PAGE TWO SS Far Surpasses The Average Teas SALADA TEA “Fresh from the Gardens” THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Publishea Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue H. F. PULLEN - - - Managing-Editor SUBSCRIPTION RATES City delivery, by mail or carrier, yearly period, paid in advance .... For lesser periods. paid in advance . per week By mail to all parts of Northern and Centra] British Columbia, ee see eee ee See Be i By mail to all other parts of British Columbia, the British Em- pire and Unitea States, paid in advance, per year —......................... $6.00 By mail to all other countries, per year —.................... 9.00 ADVERTISING RATES Classified advertising, per insertion, per word 2. anne penn Pri Se SUNOTUNGIND,” OGT O c caees Lega) notices, each insertion, per agate lime 2.02.2 ec eecece serene Transiet display advertising, per inch, per insertion Contract rates on application. Advertising and irculation Telephone — 98 Editor and Reporters’ Telephone a oa Member of Aadit Bureau of Circulations oe HOOVER’S ADDRESS President Hoover, in his opening address of the presi- 5.00 10: 3.0% 02 25 15 DAILY EDITION Thur Oct. 6, 1952 Ga), tert ttePePTP Pee Pee Pees & Prince George | Whose engagement to Princess Ingrid of Sweden is now rumored +*+#et+ 470270474044 % STOCKHOLM AWAITS ROYAL ENGAGEMENT STOCKHOLM, Oct. 6:- Stockholm is awaiting expec- tantly for an announcement of the engagement cf 22-year old Princess Ingrid of Sweden to Prince George of Great Britain, aged 29, who is on a visit to Scandinavian countries with his brother, the Prince of Wales. Matchmakers had at first the name of the Prince of Wales with that f Ingrid issociated Princess eee ett ee eee eee terehee © **+ +e eeee et eee For quick returns Try a Want Advertisement dential campaign at Des Moines, said among other things: “We have already turned frem defence to attack. We will continue to fight against depression and we will re- store prosperity.” It seems that the president of the great republic has given up the defensive means of cutting down expendi- tures, such as are recommended in the Kidd report, and has taken the aggressive measure of increasing expendi- tures in order to bring back prosperity. We are not now suggesting that the British Columbia government should increase expenditures for it i not a national administration, but we do suggest that, to cut down as suggested in the Kidd report, would be a sui- cidal policy just at a time when already there is a slight improvement and everyone is looking to a far greater im- provement at the beginning of the new year. To make drastic changes, such as suggested, at this time would only delay the period of recovery. British Columbia people do not worry about paying taxes when times are good. It is in times of stress that they object to the paying. Many cannot do it and this only makes matters worse. Let us have reasonable economy, a! courageous policy and we shail at once note the difference throughout the country. : 1S RAISINS—Australian CAMPBELL’S TOMATO MACARONI (RED KIPPER SNACKS— THRIFT For Friday & Saturday 2 Ibs 25¢. SOUP, 3 tins LUX—For Aj) Fine Launder- 9¢ ing, per pre 8c * fic! 4c) 69c | per 16-02. pkg PLUMS—Nabob, No tall tins, per tin per tin The Perfect Shortening, per 3-Ib. tin CRISCO APPRECIATIVE AUDIENCE President Hoover had an appreciative audience at Des Moines. Radio fans could hear almost every statement applauded and often the applause was loud and long. Statements which would be received coldly hy a Canadian | audience were looked upon as eryptic utterances and worthy of expressions of appreciation in Iowa. It was the} president speaking and even during an election campaign the peovle hung upon his words as those of an oracle. To} NABOB MELON & LEMON JAM PILCHARDS—Malkin's Best : ; . ; , C |HEDLUND’S MEAT BALLS Canadians it was particularly interesting to note those} )., TOMATO JUICE per tin 7¢ 47¢| 9c! Nabob, 4-lb. tins, per tin tall tins, per tin |RED ARROW SODAS—New 19¢ | | Stock, per pke IEDLUND'S QUICK DINNER tin 22c 24c| per tin utterances which most pleased