PAQR SIX THK DA1LV NEWS Popular nnd Reliable 'CnilR frlABlCF.! ft JOBS IN CITY REAL 'BARGAINS in Real Estate One lot Second Avenue, Section 1 200 WANTED BY MEN 0d WITH MURDER Westholme :: Theatre One lot Beach Place, Section 1 400 Two lott Park Avenue, Section 1, each 350 Men Claim Assailant Want In-; ers as. aa-, V Edmonton Has Plenty of Em-ploytra ana l Four lota Atlln Avenue, Section 2, each 400 sane and Fought to Finish, onignt omorrow Double corner Sixth Avenue, Section 8, pair 1600 Asking For Help. Double corner WcBrlde Street, pair 2000 M .RI VILL1, Alia.. 8ept. 2 Two lota Have Cove Circle, each 600 KDMONTiiN. Sept. . nie 'ti.ii atcJ nh tbe murder nf One lot Eighth Avenue, Section 7 2S0 order-- are teing recenej f -i Vl.-i lloyrhuk In the rWa Ureek Pickf two hundred 'li- Mary men daily a' H. G. HELGER50N, LTD. Alberta itovernment Kmplnytiimf Wasel lntrii and mi AtMtuaJ Mia l-ehuo.?.'. four ord Ilureau. SBpertateaiVnt lairr-i I Kuiek and John Kriptnqke ap- reports it Is linsnsibb to place IN lOc CIGAR praretl before Magtstraln Mr-Intyre more than seveatr-five men of Timing the Eggs. Of the dHy number require!. yeitaeday and were re the "Through Back Arthur Cnlerirfge ha a de-liifliiful We have nm Jobs than we Union Mdt tm Vaacoarar IIMnSr4. Door" anrdote of hi Cam- Pictures of I be murdered man can find me si for and while tbe fists IXX Moir's lii nl(tc days. taken by Orpoeel Kaeker show situation not present is serosa. "In that Doyrbtik suffered terribly my Cambciaae days the It is to as," certainly perrpleiing Urs per monih to as bwk two Hard worshippers were Prev W(rv Ke ftttatty saW to his Mr. Pateeson remarked. .... fessor Walmtshry and a Scholar uww.r, i-r mj pr ifcsar aMlaa "that be had Tbe ssaleawent, fidtowtnr fered by farmers for harvest ami Fellow of He died sberlly after Chocolates ultimalHy a St. eboly upon that made by J. A. bflp. Meet bawever. in the mt-l,. .' ... uilM . Ift.m John's by nfTw Lunn. Luna' t MeOrejror. general manager of 1 lor My f eat. refue to are brilliant matbematies serves to the Alberta wan plan up pnmi WHOLESOME SWEETS for tbe rMmoaton Dunvegaa amtjtV Hfly iMIae a month profMMi- a high ib-rf and th ool fat rial pot lee law euaimtians at 1 jimisn ixHumoia railway m ine.iion and are unite .-..ntcnt I THE WHOLE FAMILY. lowehip. but his oddities made i i-areville. affect that he would have to Im Wait for Itse tm, carrying tbe I tie world shy of ttfin. and he Gaping Wound. port men from other provineos nvaximum wagcf The Chocolate usrd In lnrJ and died almt unknown to Tbe pictures reveal a gaping to meet his denmnd on eea- There Is wsr in the rintrr fame. were cordial ta the skull of ine d a-i Moir's is one nf Ihr most vry struct too. seems to indieate a and en eorttruetbm to nrmide a Ibey hiea- a broken leu, term.. sxebaipiK a nourlMiIn of foods, and roUegeJioa. plenliful suppry of work ami an Job for every unemployed man pttalttte. aad keeping up nor proben wriai, tegs laeeraieu i -1 with tlie addition nf fasuffietesey or labor to mret.fn Kdmontan. Mr. Peterson er pure friendship la after yar. THd a terrlWe r"r and aotvtt an lhe demaHd. Hut wall this uoerfiwit- oi uftar, good butler, anil fl time I TireeAfastewitfKlihri Ibey evbteare tbe feroeiuu bat-tta Aoaurdiog to Superintendent work 'exists Wank a many site rich rift fruits and tiuts M Johns be plwvHretl four in wfefcrh all men have in Patersnn, men who apply at the-refusal to tlw offering and am It form a fwsd rwimbfoa- kggs into a aurepaa filled VttU loeal government employment uf-loitly ready (6 aeeepl iiUin ml dulged. feoilio? water, then flew to the Hetorts at rroeivnl by the lion lint is herd to beat. nee are only satisiiea wiui a,the eitr.