1 V PAOP TWO rnr. mu,y new Wd. .tint. !,., The Daily News HAS NEVER FELT DOLLAR WHEAT 1 Published pniNCK Kve ry hupijkt Af'ernoon,- exrcpt nniTiHii Sunday,Columbia by The News IHE RHEUMATISM THIS SEASON J. A. KirkjJSatrick Printing ani Publishing Company. Third Avenue. ; t II. F. PULLBN. Managing Kdltnr. Parmer of Manitoba Oot Little I Since Taking "Fmlt-a-llfes" I More Than Half as Much at ; SUBSCRIPTION RATES I The Famous Fruit Medicine Last Year. 1 "The Store of Satisfaction" GUy Delivery, ly moil or rarrier. per month 11.00 lljjinall lo all parts of Ihe Hritih Km pi re ami the United States. v.o. ns iai. rnMM, x s. , Wl.THIPKll, Iter H.-HU.- fin Advance, per year $0.00 "I a.Trrrd alih HIiruinAtHm for immhera of farmer in MMllod i Tolall other countries, in advance, per year. $7.60 n yttn, had it U.M at tia.ee hwa increase! HiMI ihjrtna Hunt vI uawhle to rV r- at five vi-iii . ,'itrdlna t TELEPHONE 08 I triel mrdieUMt I m a,lefthwl, fismri' rummi'-.l hy HeoeiO' Practical Christmas Gifts art wit treated r) .Wear bat tha IHltho. edltii of .irlenllnral Transient Dlsplav Advertising 1-10 per ineh each insertion thrumatim al earn ravek. liihlualioo fur iirovineial Tr:inint Advertising on Pmnl Page $2.80 per Ineh Id KM. I mt in M Kt-rrrtWrmrnt ativerninenl Karmfi- In tin' Loral Header, per insertion 2fie per line th4l rrmth-un mmmM e Ma- orovkiei1 ntimheri'l ,td,2l in Cftsfl! Advertising, per Insertion 2e per word um aod took hot, and -t n-tirf; 1016 aat today th" " r W.I Ml. Appropriate for Men lank. "KraM-a-llW tight areaff LegAI Nlire, raeh imertlon f&c per agate line for aboat mi mth h4 I have llo averwae rV- rereivad h Contract Rales on AppHealrnn. ataee". rnrmer for wheal Hu year ta All advertising should be in Th Daily New OfTlee on day preceding never frit joiin my lllieamatrtm k. urii.in:iDoy. .ManMnha a l: ai :t3e: har. publication. AH advertising received subject to approval. ley. Mi-; iinlato. iae .'r trUt tucKe. of Audit Bureau of Circulation. SOe a box. forf-' r'reivei Member 'iiullH. Tlir nrii lit At dealer r sent iHWtoaKl by il?n wo: Wheat al.HS: oalv Mufflers Fruil-a tiTM I.iuii"--!. OtU.. DAILY EDITION tt V.'.i..-..la. Ih-c. it, I0?l. !'ftr: harti. ho-. ...lat.ie (I..lit. Neckwear lo ml Hi- tnol V fi.ll i.i' n-' , AlaiiiiHoa i.omIii. -si tn.l ti'.oon IiiiM- of wi.-ai 'hi year, with .tiin.ip. . .-nifnrl-. The ery Dunn f' a I'hri.ima- . Another Proposal to .i ..fi Ib-anllfnl k tttl .ilk-Priced WOOld Ite ,.. ,. ., In CLUB BAGS an aseraur yi-hl .if huh'-l ,r.n. f.