M.ii.i, THE DATT.T EtV9 PAQt X By George BRINGING UP FATHER McM i I I TMC OOCTO Jpt I . 9 1 BUT VXjR VCLL P1eJ Lr HT L, j TTT lt l-x T (XXMT MUCH dCtTR i TO ftC mum THI9 MOMINt m nr .con b in I finest Ki1 miln- tested for rich tics s tu purity- always youi wo 8 M&J C2 9 tell Bt litl riTVt Stance I' r i 1 1 ' " ..i-. - - 1 Office Space MORE FISH The Man SAYS:-in the Moon Daily News Classified Ads. ColtonwooJ 21 fect by 3S"fcet ARE TAKEN;- BO. trv-n No A.l vert l.-mn t Tnhen f.r writable for 2 CENTS PER WOKD IN ADVANCE. Particularly MAN rrally counl in hi Mm Professional Man hi !' at reniMlf I line. Panelling Conditions on the Skeena Irr WAMTXO. row HtNT MIRRORS For Rent Provlnq But Tar From Good TMK vnr U ireenf hhhiiii.- MfRR'iR A?t RrtJH.VWIJ Pack Expected". WA?ITFr Furnished aparlmenl HJRNIHHKII sriTK ft IIFN T i to iilay awav rrin mr rau til KIWI Mi or hoiiire for mv: weeh or two SI. Luaio HoO'll. I'huAr Red ul Vak. - '. I jike nn Sunday. from ttti- t w.twmrTrU' 17 nh w. H.j Upstairs in our Building F lab in improved a Ml Me Inward lMahe in Ihe evening and J-careful month. Apply Hall. I'riue MiiltKltX ApaHawni to rrnl.l plii.ii' Mine .i i; remdi-nre. J nnih tin- week end mi lb Shaena wd lo wtk up Ihe afrerl Rtiert llol.l. IS Ph.tie rttaca "t If! tirr.n 107. U t -ni Oliver Typewriters 'lliver. boat petlinft an aVemae i ir Jook inlo a idw. AXTK1 RKfST rmihed Ik' ' of about 30 fih each, nwtna BOATS FOR HIIC apartment. I wo or three roome. LAU A T. ni Cary Fireproof Safes & t Mi bad weal he. Uoi week miMKOVK the other day rav. n number of finhermen did not marked lhat Ihe reano ihe l.lt Apply BmT Newa IMTiee. I7J PRINfTK Rl'PF.RT IRtltT IUH.'hI: nM at (MM eer u any n.' Vaults. to nut every day kill WW awi. eral hl the erect inn id AlherU SITUATIONS WANTED tlovajtllnenl Wharf, t.aunehea. ... i.Mfjvwi i.1 1 i aw Alwa Lois & Houses For Sale Iitioiid are expeaied during the i because lliey were heennx- cowa, rowhoaU. canoe, for awk-l.Urt -4 ear.t arJ Hi' el a t wan 1.1 remainder of ttie run. The Javk unpopular. Perhapa lh wain- YOlNtl woman vjyliU p..-ilH.n hire. I.Ml'nrh 'Parbe.i i bound lo be tHall )...In. nnn treisiw. " , .,,.'IM. .. . ihi year i authority mtrh I''" wpy m chain bermaid. pa..ener ,Mm r 3, htrwever. tnverne to-date If Far hart. r Iripe. hire .dr f u- i. ..-.. . wa. nana; ConervalHre ami aln Kie Ph..tie iM. & Hanson . i .e. .- ti e- awa" iww Dybhavn I I..'WO rm bit moat of -the aa exrwe fr the lahnr and in- ovr twenty-two fool aaeoiinlHI , p.i,hi !". ' a" - Insurance Agenta. Third I her ranivrie have net put op ' la.rwcbe. run Ihe enable your- Z a"" ?ilSS, 'ST Planing Mi.. ial iiu.ny. ef thir ti are afe and wr i. Avenue. Prince Rupert fV-hne are cevftvlwir pretty Advice to Carnpera. TIIF. I In aci .- prt.rfy al 5ir-b reliable phone Med Sl. f t. pm ' S Prince Riper! C II. HA'., i- -till for ale to - ..i .