- (Aano. and. after dasliinif Alberta prm metal pllee in re. Ah1 2d 4r' have the additional choice of jobs, i mm fifty am. tbmogh the overture to rtearrt. a-ard to tbe munler reveal tbe advantage of wbieh nk twn mtnutrs and a FANDERHOOF fart I bat Imyebnk wnt insane plratinK everybody's taste, half. proelaitMed that I be runs SYNOPSIS OF previous to hi death. ben lh-four from the oldest lo the were ready, -from "Art bur OiaUin asnfitr J beat men with wfaaan be bad engaged Atjfy Pickford ( 'fnroucjh the jc? in reversal loo deelared Hrniinieene." UvterMge'e eflterUtK3i youngest. ley t an etijoyable the)- vtosild not perjure themee Hands Across the Ssa. "huse-warfljtrtir" on Saturday raised bts SVT Hnyrhuk flnger Silt Agent Eari IleaUy's trolfetar .tin night. tbruugh Ms hair and toki then HAROLD LLOYD will probably take the form of a art Trw Ja. all tbat he wtmW kill them Ami John L. Christie M ti I tfrrr. II. I.. M.I. A. was a to the United to trip States, return I! IS J T with his statesnenl mavtng bis tbe vieit of Admiral Sim. T-eaHt.4 (tm cariMfl ar- VatMiesouX ttsMsbr oer tbe week Prince Ruprrt, B.C. m lips etrnimeneed tbe figbl that Ccmedy He will be tbe bearer of a hand, iLmrS witt b mmi4 rmfds mail. was to end bts Hfe. tmt reNTl a a UmI xatuH miry s.ooe bouajwt frooi the IMHtih IM tttrk la tm mt ttl Perfectly tobse. IN Hon. Dr. Ktng vlnleU here urn Admiralty to Kdwtn Ixmby. Secretary kwt nU. 4 mum mn Swr m -Ttbt Tne men, aeeording In the re for tbe Navy, aad will be wrtV Monday. and ' rrK tm iIjhhi " port were perfertly oter; not "High Dizzy vSHl m rmHwo. M ec 'TheOutingSeason charged with a special message ewww. a (snap of liquor w is to be found tiaeaJrila Murvey Party f assurance that it was the tbe in tbe t-r rwm-rm win is Mtm on premte virinity Mali lbakv at Van- a sm fsvasptna FOX NEWS ni-nar of an American fleet jut ttr )Mn mmI Ml, lwH i -vmSM f wbteii tbe nHtnler took place. Let supply the T l prt acr. Hmtm Ms -f derfjuef Mi Wf to Xtrsxd Ml'.. us across the Atlantic that won tbe tmg ana rvim.OMi - mi Imlx Hoyrbuk. J be report stales, rnm- battle of Jutland and eoneejoatt' kS-r nevtvtns Crvr Urm4 tbe fight, and tbe I-kii trim m hiIt u. '-t-el. KUrtiest MaGotnaHJ ha return Admission, 25c and 55c Good Eats I? tbe and that tbe war, pro-Mextean tmm Uuw S mr. ae4 SMS men took up Ine engageeBent after llritish polili-riao SMtfaMhr Mnarvvmn. mtj t ed fmsti a triai up north lo amoag SUM ef ia-haJUk. at UW Mb p work for bis broiaer. It C. Mr. a eoupte of tbelr ovmrade We can furnish everything are to be regarded as riag-f ia-.lJ I- llll l 4SI tvrilfMMl i Ma bad been strueh. from Soup to Nuts, including raked hybrid. Punch nmwmtnt M trawT wssow hW SSM B Corked . WWW The ttabt to tba death Isaij oiivcs. Plain. Stuffed or Environment Aqsln. r,M . HlfWWMH tssWfein CS-eMt as Tt tflm K'atlkerine MrO.rinaek fr many mtnnte. In fact, until fltpe; Olive Iiutler. l'eanut lS s-r annam mm rrar mmmm au left thia tbe time that lloyebuk reeehed and Miss flatt ltrunsell. Isn't it that Lady strange rear fear m maka laaprar.iaaila flutter. Cannetf Meats, r rS aa-Mi tfl ymm aa tm werk few l'rnfreltSH-rt. to attend his dealb wouixl In tbe skull ami Dot rJ fJJi aad are flat, yet so many tmw. Titlr raaeas b MUw U W. G. Barrie t.'liickrn. Lobster. J'imen-liww. admitted bis assailant tbat aren't a tSaa k laara. aa4 Impr .a.. lhe Ht. Joseph's .ea4rsnr. to not Salad Dressing, Pickles, 4 is as met, laetwllrs t aa pt Hut a a a . be wanted to be left alone. Iloatman these Well, mum, wwri a4 rwHIia4. aS rr.Ml.