1 139 matin TAXI For Prompt QQ '9- Service tley & Hale PRINCE RUPERT Phone un Umoalnrt and 7 rasaenfer lelg"on Block Northern nnd Central British Columbia's Newspaper Touring Cart vmscv. in im:iit. ii. c, wkhnkkhay. aitouht io, lv2i. VMtffltr't 0lfltB ma. Itft ! . PRII'.K.riVK C.V.HT XII ,H" amine And Cholera Rife In Russia jVERNOR GENERiORRIVES IN CANADA TODAY FROM ENGLAND SOVIET PREMIER PREACHING LOYALTY TO SO-DIERS. Byng Arrives 1 Professional Hockey for F Lron Alberta League During the tt Quebec and Will ComingWinter; CoastGames SuS2aBLLpaCafs' Lff'!?'' ajaagtsWalan?'TjJat?Kim 1 4 Sworn Tomorrow CAUiAllV. Augit 10". Al a meeting;or the Big Four Hockey ie Ixague it was derided Ui diband and furm the Alberta Hockey league, playing out anil out profeioual hockey. Negotiation n ,-i o.--Haron H)"g ill Virnj. lUirada Mr w w.U be entered into between the new league and the Patrick of i, ,, inrd tin afternoon on the big C. I' It the Goat League for a nlay-ofT. ..i France, lie wilt le entertained private!? An mvaiou of Katrru Canada U to be made by club fronts It. ft I,.' i (he formal riiig in will lake pie. e at wi h a view b securing player. Many of the' men who (layed . : uh-. Tit Meyor of giieber lis declare! a iat araion are nut available for the coming winter, and no .-. . .i.ite lb avast tnpt will be niede Ui lake any of the stars from the coal team. ,. -weal .g Huron Hm wJJ prweecd I If it i found that the new league i able to eeeure the plaver if 1 . ,11 lake poaa 9m of ItMrmi 1111. the off" al au l came team that ran uerefully compete against the roatl , .. iled by Ute Ihake of lr.tiihiit'. team, there nhould be some exritiug hockey the coming winter. i, . mi. ! wa met l) number of members of ENGINEER DIED STOLE FURS I0R AND MAYOR PUTS UP LAST EVENING BUT FAILED SOLDIERS IN JUNIOR SHIELD ItaaiWr Lala flalltartat dm at bta loralty a ci to th aoldWra Uat saUar la front ot ta Mta Dath of John A. Sjtharland Occurred TO GET AWAY Utrr of War balldtn. TU la on of U UUM pict irJ to bm rcl4 aaawlag taa Ift4r of lit RaaaUa Following an Opart Hor Rtault Railway f ONFFRFNCF Dr Dock Ar Winner. ThU Year Wrack. MriXTIlKr. Aujr. 10- Ttilevea wvi of ;v ,h,u' pfre In Russian Oil Fields 'X ' Ike cut a bole throuKli in eighteen M Preilnelal Cablnat Af- Raoing leial Afirr llirll having tnr lam thre in lnonlha Orn-. inch brick wall and ali.la 10.000 ICWtrinea with Indue- Tew H " ,"M" J aa a half fwtb.wlnr fh raft. fti Cll Leadere. Vitrei tratdiy m toe. portlni n.a.l wrl of Ah4I nr'!Ml"Jr- A Ihe autftniAblle. rhleh circle. H be kaei mil wn by, Accentuates Famine and Cholera; liahttt whre he ulaird w- arry off Ihe bdle. lal- l. II. f.hlee fur In -Hep- .Mejar Hrry fracture. Jaha .nzu hry j abandon not .T..I Ike re l ii r KoHbwII Lniar erte. -njrln-r. fianl t f lh k,,,, . .. " Im rarV.I lnrlt baa already b.en woM thaa Lenin Makes Appeal for: Aid s?'