PAGE Tn THE DAILY NEWS Me - H 1 WORLD'S SWEETHEART The Daily IVews CONSTIPATION SEEN HERE TONIGHT pnixcR nui'KiiT - unman Columbia I Published Rvcry Afternoon, exrept Sunday, by Tim News AND HEADACHES jMar'y Hekford ta Ce Seen at Printing Third Avenue, and ptillihiiig Company, Westholma Theatr In New H. P. PUM.BN, Managing FMor. Play. SUBSCRIPTION RATES I Fruit Mediciee. "FRUIT-A-TtVS" la "Tttroutfc the Rack nK.r. , City Delivery. by mail or carrier, per month $1.00 Wary Ntfard wttt he arfor.K-l Iy moil to all part of the British Km pi re ami the United Slates, nn M'f'Hunilv for tae dtil!t f uh'Bt u(atlie only in u ii mlvanee, per yenr Irt.QO Back! To all other countries, in advance, per year $7.80 nreMMBS aVWiiet inns i ome anna" a( f tstW I .-nn Leit- II Will ft'luwKii l..t,ikl ml TELEPHONE 88 'WeilMlw Theatre. ( H t Uef Srst (iieture In Which i Transient Wsnlav Advertisinr $1.25 per tnch aaeh inertion Transient Advertising on Front Page $2.00 per inch J Little Mary ever w-Tkr.t uml. r' tli' Knitiine t tw.i 4ine4ur LornI Headers, per insertion 25c per line' ClnwHfied Advertising, per insertion 2c per word lfr-tl K. Ireen and Mary attention of the Ladies of Prince HrotHer Jack aMmsrHl tail pro hut Legal Notice, each Insertion 15e per agate linei THE Al WSS duetton. and UV rrsali af t called the Contrart Hates on Application. to exhibit which irniNMned effort said ta we vrili All advertising should be in The Daily News OITiee on day preceding ia i.n publication. All advertising received subject to approval. at, umo oueotsacsu are.furtHersstbe Tws head irntfc ate f ta beets M I lean 4 in our store on Friday and Saturday of a 49 6t.Catherine St.E., Moa treat n." week of only, DAILY EDITION Friday. September ?. 19. I. "Tex thife years, I was tariiU The mitalaniliiia feature uf consisting mfrrwrftvm nfigrirwe. wuMil IfmJ-rW rhnHwh tsS Ha-k ior" Is lb mmj Cmmttipalit. J lock various deftttntful een'tr ass An Election aaedieia for tbe trtmblc bat Bathing sraltered thnnMrhtNit the pie lure 100 Before New Year. sertoed to do torn lay rood. In a Mtta trt mle Miss Pick of the Latest Premier Meigtm-UririeHnees thai there M-ta be an election Then,a Crieiel 4nael roe to try ford has a etsaac t beenme in- before the new yelk lle$alo says, thai disiM e'ri1"?-"1. TnJj-ni'. Kev X am ' free of votved in Injam rable cornaltea i will take place soon so !Ml there 81 le piealf Urn to Indigestion and Headaches, the ttoes alt pm-ath' of mirth. CbesttpeUoa b eared, and I lata yet tonrhed with that path the issne. Thai t$ean of Mrrse4hat UierfwffW m resnv I and MODEL DRESSES considerable gained rijht; my wnicli staaape. Usi" areatet of and tH rwfHribwtfon bffttre gwwg (t Hi eftirtftv ' j general health la fine. all ingenue as asti res if her Liberals who bare been asking that the government go to the TrmitCtfi'm a grmaj amCna and art. people will undoubtedly be pleaded that the ine is maw before I cannot say eacwjh in IU flter." Clean and Wholesome, them. The flght Is on. They have been asking for K for two AUT1KD DCDOWSEAU. In alMin to the !. whnte rFnUt-4inw are anada from fruit soane fun mitn wbicb tbie feat are The finest, that have ever been showa h years past and si Iat the honr has came. Jake and valuable tonic and are akfHBad. there is ftmnd runm There are many who would have liked to see a distrUmtkm pleasant to talc, their action being throngh it a eesiaterplot nf ric- the City of Prince Rupert. This exhibit is Ti meare passed