-va Kofi Drinks, Grape Juice, ere waters are so sfcalbm- thai ii ai I r r. rmslrad. Mrs. H. f- Mekeisny. Mr. I.. be diil not gtte in until be knew THIRD AVENUE - POST OFFICE BLOCI Lime Juice, Fancy Cakes, lira aropuir feMts Cnrara (raa( be bad too far. fishes is bound o grow flat se Mi rw w4 ai.ohr pr- afwp fcae. tf Sa J. Jolinvn ami ikauabler, Clara gone and Fruits. iajr lanal la nKitai'w.aa tt tl Kl Kne Could Net Use. they'd get their barks sunburst. fsaW -a M Haul artaaj arrtipatian. sr-vMa and H Taylor and dauabler l.uey. Buffets, Dining Tables, C halm nnd China Catew Mo charge for packing. London Passing Khow. atataH-rr trsprwamaaia maaa motored lo I'rinre lieoir on Tbe report reeetve by lhe Alberta Free Delivery. aad rrMa laatsta aa4 naMalaaa Sa lmrs Tuesday. Prmtnetal I'olMte is to the Window Shades, Curtains; Curtain Rods t Ueawvajraat aa. lit-s T effeet tbat Jtsst as soon a Uf , i taaa.S aa Saw'taa. Blankets. Sheets Pillow Case. aaajr Our plwne number is otta w se aaie4 ilr f-jlf itt s r--aVettet four attacking men readied that Munro Bros. changed. New num. 649 a- tar pror.mani riSltta lloyebuk bad been finished, lb Comforters beris- Vm graft aaat laSata-r aJ ririaes arsaa axraaotlrs (IS srraa mar hm PRESERVING nly thought In lltelr mind .a.a a aba wenaai annuMr Phone 88 Third Avenue LING, TAILOR Si-. Ultt. flr or IfMliiMirtal altaa m to gtm themselves op the imsat Ua Hat tiralMis acraa r-ustody of the poliee. Vhei nmf ba tnirrtuua). Pfatdltaana mrlwt ef atumpasa. they left the farm where Ibiy-rhuk ht Kalttrml aiiatus bay road avlaa mm j M Iran mttiat4 aa.ibta FRUITS lay stretehed oul gapng aj4ittMil upon Ajanra-tlMi nf a rna his last, they did not know thai Dr. Sutherland a ihaas K--l of xi-tixif tl r I al rnad, net asaHns Satf nf strefcaaa Flemish Beauty Pears, per lloyebuk was to die but fell tbat rlra. la mada. . $2.75. after sueli a ballle be eoubl nl 'ft csteToot' rust g wants act case. ltr. D.D.S., L.D.S., D.P.C. Tailored Tfc- at- uf lb- Act la anlars-4 No. 1 Bartlstt Pears, per 4u4. aa pareaaa )olfila aS arr The four men two of Ibem i( allh Hia MaJaMr Kt-eraa. Tba case, $3.50. brothers, are how In the Albert a branch -a. aril-' ahiaa) tb Sr or dvia DENTISTRY in all its 4 a dawrl pra-amMlnr mr S4 Crabapples, pa Wed in apple provinrial poliee Jail al Fort Ha f Oil aaoVr tha Art la adaadad boll-". eStrs h-ny tioXrS, ' viiitrbewan where they will le rrura U itir trim lb taalb larb aaraiiai. mm frirty. aalti m pee crate, $3.CO. detained until such time as the Egchanre Block. Suite 14 and IS -aar lb BBrlualaa at tba (aal SUITS raaova ar Tba. artrtl-s ta atf maSa ra Freestone case, $2.25.Peaches, per preliminary hearing of their trial For Appointment Phone Black 518 I K laaa lalaftrs o- pra-aarfHia. arr is called. -III ar paraM b ar dr mi ora-mashxta Italian Prunes, pr crats, reeunlad aftar J. Il 'tuwm ara raawtiad far fit faara. $1.75. WEATHER REPORT fmrtatate fur rat urn af mm ac Outdoor Tomatoes, pee maat. due aad baaa paid atnea Aut I. ttl i. on srswusl of parmaM. aa case, $1.65 '9 lata on m r -iap4to Duchess Apples, cats. Was 70 IM.raef an asf-a-r- o. . per Highssl Tsmperalure (uws or cilf Iota hald by SMnbarr 4 $3.00. Above AA2 Inches rain. 