LsaiHlntlvr T.lbrn-y (( ,! f t , 67 x PRINCE RUPERT Joe and Fred J Northern' and Central British Columbia's Newspaper i ! xii 1 " piiinci: m im;jit. h, u, moniay, may 23, 1021. SiluMay't Clrcvlatlaa 1,0. Itratt Salt 2SX. PRICK FIVK r.KNTJ ome Changes Made in Sales Tax .ifnmniTm nrTif at n.wi mn t tit AAi'ipmTAT finrr ft v af-v at v t it -n art w ' ONLY WHITE WOMAN ON YAP ISLAND. I J. . WASHOUT ON Canadian National nn rr- 1 ipv siiin Will Reduce Rate THE RAILWAY 4. -k.. - May be Take n Over Stttler Killed When Riding With Car of effects Which 1 Lumber! Road Excise on Wai Derailed. uv REPAIR WORK BEING OTTAWA. M" ''.- Tin- budget iiiiipihIiiii'iiU brought for-j RUSHED BY QANQS There if a jeristeiil rumor lhal the New York Central rail-way .., '!" in (lir Ilni:r of OimmoiiK on .Saturday will firand Trunk mil. in the- n.l Tt. I A 1 1 1 t ..... 1 1.1 1 1 TkL Iryiiijr lo, liny or leae Pariflrf r the r-Mposed evise i.n Canadian lumber from three per E,,nn and Wettbound Nalional Traiii-oiiliiieiilnl llailway fwifh a monoMiy of the railway i nt. The Iminrled prmtiirl will my three Arrive Tomorrow. Iwinp- of (his foil and an outlet for American good lo the Oripnl and Hibpria. have Iippii rxlriidnl li binder C. V. wb Tlx1 !. - i.i cxrniplioiis Applpyrrii, whs en While IliPie i nolhiiig delinite on which to lae the pro-Mal, Ii.mI.. oil ik', nllle mill NMillrv TimmI. iroule to Morricptown, w kill-d rtw nr.ui. cxrrpl that it eeniJu ite generally underfltKHi at a fact, .. inrr .ml iniiMMinChiii or oleomargarine in In be car .if -.pHlpr' prr.rt Tlr tr :" vdileh hf wn rMius : up- it Mipm a likely thing In happen for an American road to lake balance, or II... tcs lav will l.r wlte4M Id !'! Mu ,w ,M.,W(M.,1 IUmr uu ,, over Hip Canadian line. They rould gel il loday for a ong for H III ' ' 'dgl. I IIiuIiii m a result of bad wah- the ('ai'adian H-ople would be glad lo be relieved of it. The "" Mulkll-y Hlwr at "ul l"f - prvriAM Indian Hovprntiipnl clparly ia pi 11 r 1 r 1 1 11 iiv a I Hip WePk-Plld.II ....... ... 1 .....I . . iJi.pi. not wan I il hut il ould bp IMTDUEMTIAlVT II i I JlliU 1 1 I 1U 1 1- LIQUOR LOADED ON 0 I rral aiiiiorinli'iMli'iil.rifpitPil II. It HIIMII. alIHlll wcril 1 maUP to o.v ir a ,, , U run IPJ 1 V tlM 1 1UN s PROVINCIAL BUT Ui I I -illl7 I II llir rvrt nu SAILINQ DELAYED a I ln morning Mini u--l iiikit wliirli roiihl eoiiiinauiJ huinpiv. wm Im(hk mail'- willi Mm- rialr If Uip Anipriran railway e-purpiJ UPPER SILESIA Hip trar-k Iml I tint Hip work ' (Hi Saturday lilalil lulf jof tin Cauailian liiip iiipy THE PROSPECT!: three HNRllll I 41 II ll tf 4 jWoulil not Itp far Piiutipli nil-, would al onre put on a iw of li'imir Mtrr IhimAmI on 111trr.l for Hip train to ipiivp Icuiii.t liPtwppu hprr and Hip ReporUd German to Make Oe-llrippl I...M. lif.M llVi. ..'lI.ML lIllM I.1..II. Imiqi-iI Hip launch rmin. and tnurli or Hip Ip.i and Urmlned Effort to Recover' lUlfhen Not Likely to il from J ark Miller's e-lrl ilW. ailk now liippii hy way of Van-; From Poles. I1(P W-Pni"lllll trttl'i i Im-IiI iii le Country Unlet . warrlioii!'