Ir,r ? THE DAttY NFWS VufiJlT .. 1 I The" Daily News NERVES ALL PREPARING TO PRINGE RUPEUT BRITISH COLUMBIA . Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by The Newt GONE TO PIECES SHIP ORE FROM Printing and Publishing Co., Third Avenue. H. F. PULLEN, Manacino Editor. MINE AT HYDER "Fruil-a-llTes" Conquered SUBSCRIPTION RATES! Nervous Prostration Tfah C.-ek Property Batng Rapidly City Delivery, by carrier or rnail, per month 11.00 lly muit to nil parts or the British Kmpire ami the United atSlcs. Oavaloped snd Will Ship l It. It. Xo.4,OiLf PiJO!i,M. In Autumn. in advance, per year . . SM.oo. "In ths 1910, I l.d A'mwxj year To all other countries, In advance, per year 7.6n. frottrmtli in Its word form Actively nl tn Fish Cy , ilruppiag from lTOlo lUfpoaadl. niniiiR inirrtic is reiittClcii iiy 4 TELEPHONE 08. Tit Jotttrs i na Atft of m? nun ui men who cnif aoulhi 'rtctptry, anil eiory piediclue I tried rmni 8lewr Ukf Alkhl. V. H. Ontrad Hates on Ai.aicx.tlnn proT'cd uielfia tialil a frteod loJuced tunklH ii f Hentfb i iNslt'mg All advertising should lie in the Daily New OUIce on day pre. Ii ma to taka Truil-a.tW. profierty rawMly. iwerty i.ien ceJfnff publication. All advertising received subject to appnJVnl. ' them Itclna ihi-rc umlcr! I began to mrml almost at ooce, Piiifiloyctl vwCttI N nil never had auch food health as I Ilarfy TaiiMeK iimuwc; rr i DAILY EDITION. MoikIhv, July 25, I '.til. Uv enjoyed the rsut ehjht years. lirlnic taken mil ami u -..i. i- 1 fCnjoy Im ntrtr uritaoul Krnit--tttf I he snw eonics ffulai .lm 1 in ikf lent". )AS. 8. DKLOATY. men i are eried ''c ml. Value of Rain from this tinL fl l .t-h.-i ! Difficult to Estimate. fiOe. abos,0for$3.!!0,trlalslaS5e, nml la jujl h 1 1 .t n as r :is 1: Some peojje llittik that the only value of rnln ts to make iho At all dealers or seat Ottaaa-postpaid by !aacn fisSitl the Prrmirr iniin". n-corrttliK crops grow. If it were we might It poor' in this neighborhood. Fruit-a Utm limited, l all rci'i-l It" Hum Hh! value, however, much greater limn it irrigating value. a ioi)'inn of i In- i 1 1 i i i i "f o far as this district in concerned. Hairt is one of the chief SUITCASES is the tmty IhiitK iiImiii) wli i. 1 sources of power in the North country, anil the muskeg uhirh we Hiitc Is tjoubl. ut) IimiihukI l -o heartily dislike is the men n of conserving the rain in such a, TRUNKS n(t havitur te.'n itnr it. .i way thai it gets awny gradually into the streams, home people-grnmhle the firuoeiiy. at the condition tinder which they Itv. Others capitalize HANDBAGS There are ituu men wm the condition ml draw interest on them. This i what we un (he lhiis.n iimpoiiv .u 1 ran do hew. t hart sonie line water imwrra in thta part of the teek and a I ch ..f im-n world caused by the abundant precipitation, and the thing to do Tents, Sails, Awnings developing the pnaMTlies a lo cash in on them. Tftey have no value as long as tliay go to Marmot lliver4 Dr. Mrk" ! m 10orl8? waste. Harness them and they at once neeonie useful. ' J. F. MAGUIRE and II. Crawford Sle . h n . g heen lltere letnkinii the pn.i Move Industries Nest th Prii Sapcrt '-'! r ami lltey arln ul n U m .... m 20or35t To Pacific. ; fa-il with ihr alinWniK. Sav ItiHiclas Snencer. writing in an Kasrltsh nuldicalion