PAGE 8. fill I1A1LT rTWH is ii i m l&TAn Important Item BIG SHOW OFFERS AT Idairy prices WESTHOLME TONIGHT Sound digestion is the basis of health 1 DOWN SOMEWHAT Westholme Theatre and vigor. Digestive disorders should Robert Athon Co. Prsssnt Play suffer "Capital vs. Labor" my fiua have prompt attention. If you . Oultsr. ChM. lea and Mar 1 and m r ATI i onight romorrow from sluggish liver, constipation, impaired T.uillnl it. Lubor.'1 IIi" only aau :' garlna Taka Drop Alto appetite, flatulence, dizziness, play llial m 'Mr uidorsru by finest Sorp Mtata a other I lie Alncriciiii FnliTAtioll. vill bo mil Infested Prince Rupert's Own Stock Organization liparfni'he. biliousness, or (In- ii' iiITithik of I'm l1"!'-! I'i icrs in Hie Iih'uI rrlttll utorr T symptoms of stomach disorder you til.i Allmii Ciiiui'ouy lmiilil nl for nre still "ll (be ilMntanl Ireml THE to obtain relief by taking Hit- NWsiImiIiiii' Tlialrr. It H riclmc50 end uiiil Ibu rrk' nurkrl rrp..ri . . . . expect may salt, tn 1m fntriisi'ly ilrnnmllr. wltlij Iiowh srxrrnl rcibn'lbuis tn tbf many slnrllliiK Mltialion anil ilairv lines, Inrluiliuit butler, BEECHAM'S PILLS llirillnijr vllinaM's. HiiriHK Hie ready: jui- rlieese. ejr8 a II i lunrUUi'ltl '. ATHON seernl of tlir ineltl line lmvt nrliun nf llio iay a lii MrlVf is youi' wo In fcoiee, only nniilri liy tlie ronli-r liraj nf nso taken sllcbl ilmp. Vrircf . Sold tm in aeerywrir Canada 25c, 50c mil' nf ln workmrn. Till man I tthle nnit frtlll ftrlfift rria.iui LARGEST SALE OF ANY MEDICINE IN THE WORLD I iilllioiipli supH'srtf i In" only n saaaaaH.few 1 fairly struily. Mrsnbrrrlf s fe. iiior workman, prufs thai lilt iftillv inuM' llielr llrst Hptraraiii!e COMPANY bruin are ihhihI lo lln orrasion, 'it no- ttxMi. market, si-iiiuj in aiul tfalns Iii Tjoiillilonrt' of Mo', (iiiliii'il. itliiuilleN hi Jar per prcspntinp; cinplnyiT, nflir sIiowIiik It I lit dial Imskil. If You Were In was wihiiu. Tlio pla)' I "SOCIETY SNOBS" IS lollovtinir ii lb resci .; ine Kreaicsi P'ay over wrilton in favor of the TIMBER SALE X 2643. iriau))r a lot or I'oiiiiui'iii in mis MSktS. A Watch rily uihI I lira will no tloiiltl ! a EMPRESS FEATURE 'I'.bone sli'ak 5o triiilr will In- tvrrlrril l llie liljr rrowil on liaml loiuahi to wii- jlloiiinl xleak K'o MlnMrr nf Land' n vii-turia not UUr III Si. b-. Ho- Manufacturer Mian ihmmi .hi llr irih itsy of Juitr, itft llfSS It. ' Sirloin steak, per II , 45a 'CAPITAL LABOR' r.r sit 4.THt.UMI Hie tmrrrm fn-l ..f r lli-rms-snrurr. Palwiii X t4.anil to For I lin rtmifily f uc of llifMiow Solciiirk IIoImii II' my piiliiflioti lleef pot roast, lb., 32 tjc ln - fSo vs. Am. mi I rii-il In tuuki' beller llrmlurk. aimatisl hrail show lus ill Hie i:nipres 'liiKatire Heer. rlmi'k .u an area at tiir llii'if will U Hip play iu-iulrsl to Mwsl, Ii..r3l.i i) Sic walehrs Hum those we m'II, r TJiKf i.oir rakf.13 i yrira iimisr will,J, be imh allwsisl m-qrict.for tr kfi'i ihi tjoiililr.l itt ill. laUKlt- toiiltilil. C.i.iivsay Tarb' li.i II lleef. rib nut-1, llu 3no ami 35o Full of rod hlootlfil facts. A play you'd If witsl iiiw time. limval of Iwils-r. uii;irly tverv man a your "MioN Art'. titT a-liii lf w i i e h ! ie.