a PAGE TWO SE THE DAILY NEWS, Published “Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue H. F. PULLEN - - - Managing-Editor } SUBSCRIPTION RATES City delivery, by mail or carrier, yearly period, paid in advance 5.00 Por lesser periods. paid in advance . per week = fe 10° By mail to all parts of Northern and Central Br itish Columbia, paid in advance for yearly period ........ 3.0 ‘By mail to all other parts of British Columbia. “the British &m- pire and Unitea States, paid in advance, per year ds cocock GO 8y mail'to-all other countries, per year ..... svoopenessehehadisaalibpevabsdiau. ee ADVERTISING RATES Classified advertising, per insertion, per WOFQ .2.00... 2. cee ee Local readers, per insertion, per line —........ 0.0... 02 egal! notices, each insertion, per agate line ah Nas nll. Miles 15 Pransiet display advertising, per inch, per insertion 1.40 Contract rates on application. Advertising and Circulation Telephone _......................98 Editor and Reporters’ Telgphone i ‘ 86 Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations an: WHO FINANCED? It is now admitted that Premier Bennétt financed the DAILY EDITION Wednesday, Oct. 5, 1932 ‘Conservative party during the general election by contri- buting’$75,600 to the campaign funds. As the Premier for a number of years drew.a retainer from the Canadian Pa- cific Railway it is being argued by some that the party was indirectly financed by the C. P. R. We might carry this a step further and say that the C. P. R. drew its profits from Dominion land grants, therefore the Conservative party was financed by the land grants made to the railway vears ago’by'the same’party. Go a step further and you get your- self into a maze and go crazy, so why worry? UNANIMITY An effort was recently made to break up the Liberal party ‘by inducing some of its‘members to accept cabinet positions in the Tolmie Government. The Tolmie effort brought great dissatisfaction to many of his followers, some of whom ‘have been calling upon him to resign. On the other hand it seems to have knitted the Liberals into closer bonds, for in all the district meetings prior to the| eonvention there was no defection reported from the party ranks and at'the convention itself in Vancouver there was unanimity in regard to leadership and apparently so in regard to the platform. ‘The Liberal convention seems 'to have follawed the sue- seation first given publicity by this ‘paper, that ther shoul be cunien of all‘interests in the next cabinet but that the menwho have failed to umake geod doving the past few veurs could not expeclilo he represe nted, ENGLISH CONVERSION The British Government has recently converted securi- ties‘:amounting in all to approximately $9;000,000,000 from five percent to three and three-quarters percent interest and the price of the converted steck has risen to:par. That | is an indication. of how Great Britain ‘is “coming back.” It is a wonderful record and has been largely the result of the keen patriotism of the holders of the British: stock whose reply to the government appeal was instantaneous. This saves the taxpayers of Britain over twenty million | dollars annually. SAVES YOU | FROM MANY BILLS Of INTEREST TO WOMEN —We are repeating, for a limited time only, the offer of a British-made, 13" aluinum cooking spoon for the return efonly 30 Oxo Cube Red Wrappers. OXO Limited, St. Peter Street, Moatreal The Fish which made Prince Rupert Famous |“Rupert Brand” | ! SMOKED CK COD — ‘Prepared Daily By f Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co,, Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. pn aneundemmenarantll President of United States THE DAILY NEWS | Support of Mid-West Farmers (Continued from Page 1, the Farm Reconstruc- merated activities of Board and the Finance tion Corporation, Waterways Project The Great Waterways project President Hoover described as ‘a “fundamental relief to midwest ag- | riculture and business” through per- mitting them to reach the markets of the world. During the last three years, the president claimed, more attual*work ‘had ‘been done on this project than in all previous years put ‘together and, after twenty years of planning and negotiation, a basis of agreement had been reached with