water asset." ' He declare thaitk,!,, OI MSTHIt T MSTHUT or "Ciwl is a wasting, a non-wasting VI lit I.HtHlciTTK S.M9 BRING SKELETONS i throughout the Umpire there will he without drttfnt a movement of industries to loculities where cheap power Is available. llritons catt-f Taka mrtH-e I Mi UmI sir I ut iMMd l.aiMh tvt 1t! ta Xttr FROM THE NORTH must prepare for litis at once, many people III Ink, k. pnwwrri rur Balneal tai plfli usi ur 44 arm oT NHHl rati: "When the iron industry moved from the locality of Ash-tniriihani Ci iiwwelar it a plaawd i it ut SrriM M. Tm. la. Thlrty-threa Ramalna of Eskimos WMfiasinl nawe in the sooth to that of Middlesbrough in the north it wan GriWia UlanS. nkwkd W. ft W. U. HHmrr a ltt S riwm. r (( taken to Hallfai from North not disastrous to the British people- When the steel iadualry na m mam. " rim of Klackamla. m m m irm mM inove from the Middlesbrough district to the coast behind the Queen Clmrlotte Islands, and when the shipping industry moves Lnraasl v..sua.vv. nHMtar.i I iratar. . HALIFAX. July -TblHy-Ihree from the Tyne to the Fraer and the deep-water inlets to the S I. a. Att-tH. Rokiuio akcMiMiSj Hrtvd north of it, wdl the Ilritish nation sutler? NAVY CUT SkCCMV LASB MSTStK T MSTMCT Pf Vnrth in llalifav frKi the (fae "Hut a preliminary question has to lie asked: Will Ilritish Vise IJtll TTK ns leeently fnr eninlku and capital remove the aile and will British people operate Uie industries? Til. avllr UMI I la riiJy t Uie CM Cawwlwir at Laass meaaajriHayeftt no txbIf of Hie I think that the answer to the duplex question is in the Un iiiinaail tar aataeai rs mm iW Ii m aiutdien Horimiatpl by lir. CIGARETTES ulTirmative, TJii being so, will the British suffer? To litis over si arrw or Maa oufanavtat a p-' al'alist at tbr John tame KM. Pn.Vs.r, hf u-atosny question I havVfio )ieiialiuti in asserting that Ihe British will not beebMi rrrr of SriM . Tp la. Ljiver-u. unktM talaa. airim V W. ' .V U. .. at fatbouSh. sutler. 6n the contrary, it can be declared that Oreat Britain ami mi atsnfe rkaia.. s4 sa rfeaaw. The skeMona'tiave hrW Wiiwht the British nations will benefit and that the world will IxwerM." aa main. aa Huiaa t tmtn m frmw ib lad f sniw by Hi. Laraca 4stfe.W MrlSTTKt.ti. LartKr, Cana4HiH Arctic lsi4ri i"TJ Sees a New J iiuHliia, Sas. partv wtskeh M ipeni mre- yur. ! Industrial Centre. , sktEa. L.vsn BMT:T im Ganasta'a frfX'd tons aHMymti "I see in the near future n vast number of British people otEIX :h HI.IITTC as LA.. etsatoaaa, flMMskgi aa ih- living in comfortable and healthy towns find hamlets adjacent to Ttkf aaMr Uut I UiImkI ta tit la Uia aelrtWHr rtf' Uirj .Wkin the greatest hirtMif industry,the world has Jn order ofJ ksf a nrmw kr 1 I.Aa MSTMi T Ms rati 1 .ever seen. kTluilinl Vaa'aail MMuksMwi"tee- t"ey ar ftail I lh" .ii rntmiTTa IS! ! ft assets llrst take the islands, the natural breakwater, behind which imr arm lid . fafi-i.