Phone 52 “It’s Service That Cor < ‘, TAM |... CEB as Ge NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA’S NEWSPAPER , eve EY. mee Chevrolet Six A we First in Quality — First in Value ° Tomorrow 8 Tides Sold and Serviced by 4 oe Friday, wae Vettes ‘. KAIEN MOTORS LTD, ‘ Z : Pr 85 a RE ae 19:19 pm. 174 ft. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 6, 1932 PRICE: FIVE CENTS — V XXIII., No. 232. PARLIAMENT AT OTTAWA IS OPENED GLOWING OTTAWA PARLEY PICTURE PAINTED BY TORIES ————— oa z : British Conservatives Opens Parliament See New Epoch in 1932: World Waiting at Door So Many Would Like to De Business With Great Britain That it is Difficult to Decide Which to Choose, Declares Neville Chamberlain BLACKPOOL, Eng., Oct. 6:—The Imperial Conference vas lauded by Conservatives here today as “the crowning achievement of a wonderful year which is the beginning of a new epoch.” Without dissentient voice, the annual con- ference of the Conservative party of Great Britain warm- y congratulated the national government on the success Hof the Ottawa economic conference . . . “There never was a time,” said Optimistic Rt Hon. Neville Chamberlain Chancellor of the Exchequer,” that the Ottawa agreements prevented our bargaining with foreign coun- tries. In fact, our only difficulty is now to choose which of all those countries standing at our doorstep anxious for the first time to make a} commercial treaty with us which | of them we shal! attach with first.” | Speech From Throne Optimistic In. Tone; Most Acute Stage Of Depression Said To Be Over eter ee ¢ | ; Bank Charters to Be Extended For One Year Until After World Economic Conference—Legislation to Imple- ment Empire Trade Agreements, Railway Economies and Waterway Project WITNESS OF LINCOLN’S ASSASSINATION DEAD KANSAS CITY, Oct. 6:—E. N. (Cap) Edmunds, one of the few surviving witnesses of the assassination of President Ab- raham Lincoln, died here on Tuesday at the age of 92. Ed- munds, who was for years a bailiff in a municipal court here, sat in the same theatre in which Lincoln was shot dead by John Wilkes Booth in 1865. OTTAWA, Oct. 6:—A resolution to extend Canadian bank charters for one year will be introduced at this ses- sion of Parliament. This announcement was a feature of the Speech from the Throne, read by the Governor Gen- eral at the opening of Parliament today which strikes a highly optimistic outlook on the economic situation. “You will be invited to extend Canadiangs bank charters for one year,” the Speech sets out, “in order that Par- RESIDENCE liament may be informed of the re- oo sults of the proposed world econo- mic conference to be called to con- DESTROYED IS TAKEN: sider financial, economic and mone- 4 tary problems before undertaking the regular decennial review of the! NOW DEAD Pank Act.” Home of Parents of Verge Moore at Measures for ratification of agree- Terrace Consumed By Flames *eeteereeeecerereee+t ee ¢ esteteeeoe oP eeoeeeeeee **@ee 020077604664 - , ees 4 : ; ments made at the Imperial con- Last Evening . Fe az Fi se Frank Gott, Aged Guide and Trap- *TeC®. eee, i yr — _ — - Lore a ; Be per, Captured For Murder of C°™™endations of the Roya! Com-| \eRRace, Oct. 6:—The residence ee : Ga Warden (mission on railways and transpor- 1 Se Fh i 4. e etic tation, approval of the Canada-| =. J. Moore on the bench, about we et ‘ mile and a half north of town s : oe United States St. Lawrence Water-|* ™ , COMES OUT Lord Bessborough, Governor General, who read Speech from ‘the LYTTON, apc Cr-Fnepe kee way treaty upon ratification by the| ¥*5 completely destroyed by fire ait ae Throne at Ottawa today; aged trapper, who was wounde United States Senate and redistri-| “ich broke out about 6 o'clock last and captured yesterday by offi- Fears Entertained For Safety of ——— i : : | 7 ratio nly role seg Bog House of Commons will also be pre- roof, apparently as a result of Former Local Police Officer Prosecutions ; £ & ‘ sented, the Speech from the Throne parks igniting moss, and the Near Prince George den Albert E. Fares near L ati blaze was not discovered until the * seman e | looet, died last night in hospital | “Your attention will be invited|*0f was a mass of flames. Members VICTORIA, Get. 1 -Caneee Will Follow IS RADICAL a ineh afte ‘a uae jat the earliest possible date to a bill| °f the family were at supper at the McGlinchy of Prince George, mis- ° On a designed to ensure more effective | ‘™° n. Neville Cham berlain who sing in the bush while hunting Infractions in the legs. and economical operation of Can- Neighbors gathered quickly and Conséryasives that world | grease near Prince