-tm lew ' pw ww r w readily nw awl ntna fairly IK Y(ll decMle la p rampinrt. ood raWhe are rpHd an immedtMif purchar but I AI SOR XarbHhoaff r" ' .i. M-k ih. ! ... f ea water tale- advtee. ehana- rur my If lk.rt I.. -4 ,t MM rMB I - Iherf 'will he (fMrawti on July 31. , Itiaek U Ininda lland. Imy mlKl and May al rtonie. thai i-I Wia.nl IMTB r - ' e- Accident and tine mile fro in depot on O.T.P. fiw inn i rvawev a tdv ru of onlinrw Ilia fili MM r w kav a haaae to May at. TUITION. fki year la likely In le far a- ufi whef the Prince li.orre aw 4. i boardina If you live al a -lub or o:Inn netirlein Sickness im the averase a ad th4 m Pulp PoW.'r Ihiii I- lo Im- loilll. ' 'FA FRY well iru-ned youth and wIM.MM. AITT, a jr rnMtpiaa. lo be about what the eaunefM iktberi ir. aikiuv finryj rirl ouaiil lo '- tauirbl Ihei want owtna- In the piwt nf Ike (.i ii- for i.r..j,. rly her-, but J element of mni.- early and eV-n t WHKN r Insurance ynm e rmmphw i-f amrri rr iar. rw Second Stmt market, in Alaska 4he wariei arwal l take. MMtwe and i a Ho!dwr' S.-ilh-ni. nl handed1 arcucalHy " Rmim mtlCI i imwh wore (ban il i hew. me a Inn.", hv i-llina my I H. f. BAH.FA. I.a.i.e-. Phone tar' mmrt mm wmw w 5 You are not immune from pal in your enamr. tlainiona i- I II il at n-u If WW" lara raf l't ) WATT HADED with the reoult liuM mMrmmi are .nnn. .-r. Blue 33S. . Accident or stckneVe pilbar aw fan will-rrji ltd in y nr; a . it ww Im-ikb irronatit Here fnw AlaidiMt irraMi on yuur hread and i ne arrifii-e. rile me fori ........ . -i Tkk .rf. ikai in" W If iiLLI Hrifi si iiiiiiif iniitiuHni Hrar. of the II .M.'Mnr.T l"W 1' r . rr i-or mum full deCT1Iill'." prnp- local and xoid to vkal.-rw Policy in one nf or troflK hwiler. ntitd im ywar f infer, ran j - it. Tearber. f Vk-Imi and P.a A 1 "twrTi eiiy .r rotife jlona and w - on H) Umt ; Tear pnrfcel and dir mo. ;r Com me will properly opewer Ml . pa HViMirt from Mime of Ihe ran fe.1 Ak -.rtldu.'l'.i I" let y u off """" r t - i... a . f... . .ItaVaf ' w provide for ynw aad your MMrywher. If yew really j rwwted. Phone Blue t3. If rr uumler al ahhi .b"-r of Ktward' w,,mmh m thai . imlicate . a . . .il- that it roU to.. Mmett lo pm-j .f. ..MAI r ia rwiiw during ihaabilily. any ! family t the fioherinen are in deM Rainh. Xirholl. B.C. Tw Prices Our Policy wlH Interest ynle ail Iheee IhiaMm. hetlrr -layj HAIRORCSSINQ. JTtJTS 'ZLZZZ S for .mlfl aad iwaialenaane In Ihe al hoaae. 1 Ft HI tiAKhlrV.aab.t ,,tirhM " we irua'aw you. cannery M.re and that unle j in firl rla- r.dli.i. 1-eejaUl laiUKS HAinimMmNa. Mar- "XZT'o't-f af aar. a a IMI there i a marked chanire in Hmire lawi- w etfeoaa wavtof. ahampnoin. Prince Rupert IP yoa ao caMHina i't feet. n .p. I iih.o ennuie. eej !lie ucvt 1 " 'Ih- will ledrehaaMwer to UN the awf-i t.i.. lonnaae in Ion. 4ppy iK. hVBr Iyeln. Sralp, I real I LA VII...ACT 12c frniah Ihe ei,..n m ii.-bl. am and other hlhrk fll lh '! I.. Miarie M. M i.ralh. nilaa. at a aaerially. I oupeea KITVrJt m rTi vTtna to ri.T Tw Insurance Ihe haawh atnl out aavd whr for ai-nMi It t M'h.vtUh ' nff eofwe ap j Alai-a. at ia v haax law naaiiet the Sin-'. OUTDOOR YERSES- IN of Ihe wowl ill the ninn muaaforwatioma for ladle. ar-ui ime itirt-i riMi ioert ewe Ltd. . made from Udiaa' filrtvl jrr;. Agencies, ....Mwmnn ahiui Uaa aaaf ai u. art " 9witahra up 'Mil.' I'llMUL I I I HIM dMioa. oaly Ihinl ! RFJC BARIICM ertare lM aenwaawa fS ret inL ivumrciiiiun mi t-M itaer Ihe brad that c au"d rM own tar a rt'iii.' i.- a t.- teaM .frvawenag 130 P.O. Drawer 1632. Phone ' on Ihe rock Jaial acroa Ihe haw. eia-ht le-uwda and i jkHOP tS3 Rillh r.