- I region naaeili Jit fc MaeKen- Take aalir mat f ta apply u its- are hundreds of miles of deep, still water, untroubled by the Uammrtirla at a oal lMnv4 at Ihr gales MtHlwtM rnwr at g.rliuii IS. tn. I a. lle fther. aaaf aamaar r,.r a Hrr of the l'ai itiq; then proceed along the still channels and up the nrthani mark4 . W. W.'a . K. - fr. Catrurnii eatfmts that iw aroaaari aa arm l-r ,4 Nana u aad inrutenn, -ftnai ianrr aoru a raala.. inl a quiet inlets where a ship can tie up to a thonand-year-old Spruce Hi t nakaa. ! la p.'al af upwards of Ihre ytirs wilt br MiaUWaal niraer at nt a aaeWMi Maak-.). ty at. lira itm Lumber Bought Direct and yet have fathoms of water beneath her keel: step ashore and I.aainwn rw ai.av fUh. tail reqairesJ lo emtrplete I be aiu-ty kaaa Mail, asal aaareS : l I a r. Iifgin Id climb the mountains behind, first penetrating the primeval A H. W. MrYHE. Larassr. tf the ai.elel4ine and tuake IIh-thousands i.araar. aaaarr ata aa aorta eaiwa.aa aasi raala a raaa al k Jlii rM., Arrat. forest ; for a specimen of the trees, vide the flagstaff in Kew of iiieasUrciiifaU n--cesaary. M ar r aanii aaa al I msM Mar SSrii ll Garden,; take your hammer, where you tee woiv fait of rook Lsn MSTaicT wsvaifcr or Tbe irraviiler -f :. b. ICSiMOSa. I rc.f From the Mill saves you the mu! has exposed a body of ore and break oIT a" piece containing nipper, VICE i:HALofH ISllVus. the work will be desjiale.l ! tli- t I Unra miwion. We solicit v it uu or note the irort-stniiied soil;-perhaps, ton, a few pe'rime"" of bw-r Tak UImiiiiIwi!. UMI t ut tmfna Uata t rw arf-l a aw.i W Ik skuTls and Hi- pernnriiles .r eaVaJuffiflrTi IS i 1 Nil 4 T youc patronage Uturnialine trtay be thken as indicator; bf tin. erwfjis-i rar aslarai raa aal rrtnvirui puaranteo" w .rw mw ar mm a rainnin ' ' oaniMinitar at a tmmt rUaitl al Ik pilled the laf..rnKAui amed - Tp 7 y ." LATB Displacing f.rlfi M nmive uf irruai is. Ta. I from the eiarninalioos will be m innyart Sar aataeal es. aasi DIMENSION BOARDS SHIPLAP iraluia lataad. sad nurkrd A. W. M.'l ,1. -rrr a(a aaiaa .4 laaal aa r-aa. The Atlantic. I. H linn aith aa rhaiua mi aa pub jsheil by lir. Uttern the oaaartt ai a pi m .1 in. ' I'uiaUy. stand on one nf.the hgh summit" and listen to the l!alfiiauufiw " 'tefu W boo will be n stamlanl w n k ..( laaaataV aasi aajteS c l V SIDING FLOORING CEILING FINISH ronr of rushing streams and waterfalls benrath you, the force of Lorai4a Mar A.Ilia.W. Mrl.STYRE.isti. Ixvatsr. reference i.n the phyi ill rliar- 1 er. Mkaaea aurSa sa eal rkaio.aa '-kail,. Lumber has now reached rock-bottorr. the nou-watiHg asset, (let shining glimpses of eacads to right A. J. Onrduti. Atenl. rlerUlir "f the KaktiiMi rai-c A...I Irfkff y.f via n n r.. ...... A n 1 II,. ..f I 1 . , A . 1 1. A apeeial ',:ly of Ihe leelli of Building time ts here present yuur r -at uuu jini an mi a jt.u vail fee, Itci iiic will Of tfH f-n'JUII) faktUI LUSH MSTBICT MSTWCT tear warmeu iy uie Japanese current, whieh Here washes full up kt CHtnUlTTE lUAns. the akclei.n. wi!l be mail.' by' A. I. 0-tv taasii. our ollicksj Seal Cove orPhont' I against the eoast and bends northward ngain. Throw your Takr mMirr Uut I lot'ltd an arxlr to lit lr. S. i;. III'. ni' of tlalifnv I SkUSA A MSTMIi T IH-1 NM T thoughts inland. t(K, and realize that behind the height on which I'Mrt prmwV'l Ciacmla.aaiar f aalaril at Land,ri and for t-rmu-ui a ttrrtua l ECS 1 tkl'ltll PRINCE RUPERT LUMBER CO. you are standing are thousands of acres ot coal laud- rc uU for car (fa ara at kunl aa raikasia: PREMIER MILL IS Tafc rii- thai I latrwt to aptlv ttw Oennaairiaa al a rual