-r. iM.iiina. lb... munrr priietiiar or ine uiir I ort-irr. r. llaliy Herause stirli a llilng simply Vlrk.Ha. n.. C. or Ulatrtrl Korrslrr. I'rlm-c E lici- tuff liiuBli t'jllows lo'lrier ailapln. lo bis pn Mtialily. In Ilaiiiburjrrr. per lbn .. 25o woman should .sec. Employer and employee will couldn't li done. fi'iprri. Ko HftsWy llial if lov'l"t, Into n tbj' "sliowiiiK tip" of tlio ilnnu.Ts Slewliu beef.' per lb. . . Vf arUirt-ciate it. aiiKe. The walrhcs you K"'l from u MI.M'llAl. ACT. vpritnitiP tinimr oi mil. wfiieb lurk in iiV aiiiliilun:. of cri,r. lrt. r-p Hi . . Sle nre among tin world's best ' Hum - 1 For Ihf auilcvlllt- llobi-rl Alhon llt,e Iitmltiia sinibbtslj tiiaittrttt.r.aub, let. 'per lb....... ,. Mo Qhasttthc Blues Kortt't VturTittLlc wulche. VKIUirKUTE "or"7v I'llo VK V E. TS. will pul on his riMnwly ttM, il-, im is at Ills 11. Lnitili. loin ... . 30o . May we show you aitj x-. 4airy Hiiilit.M XIITICK."tun r-atrh." l.iie iKii'il lo ilri iiill rarrs nwa'y. -j It.WAr, imagine, an ariir MiiHtui. -lewlna .... -plain more, fully stiaale rilimr In and the"Meucli-filter s." Mineral Minin IiIvishsi CUtm. Tui!ay ntfclif will bt (nrilinjr iil;mnR.b- prir'i of ft wailrr' Irr Tt4ii,, B,til.lrr. lit'.. Site 10 SBfl i WhoseBabyA reYou?' tor iioiir putt-tri- i uislil, wlii-n n Kurtillv( bunrli ttf lelise tlrn malic pirttirr, but Mill. of million, lb. T ... . . . 10c John Bulger liianlt litver urt fribttary kiu a. local favoriliM will put "on ilictr way Tearle lirsis lite irl wilbjliln nf multon. lb. ,. 10c mark Rear rtiverf urt in aJJitlon to h' r'Ct.itr a ilinlly ami surt-n.-ss of luiitoif ja sbmibler ronal, per lb. will Jeweller TtkE .imcK that I. lew V. PattMU. keep you doubled up with laughter for 45 r.M.r.. n Itsr.l.i:. i irrnt tut Mfnsl r. I hit earriea II oter lo llar a nil- ' lr of rut , .;io( Ami v WrltM. F.M.i:. Xn. HW?'C: llor M. minutes. This is one of the funniest Wrtrht. Frrr Vlner ivmnral n. 9- Picture Show nee lit rapilal ll'1. lite lieartipialn siiusaKes per lit- .... corn-edits ever c- lhr I. Vrlfhl. Frr Miner- Certill- inieresi is arippiiit! an.t tlie nej)iiaiiiru.k suusiitre I3c written. If t lauh. .-nle Vi. Mary V. MarLaren. rm An absorbing ilrnm'a of yotinp you can stay ome. iner orlinralr Vi. JtJft-t:; M'taW I'b'iiK'iit stt-oitu nmt intense. Il'ork. les ftne Isnilh. Trrr Miner's irliilrl o. JP7I7 iiiarriril lift- is iiiifoliliii in "Vountf lucfijrrt fi. l.mirv. sr lal Kns- Mlir"a Mrs. Wiuttiop." Mli-tt l!layloli' I I'ork eltops. ier lb 33e Vrtiersie . ? ; liavm 0 lemur. Pn-e 3 lie Siilyr.Mlnrr I special rrtinrali-rrrr. Miner's,MSM:, r.ertiprtlr alHl JuftO latest slnn mv M'hirlo also sIihw- ALEXANDRIA RIOTS ; ;'u"!? r !!: 70e Vaudeville Too v... : .. inicn.i. aim rnim ihr rtait" i ri jr al 1 1 1. Wcstlioluii- IoiiIkIiI. .....'a.::."