V pXaz two TUP DAILY filWS r"4.; The Daily News COMPLETELY FREE KILLED COUGAR TSSVSL PltlNCR ItUPfiltT - lilllTIHII COLUMBIA uriTif nrn nnnr Universal lublihrd Every AfWnnon, except Sunday, hy The New nr nniiOTIftATina ffllrl Mb IUU .try of Sir William Pugsl Trading fn Printing and Publishing Company, Third Avenue. Into Political Field and lie Lamer Qouln Is Slgnlf Cernar Third II. P. PULLBX, Managing at ft Animal Was Savag and AtUek-4 cant A,.nu, tn4 ,i,u HunUr at Valrftf Ulsnd. SUBSCRIPTION RATESl Tried for Years !o Hnd.Hellsf "bTTAW A. n I. rtic-naial City ITeHvery, by mall or carrier, per month. 11.00 CAMI'Hr.l.l. HIVK.H H X'. italWiii -f M -ii U iiliam I'tiaMey STOCKTAXINn Ily mall to all parts of the ilritmh Empire and the United State. I. Arntett iMily aiiili nwka, la lieulenaiil ami-en..r Mew in advance, per year 10.80 "FRUIT-A-TIVES" GAVE IT inl..iie, well kf" V:n.--tiver Itt-Hnavstrk a I iIm-'mI andi-Uale REDUCTION To all other countries, in advance, per ar . , ?7.W iMnibrriimn. rer ni killed a id 9 tobm. U4um.i m W SALE Ortr CMuiJtm ar oWaVni "'KJrar. llifiiMa" a" B re. doea laV elerfloti ut Uncr DflLY EDITION -g3fa 4arijHr I, 1911. Mill of nflNa Mil, at VuiHaa liaajla fee Mte ..f lhe'SljiBtMl rreat aMn f tun laldna). v labotc i an evtaviM aitdjai I ritie aea cUiai tliaf f6alsln Mr. Vaiialonr tu n liU r. lami' I.iImimI iariy to trenihet Clearing Prices Mutt Defeat rjBt t 1 1 wiatlrfeifwed. b(i atirlina irwr -i'i"nmi Irr.r fur I Se political cin- Prtiit RovtnuntnL Tlii U a rm' mtetake. Iiwwokm wit en lie lies ui .! - hum .alii. luli'V i t 'he preeenl time i lo defeat tkftj aatipaiiM eM U j.inrrnor thing that One Hereaaary U the peaaf 'muter in I lie wmk l.aixli i me of I'm- pi nrjMiue aariia Stork l eierieu ne wm iwie w. aui U Kt Maitum CwrntmrnL If l-reil rrr1 n tba found that a nettl'i- ttftl fir. t 1mm ntar.aa In the n..i nvalaiii M hut howM hi opponent lie rcUmiwl hia en?s turn out the llovcrntHcnL Suih hi laM aaitrtdar- l inai heWa MM ln ( Hatal MoefcanV roaord inwfcale trial he i likely to vole with them. Al any rale Ywttw, NJt. .'"uar. wnjB)e4i, wi w"uifi af l'J3 feia eaoawreerniaaaii m force are behind the ytffle-pendent H M tme thai nil the Gom.ervar.ve Tor rear, I w Iroahtal 4J flalil and ae'iua m m ! ter. nliiruciiN knew ni Ix'iind He candidate. Not one i Willi Stork, mi far a can be Con.liti " lat to taka lasa-Um rii'U minni-r wa appointed to the lleuleaanl- ascertained. , a,J siftBMwn t ta UM. Mr. Mflimr arw-'l imw' r,(.in i.liip iii 191? and THURSDAY, FKIDAY AND K uAy The LilraJ party r the party that put Prince Ilnpert o the Uke t', th foriun-!),, If 1 .'vu-l to witli li riH-li. dthI ,,-, a year yei m run. map. It i the parly that staked ila future an Hie tmihtiag of the ihU nMe ta da tbetr o eMMtah to land Im-4 all p unite-i.mI !i ttMl O. T. P. Hailwav, and it i the party that will do thing for thi of I on the aniioal ite in (urluiic prematurely lo Lot 1 lr 2 whole if anything is to be done. awl for the divtriet ever twl Atoat Hra yaaci f& rv Vu in ni-aiariif rrii party noeainalion be Hlbi to Ottawa