lit Lilt tut datlt itkw. ' JIUI -ill tJL '.lUii.lllHUII 11JI IL BRINGING UP FATHER By George MclYlanus AVAVC TMI1 THC njT TINf 5 TMtN RON ABOUND to thb; wtTCrieN- MA bo yi K Y v ' S mm n Ta.i-x na k r i THE OTAT 9 11 Kw;W-ei -. I a DOOR MUL II II n AM J I 1 I f M V. I e. milK iom I .-til II II U II K-Ti I l II v V-.r " - II -T fine healthy-cows. Bettei for your daily ... cooftin neeas. ra:,. .intern t tell im rtsrwst f - Office Space THIEVES HOLD "SK 71 Daily News Classified Ads. Cottonwood 24 feet by 38 feet HIGH REVEL ARRESTED IN SOUTH Particularly suitable for a CENTS PER WORD IN ADVANCE. No Advertisement Taken ! -e thr 50o Professional Man Ie!eeUve Alex. Lawrence ut Evidences of Celebration In Cl the Alberta Provincial Police at. Panelling For Rent lar of Wine Merchant; Stock-Ins jived: in Vancouver la week to WAMTBSl HF.l.t. PIANO , dining suite. CORSETS heater and other fur- range, , Left. lake lu hilmonioii y l,. Janncy. WANTKII Two urn).bed Mrs - f nilure. Apply J Fiflu Axe- COflSKTH made lo order. Upstairs in our Huilding who was arreste on, a charge f housekeeping r"tin for married nue We. I6t rilreelor.Phon lllue t3. tf Make. I he r.iii.-i iBu, LONDON, July It. raid vetting money, undtx JaUf pretence. couple. No chihlren. Apply nui.ii in init ti..!,. vi wa made hy thieves late nn Sal. Hot ?n$, pally New of. Foil SAI.F. Ury kindling tf.oo OATS FOR HIRE. Oliver Typewriters Captain Jantiey will be well fiee tf per load. A. Isaacson. Phone in S-HV afhJ ft i i mlay nitrlit on the premise of PHINCK IIH'FHT IMiAT IIOtSF reiucpiKered i( prince Hupert for linen $10 lilacV 310. 165 llltrk. It lery or i .tr.inr Cary fireproof Safes & Hedge nnd Hiitler, wine merchants, ft..if nn.- one vi. . .lite L iiieniucrs, 'pi' W A NTF.! Competent hAokkeep. Oovrrnnient Wharf, l-annchc. H at Heddon XI reel. V, Ihe Vancouver lha of Tradu er. whu can alo rre pari lime FOIl SAl.K--Fcnmilc outboard scom. rowlal. canoe fur nd o unit' n ,n Vaults. The men who npparently entered pany mio mnue the exrursKHi in store. Fuller's (iroecry. tf engine. 25. See Caretaker, hire. Launch "Pachena " for any oOe ImmCiI t' im Lots & Houses For Sale hy forcing n side window,. Mnyed here early lat month. Ircej Yacht Club. tf. lowing. pasenger ami freight. Alwy in Iih k, ,. n , SITUATIONS WANTED For harbor hire of one trip, ime lime, opcninir rnrrfully up as a iMdieeman he was seen " HAIRORCSSINO. ipsSnnlkss. elected pXxnfite hollies nf on the local slreefs a well l.ADV f.erC dairr iHisilhot in our twenty-two foot gasoline 't prre .e wine nnd whinkey. and hie of at other x.inl the party vUUcd. office. Ten I-f)IP;, IIAiniinKSKlNO. Mar. launches run the engine Yourself. Dybhavn & Hanson years exjetierce. rirar and eitrarelles. Insleail of returning south with h'now ledge ' of IxMikkerping re waving, i batnpooing. Singeing, Our boats are safe and E. H. Insurance Agents. Third Traces of I heir Hiidniphl ear- bis party he sloppeil off here and and slcndgraphy. P. O. liox Hair Oyeing, Scalp treat-ment reliable Phone lied 3ti. If SUocklcy Avenue, Prince Rupert ual were found on .Momtny later viite.l Stewart and Terrace. SIS or phone lied 505. 