-et 'r Mire . Second Avenue eawe. Prir riaC It. 0, Phowe Blue S 4 fctomtf w Bw' r.u. tei iw r Weather Conducive to Compol- t at C n H. ai eaf mm have lh 38. If till . ! ' t'.oof Verset with View to IF wna an eaeaewna F HALT. Owe Array Teaw. Prize. eviarwde arwnye priwni end in SP.nw: one M M rifle, tJS.w. CORSETS working- onler lhai yu can ' aiHoii vn Baa Upra. r a To be eea at nan PrOteCt Gar- Ttia fine weather of yeerday tret home before H rata, i' M-al :i, or phowe Irtach C(BtRfCT to order, Mr jm. huuld Im- an ineptration to Mane aamp iaa wet wawther ia md. aa I il. I'- Phone Hu :3 VI i ,.V M.a It. Hit mlitoor ueotrle to win that lew niee at ia fin. - ments e i IF YfW V .UrT ha buy or eell SEVIKO. Ta voffttS uw I laarw rarer I .biler price money for, (lie three lana tei) l eH.. aeM ' I Mt ver oei imlwiMir life or ramping, ail yea. po rwei).-UK iH.Hla. ei riaea wr "tanne fit-Imire ..Ms.aw aeaerrte. I Khamrnc to be had be aander:ii. tt IP Morthem K-rhaaaw. liKXKIIAl. tw-winK -C?l 1 1,ml . vaeation Five dollar for firt. Mire, t? a a i rir at t ei -'' from Moths Ihree (hdlafa for nerond and ahawi il. Tm iwwrh natMputx Cannwd Ave. Phone Aveaoe. Pb .ne r.? If .r f .)atMal a half Ifer.mtt.au'r.- i. .4'4 rwar 1.0 wo for third. far a pHle Uke U much whiafcey ia lia-i l. ' BICYCLES 4 ijeatr Btver: .nnw tlk iH. eM ee raa. tiaiv i wir I tall irUtilmh Hie rre lu lead lo trouble. te.H. ta M.t.i I hat tnoih will net ae FOR l.rUj ifiaatH am fK.n'l Imp ae 1.1" Butter 11 fawd at the rlw the prtae atKia sirwd wnl to Bey awl llinCI.KR. RFPAIIW. PRT,J i cwaa ruin your garim-nte (hie anaeoa, fiuiU kM awjaaVd to the beat vere AXIlTinKM. TltwnwjiKMrr lratl-4 ai t$u i(t :idhiwu Co. In ea Swpuaahrr iNtaia et Hlv. e" but Make Kure. aenl in aud at Ihe eloe luej FARMER FROM - t ui.iy b(Mu lAd- AtmwFy. in &th Avenue F. flrv Cteaarag will rumltlveh ifie wUI he awardd lo the I'baaM Tiha M7 I HAS THE !-- teal vera pwtdrahed. The fol Hi l.l. -tlrat rlaaa ttiraaaa TRY deetrny any ega tiny and TERRACE DIES; MUSIC. JJJ HO lowing b ar lamav the vej-e - iter ;u t eeir. It par WANTS hard lo deleft w tin-h nndh ha Ikajitrr Sliew. flilth ALWAYS in it. : i.air FOH YflCII KEXT HAM.F or ... Try.FULLER'S delMinited. Why Not? ft reel. P jm 7K. 1761 .. . A-ic lor i I tat aial evet, pryr- j -1 Ik-fore you pack away yaur Ml'er tlt !ay to Salt Laka be H. A. Aldoua Expiree on Street heavy winter (rnrmeuU, let u Dry Ud raw er. While on Way From Train AUCTION -SALE. Opyaatra. Phone Blue ;io. if n ti .... P. f1 aean them for you. Ma graeaful wiirii drvina he did to Ho!llal. wl hi SUMIKER RESORTS. TEA abow er. LlMfTtD Bceanew A. He fliipped aw M neck Tl ileal h iteeui-retl at S.Ik PaMull. Fl SHI WWATI Jilt BATHIXi. Refrethjng and Invigorating at Canadian SteamLaundry llIM' ol: w wJajetdaw, Jwlp WJ And came up Quite a wreefc l-aat rvenlnjr f Henry 'nrl .aiia mi pak, ilha gpand your weekend end mini Unequalled In Value i. in. Phone S. rekj Ihe fair e. ."Why uVHfl Ahlntue. a Terraee fnitm-r, a aeawipril. mar holiday al Lakelne t'atup . Sixth Avenue W.. Prince Rupert you diva alowerr few in mule aflrr be had alipbl- inu iiiii-i.i-da, pnrpPta, harewP. Wriln iiall. Terrace. H.f, U 60c lb. Good Mouae Trap. ed frm the paaiiKr traui on i-hair. II ww up at a wane rail) Lakeina whieli lie bad an-Mad m the ny F.iiali-ii tppy b"T. AUTONIOCILCS. w i i It Miahl liave been anywnt lo enter