. I'lpair-anc-e qiuvrr and Unilpd 5lap portHi r-would 0tlopmnl. e Hi i-.him ami raniou rrnp nt-rr Hipii coiiip thin war. Hie I'AIHS, May 21-Tlie Allied iuMr wrrr nul .llmfofft fi!HrrnW. TIip iaHioiiinJ fart Hint Min-iiaiiip ran haul morp ldli eommiiioiiPr of Uuter Si-JrJUl frtroull)' iHl for. I'HI ?!wliili lfl falunJny ilv Milt Hi lunJU ha- M-uta , vmw.V May .1. I lirn- e llif H-liKtr u i(rrljy Hin . in. iii..vui ..t ft .11....In.!. . .1 ..- .1 .i.i Ji.ii" mliiir1 . ovpr pilhpr or Hie othrrx fV an HntrnVnp wtllr boHTtfir Hprniaiii-'v T w wrj- niyn J w ivi . nil mpS hp fpaturp which is i his nd the I'ole In an endeavor to' ... 'flip wfhlilj wif tin to Hip Mrt. Ullian a Kihrr of Nw T irk clly U tho only whn woman factor in inlprpsliii? Hie max- "Main cessation of all military fUt t b.o- l-h-kMl for l""iM'l all itrral liilrt.l u. biLrti Itinuxiially IiIkIi walrr in Hip who tua I!tJ n h Wainl of Ytp. th umiD lil In th Pacific lor t nalp til Hie pat. oppratimot in that tprritory. h.n.tnirni ' ll.ixrrniiH'l.l in Hi .r.--rrJlji iy Hip Itiitklt y llitpr. TIip unnu wpalti- ' oalral at aihirta U L'nitrd Smt-a and Jipu n in ditpula. , TIip tina.liaii Cuprnment I.OMMtX, May 23. The l.l-n-' .a( Hip 1 1111- it not , ,H-,(rr wr r lia iiipIIiuI IIip oihiu on Hip would lill own and opralp Hie don Tiiiips corrpfpoiidpjitjn Op-liiia.liau f .a ryr ,.n t"1" re.rtinsr Hie German irre-way Pacillc ItaH- ffi I" an ai'iM'al lo llir . iTrJrNew. Two Storey Concrete .NoHhprn m ull niiiaiAlilIII- tk'ill v.. .w iiiiiirw. iM-twetMi Vanroirjrr nnd the K",ar "illilary o.pration in L'p- ,.-'.al pprtlPil. una Wrll llairni. ppv in comipctioii wilh ihp(!rand l-er Silria dppjarp.i lliat Ili4 mn-tii.'i Ii.i.mi 1 M-ill a iiiiiitri aMSl. pral of Hip ttrnl. 1-laVrs liap nl- Building to be Erected on 'Trunk railwuv a all Hip .Vpw Hprman hac been cuncPiitratiiii-Yi 'rPHily 1hhi n-i'iaffpii nnil i nuiit-iImt k IVnlral wiuili. i- the Hop Tn '"r an1 "'"'Sf prP-aralion i'i iii.-.iii iiiu 11 aurr mp of aam: or briilu-Piiipn arr ul with Hie fpedpr. on y'h a vipw lo inakinif u d.- , . Hip coast H -.! .l I Ijllllfttl Ull. Third Avenue 5horlly Iltrrr HARRY ROSS utirk 011 Hip olhpr. m.r to sri-P it Hip npi-p- lenmnen ciion in rpcovec inc ! ...In.- nmV lt--l"l- ' IIip nmn, Ajipcrpn. who m ary l.uiiip. TIip throusk traf- lfp"n of Upper iMlr.ila Irom, '! r-t .. an !' I1011 until lliiiMrujf hpIimIip ill Hip p.I. vIih-1i arr dprnlrilly uroJlrisili He would Iip Hib bis Ihintf. ,0'C!V .' .'juiii . t ..f 1 'i rAboto AWAY .rri. i.l II... ..........1 l.ii.n .