10 a specllty. Toupee MIRRORS Planing Mill. inoniinsr In an office In the wine and wigs for grstlemen andi. Prince Rupert, B.C. reller, where four empty lxtlle, lanney was Ihe first man from SOARS AND ROSSIS - transformation for ladle. MintlOHS ANII fll!SII,VFIIINO. in which had hVe Milno(e, and Vancouver to e"nlit in Ihe Air Switches, made up from ladies' OI.AS8 OF A 1.1. KINOM. two ntlit'T. which had contained Force and after an aihchturou PAt.MKIl IIOUSi: for board and wn combing, HFJC IIAHIIEH IILOOMFIFI.O. II! 5lb Ave. I'. Accident and respectively I'omeroy and the service he returned to li.C. where Home Cooking, Hales SHOP 333 Sixth Street. Prince Phone, lllue 337; residence. best Scotch whiLy, with many he was engaged in promoting an reasonatde. Mrs, MclMugali. Rupert. II. C, Phone Ulue Orcen Ift7. tf Sickness cigar tun)i and rigarette-end. aerial company lo fly lo IWt tOI-tOA Seyenlh Avenue West, 78. If were found on lh,e fhnr. On Norman lo carry pasnengers and Phono lied III). tf FOR SALT LANES. NOTICE Silversides Bros the trttile were Ihree glasses, Urmle fn furs. Insurance which had teen used. A jemmy He i charged now with hav POAHI) and room for gentleman FOH SALT f.xKF launch "S3." I..W.I.U. of C Prince Rupert j ltranrft. I'ntll the ramp re. Seeond Street in good home. Write P. O. wa ali found, and a d-k. n ing issued checks without hat fale launch in You are not immune from Hot 71?. 133 paepger ope a. office hour will be from Milk slocking. II is thought that ing money in the bank and hi Northern l!rillu lUduinhia.i Accident or Sickness eilher 7 to V pin, tUllot on the Ihe slocking hae leen tiel arrest was made on information may I is rittM fliirirt Itmsl f at home nr travelling. A AUCTION SALE, July Contention proceedings WALLPAPER hy the man who handled Ihe from Kdmonlon. Several prow. and at llou 3:30 i. day very ready. J. II. Hurrougu, Hratich ; Policy in one of our strong. 1 1 jemmy, so thai no finger-prints inenl business msn of Kerrls- MOTION Sale will be held on :30, returning al ft p. m. rn Secretary. Mrlnlyre IMoek Companies w properly might he left, or pnsaihly to dale and Vancouver are said to that meets all provide for and Thursday neil. July It, at 3 p. launches o n Sunday from room 5. Phone If I. If. compr you your hold Caiitaih check. prevent noie. Janoey'e m. sharp, at Ihe Ketchikan 11:30 till 1 p. in. Our own - ' t i Hon , family during any disability. The Ihlevett look several He absolutely denies the ehargff away Club. HSI Third Avenue West, landing float i safe and easy. MINFHAI, ACT. Our Policy will Interest tlnzen Ixdlles. of wine and whisky. preferred against him, claiming consisting of m.H cah reg. tfnnm f , Prices,. you. ihI bote of rhoiei cigars, that it is merely mad in -en SUMMER RESORTS. j iler, eouulerx. mirror, fixture, rrnrrirm or ieaoviwT rangin"; aA low as in all ahoiit Cun worth. They effoVi lo collect debts through glae: chair, rook soth a. j Prince Rupert Ihe Ihe court. FlSIIINtJ HOATINO -HATIIINtl. twey Htns." -i eis. - Ue