before an appeal to the eownlry. It wmiM have gealle and tcUJ, yet alvays least phstr dranta ia wbtch (HtaJ aVv been the fair thing for the people. The government seems to effective, thin Bswaaaa a itesntaant faHitr, enable ladies to look these models over, aalb SOe.a boi,8 for fUO,trial si te Se, The stnsmste of a rkiM In win hare waited until it the the got result of recent eensns ami then, At all dealers or sent pestpaid Vy reeMmtun frM her ntMher and their own selections. We will guara tee to it! finding that a redis trlbvtfofi wtwld stack against them, they have Fruit- tirrs Limited, OtU,Out. the seesnfasfly tnurmoiintaMe rushed into the fray before a public announcement was made. hstaetes that iNenene furnish only one of each model in town. taking advantage of their tnefcle Information to try to get the the nenthraltna tmfiile for the advantage. However, the die is eaL The announcement i SUITCASES story. Profess KHial blackmailer Mr. Shane was also successful in tecin: "other made that it if IhelnlcntM dtilif Premier Id aft for a (ItaaiatKvni designing woman. at once. - s TRUNKS an mtsttnderasAod"abased wire all huhan4 Hay their ce several other lines of Ready-to-Wear, sosei Should Governor ff HANDBAGS photoplay speettve parts whk-b ia opn iMs uauar ia pif- which have arrived and others will arrire villi Intervene? Large Stock On hand lurr.que fel(rtuni. tlien jnanpa to the next tea days. The iietii(i'h& arien as to whether this would not be a to select from. Long fiand and ele ia bnai proper time for th Oovernor-GrileraJ to refnse to tali Hi.dvhv ness-like Xew Vrk. 1 nf the Premier and withhold dissolution trntH after a redistri J. F. MAGUIRE FIRST PLANE TO REACH We also wish to announce that we will iti-on bution measure 'ha been.paed. "lie is to ome eateni th Nxr the PtW Spert '-- PRINCE RUPERT CAME IN Tuesday with our Low-Price-Quick-Tur:r guardian of the rights of the people. To hob! a geueraf election LAST EVENING BY TRAIN now means that the West will not have a fair representation in WILL FLY FROM HEMS. Sale at which we will demonstrate that then; the next House of Commons. For yearn it wfll be at a tifadanUige COURT LIST CnnMone from ajre e in Parliament, simply to give advajitag to a politaal parj. no need of sending your money out of (o Liberals should have no reason Jo complain, for the change Klne Cases Set Down for- Trial Juara.aeriMa the gtarlinv Meiwan from txint there t..the especially to the mail order houses, is we fir? on me prairies wouiu aneci cnteny toe farmers. it must b Before Judge Young In slops at 8an liernaiUaw, remembered, however, that in Edmonton city at the provincial County Court. Gauraraia, the old mieMt. trwn we will be able to meet all prices. election five Liberals were returned, and the same was true al ms epas. Nevada, th-it h other centres. The court Usi for cHktr In town, Halt Lake CHr. the ixmmty Onirt Montana, AnswMa, Ituite. He Poor Beginning Ymre i as fnlRx ena, ureal rails aasl ahrlh. Jui For Young Premier. O. V. Ore va. Jacaea Me- annus a HMtmn arn tnr ei,Misi It is a poor beginning for the leader of a great parly to make Aleenan, Williams, Maon &. tba Iaierualtona) Jhirder i.m his first appeal to the country under somewhat shady conditions. OaauafeM for (he fdaeaJMt .l . A- nfir nrst..... ianaiiK. m Universal Trading Co. 11 does not look well for Mr. Meighrn as a prospective lender of l'afuwre & Fulton far the da. Ganaja at trails. Afherta. Xme.,. the people that he should resort to what in private life woald be fecMtent. action for MM, 1L.1 wmi a ume inejr a nave .been fmUUi. u considered a shady trick to try to gain a political advantage. The ft. Fnasital vs. Jah Reamer rain all the lime, siofrinK people of the newer parts of the country are entitled to full representation I'alaaore A Faluns, Flhr Jc LetbbrWe. Old. KiMMonton H Phone 376 5. K. Shane, Manager Helgerson, in tire next House, and Mr. Melghen denies them that Oushlen. 