-.. I.. I... .Ill rnilliir i-ltll:iml'll ill lilt lllklir Will. Hip New York tVntral in l.OMKt.Y May 23.-1 lie Ilritisli Hoveniiiieiil lias decided Hi send jfi.iin out. the eonlrol. it i- pointed Not Fice DefeaL fulnrp IIip i'limi of two !.orp roiicrelp InitldiiiK i r'rim.t Viilnii Hip IiumUiiik aliiiip. j liy pn a roal. field of the roat would lnl" tl'ler Silesia ut an 13 '" m-It 111I0 mi i oM i-iiwlti.n Popular Hctil Man Died In Victoria I Third Avcmir oil the varanl itf lielwecn Hip Kiiipiri" IMibli-IiliiK soon ip iIpvpIoipiI. tal. a near early date, Saturday Funeral (io. mill Hie lllork. Pacini', would 'kill a illtu. r nf wtlllllltl.-, tilt MANY CASUALTIES as iiossihlp to Hip ''p-"- i" itowtl rmiooii Today. 1 11... i.H'iini. ..r Till. t.nti-l v W ll Mrl.:iill?li1ill of 4a!l be shipped lo tide water to uro- MEU T A CfT IME 1 Ct-iiiir' ... II..... 1. Fill!.1111 pii..... IN IRELAND IN WEEK Fruiirinpo. purrliMprif (hp lot at IIip original (5. T. I'. Mile IipM vidp bunkers and ranm for UieJlijn UxijllLIllJU br a niimlirr tr l.ileml Harry K. IU, nirtrlor of j in VaniunviT in lt'08 uli.l has rerenlly aiinoimipil thai lie tin- liiiprs I'lyiinr out or Hits port. . j Hip l'jnirii. lli'lrl of Hii nit). ' The whelp scheme, which I r..""!H'i('iiMi.ii" ' "ii 1 1 imi in ilriiw iiip) iiwny aflrr n loiitf iivk-iipkk Twenlythree Deatht Resulting jj,,, ,UIIH juejuupil ami PVPOlliiliff In ri'aiYiiivJiji lo slnrl Iiiilicjing be only an imaginative one. looks:mayj POtnJi.lily.iiinaii..thuL(mil J. il.stu.ti-.i Hiir, on falunlay morn In if at lil from fcttacki Made on police (,K.r(1i(lll,, Then- will l.p Ihrpo Mniv. iiii 'iIip groniid Hour, wilh most allraclivp to people here: T" "" .' Hi.- r..iinlry. Vlrlnrla Iioiiip, frniu wtiiHi IIip M7y M ltdMte aiafliiu-iit flats nlnivo lliii.iiil in Misiiu anliitpc-tMPk.Prpi.M.. an.) Hip people of Prince ope1 : ...... r... . III III IN" t 1'll'ln- fuiipr'. Ink plarn loiiHrrtw. 1 - II." niodpn. and aHilic vvmilil Im- only I.H, plud the ".-! iiini'iii rliuiiai'n n o Vro.. r '.-- i lurul ty!r. They will be t tno-I portatlon Business Out of lil IlliiPnu Hip liuiiiPHK Xew .York tulral iu control of !..- llolUlitiri" Hnrllig I. luriiip Hip wl jiit p-fl. IIip rpsidpiitial rtparlliHMils mi far prrrli'd in Hip rily. Prince Rupert. fi .i (, ..,iilral !ainl-'J Va iiiaiiauril 1y lii fallipr, lip. "'" Hie road. siifTi'ieil '." raMiaMip-. ii'- pollen A. lto, a YnklniM fruit Kiipr. iitiMijt fiiH'lloii. .l-allis, 't'lmre en miWDAWV The Hue gasoline boat 1'acliena iillinv in ;, ATI He 1, who li'fl Iipi-p Triiln) lo bIIpiuI Blwiiy hoi of i... r....-.,.i 'i i.i. i,ir.Bi f nii Mr raMs oil Hie mails nun t in - .uil bumi mi l - LUMBER MILL ha arri,ed here from Hie '.south h" it on In hiiiii-i'vp mil"" I lsv'jr'Vt". "I. ........ .ft... j "SENDING BOAT NORTH mi,,. .. : . and the Knipwiijvvf eaffvedly I1H- t""-H.pular nnd will shortly be fprnmisiourd f,,,-.,.,."to, mr rirnn-11ir,iy in all flip I'oirKiuK and ninnU r f p. .son uil.-i n.-.l i FOR TEKRAM by Captain A. vnnn ; in the i.nttmu riiiuls if IIipm arl and 'now ! Canada, Captain Fred Brown, will WORKS AGAIN trausporlaliun buslne.. betwtHMi Prince II u perl and outside ioiuts, t his death will lie leamcl wiiu Engage This Season Towing ARSON STARTS all the workers. Davis Rafts. lakinu the place of Hie I'rmim-ial, deep regivl by SMUTS AND HUGHES Incorporation Announced In B.C. Mr. Iti leaves n widow and Temporary Operations Remanu which I now engagctt in that Oatette Capital $300,00 three yoimr children and two COMMENDED BY PAPERS Captain II. I.. Jnhusoii. now facturlnn Rough Lumber business. ' . . IN ENGLAND older hrolhcr, one of whom is Kit-''; ? "". J'd.nson Tra,,,- ' 'Ilii iii,l,i.iiii n turirti n'ml The of AU.ul twenty men an- eiiga?ed taUMc rrafl an(J is u,j(jut 03 the chirr civil eimlnepr of lb" .Lm .virHn.,..' - and the I.II.MMf.. Mny Sa. -7Tbe d.-ela-ralioii sumka.u,,, U., T al the Prince liuperi ruip aim fft ((in;x Ilaing bepji enued Oreiii Hlalp govpriiiupnt of- tielieral Siuuls. S'oulh wilh a . hp taliialion of '" """ ; ". m ' Yorkthlro Paper i;nin"pany s sawiooi .--ui : ' ' Suffer Saw- handbooks Krei. Itrovvn. Hip salmon llslierie work iu nulhor of spvpral popular mi i ma iu! f '.aplain " African premier, that be favored : Ii.m.l oH)e wit Terni'v Uove remanuiarmriii-i pn "tHroKed Arreitt Mad rnadmakliiK and brbltie-liiitKlliig. Tin' Imal will be encased ill thp1 Hie sViulh she will be iluiU suit- 'J. mi a reiipwul of Hip Anutn-iapanesn iimiiniiiced in Hip curri'iit iui' lumber. Kires are again up in ! . . Hip older l n raplaln ..f l).iis rafl DMUU. .. . . . ...... .ablp for her new service In lb " i.. I.. L"Xlm.. . . Mny AiKitlipr Ircaly and similar ullerimcps by id the H.C.. Jaelte. (. V. Sehauli. Hie nam in oruer o. r.-. m-m,,,, . ... PhiB num.- ...... tu Ihe United Stales army nnd Premier Hughes, o f Aunlralia, , . ., , i ,., lleeale Slrails from Oueen (.bar. dry kilns warm. The remanu-! " - .,,, oiiiumpiw-!! ulathmed for some tliim Islaints for Hip mainland 11,,1 n lt.p most slormy wPHtlier. SUp has been ha met wilh favorable rum-men! .... .. ... ... Iop far hiring work consists in . , ''"""V iitulii. mi ixiiwuiiKiir ni " im hi"'". . . t nilJiir." ,',,i,l' ' Thirty f,", slurp the war in the I'anuiua from Hie innrninir paoers. has laulii'hi'd the coiiipany, whii h dryl.or or the nmuh lumber In ' " A"; " fh"r .i, lUmil .ino. I '....I .. ...L- ..ill - ' " . the kiln and u planinif a..d,';'!;y haynmrkH in York. Tim KiniUPHs lintel business KH sunikaluni l.uke.YIRElESS STATION