Hi TnBO 8 THH DAILY flaWB THOMAS M'CLYMONT CATAKRH BUYS CIVIC BONDS 24 BLADDER rlivi HOURS In I Westholme Theatre Qlvos 95.41 Not for $10,000 Worth of City's Sewer Bonds. fUUlM f s.V. . TONIGHT ONLY Tin eity nuinril has nutlion'i I ln .ll'' of 1 0.0(10 worth r lh TERRACE THOMAS II. INCi year six per rent sc.wer Ponds lo STveem Thomas MrClymnnl al .13.11 m l. The .ale lo made on lite reeom- Mr- Mrttrruor '""I diMiahler! CHARLES It Can' Leak, meiuUMnn nf (he finance ciim- ii.uvil from - - Hitperi cm! Because It's Made iniltee "I"I sanie aiieney also Mmnlay. Mr ffenil In liliy f 15.000 more "f Unity 111 . WiN Sll lllf.'IIIMglll of in One Piece small issues. 'I'Im Maw 11 i'.-.liylt-1-iiiii Mi-imii. u in tiihoi-ixiim I In sale of I lu'sn been scalded by a li-vvii lit! week. 1 EVER hot-water bottle? ThU sower liiiniN wa passed ti year can't happen with Kantleek, '. II al I In miMiiripnl eleetioii. Mr. Ilurlnii r Piiiiiv ttuperl Kantleek Hot-Water Bats I'iiOM' m tn .III. iinyn iraUt. His m tinprinp; was Then a 'four f!. llirjr' can't leak. They are "one-piece" POLE MATERIAL hut ho water baas moulded n. Ii. Mum ! Kii'itf1iiB a few right, always manager t . i from pure toft rubber into slow. Boforc he ih.yn lii'rw. ran spring r-f Ar tingle piece no joints or Kami, IFoup Firms Submit Tenders for ire Most hot-water bottles are made could stutter his srUs l tr in sections and cemented. Brackets to City Council. Mr. (Hid Mr. C Wnite look nnu ii'-f' f ( Cement cracks bag leaks! 1 1st 'r )till Hire-1 .'Iiiiil In I'rlllciM talk, his "prospects" We guarantee a Kantleek tot Ti'iulci m wrri' opened al Hi.pert foe Ileal treatment. I always ordered frcm You wui f. I two years or a new bag free. nielli' eoinicil mtielinu: fur I ho Hie is now iloiliM nicely. this hhtws else. Ask to see the Kantleek. upplyinii of hruekefs fur Ihe somebody r i You snay need it tonight. niitrripal poll' lines ami were referred A linioeli of I lie Skffiia IHvnr That was before a girl In Ihe utilities eoniinlllee. (:i-Uirrathe was iiiiciml In Ihe Tl.e Innuers Mihiuillfd were re. Pent OmtM) hliM-k last w.'i'k. ot to tinkering with J I ieelively a follows: a his heart and wound A I'ieture that i$ Pallinson I.inn. MS I.HO, F. Iook tf tits- llnnnon (iiiiHiiy 1S12.D8, 5l3. I. 5;.07. is in town nUpri'sriii. him up tight. for "G.xd Timt" Ward, Al S. :. parkin ' U. Olllierl v.-nl In llaaelton J' ORMES LIMITED 310, $50. on W I'dnesila-. ii'luniing on Sal-! Canadian iTpiieral Klefirie Co., urrlay. ' j M21.80. 21?.li. Sf5.rtJ. 52.i7. 1 .- , a Northern Eleetrtc Co.. tl 18.78.! Mrs. 