PAGE FOUR r er TEACHERS * CAPITOL SHOPPE = Various Questions Discussed The annual meeting of Prince Rupert Teachers’ Association A FULL LINE OF Ladies’ and Children’s Ready-to-Wear si New Goods, all of Latest Styles | The past year had been a trying and Materials e lone. The inability of many of the F ch ct. 7 WILL OPEN for business Wilson in the chair. president referred to the in New Premises in Federal Block lyouth to obtain employment resulted in many returning to the classroom who would otherwise} lnave been in positions. The ques- |tion of the suitability of the present ore of studies to mieet modern ‘conditions had been keenly de- Prince Rupert Ladies are invited to inspect the new store and goods MEETING - J. S. Wilson Re-elected President—| the took place last evening with J. S. In reviewing the year’s work, the; several | changes that had taken place in| lthe staff, voicing the congratula- | |tions of the members to those who| had left for higher positions. The} jsympathy of the association was | . ‘extended to W, W. C. O'Neill and| Third Avenue |Harry Gilliland in their reer had | GREAT... SACRIFICE PRICES Montreal Importers have just received a consignment of— New Goods Purchased at such reasonable prices that they can be sold At35% Lower than elsewhere in town. 2823 2 Wednesaay, October 5, 1939 a ee . vm ow ow = ————————— Wednesday & Thursday TWO SHOWS — 7 and 9 p.m, ry 4 f Feature Starts at 7 & 9 p.m, Pt teee (> ADMISSION — lb5c & 50¢ ata THURSDAY MATINEE at 2:30 Feature Starts 3:05—L5c & 35¢ BEAUTIFUL— BARBARA STANWYCK wa stu mee “EQRBIDDEN” The kind of a girl that every man marries or regrets that he didn’t. Comedy—TOM HOWARD in “MEET THE WINNER” Novelty—“MAGIC CITY” PARAMOUNT NEWS A Story You'll Never Forget— WEDNESDAY REVIVAL at 10:25—LAUREL & HARDY n “PARDON US” FRIDAY and SATURDA yY¥—"TOUCHDOWN”" ars eaeene ae el The complete winter layout | can be bought here for men, boys and children. i NEW SHIPMENT OF | UNDERWEAR & SWEATERS It is a pleasure to show our goods, M il 5 dul , October 8 an und 29 mn. ee i. 3W bated and many suggestions to | a che e PR oi So, ; ther jmeet altered conditions had been ae atte gt aoe Ame 7 9 ay 5 ea er considered. It was necessary not to} Montreal em ere aioe ened ; pm | ls wae Se th Pe stampeded into short-sighted } eee pan, wi | ai - z i ea saane| jdecisions that might have an ad-| For the East— | From Stewart and Anyox— ee a - aa cage et, | verse effect on the next generation. | mporters Monday, Wednesday and Friday! Tuesday... 21:30 a.m, | Pempetnenaay 56, seaooen Sas. A pleasing feature had been the 5 8:30 am.| Thursday 8 p.n.| Langara—Clear, moderate north strong membership of the B. C Third Avenue lye . vesterly wi roug 8 : From the East— For Queen Chariottes— cae me aoe giant a th iTeachers’ Federation and, as far as Tuesday, Thursday and Satur-| October 14 and 28 9pm ae at aah ess rong north prince Rupert was concerned, prac- day ..9 p.m. | From Queen Chariottes— Sead 1 aaa ous heii tically one hundred percent mem- LIBERAL CONVENTION IS ‘ . or 12% 26 am i. bership. “DGED ' J ING For Vancouver ; October 12 and 26 a.M | northwesterly wind, barometer, 30.- 7 p os Ba PLED( ED TO MAINTAINING : on is p.m | For Naas River and Port Simpson— 32, temperature, 56, rough sea. eaehioe ad of ‘ao aad PACIFIC GREAT SASTERR sursaay p.m); Sunday . 7 pm pili a8 é : xe- Laila | gs ey Me cutive and the various committees (Continued from Page 1) ee 3,12 and 24... 11 p.m | trom Naas River and Port Simpson | Miss Alverta Hall sailed yester- for their hearty co-operation during | ~~" : CHOOSE. 2, 34 Bt p.m Tuesday, 11:30 a.m ‘day afternoon on the Cardena for the year, On motion of W. W. C seorge (0 Prince Rupes Way eyer From Vancouver— For Alaska— her home in the south after cpyei. ih hearty vote ae iain ior to that to Vancouver. Sunday ws P.M | October 8, 20 and 29 am. spending three months visiting . a. ansenial Mr. Wilson. | The wording of the resolution Wednesday 9: 30 a.m. From Alaska— here with her sister, Mrs. J. For-|; ‘he result of the elections was as|¥** °° follows: “Whether the Pa- Friday p.m.| October 3, 12 and 24 p.m. man, Biggar place. follows: cific Great Eastern Railway is sold wee ee .