ra I THE DAtLY NEWS A. A. 'ST'0! t. t The Daily News m II rwi ATTEMPT TO PIIINCR KUPEItT - RIUTISI! COLUMBIA Published Every AfWnnon, except Sunday, by The News IB BREAK JAIL Printing and Publishing Company, Third Avenue. I II. P. PULLEN, .Managing Editor. Bars and Ssreena Sawn Through 2 0 -w-r- 3 But Ware DIsMvartd Before DiincrniDTinM tiATm. Mi Prisoners flt Away. City Delivery, by mail or carrier, per month ) f 1.00 lly mail to all parts of the British Empire and the United States. What inls-lif lm r'nHH Ini in advance, per year ,..., $rt.00 ( .Hs, i olds Pron. ni..ilir Jail ,i.v,k mk iii i In- el if T6nll other countries, in advance, per yearf. $7.G0 COT lirst ailn-rnts 'Hk-up uait krij-haifil n awn. ' are w.ittrd by gnrnt lay aflvrtMar3PB)-trisaut fUllr , TELEPHONE 88 ytM brtatht .n ah the air. JiM 4lm had juai erlurn.Mii Qualjl .ju " -'V. They attaek the membMne fnirti liia rMti ml wIiihi a ) Rupert Transient Display Advertising, . . .91.2T, per Inch eaTTt insertion linmR the tKxtnlt, throat, ami Heard aintnbina rnix' "nilii 'i Transient Advertising on rYonliPage ?2.oo per Inm bteattiiiigluUes. NireneMaml from n wifitiwv in t Miction at Local Readers, per insertion 2oc per line inftmniOon apprililv dr rlop iIip rsr of tin iniI !! pro Ma$$ified Advertising, per insertion . .J?t per wrjfrj uales Pffa wffclion-ly.lhiix rfifrit Into lb Jail nn niajl- Legal Notices, each insertion. Jffc per agate fine tiUVtn are talea quttldy. ns; o .a aearHi f on.I that (ft., A Vif diwtv in Ih mowh Contract Hales on Application. thtj Rivp at nifnl ItU; Mkl f I ho t- iiuh bar fail Mpti All advertising should be In The Paily News OlTiee on davipre (HMK-Klal flMM that MiM WS Ih4 awn iHrmsirii. iK- iarer of tar it-mug If t'uoiirniiun.Ill-Ill..- .u.11 auvrrniria;-J !-: rcrcivru I..-J sunjrri.1 t,-l 10- npprOTai-J bmtk and irrutolr lKrot" " i Wo havin hff-n mil Intel In lit pmmzv irxcl mtn the lunga. ller' o I Hail it ..r, aolof ant DAILY EDITION Tuittrfay. NVvwraVr fl. l!al la ll..H6cwala) I padmMrny inlarl. (in flr: .Minoiia ion o alfaiwatrfHix SsoMMaaVtia. totiliMl n tf rii.ihtiia w.t temm'; emm. tnllv !!!. H i. nr in, hul on (aeUnx Do b- tin. eul Self Preservation air-pamagM r tnohr4 aarf ft-purrd Hng wsa taeiv-roi fhrr ohMriv ! ol Hlw ara Is First Law. tlearMl awa . aad tha Ueattriaf wire aeeeena hiol h r rir .-elf preservation i the first law of nature. Our Aril duly i i rej Mt In r. -i.ln- 'r an ft to ourselves, 'if we wish to reward Colonel Peek fr his ervhe rape irleh w- m . tmfily plan ! r TIIE WONDEHFUI, -f for the on (he.field we do not hand him trouble Jy arising him In repre- sn a The Mlawer v n nil liale.i seiitjisin the House of Commons. He hlniVeJf Asks that we set BREATKEAB1E In Irwlr iwllvuliiot .-.