THI DAILY nWI PAQE 3. HEARTBURN FORMER HAZELTON THE DISCOVERY' Local and Personal MINISTER TO COME LIVER TROUBLE of Zam.Buk brought a wonderful TO PRINCE RUPERT new healing subuance into the Save Money! I iesli meat. City Market. 20 home. This magic heater is a rare Wl Ih titar hrtiAMt torpid and la-niii, scientific Ilnv. William II. Willan in nllo-caled discovery a super-balm, ir r.niiK.t fumi.n lumcirnt till to Undertaker. Phone 4t. If II. C. blended exclusively from potent !2 Dm inm riaunt uwni la trome ( Hie Prince llupert Melli-odUl lllitlMt. Church by Ui flrnl draft of herbal extracts. Market. Tb aloniarb In Dcdding plants Cily Zam-Buk applied to tiw tirrrlrd. In Ih the H; C. McHiodinl conference a cut or raw of Ifirimim tharr It rnamnr and wound, gives instant protection Reach's burnm in in iih Honiara, attriwtmi lr For aflciiiovn tea, rit, Ilegi made ail week in Victoria. Mr. you dl.lurU-d ariwlitr. riuwd bjr rreal aridity. Cafe. tf Willan wnj formerly at llazelton against all germ-infection and blood-poison, wlM-iHtrr iw fuifdi fuod in lakrn, II la a but enl I ho lant year an pantor thus removing all fear of llitik! In f.niwnt. tnd Wrwiw fltremsly complications. It soothes pain and Wanted Ilaw fun. I'al I'liil of the Fourteenth Ave. Church rmiriiiiir rira' wcuri. and hat li skin burning irritation, destroys iliruon up. I four and tonwiiniri diiit. lipnon. .ii If in Vancouver, while he look up Goods disease and the its at root, promotes Sporting iiiiH-r titer iniubw a)inpimna are ixin fpecial work at the University motor the riirnl .llclrr. rlloB,, of Hie Lint your boata fur iale with of J I. O. grow.h of new healthy skin. ln ami ), tl'wiinf af-tka tWore Ih M, M. Hlephens. ' tf Mr. Willan will lake up JJ.e Prices nnird tnto, bid Ht In lit nt Catnlo;; 'the third Sunday foul pulpit here on Biik Mornwr. brralh. ilrr brain, aun-ilirr, Patronize home nnd fave Express Charges ruM.alMill, elr. fKTlol inaliiirf Wefllndiiie to In June if hi appointment kwp rfmr liter rlll tij vnnt Mil-burn morrow. 7 piece orcneira. ntaud. Ilev. T. II. t'tiltall, the yam t l.ita Mtrr run tnd fun mil Dart incumbenl, leave here present nu Iwirllmrn or ullvr llirrr irvublrn, Rrinc Iali for your Victory bonds. Baseball, Football and Tennis lurrl) ifji-liblr I hp do not trip. rtrn So waiting. T. McClyinonl. If on i noay ween jor me- iu THE WODIDS CHEAT or -irlra nkr lue old fa.Uiowd purtautri tJounlry. Supplies to Please Everyone IMirrtli)Mrs. Mtr ik. Clni, uiiiwfm, Hark., Mr. .and Mrn. Hul.erl Ward ANTISEPTIC HEALER a oiii.. I liata uwd Miikurn' Lais-lii'i npenl tlie week end in Terrace. ROBBED OF $20,000 I'lll.. a nil ilwy bat rlrarrd u of Dr. Andrew Wilson, the emhv fearUium, and nn-r iruubl. I dou'l tbma Jamen returned from (lie BUT KILLS ONE OF ent British medical authority, says: (In an If- tx-airu trtltrr inrdkID. by any CaiTionun Hi Hie lat Kim on niylil. "Zam-Bok may be relied upon as an-J I ''an nirnly rewiiMwnd Ibrui." ' l-fi-r i nal at all oa-ra or Uiail'd THE TWO BANDITS an antiseptic dressing which requires airn.-i Mil-burn J. F. Hlranif Jf uimynide ran. making ready. Zam-Buk ai h'l-ipl .f iii If The T. no previous ' . Limned. Toronto, OnL Aart nerj' is ivci'lered at llio Prince possesses unique soothing and healing llupert Hotel. . SIIKItimOoKK. May 73. Willi.