AGB t, -!, I a I I I The Daily News RHEUMATISM FOR B.C. CROPS ARE SCHEDULE SECOND OOMT WAIT BUY TODAY ? PRLNCK KUPERT BRITISH COLUMBIA HALF OF JUYENIJi and Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by The News OVER 1 B YEARS VERY HEAVY v LEAGUE ANNOUNCED Foreign Exchange OVCIiNIQMT : rtOriTS Bond? . Printing and Publkhin Co., Third Avenge iHernMrlil prni at- l tfs mn.a by fKirftiasr , f .i , The achetliile for the secinil' vrhnnS'' t rll1t frao. - ami inarka all eefialPM,k If. F. PULLEN, Managlno Editor. Pralrlas lcorlng as Result of N3 Return Of The Trouble Recant Rains, but tast of half r the Juvenile llaliall , adtani'. lueasue sertea pritvule, v atbiae invr.l. . ! lake llttliwdtatr iIiim!,,., SUBSCRIPTION RATES I That Crops Only Fate, games im Tneaday and Friday i inv iricea. atoi lac-' Iheir nlera te either fnreirt, Since Taking "Frcil-a-ilies" isr kwiiiils with if YA ' " !! f'-rrian cirhaiuo- nil City. Delivery, bycarrier or mail, per month i veniligs Utllil Ihf seaa ebea. eti a. the tlriefit W.- (.i.t. Uy',inil fiiBll part of the Hritisb Knipire and the Uniledtl 100 Caram St., MovrassL. The Juai Hank iaaued nf Montreal crop thai re-M.rt in The lll of smniea a as folio iKiy IUircan aa1 pom!..II all .-in...-.a -f for, tgs; lmit niof.i in advance, per year w.- Ifl.OO. "I U a ftrit tuOtrrr from Xktw says July ? -Ull V MHlgeta. WMlinn as to ilaiom tualiitiis ana. npr..t ihisI.- i.i the Kraser To all other countries, in advance, per year 17.&U. maiUmftrtPtritftart I rviuuttJ valley Ihe stjihiling July IS - Mhlgeta . ImtoI- fiirinbe ui.' ii n-.p"-' Miin lmSil ff r . . i hay -rwp i Skelter cent alme t'ulwi. neiri awaiw be s.J.I at pi-aeiil l-w le-la. July ttt Karetws vs. sprciiliiU; took saetlcio) Bled Hie aversaj, gn, m an (,n,pr TELEPHONE SB. loUonsibutaothiBgdiu' laefoud. July tillba v. Mlats. lisirtels H is exceptionally THOS. McCLYMONT TLen I bega la nse'Trail-a-tl vtV. July ? MMgets a Faleons Transient Advertising Inch each and U 15 Jjri heavy. Oratn is bending well Jul Wt -l alewta . l.ulia. , Display ft.SS per Insertion tte pain was rosier while roots had are ' All foraion bonds sold on connint partial Transient advertising on front page 12.00 per Inch. tad tb IUu uwatUm much bettor. A Hp 1 1 at r.uha vs. MMgela payrnant Urms, If dalrad, lirngresslng aatiaraetiirily. The Local Headers, per insertion, 25c, ier linerl Gradually, "Fr it- t frl" mrrt'M yield of put .!. i xMrlei In AllKUal Mhlpeta va. I akH Classified 2c. my Rk4mtiim; aud nowfur fits Allgusl 9- Faleons v-Angus! tubs advertising, per Insertion, pr word. lie IS ht ceii) lilow Ihe average. Legal Notices, each insertion 15c. per agate line. yew, I Luifa had bo retura of tha Tree fruit, are ailing and I 4'.uba va Midget' Antes trouble. I cord&iQy roeommead this Contract on Application. coloring wJ and rall fniits fruit meJieloe all uffrrrr.M Al advertising should he In the Daily News OUlre on day preceding to are nil heavy, allhswrh -straw-berries putilicalion. All advertising received subject to approval. P. II. M nuaiL AIL ICNCDULK bavo itauUReil M1 by a bo i, S for tl.30, trUl ilwSc I 'Purity' Flour 1 At all dialers or trot postpaid by ruins. DAILY KOmON. Tuesday. Julr 12. 