." lurrof. ti applT to llw Mltilnc Rwirdrr STILLtCONIINUINGi;j-- r onliiutr sit !.T.f.r-v.ri-nl. (or Ihr whole, aer lb M'tirrxift i.r ntiiiintni' a Crtmn Grant or I of- tn. 1ur rkiims. Sfflipsii tf Al.FAAMUUA. May .'.I. FKe Mn nae.a . . in.. K0UEUT ATHON in his lauRhinphit .D n itTIIKIt TAkE NOTICE that ar RobertsonS 'n-'ii. nnr M-ri!'ii lit. n.o.t l roin Kuropean were killed ami 72 ;i'lirken. Hr lb 51c "UNLUCKY FAT" n.nret tH-r.MT ilir ihur or urh tr Fowl. lb- ............ 50o jiil-.jl.- of liiipmvriHl:l Land Act Amenc'manti injured in riolinir here lusl oiwhl per. HATED thla ISIh rtar r Ar rtl. A. I. IVI. and flit- inoriiiu-. The police Pickled pork, per lb Ibe I u.m w. friiii;E. . rasualli.'s lint i uiiHiimiiiiieptl. II lH.kei bam', sllfrnl, ier lb... 7iV ETHEL "YOUNG Mrs. Old Country Style ! II frtOBTE. lis rumored llial Hie oulbretik im-. Spare rib, per lb- 3iw . f THE SI I'lU.MK Clll'HT Of HHIUSH BUslaaaaa arte, at Im-laaa i;oi.imbia. ra4aS ta II aa aars i aaoao4 riirivd "rr tlie Willing of u na- lloasl bam. er Hi . . . h:c CLAYTON WINTHR0P" II M aa aar. TAkE notii.K. that br an ordr of Hit r-iBUea av MaSaaa ( aw llc by a 11 reek. tllolouna. jt lb. 90o Fruit & Plain lhionr lu4r Yunr daKsl Apni tfnd, T7s4 lanaa aaOr. j Jellied tongue U6c Ul. Icavr a irn la Martti Antrrii lo awrar tn tht drain or Jrna wrria lUocarda vUl k sraat oaartas if EVACUATE S3e Don't Miss MCcLf Tucsdny nt-re TO 'gn- i of thr 3rd 1ai or Srolcmtir. II0. land aullabl far acrVniltanU sarfoaaa iJAPAN Amateur unl' pnsif la flk-d wllhin ocw tmmlh itn as4 which la soa-tlashar laa. ,. 3jC The b,v nigmfunthancrcj ttM' llrrlslrar "I Ihia i;oiirt at I'rliM-f Ha rartaarahl r-acatlaaa shatlahaa. lrl. B. i... that I tw Hid Jrn AiHlrrvm asit aartlaa af at masra Uuui f a-ar anar SIBE1IAERLY DATE j CAKE a- II liia arur tlir ald Ird day or Bip arracca for aJJaaaal axa-aaapUaa Jile trnitrr. Uii. with falat raaiaaaaa. hat auk aaaklas II a 'urlhrr ordrrrd Hut nutlr or i aaaaaaarr laaaaaaaaaaau raapaauta rnKID. .May J.l -i to Huller 'rsklii . per lb.. lur or iirdrr tw imiIiIiIk-i in llxt "tiailr ;I daiaaa.rra-ainptora a far vneii.tU- Slberiii and lo reflore Cheese. r II ; . . .lie r." a nrnKpaprr rimilalina In the . aas aaevpy claim Theatre I day.' 'iiiniv or I'riiM-r Harl. for nrirm lit i raJua jaar of lit aa4 par anaJia bora,laaaratamanu laotudtns alaar ta jsbaiky Tun I" China al an early I.iotburi-er i.lieese. er ll. G3r The Empress 'IT'S DELICIOUS!' IHTKO thla t?lh dav or April. Il. las aa eulttTtulaa af at laaat 1 aaraa. date, iirnin.ulk In lit oialeiiieut , rjflfa fcae ; ine WI1.I.HMS, MSI A IJOAZALEM. ' hafar raealTlas Crtwi OraaC l'rz Ml;I fieb rate .... I3e ' Whara Frein uniee oiurtsi ni ine r Hoiiritors for Mru