'tek't1lnll returneil lliin! fSSO, 305.J5, JSi.40. ALARM CLOCK The Store w-k frufrt Ihe Prinee llupert Id spilal Wttd Is oiHylnir wild Mrs. WHIST LEAGUE DURTON HOLMES TRAVr.L PICTURE A. I toss. ( ANDY" Follow in is Ihe "standing lo Mr. auil.Mrv J. Conk enter-, . le for the Dybhavn Cup: Ir.ined. tl4 rrsMfents on the W. I.. Ms. I.i'kfl siilejtf ! ! rivi-r at a very Ktiiiihts or Col. 10 2 20 EMPRESS TONIGHT ONLY h-njoyalle ilaiiei- on Saturday THEATRE, Mail Your Sou of Canada .7 5 1 i ivi-ninir. ' TIMBER SALE X 2817. Valhalla 0 5 15 Sealed tenders will te rerelred by the Sons or Kngland 0 6 12 "wood Ilro..!i kfl on .Thm-df.y Broken Watch Minister or Land at Victoria not later Knlnlils Pylhias .5 i 10 fur Vanci.uv.jr. Owen Moore "The Poor llun noon un I lie ii:h day or Mlrrli, ll, SI. Andrew' .... 5 5 10 in Simp for tlie purchase of Llrenre X til J, to cut I. It. O. F 3 5 C Mi's. l.iHI.- ami Mrs. Moih'ktoli O.33II.OO0 reel or Spruce and llrmlork on To Us fi. W. V. A 3 8 C relurrii'rl from I'.-'ure tlupert .u an area adjoininir Iieena I. It. .No. 1, Sklde-irale Inlet, ijtiren Charlotte Islands bls-trlrl. Klks i. ..3 8 C Saturday. . ; COMEDY AND WEEKLY This is a good time of year Two (2) rears will tic allowed for removal W. Hflnle "smiii cot hi hand to have t'lio regular overhauling or Umber. 1 Pill a laxative, il 'ilo badly in lhi My wlnvl of hi. Further particulars or the Cbkrr Forester, June. Victors I, B C. or District Forester, Prince 2 Pills Cathartic, i-nvine, but i ilnlna wi-ll under' CCRTISICATC OF ISIPMO VIMIMTf. a lino a box large enough hupert, B.C. Mi-. I'.aiiiplwH'n I'nre. Iron liukr Mineral .mm, lol o. till. 1 In n lue f Mineral Claim. u no. and puj, plenty of soft pack, 3 Pills a Purgative, Ju r.psom Mire-ral Claim, Lol n tus. Iiert Mineral ilsim. Lol Un. fill ail HAZELTON ing around. ' ladjiinln( rainersl rlaima (Must in Vueen This it the Way MiUburn! harktiie Minitir Iimmi Hupert liisineL B i fcere he-sl.il on IHiise Island. We guarantee satisfaction. Lax.Liver'Pill Work. I TASK "Tli K nut I. :. J. Ben.n of to orsaiino It hus Imhi ilrs'idi'il lo hold CANCELLATION OF RESERVE. a :ifjr of VaitriMiser, IT.t of Hnii.o rii'K of ..-.rki . . i.i, .t-i 31-ohinibla. Free Miner's frlillealsi ."in. as . MIl.CE IS IIEItEBY OIVtM ttiat IM You iM-jrr John Bulger reserve mverlnt Lot its, cassiar District. miiltia. luiUM-almr so k.niui. puraiur pills. U.IIHTs Ly Mnryrr funds for liailul",riil for els l-ersen. of Ihe ul uiy of Is cancelled. , r. nUHilns as lhc.v li ralxnel and fcllwr for Xt Srlmol. leienfl II4P IJaielloH O. 11. SADKIM, itl C. silly ( Hats from is. Jeweller Devuty Minister or Lands. ' lliaitir mliH-ral iiivreilients. onre yun e ' Uiaie twreof. to spfly tor a Lrown Orsal of Muds Deruirlment, Mliburii's un-Mver. a pill lual is twrMy .. . . . rbe abnse elsiros. GIFTS THAT LAST Victoria, B. C, trxruble. uenrv n. I'arein lias rniurni-ii i ami nmnnt TAkt miticl mat Hat; tm lw-eniner. . tSfM '". nnrter sertttxi IS. nmsl be nstiioenred Imlnr ta Ihe ureal rare used In pr t i-i'siiiim' liis duties ntl.'ll ilrne 1 1. i.uiiam ,.r mpli lmhimi. .1 LAND ACT. rtirlns; .. biituesl rrath- r drurs fruni iit'eiil al NewllsielUrti. rMn.enienu whlt-U ttx-jr are inannraetuml. I hey are as niTEb IMS Jrd day of necmiber, A. o. ins. FORM OF" NOTICE. mar errerl as l I Isltki lo (el a Mrs. Iaid I..iial'Non and lml c i. r.iet.. Utallve reiiietly. e ASSIAII LAMl MSTHICT DI3TIUCT OK left lol we.'k for their new lnmie XASSIAII. TlHijr orlL (ently simJ rnecllvetjr, Willi-nil CCRTI'ICATC OF IMPR0VKMKNTI. FOR SALE IAkK Hillre I lu I A welMer Sroll Xllnp--II. a riie or paiii in Toriilito after all exlemled visit In. .... , uM m, l.i , , . Inrlian of ArenL Teleirfspti inlrnds Creelc.t apply B C,for orrutMlion nerrnis--imii ir yu an- Irool.lml llli rMwtipatlon, he-..Willi hi" li.'.relttrt. Mrs. Will. lt: Ipsi liike o. I Mineral l.'lsim. Let IiIiiihissn-m; uiiveu lo dislraefsMi wlUI alrk Siinesae rrsrOon Mineral in irate Ihe fnlnlrir desrrilied lands: Claim, Mrs. inolliei. li.-nnl, DonuKJMill s i iiiiiiiH-nrlnir at a poH planted iua yards heailaelH-s, ir your lonrue Is BbsU-tl. yulir IM SlK JM, o.rneld Mineral Claim. 11 House of 3 Rooms nu n- or ! iHirlnwi l or the norinwest breaih had. yonr rxonfeilnn nniddy, yoMr w. nl a- fft Us Smiltiers. wlier- .1,n-C tla I fs--AII in atiua.a.ljinii aTn..L..,, miners a.,, I ..tisims,i. -oriM-r nf tlie Teiirrh Creek townsite, mark, d liuilal Cull; llmirr imrtn 10 mains; .-yes yell. w. have Austins sMrks Ijerure he Visileil er oilier datljlili r. Hnferl IH.IrirL Where sorsled: Oo Louis and Bath, Fully Furnished ItH'lir.' .'MSI 411 rlutllv; ttielire south 40 Ihe eye. ia.ih.Hei-. iit'liiiii. Ik-eu..is or Miss Jean (iranl ilslsnd. Section C 1'iiHi- in.nre w.'iii in rhains fo the pr1nt prutrutliiiir piles. iii i,p your siusrisn i.r. ...F.i'.r. m,1 I. " nii'r. ui iDfi or riminii'iii-eim-nt, and roniainlns; 1(0 acres illy of Varxoater Croirinre of hnti.a tjf loir with a rrw ilteu-s or Mlllwni'a "". rree nr-s i-riillrai no. lilt $2,350.00 Inure nr le. Hr II ',l.i,.li I..,.- ii.,. VVF.IISTEH SCOTT hlXl'SO.1. Uta-Uver I'llls.i H, aclmi -si behalf or cnyseir and as area! lltU; Iie.'emuer 1 A It). 110.1 Mrs. Hoy Markle. orillla, Oat., writes; VIM', for Van .Miver lo ulteiul mi 'r Hsed Marfjostaid. of Ine said cur of VsnnMiver, rree Miners trtinrala A. 4 Room House I desire lo eipress my tkanka tor Ihe "Xi'CHlive "InccliiiU if Hi Hi:. t34 B. Intend aluy ItUi days from Ihe n.i.