safes, attempted to open police Other stove, heater. bei, etc. " Spend weekend, and siuo- vlf sji,t your hZSX uXSZ. 12c KJrfddOJ MJJ R Xll p.UtlJJtf iikj Friends of Captain Janney good may be .placed in thl l.akrle UMIO Pl.Wwl, holidays al r.aiop.M mer ( Insurance from a till. and they are. legion in Vancouverstale sale up to A p.m. Weduexday. Write Call, terrace. It. C tf auihi r mi inmtr ! that if there is any. 1.1, Oen; l.eek, Auctbin. the July ;mi r ei.r. the Single Koll, to j Agencies, Ltd.- BOOKLETS DEALING thing wrong they are satisfied eer, Phone lied 15 135 LA K ELM NOT SPRINGS tut VUKI lk I. serai !W tifr runev. finest Krado.n e hat II Is his war experience ' 1 W'rltSI. r xt lull r, Kw.r m P.O. Drawer 1632. Phone 130 CANADIAN NATIONAL that are reponil.le. rss SALS LAKFJ.SK HOT SPI.INOS TMA.XH:;jHtft rper. ''."V. .. market Second Avenue irr i.oi-, oM-raiiHK lu, !.. ri r ' AND NORTHRN B. C FOH SAI.K Funiihing of six truck from Terrace, carrying tSSSXK' P.O. Box 130 Phen tl The Mm Ae Mm rMiins, "including Axininler pa.sengeM, frfl. and tw.;-rififf 'k 'TO .JeSJTS Out nf town ortler i and Wilion rugs, bras lied gage llate: 43 "r eron each Mirs rniarie Va. im? ' . ni to a'.'rnced b Two Interesting iMmklels issue SAYS. with coil springs ami wihJ . ... if - ""I?'. srwi rr winrrs iroi "91 t Y " ' , rklv f-. it4. mil rri ike eie Protected hy Ihe Canadian National ftail-ways oiallress, dining room uil, same cay. Freight and "MSn'sS?JTiXZZWlZt: are to hand, "Across Can- SOMK men are so nervy they mahogany parlor suite, dres. t one rem per pounu. nirri irpe mimmii rwae orsnl 4 da,' 'the "National Way" and will try lo borrow your tooth Ing table, and chiffonier, inlaid 11 train.. Prompt ni'nnXxiikHuuei - ments "Playgrounds of llrilish Colum bruh. linoleum, kitchen cabinet, Careful ririvinir Wire or wrilei'M- "" eifv pmh s lkl m bia and ie Pacific Norlhwe!. ' e set willow pattern dishes, oil WMM Mfw u tm ill i lor inioruiaiion. & "rr" ii r.wii. nrtMiiny these am very rredilaMe pub THIS eendinr flowers lo a paintings, pint fruit jars, all run IS. Itik ut at tnl. U. Iff I Shamrock from Moths lications ami should do a good funeral U a terrible waste. Why together or by the piece. Me-fioj's Waile. Terrace. II. C. Hi u wt v. r simosk. deal to advertise the railway and not send fhem lo .eon I e while Ma Thinl Avenue, near TUITION. L..Nf ACT Ihe country through which it they an Un1 The difficulty Seventh, downstair. IA5 Don't hope that moth will not Slki r luuallwi u sr u l MM l.4. Ls wife fin.I out xl.out "F.VFJtT well (rained ami operates. your may youth Is 1nrt . l.t lii.irKl. liecueiMf in ruin your garment this season, In these publication Prinrn U. . i 1 WANT to go bark, to France girl ought lo be taught the 111.OKI vl errk rrier 1U snftwfi, nd Mlutte i iui Butter e e t and would st l a fdg sarH element of niuic early tie - I. rilatea hut Make Sure. Hupert i much heller treated and: (. (. rrne. TOUF. art liet in dninir com flee: One graiid Ul In 4LIck bl frrsrloM. mmptm S.n wa Cleaning will positively than In former similar works. accurately.'' liuskln, iM