10JI. Fruit a-tirea Limited, Ottawa. On Prairies. roe th KasC tin the irairiea the general Mondays. Wednesdays and titl. utliMik ! gixHt. In Ihe ISdtunn-ton urdays at 10 15 a. in. The Fijoku of Qt ai.ity Einstein and SUITCASES and Calgary iilrieta daiu- From that Kaai, and Quantity Relativity. has lieai rauaeil hv the lie I run1aa Tueedaya and Tbura When Grandmother Eve strolled mil into Ihe garden -tind TRUNKS and the dry apell lull this has days al 7:15 p.m. "More Bread .md Bftti-r Hread" was (old there was a fruit tree that had underfill power, so HANDBAGS been largely rnilreil hy reeeftt Sold by all tirocers In-Hy rain. In KilHNmlon dla-irtn foe Vanouae and Snulh. . wonderful that it would transform her whole nature, she at once eondilbtna are favnrnble and Sunday It p.m.i felt hungry fur iL There wa. a mystery about iL 8he was an Tents, Sails, Awnings .round Calgary lh' enjia on ITuf fdaya 7 p. THE BRACKMAN-KER MILLING C0..LTD. -iiinmer fallow' Thnradsys 1 1 P m example of the Unite scorching after the unknowable. The finniiiw an aver-ge knew when He warned her on thai ii would luunedintely want yield. Orfp wn spring and Saturdays whih P.O. Ilai 74(1 Prior Kupart, B.C. Itiwio 3 BO ' J. F. MAGUIRE fall.plowing are nly fair.' rrom Vanoouvar and South. to lake a hite from that apple, ' In the IXfcbHdge dialriel the Sundays H p. m. So it is with most great leaders of men Tlsey try to ib-tify Nest" Uc Prince Kg)rt Hotel r-ropa liave Iieen reYireil by rain Mondays ajn. us. i it ey runt at trniig miner man state incur, rney use though in Ihe north aad eal re-iWaxinoadaya 10:30 a. ui. r, analogy and all sort of figures of speech find it take much slud I.A.NI) ACT. iMitia are n4 gnrHl. Alfalfa andit'ridays a tiL and mind to find out what iiiiHilhy are an averare erp on Saturdays io s a.m. a speculative .they are driving at, and stalks af latasUaa t.'Sptf ta Ihh La irriiottetl land and pasture ) then we do not know. ra towa in rant le Liaista Laisl ln.lnrt, VmmI. and Alio Arm. e tsreardint fminri at friar Huprrt. ana roe'Anyos Dentistry-4;H-feyn .Ho it seems to Ite with Kinstein. He has expounded a new stout TAkR MoTirr tsf aiutiii rob 4 Ideal Conditions, Sundays 10 p.m. theory' and ieople are now writing Ixxiks alHiut it in onler to Cm sierar Ltd. -f crime Mpert. (train i making a strong Wednesdays V p.m. mMNu frwh imI fnvteo ea .wim, r row lb in the Itegioa diatrtrl From Anroi and A lies Arm. explain it, and to the ordinary layman Ihiey Tail. Magazines are NfH rwOowMt ltrrnbM UkS:- writing on relativity and must of the articles leave the reader in Imwamriiiv at a (! Miatwi an rM and Ihe whent is heading mil Tuesdays Ilelceraon Block, Corner Third Ave. and Sixth St a KWUiriiT dmrtH fn rt imlt- under ideal eonililloiia ai .'huradaya p. in. a fog. They lark around it and holster their et theories up own rratlav L M o. it; ttviM- Ha fl uani M m m a s. v nrrrtta ta m aw lossea nre negligiMe. - Dental Nurse in Attendance or dogmas, by lieiug to it. It is an instance of the finite trying to mark: tlwfwv ?M ft. SMirrfr as. M reach Ihe unknowable. mair mark. vt nortla-iiir ! Tl. tour U'heal and oats are doing well 'For Port Simpson, Arrandala. Mill Office Hours, 9 to 12; 1.30 to 5; 7 to 9 tr ln a dialriel and