-l I liste had by usliijf Milburn's ilale hereof. In afNy rur a crown liraul Second Avenue, Section 1 l.aa-l.lver I'llls. I Had been sulTerint ll.tliitnls' Assioeinlion. or 'he atiAse risims. .IMi I HIT II Ml TAkK .MiTItt that ae $1,600.00 n.r vnif lin fr.no nnsliialion and bad IM, sjiwer serUwt It, mint b roniuaeiired iMsJsdies. I tried all sorts ut cures, ;y session for letfurr Ine isssjanee of such Oriuitsia of Wednesday Special whlrh did ine Iki kukI, iiiiIII 1 was advised league of nations tinnnwMiienis. UATtO this Ird day or Oerember. Ills. Lot 1st Avenue on in try your pill. I rot ureal rrlier srier ALEX Kuiis.HU. id I ' l .Aliilr only a rew dimes. Section 1, close to I'rlre Jir. a vul al all dealers, or mailed (Continued from page it it l'ltoBTr. Besner Apartments New Zealand lire.! on rei-elpl ut prlee by TIm T. Nil-burn i. tIie sri hi.Mi: i.oi nT or uhmisii $600.00 i :.. Limited, Toronto. ODL AilvL llnaiu iiil iiid to coiiilial Iviilni" i:oli;mhi. vl icli tiu- li.-en lagintt in IUikIi-i n IX lit MsTTLH OK Tilt "AKMIMstllA-Tio.v ICurii more (libit a eur. ai:t - ami McCaffery, Gibbons Butter Public Notice, An iiili'i'iiiiliffnal confereiire on IJ asii;,i.w Till: MtTlUI oLati.il.OK ntinsiu,TIIK STATK.VIL-TATt. OK the while kIiivis Iraffie is lo he held lli - Miniiiii'r. 'A coiiiiilion of TAkt Kol ICE ttuiiit ihe I inter irf Ills Market .4 Ltd. The Best Hat the Doyle, . in bulk A. J. Mallet., 1 1. re iiinlilleil -euMliuls of Ac Ih.le.r K Veil. Vuuua, loads Khi tilli day on or JtOttary. A. Ii. I If I, I is as aotsiiiel 3rd Avenue Phone 11 2 lbs. for $1.25 inenin and Asii .Minor, one of Olson.AdiatSHslrslliH-erased,to and the all eslsle farliea or Andrew turUia them 11 w..iiiiiii, is lis he ai'poiiil.il IsliUs aasinsl lo saut eslsle are hereby Today hy the Council lb report on I lie n wired lo rural..) sense, pronrrly yenned, . formerly of the firm of in sne. on or lacfnre in day or Mirrn. tialTle in women niul ehilJren in A. II. it I. awl all parties Indebted lo lit Fresh Smith & Mallet has no estate are minimi lo pay in anmsitit of Eggs that part nf the tforJd. i Heir Imh blnlness lo me rorilmna. connection with the firm Opium Trade iou m. MrMl'tllv. Are You ArrivinK Wednesday boat of Smith &Mallett, Ltd. Sup!i'f..ion of (lie trail.' in Oiled Ibis HI day omrlsl or Irbrosry,Aiiinlnlslralnr,till. $9.50 New Price but has formed a new oi iimi and other tin ion tie ilriifs, IK inoHlTP.. with J. H. I'hpei'ially in China, is lo he ix the si'I'iikmf: rot at or intmaii COLL.VIIH. 70c dozen Sartnership the firm ii'ide. taken hy (.11 advisory eolu-mitter, per IVtIIK MATTEH OK TIIE "AIiMI.Msllll-TIO.X aiiJiil hy exTrt from nil ACT .name of Hit, riniiili ies Involved, 'The: Slul Insured? ' ,ViT7n' " TIIK r.TATE ok We are paying II) per cent on Ni therlauiis' yiivvrriiiient, which XVU-UM' I'tttABU). .v MARTIN O'REILLY American hxchnnge. H ring jour KELLY & MALLETT he elufoi-e lias-taken the lead in TMrAT American here currency the of Ihe