ht M4s It fiauwi Im'ibm ry The map in one of Ihein shows mon every day thing lit Sli 20, section T. Three dots In II. a IIAI1.KY. Teacher. Phone!Uj rUUi rrited KkS I HAS THE FLAVOR dealroy any eggs so tiny and arllslie manner. Chewing (turn Fort lleorge. II. 1 0 acres of luitetot II IM! tmud tmr Sunt. no descrimination between this Ulue 335. tf I urlt 4reiSt re rol l Ihrl YOU HAVE hard to delect -which moth have for Instance. land near lHiiont, Florida..! -W. eirr f W, klf si Ui lilt. iww port and any other and the P. u rkala e ku in Mrrly dire , lot in Ouponl, Fh'fids. II. At'HlllA PHYcr; Profeor and ALWAYS WANTED matter i to ir mari. mtr amount of is descriptive IT costs a lo? to smoke, but (lalenie, jioi U1 Prlnr Teacher of Violin and Piano. A llefore pack liberal. To those who dreamt w ! imii Mil ia rui ID t , w you away your ' ' Ask Tor it. how is it Ihe sailng bank HUliett. IC3 limited nuhilier of pupils ac-j iIuhIii f mm mm nurserf I e m heavy winter garments, let us Dry f a grei.t transcontinental rail account remains ,a low eyrn eeptcd. phone lllue 13. If I nner. Ifca.l fntt Utr4 Iwik for the north, however, it FOR HAf.F-A yood Taxi apd BMrk. Ibrnm fulhtWICf bar irr Clean them fur you. way after you Wea"r off; ikut tn inAnt vt CMiubeamuHii tad rm P. Burns & Co. i anything hut pleasing to find liivery business. Torn con MUSIC, Uinint 'iMfi tt: mmm e Wm, Caiadian Steam Laundry practically Ihe whole of the larger ITS a sin not fa smile and trUrt ran pmbaMy Kf arrapg. tllWAMU. C rsasovs, LIMITED lok devoted hi a, trip from look happy these sdnune'r day, eli for buyer. Apply lo C, A, FOR YOI'R NF-XT lANCi; or so. Phone 8. Halifax lo Vancouver, with Prt even if shoe are wesrinr out Wajla. Te'rraee. P.O. box rial event. Pryce' Up.tA.h4ln HOMOir.r Ar , ttVO SITIUTK I' Halifax to Vancouver. with Orchestra, plion lllue Ja3. If I OSlUl MtlSll t, SSIflMI 1 W Prince j Sixth Avenue Rupert nd your liver worrying you FOB SAl.tvFurnUned niomihg tOMMSIt. I Prince. Rupert and most of and your falsa teeth don't fil lsr IM by tutu ml h Mi.M kf bouse, nine room. ln BICYCLES tnnUMtre la s trti InJraiur ul, N northern llrilish Columbia in SI' put Phones J, Ol and Ihe stenographer is grouchy olid Avenue. Cheap, Apply " ll Ike III nl UIVI. A. IV . Nlgkt as somewhat of an addenda. cook 111. bva il b ,trxte.t tl tut luuel w ixMigwiti, Mhe rr and your wife refuses to Mint liar, Second Avenue. HIOYCLFH. RFPAIHS, PARTS 'Hie booklet on the play, and everybody is happy but you. TlWre .III b. b.rrl I. ! br ri'SIJi I Dmy Phon B EDSQN COAL GO. Phone 571 105 ANJ) TIHKS The pF.HFWr grounds explain that tickets e e Agency, 417 5lh Avenue K. ' V '"r " eose euiii,' enu.s STEEN & L0NGW1LL may be purchased by way of ONK of those thing that FOrt HAl.nI.Hs 35, 33, 3t and lllue 337. tf i phone or ? iTih s o. for th beet Prince Hupert and there are it don't usually gel you any where 35, Mock 17, Section . op. i.