v SOCIALIST SPEAKER "v The Dailv News THE WONDERFUL HEARD LAST EVENING PRINCK nUPtRT TICKS PRINCE RUPERT BRITISH COLUMBIA 23 Monday, May Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by The News rnniT mi R. O. JVtcCutcheon of Wlnnlpag lllnh. 1 :5! a.m.. ?l.t feel. Contractor Printing and Publishing Co., Third Avenue. riiun iiLUiuna Ascribed Causes for t:&t p.m.. 111.:' feel. War Today. Low, a.m.. ?.7 feel. II. F. PULLEN, Managino Editor. il::u p.m.. ;.rt feel. AND Ersrv Home In Canada Needs There , wtv 1 a well ntlemlisl Tueiday, May 24. v SUBSCRIPTION RATESl "FRUIT-A-TIVES" Rnlherlug hi i.he Open Forum IliKll. 2:.1 a. Ml.. I'n.H feel Prospective Builders. City Delivery, by carrier or mail, per month ........... 11.00 held at lhe Molnlyre hall lnI I &;.)! p. lit.. IM.H feel Uy mail to all parts of the British Kmnire and the United States. To Uiosa u ffcrlDC with miiftttion, evening lo uU'M to the aiMrean Low. II : III . 111.. leel. Nearest in advance, per year $0.00. Tarfii Littr, Cfsilion, Sid or of II. I). Mn ulrlip.in, nT Wiiint. I II p n A f. . !. approach to pre-war prt, m To all other countries, in advance, per yeaiv. 7.60. AVnwM Htaiuktt, XturnlgU, KiJ-mty pelf, on till iM-mliiinlri ftniioe nf The time ueo u racftlu Ktan- Shiplan: Dimension. Rnnrrl. I il r, TELEPHONE 85. TrvmHr, fOummititm, fain in war, itard, for the 120th Meridian weal. ... ' " t-aiii. r rA.:. Transient Display Advertising $1 25 per inch each insertion He Sait, Scttmi am otttr tiim The apeaki-r, who ia'an en-I It I counted from A to 21 houm. v---HiiiK, ixubuc. ivun Urietl Firmh Transient advertising on front page . . . , $2.00 per inch) tff,itlonx, FrnU--tlTf" glveiv It il At n a ) S'liiaMsl of the modern from MildiiiKtit to iniilnlKhl. All In Number Local Headers, per insertion, . . V5c per line. prompt relief auJ aaaures schfiol, 1 la of dfri'leil . TI.e table given I for Port One Fir Classified advertising, per insertion, , . . . . 2V per wont. rrwrery whra the treatment I nhilily na an tmlnr amf gave n SHfTpion but the time for I'ritife We haw got prices down to rock bottom, Ur-gal Notices, each insertion, .. , Jrc per agate line. faithfully toiowrU. verj clear i,MViUi'ti from 1 1 lluperl vftrlea only a few tninutfM t Contract Hales on Application. Fr U-a-tivtt''it HtomhmeJ irini Socialist p.iifii if view, of lln or) Mime clay and on otliera ih an.iin.-v. UUJ a KICK atltl tiiacc VtlMr r,. tnaJt from i'-cyoUluloj ilia iailrs nf w.ir. ib-iilinK with lltoae the TlBfranue of the tide All advertising should he in the Daily JVews Olllce on day pre-ceJing aaine. publication. All advertising reccivefl subject to approval. -nieJiciaal principles of spplea, (hat have lilki-n plo ainee tin may he computed aa & per cent A 1 nwf d TfT n rr oraufM, fic and prunes, eoaiuieu civil war in i lie United Slates. greater at Prlnre Hubert than of JCXxUKL L U. lYlVjHUPrV. If with raluaUe tonics and antiseptic. Uy iiriH-i -- nf elliniuallon of 9 " W III i) Port Mimpaon both at aprlnga and ni .... . 7 DAILY EDITION. Monday. May 2.1. 