-ll- i aside from eonkieration his military sryvlres, wliieTi ItAve nothing iBpnovriy wa rtn.i btr I : whatever lo do with the election ,ot n meinher to Parliament MEDICINE imthinn wa f.xonl imi' unit ' What to whole tboiil A n'eliafk in ih'- 'k.nitir 10orl8r we wnnt now is consider the politirttl situation as when Pltlllo Mrl..ita!.l w.io ba it ndeets Prinee.Huperi and the whole of the Skeena district and rpi knaf the 'pnHl rff :i lraliaf UUaa ol lb fva (( .aaeu en(rlri ..f Hi. fl. attiMtlHsij to choose that will be to do most to 20or55 I t a candidate, likely plaee the Sad other rtch ratal ib ilicinf i )Mvin ilonr Ihr ra district on the man. ,If the man who is mnt likely to do this i f eapiaj bcav&l and aajty to lit Ttwr" mrr ntw prl'ir In Colonel Peek, Ihirfi vide for him. If, on the other hand, it seems iatrt raild or agrd In t tail , hi. jatl at tto lime, fen .f Mfrrrr. IVfa are naataaltM ftra probable that Kred Slork i most to elTeeti6 .Thnrii Wrrr rii ir Irrmav aa , likely give help at ffm ftmm. morpMx, mmi aN aUo. W' of whom an- I" ooatl h I this critical lime, then we must sink our perioiinl views In the frt hatal fvodadag rf- llvar khkIi mta n tfcli riit rr linir for fh.-ft.. t! common interest and vole for Fml Hlnrk. Thai is the way to look dirttt IVa ikaa j It milia aViaiag I" at the present political sitoalion'as it affect ourselves. 'aJ uytmiag jr jxnua with CATHOLIC BAZAAR plaVer I I aaar dra g-laiWa aoiMrei aa4 Railway Question v PROMISES SUCCESS. Cl a torn of tfa Ionia, Overshadows Other. Onc yoa tty iWm iraiaa twaataa. The railway situation is the most important with whieh we1 alia uUHs;m ll txitr aat any Full Arrangamtnls Wads foe Two have to deal. On it depends everything ebe. With the railway rii4t.other aoretaroa.ttmt4f lor tifwaroaln.(ooIm, aigat aaaii, Days Amusament and Cntar NAVY CUT functioning well we shall become a big seaport, but with th line eorgk, Iary.ghy waaa. et. talnmaet. to this port looked on hs al branch andlrWfed wUh eo'nlempl, we The Cnlnnlir luar will fc. can expect nothing in the jvay of development. What we should Inl ft Ihtt a Art rv tr.fli mi'- r c .1. bcM MUB'HHtW ai Tkurada t.r CIGARETTES do just now 1 to sink' A!tlilTerenres and unite mi the'esvrtdklate T.rttmrm rttH Mf .ram'o f fc.lui fa,tml C ni wss in hi AnaWw. Hat' AUAtUr, tut hi $ tmr f J trreHnfta on raeh attrloan! mo,I who will do us pood. , K rommenelng al 3 o tttorfc. Urral' Mackenzie King It . : ;am nar hr.-'i iakrti ky I'l t KCOUGIS , ailH of tbr .nirreajattnn In, Man to .Support. ' ' ;H j niK-r-tlnn Wltti thia Hauaar an.'l Just now the m'JnVfdr Prince Hiiperl to support rs W. II. -f lin pom i to tSa nrinc a Mackenzie King. He was here last year and went into the railway COLDS & I 'tiiMii ir not a TfvtT anwa r4ae aiter situation thoroughly. He understands the . poiiori in eer (Imh llw basaara hM in pr-'taar 9m t eaasaa, yae aoaik . Ta. rlniaa. li ia tail as . Uwara aarui detail. .More than that, lie? is pledged to get behind Ue railway Bronchitis ' wwa (( rkcHM a aaaai af pranaiaarei ......in. win num-ti a grrt . Uiataa 4r araaa. and see that it is made lnii a real transcontinental railway as was LuiM SataM fliL tttl. lv of ahl to Uh ji' turrtiaarr A. M. a at ir- rj appuraai. intended by his former illustrious b-ader, 8ir "Wllfridf Lanrier. Evrj aflrrn.M.n from ;j EAT FISH In developing (his port and giving a good railway sen ice Mr. SUITCASES , iiwaril, Ira will tn rrvrl, while !HlWt. King will be imply following out th pledges made-by the Liberal ' uiorrow ii'S'WI. at M ..'rl.ik. II. rirr taut at or t cntsr usn a mstmct-sot irvs. ws leaders at the lime he was u member of the Liberal Government. lnMrrn k ill pl Ihnr ...,, TUt aauaa tail I. iaiaea C aaafraoa. of Trunks rnnro niajart. a t- roM areapauai ean It is a member of Hir Wilfrid Lauriers (lovenim&it earning oa '"ii.