ptaalssl al the 4 l aaaja tnr a Rren- the chemist's art. aaalkaval aarnr at srrtvai T. Tp. is. -t "I this and Orafiam taUml. marked A. W. M.'a S W -, READY FOR OPERATION -Ekr rc can see much more. I see the iei(H' as , atialea ikaarn nnrtti va.n., rati aa rHai., 1. at a ii al I ha British in the new location as the people who moved from Ash-biiruham H-mh i-alpja. M! ta rbaln. to rSat f tuai ta. To lo the north. I see benefit to the world be. this Umr4 Mar tilk. (Ill rniiBini mr uuu nciurni smr iaaaf. laai'a eWlia an race, estfthlished on the British Columbian roast, will help the A.. W. kli-IITTBr. ttraior. Visit of Inspection at North-' ramu. mnrUt at raata J. Ountnti taval. a.Sal I at nmana mttmt Ml Australian, the New Zealanders and the rest to maintain the) ern Camp. turatoal Mar tra. ivti Flour SkLCRA I.AXII lilaTHII r peace of the I'ai-ilic Ocean, the ocean which is lo ooNtrip the 1 oriL i llthUlTTK ISI.ArtS 11 Unrassi" AJSW iama ' Turity n. av. Wihi.i of Keniie. peeat- Allan in- in trade as the Mediterraneon the most ihf as buy sea Taka Mrfire Uut I Inlrad to atsla ta Hi. nf the ,1. .f .... skiri mn Bk aii t ws rail T the world." ( Nii-t Ciamalmjfirr vf Lawla tr a iM-erne llegt. miiin nil., t. ' 1 .a I at II I u-nt isi i'S. hi pMapert iiaiaral a and tr4aaiailia4sel tbrnnirh sHllllttlHt J Hal at araa iif laud aa f4ls: aouee umi 1 aiiiaS laakr 1 aar 1 11..1 in .1 Vk m 1 I b TlIK FUOl'R OF 1 A! lit caMnfiar ai a si iiMva ai ii-mi"'" '"i" ' iuo im- .ii i ctmrnt oaapiiii i ir at laaata far aeerw. 'sfwlhsaat arakam Maud afVd)MF raS)a ut laad a Mli for martM a. w. M.'a linn. It lias in rneu over nut no wtaaaaas-kw aj a anal siaaiiS at m. Dr. JOS. MAGUIRE n. E 1 Ibenr nwrta aa rkaMw, weal ts, . . .... aarflraeat itaal at aaf IVia 11. Ta ".More Dread and Iletter Hrcaa rfwltta. soil l h ta rbalna. ra.l It rluMa 6'quaillliy l "fl- oat yri im-pd pui oaamam lalamL aaavtkad 1. a n . V u IMiaaii m imhwhih ntaai. through it. The Miiaeily of the iaaai'i -onta sa rtaiaa. Sold all Grocers by I.iiraln Mas flltt. 1ST I. anna aa rkalm. wa aa rkalai Mr-saea or the i.e. dentai- coixccb A. W. MtMTYBE. Lnealar. mill ta Kin tunas a Hay ami It is mm ur . J. Qir4aB, la.PI LorakMj May Mnl. lit I expecteil be in it will operation A. A. I DENTIST MaTMAR, sk.'' i"?..'1.!!"";-.-! ""1 iwilhiml nilw. riiiilli-n swry mmhi A. J. si. At THE BRACKMAN-KER MILLING COLTD. Phone 575 Smith Block v I While in Stewart Mr. W mJ ,kif:s4 i.ssn Msiai'-T iiisthu 1 hi Take no thai I htund to yi ri r.HiMt.iifTt isi rs. P.O. Dos 74S Prince li.C Phone 3?0 a'toJlilSMnsiieeUsI Mi lie.I Cliff mine Rupert. dental 1 Lands High jrrada work at tha towent prlcea. tiler mniiaalir at fur 1 can give tha bat of refcrrncu. bi peoniMi-t lawnl raj awl pHrlsvl wlneh he ami hi nawMiiali'S re- I Takr sullra Ikal 1 1 aland tn appty In kka 20 years in setiva aorviea. riaiuwiwiar al msl Dlanimt al the nnh-1 Cenlly nejrri i.maiaawr tar attaral uaaa taa aad nr Ivtrulr a IMM l iwriMie of serikaa . Tp. la. Orahim 1 tnun ata arraa at laasl aa tiattuarx OCicc Hm-M2) 1-6 n d 7-J. Opei Een!:;j OUad. and inarkad A. W. M a t. W. r. eipeei Brem' ililllifS MH-my l a aaal ataau-a al th r, lupftr nth aa rhalaa. aa.l ta rhalaa,' - I roraar at Sarlloa tf. Ta. a bonk ta rtaalaa, mail ta r&ain 10 polal . '.