oiuiii TAkK UiTICt Thai In Hie Order ..r Ills Heating and Sanitary HuppietMluyi Muiwur K. UrH. Younr. msil I lie tun day Komi people only begin lo i iiie iiy rii-iBTIDIIliite uiliujl, iiuS :f. inry. A o t. I was auiminird sum nisireior in llie elsie or entries i appreciate the value of Engineers, turned tin- whole prolilem over lo W inlaws, ilerrased. and all inrliri htvinri Rupert Table Supply Co. the I.eilKiie. Hallos sssiii.i the said male, are hereby Fraser Street Fire Insurance when their leCiiMred to ruml.h mine, properly verinrd I Ill rotlrlijalojl, Mr. Pweeltei' lo me, on or herore the III day of Mirr'i 1 house lis burning. PHONES 211, 212. HHONESi A. Ii. I III. and all parttea Indrbled In ln ! Office ... Green 88 di i iared that "Dip inoiilhs lie-lu'een estate are reiiiiirMl lo par llie amount of Don't take a chance I House ... Green 410 now ami Hepfe inlier are ua.r liidebtrdness MUX lo II.me MrMLI.I.I.V forihwnn. ti. inu lo tie full of veiy eiu-efol onirlsl Auiiiliil.li sine Safety Hist. Call and sco luted I In. Isi diy of libruary. IVII and ilelaileii alut'y of every phase of Leiixue inlereHl, The I,euKie," IX I'ltlllltTK. Phone 655 327 2nd Avenue I.X TIIE BUI'lirjMKooi'HT OK IIIIITIsll DENTISTRY he ns I-. 'iiislenil of slowiiiK up, Dybhavn & Hanson C. V. EVITT is Koinu uhead Willi (J lea I it in-I. ' l!oX V " E "A,,,",I,T', Don't neglect your Teeth Auctioneer n-it than ever." A Insurance Agents. Third One decayed or missing tooth IX TIIK VATTHI OK Till: I.STAT V, OK Avenue, I'rinee Itupcrt lowers your elficiency Auditor and Accountant Never forget lo look throunh nVtsTAir TT ""UA,, "Mnko,' the rlAafierl list TAkK NoiIcK tii.1 in lo. iia..i.. ... in. DR. BAYNE I i.niiur K. Mi-ll. Yuune, mule the t.iin dsv or January. A, i. , itif u,. apimlnted ( Office Hours-Morninir, 9 to 12; Ailiniiitsiralor In the i-siais .r iimri s-. I Afternoon, 1.80 to 5.30; Satur in. o afuysii, iliTi-aseil, and III parlies hav day, 9 to 12 only. Evenings, PLEASE im rlaiiiis aisinsl llie said estate are PACIFIC CARTAGE LTD Tuesday, Wednesday and irl- OUR COAL WILL YOU lierrliy felil'eil.retiilrsl to me on lo oe furnish iiefi.r.same,in. properly in ,ia. I'hone93. S. & Parker, Mgr. Cdsy, from 7 to 9. CIean4Lunip. Clean Egg. Mine Itun, IT'S HOT. NO SOOT of Marrli, A. I. IVII, and all parties In I neuiea w in estate ire nniilrrd I lo Careful fttUnttun river to all ordra fur DENTAL NUH8E IN ATTENDANCK Consumers Coal Company, Ltd. llie amount lit I hair Indrbirdnesa lo pay Vie furnitur. frviubt b u$m or vthrr roriliwllli. ( 1 traDfr work HI0NE 109 roit A f POlNTMENTjfl JOUH II. 1 ORDERS TakiN run COAL awu WOOD 11 Smith Block PJIONK 1 i. LorrutJUcLaren, Manager MrJIL'LI.IX,Aiiiiimisinl ;on;eisi ir tisita uui iii dy r taiuiry. ivn ,