1921. COe a box, 6for J2 DO, trial ixr,25e. lh" varioiiH MiiM'a Dial iiiiuhl ln ruuncs i io and 564 neapa, Tlierefore llm rle in the At all dealers or eul poatpaid by aserdieil, he sttowed llrtil then harbor Prince Hupert It aiighth Fruit-a-tlres Limited, Ottawa, Out. wua ri'ilUy n I nun muse, ntnl Fish Cars are grratrr than Pori Kliiipmi. Promised Aaaln. lltttt wna Hi.- rnpllnlMir inliT-rlA The helxhl la in feet and tenllis The mrs whirh were lo have arrived in May will be here lookiiiK f"1' nigral tiH'iil fur Of fet above III erK level of in June, nrmrdhig It? the highest railway authority. They are SUITCASES ilieir Murphi I'upiiat, wniim front lower low water. beinir hnilt. Mr. Ilatiiia says. Some day if the railway ami TRUNKS lhe worker the vnr(, who Dr. Sutherland (invcrnmenl olllrials kccpTui promising they will lrike it right. renlly reptTiMiled only twenty eeht of i ii populnl inn. The" They caiiuiil very well help' unuig so ir.we even gel Uie cms HANDBAGS ' per AIL SCHCDtlLC : . solution "he nid waa to. bring . D.P.S., L.D.S., D.D.C. ahoilt the most recent i Thexmly salisrncl(iok thing promise aiti.w1a)a)laval a la a a a a! ahoul (hat linppy"lnle when the the jreminder that they are Mill (hmking iiboni ii. It is more ' ' 1 than'.we 'expected. v , "' Tents and Awnings . worker or (nndueer lol lhe full Foe th Kasi. . . j in all i- V f , . . t ,- iiilvanluge of the resulla of iH Monday. Wedneidaya aiid Mat-; its branche 'One :Blg' Unionists . - labor nuii (lie rnpilalialic, or rii-ing uni.ysnt, in.lt a. in. .-DENTISTRY Refused to Listen. J. F. MAGUIRE eliis wer f-. rreil In vh ! I Exchnncc Uock, Suite 14 and The. action of the One Dig Union li refusing to listen lo wnrk lheiti-eve nr alnrve to From th Kaal, IS 712 Seeond Ave., Princ Ittiperl ' For n.speaker. ;u nnupeg i soniewtiai in tine witn ui tilings uiey death. Sunday. Tuetay aiid-Tbunt. Appointment Phone Black 516 tak'fe' exception 16. TlieV were- vapriUail!fi3hlSlfivieflir. The (rjouhle Iji Hie wnrld wn, ilaya al 75-45 p. in. It is a common thul thai 6 f re f fi i sliigTo h el r ivf-peak er LAND ti( apeakrr said In roiinluaiiHi, whose views do not meet with appmvnl. If the message i4 fnir fiV. t IMil Hie Urk f prtMltielkin. bill for Vancouver and South. it should do no harm. If it is n false message there is no need NU f InltnllM ta Apply la Lull Lan4. lhe disposal of it. an that an TufMaya ? p. m. to accept it. Little good is done by howling down a speaker. la sterna Land I'l.irKI. npt,ruinr ln equitable Ji-I ribtil ioii of Ibe ruin. I'tioridara II n m HOME AGAIN! rk-l of ca.t. Hanr a, in1 uiuala at Iwt4 fort niKl nf litis SnturilaV Hiinga Is Humor Sign of Development r (j'ntno r. idjolnmi lot Itt. 10 I J a.in Or of Degeneracy? Tike none I rxt Morman H. Broanurn. life came lite nw mid witnien April t. IS and 72 1 i r fnnra Rupert, oeeupauon mauler marl who wen reiintiilje Utr the From Vanoour and South. For real tiicai HOME COOKING and I ISII AND Cld of of degeneracy'? We Is humor development are a sign or nrf. Inienai la apply for permlnooa la lhe prthlnet ion "f .same. Co inclined to think of the former. The man who has no .ene ieM ine roiiowmt aeirribed uium: Sundays. p. tn.' lo thai After lh.' speaker rlllfllliM. of