-a asm lakaed. aaat iaarka A. A. M.'a i w riifinirarinrii. ri'ueerr. Ikwtira aria ta raaaaa. raai an l.-.P-d Mar tlth. tttl. IrhaaM. aoutfe sa cftakSa .! la rkain. u, A. W. MclSTVKK Uritor, Ten Years Ago naaai of naenuaai H. 4. I. itvnU.m. Armt. . ratae mnj rare, nil P.O. Dux 1 SSS Phono S7 .sktciA itsn insTaiT-lliTw7-T In Prince Hupert A. A. MaPNAII.. ltraSnr Dentistry-A. Bag LARGE FOUR ROOMED HOUSE yi itx aiAHume iit.A.Mis fcktKMA LAStl (iMTWI.T MSTNH f For Sale in good condition on Alfred Street Tikr mitli-r tball lalrnd In apfily la Iha! .ewion ami Utlttft CHlfLnTlk II A Mil hi.f 1 niMiii..lH-r irf l.aud fnr a llmMia Y'""riiifii ia,lon, $1,800.00; Terms a nawrt f..r i.iUiral taa tiid palrvlam llilditch have launches an aU Taka aiduw Utsl I kMaM k ta tn n trr ata art ut land aa fulkiai' ii.i, l ataf (Hani tawla far a Heltrerson Block, CornerThtrd Ave.nd SiMhSt AaMiariiia at a l Ptoaied at IM 'r airain-t Maaietrale fiarss in assaieaaa tar SaMrsl aaa tsffmaum The Lot on which the house stands is equal in size to over a.rtliai'.l.r.mai ir Srrlka t. Tp. IS. 1 1, .,.i,n-.i UUU,. Ii..- 1... aaer ait ateaa at laad aa ttMrnm Dental Nurse Attendance lots Oraaara lataad 'bHr lb nartlmat ranmr v Cueiii;asiiir ti a paal aUniril at ih in four 25 ft I .arHMi aptillMl tar . ami ruarkm!I A. W.'wanla Hainhlia WRai twv frfCh'WMB 9m0Q6T Of 4, rj 9, 'its) 9 m . ...... uniri wmin imia., ai . aaa lawaw. aaara w si I Office Hours, 9 to 12; 1.30 to 5; 7 to DAVID H. HAYS & COMPANY .u rrialas. nank an rtMina. ra.l S4 rba area In-fun- HI 10. rkama. al tft rkaiiu II in (a.iai nr imMaatwrnieni. I aaa ftWttl a MM. aal rlnw autat -r '.v.Ird Mar allk tall . . I . ... II k.u 1 11 1 1 11.. -... a. C. PERCY TINKER, Manager A. W wnsimim MS-aittf. n n"UIl.i uw amm.. laaa ld ttad. I til. A 1 OurrlMfi, T9L Jaiul her riKiiiiaaw arrived In the A. W. wriiTTnr. i iM-aknr Raal Eatata Fire Insurance A. I. floeaiw, Aani km Msn i.isTHirr- msTru'T or ally imi ih iviikcvaa Itoyal tin- a orr.m miiairE tsi.AS.ts. NOTAR ininrnlflK to uiva perfiiriikakwea in ovsIm i MtHi nrsr laisaa THEO COLLART, LTD. run lic ! ' Whrje tha th Kniorr.. Ttaaalrn Taka aatana leal I IMaaS ku aaah u ik i hif riawaiaalMiar of lada far a Mrm. - kktar CieaaiiMli aai ,4 Sia far 1 uimw. AUCTION SALES Conducted ki amats! 1 tee aalural ra and nrtatiriua, eriawi tar aaiaral tit ' Jl I Mrahiaa A REAL BARGAIN Uit ami Five ldm lluaf I s asee aeraa 'J land aa ratkustti T., uiiiiii'i" nf Kli.m' HI iia aid a'ia irf laud a. ftalarsaf ' Ceaawenat tl a iwal plaml it tha' I i KMiiaanar al a it Spmad at Mx Saetiune 93,1 OO.OO, f 1000.(10 fash, balai ! Before disposing of your effects, it will be to st,uUnaai a. dmmi tin. week Wfif : II amiMMl naar. of aaruea I. TP. S. an- HIRE INSURANCE Tha nitiat ht-ral Martie !' ffill&WJ. twin, aad'iuark.d A. W. M; . . Mrl.n. H H-eruu. - HKl. Coaat. t'Uimt quiikly paid. Tha Intiuanra -n 1 consult Phone . umH'a wirin an am. aaH at Red Interest to us. '157 your f-T.ywjk fh'" '" it-a. ..rn. :. I'll .mil an 1 iiain M&a la A marie a. 823 Third Ave. Prince Rupert, B.C. LaatUal Mas.saai.i. piani S1.. LMttar. i IJlan."" - U u - i ami A. II .v i r"Hiiitrni I ... al'tl iiihi.a.)A. W nil.M.rffVat.liL lorainr P.O. Baa 6 Waalkalma Tbaatra Blaak piaBlae' A J. iWituii, Afml. I A i HunSua. Ataai