George, made LILLOOET, Oct. 6:—Frank Gott,!ada’s railways upon a basis of fair|*S*sted in removing considerable bution of representation in the evening. The fire started on the do business with Britain his way out to the highway yes- a Labor Party Declares in Favor »f | game guide and trapper, wanted in competition secured in such a man- | furniture and clothing from the terday while fifty men were | 1. cuestion of street parking is Setting Up Socialistic State {connection with the murder of Al-|ner as will avoid extravagant and| "St floor. Much clothing and fur- searching for him. He was un- | again giving the police some trouble. In Britain lbert E. Farey, game warden, last}harmful duplication of services,” | "ture was, however, destroyed. SEPTEMBER harmed and none the worse. | The complaint is that local resi-| Monday evening near Moha, was|the Speech said , 4 large shed which was situated —-— lcaptured yesterday near the scene} Dependent upon the report of aj "°4" the house was removed to safe | distance committee of inquiry into the op- |“ ance "he ¢ ; ahs Sette a aration of the Pensions Act. a bill, The amoun - insurance has not een ascertained. According to telegraphic dis- bs its refuse to obey the city regu LEICESTER, Eng. Oct. 6:— lations and warnings from the po-| . ; ; si of the shooting E Sweeping aside objections of Rt. - ] patches to the Dally News, sam lice are of no effect. Now the mat-|} ee . ; : District Game Supervisor R. M. ad anxiety is felt for the safety of | Hion, Arthur Henderson,. veteran ‘ te ‘isc - 4 Ser-| re, Robertson and a posse came uponjon this subject may also be intro- Provincial Constable Hugh Me- r is coming to a head and Ser leader of the party, the British | |, ’ I : oneal le bes ; eae i h yeant W. Service says he will have) Labor Party, in annual confer- {Got in See. Qeeh ane Come et eee . : E. J. Moore of Terrace is the f Glinchy ef Prince George, whe ® to issue summonses if the people} ye stoned sae weed aeduiee by |him to surrender. He attempted to} Plans for the “re-establishment ther of ¥ anne > inte a- Production Was Semewhat Lower) missing on a hunting trip near are not, more careful. As it is now it $ ; i i. escape and was shot twice in thejof the unemployed” in various IS City Than Same Month Last Year the interior city and for whom a general assent the main policy of ih, hese unand : 1° s » of ] ~g before surrendering parts of the country are in pre-| 7 ” Poles and Piling Are ' cearch has been instituted. |e ees oe Stee Ge eae a resolution declaring the estab- be ae aa reported that Gott|paration. These plans will become SLIGHTLY INJURED Increased ! Constable MeGlinchy, accord- | we zi Len Ser * | lishment of a Socialistic state to | ittempted to cut his throat with ,operative, the Speech said, as soon IN CAR OVERTURN | ing to the report, left Mrs, Me- The réguiation is that on avenues ee Oe - la butcher knife which he ontried |as public expenditures incident . Femail ; uling for the first mont Glinchy on the road in a car on irs must park on the north side parry. laway from his camp after the | thereto will be productive of com ON INTERIOR ROAD oP poets aoe. the oft, Bec ee Toe acing westerly on streets they ti een Lie ce | shooting of Farey on Monday eve-|tmensu’ate results | ee 1s reached a total of| miles from Prince George and +h Ul ati atht otha anit tue | ° W h | nine Also in regard to unemployment,| Neil Parkinson was slightly in- ! board feet as compared| went into the bush to hunt for | thai ae nterior eat er | After dressing the wounds in | the Speech says that the ministers] jured on the forehead as a result 13,588 board feet in the| grouse. He failed to return to the i Tm i ] j ae |Gott’s_leg, the police started wees been able to develop further|of an automobile accident on the ling period of last yea road and, after waiting some con- | |him for Kamloops where he will be !in ‘co-operation with the provinces} road between Smithers and Barrett for September this yeat| siderable time, Mrs. McGlinchy | NO FISH SALE | ‘Terrace—Clear, north wind; tem- lodged in the provincial jail and and municipalities a scheme of di- | Lake when a car driven by William 1,541 board feet as against) reported the matter to the police | ancien | perature, 38 jcharged with murder rect relief to be put into operation | Henry Gilbert overturned following > board feet in September Constable McGlinchy had been | There was no sale of halibut on| Hazelton—Fog, calm, 33. Aeiniligerioial oe during the autumn and winter/a tire blow-out, according to a re- complaining recently in regard to | |), )o0a1 fish exchange this morn