vednesday, October 5. 1932 Give your family. the joy of RADIO LOCAL NEWS NOTES FALL SUITS AND DRESSES Taxi 35—Ernie Marge. t' CHOLFPRA TNFANTUM , Vancouver Bank clearings for We a ee ee ee i aoe THE FATAL DISEASE }week ending ‘Sept. 29, °32, were peor sa camanace Made in Scotland Meeting N. U. W. A. at New | Don’t forget OF CHILDREN $11,026,155. At 8 pm. tonight in C.L.D.L. Hall, | , 2nd Avenue ‘ Seotch and Canadian dances, I. Coe Se O. D. E. Hall, Oct. 7. .Gents -60c L B ity h St | nc FP b : ‘ ' ices Sons of Norway opening dance jLadies 25c. Scotch Oréhestra. Re- atest ritis y. es a a rics u new Odlttfellow's ‘Hall, 4 2. | {res ents i o Gea Game Hark ore ant aes scene PURE ALL-WOOL 8UITS— | PURE ALL-WOOL DRESSES eae eee aye eee —ee Very Latest Styles Adm, 25¢., ladies refreshments; 'Bv- | Dan Jabour, who ‘has thee $1 f to $ De g r, wt s n /re- to érybody ‘welcome. 234, | ceiving treatment at the Mayo Cli- 4.30 22.50 $10.30 $21.50 + ; P ; |Aic “at Rochester, Minnesota, ¥e- GalicaraliLook tt, ‘Rev. Peter Trimble ‘Rowe ' Te turned to the city on the Primee : + ry Third Avenue Bishop of the Episcopal diocese ot Mone ee ae | Rupert today. ‘Phem Over Cor. Third ‘Street Aloka, was @ passenger aboard the Princess Louise this morning go- ing ‘through ‘to ‘Vietoria where he It ‘has no equal for off-setting Mrs. T. W. Hall, wife ‘of ‘School the vomiting, purging and diarr- | Inspector Hall, returned to the city . ve : ) ; 4 2 ri ‘-f mily | gists or dealers; put up only by | Spending the summer vacation visit- | ae The 'T. Milburn Co. Limited, | ‘2g in Vaneouver and. elsewhere in & @ Malcolm McLeod and Alex Mur-! erento, ‘Ont. res ray, who ‘have been here for the‘ There were eighty passengers -on Classified Ads past few weeks in connection witl t st ‘ess Louise Just arrived a shipment of Chin: |»card th mer Princess Louise | past eighty years. | This i ‘vo offer and is made fora limited_period to induce : a This is.a very attractive offer and is made eet fi ancial ‘veriod J. B. Johns Port Edward:'} Order Your Next New 7 i subseribers to pay a year In advance during ‘the daiftieu Inancla period, IM'ss M. ‘Larkin, city; W. Birchall) Suit From Payment may be made by check, money order or currency. The sooner it as Eimionton; John Campbell, Dor-| ; ; CANADIAN PACIFIC ve sent the more you get for the money. preen; 9B. Wallace, C. NOR. A. By ' ; To ‘Vancouver PRINCESS NORAH- -Oct. 12. 24. Nov. 2, “eit 7 reer, * jalecwn Port Essington ‘lil “roWancouver.- PRINCESS ADELAIDE—Fridays, 10 p.m. via Ocean tek ; ' if Walis and Way Ports. i } \ Fo Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau, Skagway PRINCESS NORAH-. A o Hotel Central Ltd Th Tailo Oct. 8, 20, 29 For Information call or write+ oe DAll Y NEWS | : e r \ ‘W. L. GOATES, ‘Generai Agent Prince Rupert, BO, Wo : 7 i] Coventent to business district, |) ; Prince ‘Rupert, B.C, homelike, beautiful harbor Second Ave.