-eem- Take Skeena Eggs. ler arrr Mr Ma'ho esliiMat'-'l at $3.00 to $4.50 t-. lar- -eit0 In -n,Mtw f,.,i, There i another propnml afiml to lake lmon egg from I'hr niimlwr .,f lni.ltet of ial- aallern in nt lialian and Y.d the Skeena Diver to help keep op the -nnply in the Praer. Several Christmas iiratiimt . rto. I l ,.nm. a-ra. nanny hri-itoi.. l...v.. Special 76c to $175, been taken In the U'elil pi-r a'-rv ?T tnbel: Im -ley. Belts million egg cr young fr have already quietly Gifts JJ.artK ooo; a--ae Jl MMith and nothing has been "aid except one little peep from Th-Daily Estimate Are Low. y .iiK-iiiini.- uaaajul ami In-tina In Xew. Tbe cwajfereiice Ibe other day at VnoctHiver mad- Large Stock on hand. hi rto-ekuu tie ! unnte mal i.'.d iituai loe. Dress Sox Prices low. .hi.' f it reeoBinrmtatkMi Wat thi be done. The Skeena very Im tnn. Mr. Maid.. irodiee i-m "rom $1.00 up Iltxer it. not xpeeftraMy mentioned. hot there are ih other J. F. MAGUIRE iiiii'' to tiw ihsil Mamioli.i Always Acceptable all-ool rihhetl orted Pore m 'littMle are ini and n-i (ial-hi'riee in the north except thoe on the SkeeMa. Next the Prince Hotel Super! :alnilai'' ilh it hjTt of ' Handkerchiefs. rotor- Special at 0 per pt r While the Skeena ha heen fairly well lfleeted. the water iiioaliHit iiriHlui-i ,ii Mi lln-iiiMrtioe'. I'aahniere ,. loin hlah. t.r of I hi- Frnr Iwe not. There hn lieeii riiHlioiHHi trap lihnig KliMial- of Hp-wl- W II ii. f.nl t- iea--- . .1 heaihrr Special at 75c per pair mi pnfrel SiNiml and of the Nh propagate oh the Prater. In er.i :i.f..iMi i' i i-l in.,- jrt f. I !!-: fur. w.i.il 1 ll.l.e I Mi.fl order to get the river Iwwk to H former rwHltttoH all the have to RESTORATION inihet: lh- tn.. . t ion tlekfi .it Pure Irish Linen eal aradr- .... tin m.. 1 t Special at 1100 sr.i th.- hram r!ian' hieed .1 -rt.t.;iVfl Special at 35c, Mc and 75 S1.2S per pair do i- to top nhnig Tor a derade on ho4h Me of the l4Miwlar huh-U liail en tii.- Hemstitched Lawn luir. If Skeena halmon egfr are nenl there they will le delrtiel AND HEALING Iel frooi Mai'tli'tir in ItiO. A i Special at 10c and ISc jii-i .(. the hilliini- of their own protagalinfi have heen destroyed. (rmiinalely t.inai.iMMi were li. Ui I'ntil the tlher interet of the two rwiiitrie get together Prominent Liberal at Capital 1tr erd anl l. r,.i .'io ho-i i- SUITS IhiMi on the aa and the Prier. there i no hope for a heller Says Independents Will Join i f or feed h Ih1 fyiner if tin-lroMiee Dress Gloves Ihe omliiiou. :i ud even with fo-ofralnm it will lake many year to Government. whieh irouulit Itwal yield in Manitoha dMim-iJ,i J, -i II t..r ih.- .-..I-! YOUR CHOICE OF AMY SUIT IN STOCK hriog the ner Imk k to anythnig like it former roomiest), it i , OTTAWA. Iee. ?l. l'laiHW mp n 4n.min.ooa In Kid, Chamois and Wool. Iity it lHMitd he o. hut i-ommerrialiied greet ha trwtmnhetl and Witb. K.l'. (Mtawa. lrawin j Alberta Crop. i.l.