the American people such | as the declaration against cancellation of international debts. The oratorical generalities also were received with | cheers. ELEVATOR AT VANDERHOOF We are all glad to hear of the prosperity at Vanderhoof | which makes it necessary to erect a grain elevator there, | ‘ the first to be built along this line of railway. While it is|sockeye SALMON not a large one it is the first and doubtless will be followed by others. Vanderhoof is the centre of a progressive community. | It was the first place to establish a creamery. It leads in| the matter of agricultural development generally. We? hope to see greater developments at that point in the near, future as the country gets more thickly settled and the! farmers acquire wealth. |CARAVAN PLAYING |SUNKIST ORANGES—Nice QUAKER OATS—Quick Cooking, per large pkg i 29¢ | ! WHOLE BEANS—Ensign | Brand No, 2 tins 3 per tin | " 1 c mney sare 8 PEAS 12¢ ra Cc i7c 25c 53C PASTRY FLOUR 35¢€ | SHOICE per per ‘4-lb. tin CARDS, per vkg Size, sweet & juicy, 2 doz AUSTRALIAN 10-lb. cotton sacks per sack as a ‘ KOe Mg Hy Hh Hil | | ee YY } SO \ | MEMBA For Better , CERTO— | CONCORD GRAPES- Thrift Cash & Carry: Phone 179 FAMOUS” BREAD FLOUR per 24-lb. sack 60c. $1.12 25¢ 27c 70¢ 49-lb. sack Jellies, 2 pkgs. per bot. | | per basket } j | 201 Third Ave. “CARRY AND SAVE” | Mait Orders Have Our Prompt | Attention 25e THE DAILY NEWS Thursday, October 6, 1999 —w ——————— ee e+eteteeeovereetetee RADIO BRGADCAST OF WORLD SERIES WILL BE TABOOED? NEW YORK, Oct Radio broadeasting of the World Ser- ies from the field be taboo next year, according to reports which current in Big League quarters. No of- action in the yet been taken, h of play will are ter f ilcial wevelr tee eeevete* se eh & + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + *+e*+t+eeeenee ee + BIG TRAIN IS DEPOSED Clark Griffith Announces That Walter Jehnson Will Not Pilot Senators Next Year WASHINGTON, Oct. 6:—Clark Griffiths, owner of the Washing ton Senators. American League baseball club, anmnewnces that Walter Johnson will nat be the manager ef the chub when the 1933 seasen epens. His choice as successor te Johnson has not Loses Job SAVINGS been made, Griffiths arnounces. After a great career as a Major League pitcher, many which were spent. with Washing- ton, Johnson took over the man- agership of the Newark club in the International Leacue whence he came in 1928 to pilot the Sen- ators. Although he was hold the Senators safe'y first division, the “Ri: was never to brine a pen- nant to Washington. finding the Philadelphia Athletics New York Yankees constant stumbling-block Rumors been afloat throughont the season that last chance. FOOTBALL SCHEDULE October 8—Borcde October 15—B October 22—B October 29—-H November 5—-Borden vs November 12—Higch vs. B November 19-—Borden v November 26——Booth y ‘ RETS OF CONFIDENCE MEN, CARD SHARPS, CHEAT /'6 GAMBLERS, LOADED DICE ETC. LAID BARE. Clever crooks and sharks get_milhons of dollars annually from Canadian people Send for this remarkable book “Parasites and Their Prey” Written to protect the public. Send name and address with $1.00 to Eacelsior Publishing Comeney 655 Robson Street Vanceuver ‘ AT jae mabe ley) vears of able to in the Train” able and his have 192 » this would be his n vs. High th vs. Borden Borden Booth oth High >. 25 Taxi Garage Sixth St. Ride Comfortably and With Safety Good brakes are a very essen- tial Yactor in the successful operation of a car, so if you can’t stop going try coming in, and have them made right. A. M. HONEYWELL Phoné 25 SOFTBALL AT. HICH SCHOOL Smith Giants Lose Close Game te Tobey Tigers in High School League Smith Giants seven to five Tobey Tigers climbed into second position yes- terday tied with the Moxley Cubs in the High Schoo! Softball League Neither pitgher hurled fast ball and, a result, many hits were recorded. At times the game was and only quick vented each team more runs the the By defeating as from seoring ~ FISHERIES fielding pre-| ‘effort is made to get the fresh hali-'a big dance DISCUSSED Matter of Improved Train Service Out of City