—Opp. Post Office | - fi Trains will arrive Shipbuilders VIOLIN Prince Rupert and Ship Repairers —---—— ---- —_——- | , a ; y OOK AT SH! } ; ; ; , 9.00 p.m, for Steel and Wood Vessels | MISS NELLIE LAWRENCE will re ver cee ; = yt 36 | All our advertisers have been offering special bargains 'to the custom- + i » violin lessons Octéber’ ist DIRTY WALLS? } All our adv S hi ‘ _ “i : Every Tuesday, Thursday Sawmill and MiningMachi sume violin lessons Octover 2s We paperhang a room for } ers. Here is our contribution. Any person sending in a ‘full year subserip- | } : Oe ind aun Cae Phone 177. tf Oe ne ; tion now will get th | THE DAILY NEWS Delivered in the city oneyear from Janitary 1, $5.00 | Rest of this year to January 1, 1933 THE DAILY NEWS Pelivered-by mail out of town one year from January 1, $3.00 Rest of this year to January 1, Any Wishing to Become Subscribers: re subseriptions or renew als. .st of the year 1932 free. This applies either \to new 1933 FREE A TRAIN ‘Pranseontinental ‘trains leave Prinee Rupert and Saturday. s Fer information call or crite local agent, or H. McRWEN, D.F. & PA. Prince Rupert, B.C. V-196-32 ™~ Canadian National Hotel Arrivals Central views. reasonable, Spacious sample \reéoms. 'Rates ee Prince Rupert SHIPYARD Total capacity 20,000 tons Repaired and Overhauled Iron and Brass Oasting Electric and Acetylene Welding 50-ton Derrick for Heavy Lifts ; Phone — 649 WIDE RANGE OF IFINE 8 AL TTT Good Clothes Do | Make You Great } |CASH EASILY EARNED SOLICIT- | ING orders tor personal Christ mas greeting Cards. 1932 most beautiful line ever shown in Ca- TRANSFERS Cordwood, Kindling Cameron's Transfer Firewood, Furnacewood, Poles, Piling OFFICE SUPPLIES Rase, Cowan & batta } PRINTING | Phowe 234 7 ‘ ~ ff “ 10 Tube Con- ! ing of grain ships at the lvcal, eriia Coats, in. ta brown and 5 ies a . ‘ é, " ae ick cats» tans, Orov an’ }on ler arrival here at midnight ° pe Ne e) ae = by ‘the ve navy. Reasonable prices. Annette’s. from Alaska. Two persons left the ae ’ yesterday afternoon on their ‘re- a Ese Daa A | odyne Circuit. rte i Sa ed 1 0 ir re 234 | vessel here while six embarked on FOR SALE PERSONAL | 29 : ” - board at this port for the south. Pe 4 ea a Che ee ; iss E. M. Ear], who has been or cre thas Baa: 7 Mr F..G. Dawson and two son: ' business trip to Vancouver eure Rev d Mrs. Basil S ” FURNISHED fat oor se vy Apply en a sce Donald, who left the city recently. for Wan Amare ik Aa clth ashlee ell cas ind Mrs. Basli S. Procktet.| - qgaien Motors. Phone 52. uf, formerly of Owen Sound, On- I wer, have.tatt deta th 3 a 1sOW vena in the south, returned tc |who-were recently married at \Van-| ————-———— :- > -- >" | _ tario, will communicate with the ver, nave le ie southern Cit |the city on the Prinze Rupert to-|derhoof and who have'been s -|FOR SALE—Mink, Quebec. Labra-| mi 1 spend Th S IC ? , for a visit to Mrs.'Dawson’s hom jay |ing a honeymoon mat dor, young or adult. $20 per paur.| Canes Teen et eee > . 