a Liberal, not a IWdelttiid l.ttreraJ. hut a fre a mJmtd waiah I luaneal and Van' "' " aw at nr a. i.e UI .'ritd a liberal who will onBBuel the Maakeasie King Government jwd m .I.J. Tbefcalswal emabei fta3fa Tartier einor ly lieneraj M. R. MaIawo.l 517.50 $24!58 W UUeral and a long a tbey do Jong they ataijtl iniwrf. aa IM I obtall rook. 3e hunt-r rd re tale I I' tor nviyai. Mr. pu-ley Irte right thing Iff tr drMcicL llmriwr If and' Tie' atwtt. h. . t . ai aolleCt i. 'H' ajjalnat a liff t The Conserve ties in this city believe that ly aupporting meat. Anar uatan at lit H fcaaaa. thr txmuly the -iar larwaMiaHJbn av11 m At. Jaam, aitaare fi.1m.e1 Perk lhy-wMI perpetoate the Meighen ml. They bcvei mj faavek ware able la fttturm tbatr etahl feet i ln-b hi peine tftal aamani'nt wiH be Lot 3 that by doing o they jvtll eonlinne in power the rtovernment faatrtioi illxU U lftinter cm'.y the I if.--1 n r alttA In Hi.ii, i. H. M. Haater. lae new wfeieh'ntMdVfHr high proteHkm, far the pre-enf ayalemetif railway km (0C Tim mbfflm mf mm m ' he ilit re' mutiMer f eualiMoa flown adniinietratin;4a.d if they ace sincere they mwl know, too, ap ta data, I have avr ba4 may tbere, kweer. Ine mala iittea $31.50 I hat it menus the MsTelratVing of Northern Uritish Columbia. fnrUMf aFaatao. I mreaoaMaaad i Ihr Mi and " ia wat n-waital "rVafta-r".ta att Vio a 1 GERMANY GETS ! keinra one member of Forces did ana I BfU w hmv n oama Backed by J earb aarlv fur lb- I'm eai-. Ct In early for ttl MleUoa of Conservatism. . i at". i - - . t?ufortmiati4y it h tiecraeary to place Ooennel Peek because A. W. FRAKKU.V. BACKHER TRADE': MATERIAL THE BEST OCIIQal THt UTIH hp i before the people under Mich curious ereuniUnee. lie enoi by all PRINCE RUPERT TIDES MPraH-a-WeM are wa a conetUat mipporter of Premier Meigbea up to the end of dealeeial SOt ibi, 6 aM USX teU Prices Right lilt exMMi, voting wUh him on every important or carton and ataa ar aeat yait Hay i'nni TonniQt Entarlna Hambucfl la SO yrNtay November t valine; agamU any proposal by lite leader of the Liberal Uvm Uaaitol. Uttw, 1ML lllaw i tl a to.. lt f-el. partv. Now he utale that he i an independent, but h i "p-lrtcd Par Cant former Peace ta na pm. yarn iwi by the aame group. He tub behind him all the force of the TraWc Low . .., If a frel UNIVERSAL TRADING dnerrativ who limit to defeat Maekeaiie King and the oUier St It pjn. a.A f.-el CO. Liberal by defeating Fred Stork. SUITCASES ( HAktfM'IKi. N- I irnwii Maluntay. a Corner Third Avsnos and Slith ferit There h lust one thing for all tene reformer to do at the ean fcihi -i-iireyi'i lrate i Manw S IS a.nu. IN I bwt I Phone 378 S. K. pjfetetit time. There i but one man to vote for, and that man Trunks i makinft "lea-h pn-in-am tttwinl Id iJ p.m . la 7 feet. j Pttlt, StM ivFred Stork. There h ne aJtemalhe if they are inrere. He t ; rf naliiina pre.war olm. Ijow ajn 9. Ifeel. al independent a anyone wjtan (le interwi of the district are at CLUB BAGS iHa'iMH ttiii. :iiM-re I ha' 2S:A n-aa , d.S feet .Uke. iMit he is pledged bj the prinrtnte of Liberaliasn and will ''Itr MrarT'-tra''' 'm O a ire if veal' fmMay. Jtotmiber a 1 aMH-iated with nch men a Markenie King, Lamieux, Field-, Large Stock on hand. im.iac Mi umr rearbed Huh a:nt a.m. U. feel. iiig. and that devrr FVeueh-Uawaian, Era eat Iaywiata, woo gave Prices very low. ' ;,.prr-l.l of Ike peace lrffl-. 