FOR' dresir.if ll. The old slock or ui the new business. TO on KlfL, ul KlwkU.ii svua NO LEGISLATION pioppWie has bi loft In I lie. temporary . roujth lumber are being used and, havn i wulrr main IiIiivmi churn f Mr. John M. Ilarring-Inii. where promising indication GREENLAND PROPOSED continue GREENWOOD EDITOR work will only " DESERTERS the L Zm, 11 ''"' who for a long time has GET WIFE biH'n found. Hie olilce at' t errace : Iippii couneeled with Hie inanane-iiienl. ... 1 has already 1 . I.pph..I -I...pstaldislipil. f.. II... . and'.il. . tUlPi:.MIAtli:.V April 21. --r fpw week.Name Changed. " DIED AT GRAND FORKS Jin-.l mi itiuny iaci.i.. i,.:.: a wireiP,,,i The ollirlal name id the "m- uoydTgeorge . the iiiroi'Voratlou tlrepnliind i aualn belna fiildj. pany has been chaiiifedj front the Col. R. T. Lowery', One of .O.'a in KpssUui nf the Dominion l'arlla recoiib'd O. I the SALMON BELLIES I'rtl, llll lirllllli l nirn nmiiii PrilWe nperl,I.Uiulier Bast Knovvn Men Is Dead. makes mciil regaidliig Hie e I null I bin papers. llemnkrulen. Kurope as wr Ss Prince. Itupcrt I'ulp and Taper commons of LOSE FIRST GAME of wire deserteis whu have laken America is sUid to lie interested Co. and the sign at the oQU-e. lid NKLHtX, May 83.-ery. It. T. l.ow-(ireenwood I tNGUSII UNHEALTHY refuiie in Hie l ulled Stairs. WHEAT PRICES FORCE in the pryji-ct, the newpapejr rliniL'iil nrcnrtliuiMy. ; editor of the or lm i.t;ge .ror many y-cars, men ui I K. V. Imby. manager . Won at aiiiiiuu uiai iiip nrniMi iuiini 1... Termlnali, of Vancouver, FLOUR UPWARD I'l'llllll'llnll Lacrosse on Saturday by NOTED AUTHORESS COST Hie have approaclied Hui Kiull milL and Kngineer Harrow s, Jl ;tJrand Forks Troiii llrlghf dis- mailer; T p. Cinwcll and J. I. I.eland left ea?e. "i" iu. lbe goerniueut t , 'MK.IP.1 Ml, M-lit til Eight lo Five. AND ACTRESS DEAD WINNII'Kfl, May 23,--0ing to ( oil Thursilay for u cruise up IIio Col. .nery was one of the bel The I lie lliii;t.untons iu the price of BIRTH Install Hiver lo Fall lllver tu(known pioneers or (he ..umUry VANCHIIVKII, May 2U.defeated - May 83.--I.mly Han. wheal which closed at the- NV(nfl-peg There w born at the Ueneral investigate the power poibill- country and had been' iu variou i Terminals, uf Vnnfoiner. llancron. Ornln lUchungiV pirSaliirday Hospital on May 21. In Mr. and lies there. They are expected part of Uc Sjinilkaiueen and is 1 . " '".III Salmon croft, wife of Sir Sipilre un limLlnir Westminster "I 1:.'KIIIOIlK uiiwlmlo.III!) Hellion the New al lacrosse un Halunlay a noted nctre and aulhures. i at l,l8li a bushel. Iho prh-ii "f Mrs. K. M. ilega.l, lyer Aparl-meals. back in the city about W'edue-jyeira.Koleuuy districla Jor thirty afleruooii by u aeoro of H l dead al Folkestone. llyvfr i iiuw up 300 a buirol. a on. day. il" .