Walss Island and Naas Rlaae. r k Met il.r mark: in Ihe stttakaloon Bay, Kinslein is a Herman physicist and he lectured to an English fl .al.r1 alnnf turn an-r mark ta putM ' t nximtwinti at ant niauitlti tm rri arsmml Winnieir the wheat i Fridays ..., a.m. audience a few days ago and was well received. It wast a university hende.1 lire heal fidlowetl Ft Mill out, by From Simpson, Arrandals, lecture at Manchester. Ve are told that he showed how jmMi rtn k ctiui 8TnR3t a eool rains make ideal eonditiona Bay, Walsa Island and Naas Rltae. simce could he finite nod yel without , a Itouiidary. Newton's nsrt-6 mt im. iti. for filling. There baa teeti Saturdays a.m. theory' of gravitation in supposed to he shattered and mauy other ocrEI CHVM.i'TTe ISLAND tiSI MS some hail hul nothing aeriHia. , cosmic theories upseC TRItT HMVH iLih. a:. JUST KECIJIVED Itantage by grssiwpW ha a. North Quaan Charlotte Islands! .Most people who read Einstein confess lo knowing nothing Tl IKMK mat TtMana tuf, tn1laa S(tii. Vitw-tt. B c. iimvil. M nak. been light this year. j frVir definite after they have finished and the wiehead who pretend apirtiratMa rnr a Urrnr in Mnwirr mt Eattem Provinces. Juue 22 to know cannot explain in Mich a manner that others of ns may Land for thr J'mnor if .x tut prr ! Ladies' Suits In Oularba and Quetie the re- From also know. We are told thai speed i purely relative. That lo im nrtrr t V rvflom'Hit rtraeribM lamia. he! rml dry spell ha injured i June 23. ttaat im OuaU o craiMm from outside and not Unite iinder- rtiiMotiklng tielby our lai1. a c- rropa. ipple and lobar ih!South Quaan Chartotto Islands: stauditig, it is as reusoiiahle lo ay of A train travelliugUixty miles if ubimwiu tt pot vtaatM' at liw and in Newest Most Striking Styles, 'MSithra,! rwwr f Ui thrar nnna lo be the only ne nt InJurett. , For hour thai the train is standing still hut the earth is an travelling (a rbakM- thr w.l rbawa: tlwar I jack of rauy i reurdwg June 24. sixty miles an hour. The sliced is purely relative lo Ihe ioiliou Mwfb sT 4-iuhm;"lflltlJf"WC'lflaBl-Umrr vaai rtiln, la Ill Ibe MaUilrie peovirtnea ufxl LvrtuU ma'JIDIM4S rra. It.'l.titST. Lf even tn lrjtc lilwanl Nlarxll roe Skaaway and Uia Tukon-Iherr P.O. Box 327 "DEM ER S" it H4--rl ba, ia aslMiftage of bay a ImI! Moqdaya nooh while to study him for he possibly has a message which we have Vt'Et ffUBLOTTC HUMH LOO Dl asiure. I From Shagoay and Yukon. j not grasped. .Saturdays . p.m. a Tak nntira Ikal Tbtanai IVafr. IMaa " amil. or SUnaMt. K C mienoa tm m... MAE MARSH WECOMED Handicaps s (frli4n la In. Mtuttrr tt una lor Itowart, Hap la Bay and Swamp We conduct Auction SALES Marriage. n rroviBr nr ri.r a urrn m nrrM- on -c tut mmmi urr aiMl traiirr liw BACK TO MOVIES AT Point, (ieorge ticy lakes exception lo a tuiggeslion nade hy The Jk. inr rm i H laiuta 4inai .at IN. FfiH.