Canada for the com- pletion of the great project As an economic principle the_pre- sident asserted that “we must build up men and women in the homes and on the farms where they will find their own security and build up their own individuality.” The president also admitted the necessity of building up world trade for the United States: To do this he declared that goodwill, armament and world peace necessary. In these matters the ad- ministration*had played a leading part. It had been instrumental in ealling the world economic confer- ence to bé held this fall Oppeses Cancellation Mr. Hoove: dis- were asserted that he did olicitousnes he welfare o! rric l dustry on which rests the progre f America,” de f We have airead\ irned it ‘ defence to attack wi wi depres- trom continue to fight azains sion and we will restore prosperity In conclusion, the president ma an appeal that,:in striving for ma- erial things, sviritua ils be not forgotten. He pleaded for the con- tinued safety of the institutions of thome, schoo] and church as inte- gral ‘factors in national! life, for the retention of national! ideals ana t formation. of national] racte! Had Busy Day Throughout the day | president's visitors were brought to Des from many parts of the west and by all’means of transportation For the president and Mrs. Hoo- ver it was in the nature of a home- coming for both are Iowans At the state border, Governor Dan Turher ‘and Mrs. Turner mete the special presidential train and ac companied it into the Stops were'made at several points in the ineludins West Branch in which village Mr. Hoo vas be Mrs. Molly Caron taught the president w! the third grade, joined the trai speech thousands ol Moir native 10 7 Ww 7 } x Home-Coming to lowa President and Mrs which is Herbert their Hoover welcomed native stat not approve of cancellation of war jdebts. Nor of his opponents to lower did he approve of the proposal ithe tariff so that foreign nations, in pay their war debts, might market of the United their products “at the workers.” It would be better to cancel the debts alto- gether than do that.” The presi- dent declared he was willing to use money received on war debt pay- ‘ments for the specific purpose of extending markets for United States products It was necessary for the nation to move together against the gen eral depression, ‘said Mr. Hoovet. “Where it can be done without be- coming involved in foreign political entanglements, we should join m movements for the rehabilitation of the world with a‘view to extension of our own markets.” |. “My record, I think, jorder '‘t« flood the ‘States with expense of our shows ‘my at West I yt and wv f é of Mr. and Mrs. Hoover f t trip into Des Moines On arriv it Des Moine reception I dent although eer f striki farmers iastic cheer ters. Natio guards were turned out with a view to preventing pr sible disorders as the through the street afternoon Orange Ladies Tea.is Success mingled wit the enthus of ‘Republican s } Delightful Affair Held ‘Yesterday Afternoon at Home of Mrs. S. 'V.'Tex Mrs. 8. V. Cox and Mrs. J. R. Mur- bray were joint hostesses at a suc jcessful tea and sale of home cook- jing held yesterday afternoon at the |} home of Mrs. Cox, 533 Seventh Av- lenue West, py ‘the Ladies’ Orange Benevolent Association in aid of the | Loyal Protestant Orphanage at’New | Westminste Mrs. 'H.'B. Bastman, worthy :mis- tress of the association, assisted the i hostesses in receiving. "Mr. “Henry Smith and Mrs. Cox were in ¢harge | of the tea room and serviteurs were |;Mrs. McGreish, Mrs. George Howe and .Miss Hilda -Beale. Cashier was Mrs. Roles Mrs. J. ‘W charge of the Moorehouse had home cooking table Two raffles were conducted by Mrs. J..R. Murray, Mrs. J. 8. Black winning a chicken with No. 24 and Mrs. J. M. Simpson a set of tea- | spoons with 108. The rooms were. prettily deeora- ted with autumn flowers. Tie -fin- | ancial proceeds were very Satisfac- } tory, i Wednesaay October 5 1939 “ ROGERS iS PRESIDENT ,. Basketball Season to’Start October 18—Auditorium is*Chosen was last night elec- f the Prince Rupert Association, the ‘election Fred Rogers ted president Basketball having been deferred from ‘the an- tual genera! meeting last night It was decided to use the Audi