humor is nearer the animal than one who enjoys a joke. II ijmmmnnt al a pti.l planted on the Wrdneadaya 10:30 a.m. i amth line or lot I the cliniroiitn. .1. II. llumniKh. ! THE EMPRESS CAFE tt, inenee wed rnain April . IN and t is only in the human race that humor' seems to have lieen more or le lo low water mark; inmra throw lhe tneeltnit oMn In aen. developed. There is little or no humor among the lower animals. aoitneriy to rnain afanr low water marat eral dlaeua-ioit nf the loilie nf Where Everybody Eati White Help 0r Among the lower races of iban there is little laughter. Ittenre ei i rnam mnra or ; to nirn I ror nnyoa ana mica aarm. lhe evanint(. The stolidity of the savage is a matter of general knowledge. water mark; ilmirt nortnerlr ainn Mrs Sunday 10 p.m. tlase for Ijdla Hrnpraiaa Motel II lock,3rd Av You seldom hear if the uneducated and the low splitting their water mark lo pout, tuntaiainf 1 acre. WVdnepilaya V p.m. ides with laughter. ' ' , k. inra or leu..ttORMAt R. BHODMUHST. FIVE MEN REPORTED From Anyoi and A I lea Arm. i Among oursrlve the mnit or woman vhirilnes not free a Oated Jtnntrr t. till. Tneadaya a.m. ; jok;e misses a great deal. j,To lake life 11 to seriously is to make DROWNED IN QUEBEC 'huradayt .. p. in. vi trj ciiasi.otte isnria.4n his ;iwic a grave mistake. The man with a highly, developed sense ;of ,,. ;niCT ;an.M il..mC b. i W. G. Barrie r "humor1, would liever think oT!coniniUfiug Mifcide. To see Hie ti.'Tif Ma-yMi.notire mat b. i,Tswium nrrrny neaajr.nrr. noiirr I Irxllil QVVMKr.. M iy ::t. Word lin.For Port Slmpaon, Arrandala, mitf t HOM lighter side of life, to feel the humor of many of (he trivial n taunlhni nuke appliralton to in been eeri-ji.-.l iiere i.r the i ..wn - j Bay, Wae UUnd and NaatRlaar., THIRD AVENUK POST OFFICE BLOC ads of our comrades and lo he ahle to -laugh wild them rather;, mr a iwnr in prw-i rr pminm inst of a pin t nf im' men near iKundaya . 10 p.m. ihan at them is the ideal of enjnynieiiL iS x&rr...77&1 Pareitl ..n, Hi. r.anadian Xut iual From PU Slmpaon. Arrandala. mill f , IImoi I.land. If. t'. i:rtnmnrtnw at a flnllwu)-. I" are a. ni on. IB, Walaa laland and Naaa nie.i BufTets, Dining Tables, Chairs and China CabtnrJ Demand for Humor trtaftled at thr iuthwei rarner it U.t awiilnWe. ilia: lnriu-a i - ruaina eai iDritr aa Tuesday a.m. j Rods Is on Increase. S riMtn nnrm; Ibmrr aa rhin nl; Iftrnre - o i Window Shades, Curtains; Curtain There is demand for humorous The of nit rmim wMtsn 10 rwtni or enmnwrM efnnt. " a writings. mass lAralrd Hireh 14th. lift. Qu4n "Chtriotla Islands! Blankets'Sheets,1 Pillow Cases!, the people like things that are funny, Tbpy like to look at the TIIOIM HKr. Ten Years For Mitinpw . Comforters Vwumm, ktenl. Ago hucnbrou.s pictures of Jiggs afid Maggie or o( some ;other April II and 2 creature developed in the mind of a humorous artist. QVr.F.X CIIIKUITTK ISI.Vili MM UIS- In Hrincaa Rupert t lllll.l I.II.IIMI IM.A.M. H. From- - Jleriodicals .such as . Lij'eithallispeiise; cjnatij humor are Tak notlrr mat TDwiiu Iwlv. ItKliin mt. Maivti. u. :.. mirwi4 in twit April ft and 28 in'mufh demand. And there