- anywhere, promptly and cfficlrstjr Writ Cum of Crttuia IdaiMl. B. r. . Tfir nrrPTiini up Daily News in regard lo handicap on married life ami Ihe siig-, Cummtmr al a Maawa aa raaia. I fit nCOinULITIL Saturdays x pm. Phone Krd 157 golion of a remedy. I'o.mM) he i right' Al any rale he doe lli:MUa fiNay Ihrnr ito tMitlrmral rham, rl:fmr lhn of Ija at - FHOM not suggeol any remedy. Judging from hi letter he means lo rhama umilk; Ibnwv aa rham wm, Ibrtarr Ennday pjn.j 2nd Ave.. Section 2. Prince Rupert EC a ma'jM aorta u (he iwn vf rttwmrt nirlil Mae waa - suggest that there must he a complete fleform of Ihe whole social If ml lrab-4 1 4 la Maim. i.i. seen and unlronieit in picture al a a aa aa aa a m system. mi we agree wholeheartedly. 1HOM. JitST. Ihe Wealholine after n long ab- aastTataJBtaaSaaataaad The present tein of living and earning and gelling what Hubert Brawn. Ural PRINCE RUPERT TIDES sence. hhe haa Iw-rti enrage.1 in otien we uu 1101 earn is as far from being rerfect s is the eat vice maauTTC islasds ls.o ir- malernal duties but she ia jus arHBaaaatBVITHBaaaaBlBJBHB . Wari HHSBaWaw. t . I n i:: ... kL ThlCT GHHtt ISLVM. B C ,,, - i ot. S aTia- I I" r tWJ . r--l Jl.l.t.1 r 7 M-m 1 1 I II V-I1L1 wri-u arc uu rraiixuiK ii an nrier iiciorr. I lie Tuesday. July t ? w,urr inai Jtmmum Iay. iMliaa as ailraelive aa ever. a m m aaa-TiavrBB aw & r..nun r aaii.aBa.iB"r"i ailTicimy is thai we have not yet round a remedy which appeals rrat. Ha.arlt. a C. iniMMla to mak. ai High 7:02 a.m.. lit 7 feel BP. "-LIIIILIZ JJ-IJ H ai Ql lll lMf... The ia a highly inlereaf. plu-alloa) la lha VIM.K r ir Laoda lur thr slnry to us. Nor shall we find a remedy. We shall move step hy step, rrwurw of B. Ut a llrror Ut prnaiwt ing one of "The Mill 'Fraid 19:3S p.m.. g.9 fee ofti'ii making mistakes and turning hark and the fr rtr,lruM f-r anal UDOer hp rwkvwln I.irw 0:il GRAND TRUNK PACIFIC RAILWAY treading over b-amira una iiiimv urn tar am uuaai Idy' Miaa Marsh,, who, real- . ft.t fee, old ground again. We have really only hegun to evolve toward a ar CMMnrarlna UraiHin a B. c.oM: ftanlJ al IK izing I hal her menial picture of 13:00 pju.. feel. S. S. P.1INCC RUPERT PRINCE GEORGE millerfTlial period when we shall lie i feci, and when we do reach B"rtsa-1 earnsr ut Lut 1 1 IS, la Ihe hustle and bualle nf the city Wednesilay, July ta. a- such a condition we shall at once hegiu to deteriorate. ihmr awilli la aurta rhama a ruaina;;INrnra raat Uimmv aa rtiaiaa;ri aa have merely been illusion, hi High H:l? a.m , t&.V feel. Thursday and Sunday Midnlshl foe Swanson Bay, Oaoaa ruaia ta fxai f nrntUMttrrmrul. 20:3S .. IH.6 feel. F alls, Vancouvae, Victor fa and StaUla Luealf-4 KID W.rra. tail. herself iniii the great open of p.m Wadnssday 11 p. m. foe Anyoa Saturday S p. m. far, wet Sketchy Suggestions THm !tlV. Iiw J: a.m., CZ feet. lb far weal lii devejup ber lalen( S. S. HUjrri Ur a, amL . PRINCE JOHN at the Best. aa an artist. Snnietme very close 11:01 H.0 feet. For Port a .leini-nta. Ma--" n. Jta Jut ft t&j e The Daily News editorials are nol intended to he considered VL'EEM CUatliTTE JhIUM ISI.r ISLAD LAD a. c ll-THICT- lo her haa helped shallrr her Thursday. July II. ail puiiii- Ian Kvulberr) tjt.en. .ti i i. ti - I-und i . a as carrying with hem any sjiggestion of lluali) They are Take Mtiirw I bat Tlwanaa ls.air. Ia4im ideals and Ihia drea not help II 1Kb 9:31 am.. I&.n feet Train Soeaioo. written mostly in tlie way or suggestion aiid are very sketchy. -t Amu,intraiuan b.aula... nrrfl.aiittls-aisia nra to srts-a Ut mailer, ftegardleas nf her effort 21:33 p in, IK.7 feel. I',-er MONDAY, WEDNESDAY ai d SATURDAY 11 " We have neither the ability nor Ihe desire lo treat exhaustively 'fiai.trr fur a tirmrr of Miida ta prvapsrt tor Utm Kranara for irtmrain of I:. to hide away a grim spec-Ire Ixw 3:20 a.m, 64 feet. 4 III F" "ii.illin. 