-mrl. Hw la ike rnr .1 (riy 111.hoiwri, Shssl Metal Work Alberta Coal I uxl rations of scene r .akee. it trying lo live up I't your rpu-tallon. poiile new (iiiverument lluild-irtf. MISCELLANEOUS I.U.iini ih re,iiM-e i.rwro ut frUt CbInikM, is , Fani-e the liulklejr, Kilwangu. .k 1600.00 eorU. M, M. U OmI r.rui rre e irsel nf I.W1 Ag sni for McClsry Kathlyn and the Pkeena as we Stephen. tf TIIR OnRAT OIIJFCT In Life I tot.Unite M w m,Ik. CMtM r trill.! ..., Sanitary and Phone 58 AS of the steamers, with one ONK place some .peopl might Ihe Secret of lfappin. Hand, 4rMrlie4. t Lut iitt. lk.iC4 wmI -mm llaatlns' Engineers i'fiu of the inside passage. On gel lo if I hey did that would be IF tot? WANT lo buy or sell your blrlh'dule, month, ytar eii...l ffHP, Hie huwirre i 1 I4lr ut -lur ln.lllrl.arre Uh Street and rrr Street Pritce Rupert Feei Ce. the who) the North I treated lo Jail. loalt, engines or marine fittings and One illar to Jsme Ouiu tiv..TISM t b or Sill' la.aia Prince Kupsft B l Corner 2nd Ave. and 7th St. well in Ibis booklet e go lo Ihe Northern Kx-change. stone. Private Hoi 100, Vau. If brevity' 135 Second Ave. phone ..I" wneeisr in ruiMiMiMi i. C. Answer srnt by -iia oouver, ailr M M,.tn, r,U.r m . The soul of wit oil). If. registered mall, if. cJY.1?.. r'l'i. rnr hut-ri, anuoi, POSTAGE CHANGE ON The latest skirt atrhelll L eu.ii ,... ....... aeaaaeeeeeaeeeee Should make a lilt. FOR SAI.K-Po room with long NURSINS. . Uii4a ealHina, St MAaTIMf ACOOUKTAST TORK'S OLD COUNTRY LETTERS e e Uae. Iteut i.'n a month. File ,M,.'..Mr"r.w". voei.r. a. r AUPITOS The latest elgar Is named Ihe PxjI tables. Cheap. Apply VATKHNITY Nurse (F.nglUh ,..v'i ivm.41 a.,Br".ri. a.C. MHt Ml ii s SELL. Tloise who get letters from the "Salome" heeaUso it has no Mint Her. 781 Third Ave. U. would like private eases, nia-leruily IOIST MSTMICT. HVOK I MtTHI1 1 RORIE & SMALL TOVES. old country will have begun lo wrapper. or medical, I'hon lllue DMllHl en' , . .. . e e FOH HAr,-Sna la.rootn furnished the 1 1 r 1 .. ....i-. k note a difference in the stamps At firsl she louche ber hair rooming house and lot, 3HM (mornings . I tl I S!T- muTi-r- ; . '" "'.aa few"-!rinir. aionec oi, e. Instead of the old iteriny stamp To see if 11'e lu place, 'for 11.750 on term. Fulton SL rea mtnt lljr At'.tiknr t. . r 1 there are now two with Ihree And then, with manlier debonair, 71 rMatiwutMi t t ,,1 bUalnl tbaul A.iOvutifl Tu ' ' ' Apply IW 7lh Ave. . .. .... . . . ...... . fsMssftkls Aws,M Fred Stork's Hardware halfpence for each additional She touches up ber face. FITHNISUKU yiTH T RKNT IhA k.. a 1 I 4lUs LI. ounce Tha only tale lo re A loul of curl behind her ear, FOH BAJ.Kr-inl.y buggy (u gool tt. LouU floom. Phone HcdviJ Jf C4tr lrr llwtri aatlk Ik ria.. la.MOftO "m" .1.77: .. m.. iikv mmih sa flstatUI Mtpaelt, Second Avknus run In unchanged is the niaga-line A touch of ruffs and collars, tondillon. Szo.oo; Alsu wring, fa ",J4( PHONE UlACK 114 post which t bargee a peony And then she's off lo Daddy dear er and stand, J5.00. Phone FOR MINT Aparlmenl la Vark e4iikrri.mill rut,!.',Uui(.v., 1 tl cuua.trret, fta b-.IMeil. ...aalMlai. for ii ounc. To touch him for tn dollars. Viw Apartments. 1)3 ti CMIRUI a (ik. 1-l.S.Ll,iff). Abplltsat.