- r.mat- for rhoe -. the Ah have gone mid there i no (tikI reaMn why l)ii dilrirt from hi tattaale k.Mowlete at 1 I imirea reeenatt fr.mi Altw-rt -h At Sal Prices. $39.50 olionld 1 1 JeHjBjiteil to make up for Ihe prodigality of Ihe ej4e potiti)-' ial and iiro.-nl. t-,rrf- Mr. I lath h-iw fhe folhrwin .-IpriMluelann tli' view thai lh lfii. or life enatlh. hi 'hal pnn Ultlon Of Ibe Littoral linvern- Wheal. a.OJH.sfon aerea: at-raa Caps I ll, .1... - (..- Imeiii alMMN to r furnied wilt Im- Do Not ' Iter aere. lino hnhet: i-:.. int-liiitnik 1. . .1' i 1 ". Delay - MMrted ay all real latleyemt-eetto I nhri kaMe ieak. I'lealed hark Christmas Buying. ian.a:if;od7 : veiare i trie- rr. il. -' ' ! - Ijm W-if. 1.0 eteeted ta the preenl I'ar. ni .'iht-r alaide hate of all There are only three more day on which U do the ChrUtma liaaaeal. ieeivrl h farmer- AM r.ol. kind. At sale prices. MOTHINO FINER B1ADC buying. Mwt irf the brei Mre open eveniaga, mi there i no reAl He poiiilo ol taai in 19 aert'He. ail : t.v yield it for tbe (Jirtluia HHtil aer-. .115 yld. .'.ll..r, evince leaving hifpinff ratrday.iiighL there were 713 etU. and at the It wtnild he mnrh better to di it Thorxw) or Friday. Thi tg opening of the firat oihi averaae orice riie, trv farm, trewthni i- md only in tte intret of the 'torejieepvr. Ml i ki Ihe Mb re were, out of lhi total, tl? era. ? real ater htishel. I h. MADCTOMCASURC SUITS Hobhertln and SemMteady inlere! of the hop per. Thre are few people ii town hut will I44terala. Owtervathm. toree OWMiher of tter in Mt.i t j 33 13 per cent, Discount tiiieVonir frieiwU to whom lby winh to gWe preet. To gtve Lr'araaer, two ladeyeaeV-aU and -lima led MA.OHi 1 1.. what they like in the important thing, noil in onler to do that it two vaetiat eaf. The Pawn era vahi- -.f ara'n- fr-"Hir.-. i b't to hop prtitinr-e iln'iriK It'.'l m- ',' pftrty.i laod law Ialeaa4aii' hmtHy al lied tin nKi' to Of l.iaeral. ! AO rtTRoiJirM 'T Try to Please in of the pr?reHr aafnasn misr airrar iu wstit wa-mil The Recipient. fttMft4M'Vfe till ftfaW4lff4 MADAME FAHEY HAS t or ro.T, hM;ic W i In Tk i.ih lb 1 inn r-uaa!!. af Canadian National Railways Vh4r the ffiviwg jtm! pteasant Ihe giver a well Tae eiMry aed Ihe iot pirrrrcrpiti erirnit,Itaarsa. a . afilna eatar, a lo Ihe reriptaiiL it will be ilostMy nleaMirable to loth it a wie tfial aaa he hod." he aoattHd. ,3ULLUrUL JtflUnis- Ha 1 ini u prtei hHeol i tamle. If fcntiw Uie fritt! know 1 far reouavast larel it aa lk r4 pre0ktt we we. wliat WSM M nee It now. I Me ulieer Mat anemia lat4 Caaaarlaa tt e he or iie will like. T gie JeeeU .iM-ee.