f?WrViiTcreftpnicht & In take ailMrallua ror a lirenre in lite Vlni.lrr .,f May 23, 1311 "place, along that line. We should learn (o dissociate . humor I.M ror Hie ernirlnrv or B v.. Inr T-MMlun llnberl kilMOti. Midi kjuittii In rnMet rnr iiriromini For in titer RVagmay and lha Tukort. Developed an from lewdness and lo be ahle to-nppreciale lhesuhtleiie i;f aad MHlee the rnlh.ninr cirx-ril-,t laWK Priiu-e ltiiHt;i, vak Itadly iitjiiiAd h. ih and iH CI! 1VTQ viiwaie cjfi ine vei i:ui or uraiurn ! April lhe more iulriate jokes. Let us have plenty of humor. We tana. If IX: Uy mi nrridoHLani jH'itril lil h-ao. From Skagway and Yukon. I 1 5iif 1 CoiniBenrlnr at unal Maatet n lhe printed (Sin do with piore of the right ort. . - - a line Mwtlieavl eornrr nt Imi Ilia; Ihmer uorib luillH'V iU.ikia.enale Channel April 3. 12 nnd 32 Library Is Still IJ fhjln; ihenre weal do -liln; thrner I lie . other alay. , Ilia eloihinjr a-ruin an rnaina; tnrrm ear ao rnaraf. in Films In before 9 finished the tamediy Not In Sight. ro.lnt Loratetl or eiaiiniMWMwnl. eauxht in I lilt loachlnvrj and le tlawart, Hapla Bay and Swamp a.m. The much talked of public library has not-materialized. W Mil)TIIMj Uarrh. 111.I.KASV. fr he eoubl lie exlrii-nletl by hit Point. need it just as much ns ever, perhaps, a litle more tlri trver, ' Hmn.fi riMiwn. arRi. i'oiiiiainin lii riuni arm aa FOIL- The Prince Rupert Drug Co. hut on in (he nrpspnt therr lins Iicpii no sriMpiflc rwlion l.iUn CIHHLOTTR MLAMia I.-an nil" frail ii re.l atnl die wa terribly April liana; SH thii:t uihiiiv iloh. n. :. InlAvo.n t that has looked like liringing results. Tlk nutlrr itul Thomaa Iwaajr, ln.lan burned l lite. rtirmiiK ga from KnOM IMIONK 134 Last year .the Daily News suggested the forming of a aent, Mjaaett. II. :.. inirrl It make a. the rxliuiiot nhi, Ifi and 30 Mall Ordara Clren Prompt Attrnllon pllralfam l the Vliil.lr nt Lamia rue lb April I 9 Library Association to take steps to commence in a snWill way. I"r;.rinre nt a. :. rnr a to ,eweel A meeting called and Ihis voted f,r rM-iia,!.urn ,er arwl iinfler IIm f'ilinlaa Alilernmrt Waylnn ikii thn .t was was down, being thought -Iriwritira laiwl altuale Weal irtl I tie Ciaul Think nf all Ihi (irotniiiei i wiser to try lo get a Carnegie library than to undertake something i.r iiranain i'miu o. dhiHt ineijoii al laal niirliff :mimenetnr al rml at the firm wbe pnNbitta youe a planmt eo u m il meet i we, i id Alderman less pretentious. The Carnegie people have refused to wrmwvai mrttrr nt IM mi- inrnr the I and len rhftneei. to .ri" a ore consider lhe reipiest. They offered tine some years the .ti III rhalna :ltienrr eaal u eliaina: lllldllrh ever inlruel Hie enuin-cerinif ago but, tr.nre tirin aa etwraa: inetiee ra aa esery firm will be-a dally ni-. peojde (hen refused lo take it. Xow they refuse lo give itjahd enaina rini r etwmTermlil. liiniartneent n bury any they cannol "be blamed. As we cannot gel".1)iy help fhim'thc I.tx-ateil 14th TlloUtH.Marrli. 