26. J a per, Prinee riewrae and flasel just on the eve of an announcement of population whieh would II. Kameda Oo. vs. T. Kanao, iosj. Itiejr rroe the have made possible a redistribution law. He has allowed the iafmore a rttsns, defeiHlant Moomiin tour llmea, tfu preponderance of Quebec to stampede him into an appeal to the in pecsAB. II 12.10. est eroina bring between Ja. country' in order td save his beloved Ontario. J. A. ItanfteU va. William per and frinoe Deortr. Tker Harh are etperieneed aeronaut,j Sweeton, Witliaasa, Maason & a ' nave encounter! weather roti- hut have never been In lite K - New Dock Is Oomalcs, Ptsbar & OugMm. oukhii varyinic frow I Ml ahwve ernuieut Hervire. 1 The qualities, that made cur Already In Use. on the desert between I am Vr. The new ocen dock is already in use. The Canadian Charles Wallace vs. Owm ami salt Lake CHy. to miow in Eipenslve Luiury. ftcoltihh I tied there loday ready for her cargo, which possihi) by Fritt, Palmare A Fulton. Will Ibe Roeky Mountains near Ja 'Yon nnirhf l have a ehauf the time this is published will be moving into her hold. TV flrt latin, Manson A Uaoialcs, 11. ne iweweM , otop was a feur. Can't you afford anef SPRUCE Prince Rupert ship? tied to the first Prince Rupert deep sea duck week al Kelt Lake City, the ser 'I mhthl afford the ehauf ieceiving cargo for another continent It is fervently to be wished H iirten vrs. P.nuirMir.l, W. II ami swfi IKe .11 tiara feur," replHtl Mr. CbuHKin.. 1 that she will return here often and take on much largar consignment, JoWm, T. 11. Ifamer, MM naieiitm. Here they Im1 the but I eoulrfn't afford the kitell if not full cargoes. V, M. Jalmesto vt. Oear U' first ninhap on the whole trip if a ear lie's want b. lake his' The time should come soon when it will be a common sight Cray et al, I'almare A, Fulton, lair nytnir allitmle ha been friends out rldlnir In."- -Wash the chief wood for neroplnne. its strenfA to see large steamers lied to the dock. When the dork superstructure Williams, MaruMm X Oonsales, from 2000 I0H.00O feet. lncl on Hlr, of and loading apparatus are ready for busiuess the lumber 100. New Route. durability, toughness, ease wofktrj. business of the North should be reviving, aud possibly we may B. C. IIe et al va. William rrwm tere the machine will smooth finish, readiness in taking pwt haye a pulp mill under way if we treat the company well. In the Musgrave, WIHlame, Mansun & fly to Ketchikan, then oh tno. PRINCC RUPERT TIDES a from defects. rcnr nfVaiitime. it is encouraging that the ilrst steamer was able to Oontalis, Imiiaa AgeMI. til. pwir at Juneau, While Hr, varnish and freedom take at least a part cargo from this port on her llrst voyqga. Perry Warner va. J. It. Morsran nawson, Fairbanks. Iluby. Bt, Friday Peiitejiiher j suitable Ud., W. II. Jiamsoa. WHIIams. .Mienaess, ami Nome, mtm the llhtb- tJ B.tnw Szjs xi. Manson A llanaalea, lOOO. flyhVK part of the trip will be ... l3:Jo t,8 f. and House Youn baek jor Joinery