11 .n . i..-a-rge (.IliMtnl I of any iihject The wish is rather lu stimulate Uuiughl, and in cm-r and undrr On fftliawma Orsmbrd pursue r. Jul how she 15;I2 p.m., H.H feet. '"'$"anada tnakinr in -' fnin i far' .in poi; and Mal UimU siiuat ua Um Wm oaie tt lira-ham luted - that we are oi cusioually successful The fact thai we Miruetlmes Ulaixl. B.C.: Oamwormr al a Iwsi etuergea triumphant from ber The lime uaed i Vaeifie Slaa. ACENCY ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP' LINES. hear from our readers in regard lo these suggestions i proof ilia;"' inrara IW aa s.lBr.l rnaiaa raal:ronsrr inenra of 11 1, --. , p.,....,,-.. ... dard, for the l!0th MeridiaB foi lull mf jiton a' r. srratauta ai v t that the ohject of the editorial article lo some extent heiiig riiaiiMi awrtk; ttstm aa rtrua mI: tkra the pielure. weati It is counted from 0 to City Ticket Omca 62 Third Atsnua Phona 2(0 aa rna in. amita ta taunt r nmavnrmirai 21 aehieveil. Lurawi htarrh tun. IStl hours, from midnight l mid-aisht. Those who wish more than a suggestive mention of a subject Wants'"Tttoaus Yurniana,urasv. ar.Dt. will go to the magazines and reviews and olh'ers'to more lengthy The table given ia for Port Ol'EE CHtftLOTTE IKLASDS l.AD PIS Ten Years Ago Simpson but Ilia limn for articles in Imm.U. There I'riura Ihey may liruwse at leisure in the field tbict - unati i m. t. of intefleetual stimulus and refresh themselves with theories ,,f aarnt.Tat MaswiL nuira thai a. r.lasoeaa. hrrt lodiai awtire In Prince Rupert Mujierf varlea only a few mm CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY reform and economic possibilities. It is the function if the i uiisniM u afiftir w inr aiiuatrr or ulea tin some daya and on other lamia for lb Kroriura of B. C lur a is the aau'i. The .f tUe B.C. range Coast Services newspi-r rather to touch things as they apiear on Ihe surface. Utrurt to rHii-r fur prtrub-um brr and July 12, 1911. uudrr Ihr foOuatnr drwribsd land, silo. tiile may lie etuiipuled as 5 To record discuss per and lo news news in the topics light everyday au ua the rl euasl of MraAara laland J. Klussi. an eiiijiloyee of the cent greater al Prince Unpen manner In which they occur. and dearritod ai follow' Cunswiarliif al a ssl plarrd I as rliain auaiih fruta tls Weslholnie l.uuilwr ti, died al than al Port Simpson bolh ai Sailings from PrinceRupert sutiihaeai rurtsrr or Lot llll; IhKnre wri a rliain. Uenre aouia a rhaiH: thrttr noon today tn lb Oeneral llos. springs and neaps. There f..r raal iai aa of rhajua;rMiuuran-turaL Innirc aurta aa riuuoa tu pital from iiijurb's'rereived when Ihe rise in Ihe Prince ltuHrll Foe Kslchlkan, Wrangall, Junaau and SMoway Lwrated Marrh I4Ui. ttfl. be fell from a crane lieiug used harbor is slightly greater than I Juna 1S, 20. 