17 M p.m.. i;a fri uU a pludid addrnaa hjr a )rar ga. AnnuneetfTl of ilnwr. low li e a.n. ! feel ' J. F. MAGUIRE I'H1I baek fr .fii fo fticr e-m 1 i IV time waed) ta Paclfte tMsa. Has Visited ,n-o f.ll.. efjrli .ae. O'ldard for the- ItAtb MerHian EAT FISH Nest thm Prix- taprt Hate Prince Rupert. ' i .apfd ui-'-e.-i. n. and bit"r wrt It ta enVMlew from I" i Mackenzie Kliig and htwifocia4 ba been hea. They .'i- iitM- ar. already aantvlnir St Hay-a. from mnlniaM m mid- Have M?en-iiie eeiidltUtn vfHlI they nave haard the Kinafnajnt .n-ii Mien-til U' a otiiwiiund' thr in the ioeal tvfe, Tnd Acy' Wte pronaiaad that if rnanmed to irr miiia 'rmJI'r. tm laai wim j --w table yrven le fao Port And Sup-ort Um in iai t (iower they will right many rdr wMg. Uliat more could we LEARN MUSIC jil:.n: ucb a Krunoa and Kr-l.rnll.. rtlmpeoo bal I be time far I'rinni which BUpportii you akt lla Meighen ever leen Iteref wbkrb foiajM ity manu-rar-lared R ii pert vnrlea aany a let ' i war material, ar lirn. plea on new we day and an Ask for yital Interest IN SCHOOLS in out -ac siMkia in" ifeal la in anaaa. Tite raoae ad lb" Fresh, Smoked and Canned In Election. quantitle for aaecedia r"" itoe may be oaaaawtal a S aer ; Prince Hnperf and the mining camp and the interior farming lunouoaL 'cr ui arealer ot Prtnee Hmyri Fish diflfcU are intensely interested in thw electton. They ee That Is Sugptstlon to School hni:na aataotaaVa as ar I baa at Port nwiaw tmtb at ijtat by making a change they have every th'hVf (gain Wrf mMhiog Board from H. C. CalSty of in the revival of aanfetliotM r-war art una Distributed by Uj Ue. They have not only a principle at teke but their personal This City. plana fur barbae teanMik. Ibe rime in tbe Prttiee RuateH ijiteret is mint at take. If the Uleral are elected and the railway m ih- around that witb the r-ttfty bartntr ia arssbtty irrenter iban Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co, t put on it feet the whole district will bftaalL We depend oa Members of tn nahaal board tncreaaHtsr eiport trade, tbe the raHway for our ver- life. Witlwut it we cannot exit, and on ae reeeiveo a tetter from M. port will In two rear lune be Tbe beiaeil la In PRINCE RUPERT progreM and ucce depend the progress and aucce of C ftaUey In rea-ard to leiM-buuc far loo mall, aad rtetnwl boat tenib of feet above the averaa- Prince Jlupert and h,e whole adjacent lerftton' That then i the rnyeie in tbe eboola. Tb de- !nea will be tool to HcVa4ina tan ,, mrr w waW irMie. Let ojhernilght over the tariff. Let Meigbea try to tie! fBrt meol of education ncovbie RUPERT BRAND down the effete Ratt to the tariff ie. The ie with ' the an outline of a To South Amsrlca. 