if judges, coiiirniltci in a sene will be Ihe such oilier foliUs h'h there may: o'clock p.an. February 20. 1 021. phoi (irerti tSS. 73 VaJr HI ll.nll.pv .ml i l'oscn for u p'c1'd of ninn yearsi, s;ieceMir of Ihe Supreme rcon be five or more, eamlidales. I M. M. KTHPIIJJNf, P. (. drawr Hewmrd, , tf lleatlnt Enl'04' 'I are lo hfl made next summer and onilc Council. It i lew out of the rtndidalcs must lm Kritishj 1705, Prince lluperl. II. C. if TAKHN Inr mlstalfc from HI. An- Sth Rtrrt s. i '-"-Princ -r-ji TOM LEE CO. Hie selection announced at Ilie missels intermuionai i;onterenc MUbjeids. u sidcnl of Canada fort drew s 1 1 nil Friday mglil. sinirle It'iptrt .' Kei nnd Asembl lo be held !n rnd will lie charged with Ihe duly at least one ypar, of the full age FOP. 8ALK Purse eliiA boal I) ladles' galler. Pkion-: 137. 33 810 Second Avenue, West Sitemlier next. The list of oi' considering thn Immediate ap- of sevenieeii years, and noti n. hy II ft. o In. hy -1 ft. 1 1 Ion ( c, niliilali-s will be prepared main- p'.c.ation of t ial body's rceoin-tuendntions. nior' than lhirty-flo ytjars ofi net, 1, "gross; 25 h. i. Hire LQ?T Man's gray wool etT elmn. VEGETABLES I." b the Hague Court of Arbitral ago. Ap.l!aalWi to write wilt cylinder heHvy duly lrllss.pn Under? pi retur.i to News Wholesale and Retail J.ihlico and all nominee will he Other abj-rls to be dealt with b' rw'eived ujf to noon, Wed-j Kine. Hull and engine in guar ufllon or phone VH. SMITH & MALLEI71 Oeneral Contractors and vi.ted upon separately by the by commissions ar proposed tVday. Iitiuruary Oth. 1921. ! mined i-ondiHiui. K I e r I r I a Labor Exchange Aw emhly- and ll.e Council. So amendments to -the Covenant nf Application forms and full par-1 liHlils. hllsjd pump, five berth. FOUND bo obtained from Carry (J.ooo humpies. Prioe LUMDINQ AND HTI titulars fof fi 22 nations, including Oreat tfce League, reglif ration and pui- may FOUND Oold tnountMl wolf lusk. Prince Rupert, H.C. V-ilain, France, Ilaly and Japan, lirationf Ireatbs between mem the undersigned or from and immediali sale 12,000.00. C. I), Apply Daily N.w nHlftf, tf ENOIfrECRS Phone 547 P.O. Hox 725 1..-ive signed the pr tocl provld bet nanons, inefhods of applying Ooverninerit AgenL W. II. Payne, Ketrhikan. 33 Kallmstoi furoUbel ins fir the'Courlj whose adoption Ihe international economic block Mclnnes, Civil flrvieo Commissioner, FOll KALK Oil LKASIWob print-ing FOUND Man's fell hill. Apply ade and means of providing funds Vfclorla, II.C., January News oflW. f I.y a unanimous vole of the A business and 'plant. For ra tj v " UAVE Your Suit Cleaned sLinbly Is held li l,A the rireatest f. r Ihe seerelirrlat and inidiling tSlli. 19SL '. particulars apply Dally News FARM1J FOn SALE of :end rl 11 and Pressed by our Steam iSMirfle advance tbe league of ilk occoi nts. WANTED Second-hand furnl.F office. . " tf Phon. 174 P 0. r Machine Method. Price reason-able. NallMis Iia yet registered In In ""Oil er poriiinissions or oigntiU- ture. If yoiL-hav'e anything to C. P. (i: PAHM LANDS The rich Give us a trial. ctions will fake ini'llmds of 8i:C0NI).lIAND FUIINITUI1F sold lernationul reintlinsr up sell call lied 243. Wo pay cash. prairies of Alberta, Saskatchewan LING, TAILOR SSSSloa Two important iirobleins which imp'ovin? means- of conintinica-llcn F. M. Crosby, 715 Third Avenue on comuilsslon. P. LeCIaire and Manitoba are, especlal- bt.d lo be decided befere Ihe eourfl and !ranportalmn In Huroite West. . tf- mono cireen all. tf I ly suited for mlied farming. b. s ins lo convene were, llrnt and co-oiYlinaliC'ii ..f international - Land that will produce higi TUIW! j should the court liavi lh power heallh organlulion in combating WANTLD - !?oonjl - hand hil.T'f""ir.an 8AI''V-'ul'"in....... n im boggy,. crops of grain and foddsr, undj PIANO REPAIRS ; i if.',,.