4 » (a3 jing a honeymoon making a -cruis ; v . i t e eason's Greatest Medels in North Dakota: Mrs. © J. Roth aefhGl ae ce : ce vf a pisces, , ae heme a ' tt gina, Saskatchewan, the Execu- ; well of New Westminster is ac | Moos? opens tomo * + eee Sisdhaaiten —— ‘| tors under the Will of the late > nster S { Moos y° r oper NMOTYOW las ¢ cneete of Rey ar 4 } 1 There is a model for every thome, ‘ompanying them and they ar |-tternoon at” oe OeRelel docts ‘et " iy — Bare. AW) Peter Donald, he» will learn : ; a, ae ae tHOUn ¢ ( ficial 83. Jennings, left by today’s train NT hi is adv 535 ; sensationally priced from $65 ‘to criving Ea | ning ty “Mayor tirmet 8 ‘pm-lon thelr -return.-4o) -Vendeseestl FOR RE} | something to his advantage. 235 f Sac oO suit 2 — — lowed by ‘Grant’ Con Novel- | where thev will] reside y Pp . ea eee ee oso" ne ae ne 5 . 9, to Sure all purses dd pets ‘one Staff Ntain Joseph Acton, a! | tig s, tea room, etc v ter eee ape wate FOR RENT—Medern flat, Rand} CHIROPRACTIC a masterpiece incorporating all ‘the Visional commander of the Salvo | - asec a | Block. Apply Max Heilbroner. t?| newest developments in radio «en- Seal aa eee one FOR RENT—Moxern sewen-rocmed | W.C.A . . ‘ oluntbia ‘and the Yukon, left o: as cd i ) gineering. Never Mas radio:offered Saal sidligh arintbe pits | A P ' . house with furnace, close in.) . C. Aspinall : ' 1 i to var || Pyy e " ' i" ¢ ny : such outstanding values. Never iou poir between here anc|' NAOH CS P Ments Confectionery & Phone Red 720, eat tlgoil BEE, Wy i Verse Year Gratunts ‘Chisigenats é have you had such ‘an opportunity : a ” Goorae after ends wi! - D . P dA TO Adults Only—Cozy 3 or 4 room| Modern Ray Treatments Given ! to give your family the finest ‘in rin eer’ Moose, Hasaar gap Carnival Ce airy roauce ES Phone for Appointment en Wran and "7 4, iences including electric ‘ange Green 241 and 549 radio entertainment for so small eee : Our candy made by first prize - and oil heating. Apply at 217 - an outlay. Pay only 10% down. ciel a tana Seiad United Church Annual Supp winner at ‘Prince "Rupert" Ex- pS ates Sebtermeanadhire ae Oe eee Balance spre; ae c , Th , ‘. ieee Pe anes ct. hibition. Quite a number of } e spread over 12 months. | “Dan Donald. arrived varieties always on ‘hand FOR SALE OR RENT DATRIES “. ‘7 Pr ¥ ‘ Rr ar 1 Over Thanksgiving Day benefit danc New stock of chocolates, can- a ellnigiad we a2 ‘ ‘Ouv Jowell River anc cean ; ee ee ee eee my, GCS fe ae ae +’. les’ Hall October 10 dies and chocolate bars in . | Northern British Columbia Fal's and will sail at 4 o’¢lock ‘this Aditi FOR RENT or SALE—House it TIDE Tap ec S ” : fternocn f Anvex and Stewart * dsc ia Westview; 4 large rooms anc MANURE FOR SALE = ‘ Feit whence she will return here‘tomo Harvest Thanksgiving -Auction Variety of sandwiches, light bath; well finished, practica!l: $1.5 ic Lo: ower om n im! e vhen its rn hk tomor p $1.50 Bie Load rew evening southbound c in 8, A. Citadé®y- Tuesday, Oct. lunches and cookies. new; harber ‘view, ‘Phone ‘Black Blatt. : ae i, 8. pm Cea and coffee 813. (232) | DOMINION DAIRY A’most ‘thirty-six hovrs behind ‘ , ; We take orders for roasteA Phone—Red 698 ' me ; eto a y