-fnH) It is lieeearyUtey ,,Mh f itM- aoMtiteaeta wM Nine Recitals Given In Masssy ai m lil rrwa i iw hm a-xiaeao aatttfe ruraer aa Hutet r La to study Hie tMetf nnr friend and see thai Ihey get tth things eel aawte all arostfi pWre ami H.o . ,tee. iaa., , ata a Prince Rupert Toronto, and Singing . ita. ami hmio. larara they wuitd wisb. A lot af uele rresens are simply a Htewal reealt. The nidirtoe mi 1- ,.,.. se taaatJ t aatai W naia.iarm.ai. nm-aii. e annind the Innie. A loag as we a4w)n try In pteae heaHn? i needed to revive the utTt. Man a4 the other person inolead of pieaiag ourlve by giving Iheoi the bvtdy olitie front the effer' of ra a. r thing we think they ought to have instead of the things they ptaaue of Ike tal tea yeais. MirrolllA. liee I..-Ne. ha. rxui ...r ie. itti would like to have, we are likely to make Ihe giving a neeei. Thi rrviiitt oolenry can he ad. heen reeened in Ihe elly lr Ihe 41. ava t-KTMotaiM .T Shipyards effect thai Madaioe Macdonald rais.r aijMrr issa Msvatrr MS in4ered only hy the noisasl INI 1 T M1I.K Little Old Man fa hey. the MMHslar teitria . , tt as. iai 1. f mmt ilaav f ietfrlii of all who hetievre m . . . 1 . iiaia a. . awaiaa lead Will Take Holiday. Liberal prinriile. The auatnri frar. mmm urn MMtW to oer -04. la an, il r aeOw Operating O. T. P. 20.000 Ton rioallno D' Dk Sometime we rather grudge our poldir men any little hidi- of all snrh i ii'el-l. Thai mail laurel on the riMert ylalform -? saa.auai i '" Boilermaker. Stlec-smlths, Patlera rlaylltey may take. We feel that their work t mi imorUat I hay I be the hond f umoa that wHI jof the Flat. iaefc- rai r ia I ,o-r .1 1 M 111. Engineers, Machinists, Woodworker. EU. , In the maker. Founder, -I1011M not tay hway from it. If there 1 ooe man in the world Ihe new Partiawieett. ...I te, -nt.h. Mr.. J:Jl r ahe ha SlKea Otne rertlal lili' Haaa t aaoa a matumiiai. a who has eartMsl a lUirialsna lodiday it ia David Lloyd Uewrge. The We are in a new beriSUliair. ; UM'" ' wiHiderfal litilV Welshman ia going away lo bio native hill lo o lei tne aead iai aury na ;.Maa.ey Hall, Toronto, and I.a. ?Tov tovat.i.ai. Our plant i . .1 (pi r.i ' . handle all lr ' pond Chrif'tnifcM. al he has rertainly earHhd all he get-. A-pnbhr dead, for I jtusda muni he racav-rrod a.ear.-, m two etmrert wtlh ,' 1 r.T Jl 11,1 ' opinion ha bifled th. Premier haa b in favor or ot. and ved. Th wwk f choir. Ile.idea tkeae Tomato MARINE AND in oriiing hi Ute atibjert lie fore the p.iple at that particular time. restoralioii and healing smm4 ha. appearance, ihe popular aoprann rM.. i''sAtXMl ttrriu.TT MS While ilouldleti h- Im- made mistake, we most admit that mot vmi 11.r. a win imm tm iHirhmn ha- f.Ued 'S aW.l.a. e ZjJlSVl. COMMERCIAL WORK or Ho- hme he tui been rirhL that he baa liaiidled the a f Tare of lo remove any iarruw f the KaiieMienla and I flow her.iNim- !virii.ru. aawtat MrkWr taM 1., aiai si.it. wi-e .