- sill al S welek. .. . II... MMeii. .f-a- .ll .y e H) ! IMI. an ralioti wharh U-k comparatively it.iii 'ii ii.. (.fd a haiitl tan affair rbi in Ibe wn- " ml i.r.hi- i .1 i niaaV i.l 1)414 4fuif" ptalt ' ' " line 41 n'Miai H kweaine knwii j ' inn On ilvr, lMaMiifull iW iralnl, ami' nSH ARRIVALS U)MK). Angutt to Fire re ragmg l eg4ieMrH ell'lhal Mr. !u(ilKr ef.lMrH) MA MY 1 IVFI ARP f 1 rrliiw ii if i-HMwu-tf im a MMwotiaay Da. On' llllil I U I LiU tUXli at lladint, ll,M.a There appear t be no meani. of ealHtgimh- 'f Bu.1hl. ""I1 li-aW - n mMmIW abtld. upfli :l rr tb( brother. Ir. G. V. Sulleraiid. itetwrat lle Koala' A Mow Ice and wg lf gf ewUlagralitHi ami the k will be enonwoai. .mtjirli will or itaraal in. r OatUno um raltMf la Ihc 1niliU and LOST IN NORTH wr r:rai ywmr. ' Are OlaaHno fo Halibut Ubaer m Ibe more kee nl felt beraue of the famine aaxl cholera t, prrmf wkw dealh eame. . IU- Ir-'iilif rtwelrMl tao eity Sanaa. m llie dwtnet and the aeaat Mpply ai ataer fuel. Th new raiue a a hock to - lr.tfri4 ami t turn In ft. . Iba generally tmr the de. 'PY AGAIN I'AHIS. Aukh1 II). Premier Leam tflegraph-d . relief eity PrxocUr Who Sold l aniTon trwetlrrv be. hre. Klta haKbul hal wllb MS.. ... tt a- 1 - ik.... ceaned wa widely a ik!Hwn ami I r. u. , Eldorado Win a Believed Dead. ll.e final MoHm.. will be P .n00 pfnJ, ,.f h... ld llHr(BP "ew.paprr u fof rented to ita tM- ralehea al lha K-h F.takaaure iJHe iwk lair o airoaru inn nwmr u. ,,,, uMitMa- lnnin rr had eem- IITAIN-FRANCE yar. Uila utafHiMK. The .rr.- aitll wurkr aud agrii'iiUuril of other eounlrie Ui iume to the awl orm. oMMnj.in, ano ibe end eaioe H SON. Aujt, 10. Con Van eewlinue w. the hihei paid Hun m a ready mean . of anting the Soviet republic. 1 ...I I .. The drcMl yiaalhy 'nc.ulaked Hie famous Eldorado proapeejor.lilinln .. ... " wal refervltiff Mil a ic inerr , ... .......II ...LJI u nt I'.r.iOr... RICKARD RENEWS ,e .r .Ham. and Iraitediit rf when it the widow and family r, Ineir ,li - HlM iV'Zn: BODY OF DROWNED . h , (o mw LEASE ON ARENA great ? - wUo ((Hk lmo ,ijon dollar cr.3 I! time aajiwrl sel U yMtentay and cleared f.M Time. MAN REACHES HERE Rallroadad Long , from il, wa Hl on proapee- i..ii fur lire lb lik. II U ef41eel.1l Ibal Mr. Sutherland IS year oX:timg t4l1 anJ u j,fjecti to be 1 1 i-T ( naa Will Hold Another World Cham-plonahlp Mi mmi nf'llvetn ln be out in OF DISPUTE and bom u liHni 'amnanaii.iii Flaht There Fred Gueaa Wae Employee of. ase t,raj F..r Iba awty f A day or m. li.uuiy. Nova Sc.aia. He ld H Ihe lenar Nest July. Lakelae Hatchery 35 Year 1 A of unknown Irappera QMf there bar been 1.0 a tK 1 railnwded ever einee he wa 1 1 , ,,fll mTpr 'iioiiulil h of Age. Conciliation Board Awarda Wage M, rap. tea at KHeltltan and then, baa ln-lttU Ibe of first with il.M' rtf j khc 1:y r.rrv. Au. im Tei a alien bee for the cf C2 .0 Per Hour lo Flah year age, wj(hiu tue Arelio circle, in llie Mar.linae lercol.iniul 1 11- b4-riarr .Miraaraj aa re.iewiHj ir yar; rrw u r.u-ii The rfHiam f Ute lal Krvd ' Pack era. J(in .m,.,, a Itriti!. Co- Cauaduii Pr..viiMiM. Iben on Ibe ,Mlllbla , : r. at, i.n miinjf lib tr on Ibe arena at !