Amlrwin. rurruiru. pra aaaptae la aswaaaUaw aa a lasa than I raara, an4 haa aaaf ajra-partlaaata Ihe Wdoitaf C3's. loeal , &ie cloee of f-onfereuee and Tomorrow For Sale at laaarataaaaata. h aiaf, W-aaua Tonight Rupert Table Supply of Ul-haaJia, ar aUar eauaa. a here last week'. Margarine .;, 13c rraatad lBtarn4lata aartlfleata a taa--ro.amant I'jtinb honey nC Fuller's Grocery an uaaaf ar Ma alalia. Raoord withaat aarmaaaat rwa) Susar. er II I2r Arthur's Market Saaaa may b Iana4. prartSaS apatl. (NOVEL BOAT FOR Munalem Grocery If You ran makaa Inarataaaaau t aataat af III end. per louf 2 for Z5o Conway Tearle ItM par aaaaaa an4 raoaraa aarna aaah bard wlille', So.lli si 133 Llpsett,Cunningham & Co yaar. FaQur la ataka laapraTaaiaata ; river navigation;;,1 ar raeavS aaiaa wui aparata aa for-faltura. ilk. ikt rate .... 3.13 to 87.73 Linrey'e Grocery Tltla caaaat ka otaiBl I Gordon's Grocery laaa thaa I raara. ant tmproTtmaat Hilt SSI l.s. May ?1. n amphibious Vsgstablss Suffer af lit M par aera. Hk-Ib4isc I acraa dry. California hr elaarad and enltlTatao. mat raalaa tioal ' willed t iiileti.leil "SOCIETY SNOBS" of at laaat I yaara ara raaulrad. lieet. per IK, So Distributors for North fra-amptar (o obvial.- dtflli'llllles in .'...iii(o hatfnif Crwwa rr sn lltMiinialKfu. A-tluna. ttt.ll (raat (Uirrols. lb.. le GAZETTE per may raoord anotbar prampttaa. If ha naNialo'ti i nluiloil Uv lin- i tipid". COMEDY r 1 n nr (1 In -ll li ii 'lotnaiii In.iilili"!. raqulraa lana In coojunatlaa with hU Turnip, per lb '. l rvooerge & woo kidm aisl Hladdrr "miplaiu.. farm, without actual oseupatlaa. ar. unili'rwi-iii a ry ee-ssfiil trial' 'llll' -. Mir- Skin Tldad atatutory Impratamanu aaad lo'i-e reei'iillj In the lilesenee of libb-iue I l'r? Trince Kuprrt, B.a and raaldanca malntalnad aa Ofwa Cntilillower 23c lo uc lllsrST" . Il (rantad land a) 1 1 In- Kiiii: or Hri Ileixlaiis. Unaurrayad araaa. net aieaadla M Head lei lute ........ 10c lo IJo axraa. may ha laaaad aa hamaaltaa; II roUsiels of (tit, le'als j'Oileil WONDER tltla la ba abtalnad aftar fulBIMna ra. ilotielher In-u I'oleloes, tier nark ."1,30 lo J.3' rapids by "liafts;., dantial and Impratamanl eoBdltiana. iklery. per lb :uo In 30c Far sraalns and Induatrtal purpaaaa I are r.-ai-lwd Hie ffafl wi'l bileli area aicaadlnc III acraa may aa Cucumbers, each . ...r When think HEALTH aaad tinto oterbead rail aboe llieiu you ona paraoa er company. an Houses Spinarli. lb. . . . lor Sale per MIU. factory or InduaUiai altaa aa .ind will "shoot" lint rapids ,ua. v umbar land net aicaadJns 4 aaraa Tomato, holhoiise, per U, may aa purcnaaad; oaadltlana laalada peui.ed in (In- air, iiflerward lak-jiny of Baking, RESTORER paymant af atumpaf a. Itliiibarb. s r lb.. . ....... .". . Natural lln' waler iiirnin and prnei'i'd- hay maadaw nacaaalM Asparagut ........ . ,'. . . . . ay alatlns raada of may aa Erasrr S. 3 riwdus and Italh. Tin- prlvatr .rrwriHlon of urn conditional upon conauiwtlva pvraaaaad of a raad inu; as iis4ial. . think Fruit. Small house on rear or lol-- of Ms' world' frraU'il ImtUiIiH la than. Rabat a ana-half at aaat M 13,26000 a H-NiralltMi vlitrli hat yrrrii road, not aieaadlas half of awaha lirapefrtill (I'lorid.ii '.' i iMin-iiMilr St i nsrfna and rcirrr lo ilionsands prto. la mada. Lemons, do bilh. nrrplarc (3,600.00 PrtLiMeTons' per raiai qrants (II. t.laiilli Avrimc Wral, 4 rtssna. CONTAINS NOTHINQ BUT HERBS ACT. Owing to Tuesday Hales (ilroiii' FiveRoses fwod lol 11,000 00 o Vlr.rtH I or pnif r any Inaluda V". all p.rsoo.' th' A Jotnlna! ardarsad aad asrr.ta Nat el iirniiKrs . . 33o lo tlj (10 Mntli t fime Eaal, s rootna -kind- i-JdiH'i In I.Uiild or ' iip.ulr Ir with HI. Majesty oraaa Tha Itdlalii. per' lb-r.tiraule. ;i3ij . and ualli 1,50.00 fonn. lima wlthla which tha hair or dta af a dacaaaad being Holiday per lb. 30(J I ElrhUi Anime, rissns and pra-amptor may apply a we Ulli . 11,100.00 on Sale In I'rlorr luis-rt tijr for tltla undar thla Act ta aitandad I'mI. per lb- Our, IiV) Si rm.ll Vliflil. J r.Hrto. furnlnh. emir imis-rt Pnir ' I'tiiind from aub for praon,ana yaar aa formarly,from the until death aa of Miked nuts, per lb. ... , 33c!; PaawaWaawawT. Flour r. 1 Iota Itupruri-d 2,6S0.00 for "Thr ll.Md lo Health yaar afiar tba aonolualon af tha praMot will be Table Fixs, per pie;., ,. 15c wlilili U'lla ali about thla ui-llirrul war. Thla ptirll u aJao mada re. (Clc srtion Kiyirl, rix.m. and 'and troactl-e. Mince Meat 230 PRESSED GENTLY rriiM-rty rors Hi' uatli,,f lula rraded. Na fee .S3.000.00 rtlatlng ta 4i I'oiirlti Akiiii, 7 rooini and . iln rli lirc of thoac wuu tiave due or payable by eoldlere pre-emption an pre-eraptlone ar Al lilei (Yellow Newlon''. . ll.3 BUT VERY FIRMLY I I " Hi -Hill' lim li.MiH'X upd It. recorded after June If. fill . . i.ii'i" IK III, nrcpiaiT. rurnarr, two Taiea ar ramltud for fir Apples (Winessps $1.00 i ba l i rar'' ! lula 17,000.00 JTortaton for reiuro of man.ri OPEN Apples (Oreenliiats) ...... 1.00 Till H Hie rtiurlh iiiaeliiiifl ucd times daily I-Hi- ""'' V&.6vt 4. llll, on account" on of paid paymenta,alnc Xuruat fee Iluiianus . ... . 75c in cliuiiinx yuur clotbes by uur ......hi.. . ii i1 brlnss i ll i a McCaffery, Gibbons & RIDE A "PERFECT" ar Jntral um an an oldir'asreementa, pre-emptlona.ta purchaa Straw brrle . 33c Process slil'e llol olll a ilrliuM. '"" .7.n.L en,' n,M Dr member of Evaporated Fruits. Dry Cleaning Doyle, Ltd. Allied rorces, or d.pendant, acquired all id v.lalll). "" direct or Indirect, remitted freaa aa day on lllitrk rig 2(io II souree Insurance Real Estate BICYCLE llatment ta March It, llll. While II kh 2Uv. Tim Baruii'iits mo folued eurefully With Ihe lull'1 i.i,,, iiiilril'"" Pkon. 1 1 P.O. Bos 1628 SUB.PURCHASSRS or CROWN t Auricula Klc ami tjruiil cum bwcii l 1'"' - , i.'lii'sl l"'al