orium ‘for this winter’s play which omence 1 October 18. Prac tices will start on Sunday next The following teams have been entered in the four leagues Senior—Grotto, Ranthers ‘and Canadian National Recreation ‘As- sociation Intermediate—Tuxis Merchants and Boys, High &choo) Catholic Club Junior—Boy Scouts, Japanese Students Girls—Cardinals Amazons WILL PLAY ON MONDAY Soccer Game to Be Staged For Re- lief—Canadian Legion vs. Rest of League Rovers and Comets and The executive of the Prince Ru- Association -has ‘de- football game on iving Day next Monday the Can Legion idea | tage a idian tean m in eleven representing the rest f the league, the proceeds to be ap- rds relief purposes The All Star team will play in Merchants’ colors and will consist f f wing players: T. Smith my Curri nd Vic Menzie; Os- Ww I Pete DeJong and { H ( tiso Coluss Howe, McK nd Wilson, Reserve Blake Gilk D Rik ‘ M {the { h { mes ind Charles , : ee ea iin e! innua I n Oo! ne as- n W be rid on Monday er 17 SERIES 1S STILL ON Newark and Minneapolis Deadlec- ked in Little World Series— Too Cold Yesterday MINNEAPALIS Oct 5:Cold weather yesterda aused postpone- ner of the fit ume in tne ttle World Seri tween New rk and Minneay winning clubs n tl Internationa Association Le Play will be and American respectively resumed ‘today if con- ditior ire favorable teams :h now won two gam each. 7 eries will con- tinue until one im lras won four High Se bool Softball League Standing WwW L Pet Morgan Pirates 3 0 1,000 Moxley Cubs 2 1 666 Smith Giants 1 1 500 Tobey Tigers l 1 500 Obata Braves 0 2 000 tA) I senator 0 2 000 ————. y | GIRLS PLAY Ruth Babe | GOOD BAL. 4 Sentinels Defeated Beacons By 7 to 5 Seore “Yesterday In the openin mn esterd \ of the High Schoo! ¢ s0f tba! | excéllent fieiding on bot sa } wented either team fr orin The Sentinel gainer The teams were Sentinels—-Lillian V ¥ Marware M illem, Ne n Gi tte "Blaine lrur Ed Dicker Tot on Fn Sk t No y More Vor T Ing! Mors¢ Ba Umoit 1 I Rert ' T v FOOTBALL SCHEDULE ) pik Boston Red Sox next year two mile i minute ly O ‘ Hi N lLecd) Men Phin Winter's Work on Vital Creek Pro- perty—Cenrgin River Active—Favorahl Report on Jessie Gold EWS OF TH i hy i ae RUPERT ; det AROUND PRINC eS Roval ho rec Vital'C: men, lef valued at S480. from ground. adjoining that-held by himself and yn Vital C hret things in Six mer | property « sulting engineer ! paystreak which Chinese are suc- Mines Ltd prope ssfully working on the same Mountain near Smith creek. It is reported that the Chin- report | ese have recovered an average Of ges gratifica \ $15. per ya tunnel. The xroup cali and drifti its widtl There are Omineea : dist any time years, dec Manson Mining & headway ed some equipment far as Nat have turn on James completio Georgia men with here to prepare to sink two or bedrock in Shepard, well known ently made an inspection of minin: eék in'the Omineca mining district 01 t the district with a poke of coarse gol els This was said to be two day Juneau minin reek. Mr. Shepard took in —— him stock has been Ltd a wet late on tine Val and left them eamp and . nee. Share shape for ‘winter's work ; OV at 3%a a 4 will be employed on the three shafts WG. Norrie-!I an effort to lecate a rd for 800 feet along their of operations wi plans of the Shepard tinued at the mi for locating the paystreak - ng in order to determine A governme! and to find the rim yrospector from | more prospectors in the amone lour me! A rict this year than at peared before St in the past twenty-five trate R. I ; jares Mr. Shepard. On charges of beatit Creek the Consolidated Canadian Nationa Smelting Co. is making may had recent Although.road work caus- tune to Joss delay, this company’s a heavy freshet moved as to his home in Alb has now been ion. River The MeCorkell's ed $2.50 with op! ed water into their flume jail on Creek, marking the -= n of a two-year project B. J. Bacor uit —_—- n the Prin ! River Gold Mining Go. business trip V Oaden's fine cat cigarette tohacce, If you “roll your own", use Your Pipe Deserves The Best! + + Particularly when the best costs you no more than ordinary tobacco. Smokers realize how much more fragrant, how cool, how satisfying a pipe can be when it’s loaded with Ogden’s cut plug. OGDEN’S CUT PLUG