27, July 4, 11, IS, 26; August 1, S, 15, 22. Dr. JOS. MAGUIRE THOMAS Hutwrl lit.Bruwa,AS r. Ar.nt in Ihe rauitt ruction of Ihe pew Port Simpson. Tor Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle 'JUKI CHARLOTTE ISLANDS LASD PIS governuieiii wharf. The height Is In, feet and June IS, 25; July 2, , 18, 23, 30; August C, IS. 11' ThlCT -tiBAHAM ISLA.SU. B.C. a .' lentlis of reel ano in at era Tor Swanson Oooan Alsrt Bay, Palls, Port Hardyy MEMBCB OF THE B.C. DENTAL COLLEGB Take nuure thai Tlxmiaa Iwaar. Indiaa Contractors on nly work have ii, Miasrii, n i. . inients tu niaa ip-iwtifua been "warned by Mugisirale level of lower low water. Nlnpklsh, Beavsr Cose, Vancouvae and Victoria DENTIST iu Um Miuliler of iMUt tr tu friMritm- of B. I: for a iwrrx-a fur sr- tirsa and Superintendent f EVERY SATURDAY AT NOON. Phone a.isjn lo ruper fur ieir4ruia over aud Unborn tomorrows 'and dead 575 Smith Block andt-r !- folhmliif osrrtled land altttal Works J. M. McN'rill lo differ-enliale lliffb grad danUl work at tlia luwrat uu list wrai .ual a, oranata laiaaa. a. c between- their own plants yesterdays! Why forget ahoui Tu k. ia to at parts of the World Full Informata " B pricea, al alanled al Um 1 can givt Uia brat of rfrnce hues iaaipenrinr Uu Ml WMt a l pusl uml; tlwuca auwtb and the city euipiiient when doing them. Today is everything. Ad W. C. ORCHARD, Osnsral Agent . aoaan in aetir arviev. rnaia. Uieora eaal rtialna; llMtiare vertise nowl Cornae of 4th Strast and 3rd Avsnus. Prince RuparL nurlh aa rliain Ihenre .al a rliaina ta work on their contracts. Kkt Hwn-'M2, H iti 7-1. Of tntlp piuni rled or naiauenretitenl.ttlh Marrh, ft. This morning 8. II. Watson, the TH'lUAS PLAST. ctiutraclor, appeared in the police Valinrw Yueoiana, SfeaL court in this connection but oi'EE C.HAMI.OTTE ISLAMlS LASU PIS was dismissed -with a warning. LIMITED- 1WI T 'iHIHI ISUIISIl. 0. IL t Suitcases UNION STEAMSHIP CO. OF B.C.. 1 Tat nuUr tnai 1 Mua praa, Indiaa vaixuutar. oreaa rana aud aaaasua .' Tuasda) a a as THEQ COLLART, LTD. - ggTycY arui. Ma.iwii a 1. , mutidi tu niaka ap Th Scandinavian Society at ils sr taauaer. Bella Bella, Alrrl atv m.Aar r , l'liraiia tu ttw of Land fur Ihe t Air,.,i aiara arm, WaKa i.Mmi -.iiul. l-rusmr uf B : ' lirenra araatlua semi-annual iiieyJing last Trunks wiauilkl. it a uighl "' '''n siaibeua aad aaa u r aMi. I rslai a. at, A KEAL. BARGAIN Lot and Fia Koom House. Bath; Cth Ave. -rllil.u u. ruaet tor M-iroleuiu over elected Die following officers: aaMBaMBaaiaawaBBBaBBaBaaBBBBBagp Mc aaaaMv, tst in. luiwwiar aearemea Mua ttiuaie an a - IWUon . SS Saas Staoaa . . BS, Ulanct 92,100.00, IJUOO.OO cash, rrlaaa on Urrus. uy Hie Weal ah ut Oraliani laiaud, B. C, 're0leni, a. Akerberg; serre- FIRE INSURANCli Tb moat liberal Marina Insurance on tlia aud ovacnlied aa fuOow: . 'Tents, Packsacks Coast Claim quickly paid. Tl lnauranca Company of North nurtl',,!CiiniUM-iietiif aonier at of 1 lei pul Ititi plaatrd UteiHe al rail lit tary. Jubn liybhavn. America. S rhalns; lliw aoolB S( rlialua; tuenre F. M. aoal ao rnaiaa: Ibaura uurth aa rhanu ua Kiev of KejrblLan. Crosby Kelig, ar Advertise News Mastnl of ctjrMuMat-eiwtal. in "The Daily P.O. Boa Woatkalaaa TUaUo Block Pkaasa Bloo burau 1,aj Harm i.iii. rived in Mi lly yeafdiiy aflrr- 716 Third Avatiua, PHnea Rupart THOMAS PLtSV, auiMrl aruaa, tuL nooo Tha Paper tliat gets Quick Result!