'ttlad for--- or - - " iulrd dtrart or etlreri. rrtnMia4 frnaa an M.iinaa- in Marrh tl. IKS. HERE'S A SNAP There was I H: inrlies of rainfall School Openingjale Our new Fall Suits have a sua euncHAsens oi crown One - year - old li.- lute here last month arrordtng ! distinctive style and an easy rraa-tekHi ma4a LANDS fur avuim uf L 'gborne. a'-raue weight the renrt issued by F. . howling. iroaa crania la aubiMiretuiaara 4 t ibs.. sptclal each $1.50 Iiominion iiteleorologUt fit that marks them as thoroughly Oro-n 1-oMla. aeqvlrtas rtshl ftan The bighest leniiwrature was on piarchaaara who failad TaktiiK of 0 is rompiai lots, or mor-. tailored garments. J-jrrbAa.uliuasf f levnlTlas rerieliiona f-rf af allure,purrbaaa.m ful.In-raal $1.25 each August 5 when the thermometer Let the youngsters really enjoy going to and laxra Whar aub-purcbaa reached 0 above. The lowet They are finished In such a aWSaSaSBaSaaaaaaBBaSaSSaBSan JADOtR'S ara do not etalm a-hoi a of ortstnal pal was on August t and 17. t& by outfitting them at 'at. awrrnaa ta-tm du and lair, may We buy American Cur. way that they all show expert ba duirlbutad prouortlonatalir ar above. The mean truiperalure workmanship In their by ntwla Ua araa L Appilcalioe niul br mad rency, Silver, Gold or for the inonth was S6. CMAZINO 1 5 DISCOUNT Bilia SPECIAL make-up. Our new prices Urailac Art. tits, fur ayalamatb-ova4on1rt Aa Rspressnlsd. of llvaatcck tnduatry pro-vklaa are all popular prices. f'-r (mains dlatrieta and rS II is doubtful if atiyurir KMT adminUtralKMi AuniU sraalns wndar parmlts Comuilaain laauad baaad nar. Rupert Table Co. saw Chauneey eew when In-was PER CENT. un numlH r- rogaj. pra4ll far aelab Supply not iMiual lo the oe'ion. liabad aan.r. Strvk-awrara $24.50 f'n. -'!iiithi fnr ranra rium,,.may PHONES ami no mailer how peeved ho Friday, Saturday til. Thursday, fur inaut aattlir.,Krra. or parlully fr.a, paimita 211, in IK lit be, he always had the eajupars or travail, as IS tD caad. faculty of sering the funny side of lhe situation. BO"' "'" QlftLV COATS $33.50 Not the least amusing story UNDEHWa- lotd of hint was a visit lo a DRESSES trRSErlWlTIB Consumers Coal Co. Ltd. certain popular New York- Ktate "1 LECKIC aw" rounlry resort wlieru uoUiliiif SWEATERS $50.00 Roots II. South BUI but the best in meal, ami vege. D00T8 QUM boqi Sole A'tati C0r table raised right on the ptare were suppose! to be placoil on . .,t asam am m m sr. sr w the table. nmon r Something about the meat mmfy WlllJJIttvll. wa . an seemed to tunrw lmw into a just In; latest styles, all colors no two v sfii w. m ik i reminiscent mood and finally h week only alike. Sieclal for this Sakeil:"Wlt tt did you say this meal MARTIN O'REILLY "Spring lamb," was the prompt Tckplionc was?" Jabour Bros., Ltd Number 7 and almost challenging reply. Our prices are all Lower Cash Prices ar always "I believe" you.' oiisw-'n-il f. Price. Lower Price. pW "I've tinen rtiewtllg on -HI' Corner Third and Seventh Will Tak Coal Back' If not Satisfied. f Utc springs for an h"Ui L-s Aug-ii i Turn s. 1 i