-rrt. vrlitoSt In rcfhti v.r-'ii.- ir. laaaaa laoo rar a tireaM at And Suj)jrt th-!!r l. the promised policy; What we should ddlhen is to get behind, pnrtrrni to uHl an iiiIt. ika a I Iklta r ajar'. 0mtt4 aatetai tu tamli iai Muwlaaai Qfaaeararlat ea which tMjpfort '-u .Mackenzie King with all the strength possible. To do that we CLUB BAGS raiing fndto. Anl Hi., " ilhaH ao aat ae.qbaner aalle LMar aoer U4 i aaie aaata af must vole for Fred Stork, the Liberal candidate. Large Stock on hand. to' iuall of I be pnwram Will Utile reaar aj.e, taeaea veal is KaiM, Ask for 'mr'n none. ,,f tn inirr-i .li-iilayril aarUt a raaau. iheore mh Prices very low. itMMe aeoia la ekaaaa U t4n of Fresh, Smoked and Cahned Newspapers Have in other Maon eae( . etanaaae att arrta. i Situation Clear. J. F. MAGUIRE Ofla of ltia afearial ailrjrli.iti. lueakMt IkXt aaraat c tlL JrasO.111 rleraat. Fish Col&nel Peck has been placed by the newspaper of the south lor Thurvday nHflrt in tlief l...inr ft fj.W". tHM as a supporter of the Meighen administration. His supporters Next tha Print Rupert HoU ookitl dinnor awinn put (,ii l.y the sonct i Distribute! by nk us to set him right -ill this. The Colonel disclaims being a i.nli.-. front in a o elork Ki rmwf rajcr wrrar or casst u.ik Ratc wsraic nt ti supporter of the Conservative Government, or as we should possibly oa: fen- iiH.aa, anan of lli- tf'"ir. "aan,Tilt a nattro r. oaoaoalMft Ihat I. W rtd araM,earfiwwr. a- Canadian Fish & Cold 'Storage Co., call it. "the National Liberal and Conservative Government nria nae airekatH naa llteir w a nail tmr ai.a h oeueM re He supported that Government up to the time of dissolution, but Ten Years Ago e rvalioit fair Ike h"aw.m ooHirai aeermvd rar aao lajah.peirw limmrat aa iaa ra-eiuiia l a PRINCE RL'PERT lie has chauged hiaallegiaure, not to the Liberals, mind yoti. Thai I mral. If-"ike eaaalak ataaaaa ant at mim UtUa rraaa QKlar Ceitar airer.Jr taeare ea would not suit his supporters, who are practically all Conservatives, In Prince Kuprt Itiert wui ba nsaay othor al- ai ra aaaata. umti imtu ta rtjM. He is now an independent, lie supports riobly And, IrarlKin aad anwaaaenia 'v raaaM ami aa rail natal a at ekaaM.wiwwawtl,IWata aaau tueuia-it RUPERT BRAND presumably, has no policy. AW. Mnrrlaaay Ut niarht in- .uii aiM wen mm evrff- o a tv aaiea. If Colonel Peck is to amount to anything at Ottawa he mit ' rwaiueaa ai inr rouivrii mewtiHg aaauriHly4 gaod Itaae al the aaiail till,W. B K fill.HIS. AreUraat ally himself with one of the biir stoops there. Wliich nnr i, u t.. Ih Mm of ciniMiiaaHH!i nttrni. itataaefnr tit' sail two ft Z JfMaaieal. "He knows- aa well as anyone that he can do tlnlhina alnar "wnl in Prinro Kunorl. Tkarr JIOTICt krnuicr ntr rar iot nisTsjcT Ml we think it is hot fair to the electors of this ronstilHeftey for hiiA '"7 diaMion on the tmi:t r coASr atxir rilr to stand in the middle and not tell, until after Parliament