1 railway the lifcMood of I'rmre Ktipert, the prgr of tbe ue in the nuMic mi bilrb . . -- .k. ....1 1. AIL SCHEDULS distrieL rU'Kil and it ia nnderatood tbat Attn M aa trade dMM-tatty to lake i If Priuce Rupert make pngrea it will become a valuable -b- auaertiaintr peinclfMil ta been n n impetiia earfy nest year, iharket for the interior farming districts. If Prtnae Hupert tnakea m bavmic tbe work atarted bare, when th- new Hantbnrw-Houtb For tba East. progreas there willJie a good railway service for all the country. la all tbe Ucyr cttie they barva .isneriean Comaany'a HneV will Mandays. Wadneadaya and Vat-iirdays IfPrinceylttiperi makes propre the mining cara of the North muaical ifln'rt t-e and even al be placed in ruinwteaaon. at 10:15 a. in. . vcttl Jie fietter erved than they are today. The will get better kl'-icblkau u.uir ie tamcbl in! Hi ! I lie Matnborc.Ameri- rrwn in Cael Dr. Sutherland transportation, better road g'better puldie improtemeni--. Everything "onneetlon with tbe public ea 0.ni.any' new Itnera. Mayern 4un1aya. Tueadars and Taurt. depends oq tho railway, and the railway depeuda on the UetoeH. Mr. Ihiiier aaya Hi. inirt: Han-a and W tbree'daya at 7:13 pjn. P-P-C defeat of the incompetent Meighen fjovernuirHt Mid the eleetkm To wbat astent M Moi eon- Itnoo I'-u and freiirht D.D.S.. L.D.S.. in their pl e uf h group "f men who will livten lo our rcpiaet 1 arel an i of evJtnre teaaner wmM ntaaed m ilte for Vaneewtac and South. and who will be interested iij seeing thii rort the Ihminc- H;ire it in (bts city? Morib American riee frf the Tuetdaya ' P- DENTISTRY in all its brand planncl be when it was conceived by Sir Wilfrid Laurier Tbe purpose of tbia latter la j.V.rtli lo rmaii Lloyd of Bremen : Thirday II a n and Charle M Ilays. to rtotsa for masle a prominent lo be followed by Ibe Ml.OOU- Katordaya 10:1b place in tbe ordinary educational t -nn. r Hinoeaibura. nrw oetna: Uetebar tft. rt itwlf Suite 14 and IS lite uf Use Coanmnnkty. to aaiakea rompl.-e.. Now ner ir are From Vancouver and South. Black W Phone owe uiterai I wbieh nay 4elif atko ix-i ia plabned by both ibe Puadays 8p.m. For Appointment Dr. JOS. MAGUIRE aertoue mnase aav. I Hanar.irv aiot hi i-n cowpauie. Wrdneadays tn:30 a. ro avaaaaBCV'Jl(KwawawaaVk b-v lo ( Uj Mie I ur K! oeiwoer zl and at. aoricerniair tba poaaabHtfy aV ap-po.uiinx DENTIST .. ll. an 0 a muateal'inpirvlaar for 8 EVITT Prices remain the name. I h publMi abie4 of tbia city. DON'T NEGLECT W;: ::::::::::.'; 12 PHILPOTT, S.tMj Visit hla Office Rooms 7 and 8 Smith Music a Necessity. TablatnKAnaa Catft an Block or phone for an appointment. -Tbe etimtaatioa af Mualc BRONCHITIS hZZ.'vr.r?. Phono 675 from tbe botnea. ttaH and U... d.Mr.. t fur the v" - Office hours: 9-12. 1 to 6 and 7 to 9 cbnrebea of aM briny i 'buradays p. in j Sole Ag.nt. m a..a-ei n i A fl ' our eaty. ffP r.rtna.a . f J"j J evenings. T imiwipal raatiH vl aetpMSMIM li Itcuy Mine . a really about awudititiH that a i unthinkable, l BuMay Appointments Lady Assistant which merely prove ""g. " ry-.jMf aaeaos. p-or port Umiiion, Arrandala, Mini clean, snvokelesa. and the oeare.t ai rpnrzjTTix4 -r. w.i. i..nd .d R..r ld " "' how trreal a SMteesefty iituair i any Interior oal yet "The neeeaaiti." af life- are Ther u iiuiH r aMana, Hroay Sur.days . 