Will Be Before Chamber of Commerce At the regular meeting of the Chamber of Commerce ning, a report will be regard to the railway service and the fishing industry in which sug- pres¢ ntea in sestion will be made for improving ns on diti At present it is claimed that no but to the eastern market in a For the Tigers Tobey, Forbes and manner that allows the local firms Postulo were best while Smith. Kishimeto and Nakamoto laved well for the Giants Tigers—N. Allen 1b., Forbes 2b., Arn¢y chie 3b., Cobussi Fss., Phillipson rf., O'Neill cf Giants—Gillis p., Kishimoto c ss Postulo c., Smith ss.. Nakamoto 1b., Murray If..|$10,000. and yet it Obachina B h e 2b.. Naylor cf 3b.. Turgeon rf.. McCaffery rss Cross rss R. Obata Scorekceper—E. Santurbane League Standing W. L Mor..n Piratcs 3 Moxley Cubs ; Tebey Tigers Smith Giants Obata Braves Hanson Senators Umpire Pet 1.000 667 867 333 000 0 1 1 2 2 2 .000 Tobey p., Currie lf., Rit-|even cars of fresh | | which Gillis, |to campete with the south. The re- suit is that fish is being taken to Seattle which should come here Yesterday a special train of el- fish and two of frozen were taken out of Prince Rupert, the express charges on amount something like is claimed no ef- the railway company ‘ oO fort is properly cat busing xy running the trains out of Prince Rupert to cannect with trains from made by Vancouver going east The whole matter for diseussion Friday night will be open VANCOUVER WHEAT VANCOUVER, Oct. 6 vas quoted at 46%4e on the xchange yesterday Wheat local ~BIG BAZAAR Friday eve- ol IS NOW ON 4nnual Meose Affair Starts Busi. ness This Afternoon—Forma] Opening Tonight 1 room and ladies annual Moese booths bazaar this afterno Tonight De ne and opened Hall will carnival Moos at for- d t tne n peni conaducte vy vor C. H. Orme after whic! The continue temerrow coneludin e and the prize draw there bazaar ll i Via wi be econeert he evening The fo charge Tea Room—Mrs. Ole St Mrs. C. Giske and Mrs. Knute Slatta,. Candy—Mrs. Sam Haudenschild and Mrs. H. Skattebol Fish Pond—Mrs. Jack Preece Mrs. Dickens Mrs. W Hougan ladies lowing saVig M: Wick hides M joe Rak The met “harles hard Lons (wheel), Gillis Royer Ted Rorvik, Ole N. S. K. Brewer Advertise in Sam hford mmittee Percy Camero! (bingo), Joe R W. B. Met Stes Lemon um iv! the Daily News VICTOR Ri-acouwnrtic Radio Radio that thrills ..... radio that stirs! Radio that’s vastly finer in tone... TONE that only Bi-acoustic can give you = SO PLM TTS, ABA 77 é Victor Béicoustic Radio, Model R-56, Complete with 10 tubes . + « « « $149.00 Other Victer models range in price from $69.50 up Tone that amazes... hear it 1. “B” Amplification. 2. Tone Compensators, 3. Tone Equalizers, ume Control. S. 10 New-type Tubes, Speaker. 7. New Cabinet. 4. Improved Automatic Vol- 6. New Improved Dynamic 8. Quick-sight Tuning Dial, *8 Great Advances . _ Clear and true, the “thrill Victor Bi-acoustic completely new ad vanc es*® Radio twee the vone quality. V Victor Bi-acoustic Radio console models rang available on conven demonstrate them MACHINE MASTER BUILDERS startled exclamations in a drama, the suc an orchestra, the subtle modulations of the peaks that make radio programs buman that you cannot disting ing from $129,00 to $189.50. . ent terms. Any Victor dealer will gladl) COMPANY . +» judge it for yourself! ET aside a few minutes for the musical thrill of yout life! Drop in at your nearest Victor dealer and let hit demonstrate Victor Bi-dcoustic Radio é‘ super-heterodyne radio. Sit back and listen to the m« amazing fone you have ever heafé! the ensirel) Tone that brings out th peaks" of radio rex eption Iden fortissimos of voice—thr actually live! Tone wish it from the original ! a iS not just a new radio—but development with eight great engineerin; that Bive you twice the power, twice the range, ictor dealers are now showing t! in a choice of three magnificer i . ang OF CANADA LIMITED OF RADIO ” 2461 BOOKS, KODAKS STATIONERY OFFICE SUPPLIES SINGER SEWING MACHINES ad VICTOR RADIO RECORDS ELECTRICAL HOUSEHOLD APPLIANCES h far match ford Se ee ok ee eee es be eT es TE ew 2 aR TT eRe