-lakiu properties that exercise a special hi llrin payroll of action on torn or severed tissues, HERENDSYWINS Special iHillira)' nialinee, Vr.-Iiolme ? limiie with htm friiiu I hr keeping them clean and helping lniiiorrow, I'iclurc.f only. bank. F. Hali-maii, or Hie Itlaek them to knit together again." I'ricei 35c and He. llke Alieli. Oimpauy, a held Unequalled (or B jma, Scalds, Curj. fenonti KING'S PLATE up in hi rar by w foreigner on Wajndi.PJti.Purplei.Ec7rna.Rintworra.etc, Mr. .V. liay'ne of Xew Hazel. Saturday morning. They ired ni Mil SAMPLE BOXCSI TryZmmBi Ion i a recent 'arrival from (lie llalemaii and he. reluriliuz the rrttprm. -J m.u mmj Jmltuf frfirr 04 Mc an rtltt, Bund! Build! Build! Royal Visitor Second and Mill interior and T( "laying at (lie lire, killed one of them while the te. twmfi I tor rrtarm failai!. mJU'tmt Th4 ana ivnfn Cuth Third Big I'rlnee ItupeK llolel. olher escaped. j Attendance. It. V. Marlln of Stewart i . ii ii.-.ipexl building iii Hie world nnd reainlered at the Prince llupert NOTICE TO MARINERS . i i 1 1 t...A- TOllOXTO, May S3. liriiJ-, Hole) awaiting a ! I lo return :)l ! it' I" l Mlw a;ir iiifiih. .i ill' rTmn "'"ir (,,. t t'' iuf tin llrookilale lalilc, lo (lie mining town. The llepartment or Marine advise 1 m .. , the tendency will likel) be Imwnl higher i.iug ui. lln wifim-r In (In rlsly.nrroiii. mariner that mi orcult-inir EAT FISH and SUPPORT A LOCAL INDUSTRY The cue or .Miniliam II. Kintr. while lislil ha bpen eslali- runnlii? f KIiik' Male ,.,,.. , lliFrt l.dtnber r.uniwii h.i- ii la-ge Mork j, 'HimIc at WiMHlliiiiR I'ark on up fur Vagrancy, wa adjourned .Jisheil on Outer Island, otT oulh EAT . -v t, i, i.. nil vmir rcip,,i-ctiicnt SllunJuy hNtikmiii, doing I lie this ni'.rninir by Magistrate Mc-'eitremily t Price Islanc, Milbank DIMENSION BOARDS SHIPLAP LATH I mile a inl a (juarlcr in 2 niinulf Mordie lo I hurnday nest, Sound. I l.C. and 10 winl. Ilnyal Viaijur a I.iKhl elevated feet above SIDING FLOORING CEILING FINISH jwan i oriinil, it Inigllin Iwliiml, IIASFHAI.I, TOMOIIIIOW. H.W, show rrom . if3 degree Rupert Brand S.ll.: 2 F.iolball: vs. p.iii ,,,, u.,, nrUl anJ U, ,anl Mill'Oulli IliiraJ. Nine liMre While Lumber l Do Your Building Cheap. ran. v. n.w.v..M ajo pjii. 8.w.v.A.;.,n degrees. I r n iji;ii-'lrrH - i! Iln' ..Il". (,!. ir ;i Tlirn- wan n rw.irJ crowil in Ilntol in allendaiiee. (ienlleineii Hearing true and from sea- Phone 301 for Price. lailrtitJaiyn and txri(rmrnl ran 50c. ladie 25c- a ward. IhkIi. Aiikuik lliiini irt'fnt rre The r-vular.,wTkly dance at V -BRILLS- PRINCE RUPERT LUMBER CO. lllr I 111 Li? ami llurlirn nf Ik'XOII-alnii- the (). II. U. hall look place on ami tlu'ir pBiir Saturday evening and wa well The Man in the Moon attended, uboul llfly couple bein, SAYS: THIRD ROUND OF on Hie Htnr. ' SIMILAR TO ENGLISH SOLE BILLIARD TOURNEY A bcal Irain rrom Smithers PltAt.TISK what you preach i TO COOK Cut fish into required portions. Dip in flour witl arrive here at 10 o'chn'k tonight. an olil worn-out motto. I'rarlise batter. Place in very hot fat nnd fry for 15 minutes. J. H. HlldlUh and Frad Stephen The regular throiih train but don't preaeh i the revis-ed SOLO BY ALL KEllLERS Dentistry- D""- A-H Baym ara Flrat Wlnnari Drawings I lied up-east of-tlie lide be version. Mad tueen Kncako a and 'Sinilber' A.MO.VC the thins that won't Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd.' J. II. Iiobiiisuii wa in Hie set rou anywhere I trvins lo J. II. Hilditrb 10 defeated J. police court I hi tnornin? char? ritcil the blue moka (hat come A. Mardoliald .srratch by 200 to Htljtrion Block, CornerThird Ave. and Sixth St :'? i Hie third round of Hie ed willi an infraction of the Hev- from your pas engine.a erasc Act. The case wn ad Dental Nurse in Attendance i Wanderer; Club J'illianl handi-'ap. JourncdMinlil Th'jr.