101.IilLiaV. , iwlitrnn. -r rejmrtikT" ''.Mdermnn paper miverllew.. The know it outside, the next best thing is lo get busy ourselves and -Jlnri Iv.lyri Bmn, aaeat. llllditrb prftinptly lfplied lny. GRAND TRUNK PACIFIC RAILWAY a library. This is not the right time of year, but it is not' too -KE niallllTTE tHUSIH' MM) III. "Xiier." , ii raoaaTK. i . early lo begin Dunking about it. t Tak"thi:t nolle illlAlliX trial TrHin.aa l.l.li.Itraay,H. i Inrtiaa, it tub m.r.'ii.vK i:oi nf or bhiiimi S.S. PRINCE GEORGL laii nc The .n. lleririetle arrived v .... . . f ,Bi Am in, Maaaett, ll. :., tirreiiv nutire today COI.UMHI1. , r in-., fif.'in jl; ' f mi iilion io a'.r m iiw Mlruairr or with lino batrU of beer. Tlijn tiik MaTTI.n.or TIIK AltMIMSTKA- MlliniKllI I liuraaiaj " .,.,,, , ,. ,, Hf. J I aiif1 for III nrnrlnee nf B. ' :. Ie a ' ' ver. VW lnrla iUVl ecaiue " lii rnra in riniaiieei rnr rietrnleum over and larfri-Kl fliiimnl- heretofore w?r-L V".t ai:t ALBERT nniler the full., inr itrarMbnt tana, aim- . ami 5.S. PRINCE Dr. JOS. MAGUIRE al i.i "n ihnrriul Ifw wet aa, rnaal rmtuwa or omiirM-nrint lira bain I.IiikI al lily.nine mote mail Jtnir inal pian n Al.r.aA.Mif TIIK MafTr.M H W.OK N'-oit.TIIK raTut lllT.r.a.ar.11. EoIVl'lirt CkioiUJU. Mn-ai lt, Herkl,-: Hav M..y " fff pout plana- (a rnalna aotnh rmm llw hit jmlherii fjueen .hnrl..iie MamN "iilhai .l nimrf nf IM 1 1 II: ihenrr el TAkK ntHK that in orrh-r of mi main-; iwiwr amith rhalna; thrnee There i- a aplrll of melaneholy llmwur r. Mra. Twuia. nuul u ! rtan Slewarl. May l?Mi and -nth i..i en -hain; ihenrr Wirth ill rtiaina to nt A.ril. If II, I waa apiwiDtMl aantima- .aamallMk imltil nr rMiifntirMiinl. u-oodinK over ..Vrlliur I.itlle'x iramr la lite r.aiaie nr aieiawier w. acaii. saurdsy has been called to Vancouver cn UK-lied Marrh Ilia. It)II. -'(ieorpe, tlM-eaaett, and all paMia haeiac -iaima Paaaenirer Monday, Wedntsdar snd n new -land the i ' today, attltM ,u r.,uw ar hmtn requini niouaa iiKy, tor Hmllher. Pnnr,- wul- Jlenrire. special DENTAL WORK. llfrfwrt Mrnavn. Arenl. lnovin -i-aniel. for onir,llie in- M ?."IS "".T- T.IT'L"...-.. init direel nil polnis an Md ;,ni nr y, itw oar fmjt ip.i. IJI FF.y IIMBI.OTTE ISUMrt' i.n ins eep.-uHin. oiiipaiuon of Mr. i.iuni and all partie imlrlilra lu tha mute ir! All Ocean bteaminip He will RE-OPEN His OFFICE reauired lu tan ir ainunat uf Uirir ta Agency TstoMtir.TThaVYl-U-M liaindianr ,,nuL- Uy '""" ""'aM" '"' ',lU''r drfilnlnrea In ine TurinwiiH. Fr mroro.al.oa ard rrauooa arlT W on Afitt. Maa-elt. H. Intetnta tn make ap- he liarloi.k of IMUMiin and illnl ilill II. MrVHJM.Il, m .lirtifi in the Mlnlater nr Mnrta tur u onieial Ailnumairator Hmvlare nf B. c. fnr a llrenr.. for r- yenleri.llV flllly y e I i;rila v Mr. IllTHi Ihia ttlh da nf April, mat JUNE 1st lr.l4m to iiniee rr prlmarum r,veranl l.IKlr III. fll,.uli. rtrn,l l.nrt. .llii.l. ,111,, Itail Ho iM- IllMilnKmilll ri TUB MTRllVlf: ivnil of IIHIilVll no tt Weal :naal M Oraluin lalaiMt,.a. C i(nkei) il:v ilina on u lnf iie-roiirt 0nl.l.liiv l ,Uti...tirtliw ml I...I 1.1 r. I I..a " -h..rr ihtr al While i'olnt; ilwnre win in over hlK ner shoulder. I.I TIIK V4TTM aif Tlir "AnMUHTIU PACIFIC RAILWAY aa enalna; tnenre eaal so rtialua: Unr 1 i Tioi ji;i'- CANADIAN wirth a rhalna llirnre weal an