Ihe fJeperal Hospital. idayer. il atova. ale. PlrHpot 173 3 lbs.. $1.70 iii iji. Awetiuneer. I PfcJIT tU, ...iler. elw There w a larpe aaaww of CO. "Ben" lre and Tni. k- ut To make immI lea boil freh-drawfl STEENSLONG'ifB EDSQN COAL ealled teMfti fpom i l.. aimk made a IMC. a lx-r.fde raairtoS wp LAKELSC MOT SPRINGS Ihe arald out 'In- water; runtard. Ibe train wlte Mr. Ahlwue wa- moMIr revair urcen . . ...t Wtiriit for the beat i -inrr niaaav nf aawiliral ami eena to atdLajMh? oh the appMich !.AKK!.e Hir SPHIflOH T1IANB. attriaa ppd Ford .hiI alway lepMd; add the water to Ihe UMtatard. leadhtK'to FePnad Avwiiue. Be fer I.in. . operptiwg care al b eiurk. Iiniinrrrial bodir tea leaven directly the water Alberta Coal II could uava been belter, ! wmi. wti Weedjtijt oluiaj fn a truck fniaa Tarrwre, carry ipg 4Mt fhr ail pur... .. It boil. But the water timt For Iwa Mdurad a hiiioua icnrau Iteinniwrarrp Ibe 'nd paaiteiivera, IPalffM and have pa give you a .rre ..n yopt he boil in t '""'riena r Phone 58 vt mnn in tl float IRK w e dealli rufiaw awew ahoHry ar ae Kateat M per peri each ear bodp. Taylor A Woovr. Atk for Fuller's Tea 1 found he feal Kereeant Me43iahy. way i.i hatum if roiulng bar IroWee, Carper third uml Ninll' SPECIAL alb Strre a" Prince Rupert Feed Co. Two mire very perfeally drownew CiUMlabU MeMfMin and lr. i. name i.a. Prrpthl and bagpape AvrettPe. II Frye't Picnic Name, for a Prince Kuprn We were idea red. Uit the ouoa I Cade war IMtcwir on -he' one l ent bet nMtttd. fliet NOTICE few day only al 32 o lb. Corner 2nd Are and ?U St. luif It Muttered! nuf bul tidlwwK aaajui be rpae. all tiuine, Iroetp fh. Wlml aea did b J? WU be Tlie bwdy wan mwawad to the t:aief.il driwkM. Wire or writ LWJ.U. of C. Prince Hupert 1 euai 'ard- it r. I itdeeLaLrr warlor ajtd for 1 1 1 r leaalbia ih-ookiaK Itranch. Unul the camp ra. erunTinio 0ut,,1 waa abiitued ba Terrace on tbit Wuil. lerrpea. II. fi. tf open, office bopre will It front TOM LEE CO. TORK'S Page Senor Villa. rnrtrninj'e Irain aecntrtipititiea ayi 7 to p.m. Jlell .l on the & SMAU "And mew, JulMMrf." nab! Hie I). F. hobiMMtti. of Terr are, nd FOR SALT LAKES. July O.Mventhvti pria-eedina. Kin twond Avenue. Wett RORIE s SELL I ear lor, "eaa yol leH Me ImI u ib..iei While, of the lo-I 23" ready. J. H. Btirrtturtb. Braaeh KA .1 LAKRM -iAUiirh ail. T0VES. i raied in Meaaao?" rl lio.piial tdaM, who ia aid! Hrereiary, Melatyre Hhtrk VEGETABLES BtU Aw wo aaU" aaplMMl " brtifbt ..ie ..f lit. .lMwad. i M-ry day pahnpt Monday tmn t. Hbwa smi. ' tf , Wholesale and Retail aarl :!. Toe-day. at X:M ... "I kmrw what you waai Mr. Aldoua waa bo year ,t fteneral Contractors aud v..ia..r. ' a Hie l ay, bul uia lottl me I aa and it urv1v by a w Ved.teiiaya and aaturueya. FOUND. t.aUtr Kithtnite front 12 to M in. ! hour p. ...iy MlUt.' . .houldn'l talk intiuli." at Terraee. m Fred Stork's Hardware Two h..ai ha Mtrntla. leavinp 'ee wil rtf ... Hunt ui.dfuai.lv l...ath.Hie every Jll iiimulea. nf MrtNtey . Fik M.e Ml Vt'll- " PHmm Hupert. ll.R. rrt ai.' m Second AvtNUB Many iteeple read newspaper Mr F. K. I'bune Sil P.O. Hoi 711 Print hweeei.- 4twa Mtme rn nopri tied ehl. the PUonr PliONE UlACK 114 a iiiurli fur their advertitins aailrd htr Vanetaaver mi tf I7i Boathouve. iuluiune a they du for newt.