-day. TMITHMII Ihilig (hat does not Office Hour, 9 to 12; 1.30 to 5; 7 to 9 Freil Sli-plien '420' alst Bel you anywhere I a a engine .was vicloriiMis, wiuuliiir over A. Mr. It. A. Jenn returned on without a .park--.Iua. 'Silemide tneruleh by $00 to Saturday by I he Prliiees Mary We carry the most complete 150. from Vancouver where she wa IT I like an after dinner The (ollowiiiK are the ilrunins called on account of Hie sudden soeukrr without a spark of f..r Hie tltirtl round: J. II. Ilildilclii death of her dan ill trr, Mr. W. humor. , io v.. (. P. Tinker -50 ; (i. A. j,nin a Stock of Lumber FISHERMEN!! Hunter 'HI Vs. J. ruriiallur TIIOSI-: who have no hope fir i IO : Fr""! Slephens v. A. Silver-. Fir dimension lumber and eternity, are Ihe narrow niim.ed hi- plavrd nut. A. A. I'j-'"H shlplap, I. I. spruce, fir finish, IH'ople who admit they are liarrtiw in the rily. Our mill is running bteadiy; we quickly . door and window, lumber and glory in it. -lo v. J. Howe -35 re-sawn manufacture any special order. We ofter can now a and dresed tu any ie. Til Fill: was a woman once who Uefore buying see our stock on -GEORGETOWN Ouick d elivcry by FRESH FROZEN HERRING FULLER'S SPECIALS our own cur. C. II. Sliocklcy. 0w Ituy. If haled afternoon lea, but lhal was WHARF. u long lime ago, before Ihe lime DRY ICE Saturday Butttr Specials QUICK SERVICE The following i the lineup for or Sir Waller Ualeigh.' Our Own Urn nd. Il. 5ie. . SPRUCE SHIPLAP,, BOARDS, DIMENSION, PLANKS, Hie (I.W.V.A. in the football BUTEDALE CANNERY - Princen Royal Iiland Siitiuvhrook, lb. 15c. jtoniorrovv willi the S.O.K.: Huvie.ume IF Sir Waller had never taken TIMBERS, LATH, SIDING, CLEAR FINISH. i t i Ih. bote. lUc. lea rrom (hi continent to F.urope isieurl and Ferre; Critaes, Cedar Boat Lumber V-Jolnt, Timbers, Shingles sniiliuhl StMip. 3 jrk. t.tio. Davie uiid l.iiiu-tlt'ii; Hardin?. in tnler that people Fir Flooring and Celling. Pure Olivev Oil. reii. fl.UO. now might show American bow lo ue Itoherl. ,lto, Kirby ami NicUin. it, what would Jliew have been for DAVID H. HAYS & COMPANY HriHiins. New StiM'k--I Albert A MiCulTery have, boiuht woiii-ii lu talk uboul in the uTIer. . I'wees Attractive Heir. tl.Ji, now uiillioii feet of No. I fir noons? one ship-lap General Rratl Estate Asenta ! He. l.-5. now I.M. mid dimension, nnd soiling are F0K SALE House and lot, 3 rooms, 8ih Ave. E., Suaar rtfK. a special,1.00. now per C5c. lb. lie. Also nt complete lowest price slock- of yet Mr fltioled.liuisli olhers'oit Some pi-ople Ihe oil a piano, BIG BAY LUMBER COMPANY fully furnihtd h Mtt and furnitute In splendid condition Sitiiinhiy only limit 5 lb.. door and window-, uud builditi; t a a Price $1350; third enfh, bnlwnce in 6, 12 I'enrl Itarl'') on Mile. lb. lc. materials. If The nesl time there i n and 18 months. Also 2 beautiful lots on 6th Ave., Frsh'lii Old Country lliscuil. a political meeling in Prince llupert White Wonder Soap 3 for 25c. Two men named John lloleiu someone should usk Hie caiulidate Jar Borden. $1000 pair, terms given. were1 such vital question a Why I.m, special, 2 for 25c. nnd Washington Irvine, w ho some '0. Bon Jelly Powder. 