-. via urmviMi re. j pokier, Ht k,.ale. al iMhrr- ura. n. llraudon ' Paeifle Hallway out of Mar, h Us aj it bieved Ulieiy a r.- in eiienu ann i,Uir ihrr bafe nlcwlr ..I fully in I ai.-1-r l.akait rewelHal The conclllat.on board In inrr aud for wmr yeara ltd Winnipeg PRESENTATION iHiuncetl :iii.ituT world lienvy.1 lew nHI X. bait . Imim al Umr re Ul mabl aroomiainiael by tha waqa dlapute bitween a the C.rand Trunk lalfe out i(( d(.4(J wciabl rbai.ilonl.ip to be Ua-d 'be wiibivk' and (Uneatable Man. lha Canadian Flah and CoM on plant. of thl ally. He wn a mem. N SPEAKER MANSON I hen- iifil July. He will arratiK" r'litluwjnil were liMUya arrival or. "I l.riac KialaawvnK an Storage Co. and the Flah-packera tMr -if the Oddfeikiwa Uls in oUilxLlTlC oimnrur rftllklTH tUUITtlL IC 10 a bout III w li.rlt rrliitey Will and vale: n.ini by ihe .irnr, nrmiwe-Mui concluded Ite ata-elona lle llraudon and of Iba Tyee rlno Ll. n ..... imH tin- 1111-1 Ingi.'Nl ii.lienl.' NblariH, llHMl iMHMMta. "W villi made tae intar-tnc.il yettarday and hae eent A. F. an.1 A. V. here The latter IN OPTIMISTIC MOOD j vvriii r 1 (Wnailian Ttali and liuW Inrr. Thr Ivc. wttlMiw if it rapoit to Ottawa, where n Uka 10 Hie Womtn'i Cluba will make Ibe funeral arrangement OYER IRISH AFFAIRS ' "mbara Starling VICTORIA SOLDIERS' SloraK" On. al He and air. he aciil..iii. rUtwanl Unntr and official announcement of fallowing Hie arrival of OiQveMtiou. IS.noo pound: 8 K. Xeaii.u. ! arrtvatl. atltlement will be made. The decer euae Trowal. Murdoch piutheeland. CLUB FINED HEAVILY and HHind; Wave. II.- Mr. lingua" va ah eMub.yeo report err.b.-dlaa that the flah father, from Paeifie. and l. It. PAUIS. ug. t.0 Hriuh of-rinaU 1 layiuw f 000 tmnd. and Thflme. Io.mhi of ihe l.ak.l.' Ilalabary. He packer ehall be paid 62 Vt Sulberlaiid. a beiaher. omluc-tor a ilie Supreini Council ' Mir fluUIMl Hund. uld In Ho l-aiiatliaii wa 35 yran of age ami wa a centa per hour with overtime on die Cauadiaii Xali.nal be- are mi iinine over Hie Mioalbillty Found Guilty Sailing Liquor, M ManMMt, Fih and Cold Storage al r.'lu.iKsl Idler. He leavw lo proportionately. They j...h .ml lalmunlon. t.l' ememeiu. An Velerane f llie UK. Army and Navy H. and lr. 111..urn hi widow. Tliera have been receiving 67Vjo ..,..ee... -v-ninir. aareeni. nl ie now believed prob- u- iirMaetXeil Fined. $1000. Tyes JO.imhi i..iihi aud ll..lili I vifi'o 110 rlulJren. alnce laat lummir when a . Many Mourn Loa. able foil. winn Mi-Keown a rrlraoa - - 1 1 ma Mw Vif:n)iilA. Aujr. to.