rhalna Ii. and IKirni ir ejrfnnirrteMnent. in Tin! Mtnicii n tiik rat k or aw G. H. Arnold Public Ideated II IH Marrb, Mil. lannHpiaa ; MalilA Hl lrV.XX. lifXKAKIJI oAfiacxaia ,rotrto , - Notary THOMAS I'Mftr, , TAkK MiTlf.K thai In the nrdrr nf Ilia Steamship Services - .liliw ypi main. arnL llfaamr iuilae V. MeH. Vraini, laadr Um-twrntr-eitliili B.C. Coast rlar nf April, tl, I waa wfr.x nurtuiTTK iilam .Ain in i iaiiMtiiwn amiiimairainr r tka Fatal FOR SALE. rrmiiT OIlAlU HI.AIIiH. r: nana aannn iiami. drreaml, ami all narlU - - - .uiraa MARY IllluUre..MlIlaMUiAaaitaav IfWlian. liavlna rlaima aaainal Hie aaui late am 3.. rn. pfn4l A Lot Third Avenue in Block AHil. Mu.rlt, ll. C7T inlMiila in make kl. I lerrl.y rrn'lriU tu fiirnlati aaiw .ri.rlv on 34 l;iir una ut Hie MUiUier fifiLanda rue the rliK'.i la nut mi nr t.fiir the itilrijr i For Katchlkan. JunsaO, Skaosir. l-ninnee of B. (.'. fur a llrenr arantlnr C'l ilar nf Mar, A. It. Ilt; and alt parlw ' Mir 9. 20 ana n..n.ri Adjoining the new Concrete Building I rnill4l li prrte fnr lroliiin nve liHlrtilmt In lhe ralata are required In . from Prlncs Hupsrl- Saattl tin- fnllnalnr rieaeriLed lamia altual na the amount of Iheir llxtrLUnliH-aa ., a For Vancouvsr, Vlstorla and which is being erected there. A very desirable busiruvs lamf IIm deaerlld.Weal :ial aa nf fnllmaa;(Iraliam- lalaml. a. : rnrinwna. JOII1 . MrMU.I.I. I May 13 and 24' .June 3.. nay. H l gwanon location i mmiu-iirini al a pual nunted at the imirial Adimnlalralnr. ,' . - m.rthwral rnrner rf l I I III; Itwiire eaat Criiii- Hnerl. M. C. 8,8. TEES- from rrmcr 4,r. an rtiaina; linre wnita SO rliamai Uh-ii- Dalaxl Ihla lib dix nt May, 1911, Falls. Alert Hay. leaver H. G. HELGERSON, LTD. itiama; tliewe nnrili 0 rlisma lot Hatuplay noon. liJnl fif mmin'nrrnirit. Vapwiuvrr rvrry Insurance Rentals Real Estate ln-atrd 1 4th Manh l,ll. TIUiMaS lWV, Hnlorl Hnmil, aanl. Bags OIte.t niAftuiTTr: ihi.asuh t.ANn nw W. 0. ORCHARu, u 7- rt(J,C. THICT --fiHWHM HI.ASlif B.C. Suitcases Take nollie that TlmAiaa liraay, In.llan . . .1 an. rreai THEO CQLLART, Notary Public Arwil. of Maaaett, H. C, liitrmla lo make tior sra etnllralUiq In Inr Mlnlalrr nr l.anrtl rnr trie I'n.nnre nf II. C. tur a llrrnra In iirna Trunks FOR SALE. Lot' 15, Work II. Section 5, for $750. Good tier loinmina fnr prlmlrurn di-arrtixHi landa ner and annate vtulrr mi lhe llm .LIM1110', View. Lol 7, Ulock 9, Kerlion '! $375.00. weai -oai nr lira nam laiaan. n. c. UNION STEAMSHIP CO. (OF Oiriirririieiiir at a final Manli-d SO rlialni Tents, Packsacks Insure your boat in the Most Liberal Company on the Coast, aniilli fniiri tlu. anulharat rurie-r of lt I nr Vaiirotnar, urean j alia sn ;t-ti,ujl)iy n m. t:iJ; llirnrai SO rhalna fa.li ttinre Ii. insurance Company of North America, rhaina anulHi llienre ko rhinir weali tlienra COWWAULASLI in (oaiai'V 9l9ttJ F. M. SO rhalna iKil lh Wi Hie rKimt of ruliiineiire Salanlsa Watum Crosby P.O. Boa 68 Waatbalme Thaatra Block phooa Blue 69 irrin Ua-sleit tlth Marrli. )!. Slariinjj nl the Kinpreaa Theatre 716 Third Avenua, Frlrwa Kuiiert 'IIIOMaH hnlicrl fiEASV,arown, rent. Tonight l.waw '"" I