10 p.m. Sackad. f 15 p.r ton d.llv.red ' .' tnr rMar hmi m From pi. Simpson, arranoaio, miiii. to- thoae thintra wbtrb are required kI,'n Blseksmiin voai, v r- The Home of . -ii. ... .a- . i l Tap u al aeei ar a am Bay, Wales Island and Haas Rlvar. Telkwa 1 1 p 1 7 nmr fnnrai, wiiii but Uf wumBO fMa M IwaMura aad ap4rMval wnnta, tbeeeXore i a ewM r mmoSMi aahK saa M Tueadays - p.m. Domestic BREAD iuie ia a neoeetMy. Whatever MaM .ua.ua wiss isaaa. fomi of iueaiety af Unnorrow aaay at North Queen Charlotte Islands. tm. wood s :diumlumpcoa nnsinttl 1 Fir take, tbe eabooi ettuVJreii of to-iay ' Ws hava mads braad-maklng a life's study, and use nothing Noawav riNi svaue v Kav. ti iRilK (H-i. 17. to and It. ' rii be ii'a iaadaea and fi-i.-w.-r., 1 JUlllUliw- ua Hl aa naili UmI ihim- but tho best of Ingredients. a ' Frorn aui. a-- 1 and if. aa oava aat.tio- H4 ia. rae tr thitl acfow, b- Dallvsrad In j,, Pp.-i inlisi a in inriuday and Wedding Cakes. $U OOaar. I'lii-i aYn. 'tba eitv uf the fit-1 w Oct. fb. Nov. II and S am Dellvsr in MCks, ,9 Our Pastry Is unaxctllad. tme u Uj city aaro. iuawa aw Vm tod no-he,. South Queen Charlotte Islandst This Is one of the be.i r,.... 5 THE LACASSE BAKERY ' Ibe Zill JtLX-JX,? For Abaolulely free fron d-.r flrt , df f,i Phone 1S0 in ia and ptoy tatasr hart lo Mr Mm H M Uh4, Avewrt, Oct. II, SO, Nov. IX and 16. ki. ei where a ai' k ' i i f . 7t7 Third Avenue P. 0, Bok 413 render hurnionr otsl nX ii onl HsmhHimi ml . wrwaai 4 H pjn. especially suited for rookmr P'i p . Mil all' in IbJi uublhR trill ml ui lio n-inn. aaa u4 i vary b amrn. . ram Oct. 10. , ha. ireoou. an tnd.auea.ewde re. ;- -JS'i Ladysmith-WellingLurnp I'luiremeut and baa aotna to Ur una r mtn im.an awjeoi rof. far Skagway and the Yukon. bulk, II W THEO COLLART, LTD. - "2 .a part uf l4o- enrHeutuai. Wow i H mat4 ar rnead icy br. OetoUr io, J and 31. D.llvarad In In sacks. 1" J .tls-ou si be-4 to aaeil mindlliona baa often Wue- trtr ria ayraa. I W I, Prom Skagway and Yukon. .Dallverad i.t.u. iinoten PSS a ton aaxa- -lm tad n roum bmu tad tiuenMDi Mr pa txx-k. tisoo, hean a on aii Mem. foi htlle. tml 11 lam4 U Hl i Oetpner t, it and ti. The ramous uaoyamn " n . f:fi" SSOO Mh. UUno to rrur ,wt llM Itawart, Maple Bay ana Swamp the market for over el.ty l"' "ul wiimMi a aoowledi'e of harmony i" i .. , k..... u, ... uuus a r. el UUU fir M Kvlu U.ur.n Paint, qualities of this splendid chowk atua ss wssTMoma TMiAraa I etwutial. HrtiiMoiiy o UIUi' I ! i illillii niinS II I" SUM1 blocs e. o. sox as wtial aranioiar ia to limg-qaiir -MM "i raaaiit nn " HH - Rupert.Coal Compg, Mrl lavr 0My af Narth Anwlca. M- IU,e, tMH1 M,- Ml 4,! " " ?"!" el .''I Nov . v and 2:. II a in Prince Tlw iihmI Witrl cuuimbjt oa Um Cmil ! il i uiim promnly iillii, w . i..r n pm, r mm w.,. 1-HOM . .. a U.laf aaaaw il n I.IV Wllieii luul I iul u.. him. lo IM. I Milhurli - ml i1iiri.nl!'. --ui Nov 10 and M j- m atf