2 for 25c. out nil bail on charge of druuk-enitc. i a Mack eat Mark 7 I lie nn-wer HOBO Fire Insurance Phone B7 B&K PASTRY FLOUR Swl While) Cheese. 55c lb. failed lo appear Ihl i "llecause." Freucli Muslirounis. per . tin, morniiiK t ' nnswjer I o their )5e. name and Ihe bail of $20 each Why is a crow llecause. The real white pastry flour which Malkln' llesl ColTce, a few tins wu e treated. tav AitRivAi. of VEL0UR and Jersky Tuxedo left ill 55o per lb. means better, lighter, and more Fresh Chocolate liars, 12 for We have Jtit received evernl flaky pastry. SPORTS COATS 50c. cur of the fainou Pcnlumi. slove May Day All froods sold under our "B & K" Chili Sauce, rcg. 15c, now 2 eoal (the highest grade Alberta Trade Mark are guaranteed. coul). -It U especially suited for for 05c, Let's All Clean Up ALL GROCERS sell 'B 6 K PASTRY in latest spring colours; also Special Prunes, 5 Ih. 55c, sloves atnd range. l)cllvered in bulk, IH 1.75; delivered in sacks, Velour Coats Local new laid Flip, per tlox. 55c, I3,25. I'lll.VCi: IIUPF.IIT COAL SPECIAL ON BROOMS THE BRACKMAN-KER MILLING LTD. Spring CO., SiK'Clal Ityirec, 3 lb. t.00. COMPANY. Phone 15. 20 (iood I string llruoui. . .75e Special ntlrntioti unit prompt Ilamhou llroom $1.25 P.O. Box 74 S Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 3SO P-0. Uox 327 "DE MERS" Phone 27 - (o fishermen unu wharl II. C. Henuet t, one of I ho real Whisk pioneer of .Stewart, wine while O-Ccdar Mop lie re on business wa taken down O.Cedar Polish NEW TELEPHONE OIREOTORY. with tliH-Ilu;'uiitl hit been in (ho Litpiid Veneer general hospital for. Hie lust twu Shoe llruslic-s li. -i wMrkiiiiitiHlnp nnd The city is ubout to publish u weeks, I able lo be uround ugain Slovtt llrtlslies RUPERT BAKERY ni'w directory fur any chauRea or uud cxpccl In return north on Wash llnarils Try Art Clothes ipmlily. Willi ri'Usonublo ulterntions required notify I do the next (rip of the Albert. Feallicr Duster, only. . .50g priiv.. it slantlard ulwit) Supt. ot Utilities In writing- bo-foro For Alao for keiil by r.imk Ihos. & May 23Td. t02l. IO-gQ.Q Joint Flew in. in charge in the We uru still selling CAKES AND PASTRY OP QUALITY jg?oW tlroa. & Allenl Allen. 1 - . - - - 1 Piluce llupert district of Hie 3 Pure Lard 75o The Bread Only beat material used 'Uo"nl.nnih.r...Mt.r wita coining census lo be taken by 5 Pure Laid S1.Z5 Orders fur "' CiHuma od Coats Over 250 patterns to select ua Baiiuj- ,t, iiomiuion govcrniiieni on i no that Reataurant, Steamships, Canneries, etc. fiili ud li,ht Ovttcc.'li from PILES tUf'ntaa. ni llrsl of June, returned from Promptly attended to auri a 11 an laal rauwirw.opar- Ocean Full on Saturday on Hiq Munro Bros. Satisfies Joseph Garon and C It. Bigccrt, Proprietors STEVE KING Third Avenve Df.Cnaaa'a Ointment l rtlle.a youal onji H 4 rl'i.tii nflie eniimlel tnir nr- P.O. Box 521617 Third Av Phone Cnen 211 " Prince Rupert Sji.? iMantuMts Tii.Un,tii. ruuircinenls and uppointlns enu. Phona IS 'Third Avenue lVaZW meat...- in - .uth.-rn area