Judgfl Is expeeted done, for the plane will be shin. ?s "r- a,in IJi ft. Dr. from the south ttaxt Wednesday Pd to 8eaiile ,,'jr JOS, MAGUIRE ami eourt will aommeiiee Mum men aeeniMnvta steamer,u. 11 vtti the finluniay.10:15 Sritlember pitu 2.7 3 ft. after his return. MCMBEt or THE B.C. DENTAL COLLEGE nave II..I 1 been m (he.. first. . airitbtne. Utah 15J a.inH MA ft. iiiKni iram Mexieo o IteMav- 14:17 C OMPI DENTIST from'Nortb America to Asia. p.m.,a.111, 1.7 fl.fl. BIG BAY LUMBER Phone 575 Smith Block I Ten Years Ago 1 he trip is not belna" made J0;30 p.m. s a fl. for any government umler tiiej High rrade denUl work at the lowest prices. I In Princa llupert or Bitnday, Hen)ember t I can give the best of rsfermce, auspiee.1..f.1 n or .any .oraaHiiation....... IIIkIi :J7 a.m., it.(t tl. In active iiiiuuir, t'rmmw. An.i iia.ii . J!0 years service. o mm'. uanii 11 11:57, 2tJ fl. BwrT-I September 2, 1911. theic tnachlne and It It merely Iw H:t3- CMu Ui H H 7.!. Open imiip a.m, J.t fi. Duncan hose, qandldaln In the an Independent iantit. They are J:1I FISHERMEN ji.iil, j.fl a. NOTICE TO I.'tiiiin..ii election, arived lixlay In no hurry and jnrrely pr( The time used Is I'aelfie Klan- fn.m the south and addressed a as eonditions warrant. They lard, for the IJOIh Meridian of THEO NOTARY meet inn in the committee rooms. nave special earnera outfits u-est. It la counted from n io Good Supply COLLART, LTD. PUBLIC A. J. Morris was ehalrman. alonit with which they are ink. I hours, from midnight to mid-lht. e e lug views of the Iled BAIT country. roa SALE .Tan loll tad two room bnuM ICE "&:! 17 to Uti Titers wai smoker iti the weal her in a Canada has Te tone corwr lou bs , i and 10 ttl tnnlttr. tor UC0 Liberal prevented the table given is for port Two fcu la 11. eommitteit rooms last them yetting ScrtlMi 1 oo many picture-which Simpson but the time for Wince " ' -j lr latwruu Uri lii.ufwic I,Ul night. .le. Mpnxoti pr sided and they w.uld have Itketl to nupert varies only a few min UUIIUVU Tb MiHm iRturaare Cunipsny vt Kortb Snierlca. Howard Camptn l! and Fred Hlork have o.laini-l. ta Cji. fi tltioji quirkly utes on some days and on others e. o. vox es WESTHOLME THtS"SE BLOCE THOME BLUE St made peche.see Avialor Prcei ,a- been al the ia the tame. The ranire of the AT BUTEDALE flylnir aami- -ver since toto mul tide may, be computed as 5 per Chatles (lore. ,t Devan. Horejhas f'ltowd tl more or e. na nt greater al Prince ftunert & Klllott, Vaneouvrwd Vietonaia hly. In U he hetd the than at Port fllmpion both al AUCTION SALES Conducted is to ithcI a o,0oo offU-e build-1 American iitnh allilude record prlngs and neaps. Therefore II1K on K.c.iiii Avetllie between I at 18.100 fi .. m ar I li taas mtlio. the rise In the Prinee flunert UNION STEAMSHIP CO. OF BX Li. Before disposing of your effects, it will be to K,'"""J "' tiuM n.-t. itius hn anaim d m Heal n. ii harbor Is slightly greater than rie vsseeiuw, os rtiu sS' t nliriirrtia In the I" t ,a, uv.r. Bn Helta. IM ?'. ",V. , !:-,tai your Interest to consult us. Phone Red 157 same year Port Simpson r Anrui, site, lis, WH.i IM.m) ' ' Many people ,vaj nawapapars alio mado i.ho ImkIi atiiimii The height is in feel and tar lrl amnios 4st Out nusr P;"w e 823 Third Ave. Prince Rupert, B.C. a: tnuili for thir advcrllilnit 1 nu rnif.r rfor.t ii,vf.p,i,i, tenths of feet above thn average SIS iMHl aiMH aca asaasLST jcoImns as they do 'ur news, (t nhfori .a Ituih and r tieei of lower low waler