Smithers—Clear, calm, 32 B * months to the extent required to/port received at divisional head- ‘ ule per varieti au iS! g pain around his heart and fears | ng. The Canadian boat Capelia,) Burns Lake—Clear, calm, 30. Terrace erries meet prevailing conditions }quarters of the provincial police ms er and last was as follow are entertained that he may have . —_ | i nly boat in with a catch, is holding | Reference was made in the/here ° | ne ie Gee, hae 11931 1932 suffered a collapse. over, having refused a bid of 4c and A. M. Honeywell is leaving to-| Were Supplied (Speech to Canada’s large Whe ad | ee eee 'crop this year. "e+e eee eee @ Sept Sep es from Cold Storage for her catch| night for Vietoria and expects tc | x Ye e ty os aa \* * I “ie 467 ‘f 15,000 pounds, be away about a week. T K hik ouching upon the economic e ( ” 979 424 aad a WELL KNOWN | 0 etc an tuation, the Speech mg ey NEW PLANS + pine pat rg : ic situation still weighs! . - Hemlock 2,196,301 2,048,165} -—-~ je aoe . nel st ae Ge Co ing FOR RELIEF + 8 1.634.188 8,073,182 | PLE WED An interesting phase of the straw- , heavily upon all classes ec + UNDER WAY * B sone 938 "612.196 j e f | ° h A °° berry growing industry has just | munity, there are at least signs} . ‘ . ; a: 1009, 0. 8138 Bi a uestion 0 ris nnuities come to attention here. It seems'that the acuteness Co * VICTORIA. Oct. 6:— * M us 7,959 lace quietly at} . that, during the height of the Ter |S!0m 15 passing 2 e oA ah Cl, 0.—— ° The wedding took orl ehnate To Be Arbitrated De Valera race strawberry season, a Ketchi- When matters requiring es Informed that the fed- Tot 9.935.541 12,773,522 | the Presbyterian en Fant 25 . kan dealer sent to Prince Rupert ae Sree a pe consid-|# eral authorities are at * te oeer"Vast evening, Rev rae A d Th A J ° | for half a dozen crates, They were|¢red, Parliament will adjourn un-|@ 91 tirely - ss Ethel a dozen crates if < on an entirely new Forest Products lineworth officiating, e ye beg n omas hnnounce oint y | forwarded but the price almost gave! * early in the New Year + program of relief for + ' ‘ in Teresa Truesdale ant rving i “shivers.” He had buy-! ‘ 7: > on of poles and piling in, Teresa : cr is him the “shivers.” He had been buy- | : + ee eles es + ' ior for September this; Bahler, both of Smithers a : ‘ 6: ne B “aus , h s ‘ing at from one-third to one-half FINED AT SMITHERS . the western provinces, _ : . slight increase over! © Mr, and Mrs, Bahler, after a bra LONDON, Oct. 6:—Great Britain and the Irish |the price in the south. He said he; Ear! Rollins Sweet has been fined the British Columbia g) incre? ay ( . ' : st not inte ou Bikes } i nw ‘ the same month Jast year|stay in the city will leave oy yt Free State decided yesterday to make the issue of did not want any more, /$10 and costs by Stipendiary Ma- + government has ealled a 4 wit tal of 48.148 board feet as|morrow morning's ack i pe unpaid Irish land annuities a matter for negotiation A few days later another order] gistrate R. L. Gale at Smithers for|* halt to its own efforts * 1,417 board feet, As usual|thers where they ge oom are |’ between the two governments. ame for berries, It seemed that driving to the common danger, ac-|# in drafting plans for the * f juet sadar and. de 3oth bride and 8B : : . sei . : , rdi ‘t received at di-| > : luction was in cedar and dence. Boob lar in the in President Eamonn de Valera of the Irish Free || ‘he quality of the Terrace berries cording to a report rec '* fall and winter months * nr well known and popult i . .. was so high that the Ketchikan! visional headquarters of the pro-| ; : + Cordwood for tl bh terior town and will have the hearty State and Secretary for the Dominions J, H. Thomas people ene willing to pay twice as, vincial police here * and will await for the WOor x this September i te Oo ne h ss : me « ‘to “ s ae 2 8; 117 cords as against 429, congratulations of thelr wr! issued a joint statement to this effect after having || nuch for them as for the sduthern| oocohbne yiaheliipslipeidhaiasitaiy '* text of the Ottawa an- * ) ist year, No hewn ties wert friends there as Pe a a conferred with other members of the British cab- product, After that regular ship-| Commercial travellers in Bun-|¢ nouncement. + recorded in ; ' 1 the district. Mr. Banter has : ; were ‘gary have deereased to a few hun-|@ o 1 in September this year/in the district. a et. ments were made during the season , gary Whereas last ai the output was in the railway service in this district in ‘and the full price was paid, |*red from 5,000. ( $0 Oe COCESS VEE PUL at 99 287 pieces jsince construction days ’ : - vy