-Hid tli.it had il not been for hioi Mrilain aiight hovefVerenl raaipaiicii and twoneis a aei. k.a .a Onlarlo as in ZZTTS 9'ZriJZVrtT,i PHONES 43 AND 385 Iwe n IihIh) a en.u. llu-iu. Now the had time i probably paat. force? thai are lriir?llii for ami il look- h if Hie little Wel-li king would lie able to leave the Ihe name .!. The iak may he Hnli.li idumhia. ,iiv ai e raaax. iaH . Her future . 1 ..!? rg-.y: "!" enaeuieiit in. Mork lor other lo rarr 011. immense, hut llial 1- why it P 1- hard t. i-eaiue that Lloyd fieorge l the aame man who fiitfilnit-ni I- aur.i.. lelud- Ihe Kiiuriny of Ihe lille'l.niu err aara !. " ' one dn uril b r.4e ... -AM..- which is to he ",2? u2r722 . the 1- loui-t mob during the Hoer war, then HM..til.il k. 1 1... lln.. ..U.. ..I neoa tarfT 11 teti "DEMERS" eoii.leiniieil to eh-iual (teiililtoii y Uie land-owners of Krttaiii. oratorio form, with the i:iee. rxt KXb rcvaoLit M t then .-onies forward a one of the important leader if not thef r Ten Years land Mosre Ai rfltT i-t mim. r m Dio-i ini...iti.iil of all 111 winning tbe war for the Alliea: then he Ago Mvmphniiy On-he.tra. ami van t or 1 ot. m.iBt s. FOR LADIES WHO WT he a ill el.,, mi f, aaaie n.b-when fak aaOra tfttl I. H B l-uiun ut "THE RENDEZVOUS In Princa ( 111- lb.- lute of ImImm Kupart aiuirh and i rnr-el b the labor len a- a. B :.. V eaeiaer mietMi tu the oratorio 1. produced .ti tar t iirMtw in arwraari r .c in. a ti-iiilor iim! fdl-ilier; mxl be ome under the hniin of the Sinn tM . I..r.,i 1..-1 'Saat l f a " e.n.a.ne d.. I-i-iii ;.- the niMii who -Imi.i- m the way of Jnh -rtaraiion. and December 21, 1911. - .M-naaa aa. :,mm anar l 1- i.unii Splendid Assortment of tikb.x is again being iiir.e.l n trait.tr by the Orangemen of, "Our lteKiineiii. the fn.t pro-Uleier. Ih.n aaaa.a.at Maey.. 11.11. e.rly iii Jan-lfs. 'J-fs.K. 9tt Off"l.aM t ml tm-Wrm M ',' i't Through it all tie pae with iinruMled cmirage with a ilurtn.n of the Prioee Hupert set purpo-e. that of -rising hi oiiAlry to the let advantage. lie Amateur Dramatic rWieiy ut 01 Ha,,,,....,, . rt.r. tine .... with ST.J'' DAINTY XMAS GIFTS I'rili.Mja. Ute Itotieliilan an nt Km "'" nniige in- groiimi. 10 mange u- iewimint. In in Ihe Hmnresa Theatre laal m. n. rrisrtT imiiki.i modif hi- tii.linii. .ud .No nave a recital rrt v Half kih, ii.iiiiom- .mil m.--ii ,i 1I11 thin? whn-li were iilii.,-. mtrkl .,l -..ii. .. .ii.i-,- i. for the Mranfford Woim-n . Nlled aSfXenilirr II. Iff I CAMIS0LCI lHHIlll.te. inn ne Ill it 1 1 1- IimIhx Uie log man of the Kmpire. rei-og- lory and was received hy a park. Mil.i. GLOVES HANDKERCHIEFS al Club. ISbe haa been ahl-inic -vi-ii . coil ao riTMii rtv act, NEOLIOCES Hiieo In ft,- ni-iiiir- 1 nr greati -i man of hi- .! BLOUSES iige. hnuae. Thoe takiair part In her nnart ir conaMer-ably rwsrr aBrihT um mstwct-dh.; SILK AND WOOL HOSE . were: Prank Kllia, W. It. Wblt. Tfcrnr or t, haoc 1 ALL MMILLINERY ana sMAIlier mi Italian Tth. aaWa Owl I. II H ruaa.lt. af SO PER CENT. OfT BBaaBaBaaaaanaMBaMBsnBBBBBBBV Mn- ' Palmer, .Mie aria. eta. a. ... trnfmai aawae earmeer,1 I whieh and ha- heen M ta tfraiy far Krenw ta ltwmI rnMlt.