meet, i a,h Witjr nf abottalUng lh NOTICE, Take aalif a. t- area ikal fatten I. riru Star,eorateer.nf rrlaea la wtucn way lie intend to vote on questions affeatliag the policy of wrl ' lire nmteeatnm with In ea aw for Berate In pearcoet far. nt, MMral i aa aa4 lha rl pelralean aa the UfiMie aotttie thai ihe taasr. country. a a a oartaa deatrUa laaa uauaeidai at a Dr. Sutherland Tiir anireal inJ Oikem inar I ha I.iki f I aaaated om ao4 aae ooaMer aMIe seal munlfipaU eleel ri in plant of coaar anr aaa la naiea auatk of How Representative IbursMna; Ui lal acrnp of cm neaa nf the WV.f Eni Cfe and UMia OSar Kmr. Ikeara etl St (halaa. rL ii il. Cap Honor aoatk aa rkalaa. tar era eaii aS L.D.S., D D.C. Are Chosen. -ii j Kuey anal liiMtanlntr H -ua. D.P.S.. 'eer cuhhii IB tai4MlMUr rhaia. Ifcaaro aurtk at rfceiaa a pulal vf itepreaeulative are chosen for Parliament liver tth.. ahal mi tava ih.iiIm.1 from tti.n T. Tor. Mnn Man ewasneawavjiemi. nuiani aia acrra, je3aue they Ueialea Aera.l lift. Mand for something definite. Fred Htork Alands for the Liberal M uwiyisi nmre. )iii8 ami Wong ttei Hiroi. All I4MM flat, kilH. rtNraal. in all its branches C r. DENTISTRY a paranua liaviaif unpaid Mil acaaab, roi. ponry oini we know exactly where to place him. Colonel Peek has not told us what policy he will support He simply akt lo he 'I1m ehy ia lit hire an aifirtH ajfjilliat the aiiid hnainaa at'- re. jiotici:. returned to the House of Commons as a free lance to do as he lo examine tha UnsW ml WihmJ. quireil I nd the aame in l raiSCK fKiCT Mf rtr rnr costr tato msoc DtsTaiCT-nvr pis Exchange Block, Suite 14 and IS likes. Apparently the Conervntives expect him to join with worth Lake which will Im fkHa ua Itefori- ..veater l&lh. Tata anaara thai 1. Thooiai lleoara Black 516 otV . Walaa. Terraee. a. C oerapalano laier-raaher. Phone Premier Meighen. for they are behind him to a mart and are when thf dasn ix put in. lMtN tlh jb'ovemkor. Itf'l bTkrod to aarljr lar a heenaa to For Armolntment"in righteously KI.M HI N WOtti! IIHiUHKIIS. aeuaparl far eoaL aaiaral raa and Miro-Imbi indignant that anyone shoHld have the temerity to a tnr foMwHty 4earnlid laaiM oppoee him. (i ii miaaaar al a pool cunted aoa and mm- aula ei feara radir HOer aoarier and Mentors ahould remember that In senilinff a rnraanlat;a The Man in the Mood rwjici? acrraT i-a rwarturr ws- law aaiara aoaUi at UIIW Cedar HOer, MCT or miiT kiMir rtvat Jo Ottawa he is not going lo sit on n city council or similar small 1 Take onltfa tiut i. a. i. inwiia, oi iaaiaa,Ifceara tbeara aail I weal tjiataa.aa mataa.tbeara ifceara aoatk aorta tt iMMly He will be one of 235 members, among whom are aorae of! SAYSj- . lean lo.tppO B ' tor. or a n Hretuo ix una to r.rwrv.f,proairi tar in-1 it cbaiaa to arreT of CUWIWBCCOltaL coo Tht- Home of tie 1 1 i e t orator in CatiaBa. In that nnmi.Be i.a ii..iiu euaL aaiuraf taa rail twtrattwm oo lb ' TrSaleo J rial flat.1 Iltl wilhiM.t iiiiiurnre iii.a he Is in sympathy with one,f Uie bii f ALWAYS say what I think." a rarwwmr aw inaaara avwrtBed a aula lta.Hi rni OaomieoeMit Cedar Hoar THOMAS L imWABIl C. f.WALSH axk.a. rMi'tnl. BREA group. To stand up on