- ,,i rrii n. ...l MUSIC FOR DANCES. i T coiiipulsory adjiuliratlon? And, e hleinics. buitvy. I'libiu (Hue 321). :iii well adapted for dairying or, i ENI,-RCEIM5 ARTHUR'S eco cis-"no, si:ouiu n He oigamzcu ny Humanitarian Work SITUATIONS WANTED FOll SAM' p rfee'ion Oil lleatnr. livestock raising can still bof HCTO hettra resolution of the Assembly or Under Ihe head t humanitarian Apply P.fl. Ilox 100. 3? had at prices averaging about! Agent for ii c Phone 481 Phone 481 j i Kiiiiiicii ui r. i uiraiion ny in- wcrk come such tiubjecln as flw Thorouglily eiporlenced book 18,00 an acre, with twenty made in :i (Ui 'iciual nano.iHT Jt eso ques. Armenian massncres and (be keeper desire pnslliny,- Honk-keeping FOR RENT years to pay if you wh. Only neesssarv. li. .1. I... II.. Au....... white slave and sny comlit' :n opium Irallle, wrip II.- iu u II? till- nnncui. work. Accept 10 per ennt down. No further or (i(inllnr vMih are fo be hhndled by tlu permancnl or iamporary posi-tlipii. FOll A IJNT Seven-roomed lnuise, payment on Ihe nrlnclnal until potted Phone e'-c' wCI ri ; co-operation of several Ar .ill furnikhed, suitabia for roomora. the end of the fourth K"i Rupert. Dance Orchestra llox SH News iifflco. 3t year; thenl J.5I.J' goveriin"nl In the League, ihe Apply JM Third Avenuo liasl, sixteen annual payment!. In-lerest I 4 Red 291 !Four, five or six pieces united xjttiPH..Bp du and llrazil, at FOR SALE naxt Pbmecr L.Tnndry. 33 8 per cent. Now ready for engagements ll th csuts ol rrsit luffsrlnj ll.e Cotinel'.'s invitation,- have FOn nnNTThree-room furnish Write to II. o. Loughran. Land Phone H. White, Red 102 from bickichs, rheumstltm ind reed to use tide influence to FOll KALK. Five'roomed modern ed Atent, C. p. Ii. Station, Van. aparlment. 208-210 luitiBifo. rou em quickly mt end Ihe Armenian horrorn and Ihe bouse, No. . 128 'Fifth Avenuo Apply tht kidntyi rfght b tulnj- Or, Ninth Avenuo West. (f M Chits'i Mldnsif Uisr Pitts. 0ns Al'Ied powers, through their re. West, .'U5Q; Termn. Call or ACCOUNTANTS Hotel Prince Chartered Accountant pills doss. 25c.sbox,ildiiilori. IKexenlallves at Constantinople, 6r phone ffM BppQ.lhtmenl. SHORTHAND TYPEWRITING F.XPFH 1 F.NCF.D ACCOUNTA NT and Auditor. e now ascertaining the best One of (MfbqJ .jcsidenllal, rt" would 'take charge of set of EUROPrAN GEORGE RORIE nr. Chases methods of epproach. view, dooliTJcoT-hcra in Section Pitman f tenograohlo School forties, hola or tiarl lima. 1.b0 per f f Korlc 4 Brain. C.A.. Vsaoourer and Hfteen nations, including Can- i, IISO.oOTej-ma. - . ' Evening classes..Monday. Wed V, It, timif . PHONE 887.,1'rioea ftuport.P.O. liox Ml ar.a, PerMa, Slam, Auslrla, Jlul. One business Tot"on Second nesday and Friday, 7:30 to"0 'lilsfefc 280. iiiiscrpu, riion tf FIRST-CLA8I Cft Federal Building garla and flertnany, are giving Avenue on gindo, $1,100. M, o'clocki Individual f nstriietlon.-Nu.J!fio!ilhirJloi,-ka. A La i;". (Continued on Page Six). - M. Hi. tf phi us. t( ,. Advertlsii Itx.tba.Daily N Wl,