| Presidént—J. S. Wilson. or ” mee by me qayeraneny it - Vice-president—W. W. C. O'Neill Corin policy of this party that Miss J, /COmtnu«e d operation of the railway Secretary - theasurer Rothwell, should be Other Resolutions insured Executive—Miss M. Sheil, Miss E 7 vs : Mercer and Mrs: B. Walker = ae ie ae ee ot Press ¢orrespondent—J. S. Wilson. ae endorsing a national nking svsten rino the in- Refreshment: convenor—Miss_ s,)2¢"*n8 system, urging the Domin upport farmers A meant oped Geographical ;, representative—J. |" ee S$. Wilson scheme at the earliest pos- FILM VERY of Central B.C. The farmers and gardeners of Central British Columbia are making an effort to supply the Prince Rupert market with vege- Barbara Stanwyck, Adolphe Menjou and Ralph Bellamy Splendid i in “Forbidden” “Forbidden,” which is the : mid- tables, fruit, potatoes, poultry and eggs and other products of the week feature picture on the screen * ‘ of the Capitol Theatre here, has in district. its leading role Barbara Stanwyck who, although her film career has been short, yet already ranks _Prince Rupert people are asked to encourage this movement by among ‘the leading emotional a jtresses of the screen. Miss Stan- asking for Central British Columbia products whenever prac- wyck’s part is that of a woman who sacrifices her own ambitions to be ticable. Co-operation in this matter encourages merchants who \the secret power behind a man’s buy from farmers and if the farmers are prosperous it will be an Soe vn widen oc é as e we an who is torn encouragement for others to take up land and thus add to the paper Conley nae Wey Ih Se end, is helpless against her great buying power of the whole northern and central part of the pro- jlove. The dramatic characterization : is said to be a very fine one vince, Proving that he can be mors than a gay boulevardier, Adolphe ;Menjou in this picture plays the ¥ipart of a lawyer who engages in a flirtation while on a vacation trip | without his wife. This flirtation de- Householders can help ‘velops into love and leads complications but, despite it, Men- jou’s career ultimately leads him to the governorshi; to many by keeping this in mind 3 ; Ralph Bellamy, who was so fine and asking merchants for Central as the young doctor in “Rebecca of B. C. products whenever possible. Sunnybrook Farm” which was here at the first of this week, is vivid and forceful as a newspaper editor who is the enemy of Menjou. He is in love with Miss Stanwyck. Steamship Sailings | “TILLIE THE TOILER” For Vancouver— Tuesday—ss, Cardena ...1:30 p.m.| When Signs DRAMATIC: oe They Look Alike .. bat what a difference We a =a C1), HE nameless lamp is not “just as good”, Look to the name EDISON MAZDA— it is a mark of quality which protects you against premature burnouts and assures you greatest value for electric current consumed, MADE IN CANADA EDISON @ MAZDA LAMPS. CANADIAN GENERAL ELECTRIC CO. LIMITED ressing the belief shoald be made by department of labor } y irability f cing a working k in Jusiness and industry in British Columbia | Mr Mary Ellen Smith was re- lected president of the assoelafion. | V presidents elected included H G.P of Prince George and H. F Gla of Prince Rupert i | Fail The New SPER HARD COAL per ton $11.50 Minehead Coals $11.50 per ton ALL COALS ARE IN A DRYSHED HYDE TRANSFER—PHONE 580 25 Taxi Garage Sixth St. Ride Comfortably With Safety Good brakes are a very ¢ Pianos For Rent $4 Per Month and Up _e Pianos Tuned, $3 tial factor in the suce \ operation of a car, 80 ll ¥ blk ih sett at can't stop going try comin W ALKER Ss MI SIC ind have them made ! A. M. HONEYWELL Phone 25 STORE —— —By Westover. Thurs.—ss Prince Rupert, 10 p.m 7 En Vy lec NIG | | HOPE ITS A WAY To Friday—ss. Prin. Adelaide 10 p.m | coe Ara er) : GET OFF THIS y Ss, Catala midnight | en teh f- 5 *s) “ ie Cane M IMPORTAN) iS é ba... thes Oct. 3—ss. Prin, Louise ........ p.m. | Disc ovERY J/ ‘ — Oct, 12—ss. Prin, Norah p.m. | seep fA Oct. 24—ss. Prin. Norah p.m. | ( | From Vancouver— i Sunday—ss. Cardena p.m. | i) // Wed.—ss. Prince Rupert 9:30 a.m. f Friday—ss. Catala p.m. | Ss. Princess Adelaide p.m. Oct. 8—ss. Princess Norah ...a.m. Oct. 17—ss. Princess Norah a.m. Oct. 29—ss. Princess Norah a.m. For Naas River ana Port Simpson— | Sunday—ss. Cardena 8 p.m. From Naas River & Port Simpson— Tuesday—ss. Cardena ....11:30 a.m a = ! (LOBIN SOA! VUVE GOT NESVE. YOU ARE e FERDIE STANDING UNDER 4 | JUST A MINUTE Vy Rate. SOME MISTLE TOR THAT tSay , MISTLETOE Say polen “ .e. ISON wy! ae, ~ \ KY i TA aa M we \