Maib; in Canada by Hie Prerlaton made UNDI.for laeuanc af WEDNESDAY I'eocties 3'0 rfiasB Just HhM. Ohio li posl-lun, of Mauil'M"1 Canada Cycle & Motor Co. Crows Crown panta Ianda. to aeoulrlna;aub-purchara rlskta from af Applex 25p sleiiiii Is tsed llirougb Hm PRINCE RUPERT AGENCY purchaaar who failed to complete Seedless Halilrii 35c r,lji'ii: ami pie-4iirv uptdlfd g'-nHy c.i.. Aflvnt 417 5th Avenue. E. . Oilment purchaaa.of loolTln conditions forfeiture,of purchaaa.on ful.In. Prunes 2Wc.23c btt rry .llnii.y. jn u few jiilnuti L. Chriatie ATKINS' SAUSAGES tareel aad tai. W'hr aub-purcbae-r. FUh. llitrffariiieiit lliorouwblj' John Ik-pairs. Tires. Parts unjiears n.l.L.i no not claim whole of We American Currency, ARE MADE FRESH DAILY l'hoiit; Illue 337 ' ba'. purchaaa distributed plica du and taiea nay buy Jod, .2 lbs. ............... 33o ifiiinaleil and Poking as V""d as I'rinct Kufcri, P.O. Ilox 21 1 wbol area. proportionately",U erer Silver, -Gold or 'od fillets, Hinoked, ,. IQo new. ami sol J ut tlm following aaada by May ISr'tt Fiesli blaek cod, per Its. ,. 17 Wo Ltt Our Maohlnsi Work for Youll Ion's ORAZIMO. C Bills I'lnnun hatMie , , ?!)c Atkins Meat Market development Oraalns Act.of lireatoek llll, for Induatry ayatamaUa llollbut, per; lb. 25c A plioue cull cities it. Rupert Table Supply Co. UAVE Ycur Suit Cleaned vtd for fraalns dlatiirta aad rani pro.a llerriusr, klppi-rei', lb.... Zw Phillip's Fuller's Grocery Grocery(Seal Cove) Machine and sble,Method,Fretted Glwut by i'rice a our trlaL reason Steam A-anual Idmtnlatatlon a cumber owner.f rsilr rauali undr permit Stockwnr priority CommUe laued for evteb-Uhd loner baaed Rupert Table Supply Co. Kail Flounder,llerrinir,Fillets,each rll pt-r 20o I0u Canadian Steam Laundry Majestic Coal Gordon's Grocery focra AaeocUtlon for ran maruua may PHONES XII, 11 . Halt Acadia Cod, 2.1b, boles. fiSo Phono 8. .h.hMi?'lVlrr! Mussallem Grocery Um, TAILOR &"802 meat.for.aatUara,Free,aajavpara or partially a free,illias.naaaaJI aa) knle, per lb . ... . I Oo Blith Avenue W.. Prince Buperl flut by down burnlntr J"Ch..p. Jirills 3 fur SSo Halt oolachuiu, Hi., .,, lUo Chartered Accountant Hprlntr salmun, pep. lb. ..... 30c fio llslWer i,iin-ia.BO $13.80 Phone 555 or Black 472 and Auditor. Not Llg-nitc. Ws iruarantet our coal to ulve White salmon 2Uc The Inlander GEORGE RORIE Real Coal itiifsction. Foothills. Lump, tIS.OO ton: C-ubs 25o gTweston C. V. EVITT stove tlze. $14.00 ton. Cadomln 8tesm Halibut FilU'ls 23c j. f ftorta a Small C.A.. Vancuuvar aa4 and Furnace Coal will surprise you. Mors heat -lets aih toot. First Clan Boarding llauia Auctioneer frtna Kupart. Vho l n'" PU0NB sr? ' y.O. Uuf H CONSUMERS COAL COMPANY, LIMITED Ml Heeeiul A vou Suit Auditor and Accountant Federal Oulldlng Room II Smith Block J, Loauii MacLakkn,Manager FuoNt7&311 There may be you A. Keaknlnr. 1'roprletor waul, ties tbe classified column