- -Hoidiim 3000 ii(imj. iMihl if tle lloyai conciliation beard al dhat llesiJe. the wub.w. a family fr.Mii uriwin. V 11 a feim- Kluh t. al He and 1.0. time md that award. The of U children. John Walnon.1 of Mia Army thai llie Victoria unit N BRITISH WIN board thl time conelated or M HartalAnMi. tMMiniK and UIMH1 Maim ii, prU and Navy Veteran' Club wh nund: inibf H llie J. II. Mcalullln, Chairman, AHoe llualrlee. Calherin. I BRITAIN VOTES LARGE . Alii, tt,ori 'il 1 i tak-- ..1. il.. I t jiurm .-.'.II... m . . . Helena Martarei. (ilillr "I iir-Pii "i iii- ,H , . , M I Col. S. P. McHordle, repre-aenllng TO THE RAILWAYS t. il it a Arl. Maaialrala Jay llncl Ihe e lubi YACHT SERIES the company, and and Marbm liliaaMh. aiavive. SUM 'h. "-ramou. . -i....,-i iii.l Minnie V. :i5o pouioU. an d They reaide al Ibe home in Se-tion f 1 1 Iff' ?f I r aeeaaf a t a tlaorae B, Caeey, for the liny W .. Soil iii.uiida. ""' alw three club. 2. There are UK Hit Houm Mrlliua liiuor in Hie !.i)MHX. Aug. MEN KILLED Alllli litbeneN al K.I.' ami men. CM tell. IN iter. Mm. larle f la-kiatlllilttd kloai fllf t lit llull- fui aria " Final Race by Four Polnta and "CUT WITH ROBBERS a a MILLION DOLLARS' Enll Xl'l.Lr,.Tw,nly- WINNIPEG STREET CAR Cbarlea Mra. II. tilb'ii.II. Mould all of u Meiuna..H,y t00 0OO)l(M,,u. gnniini to n, payment r-iv,y of n a NOTICE a MEN NEW ORGANIZATION coiiienalioii for the withdrawal L lt!mpl,d ob WORTH OF JEWELS Ford 'a WILL PROHIBIT ALL of government control. ivvr. .vuii. 111. me aiim nonay v.. tmploy.,Bag, of a City Water Cut Off. a HAYE DISAPPEARED aud final rare in the li-ineiie BROKE FROM THE 0. B. U. GAMBLING IN GRAIN DROWNING FATALITY, yiichl nwrieM wa won by Hie r Auk. to. Water in Keetln fine CHICAiHi. Ana. Ihe p..n-e llritiali fruui Ibe Ametiaana by WINNll'Kii. im n -A new IN UNITED STATES Htlli llie Hie lbu 1 reel car lin n - oi KaHliallon l.iiMIIAIHiY. Ann. ID Five " u aim imm and Two. weal of of thla cily an- iii. i malum four potnl HritUU 1 "'I'd in acr a Hlreet. v.Ill be out oft from dbaiiiieurane l ttoo.oiMi u..nu Win Un- 'iiea by a luarKlii of known a Hit- linletc mlenl Federation member of Hie family f Thinii-a '' nulla II p.ni. Uila dale until 0 of JewrU. Max Levy. wh.de-aale lw iiiy iiv.- 1 1 1 1. havintf tel of lUrini'ii waa formed W ASIIIXiiTOX. Auk t. An TtMihay were umvimnI when IV I nHanurinil a . Ttiurailay inning. Jrwejer. cunuUiued Inat a in i.nly .nil iHi- wben a lame nuiiier of the effort i In be made l prohibit Ijie father, hie eon au two ci.KMionu 1..1 (l oarutea. diaatnl with nambling lu urain in lbi enun-Irr danphte n n.lc a lirr.jn but r a bee th h ij v. s. tate Of Jewa a bad .. . l'--f;TV esanUad and Hie Senate baa deMdeil ir.-f r.-.-i 1 -nf f. the rial b , a City Kiiglneer. from iiftilar bi i w ' Maj r J Hi audi an-iveii itu ill, It I' ml m e wwe Itavt-'ihna ' ' . ..1 .1 1 0 " 1 in1 I'l inee Ituprri 1 wr Ji " vti Hi' tr-.-rt a gv. a " ' ' !a' fff.-' ' hi nf. !. e - 1 'be fain. I Cmtury Limited liaiu. Itionai naa reyMii 4u.en ev iu . v.. .a