To ~ 9 , chickens for Thanksgiving SW AP HOT SES . . Ss 12 Dav. Prices—S], $1.25 & S14 7% Ry ‘7 z oe 7 se - ee VET Ep 17 Lt | BULK! EY VATTk A | : | if sou have not vet visited our | WILL @eap, af or reit thigie| *MOTEURIZOD S0LE as de Bi sient, ah de a ed bk Ww CP .3 ner Prine me mn Phone Green a tf fA . : ve day, Cectove a 2 Red oe ; S SAFE IS A HIGH CARRION, NON-CORING, BITUMINOUS COAL “Yd : nae ra le v Gu Ma a ane eee i ne . ~ Th we Uae soins Sen sae chen night from Alaska points and sall- +s ; . HELP WANTED yee n ou nN 1Ub-ORy e > ‘ a a hagles ANCE : t a € d 24 Seite ae * + * . hake the bottom A desired. For hedters ed at 3 a.m for Vanc uver This, Eagles’ Dance, October 14 and MUSSALLEM ; oe { fresh from Buikley Valley ise single screene wp. use single sereened .lump was ‘the final scheduled call of ‘the a » Z 4 HOUSE to house salesman for fas F “ vith a generous pot of { to hold a slow fire or eason ‘here for the Princess ‘Lou-| Catholic Bazaar, October 19, 20 x selling household necessity never | arms manking over night. You will us ther fuel after .beeoming ise whith will be replaced for the C f , before sold In the province. ‘Write | NI customed to : Lwinter on-the “Alaska route ‘by the| Elks’ Dance, October 21 on ectionery Advertiser 541:;Howe Street, Van- | VA att i - se ooh eee _ ry S e Re airy P . . > 932 one 0». BULKLEY VAI LEY COAL | same ‘ eae S wn : pie an a Hill “60 Hallowe'en Bridge anc & Dairy Produce ieee ; - 4 ;aue here HY Saturaay morning | tance Ort. 28. LODE. Hall. | ; . i . — }t orthbound f SITUATIONS VACANT = = | Presbyterian Bazaar, Nov. 24 Pid e ‘ “ A N List your goods with us—Princes Rupert's leading Auctioneer, |G. M. HUNT Special Hard-Time Bargain Ofer] SERVICE| DRY DOCK | SV .crss wn nme WORK WANTED — The AUCTIONEER 9,30 acm. cnet os ten: Seialhicii Niele al Packing — Crating — Wrapping . D il N Every Monday, i| 2 etna "Ati oe “ids Seat) and General Furniture Repairs To Subscribers to the al y ews ‘or Wetinesday and Friday Operating three Dry Docks Se ie 987 List your goods with me GEO, J. PAWES—Phone Black 128 $5.00 and up, Calsomine, $2.50 | and up. Call, Red 802. | J. P. MOLLER Miss D. Hogan TEACHER OF MUSIC 1 | Phone—Black 232 ed ieee . : UNION ‘STEAMSHIPS LIMITED enemas cramer seer a A A EA ALS = eS " Pp R f Vv nC ai FIRST ‘CLASS CAFE QUALITY WOOLDENS (0.8.8, \CATAUA OPES TUESDAY, 1:30PM, —- — Open at All Hours ) CHOOSE: ia Waypoints, arriving Vancouver, Thursday a.m, = _—. epecial monthly rate ‘for | ee vest net Arig Wangoutes Buntiay, Seen hs f ° : Viaty ” ver. Sun midn . Approx. ’ i “e ® Rooms and Meals We use ‘best trimmings; high |, Weekly sailings to! Tein pet Atlee Kem, Riivox, ‘*etbware and teas D | N Want Ads ‘ TRS Hotel Central Ltd elass workmanship; .peffect | River points, Sunvay, 8 .p.m, : at y WS ® ote entra aviee | fit guaranteed. Further information regard all reallings and tickets at — mereieeensiiniehrhtetingen oo repens otters I Sa First Avenue & Seventh Street } ; ' PRINCE RUPERT AGENCY: Second Avenue. Phone 568,