-.t lo a tirkel Kl Je.iie Mer.-er. Mr. I.. HMttock-bler, eludyina llaltaa diction and fur rr0li tad aaiMral ( aa ih fal ' Pvery pur.-haer GREETINGS! Mia K. Miligan, Irtiair laartat eaecrttt Itan r.a iee 1 ORAND CHRISTMAS DRAWING opera with HiMBor CnrsMtni. aaat attaled 4 caua. uulb tad te Omaa, valu l.mnell, W. P.. Pisbar, 8. liar-rmon Ml rMO lit anrtae.il tWMf af t! First prlie Evnln0 Drss, w and J a roe. Itull. I.. tstt, UM-a 'to rn.ia. itware txria Second prlia Silk Blous. valu To friends and A atilah in lhae e.ve. em. HMMM. Irwar ! is rhoaa. Irwne. M my patients ltultoek.Wehler was Ihe manager. aaatk aaAMta to lai . r nnuru-iiri Third pHe TrlmmedeHat, value. harra.amani. aieat. eaatataiat arra.. awirt ar Wta, A Merry Xmas and Best Wishes 11 n ri "r ri, ptmrtnl, MiaCIIAL ACT, rod ) ntii. AfWil, Tbe wedding took plaa thhi "DEMERS" Phone for the New Cmnt af .aretarU. Year. 3rd Ave. morning at the Three Mar lintel, LAND AOT. lalKt; a.llc af I.UMie la lu Lutd. of Mi Kan Wuktieralmvieh and HyUU, H. t MaJeetl Ottta. OWtla la, M reM lal IM.irwi. lowbraine (u.tnrl Dr. JOS. MAGUIRE, Nick ItoaOMi-h Ttie mairiujj.-took a WaMae lUtlaliai af roae u 1' rrta. muri, ana iivti 1 itiuia Dentist, r-n bi.trlel Imrum Sm I mm t m tawal kv. Mil idtai. idaar wiili 'full i-en-ni..ny I-Wad. .a, uu u .lr f.i, tui la..' lik. aatlr Ihtl air MtraanAld. af Koomi 7 and H Smith Block iirujer the MaMunan an.) I.an-firtiaii 1 Katieri. S r. , areaatu aowrmta. UNION STEAMSHIP CO. OF B.C., LIMITED Tit anttra laal ftnfvar. Mi. 1 fd a.Mad. ii ee far tMnaooaa l latta . .n fksa- ' n -ir. CMMimrMim .aaabl IW fallawau d.arritd l..l. Stlltart friva friar. aprl tw..itr a a a trmm ia do hereaf. V. omn iatr tl a poti eisniMl at ta. II w I' Ik. Mi.aai herarder far a orwaaata idieantar. e rn.tat aana ar wait fUMfe, f Part c La Trace baa file a writ laiaunanii. t, ik, nwran. iA nfeuialnf l)i' 40 Httia. minn. lavara na. ratia Clll.t Advertise Crm. i.ra.i f ik .1. rlaia. l teem a It riMtai ari.iih. lhr.M . , 11 on. t. " in "The Daily News" he illy rlsiiniug i0u A .i rth. a.h. U.IM (K. IhiR ,hAia ...I .ltd .ABlAlfaia. Inul r, in... Clllef eatiii, mM , I- V,wl" " i a i: ai'i.t fc retnrara. A p. . i h-o tV par.11. IS, .. rrlatd a. P. T"f f?a l ajll'ttg' d-1 a 1 11 ''.o.in-i 1 1.hi " n,r ' a. Artr.ii D -""""-' -- a a a a a arv i.,,i-e or -n '.niflta Apjittniii, SIS S.taad Alt 1 no raper mac gets iuickt Keaults 1 n ir k lmrnnMit.nl, n.l fir 14 M t H nth Ca. fctii uut lib dty ef NoremUr tttl , ptt4 lei.irii.Ur it, Oil K3L- "iiT1ifTiaiWEagrarft-11B1 7 I