the lloor and speak alone woAd selaMaJ a lh anrflt Uoi at Ullla Cadar Klrer, -'teat Domestic mean to tlir yonajr nun, and it omre tan ia rtialui. iiwoea avrta soTirr. lam to empty benches. ineora lul aa h.m. ihinr. .h . . .. waa iutfe rvidVnt hia Ihinkinx - - - r. urrnT um tiisTai -tra In Canada we a oaaiaa tu p.ia of couuuaacrOMBL cos 1 thict or bltir M oe rivr. - a..J- and vm are governed by groups, which we call Utotar 4a w a. j.m.kirtri a fa s SlUBf parties. aHMratus waa UuUy in need af arrea. Take antiro thai , cinl MuaUraa Carter, m- naif mini ,..Vi.?i r 7'"y 1101 ,K! U,e wtl"I. "U il present repair. Laratad Aaratl S. Tt flat,IISmjaK.llfl. aptllrant. r Krtara foiberL B C. aer.aliia rtrtl h..i tha bast cf IngradHnU. earmear. latriKi la arplr rr a iK-enao lot iiouafrrriir not a mmhw of a gro,,p 18 nUd " ta h a a a nriMfieri n.r raial natural rat aiwl uetro fiprxialists IttrtlKlar m"" leum no 10a ruiwotaa oeaeriljad landa: . . .... i. umi cell TMU . bl IMna I he a vara He UUr raa.ry artaioniat draw U hi salary, THICT or GOAlf MASfle liri .iu. i nn. i.-l. vi BAKEK4i) a a a .rfiKi." Hfrr O. mm u rkalat. Ifceara n-vth a' rbaui THE LACASSE f?..lUf b. C- ncrupalion bovaawtra. ineara areat 14 rbaiaa, ineare aoatk Tli naurawa itM arT-f "W rur a II IO proeperi rar rkaioa hi ixuol af abnuaeBrament m.i.i.I Phona 190 717 Third anu Dr. i jHiaeraliv. it ia vary iliffieuli taalaa ' raa ndpalraleana oo Ika ral- tar ais arrea. JOS. MAGUIRE lo liUi'KUaul. .n.la . k.. i. pool PiaOUd.. the Lank ar Mortar. . .hl.r TVun... u?.iTAiV... A'aJ.!!.' . u ..i tww ir ..j.uii. "... -" i u a. wtn.in, Mii.riiii, not lliut at aJl He KaanHtihiriKlirtf .V" ' '". kata eouta (ii Q T- tut.. Arnt. iuile dlffaawnt ISWraa. Ikeaer .t aa 'iMine, Ineare bona DENTIST '..&''.. Iat af cwmPaaraaieBl. rx- rmx r Sl'rfHT tASli MSTaiCT- bit' o a o - " arrea. thict ruaGa nit ui coait . LPrte remain the aama. MlLCMWH la hi,I it la MKS.Mealed Aaeeel till, ttft. Ttie BHlfe that I. a. K. Mrhola, af THEO COLLARTJ.TD. UAMlI (lUXtiihSO. APDUraal. Visit his Offlca Hooma T rriara Hanerl. B. C . eootipetloa eill ear a imiii. w.-ll Ui ptve tu.- loitHua j it a I f, SOiiuo. Steal, lear. IB lend ia apMT rar a rweoaa la proa ''fcM",',, """ Blocs or phona for an appolntmant. now aoaj lav,, M far roal, aaiaral ( and ratroiei ton SAlt-lot tad are-mora homa 1 !0TI. Iba Phona E7S a riunrr ai a rottnolff Mat pfakled deaonlMd ana rmia liali fftiai Vnraiar CUr hlrrr saae aaaa, Utiaaea a. " f- M 11 Office hours: a fi tU aorta bonk at UIHa Cedar Miter, Raatalt ,,uu loe .!2, 1 to 0 and KVERY . e 7 to 9 thic THtaTSt a a 1- l. l.nr Ikr li aa eatl ia rkalaa. uuit. ml ..... kwf STHOtMS evenings. ' a flrU Tit. aaueo Mill I, A. M. arerooar, af raataa. tketito aeai tt ekaloa. tiiw. . . .-..Ma. Pr.rM MiatWi, j" "Vawpattaa rlrll ao rl au .aum tn imi.hI f ...411 rub ... ,r so Sunday Appointments Lady A..mi ant kiiI al i'i-niral fiMilinar laraaaa la pma itimna a . r. Mrrlaa laaaf Oaaiat '""i M'n . K. r.,n.. .,,"'"'al. tat and iwtruieuui .Ml .niiril intui II. till Tba at' literal Mi.'f "" " ;u.. ii . v rlt-.j lail.l' i nUWlKlur A H SilHlrlS Arr.llF..l ai a ! l-'UJIt' ua mile rum M..ar hi, r 1 r S .fliub, tfruti